Juniors Who Are Graduating Spring 2015

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Juniors Who Are Graduating Spring 2015


MAY 2013

Students in their junior year of the IB/M program participate in a school-based clinic experience. The student teaching evaluation form using an online application system (i.e., Checkbox). The purpose of this report is to summarize the results of these evaluations in the spring semester of 2013. A brief narrative, tables/graphs with quantitative information, and verbatim comments are provided. On the reproduced feedback, all references to names have been omitted to maintain anonymity.

A total of 106 completed forms were received for juniors in the IB/M program (out of a possible of 120; response rate = 88.3%).

 Most clinic teachers (83%) felt that students participated in field experiences that matched their field areas. (Editor’s note: The percent matching in the fall semester reached 92.7%; these rates are higher than previous years, reflecting a change in program design)

 While candidates sometimes were exposed to multiple grade levels, the grades they most commonly served in were 7th (30.19%) and 8th (27.36%)

 Students were most frequently (40%) placed in rural settings. However, urban (31%) and suburban (24%) placements were also common.

 In all areas assessed, most of students received the highest possible rating (“4 – Exceeds Expectations”; these areas were:

o Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism (73.58%) o Transitioning from Student to Professional (51.89%)

o Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies (58.49%)

o Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities (62.26%) o Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled (52.83%)

Results are disaggregated across the 7 fields of interest within the Appendices A-G (Elementary, English/Language Arts, History/Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Special Education).

Location of School (96 Responses): Answer Count Percent Urban 31 31.00% Suburban 24 24.00% Rural 40 40.00% Mixed 5 5.00%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent K 12 11.30% 1 13 12.26% 2 17 16.04% 3 15 14.15% 4 13 12.26% 5 24 22.64% 6 24 22.64% 7 32 30.19% 8 29 27.36% 9 10 9.43% 10 11 10.37% 11 17 16.04% 12 16 15.09% Ungraded 1 0.94%

Student Field/Program (103 Responses): Answer Count Percent Elementary 37 35.92% English/LA 11 10.68% History/SS 13 12.62% Mathematics 10 9.71% Music 8 7.77% Science 3 2.91% Special Education 19 18.45% World Languages 2 1.94% Is this experience in the student's field/program? (100 Responses) Answer Count Percent Yes 83 83.00% No 17 17.00%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism 106 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student demonstrates negative attitude, difficulty arriving on time and/or leaves early, dresses inappropriately, and/or makes 2 1.89% inappropriate comments. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 26 24.53% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 78 73.58% with polite and courteous discourse.

Transitioning from Student to Professional 106 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student has little interaction with clinic teacher and related school personnel, or relationships are negative, self-serving, or 2 1.89% unprofessional. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 49 46.23% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 55 51.89% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies 106 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student does not appear to be interested in learning 3 2.83% more about student needs and instruction. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 41 38.68% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 62 58.49% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities 106 Responses Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 40 37.74% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 66 62.26% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled 106 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 5 4.72% experiences fewer than 54 hours per semester. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 45 42.45% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 56 52.83% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 91 Responses Student will make a great addition to any special education department. I believe that Student has the skill set to be an excellent teacher. She is eager to learn and willing to help out wherever needed. She is conscientious and the students enjoy working with her. She exhibits an understanding of the needs of special education students, and she is effective in dealing with them. She has fulfilled all of the requirements of her Clinic Placement including attending team meetings as well as PPTs. Student will make a great Secondary Education Teacher in the future. He builds relationships with students and staff easily and is compassionate with students who have special needs. Student is a highly capable young educator who has gone above and beyond in my classroom. It was a pleasure working with her. Student appears to be committed to becoming an educator and learner. Student shows potential to be a fabulous teacher. This semester she worked hard to get to know all of my students was able to help them based on what she knew about their academic abilities and their learning styles. Student is always willing to help and learn as much as she can. After one week together we spent lunch hours talking about the kids in the class becasue she was so eager to know them all and to find out more about teaching, planning, protocal, etc. Student stepped in and took on more responsibility as the semester went on. She regularly leads our opening routines and Number Corner lesson at the start of the day, has done read alouds and has often presented to the chidlren the task they will perform in the Computer Lab on Mondays. I have been impressed wtih her eagerness and have no doubt taht she will be an asset to any classroom in which she is placed in the fall. Student completed a very successful semester. She was very punctual and had positive interactions with students. With additional experiences she has the potential to be a great educator. Student was a tremendous help in the classroom. She shows wonderful promise towards being an educator. Student was always professional in the classroom. She has a very good eye for observations. Student stepped right in and assisted individuals and small groups. She continued to grow in her knowledge of concepts throughout the semester. Student was placed in a Reading Intervention program. She was always prepared to take notes on the lessons and the students. She shows a significant amount of promise in the field of special education. This was evident by the questions she asked and the gentle manner in which she spoke to the students. Student shows promise as an educator. She presents herself in a very professional and responsible manner in all school related activities. She has developed a wonderful rapport with the students in my class. I wish her well in her future placements. The students she comes in contact with will be fortunate to have such a caring, compassionate, engaged educators. She will be missed. Student has done a nice job transitioning from active listener and observer to planning and implementing lessons this semester. He has worked on math with students in grades 5-8. As the semester progressed I could see Student developing more confidence in himself. I could see that he just needed more practice, and that is what he got this semester. Student was very professional is asking for help and seeking out criticisms. As we debriefed one lesson to the next I could see Student working on the areas we had discussed. Student was able to reflect on his practices and decide for himself what he wanted to improve on, and as the semester progressed I noticed he did improve in these areas. A great Semester. Student developed a great rapport with the two classes he saw the most. He came twice a week almost every week to allow for more time with those two classes and has opportunities to teach in both. I was impressed when she came in an extra time to attend student meetings. Overall, a great junior intern! Student's observational skills are phenomenal. She can assess students needs both on a global and individual basis. Her interactions were meaningful. She prompted students and fostered their own explorations. She has the passion to overcome teaching obstacles and succeed in this profession. Student is a wonderful intern that has demonstrated professionalism and a natural talent for teaching. She is an eager learner, and willing to reflect and improve herself in any manner. She assisted in our first grade with substitutes and ended with our long term substitute. Her consistency and relationship with the students helped in a time of change within the classroom. My only regret is that she was only here once a week. Student also assisted me in my role as a reading specialist by helping organize classroom libraries. Student was always willing to do whatever was asked, and volunteered to do something as needed, even when not necessarily asked- she just jumped in and knew what needed to be done. I believe she has the ability and passion to become a wonderful educator. Student did a tremendous job in our classroom this semester. She immediately dove into the routines and procedures of the classroom, getting to know the kids and the community. She was a valuable asset, always willing to take reading groups, monitor students independent work and attended our weekly data team meetings. She has expressed an interest of designing and teaching a science lesson with her final days. Good luck next year! Student has shown tremendous interest and enthusiasm in learning what is needed to run a classroom. She has shown a genuine interest in getting to know the children also. She shows good potential to be a successful classroom teacher. Student will make a fine teacher. She is flexible and wants to learn about teaching. She has been very helpful in my science classroom. Student is intelligent, an eager learner, and demonstrates great capacity for working with / teaching students. She is equally at home working with peers and professionals in the teaching profession. Student is bright, interested, reflective and energetic. I think that she'll grown into a fine educator. Student will be an excellent teacher. She has an approachable yet professional demeanor and clearly tailors her instructional conversations to meet individual students' needs. She shared astute observations about teaching and learning that reflect a developing understanding of the teaching profession. As the semester progressed, Student interacted more on her own with the students. The students also became comfortable with her as well and went to her with any questions or help on an assignment. I am sure she will do a fine job next fall when she student teaches. Student is a strong beginning teacher. He is organized, understands his content, and is always seeking ways to improve. His musicianship is commendable in his conducting and he able to convey to students what he wants them to achieve with both words and actions. His piano competency has improved over the course of the semester as well. He is very soft spoken and kind with students when he teaches and always writes competent lesson plans. I commend Student for seeking feedback on teaching strategies and classroom management, but I would encourage him to take more initiative by volunteering to teach even more in the future. Student has the potential to be a promising music teacher. Student is a very strong beginning teacher. She is a consummate professional in the way she acts and dresses. She has exceptional classroom management and has a strong understanding of music. Students respect her immediately and do not challenge her authority. To have such strong classroom management so soon in her clinic placements is highly commendable. She always volunteers to take on more instruction when asked and writes detailed lesson plans as well. While she exceeds on all categories on this evaluation form, Student should strive to improve her musicianship in piano playing and conducting. She has improved on these through the course of the semester, but it is an area she should continue to work on. Student has a lot of promise as a future music educator and she would definitely be a strong asset to any district. Student is a lovely young woman who has the potential to do very well in her chosen field. She is easy to work with and gets along well with both students and staff. She has a keen interest in the field and I'm sure that she will do well in the future. Student is a very bright student who takes great initiative. She was a great help in the classroom this semester! Student is extremely comfortable working with students. The first day in my class she was moving around the room and offering students one-on-one assistance. She has an excellent approach to dealing with difficult students. She is adept at editing student papers and providing constructive feed back. I thoroughly enjoyed having Student in my classroom. She was always positive and enthusiastic with my students and myself. She was eager to assist me in all aspects of teaching. Whether it was copying papers, grading quizzes, reading a quiz orally for a student, working with a small group of students or taking over the class at a moments notice, she was right there. Student is well on her way to a successful career as a professional educator. She is reflective and communicates well with colleagues and students alike. She will be an asset to any school community she is a part of. It was such a pleasure having Student in my classroom! He eagerly helped with classroom tasks and activities and he interacted well with students. Student is a well prepared candidate for the NEAG College of Education. She has put forth excellent effort in this high school internship. Student has developed an excellent rapport with both staff and students. She takes initiative when working with students. Student will make an excellent educator. Student has been a professional addition to our team every Wednesday. Student had excellent attendance and has been very reliable. Student quickly adapted to our team his report with students and teachers is excellent! Student eagerly excepted each challenge that we presented him with exceeding our expectations. Student has shown great promise as a potential social studies/history teacher. He is interested in the student's engagement and plans accordingly to inspire them to actively participate in class and group discussions. Student has done a wonderful adapting to the enviroment at School. She has worked very hard to help one student inparticular to succeed and be prepared for tech school. Student has been an asset to our school community this semester. She is flexible and willing to work with anyone which has allowed her to support a variety of grade level teachers and students. Student has successfully worked with students one-on-one, in small groups and in larger groups. She has great rapport with students of all ages. Student took the initiative to teach a grade 4 lesson. She submitted a detailed lesson plan ahead of time and was receptive to feedback. The lesson went well. The students were engaged and learning the whole time. Student went above and beyond the requirements of the placement by assisting with our Family Math Night at the beginning of April. I appreciate the opportunity to work with Student this year and know she will be a successful educator. Student has put forth excellent effort in this internship. She interacts well with staff and students. Student has taken initiative to help students as well as suggested activities that would benefit a child's learning. She will make an excellent educator. Student is a motivated learner who shows enthusiasm for teaching. Student was a joy to have as a student intern. Her professionalism, respect for student challenges, ability to engage students in the learning process, and her sensitivity to reflect and self-evaluate her strengths and needs as a future teacher are commendable. Student has done an excellent job in this position. She is positive and inquisitive about educational practices, goals and procedures. Student has been very flexible when working with this group of students, guest teachers and myself (clinic teacher). She always took initiative to work with students and applied best practices such as scaffolding instruction to differentiate for individual needs. Student was professional and always timely. He was prepared for the tasks I assigned him. A few suggestions for Student to focus on Is using his "voice" and positive classroom management skills. Often times, he was very quiet and needed to be more assertive during classroom transitions. Student is professional and caring towards the students. Her observations are indepth and asks questions that lead to a clearer understanding of the students needs. Student was wonderful to have in my classroom. She took a vested interest in the students and their program. She often asked questions for clarification or curiosity. I would recommend that in her next practicum and especially interning that if she intends to teach a specific program that she take parts of the program outside of the classroom and becomes personally familiar with it before she teaches a lesson with it. Student has been a wonderful addition to my first grade classroom this year. She works well with the students, providing them with just enough support for them to be successful. Student manages her time well with each student and circulates throughout the class. Student is flexible and willing to jump in when necessary. During one of her visits, my substitute became ill and was not feeling up to instructing a lesson. Student went above and beyond her requirements and jumped in so that the students could maintain their daily routine. Student truly has demonstrated great promise to her profession. Student adapted quickly to the varied schedules and grade levels. He assisted me in different instructional activities and jumped right in without hesitation. Student is polite, curious, and intelligent. She took her placement seriously and, I believe, learned a lot. Student worked well with individual students and small, structured groups. She struggled a bit with larger groups, especially in the area of classroom management. While i believe she has a good understanding of diagnostic procedures, she would benefit from experiences tailored to develop instructional strategies and meeting individual needs, especially with more challenging students. Student seems a bit tentative with her setting. I have not seen her take initiative to fully embrace her situation and to get the most out of her experience. It was a pleasure to work with Student this spring semester. Student was very punctual, willing to learn about our mission statement as a learning community, understanding more about our curriculum, and classroom management techniques. I believe that with more clinical observations Student will be prepared for facilitating instruction in the near future. Student was very social with both faculty members and students. She made my learners particularly feel comfortable as they made her feel welcomed. I would enjoy having Student come again in the future. Student shows great potential and promise as a science teacher. She easily connected with the students and they readily accepted her as another "teacher" in the classroom. She always conducted herself in a very professional manner, both in dress and demeanor. This allowed her to gain the respect of the students in all classes. Additionally, she was never absent and always on time for class. Student should continue to ask questions of her clinic teachers, especially focusing on the "why" of their instructional decisions. If she learns the rationale for their decisions and their choices in strategies, assignments, activities, etc., she will be better able to apply the theory learned in her classes to her teaching practice. Student's communitcation has improved throughout the semester. He likes to work with particular students. He needs to take more initiative when working with students. Student did an excellent job jumping right into our classroom. She helped run small groups and was a big help in getting students' projects done. Student worked well with all the students and staff and was always inquiring about observations she was making in the classroom. She was very professional and will be missed. Student will be a caring and dedicated educator. She fits in well with the faculty as well as maintaining her professionalism with the students. Student has a natural presence in the classroom. She was pro active and helpful with the students. Although the block schedule made it difficult to get to know the students or remember names, Student made a great effort to learn students names and to get to know them. I believe she understands the importance and the power of personalization in the classroom. Student has been a wonderful addition to our choral program over the past weeks. He is thoughtful about his methods and lessons, and is always asking insightful questions. Student has acted as a professional. His demeanor in teaching was always calm and kind. His comments and questions were insightful. Student shows a strong desire to be involved in the classroom and to aid students in the learning process. He is willing to walk around and aid individual students or groups. Student is a fantastic teacher!! He has completely jumped in here at High School and become part of my team. He has gone above and beyond what is expected from a teaching interm. He has worked one on one with my students, as well as lead group instruction. Student has attended all of my PLC meetings, a faculty meeting, PPT's, and has worked with students after school. Student's natural flair for teaching shines through, and he has been able to make profound connections with my hardest to reach student. Student shows great enthusiasm and interest in learning about education and teaching, in general. He asks many thoughtful and reflective questions that show he is thinking ahead about his career as an educator. He has asked in a timely manner if he needed any supporting materials or the opportunities to observe in another class. He showed great professionalism in being on time and contacting me with requests, questions, and concerns. Additionally, he took an active role in observing my classes and a wide range of other classes and showed interest in learning about the school. His rapport with the students was great, engaging, and supportive to the lesson that was happening in the classroom. Student handled the diverse math experiences presented to her through my enrichment classes with great composure. I was happy to have Student in my class. She worked with individuals, small group and whole class. She will be an asset to our education profession. I wish her the best of luck! Student was an outstanding intern this semester. She was exceptionally energetic and enthusiastic, and worked well with students. Her ability to seamlessly transition between direct instruction and then small group and independent work shows that she has much promise as a teacher. She will be sorely missed. Student has been a wonderful addition to my classroom this semester. She has challenged herself to teach classes, engage with students, and develop lesson plans. She shows great potential as a teacher. Student is dedicated and professional. She arrives on time and comes to events outside of the school day. She is helpful and observes lessons. She takes what has been observed and incorporates it into practical applications with students. Student continues to learn and reflect, which shows her commitment to her chosen field! Student struggled throughout the semester to come in to School on a regular basis. She often was late, canceled last minute or didn't show up at all. I was very concerned about Student's attendance, especially since next year she will be required to be in school daily, rather than just once a week. It took Student a while before she became comfortable and confident in interacting with the students in my room. She would sit down with small groups upon my request but did not take much initiative herself to work with students. I found that I had to approach her about projects that I knew she had to complete, rather than her approaching me. Student did not seem to have a lot of enthusiasm or eagerness about the the teaching profession while she was working with me. Student has shared with me on numerous occasions that her goal is to teach younger students. Her high expectations for students and her ability to encourage students to do their best will certainly help her reach her goals. Student was a pleasure to have as an intern in my 5th grade classroom this semester. She is a responsible and caring individual, who quickly built a strong rapport with my students. She was always willing to help out with small groups and individual students during lessons. She worked very well one- on-one with students in Language Arts and Math, as well as learning to conference with them on their Independent Reading during Reader's Workshop. I am confident that she will have a very successful Student Teaching experience next fall. Student was a valuable asset to my classroom. She built rapport with students and became an integral part of our day. She has exceptional instinct about children and classroom management atypical of a new teacher. Student did a wonderful job here at Middle School. In the class room he "jumped right in"; the students were open and receptive to his support. Student researched and designed interesting and meaningful assignments and readings for the students. He attended data and team meetings where student progress was discussed. He also asked where and how he could assist, and he actively sought feedback on assignments and readings he designed. He graded a variety of assignments and demonstrated an understanding of content and writing expectations. He took initiative in following student progress and learning more about special education procedures. He took opportunities when available to help the students with group work and to get to know the students better. He built a good, professional rapport with the students in the classroom. Student does a wonderful job of communicating with the teachers and students everytme he arrived at school. He would always go above and beyond to help teachers and students in the classroom setting. He performed many lessons both in Social Science and Science as well as worked with students during their X-block period. Student's potential is great because he is always punctual, willing to help and offers great insight for the students. Student has demonstrated sincere interest and insight into the daily demands and activities found in a special education setting within public education. Her questions were well thought out and indicated increased understanding of various activities and aspects of teaching students with special ed needs. Student was a huge asset to my class. She has the desire, intelligence, drive, and work ethic to be an excellent teacher. Student has demonstrated an outstanding ability to assess the unique needs of my students and effectively assist them based on their strengths and weaknesses. She has excelled in every assingment given to her, and accordingly, has truly been a great asset to my resource room.She has had a siginificant impact on the success of one of my most challegning students and will clearly be a tremendous asset to the field of special education. Student is extremely dedicated to this placement at Middle School He has attended a parent conference, sat in on other classes, particularly Spanish classes, and has taught a lesson in Spelling. He even offered to prepare a lesson during our Reformers unit in social studies on one of the women he studied in his Women's Studies program. This would have been excellent but none of the women corresponded to the women the students had studied or would be learning about. I have given him many teacher-tasks to perform, such as, entering grades in the portal, grading spelling tests, researching articles for a debate unit and compiling lists for debate group participation, and preparation for a test. He is bright, hard-working and eager to learn. It has been a very positive experience having him work with me and my 8th grade students. Student is a very positive, professional young lady. It is evident that she cares about children. She has an upbeat, enthusiastic attitude and is willing to work hard. She has great potential in being a terrific secondary teacher in the future. I have enjoyed working with her. Candidate has grown a lot in the last few weeks and continues to take more initiative. Student has been a very attentive intern. She asks questions, observes the classroom instruction and attends meetings, all of which have supported her learning as she moves into her teaching career. Student also helped me to modify an 8th grade Literature Journal response assignment that has truly helped my special education students to better understand the requirements and complete the assignment more independently. Student is a bright, energetic, and thoughtful young woman. In her short time with me, she has made a wonderful impression. I’ve watched her take initiative in the classroom and deliver lessons that encourage critical thinking. Her plans are always well thought out, but what is more impressive is the way she thinks on her feet and asks challenging and appropriate follow up questions that force students to delve deeper into the material. In her interactions with my colleagues and me, she has been extremely professional and respectful. With students in the classroom she is warm and energetic. Her friendly demeanor and positive energy kept my students engaged and invested. I am extremely pleased with Student; she takes initiative and seeks feedback and opportunities for growth. I am confident that she will be a phenomenal teacher. In fact, she already is. Student was great when left to work with a group of students. He was helpful in class. Student acquired an effective approach to breaking down concepts and skills to help make math accessible for the students. I presented this through the strategy of task analysis and he was attentive and industrious in using it effectively. I also believe he grew tremendously in his comfort level and as a presence in class. I think he will be an excellent teacher and will continue to grow as a reflective professional. Student showed musical skill at the piano and warming up the choir students. He was also very polite to the students and helped out several who needed extra attention. Student asked a lot of questions and was eager to learn. She was kind and polite and genuinely interested in the educational process. I feel that Student needs to inquire more about the classroom lessons and student needs and abilities. When asked if she wanted to do a reading lesson Student was willing and excited, however, she would not have taken that initiative on her own. She had mentioned doing a "case study" of some sort on a particular student but I did not notice anything other than observations that she made. There was not a lot of questioning or dialogue to get to know/figure out the student in mention. Student was a pleasure and asset to have in the multiple disabilities class. She related well to students and paraprofessionals, worked efficiently in the classroom, and took the initiative to plan for students. Students and staff enjoyed her being part of the classroom once a week. Due to holidays, snow days, spring break etc. Student did take initiative to make up hours but ran out of time Student has been a pleasure to work with. He is dedicated to his craft and improving the lives of young people. The candidate shows a lot of promise as a future teacher. She displayed knowledge of the content being covered and was able to assist in the instruction of classes. She was also able to differentiate her teaching methods to meet is student needs. Student will have a leg up with his excellent piano skills, as long as he remains cool under pressure. He was VASTLY more comfortable in front of the ensemble at the end of his clinic period than he was at the beginning. I expect Student will be a fine music educator. She is very comfortable in front of students and has a fine voice for modeling. My singers responded well to her instruction. Student did an excellent job in my classroom. I was so impressed by her devotion to student success. The students truly connected with her and she motivated them to work hard at all times. She helped the students whenever they needed her and I enjoyed having her in my classroom. She will make an excellent teacher! I feel that Student has a great connection with students. They like her and understand her role in the classroom. She has the ability and drive to be an exceptional teacher and what it takes to achieve learning in an urban setting classroom. Student entered our classroom in mid winter. She quickly learned the names of the students and familiarized herself with classroom routines and expectations. She was both kind and professional in her interaction with students She took the initiative to provide assistance and intervention with students as needed. Student and I shared many conversations regarding her observations and questions. It was a pleasure to have her in our classroom. The students were sad to see her go. I wish her the best in her future with teaching. Additional Comments: 40 Responses I feel that Student has a bright future in the field of education. Student was punctual and enthusastic during his placement here at School. He attended all the mainstream classes with the students and was conscientious about keeping them highly engaged with the assigned activities. To ensure that we would have time to talk about the day before the students came in each day I requested that Student arrive before 9:00. She eagerly agreed to this request and while I thought she might need to then leave a bit early in the afternoon to accomodate the change, she stayed each day until 3:40 after the last child left the room. I've never had a UC student do that before! Also, in order to see more of our classroom procedures and activities, some weeks Student came on Monday instead of Friday. This willingness to change her schedule afforded her the opportunity to see many different parts of the school week. While she was here at School, Student was eager to spend all of her time with the students, going with them to PE and sitting in on an ELL testing session. She came in one week specifically for a team meeting regarding one of my students and later sat in on his PPT. Student went above and beyond the cal lof duty in terms of hours spent at School and her flexibility in when she came allowed her to see so much more than the typical university student would see. Kudos to her for her willingness to make the most out of this learning experience. Not only has Student done a nice job as an educator, he has also joined in the staff basketball games. He has integrated himself into the professional community here at our school. I commend him for this. Student has a bright future ahead of him. I am very impressed with the UCONN program/student as this is my first intern experience. I will look forward to this partnership again. Student has taken the initiative to ask questions, and to ask for feedback and constructive feedback to improve herself as a student teacher. She also agreed to giving a lesson to kindergarten student in the area of Language arts, specifically a lesson about phonemic segmenting and blending. We discussed her lesson plan and worked collaboratively to come up with a lesson that could be differentiated to meet the needs of all students. Upon delivery of her lesson she was able to make spontaneous modifications for students--either giving more challenge or breaking down a skill into smaller pieces for the students who showed need. Student was ready to jump right into helping and learning through helping upon walking into our K classroom in January. I would expect her to be a good teacher! Neag needs to get its act together! If your philosophy changes then you should be sure that you have enough placements for your students. Minimally, if you do not have the required placement, then place the student in another classroom from the start of the semester. This student was told a suitable placement in her area would be found and told not to come to our school. Then weeks later, she asked if she could come. I welcome UConn students into my classroom, but I have to say that it does not seem right if the student is not placed in her concentration and age group from the start It's been a pleasure! I would love to have students surveyed about their experiences and to have you share best practices with us to make their semester with us most productive. Thank you for the opportunity of working with your students. I think Student is going to be an incredible teacher. I truly wish I could have worked with her as a full time student teacher. Student demonstrated a high level of resilience in completing her assignments. I teach 6 weeks of science to 7th graders and then 6 weeks to 8th. Student had just gotten to know the 7th graders when I switched to 8th. She was able to continue her observation of her chosen student even though I no longer taught that student. Many students will grow to reach their potential and become important additions to our communities due to Student's energy and love of education. He has developed pertinent and interesting lessons, graded written work and showed positive , non- threatening classroom management techniques. Thank you for letting me be a part of the UCONN teaching internship process.! I'm sure she will do a wonderful job as a student teacher. I wish Student success in the future. I do hope she seeks out each and every opportunity to engage and learn. During the course of her clinic experience, Student and I had many discussions about instructional strategies and the needs of regular education and special education students. This included differentiated instruction to accomodate the needs and abilities of all students in inclusion classes. Student actively participated in all instructional activities. She assisted with small groups of students in laboratory activities and other group work. She provided one-on-one support to students. The most notable example of this was when, on her first day in this placement, she willingly assisted a special education student who was struggling with the assigned task. Student jumped in without hesitation when the student requested her help. Student also assisted with the CAPT Energy Uses in Connecticut STS project. She helped students learn Excel when entering their data and she helped students select appropriate materials when completing the research aspect of this project. One of the classes in Student's placement was a co-taught class with an additional one-on-one paraprofessional. She was not only able to observe the interactions of the teaching staff and students, but also to actively participate in the instruction of this class. During this clinic experience, Student was able to attend a PPT meeting which allowed her to become familiar with supports that are available for special needs students. Finally, Student reported that she completed approximately 50 hours during her clinic experience. However, during this semester there was a snow day that reduced her hours and her schedule did not provide her the flexibility to make them up. Student was put into an ESL team for this classroom experience. She did a great job helping students each day during the lessons. Student was self motivated and eager to implement a special project connecting the real world to the mathematics. She also planned and implemented a lesson with on the quadratic formula. Her confidence and poise in front of the classroom was impressive for a junior. Student has expressed an interest in middle school and being part of a "teaming" environment. Due to the nature of the placement, there wasn't truly an opportunity to instruct or take the lead in instruction which is why I did not Student exceeds expectations in the corresponding category. Student got to experience and interact with students from a middle to high ability in math. She handled this experience very well. Student has been a pleasure to work with and shows great promise as an educator. I would be lucky to work with her again in the future! Student provides small group support for students in my class. One student told me that she will be a great teacher because she knows how to explain things so that he understands a concept! Student did a very nice job teaching a lesson in Social Studies on Immigration using picture books. Her debrief of the students after the activity was especially impressive. Great job, Student! Student is a kind and caring teacher that always knew when kids needed a gentle nudge or a firmer push to achieve academic success. I think Student will make an excellent teacher. I believe Student will be a strong teacher candidate. I wish him the best on his journey into teaching. I enjoyed the conversations we had about various math topics. I also was impressed that Student asked if she could attend a conference many of the teachers in my school were participating in. I would like to see Student work on more self-initiative in the classroom with her instruction. She has such a great personality that it should be capitalized upon. She tends to be shy at times. Student has been a pleasure to work with and I see great success in her future as a teacher. Student has a nice disposition with the students. She was always on time and completed any task that I had asked of her. Student was evaluated based on my time working wih her in my classroom, which was only 34 hours out of 54 hours. Student cane to my classroom prepared and excited to work with my students. She did take on many tasks and responsibilities. She interacted well with all students an worked with students in reading groups. She met with other teachers and maintained a professional demeanor at all times. Personalization has the ability and desire to be a master teacher. I wish her all the best on the future. O really enjoyed having Student as my intern. She was truly interested in being an active participant in my 6th grade math classes and was willing to help student in any way possible. She enjoyed working with all types of students wherever they were high achieving math student or were mathematically challenged. Student was able to attend team meetings and was also able to attend a full day professional development workshop on the Connected Mathematics curriculum. I am convinced that whe Student is student teaching next tear she will dedicate herself to developing engaging and innovative lessons a that will address all student needs and be very reflective on how to become an effective teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Student and wish er all the best in her future teaching career. Student was a wonderful addition to our class. I enjoyed her positivity and willingness to learn. Student worked with students in a small groups in order to differentiate thier learning of a skill. She understood READ 180 and it's strategies, themes, and make up of the program as a reading intervention program. She observed how the program was run by stations and the development of additional supplements devised by the teacher to enhance the student's understanding of a skill. She was ready to take on any task needed to be done. In addition, Student had the chance to see how a good team works, interacts, and performs together. Student was a wonderful addition to our classroom. She shows a strong interest in education and built meaningful connections with my students Appendix A: Elementary Education

Location of School: Answer Count Percent Urban 13 37.14% Suburban 7 20.00% Rural 13 37.14% Mixed 2 5.71%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent K 8 11.94% 1 9 13.43% 2 14 20.90% 3 12 17.91% 4 7 10.45% 5 7 10.45% 6 4 5.97% 7 3 4.48% 8 3 4.48%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 34 94.44% No 2 5.56%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism (37 Responses) Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student demonstrates negative attitude, difficulty arriving on time and/or leaves early, dresses inappropriately, and/or makes 2 5.41% inappropriate comments. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 8 21.62% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 27 72.97% with polite and courteous discourse. Transitioning from Student to Professional (37 Responses) Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student has little interaction with clinic teacher and related school personnel, or relationships are negative, self-serving, or 2 5.41% unprofessional. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 18 48.65% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 17 45.95% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies (37 Responses) Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student does not appear to be interested in learning 2 5.41% more about student needs and instruction. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 18 48.65% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 17 45.95% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities (37 Responses) Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 14 37.84% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 23 62.16% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement. Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled (37 Responses) Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 1 2.70% experiences fewer than 54 hours per semester. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 13 35.14% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 23 62.16% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 30 Responses Student is a highly capable young educator who has gone above and beyond in my classroom. It was a pleasure working with her. Student shows potential to be a fabulous teacher. This semester she worked hard to get to know all of my students was able to help them based on what she knew about their academic abilities and their learning styles. Student is always willing to help and learn as much as she can. After one week together we spent lunch hours talking about the kids in the class becasue she was so eager to know them all and to find out more about teaching, planning, protocal, etc. Student stepped in and took on more responsibility as the semester went on. She regularly leads our opening routines and Number Corner lesson at the start of the day, has done read alouds and has often presented to the chidlren the task they will perform in the Computer Lab on Mondays. I have been impressed wtih her eagerness and have no doubt taht she will be an asset to any classroom in which she is placed in the fall. Student completed a very successful semester. She was very punctual and had positive interactions with students. With additional experiences she has the potential to be a great educator. Student was a tremendous help in the classroom. She shows wonderful promise towards being an educator. Student was always professional in the classroom. She has a very good eye for observations. Student stepped right in and assisted individuals and small groups. She continued to grow in her knowledge of concepts throughout the semester. Student shows promise as an educator. She presents herself in a very professional and responsible manner in all school related activities. She has developed a wonderful rapport with the students in my class. I wish her well in her future placements. The students she comes in contact with will be fortunate to have such a caring, compassionate, engaged educators. She will be missed. I was impressed when she came in an extra time to attend student meetings. Overall, a great junior intern! Student is a wonderful intern that has demonstrated professionalism and a natural talent for teaching. She is an eager learner, and willing to reflect and improve herself in any manner. She assisted in our first grade with substitutes and ended with our long term substitute. Her consistency and relationship with the students helped in a time of change within the classroom. My only regret is that she was only here once a week. Student also assisted me in my role as a reading specialist by helping organize classroom libraries. Student was always willing to do whatever was asked, and volunteered to do something as needed, even when not necessarily asked- she just jumped in and knew what needed to be done. I believe she has the ability and passion to become a wonderful educator. Student has shown tremendous interest and enthusiasm in learning what is needed to run a classroom. She has shown a genuine interest in getting to know the children also. She shows good potential to be a successful classroom teacher. As the semester progressed, Student interacted more on her own with the students. The students also became comfortable with her as well and went to her with any questions or help on an assignment. I am sure she will do a fine job next fall when she student teaches. Student has been an asset to our school community this semester. She is flexible and willing to work with anyone which has allowed her to support a variety of grade level teachers and students. Student has successfully worked with students one-on-one, in small groups and in larger groups. She has great rapport with students of all ages. Student took the initiative to teach a grade 4 lesson. She submitted a detailed lesson plan ahead of time and was receptive to feedback. The lesson went well. The students were engaged and learning the whole time. Student went above and beyond the requirements of the placement by assisting with our Family Math Night at the beginning of April. I appreciate the opportunity to work with Student this year and know she will be a successful educator. Student has done an excellent job in this position. She is positive and inquisitive about educational practices, goals and procedures. Student has been very flexible when working with this group of students, guest teachers and myself (clinic teacher). She always took initiative to work with students and applied best practices such as scaffolding instruction to differentiate for individual needs. Student was professional and always timely. He was prepared for the tasks I assigned him. A few suggestions for Student to focus on Is using his "voice" and positive classroom management skills. Often times, he was very quiet and needed to be more assertive during classroom transitions. Student is professional and caring towards the students. Her observations are indepth and asks questions that lead to a clearer understanding of the students needs. Student was wonderful to have in my classroom. She took a vested interest in the students and their program. She often asked questions for clarification or curiosity. I would recommend that in her next practicum and especially interning that if she intends to teach a specific program that she take parts of the program outside of the classroom and becomes personally familiar with it before she teaches a lesson with it. Student has been a wonderful addition to my first grade classroom this year. She works well with the students, providing them with just enough support for them to be successful. Student manages her time well with each student and circulates throughout the class. Student is flexible and willing to jump in when necessary. During one of her visits, my substitute became ill and was not feeling up to instructing a lesson. Student went above and beyond her requirements and jumped in so that the students could maintain their daily routine. Student truly has demonstrated great promise to her profession. Student is polite, curious, and intelligent. She took her placement seriously and, I believe, learned a lot. Student worked well with individual students and small, structured groups. She struggled a bit with larger groups, especially in the area of classroom management. While i believe she has a good understanding of diagnostic procedures, she would benefit from experiences tailored to develop instructional strategies and meeting individual needs, especially with more challenging students. It was a pleasure to work with Student this spring semester. Student was very punctual, willing to learn about our mission statement as a learning community, understanding more about our curriculum, and classroom management techniques. I believe that with more clinical observations Student will be prepared for facilitating instruction in the near future. Student was very social with both faculty members and students. She made my learners particularly feel comfortable as they made her feel welcomed. I would enjoy having Student come again in the future. Student did an excellent job jumping right into our classroom. She helped run small groups and was a big help in getting students' projects done. Student worked well with all the students and staff and was always inquiring about observations she was making in the classroom. She was very professional and will be missed. Student handled the diverse math experiences presented to her through my enrichment classes with great composure. I was happy to have Student in my class. She worked with individuals, small group and whole class. She will be an asset to our education profession. I wish her the best of luck! Student is dedicated and professional. She arrives on time and comes to events outside of the school day. She is helpful and observes lessons. She takes what has been observed and incorporates it into practical applications with students. Student continues to learn and reflect, which shows her commitment to her chosen field! Student struggled throughout the semester to come in to School on a regular basis. She often was late, canceled last minute or didn't show up at all. I was very concerned about Student's attendance, especially since next year she will be required to be in school daily, rather than just once a week. It took Student a while before she became comfortable and confident in interacting with the students in my room. She would sit down with small groups upon my request but did not take much initiative herself to work with students. I found that I had to approach her about projects that I knew she had to complete, rather than her approaching me. Student did not seem to have a lot of enthusiasm or eagerness about the the teaching profession while she was working with me. Student has shared with me on numerous occasions that her goal is to teach younger students. Her high expectations for students and her ability to encourage students to do their best will certainly help her reach her goals. Student was a pleasure to have as an intern in my 5th grade classroom this semester. She is a responsible and caring individual, who quickly built a strong rapport with my students. She was always willing to help out with small groups and individual students during lessons. She worked very well one- on-one with students in Language Arts and Math, as well as learning to conference with them on their Independent Reading during Reader's Workshop. I am confident that she will have a very successful Student Teaching experience next fall. Student was a valuable asset to my classroom. She built rapport with students and became an integral part of our day. She has exceptional instinct about children and classroom management atypical of a new teacher. Student was great when left to work with a group of students. He was helpful in class. I feel that Student needs to inquire more about the classroom lessons and student needs and abilities. When asked if she wanted to do a reading lesson Student was willing and excited, however, she would not have taken that initiative on her own. She had mentioned doing a "case study" of some sort on a particular student but I did not notice anything other than observations that she made. There was not a lot of questioning or dialogue to get to know/figure out the student in mention. Student did an excellent job in my classroom. I was so impressed by her devotion to student success. The students truly connected with her and she motivated them to work hard at all times. She helped the students whenever they needed her and I enjoyed having her in my classroom. She will make an excellent teacher! I feel that Student has a great connection with students. They like her and understand her role in the classroom. She has the ability and drive to be an exceptional teacher and what it takes to achieve learning in an urban setting classroom. Student entered our classroom in mid winter. She quickly learned the names of the students and familiarized herself with classroom routines and expectations. She was both kind and professional in her interaction with students She took the initiative to provide assistance and intervention with students as needed. Student and I shared many conversations regarding her observations and questions. It was a pleasure to have her in our classroom. The students were sad to see her go. I wish her the best in her future with teaching.

Additional Comments:

15 Responses To ensure that we would have time to talk about the day before the students came in each day I requested that Student arrive before 9:00. She eagerly agreed to this request and while I thought she might need to then leave a bit early in the afternoon to accomodate the change, she stayed each day until 3:40 after the last child left the room. I've never had a UC student do that before! Also, in order to see more of our classroom procedures and activities, some weeks Student came on Monday instead of Friday. This willingness to change her schedule afforded her the opportunity to see many different parts of the school week. While she was here at School, Student was eager to spend all of her time with the students, going with them to PE and sitting in on an ELL testing session. She came in one week specifically for a team meeting regarding one of my students and later sat in on his PPT. Student went above and beyond the cal lof duty in terms of hours spent at School school and her flexibility in when she came allowed her to see so much more than the typical university student would see. Kudos to her for her willingness to make the most out of this learning experience. I am very impressed with the UCONN program/student as this is my first intern experience. I will look forward to this partnership again. Student has taken the initiative to ask questions, and to ask for feedback and constructive feedback to improve herself as a student teacher. She also agreed to giving a lesson to kindergarten student in the area of Language arts, specifically a lesson about phonemic segmenting and blending. We discussed her lesson plan and worked collaboratively to come up with a lesson that could be differentiated to meet the needs of all students. Upon delivery of her lesson she was able to make spontaneous modifications for students--either giving more challenge or breaking down a skill into smaller pieces for the students who showed need. Student was ready to jump right into helping and learning through helping upon walking into our K classroom in January. I would expect her to be a good teacher! I'm sure she will do a wonderful job as a student teacher. Student got to experience and interact with students from a middle to high ability in math. She handled this experience very well. Student has been a pleasure to work with and shows great promise as an educator. I would be lucky to work with her again in the future! Student provides small group support for students in my class. One student told me that she will be a great teacher because she knows how to explain things so that he understands a concept! Student did a very nice job teaching a lesson in Social Studies on Immigration using picture books. Her debrief of the students after the activity was especially impressive. Great job, Student! Student is a kind and caring teacher that always knew when kids needed a gentle nudge or a firmer push to achieve academic success. Student has a nice disposition with the students. She was always on time and completed any task that I had asked of her. Personalization has the ability and desire to be a master teacher. I wish her all the best on the future. Student was a wonderful addition to our class. I enjoyed her positivity and willingness to learn. Student worked with students in a small groups in order to differentiate thier learning of a skill. She understood READ 180 and it's strategies, themes, and make up of the program as a reading intervention program. She observed how the program was run by stations and the development of additional supplements devised by the teacher to enhance the student's understanding of a skill. She was ready to take on any task needed to be done. In addition, Student had the chance to see how a good team works, interacts, and performs together. Student was a wonderful addition to our classroom. She shows a strong interest in education and built meaningful connections with my students Appendix B: English Language Arts

Location of School: Answer Count Percent Urban 3 30.00% Suburban 4 40.00% Rural 3 30.00%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent 5 2 10.53% 6 1 5.26% 7 5 26.32% 8 3 15.79% 9 1 5.26% 10 2 10.53% 11 2 10.53% 12 3 15.79%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 7 70.00% No 3 30.00%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 3 27.27% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems with polite 8 72.73% and courteous discourse. Transitioning from Student to Professional Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 5 45.45% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and may 6 54.55% volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 4 36.36% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic procedures, 7 63.64% and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 3 27.27% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND 8 72.73% actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 7 63.64% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 4 36.36% experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise: 11 Responses Student is intelligent, an eager learner, and demonstrates great capacity for working with / teaching students. She is equally at home working with peers and professionals in the teaching profession. Student is bright, interested, reflective and energetic. I think that she'll grown into a fine educator. Student will be an excellent teacher. She has an approachable yet professional demeanor and clearly tailors her instructional conversations to meet individual students' needs. She shared astute observations about teaching and learning that reflect a developing understanding of the teaching profession. Student is extremely comfortable working with students. The first day in my class she was moving around the room and offering students one-on-one assistance. She has an excellent approach to dealing with difficult students. She is adept at editing student papers and providing constructive feed back. It was such a pleasure having Student in my classroom! He eagerly helped with classroom tasks and activities and he interacted well with students. Student will be a caring and dedicated educator. She fits in well with the faculty as well as maintaining her professionalism with the students. Student has been a wonderful addition to my classroom this semester. She has challenged herself to teach classes, engage with students, and develop lesson plans. She shows great potential as a teacher. Candidate has grown a lot in the last few weeks and continues to take more initiative. Student has been a very attentive intern. She asks questions, observes the classroom instruction and attends meetings, all of which have supported her learning as she moves into her teaching career. Student also helped me to modify an 8th grade Literature Journal response assignment that has truly helped my special education students to better understand the requirements and complete the assignment more independently. Student is a bright, energetic, and thoughtful young woman. In her short time with me, she has made a wonderful impression. I’ve watched her take initiative in the classroom and deliver lessons that encourage critical thinking. Her plans are always well thought out, but what is more impressive is the way she thinks on her feet and asks challenging and appropriate follow up questions that force students to delve deeper into the material. In her interactions with my colleagues and me, she has been extremely professional and respectful. With students in the classroom she is warm and energetic. Her friendly demeanor and positive energy kept my students engaged and invested. I am extremely pleased with Student; she takes initiative and seeks feedback and opportunities for growth. I am confident that she will be a phenomenal teacher. In fact, she already is. The candidate shows a lot of promise as a future teacher. She displayed knowledge of the content being covered and was able to assist in the instruction of classes. She was also able to differentiate her teaching methods to meet is student needs.

Additional Comments:

5 Responses It's been a pleasure! I would love to have students surveyed about their experiences and to have you share best practices with us to make their semester with us most productive. I think Student is going to be an incredible teacher. I truly wish I could have worked with her as a full time student teacher. Student was put into an ESL team for this classroom experience. She did a great job helping students each day during the lessons. Student has been a pleasure to work with and I see great success in her future as a teacher. Appendix C: History/Social Studies

Location of School: Answer Count Percent Urban 7 46.67% Suburban 1 6.67% Rural 5 33.33% Mixed 2 13.33%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent 4 1 3.33% 5 1 3.33% 6 3 10.00% 7 6 20.00% 8 6 20.00% 9 2 6.67% 10 2 6.67% 11 5 16.67% 12 4 13.33%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 10 76.92% No 3 23.08%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a 3 23.08% timely manner, maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 10 76.92% with polite and courteous discourse. Transitioning from Student to Professional Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student 6 46.15% learning opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 7 53.85% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and 5 38.46% has familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 8 61.54% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to 5 38.46% suggestions and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for 8 61.54% improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 6 46.15% related experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 7 53.85% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 13 Responses Student will make a great Secondary Education Teacher in the future. He builds relationships with students and staff easily and is compassionate with students who have special needs. A great Semester. Student developed a great rapport with the two classes he saw the most. He came twice a week almost every week to allow for more time with those two classes and has opportunities to teach in both. I thoroughly enjoyed having Student in my classroom. She was always positive and enthusiastic with my students and myself. She was eager to assist me in all aspects of teaching. Whether it was copying papers, grading quizzes, reading a quiz orally for a student, working with a small group of students or taking over the class at a moments notice, she was right there. Student is well on her way to a successful career as a professional educator. She is reflective and communicates well with colleagues and students alike. She will be an asset to any school community she is a part of. Student has shown great promise as a potential social studies/history teacher. He is interested in the student's engagement and plans accordingly to inspire them to actively participate in class and group discussions. Student is a motivated learner who shows enthusiasm for teaching. Student adapted quickly to the varied schedules and grade levels. He assisted me in different instructional activities and jumped right in without hesitation. Student's communitcation has improved throughout the semester. He likes to work with particular students. He needs to take more initiative when working with students. Student shows great enthusiasm and interest in learning about education and teaching, in general. He asks many thoughtful and reflective questions that show he is thinking ahead about his career as an educator. He has asked in a timely manner if he needed any supporting materials or the opportunities to observe in another class. He showed great professionalism in being on time and contacting me with requests, questions, and concerns. Additionally, he took an active role in observing my classes and a wide range of other classes and showed interest in learning about the school. His rapport with the students was great, engaging, and supportive to the lesson that was happening in the classroom. Student was an outstanding intern this semester. She was exceptionally energetic and enthusiastic, and worked well with students. Her ability to seamlessly transition between direct instruction and then small group and independent work shows that she has much promise as a teacher. She will be sorely missed. Student researched and designed interesting and meaningful assignments and readings for the students. He attended data and team meetings where student progress was discussed. He also asked where and how he could assist, and he actively sought feedback on assignments and readings he designed. He graded a variety of assignments and demonstrated an understanding of content and writing expectations. He took initiative in following student progress and learning more about special education procedures. He took opportunities when available to help the students with group work and to get to know the students better. He built a good, professional rapport with the students in the classroom. Student is a very positive, professional young lady. It is evident that she cares about children. She has an upbeat, enthusiastic attitude and is willing to work hard. She has great potential in being a terrific secondary teacher in the future. I have enjoyed working with her. Student has been a pleasure to work with. He is dedicated to his craft and improving the lives of young people. Additional Comments:

6 Responses Student was punctual and enthusastic during his placement here at School. He attended all the mainstream classes with the students and was conscientious about keeping them highly engaged with the assigned activities. Student demonstrated a high level of resilience in completing her assignments. I teach 6 weeks of science to 7th graders and then 6 weeks to 8th. Student had just gotten to know the 7th graders when I switched to 8th. She was able to continue her observation of her chosen student even though I no longer taught that student. He has developed pertinent and interesting lessons, graded written work and showed positive , non- threatening classroom management techniques. Due to the nature of the placement, there wasn't truly an opportunity to instruct or take the lead in instruction which is why I did not Student exceeds expectations in the corresponding category. I believe Student will be a strong teacher candidate. I wish him the best on his journey into teaching. I would like to see Student work on more self-initiative in the classroom with her instruction. She has such a great personality that it should be capitalized upon. She tends to be shy at times. Appendix D: Mathematics

Location of School Answer Count Percent Urban 1 11.11% Suburban 4 44.44% Rural 3 33.33% Mixed 1 11.11%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent 4 2 6.06% 5 4 12.12% 6 5 15.15% 7 4 12.12% 8 4 12.12% 9 3 9.09% 10 3 9.09% 11 4 12.12% 12 4 12.12%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 7 70.00% No 3 30.00%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 3 30.00% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 7 70.00% with polite and courteous discourse. Transitioning from Student to Professional Answer Count Percent

3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 3 30.00% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and may 7 70.00% volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 4 40.00% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 6 60.00% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 5 50.00% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 5 50.00% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 6 60.00% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 4 40.00% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester. Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 9 Responses Student has done a nice job transitioning from active listener and observer to planning and implementing lessons this semester. He has worked on math with students in grades 5-8. As the semester progressed I could see Student developing more confidence in himself. I could see that he just needed more practice, and that is what he got this semester. Student was very professional is asking for help and seeking out criticisms. As we debriefed one lesson to the next I could see Student working on the areas we had discussed. Student was able to reflect on his practices and decide for himself what he wanted to improve on, and as the semester progressed I noticed he did improve in these areas. Student's observational skills are phenomenal. She can assess students needs both on a global and individual basis. Her interactions were meaningful. She prompted students and fostered their own explorations. She has the passion to overcome teaching obstacles and succeed in this profession. Student will make a fine teacher. She is flexible and wants to learn about teaching. She has been very helpful in my science classroom. Student is a very bright student who takes great initiative. She was a great help in the classroom this semester! Student has a natural presence in the classroom. She was pro active and helpful with the students. Although the block schedule made it difficult to get to know the students or remember names, Student made a great effort to learn students names and to get to know them. I believe she understands the importance and the power of personalization in the classroom. Student shows a strong desire to be involved in the classroom and to aid students in the learning process. He is willing to walk around and aid individual students or groups. Student is a fantastic teacher!! He has completely jumped in here at High School and become part of my team. He has gone above and beyond what is expected from a teaching interm. He has worked one on one with my students, as well as lead group instruction. Student has attended all of my PLC meetings, a faculty meeting, PPT's, and has worked with students after school. Student's natural flair for teaching shines through, and he has been able to make profound connections with my hardest to reach student. Student was a huge asset to my class. She has the desire, intelligence, drive, and work ethic to be an excellent teacher. Student acquired an effective approach to breaking down concepts and skills to help make math accessible for the students. I presented this through the strategy of task analysis and he was attentive and industrious in using it effectively. I also believe he grew tremendously in his comfort level and as a presence in class. I think he will be an excellent teacher and will continue to grow as a reflective professional.

Additional Comments:

5 Responses Not only has Student done a nice job as an educator, he has also joined in the staff basketball games. He has integrated himself into the professional community here at our school. I commend him for this. Student has a bright future ahead of him. Neag needs to get its act together! If your philosophy changes then you should be sure that you have enough placements for your students. Minimally, if you do not have the required placement, then place the student in another classroom from the start of the semester. This student was told a suitable placement in her area would be found and told not to come to our school. Then weeks later, she asked if she could come. I welcome UConn students into my classroom, but I have to say that it does not seem right if the student is not placed in her concentration and age group from the start Student was self motivated and eager to implement a special project connecting the real world to the mathematics. She also planned and implemented a lesson with on the quadratic formula. Her confidence and poise in front of the classroom was impressive for a junior. Student has expressed an interest in middle school and being part of a "teaming" environment. I enjoyed the conversations we had about various math topics. I also was impressed that Student asked if she could attend a conference many of the teachers in my school were participating in. Appendix E: Music

Location of School Answer Count Percent Urban 2 25.00% Rural 6 75.00%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent 4 2 6.25% 5 6 18.75% 6 8 25.00% 7 8 25.00% 8 8 25.00%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 8 100%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 2 25.00% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 6 75.00% with polite and courteous discourse.

Transitioning from Student to Professional Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 4 50.00% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 4 50.00% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings. Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 2 25.00% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 6 75.00% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities Answer Count Percent 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 8 100.00% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 6 75.00% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 2 25.00% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 8 Responses Student is a strong beginning teacher. He is organized, understands his content, and is always seeking ways to improve. His musicianship is commendable in his conducting and he able to convey to students what he wants them to achieve with both words and actions. His piano competency has improved over the course of the semester as well. He is very soft spoken and kind with students when he teaches and always writes competent lesson plans. I commend Student for seeking feedback on teaching strategies and classroom management, but I would encourage him to take more initiative by volunteering to teach even more in the future. Student has the potential to be a promising music teacher. Student is a very strong beginning teacher. She is a consummate professional in the way she acts and dresses. She has exceptional classroom management and has a strong understanding of music. Students respect her immediately and do not challenge her authority. To have such strong classroom management so soon in her clinic placements is highly commendable. She always volunteers to take on more instruction when asked and writes detailed lesson plans as well. While she exceeds on all categories on this evaluation form, Student should strive to improve her musicianship in piano playing and conducting. She has improved on these through the course of the semester, but it is an area she should continue to work on. Student has a lot of promise as a future music educator and she would definitely be a strong asset to any district. Student has been a wonderful addition to our choral program over the past weeks. He is thoughtful about his methods and lessons, and is always asking insightful questions. Student has acted as a professional. His demeanor in teaching was always calm and kind. His comments and questions were insightful. Student showed musical skill at the piano and warming up the choir students. He was also very polite to the students and helped out several who needed extra attention. Student asked a lot of questions and was eager to learn. She was kind and polite and genuinely interested in the educational process. Student will have a leg up with his excellent piano skills, as long as he remains cool under pressure. He was VASTLY more comfortable in front of the ensemble at the end of his clinic period than he was at the beginning. I expect Student will be a fine music educator. She is very comfortable in front of students and has a fine voice for modeling. My singers responded well to her instruction.

Additional Comments:

No Responses Appendix F: Science

Location of School Answer Count Percent Urban 1 50.00% Rural 1 50.00%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent 5 1 25.00% 9 1 25.00% 11 1 25.00% 12 1 25.00%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? Answer Count Percent Yes 2 66.67% No 1 33.33%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 1 33.33% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 2 66.67% with polite and courteous discourse.

Transitioning from Student to Professional Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 1 33.33% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 2 66.67% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings. Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 1 33.33% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 2 66.67% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 2 66.67% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 1 33.33% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.

Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 2 66.67% experiences fewer than 54 hours per semester. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 1 33.33% experiences at least 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 2 Responses Student shows great potential and promise as a science teacher. She easily connected with the students and they readily accepted her as another "teacher" in the classroom. She always conducted herself in a very professional manner, both in dress and demeanor. This allowed her to gain the respect of the students in all classes. Additionally, she was never absent and always on time for class. Student should continue to ask questions of her clinic teachers, especially focusing on the "why" of their instructional decisions. If she learns the rationale for their decisions and their choices in strategies, assignments, activities, etc., she will be better able to apply the theory learned in her classes to her teaching practice. Student does a wonderful job of communicating with the teachers and students everytme he arrived at school. He would always go above and beyond to help teachers and students in the classroom setting. He performed many lessons both in Social Science and Science as well as worked with students during their X-block period. Student's potential is great because he is always punctual, willing to help and offers great insight for the students.

Additional Comments:

1 Response During the course of her clinic experience, Student and I had many discussions about instructional strategies and the needs of regular education and special education students. This included differentiated instruction to accomodate the needs and abilities of all students in inclusion classes. Student actively participated in all instructional activities. She assisted with small groups of students in laboratory activities and other group work. She provided one-on-one support to students. The most notable example of this was when, on her first day in this placement, she willingly assisted a special education student who was struggling with the assigned task. Student jumped in without hesitation when the student requested her help. Student also assisted with the CAPT Energy Uses in Connecticut STS project. She helped students learn Excel when entering their data and she helped students select appropriate materials when completing the research aspect of this project. One of the classes in Student's placement was a co-taught class with an additional one-on-one paraprofessional. She was not only able to observe the interactions of the teaching staff and students, but also to actively participate in the instruction of this class. During this clinic experience, Student was able to attend a PPT meeting which allowed her to become familiar with supports that are available for special needs students. Finally, Student reported that she completed approximately 50 hours during her clinic experience. However, during this semester there was a snow day that reduced her hours and her schedule did not provide her the flexibility to make them up. Appendix G: Special Education

Location of School (17 Responses): Answer Count Percent Urban 4 23.53% Suburban 7 41.18% Rural 6 35.29%

Grade Level(s) Served (Check all that apply) Answer Count Percent K 4 9.09% 1 4 9.09% 2 3 6.82% 3 3 6.82% 4 1 2.27% 5 2 4.55% 6 3 6.82% 7 6 13.64% 8 4 9.09% 9 3 6.82% 10 3 6.82% 11 4 9.09% 12 3 6.82% Ungraded 1 2.27%

Is this experience in the student's field/program? (18 Responses) Answer Count Percent Yes 15 83.33% No 3 16.67%

Demonstrates Responsibility and Professionalism 19 Responses Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student has professional attitude and attempts to understand duties/responsibilities, attends to tasks in a timely manner, 4 21.05% maintains professional interactions, and dresses appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND is motivated and committed to students, works to solve problems 15 78.95% with polite and courteous discourse. Transitioning from Student to Professional 19 Responses Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student seeks opportunities to work with colleagues to learn and grow professionally and supports student learning 8 42.11% opportunities with teacher guidance. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND consistently takes initiative, is willing to give and receive help, and 11 57.89% may volunteer to organize tasks or take the lead in instructional team or classroom settings.

Exhibits a Growing Awareness of Students' Needs and Instructional Strategies 19 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student does not appear to be interested in learning 1 5.26% more about student needs and instruction. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student asks questions related to instructional strategies, decisions, or student needs, participates in instruction, and has 4 21.05% familiarity with student and family support services. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements AND participates in or implements instruction based on diagnostic 14 73.68% procedures, and attends parent conferences and/or other meetings in which student progress is discussed.

Utilizes Observation and Reflection Activities 19 Responses Answer Count Percent 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student's attention to instructional events is evident through comments and questions, student is open to suggestions 7 36.84% and willing to ask for help, and plans observational protocols appropriately. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student meets all of the above statements 12 63.16% AND actively seeks constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement. Attends Clinic Placement/School-Related Events as Scheduled 19 Responses Answer Count Percent 2=NEEDS WORK. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 1 5.26% experiences fewer than 54 hours per semester. 3=MEETS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school-related 5 26.32% experiences at least 54 hours per semester. 4=EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. Student attends clinic placement/school- 13 68.42% related experiences more than 54 hours per semester.

Comments on Candidate's Potential and Promise 16 Responses Student will make a great addition to any special education department. I believe that Student has the skill set to be an excellent teacher. She is eager to learn and willing to help out wherever needed. She is conscientious and the students enjoy working with her. She exhibits an understanding of the needs of special education students, and she is effective in dealing with them. She has fulfilled all of the requirements of her Clinic Placement including attending team meetings as well as PPTs. Student was placed in a Reading Intervention program. She was always prepared to take notes on the lessons and the students. She shows a significant amount of promise in the field of special education. This was evident by the questions she asked and the gentle manner in which she spoke to the students. Student did a tremendous job in our classroom this semester. She immediately dove into the routines and procedures of the classroom, getting to know the kids and the community. She was a valuable asset, always willing to take reading groups, monitor students independent work and attended our weekly data team meetings. She has expressed an interest of designing and teaching a science lesson with her final days. Good luck next year! Student is a lovely young woman who has the potential to do very well in her chosen field. She is easy to work with and gets along well with both students and staff. She has a keen interest in the field and I'm sure that she will do well in the future. Student is a well prepared candidate for the NEAG College of Education. She has put forth excellent effort in this high school internship. Student has developed an excellent rapport with both staff and students. She takes initiative when working with students. Student will make an excellent educator. Student has been a professional addition to our team every Wednesday. Student had excellent attendance and has been very reliable. Student quickly adapted to our team his report with students and teachers is excellent! Student eagerly excepted each challenge that we presented him with exceeding our expectations. Student has done a wonderful adapting to the enviroment at School. She has worked very hard to help one student inparticular to succeed and be prepared for tech school. Student has put forth excellent effort in this internship. She interacts well with staff and students. Student has taken initiative to help students as well as suggested activities that would benefit a child's learning. She will make an excellent educator. Student was a joy to have as a student intern. Her professionalism, respect for student challenges, ability to engage students in the learning process, and her sensitivity to reflect and self-evaluate her strengths and needs as a future teacher are commendable. Student seems a bit tentative with her setting. I have not seen her take initiative to fully embrace her situation and to get the most out of her experience. Student did a wonderful job here at Middle School. In the class room he "jumped right in"; the students were open and receptive to his support. Student has demonstrated sincere interest and insight into the daily demands and activities found in a special education setting within public education. Her questions were well thought out and indicated increased understanding of various activities and aspects of teaching students with speciaStudented needs. Student has demonstrated an outstanding ability to assess the unique needs of my students and effectively assist them based on their strengths and weaknesses. She has excelled in every assingment given to her, and accordingly, has truly been a great asset to my resource room.She has had a siginificant impact on the success of one of my most challegning students and will clearly be a tremendous asset to the field of special education. Student was a pleasure and asset to have in the multiple disabilities class. She related well to students and paraprofessionals, worked efficiently in the classroom, and took the initiative to plan for students. Students and staff enjoyed her being part of the classroom once a week. Due to holidays, snow days, spring break etc. Student did take initiative to make up hours but ran out of time

Additional Comments:

6 Responses I feel that Student has a bright future in the field of education. Thank you for the opportunity of working with your students. Many students will grow to reach their potential and become important additions to our communities due to Student's energy and love of education. Thank you for letting me be a part of the UCONN teaching internship process.! I wish Personalization success in the future. I do hope she seeks out each and every opportunity to engage and learn. I think Student will make an excellent teacher.

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