Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project

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Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project

E1245 v 1

Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP) Financed by The World Bank Loan

Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project

(Infrastructure and Access Improvement in Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone)

Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Draft for Review)

Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection (SRIEP) September 2005 CONTENTS

1.0 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………

1.1 Source and Necessity of the Proposed Project 1.2 Objectives, Principles and Methodology of the EIA 1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework 1.4 Standards for the EIA 1.5 Category of the EIA 1.6 Scope of the EIA 1.7 Factors of the EIA 1.8 Major Environmental Impacts and Protected Objects 1.9 Key Points of the EIA 1.10 Process and Procedure of the EIA 1.11 SRIEP and Staff of the EIA Core Team

2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSeS ……………………………………………………………..

2.1 Project Description 2.2 Project Construction 2.3 Project Analysis 2.4 Conformity Analysis of Project and Local Development Plan 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ………………………….. (56)

3.1 Physical Environment 3.2 Socioeconomic Environment 3.3 Ecological Environment 3.4 Local Living Quality 3.5 Local Conditions of the Project Area

4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT ……………………………………………………………... (60)

4.1 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Water Environment 4.2 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Air Environment 4.3 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Acoustic Environment 4.4 Conclusions on the Quality of Local Environment 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS …..…………….(70)

1 5.1 Positive Impact on Local Economic Development 5.2 Resettlement and Land Acquisition 5.3 Impact on Land Use 5.4 Impact on Urban Landscape and Traffic 5.5 Impact Assessment on Eco-environment 5.6 Impact Assessment on Water Environment 5.7 Impact Assessment on Air Environment 5.8 Impact Assessment on Acoustic Environment 5.9 Impact Assessment of Solid Wastes Disposal 5.10 Analyses on the Trend of Development of the Regional Environmental Quality and Potential Indirect Impact Brought about by the Proposed Project 5.11 Alternative Analyses 5.12 Linkage Analyses of Impact 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MEASURES AND THEIR ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL PROOF …………………(89)

6.1 Environmental Protection Measures for Land Acquisition and Resettlement 6.2 Measures for Soil & Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration and Their Proof 6.3 Measures for Water Environmental Protection and Their Proof 6.4 Measures for Air Environmental Protection and Their Proof 6.5 Measures for Noise Control and Their Proof 6.6 Measures for Solid Wastes Disposal and Their Proof 6.7 Other Measures and Countermeasures for Environmental Protection 6.8 Availability of Environmental Protection Measures and Their Technical and Economic Proof 6.9 Estimated Costs of Environmental Protection Measures


7.1 Objectives and Principles 7.2 Gain and Loss Analysis of Environmental Impact

8.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION …………………………….....(110)

8.1 Objectives and Effects

2 8.2 Methodology and Principles 8.3 Survey Schedule 8.4 Results of the Survey 8.5 Conclusion


9.1 Environmental Management 9.2 Environmental Monitoring Program 9.3 Cost Estimate


10.1 Conclusions 10.2 Suggestions


1.1 Source and Necessity of the Project

1.1.1. Source of the project

As a big province in West China, Sichuan Province is endowed with abundant natural resources and boasts of its advantages in science technology and education. Since the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world is adopted in China, great achievements have been attained in the construction of a modern society. The hi-tech industries have won a relatively solid base for further development in the province. However, compared to the developed eastern areas of China, there is still a long way to go. The strategies for Sichuan’s further development would be as follows: make full use of the advantages of the province and the opportunity of western development, build key areas so as to bring innovation and breakthrough into modes of thought, systems and mechanisms with the ultimate aim of great development of the province through the combination of technologies and economic development.

As an important base of national defense industry and scientific research, the City of Mianyang has 18 institutions of national defense, such as China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), China Aerodynamics Research ﹠ Development Center (CARDC), etc., 7 institutes of higher education, such as Southwest Science﹠ Technology University (SSTU), and other 50 key large-and-medium-sized enterprises. As to personnel, there are 100 000 researchers, engineers and technicians, among them, 24 academicians and another large number of talented persons engaged in many key sectors.

Following the step of Zhongguan Sci-Tech Park in Beijing and Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Demonstration Zone in Shaanxi Province, the central government has made an important decision to build Mianyang into a Sci-Tech City. In July, 2001, the Outline of Developing Mianyang into a Sci-Tech City was approved by the State Council of China. After that, construction of Sci-Tech City entered a new stage of all-around advancement.

In term of economic development, there is still a big gap between East China and Mianyang, which locates in West China. The city still lags behind in infrastructure construction. Along with the implementation of the strategy of West China Development, it is of important significance to develop the Pioneering Park (being referred to as West District hereinafter) and the Economic Development Zone (being referred to as South District hereinafter) to improve infrastructure and living standard of the local people, to strengthen the service function of the city, so as to promote overall social and economic development. According to current development, Mianyang Municipal Government has put forward the aim of building the West District and South District by making use of the World Bank loan to achieve the objectives. This is very crucial in giving impetus to the economic development of the city. Thus Development & Reform Commission of Sichuan Province issued a reply to the Proposal of Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project Financed by the World Bank Loan by a formal

4 document No. CFGW[2004]No. 617.

According to the proposal, following infrastructure and access improvement work will be completed during the construction phase of the proposed project. In West District (Pioneer Park), 22 roads will be paved in width of 9~50m and total length of 21.23 km. Rain/storm water drains and trunk sewers will be laid together with the road construction, totally 91.79 km in length. In South District (Economic Development Zone), 17 roads will be paved with a total length of 24.53 km in width of 14~80m. Rain/storm water drains and trunk sewers will be laid together with the road construction, totally 74.56 km in length. In addition, one interchange, one flyover including lighting and traffic management system will be built in West District. In South District, one flyover, four bridges, greening space (2X2ha), Fuwongyan River flood control embankment in length of 4600m will be constructed.

Total investment of this project is 1.3546512 billion yuan, of which 414 million yuan equivalent will be a loan from the World Bank.

Based on the requirements specified by Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, and Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China, the related authority of Mianyang City entrusted Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection* (being referred to as SRIEP hereinafter) to conduct the EA work for Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone) financed by the World Bank loan.

As soon as receiving the task, SRIEP sent its professionals to conduct the environmental reconnaissance and collect relevant data. In May 2005, SRIEP produced the TOR for EA according to Technical Guidelines of EA and other requirements of the World Bank. In August 2005, SEPB invited some experts to review and exam the TOR and issued its approval opinions (see Annex). After the approval of the TOR, SRIEP entrusted Mianyang Environmental Monitoring Station (MEMS) and the project owner to conduct the survey on existing environment, environmental monitoring, public opinion survey and data collection. Now the EIA Report for the Project has been produced, waiting for review.

The EIA work has got great help and support from SPMO, SEPB, Mianyang EPB, MEMS, project owner, W. B. experts, Mr. Sun Chongwu, Mr. Li Dahong and Mr. Gu Lixin. Here we would like to express our sincere thanks to them all.

1.1.2. Necessity of the Project

(a)To satisfy the requirements of development of the city

The urban center or city proper of Mianyang covers an area of 50 km2 with a population of 560,000. According to The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City and the

5 requirements of developing a Sci-Tech City, the city will have a population of 800,000 in 2010 and 1,000,000 in 2020. However, the current size and infrastructure of the city cannot meet the demands of the expansion and development as well as absorbing more population and enhancing industrial potential.

Based on the current development trend and The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City, the downtown area (the existing urban proper of Mianyang City) will majorly serve as the cultural, financial, trading and tertiary service areas as well as the centralized residential quarters of urban residents. Currently these areas are almost saturated with residents and businesses. According to The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City, West District will base enterprises and institutes engaged in new and high technology industries such as electronic information technology, new materials, fine chemicals, environmental protection, bio-technology and electronic-machinery integrity. And in South District, the main development orientation is automobile industry, new-typed building materials industry, foodstuff processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, electronic information technology, fine chemical industry, tourism, ecological and environmental protection industry and so on. At present, West and South Districts are still in the initiating stage and most of the areas are still farmlands with small number of farming families and enterprises. In order to ensure the smooth development of these districts, improvement and construction of infrastructure must be put on top of the agenda, such as construction of the roads, rain/storm water drains and trunk sewers and so on to lie a good foundation for the enterprises and their future development. For these reasons, the municipal government of Mianyang has listed the construction of West District and South District as the key points for the overall development of the Sci-Tch City. b) To satisfy the requirements of local social and economic development

According to Annual Statistics of Sichuan Province and Mianyang City, economy of Mianyang City has registered fast growth in the past few years. Statistics show that GDP of Mianyang was 32.97 billion yuan in 2002, 39.69 billion yuan in 2003 and 45.45 billion yuan in 2004 respectively, ranking the second among all cities in Sichuan and only next to that of Chengdu. Because of its good economic momentum and superiority in development (new & hi-tech industry) over other cities in the province, Mianyang has been listed as one of the key cities for development by the State and Sichuan Province. From previous analyses, we can say that the core for development of Mianyang, especially new & hi-tech industry, lies in the well development of the Pioneer Park and the Economic Development Zone. Therefore, construction of infrastructure must be carried out first for ensuring the overall development of Pioneer Park and the Economic Development Zone. In this sense, managerial people and constructors must be of far-sighted. c) Major impacts brought by the implementation of the proposed project

Because of its city structure being made up of some separate industrial divisions, there are many problems which require solutions in developing the South District of Mianyang, for instance, the road access between the South District and the urban center

______* SRIEP— Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection, the formal English translation of the institute. In

6 some documents, it is translated into Sichuan Academy of Environmental Sciences. or other districts of the city, the road access between airports and various industrial divisions, and the joint of South District, which is the south gate of Mianyang to Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway so as to build a frame of road network. Moreover, as a sub-center and an industrial base of Mianyang, the South District calls for favorable infrastructure to attract investment. Therefore, the infrastructure construction project of South District is the key for building Mianyang into a Sci-Tech City and to accomplish the overall planning and layout of the city.

As a future administrative and hi-tech industrial center of the Sci-Tech City, the South District is a key area of the planned 80 km2 area in The Outline of Developing Mianyang into a Sci-Tech City. The exploration/development of the district is a necessity for the construction and economic development of the city, a crucial part of implementing the overall planning of the city and an extension of the infrastructure construction of the whole city. Success of the proposed project will improve the investment environment, biological environment and the infrastructure of the district. Along with the improvement of these conditions and smoother traffic between this district and other districts, it will provide an optimum opportunity for appreciating the land and expanding the city capacity. Therefore, the construction and development of the district is of great importance for building Sci-Tech City.

The success of this project will bring great benefits to the city. It will open a new window for Mianyang to open up to the outside world and attract more investment. With a better image of its improved investment environment, exchange and cooperation with the outside world will be enhanced. It will attract more investment, talented personnel and advanced technologies, thus injecting more vitality into the development of the city. As a result, it will promote the forming of an export-oriented economic pattern and speed up the economic and social development of the city as well.

1.2 Objectives, Principles and Methodology of the EIA

1.2.1 Objectives

(1) Based on The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City, local development planning and concrete requirements of project area, evaluate the rationality of project implementation from the viewpoint of environmental protection, then put forward some suggestions for adjustment.

(2) Based on the survey of the existing environmental quality of project area, analyze and forecast the potential environmental impacts due to the project implementation as well as its future operation, then put forward some environmental measures so as to minimize potential adverse effects on local environmental quality and ecosystem.

(3) Work out suitable plans or schemes for environmental management and environmental monitoring of local area, analyze environmental factors that might constrain local development, then put forward some countermeasures.

7 (4) Provide scientific bases for better implementation of the project by local environmental authority and the management authorities of two Parks so as to achieve a coordinated development among nature, economy and environment. That is, project implementation will comply with the strategy of sustainable development.

(5) Provide scientific bases for environmental management in construction and operation phases of the project.

1.2.2 Principles

The EIA work will comply with principles as follows:

(1) Principle of Coordinating with Regional D evelopment Planning The construction of infrastructure proposed by this project should be carried out in coordination with the urban master plan and the development planning of the two Parks (Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone) of Mianyang City.

(2) Regional ization Principle The EA will not only involve the environmental impact analysis of project implementation, but also the analysis of consistency between the project and local development planning, the analysis of rationality of functional layout and the proposal of total emission from the viewpoint of total quantity control of pollutants as well as control measures.

(3) Integration Principle As the proposed project covers a wide land area, involves a number of environmental factors or attributes, integrated or comprehensive methodology will be adopted so as to evaluate the influence of proposed actions on surrounding areas from macroscopic view.

(4) Principle of Sustainable Development The proposed project is of infrastructure development in two Parks. Its implementation will speed up further development of the area. Therefore the environmental impact assessment will analyze the future changing trends of local environmental quality, put forward some pollution control strategies and mitigation measures from the viewpoint of sustainable development.

1.2.3 Methodology

The method of combining the qualitative assessment by mechanism analysis and the quantitative assessment by model calculation will be adopted, among which regional ambient, air quality, water quality and noise will be mainly evaluated by means of quantitative analysis, while eco-environment will be mainly evaluated by means of qualitative analysis. Model calculation or analogical analysis will be use for environmental impact forecast. The analysis is comprised of two aspects, e.g., the

8 positive impacts in operation phase as well as the negative impacts in construction phase. Details of the methods are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Practical Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures of the EA Method Preliminary analysis of construction scheme Analogical analysis, expert consultation Survey and analysis of environmental Data collection, on-site environmental background reconnaissance and monitoring Identification of environmental factors Matrix Public participation Questionnaire, public consultation, internet Environmental impact forecast and assessment Mathematical modelling, analogical method

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

1.3.1 Laws and Regulations

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China;

(3) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution;

(4) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution;

(5) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste;

(6) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution;

(7) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Urban Planning;

(8) Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(9) Decisions of the State Council on a Number of Problems of Environmental Protection, GF [1996] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(10) Notice of Further Promoting the Construction of Green Corridors throughout the Country, GF [2001] No.31 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(11) Notice of Effectively Control of Urban Flying Dust, HF [2001] No.56 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration and the Ministry of Construction;

9 (12) Some Suggestions on Strengthening the Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects in West China Development, HF [2001] No. 4 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration ;

(13) Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China;

(14) Decision on Strengthening the Work of Environmental Protection, CFF [1996] No.142, issued by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government;

(15) Decision on Further Strengthening the Work of Environmental Protection, CWF [2004] No.38, issued by Sichuan Commission of CPC and issued by Sichuan Provincial People’s Government Sichuan Provincial People’s Government.

1.3.2 Technical Codes or Specifications

(1) Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.1~2.3-1993);

(2) Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.4-1995);

(3) Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T1.9-1997);

(4) Technical Guidelines of EA for Regional Environmental Impact Assessment in Development Area) (HJ/T131-2003);

(5) Technical Specifications of Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Construction Projects;

(6) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Environmental Assessment (OD4.01) issued by W.B. in July 1992;

(7) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Natural Inhabitation (OD4.04);

(8) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Cultural Property (OD4.11);

(9) Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Non-voluntary Resettlement (OD4.12);

(10) Data Collection of EA (W. B. Document No. 139, October 1993).

10 1.3.3 Data Related to the Project

(1) Written Reply to the Proposal of Sichuan Urban Development Project (SUDP) Financed by W. B. Loan, CFGW [2004] No. 617 by the Development & Reform Commission of Sichuan Province, October 10, 2004;

(2) Written Reply to the Related Problems of Constructing Mianyang Sci-Tech City, GH [2001] No. 76 by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(3) Draft Feasibility Study of Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project, Sichuan Province Financed by W. B. Loan;

(4) Proposal of Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project, Sichuan Province Financed by W. B. Loan;

(5) Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City;

(6) Decision on the Establishment of Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park by Mianyang CPC Commission and Mianyang Municipal Government;

(7) Decision on the Establishment of Economic Development Zone by, Mianyang CPC Commission and Mianyang Municipal Government;

(8) The West District Planning of Mianyang Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park;

(9) The Dabaoliang Sub-district Planning of Mianyang Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park;

(10) Detailed Controlled Planning of Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park of Mianyang Sci-Tech City, December 2002;

(11) Zoning Planning of South District of Mianyang City, January 2000;

(12) Supplemental Data for the Proposal of Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project Construction, Sichuan Province Financed by W. B. Loan;

(13) Relevant data of nature, social, economy and ecology and environment in the project area;

(14) Terms of Reference for the Environmental Assessment, Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Pioneering Park and Economic & Technical Development Zone) Financed by The World Bank Loan, Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection;

(15) Written Reply to Terms of Reference for the Environmental Assessment, Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Pioneering Park and Economic & Technical Development Zone) Financed by The World Bank Loan, Sichuan Environmental Protection Bureau;

11 (16) Letter of EIA Task Entrustment.

1.4 Standards for the EA

1.4.1 Soil and Water Losses / Soil Erosion

As a criteria or requirement, the proposed actions will not change the existing situation of soil erosion, and will not cause any new geological disaster. The classification of soil erosion is given in Table 1-2 below.

Table 1-2 Standard for the Classification of Soil Erosion Class Erosion level Erosion modulus (t/km2·a) A Slight erosion (no obvious erosion) < 500 B Light erosion 500 ~ 2500 C Median erosion 2500 ~ 5000 D Heavy erosion 5000 ~ 8000 E Extreme erosion 8000 ~ 15000

1.4.2 Standard for Water Quality

The Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) is applied for assessing local surface water (Fujiang River and Anchang River). While the Category C of Water Quality Standard for Groundwater (GB/T14848-1993) is applied to assess the groundwater. The assessment parameters and their standard values are shown in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Water Quality Standard for the EA Parameter Value Range Remarks pH 6~9 CODCr ≤20 Surface water BOD5 ≤4 DO ≥5 Category C of GB3838-2002 NH3-N ≤1.0 Petroleum & derivatives ≤0.05 Ar-OH (Volatile phenols) ≤0.005 pH 6.5~8.5 Permanganate value ≤3.0 Groundwater NH3-N ≤0.2 Category C of GB/T14848-1993 Total coliform bacteria population ≤3.0 Note: The unit of all the parameters in the Table is mg/L, except pH which has no dimension.

Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) is used for

12 assessing the wastewater in construction phase as well as operation phase. Those wastewaters will not flow to the wastewater treatment works (hereafter WwTP in short). While Category C of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) is used for assessing the wastewater which flows to WwTP. The limits of 6 parameters are shown in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4 Wastewater Discharge Standard

Standard pH SS NH3-N CODCr Petroleum & BOD5 derivatives Class A of Integrated 6~9 ≤70 ≤15 ≤100 ≤5 ≤20 Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) Class C of Integrated 6~9 ≤400 / ≤500 ≤20 ≤300 Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) * The unit of all the parameters in the Table is mg/L, except pH.

1.4.3 Standard for Ambient Air

The project area belongs to the Category B of ambient air quality. The Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for the assessment. The standard values are shown in Table 1-5. The Class B of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants, (GB16297-1966) is used for assessing waste gas emission in the period both of construction phase and operation phase. The limits of 3 parameters are shown in Table 1-6.

Table 1-5 Ambient Air Quality Standard

Time NO2 TSP SO2 Daily average 0.12 0.30 0.15 1-hour average 0.24 0.50 Note: Unit: mg/m3

Table 1-6 Waste Gas Emission Standard for Construction Phase Standard SO2 NO2 TSP Limit value of fugitive emission of Integrated 0.40 0.12 1.0 Emission Standard for Air Pollutants Note: 1. Unit: mg/m3. 2. Values from Table 2 of Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants. 3. Control points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters upwind of the fugitive emission sources, while monitoring points are set at 2 ~ 5 meters downwind of the emission sources.

1.4.4 Acoustic Environment Standard

13 During the project construction, Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-1990) is used, see Table 1-7. For regional noise, Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993) is adopted; while Category D of the standard is adopted for both sides of road, see Table 1-7.

Table 1-7 Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Site

Construction phase Main noise source Limit value, LAeq (dB) Daytime Nighttime Earthwork Bulldozer, excavator, loading 75 55 and unloading machine, etc. Piling Piling machine, etc. 85 Construction is prohibited Structure Cement mixing machine, 70 55 vibrating needle, electric saw, etc. Decoration Crane, lifting machine, etc. 65 55

Table 1-8 Ambient Noise Standard

Category Equivalent sound level, LAeq (dB) Daytime Nighttime B 60 50 D 70 55

1.5 Category of the EIA

1.5.1 Eco-environment

The proposed project site is divided into two large districts, i.e. West District and South District. According to the planning, the West District will cover an area of 12.9 km2, mainly comprising Dabaoliang Zone and Paifanggou Zone (totally 6.7 km2). The South District will cover an area of 22.7 km2 (among which 17.64 km2 of land, and 5.06 km2 of water surface ), comprising A, B, C, and D zones. The project construction only involves two zones: A and C, among which Zone A covers an area of 7.17 km2, and Zone C covers an area of 4.09 km2. As the main contents or activities of the project are of constructing road system, underground sewer and drain system, and traffic management system, so the major environmental impacts in its construction phase are:

Land occupation and the change of land use property;

Resettlement, involving moving and relocation, and affecting the daily life of relocated people;

Vegetation damage, causing soil erosion or soil erosion; and

14 Noise, flying dust or ash, wastewater, and solid wastes.

According to a preliminary estimation, about 21.54 km2 land area will be affected in total. It is divided into two districts, West District and South District. Being adjacent to the city proper, the two districts have frequent human activities and farmland ecosystem. The survey data available show that there is no rare and precious species of wildlife in the area, and also no natural conservation area, natural scenic spot, and historic or cultural sites. So the proposed project will have no notable negative effect on biodiversity of the area, and have no notable negative effect on physical or chemical characteristics both of surface water and groundwater. Therefore, the Category C will be adopted for EA of eco-environment according to (HJ/T19-1997).

1.5.2 Ambient Air

The project will have negative impact on ambient air mainly in the construction phase, with major pollutant of flying dust or ash in way of fugitive emission mostly. As the kinds of air pollutants are not too many, and the affected areas are limited in small ranges, generally near the construction sites with a dimension of 200 meters in radius. Besides, in operation phase, the emission of vehicle exhaust will increase due to the increase of vehicle flow after the completion of road system in the project area. But such impact will concentrate in the two sides of roads with a width of 200 m. Because of better dispersion condition in the area, such emission will not bring obvious negative effect on the local air environment. So Category C will be adopted to assess the environmental impact on air.

1.5.3 Surface Water

The project will have negative impact on surface water mainly in the construction phase, with major pollution sources of production or construction wastewater, and domestic or living wastewater generated by construction activities and constructors. The major pollutants in construction wastewater are SS and pH, while the major pollutants in domestic wastewater are COD, NH3-N and SS. Both of them are not complicated in term of their pollutant sorts. Construction wastewater can be recycled and used as irrigating water for farmland or woodland nearby through primary treatment by septic tank or latrine. The effluent will be discharged in a small quantity so that it will have no notable impact on the environment of surface water. The completion of the project will achieve the interception or collection of sewage, including industrial effluent and domestic wastewater, of the local area, thus it will substantially improve the quality of local water environment. So Category C will be adopted to assess the environmental impact on surface water according to the Standard (HJ/T2.3-1993).

1.5.4 Acoustic Environment

The project area falls into the Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096- 1993), and it has adverse impact on acoustic or noise environment mainly in the

15 construction phase. Construction machinery and transportation vehicles will generate mechanic noise to affect the construction sites and their neighbor areas. Through rational site arrangement of construction, it will minimize the noise impact on local residents. As soon as the construction activities finish, such noise will eliminate.

After the completion of the project, traffic noise will increase in the area due to the increase of vehicle flow. Because the roads will be paved with bitumen or asphalt which has better properties of dust absorption and noise reduction, and the speed limitation (lower than 40 km/h) will be adopted, the traffic noise level can be controlled within the acceptable range. So Category C will be adopted to assess the impact on acoustic environment according to (HJ/T2.4-1995).

1.6 Scope of the EIA

Based on the characteristics of the proposed project, impacts generated in construction phase will be mainly considered. The EIA scope or range of future projects, which will base in this project area, will be defined by individual features then.

1.6.1 Air Environment

The EIA scope will cover a round area of 1 km2 , taking each construction site as its center. The EIA scope of road pavement or pipe laying will cover two belts on both sides of them, with a width of 200 m each.

1.6.2 Acoustic Environment

The EIA scope will cover a round area with a radius of 200 m, taking each construction site as its center. The EIA scope of road pavement or pipe laying will cover two belts on both sides of them, with a width of 200 m each.

1.6.3 Water Environment

Fujiang River: Totally some 72 km from upstream (Lijiadu) to downstream (Fenggu) of Fujiang River in the city proper of Mianyang.

Anchang River: Totally some 7 km from upstream of Anchang River in the city proper of Mianyang to the point which is 500 m upstream of the confluence with Fujiang River.

1.6.4 Ecological Environment

Totally 20 km2, including directly affected area and its surrounding areas with a width

16 of 500 m.

1.6.5 Socio-economic Environment

Directly affected area and its vicinities, including existing urban center (city proper), West District and South District of Mianyang City.

1.7 Factors of the EIA

1.7.1 Eco-environment

Land occupation and agricultural production loss, vegetation and landscape destruction, soil and water losses or soil erosion.

1.7.2 Socio-economic Environment

Land acquisition and resettlement, socio-economy, living standard, human health, historic and cultural sites, public opinions, and traffic blockage.

1.7.3 Water Environment

Factors or parameters for assessing the current situation: Surface water: pH, CODCr, BOD5, DO, NH3-N, Ar-OH (volatile phenols), Pb, Hg. Groundwater: pH, potassium permanganate index, NH3-N, total fecal coli group. Forecasting factor: Based on the sewer network planning, analyze the sewage quantity and pollutant quantities of COD and NH3-N which should be cut down, and then forecast the improvement of water quality of Fujiang River (Mianyang segment).

1.7.4 Air Environment

Factors or parameters for assessing the current situation: TSP, PM10, SO2, NO2 Forecasting factor: TSP, PM10 (in construction phase)

1.7.5 Acoustic / Noise Environment

Construction noise, traffic noise

1.7.6 Solid Wastes

17 Construction wastes, mainly spoils debris, generated in construction phase

1.8 Major Environmental Impacts and Protected Objects

1.8.1 Major Environmental Impacts Major environmental impacts in construction phase

(1) Impact of land acquisition and resettlement on land resources, eco-environment and socio-economic environment

The project construction will involve 44 groups, 14 villages, 3 townships or streets, and 3 districts. The project will have land acquisition of 8198.61 mu (546.57 ha) of different sorts of land in total, among which 1672.48 mu (111.50 ha) in West District, including 457.60 mu (30.51 ha) of paddy fields, 583.60 mu (38.91 ha) of dry land, 318.17 mu ( 21.21 ha) of woodland, 242.18 mu (16.15 ha) of orchard land, and 70.93 mu (4.73 ha) of others; and 6526.13 mu (435.08 ha) of paddy fields in South District, (of which 3775.81 mu (251.72 ha) in Zone A, and 2750.32 mu (183.35 ha) in Zone C).

For the project construction, 10173 people will be relocated, involving 5361 households, and 805 939.5 m2 of houses will be demolished.

The above resettlement activities will change the property of land use, and affect the local bio-environment in a certain degree. The relocation process will bring some environmental problems too.

(2) Impact of construction activities on eco-environment

The construction activities will damage some crops, and result in the reduction of agricultural production.

(3) Impact of solid waste disposal on the environment Such impact includes land occupation, flying dust in some areas during dry weather, and soil and water losses in some areas during stormwater seasons.

(4) Impact of noise and flying ash or dust generated by construction activities on acoustic environment and ambient air

Such impact will occur in construction sites and their vicinities, and residential quarters and enterprises at both sides of road.

(5) Impact of wastewater discharged from construction sites on surface water

18 environment

The major affected water bodies are Anchang River and Fujiang River. Major environmental impacts in operation phase

(1) Completion of roads and pipes will create a better investment environment for investors to the two Parks.

(2) It is beneficial for centralized wastewater treatment and discharge for enterprises or future projects in the two Parks.

(3) It is beneficial for normal business activities of enterprises as well as normal living of residents in the two Parks.

(4) Adverse Impact: Traffic noise will impact the residents living along the roads.

1.8.2 Environmental Protection Objects

(1) Ambient air quality within the area of the EA.

(2) Acoustic environmental quality within the project area and neighboring area.

(3) Water quality in the segments of Fujiang River and Anchang River of the EA.

(4) Land resources within the project area, mainly cultivated or arable lands.

(5) Natural vegetation and crops within the project area.

(6) Living quality and living environment of relocated people.

According to the data available, Pioneer Park has some environmental sensitive points and objectives of environmental protection at two sides of proposed roads, see Table 1-9 for detail. While in Economic Development Zone, except for a small number of existing enterprises (about 20), most part of the project area is of farmland with only few farming families, few sensitive points or environmental objectives are involved in the Zone. All the farming families in the zone will move out before the implementation of the proposed project.

Table 1-9 Environmental Sensitive Points and Protective Objectives by the Roadsides in Pioneer Park No Road Sensitive point Features Location Remarks Yingbin Few farmers’ About 50 persons Will be 1 15 m at north side Avenue households in 10 households relocated 2 Yingbin Nanshan About 5200 15 m at north side, 50 m / Avenue Oriental persons, of which from teaching

19 200 are teachers Bilingual School and staff, 5000 are building students Electronic Commerce At south side, >500 m College of About 5000 from teaching Southwest / persons building and University of dormitories Yingbin Finance & 3 Avenue Economy About 4930 Mianyang At south side, >500 m persons, of which Foreign from teaching 370 are teachers / Language building and and staff, 4560 are School dormitories students 4 Route K3 Qiujia courtyard About 120 10 m at north side Will be persons of 30 relocated households 5 Route K4 Few farmers’ About 30 persons 20 m at northeast side Will be households of 6 households relocated 6 Route K4 Few farmers’ About 20 persons 15 m at both sides Will be households of 5 households relocated 7 Route K5 8th group of About 120 20 m at east side Will be Bajiao Village persons of 30 relocated households 8 Route K7 Few farmers’ About 40 persons 15 m at north side Will be households of 8 households relocated 9 Route K8 Dormitory of About 500 30 m at west side / Bank of China persons 10 Route K9 Lianhuatang About 100 15 m at east side Will be Village persons of 20 relocated households 11 Route K15 Few farmers’ About 30 persons 15 m at south side Will be households of 6 households relocated 12 Route K16 Residential About 200 15 m at both sides Will be quarters persons of 40 relocated households 13 Route K20 Few farmers’ About 50 persons 10 m at north side Will be households of 10 households relocated

1.8.3 Pollution Control Objectives

Control and mitigate soil and water losses caused by the damage of ground cover vegetation and soils brought about in the process of project construction so as to protect the ground cover vegetation as well as local eco-environment.

Solve the socio-economic problems aroused by the project construction; Local environmental quality will not be substantially affected by the project construction.

Quickly recover or restore the vegetation that is damaged by the project construction so as to mitigate soil and water losses in the project area.

20 Strengthen the management of construction activities so as to prevent flying dust or ash pollution on air over the local area.

Ensure the attainment of emission standard for all the pollutants by adopting some mitigation measures.

1.9 Key Points of the EIA

Based on the further analysis of project implementation, pollution factors, and impact sources in construction phase, acoustic environment and flying dust will be the key points for assessment. While the improvement of local traffic, sewage discharge, urban environment, water quality improvement of Fujiang River and its impact on local economic development in operation phase will be the key points for assessment. the key points for assessment

1.10 Process and Procedure of the EIA

The basic process of the environmental assessment of the project is:

(1) Environmental reconnaissance and data collection in the prophase The main work of this period includes environmental reconnaissance, relevant data collection, investigation and evidence collection so as to complete the preparatory work for producing TORs for the EA.

(2) Compiling TORs for the EA and submitting it for review Based on the prophase work and the project characteristics, professionals or experts of different majors begin writing and producing TORs for the EA, and then submit the TORs to Sichuan Environmental Protection Bureau (here after SEPB) for review.

(3) On-site monitoring, sampling and supplementary data collection After TORs for the EA is proved by SEPB, SRIEP will entrust the local qualified monitoring station to conduct on-site monitoring and sampling in the project area. In the meantime, public participation survey, analogy survey, and expert consulting will be done. In addition, EA staff will conduct supplementary investigations on nature, society, culture, economy, ecology and landscape. The investigations comprise historic data collection, meeting with local experts and technical personals, and on-site survey as well.

(4) Producing the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and submitting it for review On the basis of previous work, EA staff of SRIEP will start the production of the Environmental Assessment Report. The compilation work will be in accordance with

21 following documents:

· Notice of Strengthening the EA Management Work of the Construction Projects Financed by Loans of International Financial Organizations, HJ [1993] No. 324 issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, and People’s Bank of China;

· Operational Directory for World Bank Financed Projects — Environmental Assessment (OD4.01) issued by W.B. in July 1992);

·Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.1~2.3-1993) and (HJ/T2.4-1995) issued by State Environmental Protection Administration;

·TORs of the EA of the project, and its written reply by related authority; ·Other relevant data.

The procedure of the EA for the proposed project is shown in Figure 1-1.

1.11 SRIEP and Staff of the EIA Core Team

1.11.1 SRIEP Profile

SRIEP* was set up in 1997, being a research and monitoring institution directly under SEPB. SRIEP has strong technical strength both in human resources and equipment. It is the provincial center of environmental monitoring technology and environmental data network. It passed the state measurement authentication, and thus is qualified to provide true data with legal validity to the public. It is authorized to test and verify some of measurement instruments for environmental monitoring by Sichuan Technical Supervision Bureau.

SRIEP has gained the State Class A Certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment, the State Class A Certificate of Environmental Engineering Consulting, the Provincial Class A Certificate of Pollution Control, and the Provincial Certificate of Civil Engineering Design. SRIEP has several departments: Environmental Engineering Research & Design Institute, Environmental Consulting & Assessment Center, Sichuan Environmental Monitoring Central Station, Sichuan Environmental Products Test Center, Environmental Information Center, Ecology Institute, etc. Totally 230 employees work in SRIEP, among which 170 are professionals (107 engineers or senior engineers ). Sichuan Environmental Monitoring Central Station is in charge of check & acceptance for “Three Simultaneity”** of large-sized enterprises as well as for standard attainment of pollution sources in the province. ______* SRIEP— Sichuan Research Institute of Environmental Protection, the formal English translation of the institute. In some documents, it is translated into Sichuan Academy of Environmental Sciences. ** “Three Simultaneity” or “Three At The Same Time” — Principle of simultaneous design, construction and operation of pollution control facilities with the major project.

22 Since 1997 SRIEP has conducted the environmental assessment work for more then 1000 construction projects at state or provincial level, covering a number of sectors of chemical engineering, metallurgy, hydrology, hydropower, pharmacy, food processing, building material, textile, papermaking, mechanical processing, civil engineering, regional development, and public service. Among those EIAs, China Qinba Mountain Poverty Alleviation Project and SUDP (phase I) are financed by the World Bank, and Chengdu Urban Water Supply Project was financed by Asian Development Bank.

SRIEP has a long-term and goodAccept cooperationthe letter of EIA task with entrustment local EPBs and local environmental monitoring stations at municipal orof taskcounty entrustment level. letter Its staff members are well experienced in EA work, and familiar with nature, society, culture, economy and environmental setting inside the province.Environmental reconnaissance & data collection

Define EA scope, standards, key points, and 1.11.2 Staff Members of the EA Coreworking Team contents

Name Major Post & Title Work Content Remarks Schemes & contents of the EAProject leader, Team leader, responsible for Mr. Din deputy chief No Engaged in EA EA compilation of Houchan engineerProduce of the SRIEP, TORs for the EA for 16 years the EA report senior engineer Submit it to SEPB for review Mr. Zhang Writing of Engaged in EA EA Engineer Guobin the EA report for 5 years Meet the requirements or not? Ms. Sun Writing of Engaged in EA EA Senior engineerYes Qianyun the EA report for 10 years

On-site survey, monitoring, and data collection Project analysis Engaged in Mr. Li Leading of the Information Senior engineer translation for Longyuan English translation 20 years Survey of Air monitoring Acoustic Surface water Ecological Public Ms.existing He physical and assessment environment monitoring and Writingsurvey and of participationEngaged in EA and social EA monitoringEngineer and assessment assessment survey Daboenvironment assessment the EA report for 5 years

Taking part in the EA Engaged in EA Ms. He Jia EA Assistant engineer Data supplement work for 2 years Ms. Zhang Environmental impact forecast Taking and part in the EA Engaged in EA EA assessment Engineer Jinbo work for 10 years Mr. Zhang Engaged in EA EA AssistantProduce the engineerEIA Report Picture drawing Lei for 3 years

Submit to it SEPB for review

No Meet the requirements or not?

Yes 23 Environmental measures design & Bases for environmental management


2.1 Project Description

2.1.1 Name of Project

Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure and Access Improvement in Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park and Economic & Technical Development Zone) Financed by the World Bank Loan*

2.1.2 Property of Project

New construction

2.1.3 Location of the Project and Its features

The proposed project is of infrastructure development in two industrial parks, West District (Pioneer Park) and South District (Economic Development Zone).

(1) West District

It is located in the upstream area of Fujiang River and Anchang River, adjacent to the Southwest Science & Technology University in the north, to the Mianyang Hi- Tech Development Zone in the south, and to China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) and the existing urban center in the east.

(2) South District

It is located in the southern area of Mianyang, about 2.5 km to the existing urban center; Huarun Beer Brewery and Nanshan Road are near the northern boundary; Nanjiao Industrial Park is in the south, Nanjiao Airport is in the west, and Mianyan Highway in the east. Its water surface is in the range from Dongfanghong Bridge to 200 m downstream of the Sanjiang Dam. The total planned area is 22.7 km2, among which 12.64 k m2 of land and 5.06 k m2 of water surface.

According to The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City, the above-mentioned two districts are identified as economic and technological development zones. West District will base enterprises and institutes engaged in electronic information technology, new materials, fine chemicals, environmental protection, bio-technology, and electronic- machinery integrity. And in South District, the main development orientation is automobile industry, new-type building materials industry, foodstuff processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, electronic information technology, fine chemical industry, tourism, ecological and environmental industry and so on.

Currently there is no centralized residential quarters and business/shopping centers.

24 Except for a small number of existing enterprises (7 in West District and 20 in South District), most part of the project area is of farmland (Details of the enterprises in the districts are described in Chapter III of this report)

Drawings in Annex show the project area and city proper of Mianyang.

2.1.4 Total Cost Estimate of the Project

According to the Project Proposal which was approved by Sichuan Development & Reform Commission, the total cost or investment is RMB 1016.70 million, among which USD 50 million from the WB loan (equivalent to RMB 415 million), and RMB 601.7 million of domestic supporting fund. Then the design institute submitted the Feasibility Study Report of the project to the World Bank in May 2005. The Report is estimated that the RMB 1354.6512 million (among which the W. B. loan is RMB 414 million). The allocation of the funds is RMB 686.027 of engineering cost, RMB 568.6994 million of other expenses, RMB 743.5566 million of reserved fund, RMB 235.681 million of loan interest, and RMB 2 million of basic circulating fund.

2.1.5 Time Schedule

The proposed project has two periods: design period and construction period. In the design period, construction drawing will be finished before October 2005. The construction bidding will be conducted at the beginning of November 2005, and the construction will begin in January 2006 and end in December 2008, totally 4 years.

2.1.6 Project Components and Contents of Construction Project components and major environmental issues

The project components and its potential environmental issues or problems are listed in Table 2-1 on the basis of construction contents and the requirements specified by Technical Guidelines of EA.

—————————————————— * Hereafter using Pioneer Park, and Economic Development Zone instead of Scientific & Educational Pioneer Park, and Economic Development Zone.

Table 2-1 Project Components and Major Environmental Issues Classification Component Major environmental issues Main project 1. West District (Pioneer Park) Construction phase:

25 land occupation, soil erosion or soil erosion, vegetation damage, resettlement, wastewater, waste gas, noise, construction wastes, spoil 22 roads will be paved with a total disposal. length of 21.23 km, and width of 9~50m. Stormwater drains and trunk sewers will be Operation phase: laid together with the road construction, Wastewater will be transported to totally 91.79 km. WwTP through sewers, and thus minimize pollution load on Fujiang 2. South District (Economic Development River and Anchang River, and Zone) reduce the wastewater treatment 17 roads will be paved with a total cost, and operation cost of length of 24.53 km, and width of 14~80m. enterprises which will locate into the Stormwater drains and trunk sewers will be Parks, be beneficial to attracting laid together with the road construction, investment. Traffic capacity will totally 74.56 km. dramatically raise due to road rehabilitation, and thus promote the development of economy in the area.

Construction phase: land occupation, soil erosion or 1. West District soil erosion, vegetation damage, One interchange, a flyover and road resettlement, wastewater, waste gas, lighting and traffic management system noise, construction wastes, spoil will be constructed. disposal. Auxiliary project 2. South District Operation phase: One separate-type interchange, 4 bridges, Traffic capacity will dramatically 2×2 ha of green spaces, and Fuwong flood raise due to road rehabilitation. The control embankment with a total length of probability of traffic accident will 4600 m will be constructed. decrease due to perfect traffic management system.

Power supply: provided by municipal Public electricity network. utilities Water supply: provided by Mianyang Water Treatment Works 1. West District 1712 people will be relocated. 108126.50 After relocation, safety of potable m2 of rural houses will be demolished. water and treatment or disposal of 1672.48 mu or 111.50 ha of land will be sewage and refuse in the residential occupied. quarters Resettlement 2. South District The impact of pollution sources at 8461 people will be relocated. 697813 m2 original locations of houses will be demolished. 6526.13 mu or 435.08 ha of land will be occupied. Contents of construction

(1) West District (Pioneer Park)

26 The project components of West District (Pioneer Park) include: (1) road construction in Paifanggou Zone and Dabaoliang Zone (including drainage, lighting and traffic management system), and (2) stormwater and sewage drainage system of Yingbin Avenue.

Paifanggou Zone and Dabaoliang Zone are located in the north and southwest areas of the Park, respectively. It is planned to construct 21.23 km of roads, one interchange, a flyover, 91.79 km of sewers and stormwater drains, and greening. The project components are given in Table 2-2 below.

Table 2-2 Construction Contents in Pioneer Park (West District) Contents No. Length (km) Width (m) Bridge K1 1.23 40 0 K2 0.7 12 0 K3 0.7 50 0 K4 1.11 16 0 K5 0.37 20 0 K6 0.31 16 0 K7 1.93 40 0 K8 1.6 25 0 K9 0.29 42 0 K10 1.73 16 0 K11 1.05 20 0 Road and K12 1.42 20 0 drainage K13 1.3 20 0 K14 1.93 18 0 K15 1.85 20 0 K16 1.34 20 0 K17 0.71 20 0 K18 0.47 12 0 K19 0.5 15 0 K20 0.15 16 0 K21 0.44 9 0 K22 1.10 50 Interchange or flyover Total 22 21.23 Sewer and stormwater 10.2 km of pipeline drains of Yingbin Avenue Drainage works Generally, the pipes have same length of road. One stormwater drain and one sewer, with a length of 91.79 km. Auxiliary works Road lights, traffic facilities, greening, retaining walls.

(2) South District (Economic Development Zone)

The project components of South District (Economic Development Zone) include: (1) road construction in Zone A and Zone C (including drainage, lighting and traffic

27 management system), and (2) landscape and greening for two public open spaces. It is planned to construct 24.53 km of roads, one separate-type interchange or flyover, four bridges, 74.56 km of sewers, stormwater drains and cannels, 4600 km of river bank wall, and greening in two open spaces (Square I and Square II). The project components are given in Table 2-3 below.

Table 2-3 Construction Contents in Economic Development Zone (South District) Contents No. Length (km) Width (m) Bridge S1 0.69 25 0 S2 0.99 14 0 S3 1.52 30 1 S4 / / / S5 / / / S6 1.52 30 1 S7 1.01 30 0 S8 2.02 80 1 Road and S9 2.40 25 1 drainage S10 4.64 45 0 S11 1.18 14 0 S12 1.19 30 0 S13 0.67 14 0 S14 1.77 30 0 S15 0.88 30 0 S16 1.88 30 0 S17 2.17 30 0 Total 17 24.53 Drainage works Generally, the pipes have same length of road. One stormwater drain and one sewer, among which the drain and the ditch have a total length of 74.56 km. Fuwongyan River flood control embankment is 4600 m in length. Auxiliary works Road lights, traffic facilities, non-obstruct facilities, greening, retaining walls, landscaping (Square I and Square II, with an area of 22 ha). Drainage system

Drainage System

Separate system is adopted in the project area, that is, stormwater and sewage will be collected by two kinds of drainage pipes separately. Stormwater will flow to the river nearby through stormwater drains. Sewage or wastewater will flow to the proposed WwTP of the city through sewers, and then to the river after treatment.

Before the completion of WwTP, establishments (enterprises, institutes, etc.) must treat their effluents to comply with the relevant standard by themselves, and then discharge to sewers.

After the operation of WwTP, sewage (domestic wastewater) to sewers should meet the requirements specified by Class C of discharge standard, and then to WwTP. Industrial effluents to sewer system should meet the requirements specified by relevant discharge standard which is selected by the EA according to specific conditions.

28 Scheme of Drainage Pipe Network

Based on the catchment division of the project area, drainage pipes will have a dendritic network in each catchment area, and be laid along the roads with lower elevation. a. Pioneer Park

Stormwater drains will be laid or constructed within a land area of 7 km2. As the Pioneer Park has a landform of higher at two sides and lower in the middle, so all the stormwater will finally flow to the natural drainage system. Therefore, drains will be laid along the slopes according to the change of elevation, complying with the drainage principal that stormwater discharges to the existing drains or water body nearby.

In the project area, some 44 km of stormwater drains with diameter of 400 ~ 1000 mm will be laid in total. Their buried depth at the starting point is some 2.0 m.

Topographically, it is a hilly landform, being higher in the west and lower in the east, while higher at two sides and lower in the middle. A stream passes through the Pioneer Park from west to east. The WwTP will be located in the east out of the Park. Sewage generated in the area within the range of design can flows down to sewers without pumping. A trunk sewer or sewer main at the low-lying land in the central area can receive all the sewage, and then it can flows to the WwTP in the east area of the city. Stormwater flows to the natural stream, which is in the central area of the Park, from several points. Then it flows to the east.

Sewers will be laid or constructed within a land area of 7 km2. As the Pioneer Park has a landform of higher at two sides and lower in the middle, it is divided into two zones:

·Northern zone: It situates north of Road K1 , east of Road K26, and south of Road K21. ·Southern zone: It situates south of Road K1, east of Road K26, and north of Yingbin Avenue.

A trunk sewer or sewer main will be laid along the Road K1 and Road K2, collecting all the sewage generated in the Park area. The trunk sewer has a hydraulic load of 25 000 m3/d. b. Economic Development Zone

Economic Development Zone is located in the western bank of Fujiang River. It has a landform of higher in the east and lower in the west. Roads in the Zone has a little of rise and fall. Along the flowing direction of Fujiang River, the landform takes a trend of higher in the north and lower in the south. Flood control embankments/dikes along the rive have been constructed, being higher than the natural ground surface by 10 m at their ends. Such situation makes the area take risks of internal water logging. According to the drainage planning, the area is divided into 4 catchments or watersheds. In two of them, stormwater will be discharged to Fujiang River by pumping, while in other two

29 stormwater will discharge into the natural water body at its southern side of the area.

According to the planning, two WwTPs (Taziba WwTP and Tangxun WwTP) will be constructed in the area. Sewage collection is also divided into two zones based on the location of WwTPs. Each of the WwTPs receives sewage from its corresponding zone.

The WwTP at the north side of the Zone will receive the sewage not only from the Zone but also from the city proper on the opposite bank of the river. So a trunk sewer will be laid along Binjiang Road. Sewage in the trunk sewer will flow to the WwTP for treating.

The WwTP at the south side of the Zone will receive the sewage mainly from the Zone. While some sewage of small quantity from the west side of the Zone will flow to the WwTP through the sewer of the Zone.

Diameter of the trunk sewer is in the range of 300 ~ 1800 mm. Their buried depth is some 3 m, or 5 ~ 6 m in some places at which the sewer goes against the slope.

2.2 Project Construction

2.2.1 Time Schedule

The bidding for the project construction will be conducted in early November 2005. The construction period will be from January 2006 to December 2008, lasting for 4 years

2.2.2 Raw materials

A large quantity of raw materials will be consumed, including cement, steel, sand and pebble, water, wood, oils, etc. In the meantime, greening needs large sum of trees and grasses.

2.2.3 Main construction machinery

According to analogical analysis, the project construction needs 10 types of mechanical machines and transportation vehicles. They are loader, land leveler, road roller, bulldozer, concrete mixer, hydraulic excavator, handling machine, electric generator set, transportation vehicles, and other auxiliary equipment.

2.2.4 Excavation and backfilling

According to the statistics, quantities of excavation and backfilling are given in Table 2- 4. Table 2-4 Excavation and Backfilling Forecast of the Project Park West District (Pioneer South District(Economic Total Type Park) Development Zone) Excavation (m3) 3 780 188.5 559 121 4 339 308.5 Backfilling (m3) 2 939 438.5 54 012 2 993 450.5

30 Spoils (m3) 840 750.0 505 109 1 345 859

It is known from Table 2-4 that 1 345 859 m3 of spoils will be disposed in the process of project construction. Therefore spoil transfer stations should be set.

2.2.5 Organization of construction activities

Generally, for road construction, concrete mixing stations and repair & maintenance stations (or two in one) should be established, and such stations also provide board & lodging for the constructors. The road construction will be conducted in the way of section by section. 6 and 5 sections for bidding are divided in Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone respectively.

During the construction phase, there are two kinds of traffic or transportation roads. One is internal road in the construction site that mainly undertakes the transportation of materials and construction machinery, calling construction makeshift roads, and the other is external road that mainly undertakes the transportation of materials and passengers, calling traffic channel.

In West District, the public facilities have mostly completed. Yingbin Avenue, which passes through the district from west to east, has been constructed, laying a foundation of traffic or transportation for the development in Pioneer Park and Dabaoliang Zone. In the north section of Pioneer Park, there is a concrete road in width of 6m. While in Dabaoliang Zone there is a road paved with crushed stones and clay, which can be used for construction activities.

Different from Pioneer Zone, the primary development has been formed in Economic Development Zone. Part of access roads had been constructed, particularly Mianzhou Avenue and Airport Road have been paved which pass through the are from north to south. The proposed project components are inside the area. Although farmlands spread over the area, the local traffic is convenient, being beneficial for the construction activities.

As concrete construction scheme has not been defined at present, we propose the basic principle for organization of construction activities in consideration of rational construction and material distribution, effective control of construction work and costs in accordance with the project contents.

(1) Location of the construction encampment

The project site is adjacent to Mianyang City. In order to prevent large-scaled pollution to the environment, reduce engineering influence from construction activities, commercial concrete (purchased from specialized factories that produce concrete and sell it to construction contractors or builders) shall be used as much as possible during the construction process as it is learnt from experience of examples in roads, drains and sewer construction. In general, no large-scaled construction encampment should be established and constructors/labors for this project will be recruited from towns/villages nearby and no centralized living quarters will be set up at the construction site.

31 (2)Piling of building material

According to the experience of examples in roads, drains and sewer construction in cities, only small amount of material should be stored on the project site, mainly steel, cement pipes, sand and cement, and they are mainly stored near the construction site.

(3) Other conditions for construction

Facilities for temporary supply of water and power shall be installed locally. Since no complicated geographic features are found near the project site, construction will not be restrained by geographic features.

2.3 Project Analysis

2.3.1 Comprehensive Environmental Impact Analysis of the Project

Based on the characteristics of construction and operation, the environmental impacts of the project can be divided into two phases: construction phase and operation phase. The major environmental impacts are: land occupation, demolition and relocation, traffic block, impact of earth works and spoils on water environment, soil & water conservation, and fauna & floral.

In construction phase, mechanical noise, production wastewater, flying dust, waste gas and solid wastes generated by the construction activities have adverse effects on the residents living along the construction sites.

In operation phase, traffic noise and motor vehicle exhaust will have adverse effects on local residents. But the improvement of traffic and higher sewage intercepting ratio will have positive effects on community and economy. The analysis of environmental impact is given in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Environmental Impact of the Project Project component and Phase Potential environmental impact activities Land acquisition, ① Change of land use; Activities of demolition house demolition & ② and relocation Socio-economical impact caused by relocation, and Arrangement of auxiliary resettlement of residents; preparation for or supporting works ③ Construction wastes, flying ash or dust, construction noise, wastewater, etc. Construction Phase Construction of road, ① Impact of traffic block on local residents; pipe, bridge, culvert, etc., ② Potential soil erosion; and other activities at ③ Flying dust or ash, noise, solid waste, material preparation exhaust generated from construction of sites, activities for road, in material preparation sites and spoil auxiliary facilities pilings sites; installation, and activities

32 ④ Construction wastewater, and mud- containing wastewater generated by road construction and pipe laying, and domestic at spoil transfer stations wastewater and refuse generated in encampments by constructors; ⑤ Ecological impact of spoil transfer stations and the impact of flying dust; ⑥ Recovery of construction trace sites; ① Traffic noise and motor vehicle exhaust; ② Positive impact of sewage interception on sewage collection ratio in the planned area of the city; ③ Positive impact of traffic improvement in Constructed road the project area; Operation Phase network, and pipes ④ Positive impact on civil engineering development in the local area; ⑤ Positive impact on the improvement of local surface water environment; ⑥ Positive impact on the development of socio-economy;

The conclusion of analysis is that the major environmental impacts of the proposed project are as follows.

In construction phase: Negative impacts of land occupation, resettlement, soil erosion, flying dust, noise on the environment as well as on traffic and transportation. Spoil transfer stations may have adverse effect on soil erosion as well as landscape.

In operation phase: Positive impacts of completed project on traffic and transportation, civil engineering construction, and socio-economy.

2.3.2 Impact of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

(1) Impact of land acquisition

Totally 8198.61 mu (or 546.57 ha) of land will be acquired, among which 7567.33 mu (or 504.49 ha) of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha) of woodland, 242.18 mu (or 16.15 ha) of orchard, and 70.93 mu (or 4.73 ha) of other lands.

Once the initiation of the project, the property of land use those lands will change. In the meantime, with the gradual completion of road network and other infrastructure, lands inside the project area and along the newly constructed roads will change their property of land use, becoming lands for commercial use or industrial one. The existing eco-environment of agriculture will change into urban eco-environment. In general, the implementation of the project will decrease the farmland, and increase the land for traffic, industry and commerce. Thus the agricultural production value will decrease, bringing negative impact to farmers who lose their original lands.


(2) Impact of resettlement

Resettlement for the project implementation will involve the relocation of 10 173 persons of 5361 households. Paying respect to the requirement of relocated people as well as based on the practical conditions, people who will be relocated due to the project construction will relocate to elsewhere in the same town or township. urbanization.

(3) Impact on municipal facilities, houses and traffic

The impact of project construction on municipal facilities, houses and traffic will mainly occur in the process of road construction (totally 45.76 km, 21.23 km in West District and 24.53 km in South District) and underground pipeline construction. In the construction process, houses along the route will be demolished, and local traffic will also be affected as well. It is not clear that the municipal facilities well be damaged or not at present. But it is estimated that some of them will be affected.

2.3.3 Analysis of Sources of Environmental Impact in Construction Phase

Environmental factors that may cause environmental impact or pollution are listed in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6 Sources of Environmental Impact in Construction Phase Major pollutant and Property its Main affected Source and its intensity of Countermeasures discharge/emission area impact concentration SS 5000 mg/L, pH Construction Concrete mixer 12 area SS 500~1000 Wastewater from mg/L, Construction Most of it can be repair & petroleum & its area recycled, and maintenance derivatives 10~ some of it 30m g/l discharges Short (complying with Sand – gravel SS 25000 mg/L, Construction term Water screening system pH 7.9~8.1 area the relevant pollution Raw material Construction standard) after ~ source storage site SS 500 1000 mg/L area sedimentation Water discharge and filtration SS 500~1500 for descending Construction mg/L, groundwater area table pH 7.9~8.1 Domestic BOD5 about 200 wastewater in mg/L, Encampment Short Septic tank construction CODCr about 400 area term phase mg/L

34 CO about 2.72 kg/km, Hydrocarbons + Construction Oil-burned Nitrogen oxides area and routes Water machines about by the sprinkling, 0.97~1.36g/km, highway Air proper Particulates about pollution arrangement of 0.14~0.20g/km source construction Construction Construction Flying dust or ash Short time area area term and Construction fugitive Traffic control Transportation TSP about 150 area and routes emission measures vehicles mg/m3 by the highway Sound isolation Construction Sound level>90 Construction facility for loud machines dB(A) area noisy site Noise pollution Construction source Transportation Sound level>60 area and routes vehicles dB(A) by the highway Organic pollutants, Encampment Short Domestic refuse Solid and E. Coli area term Piling in few Wastes Construction Construction Long sites Spoils, debris wastes area tern Soil erosion, Pilling site Measures of damage of water & soil vegetation, flying Long conservation Solid wastes ash or dust term and pilling site irreversi Recovery the ble vegetation Ecological pollution water sprinkling source Excavation, Construction Long Compensation permanent land Soil erosion, flying site term and and recovery in occupation dust or ash irreversi the end ble Temporary land Damage of Construction Compensation Short occupation vegetation site and recovery term Vaccination, Infectious and strengthen People’s Constructors epidemic diseases Encampment Short sanitation Health area term supervision and management Construct Impact on local makeshift road Social Traffic Construction Short residents and traffic Impact area term Strengthen local traffic control

35 Wastewaters in Construction Phase

In construction phase, construction/production wastewater from construction activities, domestic/living wastewater from encampments of contractors, and wastewater from the process of descending groundwater level are the main wastewaters. a. Domestic Wastewater from Encampments

Supposing 500 constructors for the project construction, the total quantity of living wastewater will be 25m3/day if a person discharges wastewater of 0.05 m3/person·day. Major pollutants in the wastewater are COD, SS, NH3-N. Generation and discharge of domestic wastewater in construction phase are shown in Table 7. As the encampments scatter in the construction sites, it is impossible to treat all the living wastewater in one place. Considering it is of small amount, septic tanks will be used to treat primarily, and then used for farmland irrigation. Direct discharge to any surface water body is strictly prohibited.

The generation and discharge of living wastewater in construction phase are given in Table 2-7.

Table 2-7 Generation and Discharge of Living Wastewater in Construction Phase Type Quantity Major pollutants Treatment/disposal Discharge measures

CODcr 400 mg/L Primarily treated by Living NH -N 50 mg/L septic tanks, and then 25m3/d 3 No wastewater SS: 200 mg/L used as fertilizer for crops or trees b. Construction / Production Wastewater from Construction Sites

Construction/Production wastewater or production wastewater is generated from the construction process of concrete mixing, equipment washing, site cleaning, and repair & maintenance. Such wastewater contains suspended solids or SS as its major pollutant. The concentration of SS is in the rang of 500~25000 mg/L, being weak alkalinity of pH. It also contains some oils.

c. Drainage for Descending the Groundwater Table

Excavation for laying pipes will probably produce groundwater which contains SS with a concentration of 500 ~ 1500 mg/L. No other major pollutant in it. Such wastewater can be discharged nearby after sedimentation treatment.

36 (2) Waste Gas in Construction Phase a. Flying Dust

In the process of road and pipeline construction, excavation will cause air pollution locally, and affect the crops near the construction sites at certain degree. In addition, the temporary transfer stations (or piling site/area) of spoils and debris will cause local flying dust pollution when strong wind blows or vehicle passes by.

The main sources of the project are:

·Activities of erection or installation of facilities of water, electricity and gas supply as well as ground leveling; ·construction of foundation, excavation of earth work, and transportation of spoils or construction wastes; ·Transportation, handling and storage of building materials (commercial concrete, steel, and some sand, stone, cement, etc.) ·On-site mixing of concrete.

Flying ash generated by the previous processes has characteristics of larger quantity, more points and larger range, being one of the major factors of affecting the environment in construction phase.

b. Exhaust of Construction Machinery and Transportation Vehicles

During construction phase, large number of construction machines and transportation vehicles which burn diesel oil or gasoline will be used and thus emit exhaust in construction sites and along roads. The exhaust or tail gas contain SO2, NOx, CO and some chemical compounds of Pb. The exhaust of vehicles will adversely affect the air quality locally.

(3) Noise in construction phase

In construction phase, all kinds of machines and vehicles will generate noise. Generally, the noise level is in the range of 80 ~ 110 dB(A). The noise levels of different equipment in construction phase are given in Table 2-8.

Table 2-8 Noise Level of Construction Machines Intensity of source No Source Feature [dB(A)] 1 Excavator Intermittent 78~96 2 Impacter Intermittent 95 3 Windlass Intermittent 90~105 4 Compressor Intermittent 75~88 5 Concrete convey pump Continuous 90~100 6 Vibrating tamper Intermittent 100~105 7 Electric saw Intermittent 100~105 8 Welding machine Continuous 90~95

37 9 Electric driller Continuous 100~105 10 Electric hammer Intermittent 100~105 11 Manual saw Intermittent 100~105 12 Toothless saw Intermittent 105 13 Multi-function wood planer Intermittent 90~100 14 Concrete mixer Continuous 100~110 15 Wheeled loader Intermittent, unstable 90 16 Blade grader Continuous, stable 90 17 Vibrating roller Continuous, stable 86 Double wheeled & double vibrating 18 Continuous, stable 81 roller 19 Wheeled roller Continuous, stable 76 20 Wheeled hydraulic excavator Intermittent, unstable 84 21 Spreader Continuous, stable 87 22 Electric generator set Continuous, stable 98

(4) Solid wastes in construction phase

Spoils and debris, construction wastes, and domestic refuse or garbage will generated during construction phase. Detailed contents are as follows.

(a) Spoils and Debris

Based on the primary statistics of excavation and backfilling in West District and South District, 840 750 m3 and 505 109 m3 of spoils will be generated in West District and South District, respectively. So totally 1 345 859 m3 of spoils will be generated, see Table 2-4.

(b) Construction Wastes

Large quantity of construction wastes will be generated due to house demolishment. Most of the wastes are waste bricks, waste steel and waste mud bricks. Waste bricks and steel can be recycled, mud bricks can be piled in waste piling stations for building material designated by local environment protection and health administrations.

(c) Domestic Refuse

Domestic Refuse or garbage will be generated by constructors at encampments with a capacity of 200 kg/ day by forecast. Garbage collection sites should be set. Garbage will be transported to municipal landfill site or sent to the domestic refuse treatment plant of the city with the help of local environment protection and health administrations for treating with other environmentally-friendly disposal facilities.

2.3.4 Operation Phase Characteristics of the source of environmental impact in operation phase

38 The major negative environmental impact of roads or streets in the operation phase are noise and exhaust of motor vehicles. But better traffic after the project implementation will speed up the urbanization, improve the investment environment, and increase the value of land.

Sources of environmental impact in operation phase are shown in Table 2-9

Table 2-9 Sources of Environmental Impact in Operation Phase Environmental No Component Source or cause of impact attributives Noise, exhaust Acoustic environment, 1 Vehicle air environment Land use, separation of residents at both sides Socio-environment, eco- 2 Route environment Improving the traffic, promoting the Traffic & 3 development of economy, improving the Socio-environment transportation infrastructure, and rising the living quality Source of Environmental impact in operation phase

(1) Impact on Acoustic Environment

Automobiles generate three kinds of noise: engine noise, wheel air pumping noise and impact noise between wheel and road. The wheel air pumping noise becomes the main one when the speed is more than 50 km/h. The noise level of automobile running has relation to its speed and the type of automobile. Generally, we divide them into three categories or types, see Table 2-10.

Table 2-10 Three Types of Automobiles Type Total mass Small sized (S) Less than 3.5t Median sized (M) More than 3.5t ~ 12t Large sized (L) More than 12t According to design data and analogical survey, the flow ratio of three sizes of automobiles is 10 : 3.5 : 2.5.

Based on the forecast of traffic/vehicle flow in operation phase, three types of automobile have average radiation sound level (dB) as follows, see Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 Average Radiation Sound Level of Automobiles Type Average Speed(km/h) Radiation Sound Level(dB) Small sized(S) 60 73.2 Median 50 79.2 sized(M) Large sized(L) 40 84.6

In accordance with the requirements of road design, the roads will be paved with pitch concrete so that they will look nice, absorb and reduce noise and require short period of construction. In general, traffic noise will come from engine and horn. The

39 improvement of road and urban traffic network will decrease traffic delay and traffic jam, and thus alleviate noise pollution, being beneficial to urban environmental protection.

(2) Impact on Air Environment

Automobile exhaust is the main factor affecting the ambient air environment, the major pollutants of exhaust are CO, CH, NOx and chemical compounds of Pb.

(3) Traffic Vibration

Traffic vibration is another public nuisances. It is related to the quality of road surface and the acceleration of vehicles. It increases with the increasing of traffic flow. Therefore traffic vibration will have certain negative effect on residents living on both sides of road or street when trunk roads or arteries of the city are completed.

2.4. Conformity Analysis of Project and Local Development Plan

At present, the total population the urban center of Mianyang is 560 000, and the existing constructed area is 50 km2. According to the overall urban planning and the development requirements of sci-tech city, the population will get to 800 000 in 2010, and 1 million in 2020. The existing scale and infrastructure of urban area can’t meet the demands of urban construction, development and attracting immigrants and industrial enterprises. Therefore, the construction of West District and West District conforms with the development of Mianyang as a Sci-tech City.

Because the urban structure of Mianyang is of some separate divisions, so the traffic or transportation among those divisions is a key point of development. So for the sake of developing South District, it should have a good link between the District and urban center as well as other divisions, and between the District (as the south gate of Mianyang) and two highways, Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway. Besides, a good link between the airport and all the divisions is also important. Completing those linkage will speed up the formation of an access framework in the South District. As South District is the sub-center of Mianyang and the industrial base, so it needs good conditions of infrastructure to attract investments. Therefore the proposed project of infrastructure construction in the District is an important project concerning the construction of the entire sci-tech city as well as completing the overall planning layout of Mianyang.

West District, as the future center of governmental administration and high-tech industry, is one of important areas of 80 km2 which is planned by The Outline of Mianyang Sci-tech City Development. It is necessary for the construction and development of sci-tech city to construct West District. The construction of West District. It is one of an important parts of the overall planning of sci-tech city of Mianyang, and the extension of infrastructure construction of the city. The completion of the project will improve the conditions of investment environment, ecological environment, and infrastructure. And with the improvement of those conditions, and the improvement of traffic and transportation in the area and its vicinities, it provides good

40 conditions for raising the value of land use and expanding the spatial capacity of the city. Therefore, the construction and development of West District is crucial for the construction of Mianyang Sci-tech City.

So we see that the proposed project conforms with the requirements of The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City.

In addition, the project implementation will play an important role in completing the road network of the city, and it will further improve the public facilities, enhance their service capacity, expand its size or scope, and speed up the implementation of the overall planning of Sci-tech City.

After the completion of the project, Mianyang will have a wider window for attracting more investments, a better image of the city, and a better exchange and cooperation with outside world. More and more funds, talents and advanced technologies will be attracted, and more and more energies will be injected to the city. The city of Mianyang will have a foreign-oriented economic pattern, and have a rapid development of society and economy then.


Physical Environment

The City of Mianyang is located in the upper stream and middle stream of Fujiang River catchment area in the northwest of Sichuan Basin. Geographically, It is located between the northern latitude 3042~3303and the east longitudes 10345~10543 . Its neighboring regions are: Nanchong City in the east, Suining City in the south, Deyang City in the southwest, Aba Tibetan- Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in the west, Ganshu Province in the north, and Guangyuan City in the northeast. Baocheng Railway and State Highway No. 108 pass through the city from south to north, and a number of provincial highways connect the vicinities.

Mianyang has abundant natural resources, 52 sorts of mine have been explored, being distributed in its northwest mountains centrally. In its hilly lands and planes, reserve natural gas, petroleum and bittern. Over the ground, widely spread sand, stone, and clay. The tributaries of Fujiang River, Pingjiang River, Tongkou River and Anchang River, are rich in sandy gold resources.

Geologically, the area situates at Mianyang fan-shaped tecotonic belt of North Sichuan depression, being adjacent to Longmen fold-fault belt in the northwest. In its southeast, exist groups of crescent gentle folds, taking a shape of half ring. Most of the folds converge near the city proper. The strata become gentle or flat. No fault structure is found in the area.

The Pioneer Park is located in the northwest, upstream of Fujiang River and Anchang River. Mostly cover hilly lands with a large ups and downs. The elevation is in the range of 530 ~ 575 m, a.s.l., and the relative height difference is up to 40 m. The relief or topography is higher in west and lower in east. And most part of the area is higher than the existing urban area by nearly 60 m. Dense vegetation covers the area both inside the area and its surroundings.

Economic Development Zone is located in the margin of Sichuan Basin. Most part of the area is alluvial plain of Fujiang River Catchment, comprising of modern river bed, flood plain, or terrace of first stage. It has a flat landform. The area where the proposed roads will be constructed is of the first-stage terrace. Special geological issues, such as landslide, collapse, or scour of river water do not exist.

The area belongs to subtropical climate with features of mild and humid, clear division of 4 seasons, long winter but without sever cold, long period of fog-free, warm summer but without sever hot, dry in spring and cool in autumn. It has plenty of rainfall, but the distribution is uneven. The rainfall mostly concentrates in summer and early autumn, showing the same period of rain and hot. Therefore few rains are in winter and spring, and dry in early summer. In summer, flood occurs in its west part, while draught or flood are in its east. N autumn, rain goes on and on. The annual average precipitation is 1800 mm. The annual average temperature is in the range of 14.7 ~ 16.3℃. The predominate wind direction: NE with a maximum wind speed is of Grade 4 ~ 5. And the annual

42 average relative humidity is 78%.

Fujiang River, Anchang River and Furong Creek are the main streams passing through the city. Fujiang River is the longest tributary of Jialing River at the right bank. It originates from Xuebaoding, Sansheyi, Songpan County at the east slope of Fushan Mountain. It has a total length of 670 km, and a catchment area of 36 400 km2. The river segment in Mianyang is of the middle stream, having a flow rate of 260 m3/s averagely. Anchang River is one of the main tributaries of Fujiang River at its right bank. Its main channel, Chaping River originates the south slope of Zhongji, Longmeng Mountain, north of Beichuan County. The river passes through Mianyang from west to east, and merges into Fujiang River at Nantazhui. It has a total length of 98 km, a catchment area of 1168 km2, and annual average flow rate of 37 m3/s. The maximum flow rate is 1370 m3/s recorded in July 1983, and the minimum flow rate is almost zero.

3.2 Socioeconomic Environment

3.2.1 Introduction

By the end of 2003, Mianyang has a total population of 5 275 200. It has a jurisdiction of 135 townships, 5 districts and 6 counties, among which the city proper (existing urban center, consisting of Fucheng District and Youxian District) has a total population of 1.1 million.

Mianyang is an important base of electronic industry and defense research of China, and one of the key regional economic centers of Sichuan Province. The city is titled as Historical & Cultural City at provincial level, being the center of politics, economy and culture of the area.

In the year of 2003, the city generated GDP of RMB 39.66 billion. Among the GDP, the total agricultural output value was RMB 8.11 billion, and the total industrial output value was RMB 15.665 billion. On January 19, 2001, Mianyang was listed as a state sci-tech city, which will have a rapid development to become “Silicon Valley” in West China.

3.2.2 Agriculture

By the end of 2003, Mianyang has cultivated or arable lands of 293 292 ha. The total output value of farming, forestry, husbandry and fishery was RMB 12.606 billion. The total grain output was 1 974 000 tons, the total edible oil output was 191 800 tons, the total meat output was 485 600 tons, the pigs in pen by the end of the year was 4 827 600 heads, and the total chemical fertilizer application was 169 732 tons (reduced quantity in pure).

43 3.2.3 Infrastructures

Road traffic and transportation of Mianyang have a rapid development. Now it has 173 km of Class A highways, 158 km of Class B highways, and 1924 km of Class C or D highways. The length of highways is up to 5215 km in total. A completed highway network, connecting neighboring provinces, cities, prefectures, counties and towns, has been basically formed.

3.2.4 Historic & Cultural Sites and Tourist Resources

Mianyang has plenty of historic & cultural sites as well as tourist resources. It is the start point of national scenery tourist route of Jianmenshudao, and the middle way to the national park of Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong. There are 227 of historic or cultural sites in the city area, among which 24 ancient architectures or historic sites, 172 preservation sites of key relics (2 of them are at state level, 7 at provincial level, and 163 at municipal or county level). It has 56 places of natural scenery, among which 2 are nature reserves and 1 national forest.

According to survey on the project site, historic & cultural sites as well as tourist resources mentioned in above paragraph will not be included in the EIA of this project as the closest one is 5km away from the direct-affected area of the proposed project. If historic & cultural relics are found during construction in underground places, construction will be suspended and such findings will be reported to related administrations of historic & cultural relics protection and wait for their suggestions for further action based on the Historic & Cultural Relics protection Law of the P. R. China.

3.3 Ecological Environment

3.3.1 Soils

Mianyang is characteristic of subtropical evergreen broadleaf trees areas. The land here is mainly aquod paddy fields of gray soil and newly piled gray soil, etc. The soil changes regularly, and enjoys abundant minerals, so it is fertile and nutritious to crops.

3.3.2 Vegetation

Because of long-term agricultural exploration, primary plants here have disappeared. Instead vast patches of crops and small stretches of woods as well as sparse bushes and grassland have been planted.

On the artificial woodlands of the area grow mainly cypress (Cupressus funebris), Masson’s pine (Pinus massoniana), Chinese fir (Cunninghamia laceolata) and bamboos, etc. as well as cash trees including Tungoiltree (Vernicia fordii), mulberry trees, oranges, etc. The forest coverage here is about 4.6%.

44 3.3.3 Land Use

In term of land use, the existing constructed areas are of residences, factories, roads and water body of Fujiang River. The rest of lands are of cultivated land and orchards mostly, and few lands are of waste land and woodland.

3.4 Local Living Quality

The GDP of the city in 2000 and 2001 are up to RMB 31.7 billion and RMB 32.9 billion respectively, with an annual growth rate of 9.8% during the “Ninth Five-year Plan”. The GDP per capita of the city increased from RMB 3962 in 1995 to RMB 6150 in 2000. Living standard of the people has been greatly improved, and social undertakings have developed in all aspects. Since the “Ninth Five-year Plan” put into practice, the income of rural and urban residents per capita increases steadily. The free- budget income of urban and town residents increases annually at a rate of 10.7%, while that of rural residents increases annually at a rate of 12.7%.

In 2003, the free-budget income of urban residents per capita is RMB 7179, increased by 1.9%; that of rural residents is RMB 2551, increased by 6.3%. Marked effects have been achieved in social welfare system, with RMB 618 million of pension being granted in the year. RMB 37.673 million of basic living expenses of laid-off workers was raised, and then granted to those workers on time. Moreover, 29 000 people were newly employed in cities and towns, and 19 000 laid-off workers were re-employed in the year. The registered unemployment rate in city was controlled under 3.9%. In addition, 257 000 people purchased endowment insurance. 185 000 people have purchased unemployment insurance, and 323 000 people have purchased medical insurance.

3.5 Local Conditions of Project Area

3.5.1 Mianyang Sci-Tech City

According to Written Reply to the Related Problems of Constructing Mianyang Sci- Tech City, GH [2001] No. 76 by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Mianyang Sci-Tech City is summarized as follows: Range and present conditions

Mianyang Sci-Tech City is located in the north of Chengdu Plain, Sichuan Province, about 110 km from Chengdu. Taking the existing urban center (city proper) of Mianyang as the center, the city will cover an area of 80 km2.

45 At present, the constructed area is some 50 km2 , with a population of 560 000. The city has relatively perfect infrastructures. The percentage of greenery coverage is 32.48%. The living floor area per person is 13.68 m2. In the area locate 18 establishments of national defense, such as China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), China Aerodynamic Research & Development Center (CARDC) and so on, 6 universities or colleges, such as Southwest Science & Technology University (SSTU), and 50 large- or median-sized key enterprises. Functional orientation

Function of Innovation It will become one of the important innovation bases of science and technology in West China, and an experimental or demonstrative area of comprehensive reform. The innovation involves concept innovation, system innovation and sci-tech innovation.

(2) Function of Convergence Depending on establishing the environments of socialist market economy system, good policy, and good society or communities, it will attract more and more investors and intelligent talents so as to make the city a converging area of capital, technology, human resource, information and knowledge.

(3) Function of Incubation It is a cradle of entrepreneurs and creators. It will become a new-type sci-tech industrial park of combining hi-tech incubation and risk investment, industrialization of high technology, and cultivation of new intelligent talents.

(4) Function of Demonstration It is an experimental and demonstrative area in which military industry turns into civil industry, and factories combine with universities. It will become a demonstrative area for opening to the outside world, and for economic and technical cooperation both home and abroad.

(5) Function of Progress Depending on sci-tech progress, it will promote the transformation from sci-tech results to production, and speed the adjustment of industrial structure and economic growth so as to achieve a leap-over development.

Development orientation

The main orientation of development in the area: electronic information industry, new material industry, biological and fine chemical industry, photo-electronic-machinery integrity industry, and environmental industry.

The total population will be controlled to some 800 000. The third industry will share over 45% of GDP.

46 layout and functional zoning

(1) Urban Center The urban center (city proper, or the existing old urban area) will be constructed as the center of administration, information, finance, trade and service of the city.

Yongxing District Taking Mianyang Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone as its center, it will mainly develop industries of electronic information, new materials, bio- engineering and fine chemicals.

(3) Tangxun District It takes Economic Development Zone (是否就是 South District) as its center. Being the base of fundamental industry of the city, it will develop industries of Category B or C.

(4) Youxian District Taking China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) as its center, it will become an incubation and dissemination area to develop industries of Category A with features of hi-tech (nuclear technology) for civil use as well as tourist industry.

(5) Qingyi District It takes Pioneer Park as its center. Depending on Southwest Science & Technology University (SSTU), it will become a pioneering area of scientific research and education, being an integration of study, research and production. Exiting drainage system and its planning

(1) Present Conditions

In Mianyang, there exist two drainage systems: mixing and separate. In the urban center (city proper), stormwater and sewage flow to some natural rivers or canals (Longxi, Dongjia, Pinzheng, Pingzheng and Fuwongyan rivers), Apple Orchard, or Dongmen (East Gate) flood discharge station through mixing sewers. The construction of separated drainage system in the process of rehabilitating the old city is constrained by the existing mixing drainage system. Part of the urban area can achieve the separate system, but it is still a mixing system at the ends.

At present, stormwater and sewage from the urban area discharge into Fujiang River, Anchang River or Furong Creek through the outfalls at Dongjiagou, Coal Wharf, Apple Orchard, Dongmen (East Gate), Pingzheng River month, Daijiawan, Shenjiaba, causing water pollution in those water bodies.

In the urban area, the existing municipal sewers have a length of 225 km, a mixing discharge outfall (Dongmen flood discharge station) with a capacity of 30 000 m3/d, Lingnan sewage pumping station, and a sewage treatment plant of Sci-tech City with a capacity of 10 000 m3/d.

(2) Planning

47 ·Drainage Planning

According to the drainage planning of Mianyang, separate system is adopted. Combining with the process of rehabilitating the old city, a separate drainage system will be gradually completed in the old urban area. Industrial effluents will discharge to the sewers after be treated to comply with the relevant standard.

The drainage planning of Mianyang is : The city is divided into 5 drainage zones. They are Mojia, Yongxing, Puming, and Yuanyi (gardens) zones. Sewages from those zones will be treated in Puming WwTP. While sewage from Youxian Zone will be treated in Youxian WwTP, which will receive the sewage from Xiaojian Division.

Sewages from Qingyi, Gaoshuijing, urban center, and Taziba (including Pioneer Park) will be treated in Taziba WwTP.

Sewages from Tangxun District (including Economic Development Zone) will be treated in Tangxun WwTP. In the future, sewage from Shima Division will also treated in Tangxun WwTP through a pumping station.

Sewage from Sci-tech City is treated by its WwTP.

·Planning of WwTPs

Puming WwTP: It is planned that the proposed Puming WwTP will be constructed at the south side of Road No. 46 in Puming Town, treating sewages from Mojia, Yongxin, Puming and Horticulture (in Pioneer Park). It has a treatment capacity of 100 000 m 3/d , with secondary treatment process. After treated, the effluent will flow to Anchang River. Seven hectares of land is reserved for building Puming WwTP. The construction of Puming WwTP has two phases. Before the year of 2005, Phase I project (50 000 m3/d) was completed, and Phase II project will be completed in 2010, achieving the total capacity of 100 000 m3/d.

Taziba WwTP: The proposed Taziba WwTP with a capacity of 20 000 m3/d will receive all the sewage from Qingyi District, urban center or city proper of Mianyang, Xiaodao, Nanshan, and Youxian. It adopts secondary treatment process. After treated, the effluent will flow to Fujiang River. Taziba WwTP has two phases. Phase I project Has a capacity of 100 000 m3/d, and Phase II project will be completed in 2010, achieving the total capacity of 200 000 m3/d.

Tangxun WwTP: The proposed Tangxun WwTP will treat the sewage from Tangxun District (Mianyang Economic Development Zone). Its treatment capacity will be determined according to the development in the short term and long term. Its location will be out of the south part of Tangyun.

Xiaojian WwTP: The proposed Xiaojian WwTP will treat the sewage from Xiaojian with a capacity of 30 000 m3/d . After treated, the effluent will flow to the downstream of Three-river Dam of Fujiang River.

48 WwTP of Sci-tech City: The WwTP of Sci-tech City treats he sewage from Sci-tech City. Its treatment capacity will get to 15 000 ~ 20 000 m3/d in the year of 2010. After secondary treatment, the effluent flows to Fujiang River at Xianrendong of Youxian District.

. Sewage quantity forecast

According to the local planning, the total quantity of sewage generated in West District is some 10 000 m3/d, while South District 15 000 m3/d. Present access situation and development strategy

(1) Present Situation

At present, the total length of municipal road access is 260 km in Mianyang. Roads and public spaces have a land area of 4.0856 million km2, accounting for 10.87% of the total land for urban construction. The per capita public space area is 9.12 m2. The road system has a figure of lattice. During the period of 1985 through 1990, 72.5 km of streets were newly constructed or rehabilitated, increasing the road area of 70 600 m2. The road project made the city have a completely new outlook. The trunk access, Linyuan Avenue, has a length of 4.83 km with a width of 50 m, of which vehicle lanes (fast and slow speed) is 30 m in width, 4 m of green belts 4 m, and 16 m of pedestrian. After entering the 1990’s, with the construction of economic development zones, new districts and road access, a high tide has been coming yet. Newly constructed or rehabilitated works, such as Changhong Avenue, 2th Fujiang River Bridge, Nanhe Bridge, railway-road interchange, 1st ring Road, etc., provide a foundation for the city to develop. In the period of the Ninth Five-year Plan, 3rd Fujing River Bridge was newly constructed, and Dongfanghong Bridge was rehabilitated. Recently, in order to construct Mianyang Sci-tech City, urban road construction goes up to a new stage, Yingbin Avenue (works of accessing to Mianguang Expressway) has nearly come to its end, while Sci-tech City Avenue (extension of existing Demian Highway) has being constructed.

(2) Challenges or Issues

Although the surface area of road system in Mianyang is not small, the structure of road network is imperfect. One or two trunk roads have a heavy traffic load due to lack of trunk roads or arteries.

The city has a belt layout from east to west. At present, only one trunk road, Linyuan Avenue goes along the direction. In addition, the avenue is segment of State Highway No. 108 in the urban center of Mianyang, thus the traffic load is very high. According to the statistic data, the west section of Linyuan Avenue has a vehicle flow of 2852/hr in rush hours. The trunk road from north to south is the middle section of Mianzhou Avenue which is a segment of Nanhu Highway (provincial highway) in the urban center

49 of Minyang, in rush hours the vehicle flow is up to 1890/h.

Mixing of road functions, and transit traffic goes through the urban center ingkuang Highway (State Highway No. 108) and Nanhu Highway (principal highway) pass through the urban center of Mianyang, and they are just the trunk roads of the urban center of the city, one is from west to east and the other is from north to south. c. lack of traffic facilities, open spaces, and parking lots.

(3) Development Strategy of Urban Traffic

Mianyang is the second largest city in Sichuan province, and the first largest city in the north Sichuan. It is also one of the nine cities of opening to the outside world in the hinterland of China. The economic development of the city will drive the development of economy of North Sichuan. With the rising of its importance, the expansion of economic zones, and the completion of giant traffic system, Mianyang will become a regional and comprehensive pivot of traffic and transportation in North Sichuan, and a key knot of connecting the Southwest China and the Northwest China.

The strategy of urban traffic development of Mianyang is: Give first priority to develop public traffic, take public traffic as the principal, properly develop private motor vehicle service, accelerate the road construction and the establishment of modern traffic management system, and strengthen traffic demand management.

So we see that the proposed project complies with the development of urban traffic and transportation in Mianyang.

3.5.2 West District (Pioneer Park)

(1) Range and population

The Park will cover an area of 10.28 km2. The planned population is 63 000. See Annex for Functional zoning of West District

(2) Functional orientation

It is the source of hi-tech industrialization, the concentration of hi-tech talents, and the operation area of hi-tech enterprises. It also has the function of agency.

(3) Key points of construction

The construction of Pioneer Park of Mianyang Sci-tech City comprises: University Sci- tech Park, Exchange Center of Technical Market, and Comprehensive Service Community. Among them, the University Sci-tech Park will be brought into the management and service system of Southwest University of Science & Technology. In order to attract more and more famous universities and research institutes to base in the park, a sci-tech pioneer building, an incubation building, Engineering & technology center building, and their auxiliary facilities will be constructed.

50 The pioneer base of the Park will base enterprises and institutes of electronic information, new materials, fine chemicals, environmental protection, bio-technology, and electronic-machinery integrity.

(4) Infrastructure

(a) Drainage System

Separate system is adopted in the Park. Drainage zones and flow direction will be reasonably designed on the basis of landform and existing sewer system downstream. As no WwTP in the area, so all the sewage will be collected centrally, and then to the Taziba WwTP in the downstream.

(b) Water Supply

Water Treatment Works (WTP) of Mianyang City will supply water, both for domestic use and industrial use, to the project area.

(5) Existing traffic conditions and traffic planning

(a) Internal Traffic Conditions

At present, Yingbin Avenue and some roads in the area form an access road system in the Park. Yingbin Avenue has a higher traffic flow because it connects the expressway from Chengdu to Mianyang. At present, it has not got to saturation yet, being 30% of the full capacity. As the Park is at its initiation, residential and commercial areas are relatively small, so the traffic flow in the Park is lower. The components of the proposed project will be located in two zones of the Park.

Because few lands have not been used for construction at the initiating phase in the Park, small traffic flow is of normal. But with the initiation of construction in North Zone, Dabaoliang Zone and further development in the area, the traffic flow will greatly increase.

(b) External Traffic Conditions i. Existing situation: Two transit roads are in the Park, they are 2nd Ring Road and Yingbin Avenue. Jiannanxi Road is in the northeast, and Demian Highway is in the south. Those roads form a circular access out of the planned area. ii. Planning: As the existing external road network has been formed, in which 2nd Ring Road and Yingbin Avenue are in the west, Jiannanxi Road is in the northeast, and Demian Highway is in the south. Thus the connection between the Park and the external areas depends on the circular road network.

(c) Shape of the Road Network

51 As the first and secondary trunk roads take a figure of lattice, so the branch roads will have a similar figure of lattice of other shapes according to the existing street blocks.

(d) Traffic Flow Forecast

Based on the data (both of passenger transportation and cargo transportation) of traffic survey of Mianyang, and with the consideration of a certain ratio of transit traffic flow, the traffic flow forecast for all the roads have been got. Table 3-1 shows the future traffic flow forecast.

Table 3-1 Traffic Flow Forecast for Pioneer Park Total Saturation Width of one side vehicle Design traffic flow per Road No. width at peak lane (m) hour (pcu) (m) hours K1 40 7.5 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 876 (one direction) 0.66 K2 12 3.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 456 (one direction) 0.71 K3 50 11.5 (6 lane, 2 directions) 2116(one direction) 0.86 K4 16 4.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 325 (one direction) 0.52 K5 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 332 (one direction) 0.28 K6 16 4.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 135 (one direction) 0.31 K7 40 7.5 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 121 (one direction) 0.87 K8 25 5.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 518 (one direction) 0.78 K9 42 12.5 (6 lanes, 2 directions) 675 (one direction) 0.32 K10 16 4.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 461(one direction) 0.68 K11 20 5.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 508 (one direction) 0.75 K12 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 756 (one direction) 0.44 K13 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 687 (one direction) 0.39 K14 18 5.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 418 (one direction) 0.55 K15 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 790 (one direction) 0.66 K16 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 588 (one direction) 0.46 K17 20 7.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 689 (one direction) 0.59 K18 12 3.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 343 (one direction) 0.47 K19 15 4.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 212(one direction) 0.31 K20 16 4.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 113 (one direction) 0.13 K21 9 4.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 105 (one direction) 0.32 K22 50 11.5 (6 lanes, 2 directions) 1979(one direction) 0.84

(6) Landform of neighboring areas

The Pioneer Park is located in the upstream of the Fujiang Rive and the Anchang River. There exists a good vegetation cover both inside and outside the Park. Paifanggou Zone and Dabaoliang Zone, which the project involves, situate in the north and the southwest of the Park. Topographically, the area belongs to hilly land, being higher in the west and lower in the east. The relative elevation difference is 40 ~ 60 m. It has a wave terrain, and has relatively steep slopes in some places. In the project area, most of lands are farmland or occupied by constructed buildings. A few farmers’ houses scatter in the

52 area of Gukou.

The 2nd Ring Road (K22) passes through Yingbin Avenue, and enters the Park from south to north. The Road has a viaduct going through the low land in the middle of the area. According to on-site reconnaissance, buildings, drainage ditches and farmland can be seen around the project area.

Most of the buildings are houses owned by citizens, and the lands for project construction are farmland.

Lands in the west of Paifanggou Zone and Dabaoliang Zone have a notable ups and downs landform, and a larger difference of elevation. It is difficult to meet the requirements both of horizontal plane and longitudinal slope specified by related specifications or codes of road construction. In the meantime, it is also difficult to layout the architectures in the area. It will involve more auxiliary works, such as protective walls, etc., affecting landscaping.

Lands in the east of Dabaoliang Zone are relatively flattening, and have a constructed road network, and residents have moved in.

3.5.3 South District (Economic Development Zone) Functional zoning

The Zone or Park was founded in August 2000. It comprises Industrial Zone (Zone A), Initiative Zone (Zone B), Central Zone (Zone C), Small & median-sized industrial Zone (Zone D), as well as Xiaojian Zone, Nanjiao Airport, and waterbody of the Fujiang River. See the Annex for Functional zoning of South District. Development orientation

The main development orientation: automobile industry, new-type building materials industry, food processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, electronic information, fine chemical industry, tourism, ecological and environmental industry, and so on. Function and planning of Zone A

(a) Location, Function and Scale

According to Zoning Planning of South District, Mianyang in January 2000 by Mianyang Urban Planning & Design Institute, Zone A is part of Nanshan Division, in which chemical industry is the main industry. In addition to the main industry (chemical industry), residential quarters are planned along riverbanks or on hill slopes.

Development Orientation

53 Chemical industry and electronic industry will be the main industries in the area.

(c) Drainage System

Separate system is adopted in the zone. In Zone A, an existing WwTP (phase I of Taziba WwTP) receives sewage from the area, mainly treating wastewaters from Nanshan Division and Fucheng District. The WwTP adopts the technology of two-stage biological process, and its effluent (treated wastewater) discharges to Fujiang River nearby. Function and planning of Zone C

(a) Location, Function and Scale

According to Detailed Controlled Planning of the Central District of Mianyang Economic Development Zone, in November 2003 by Mianyang Urban Planning & Design Institute, Zone C situates in the middle of the Park, adjacent to Initiative Zone in the north. Sanjiang Avenue and Road No. 9 in the south. Wenwuzhong Road in the west, and the banks of rivers in the east. The planned area is 4.09 km2, and the planned population is 30,000.

(b) Development Orientation

Mainly finance, commerce, trade, culture, information and residence.

(c) Water Supply and Drainage System

It is preliminarily estimated that the water consumption is some 40 000 m3/d in the zone. WTP No.3 of Mianyang City will supply water to the area. Separate drainage system is adopted in the zone. Enterprises must treat their industrial effluents to comply with the relevant standard by themselves, and then discharge to sewers nearby. Domestic sewage must be treated by septic tanks, and then flows southward to proposed Tangxun WwTP through sewers. Stormwater will discharge to Fujiang River through stormwater drains by complying with the principles of discharging by zoning, discharging to the nearest river segment, and discharging by relatively concentrated outfall. Existing traffic conditions and traffic planning

(a) Internal Traffic Conditions

At present, Miansan Highway with a width of 23 ~ 25.5 m passes through the Economic Development Zone from south to north. In Tangxun Town, the 1st Ring Road has been completed. Several branch roads with a width of 12 ~ 20 m are in Nanshan, Tangxun and Xiaojian. In addition, Mianyan Highway with a width of 50 m passes through Xiaoshu Township from south to north which is under construction.

Although Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway are of provincial level, they have

54 lower traffic flow at present. Now the two highways can be used for transit traffic. In the future, in order to reduce the disturbance to the area, part of traffic flow can be bypasses by the Outer Ring Road or the 2nd Ring Road. At that time the traffic pressure on the center are of Economic Development Zone will be reduced.

As the Economic Development Zone area is the inevitable course of transit traffic. With the completion of infrastructure and land exploitation, the traffic flow will surely increase.

(b) External Traffic Conditions

In the area, Nanjiao Airport, Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway are the main access to the external area.

Planning of Transit Traffic: Because Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway are of provincial level, and have lower traffic flow. At present the two highways can be used for transit traffic. But in the future, in order to reduce the disturbance to area, part of traffic flow in can be bypasses by the Outer Ring Road or the 2nd Ring Road. At that time the traffic pressure on the center are of Economic Development Zone will be reduced.

Planning of Traffic Facilities: Nanjiao Airport is located on the secondary terrace at the west side of Nanshan Hill. A long distance bus terminal will be constructed at the joint point of 2nd Ring Road and Miansan Highway or 2nd Ring Road and Mianyan Highway respectively. A cargo transportation center will be established at the joint point of 4th Fujiang Bridge Road and Miansan Highway.

(c) Road Network Planning and Traffic Management

In term of road network layout, pattern of lattice is adopted. That is, in the urban center Miansan Highway (60 m in width), Binjiang Road (40 m in width), and West Ring Road (40 m in width) are the skeletons or frameworks from north to south. While 4th Fujiang Bridge Road (40 m in width), Airport Road (50 m in width), Garden Avenue (120 m in width), 2nd Rind Road (30 m in width) and South Ring Road (40 m in width) are the skeletons or frameworks from west to east. In addition, in the small airport area, Mianyan Highway (50 m in width) and Garden Avenue (120 m in width) are the cross skeletons or frameworks from north to south. Above mentioned roads or avenues are the skeletons or frameworks of the road network.

The Economic Development Zone connects Gangcheng District by Nanhe Bridge, Nanshan Bridge and Changhong Avenue. In the east, the Zone connects Youxian, Songxian and Yongming Districts by three bridges, Nanhuan Ring Road and Mianyan Highway. In the west, the Zone connects the West District by 2nd Ring Road. In the south, the Zone connects Santai County by Miansan Highway, and Yanting County by Mianyan Highway.

According to the planning, 2nd Ring Road and Outer Ring Road are the trunk roads mainly for cargo transportation. While in the urban center, Binjiang Road and Airport

55 Road are the trunk roads mainly for passenger transportation. Miansan Highway, Mianyan Highway, and 4th Fujiang Bridge Road are the trunk roads for multiple transportation.

(d) Traffic Flow Forecast

Table 3-2 shows the future traffic flow forecast.

Table 3-2 Traffic Flow Forecast for Economic Development Total Width of one side vehicle lane Design traffic flow Saturation at Road No. width (m) per hour (pcu) peak hours (m) S1 25 7.0 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 656 0.51 S2 14 3.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 224 0.38 S3 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 923 0.71 S10 40 7.5 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 886 0.69 S11 14 3.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 229 0.19 S12 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 513 0.44 S13 14 3.5 (2 lanes, 2 directions) 335 0.30 S14 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 771 0.60 S6 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 1028 0.81 S7 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 863 0.67 S8 80 14.0 (6 lanes, 2 directions) 2223 0.96 S9 25 7.5 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 896 0.70 S15 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 269 0.21 S16 30 10.0 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 871 0.67 S17 40 7.5 (4 lanes, 2 directions) 1236 0.95 Landform of the area

The Economic Development Zone is located in the South District of Mianyang, being one part of industrial park (including the Airport and “Three-River Project”) in the skirt area of Mianyang. Its boundary is 12.5 km from the urban center. Huarun Brewery and Nanshan Road are in its north. Its south boundary adjacent to the north boundary of Nanjiao (South suburb) Industrial Park. Nanjiao Airport is as its south boundary. Its east boundary is adjacent to the west side of Mianyan Highway.

Most of buildings are of houses owned by citizens. Few of them are commercial buildings. Because some of traffic trunk roads have been completed, several enterprises have settled in. At present, still exists a large pitch of farmland.

The geological structure of the project area is simple, the surface soil is clay of river alluvium, being brown-yellow color, dump, compact, and having various thickness (generally 2 ~ 4 m, maximum 7 ~ 8 m). Such soil layer has a relative good supporting property. The land is relatively flat and less ups and downs, and has relatively good conditions of engineering geology. Most of road foundations are located in the farmlands. The cultivated soil with a thickness of 0.3 m should be cleaned up and then

56 rolled before road construction.

3.5.4. Existing Firms / Enterprises in the Project Area

According to the data available, existing firms / enterprises in Pioneer Park (West District) and Economic Development Zone (South District) are given in Table 3-3 and 3-4, respectively. Table 3-3 Existing Enterprises in West District (Pioneer Park) No Name Main products Pollutants Isolated coulometric 1 Mianyang Weibo Electronics Co., Ltd. Solid waste sensor Medical electronic 2 Mianyang Lide Electronics Co., Ltd. Solid waste products 3 Mianyang Fude Sci-tech Co., Ltd. Plastics products Waste plastic 4 Sichuan Daming & Kerui Sci-tech Co., Ltd. Cable TV amplifier, etc. Solid waste Nm crystal magnetic 5 Mianyang Xinyang Sci-tech Co., Ltd. Solid waste power Mianyang Fangliang Animal Pharmacy 6 Veterinary medicines Wastewater Company Mianyang Meike Medical Information B ultrasonic instrument, 7 Almost no Technology Co., Ltd. etc. Sichuan Yijing & Changyun Super-hard 8 Artificial diamond Solid waste Materials Co., Ltd.

According to survey, all existing firms / enterprises in the two districts discharge waste water to drainage systems or ditches for farming irrigation nearby and flow into the Fujiang River in the end.


4.1 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Water Environment

4.1.1 Existing Surface Water Quality Monitoring Monitoring cross-sections

Wastewaters from the project area will be treated and then discharge to the local sewer system after the completion of the project. Before the completion of the project, those wastewaters will be treated by enterprise or institutions themselves, and then discharge after meeting the relevant requirement. All the wastewaters will discharge to Fujiang River after being intercepted by sewers and treated by WwTP when the WwTP is completed. According to the Category and scope of assessment, 5 water monitoring cross-sections in the assessment area are selected. Their locations are shown in Table 4- 1 and drawing in Annex.

Table 4-1 Monitoring Cross-sections for Surface Water Quality River Location of cross-section Remarks One cross-section in the upstream of urban center (Fujiang Bridge); Make use of regular One cross-section in the downstream of urban center Fujiang monitoring data (Lijiadu); available: data of low, One cross-section in the downstream of urban center median and high water (Fenggu). seasons in 2004 and the One cross-section in the upstream; first half year of 2005. Anchang One cross-section in the downstream just before merging to Fujiang River. Timing of sampling

According to the requirements of surface water monitoring specifications, continuous monitoring in 3 days (one time of sampling per day) will be conducted. Monitoring parameters

The monitoring parameters or items are: water temperature, pH, Ar-OH (volatile phenols), Pb, Hg, DO, permanganate value, BOD5, NH3-N, petroleum & derivatives, totally 9. Sampling and method of analysis

Sampling will follow the relevant specifications. Technical Specification for Surface Water and Wastewater Monitoring, HJ/T91-2002 will be used for analyzing samples.

58 Monitoring results

Water-quality data collected at the 3 monitoring cross-sections of Fujiang and 2 cross- sections of Anchang River are given in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Surface Water Monitoring Results (mg/L) Fujiang River Anchang River Time Parameter Fujiang Bridge Lijiadu Fengu Upstream Downstream T (℃ ) 10.4 pH 8.12 7.59 8.08 7.57 7.61 DO 9.90 10.64 8.56 9.15 10.55

CODMn 0.90 1.54 1.58 0.68 4.21 March BOD 0.48 0.79 0.90 0.34 1.06 2004 5 NH3-N 0.079 0.197 0.523 0.044 0.107 Hg ND ND ND ND ND Pb ND ND ND ND ND Ar-OH ND ND ND ND ND T(℃ ) 25.0 pH 8.12 8.06 8.08 8.04 7.86 DO 7.50 10.76 6.16 7.78 8.77

CODMn 0.90 2.30 2.68 1.16 2.58

July 2004 BOD5 0.56 1.84 0.92 1.90 2.20

NH3-N 0.12 ND 0.189 ND ND Hg ND ND ND ND ND Pb ND ND ND ND ND Ar-OH ND ND ND ND ND T(℃ ) 15.0 pH 8.06 7.92 7.96 7.80 7.92 DO 13.09 8.73 7.65 7.83 9.26

CODMn 1.10 1.12 1.36 0.98 1.32 November BOD 0.82 0.12 0.21 0.30 0.14 2004 5 NH3-N 0.055 0.028 0.193 0.031 0.112 Hg ND ND ND ND ND Pb ND ND ND ND ND Ar-OH ND ND ND ND ND T(℃ ) pH 7.83 7.79 7.45 7.74 7.94 DO 9.19 9.59 8.13 8.83 9.67

First half CODMn 1.96 1.99 2.31 1.45 3.55 year of BOD5 0.88 0.89 1.62 0.69 2.95

2005 NH3-N 0.050 0.083 0.264 0.073 0.104 Hg ND ND ND ND ND Pb ND ND ND ND ND Ar-OH 0.001 0.001 ND 0.001 0.001

4.1.2 Assessment of Existing Surface Water Quality Assessment factors

Based on the monitoring data, the assessment factors or parameters are pH, permanganate value, BOD5, DO, NH3-H, Pb, Hg, and Ar-OH (volatile phenols), totally 8 items.

59 Assessment standards

Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002) will be used to assess the existing surface water quality.

Table 4-3 Limit Values of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water

Item pH CODMn BOD5 NH3-N DO Pb Hg Ar-OH Limit value 6~9 ≤6 ≤4 ≤1.0 >5 ≤0.05 ≤0.0001 ≤0.005 (mg/L) Unit: mg/L (excluding pH) Assessment method

In order to show the existing water quality, and evaluate whether water pollutants exceed the standard or not, the method of mono-index assessment is adopted , its is given by

(1) For common pollutants where Sij — mono-index value of pollutant i at point j; 3 Cij — measured concentration value of pollutant i (mg/m ) at point j; 3 Csi — assessment standard value of pollutant i (mg/m ).

(2) For pH which has upper and lower limits, the calculation equation is


pH j  7.0 S pH , j  pHj >7.0 pH su  7.0 where pHj— pH value at point j; pHsd— lower value of the standard; pHsu— upper value of the standard. When Sij is more than 1.0, the water body has been polluted by such assessment factor or parameter. The more the Sij, the severer the water pollution. Analysis of assessment results

By using the above-mentioned method, the assessment results (values of Sij) of 3 cross- sections of the two rivers are given in Table 4-3.

Table 4-4 Statistic Results of Surface Water Monitoring

Cross-section pH CODMn BOD5 NH3-N DO Pb Hg Ar-OH Fujiang bridge <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Fujiang Lijiadu <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 River Fenggu <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Anchang Upstream <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1

60 river Downstream <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Unit: mg/L (excluding pH)

It can be seen from Sij values in Table 4-4 that water quality at 3 cross-sections of the assessment segments of Fujiang River and Anchang River comply with Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002), that is, values of Sij are less than 1.0.

So we get the conclusion ·Water quality of Fujiang River is good, meeting the requirement specified by Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838- 2002.) ·Water quality of Anchang River is good, meeting the requirement specified by Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838- 2002.)

4.1.3 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Groundwater Quality Location of monitoring points

Four farmers’ wells or boreholes will be selected in the project area to conduct groundwater monitoring, one in Paifenggou Zone and one in Dabaoliang Zone in West District, one in Zone A and one in Zone C of South District. Monitoring points see drawing in Annex. Timing of sampling

Continuous monitoring in 3 days (one time of sampling per day) will be conducted. Monitoring parameters

The monitoring parameters or items are: pH, permanganate value, NH3-N, and total fecal coliform group, totally 4. Sampling and methods of analysis

Sampling and analysis will follow the relevant specifications. Monitoring results

Table 4-5 gives the monitoring results of groundwater quality.

Table 4-5 Monitoring Results of Groundwater Total fecal NH3-N coliform Location Time pH CODMn (mg/L) (mg/L) group (number/L)

61 8.29 6.40 2.28 2.083 1100 Zone A of 8.30 6.86 0.53 0.221 490 South District 8.31 6.81 2.55 / / 8.29 6.51 0.54 / 130 Zone C of 8.30 6.76 0.52 0.734 80 South District 8.31 6.73 0.53 0.517 / 8.29 6.63 0.48 0.031 2810 Dabaoliang of 8.30 6.83 0.48 0.053 790 West District 8.31 6.68 0.49 0.031 130 Paifanggou 8.29 6.72 0.48 ND 16000 of West 8.30 6.95 0.47 ND 920 District 8.31 6.84 0.48 0.047 330 Existing groundwater quality assessment

Assessment Standard

Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Groundwater (GB/T14848-1993) will be used to assess the existing groundwater quality. Table 4-6 shows the limit values of the standard.

Table 4-6 Standard for Groundwater Quality Assessment Parameter Limit value (mg/L) Remarks pH 6.5~8.5 Category C, CODMn ≤3.0 Groundwater Standard NH3-N ≤0.2 (GB/T14848-93) Total fecal coliform group ≤3.0 (number/个)

Assessment Factors

The factors or parameters for assessment are pH, permanganate value, NH3-N, total fecal coliform group.

Assessment Method

Sane as the method used for surface water.

Assessment Results

NH3-N and total fecal coliform group in groundwater samples from Zone A and Zone C of South District are higher than the standard values at different degree. While in West District, only total fecal coliform group is higher than standard value.

4.2 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Air Environment

4.2.1 Environmental Monitoring on Air Quality

62 Location of monitoring points

As the project involves road and sewer pipeline construction, so flying dust and waste gas emitted by oil-burned machines will have negative impact on local air environment. Such pollution sources are of random or fugitive emission and have a lower elevation. Therefore the existing air quality assessment will be based on the regular monitoring data of two districts available. Some relevant information of air monitoring is given in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7 Air Monitoring Information Location Monitoring point Parameters Remarks 3rd Water Treatment Data Works 、 、 SO2, NO2 PM10 available (3rd WTP) Pioneer Park Data Hi-tech Zone SO 、NO 、PM 2 2 10 available Administration office Conduct SO , NO , PM , TSP building of the Park 2 2 10 monitoring Office building of Municipal People’s Data SO , NO , PM Economic Congress 2 2 10 available Development (Office of MPC) Zone Administration office Conduct SO 、NO 、PM 、TSP building of the Zone 2 2 10 monitoring Monitoring frequency

The data available from local regular air monitoring which was automatically done month by month in 2004. The data of 2005 got from practical on-site monitoring which were continuously conducted in 5 days from August through September, 2005. Monitoring results

The monitoring results are given in Table 4-8 through 4-11.

Table 4-8 Monitoring Data of SO2 in the urban area of Mianyang in 2004 Office of MPC 3rd WTP Hi-tech Zone Mth (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) 1 0.099 0.082 0.070 2 0.146 0.068 0.104 3 0.137 0.068 0.116 4 0.124 0.081 0.121 5 0.100 0.059 0.092 6 0.054 0.055 0.057 7 0.055 0.056 0.074

63 8 0.034 0.038 0.039 9 0.048 0.055 0.071 10 0.048 0.062 0.074 11 0.024 0.075 0.079 12 0.060 0.092 0.115 Annual 0.077 0.066 0.084 average

Table 4-9 Monitoring Data of NO2 in the urban area of Mianyang in 2004 Office of MPC 3rd WTP Hi-tech Zone Month (mg/m3) (mg/m3) (mg/m3) 1 0.040 0.030 0.033 2 0.039 0.032 0.028 3 0.028 0.029 0.026 4 0.038 0.029 0.033 5 0.029 0.022 0.027 6 0.019 0.016 0.017 7 0.028 0.023 0.023 8 0.022 0.021 0.015 9 0.026 0.032 0.018 10 0.022 0.011 0.020 11 0.023 0.026 0.027 12 0.026 0.031 0.040 Annual average 0.028 0.025 0.026

Table 4-10 Monitoring Data of PM10 in the urban area of Mianyang in 2004 (mg/m3) Parameter Month Office of MPC 3rd WTP Hi-tech Zone 1~12 0.041~0.084 0.062~0.134 0.044~0.138 1 0.077 0.101 0.093

PM10 7 0.054 0.068 0.059 Annual 0.064 0.089 0.084 average

Table 4-11 Ambient Air Quality in Project-affected Areas

Location Time SO2 NO2 TSP PM10 Administrative 2005.8.30 0.006 0.024 0.14 0.09 Commission of 2005.8.31 0.006 0.012 0.19 0.13 Economic 2005.9.1 0.010 0.031 0.25 0.13 Development 2005.9.2 0.017 0.036 0.25 0.14 Zone 2005.9.3 0.034 0.034 0.30 0.14 Administrative 2005.8.30 0.006 0.026 0.14 0.10 Commission of 2005.8.31 0.007 0.017 0.14 0.11 Pioneer Park 2005.9.1 0.009 0.018 0.12 0.10

64 2005.9.2 0.014 0.021 0.14 0.10 2005.9.3 0.005 0.018 0.15 0.10

4.2.2 Assessment on Existing Air Environmental Quality Assessment factors

Based on the monitoring data, the assessment factors or parameters are SO2, PM10, NO2 , and TSP, totally 4 items. Assessment standard

The Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) is used for assessment with some main values listed in Table 4-3.

Table 4-12 Standard for Ambient Air Quality 3 3 3 3 Parameter SO2(mg/m ) NO2(mg/m ) PM10 (mg/m ) TSP (mg/m ) Annual 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.2 average Daily average 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.3 Hourly 0.50 0.24 / / average Remarks Class B of GB3095-1996 Assessment method

The method of mono-index assessment is adopted , its is given by

Ci Ii  Si where Ii — mono-index value of pollutant i; 3 C i — measured concentration value of pollutant i (mg/Nm ); 3 Si — assessment standard value of pollutant i (mg/Nm ).

When Ii is greater than 1.0, the ambient air has been polluted by such assessment factor or parameter. The greater the Ii is, the worse the air pollution is. Assessment results

Imax values of pollutants at all the monitoring points can be calculated by above equation. The calculation results are:

(1) In the urban center of Mianyang, the annual average of NO2 and PM10 can meet the requirements specified by Class B of the Standard (GB 3095-1996), only SO2 exceeds

65 the Standard a little.

(2) In Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone, only TSP value monitored in Economic Zone in one day was very close to the Standard and the daily average of SO2, NO and PM10 measured in other points can meet the requirements specified by Class B of the Standard (GB 3095-1996).

4.3 Monitoring and Assessment of Existing Acoustic Environment

4.3.1 Monitoring of Existing Acoustic Environment

(a) Location of noise monitoring points

According to the requirements of different zoning functions, monitoring points will be set up in different places. In West District, four points will be set up, one in the existing office building, one in the residential area, one in the industrial area and one on either side of the main traffic road. In South district, four points will be set up, one in the existing office building, one in the residential area, one in the industrial area and one on either side of the main traffic road. There will be 8 points totally and their exact locations are shown in the drawing in Annex.

(b) Time of monitoring

In areas where acoustic environment is stable, monitoring will be conducted in daytime and nighttime. Round-the-clock monitoring will be conducted at the monitoring point on either side of the main traffic road.

(c) Monitoring method

Monitoring will be conducted according to the standards specified in the Monitoring Methods on Urban Regional Noise (GB/T14623-93).

(d) Results of monitoring

Following tables show the monitoring data on acoustic environment collected by

Mianyang Environmental Monitoring Station in the project area in Sept, 2005.

Table 4-13 Noise Monitoring Data from Round-the-clock monitoring on

Mianyang-Santai Highway (South District)

Sampling time Monitored value LAeq dB(A) Traffic flow (vehicle/h) September 6:00~6:10 60.5 Ld 306 875 12th 7:00~7:10 65.9 64.9 414 8:00~8:10 65.4 1266

66 9:00~9:10 68.1 1146 10:00~10:10 62.9 1140 11:00~11:10 63.8 1056 12:00~12:10 61.8 870 13:00~13:10 62.1 930 14:00~14:10 63.2 1038 15:00~15:10 67.6 942 Daytime 16:00~16:10 65.4 906 17:00~17:10 66.0 942 18:00~18:10 65.2 936 19:00~19:10 65.4 924 20:00~20:10 64.6 900 21:00~21:10 63.1 280 22:00~22:10 61.2 636 23:00~23:10 60.9 534 September 24:00~24:10 59.7 462 12th 1:00~1:10 60.2 Ln 420 437 2:00~2:10 58.4 60.1 408 Nighttime 3:00~3:10 59.1 390 4:00~4:10 59.5 318 5:00~5:10 61.2 330 6:00~6:10 61.5 304 7:00~7:10 64.9 423 8:00~8:10 66.4 1160 9:00~9:10 67.1 1164 10:00~10:10 63.9 1145 11:00~11:10 62.8 1050 September 12:00~12:10 60.8 864 13th 13:00~13:10 61.4 Ld 920 865 14:00~14:10 62.3 63.8 1030 Daytime 15:00~15:10 66.7 924 16:00~16:10 64.5 916 17:00~17:10 65.0 922 18:00~18:10 62.5 916 19:00~19:10 64.5 942 20:00~20:10 65.4 899 21:00~21:10 61.3 275 22:00~22:10 61.0 633 23:00~23:10 59.9 543 September 24:00~24:10 59.8 426 13th 1:00~1:10 60.3 Ln 423 439 2:00~2:10 59.4 59.8 398 Nighttime 3:00~3:10 58.1 395 4:00~4:10 59.3 381 5:00~5:10 61.3 315

67 Table4-14 Noise Monitoring Data from round-the-clock monitoring on Yingbin Avenue (West District)

Sampling time Measured value LAeq dB(A) Traffic flow(vehicle/h) 6:26~6:10 58.8 270 7:26~7:36 65.9 354 8:26~8:36 60.8 570 9:26~9:36 59.8 834 36:26~36:36 57.7 822 11:26~11:36 57.0 876 September 12:26~12:36 57.5 768 12th 13:26~13:36 57.1 Ld 792 710 14:26~14:36 58.4 59.9 990 Daytime 15:26~15:36 58.3 888 16:26~16:36 58.1 792 17:26~17:36 60.9 654 18:26~18:36 60.4 774 19:26~19:36 59.7 642 20:26~20:36 58.6 678 21:26~21:36 58.2 660 22:26~22:36 57.4 546 23:26~23:36 57.1 450 24:26~24:36 56.3 402 September 1:26~1:36 55.1 Ln 300 12th 316 2:26~2:36 57.2 57.1 210 Nighttime 3:26~3:36 57.4 192 4:26~4:36 57.8 168 5:26~5:36 58.1 264 September 6:26~6:36 58.5 Ld 265 704 13th 7:26~7:36 64.9 58.1 345 8:26~8:36 61.7 572 Daytime 9:26~9:36 58.9 843 36:26~36:36 57.7 820 11:26~11:36 57.2 867 12:26~12:36 55.7 786 13:26~13:36 54.1 772 14:26~14:36 54.8 989 15:26~15:36 56.3 868 16:26~16:36 57.1 772 17:26~17:36 59.9 645 18:26~18:36 61.4 754

68 19:26~19:36 58.7 652 20:26~20:36 56.8 668 21:26~21:36 56.2 659 22:26~22:36 58.4 556 23:26~23:36 56.1 445 September 24:26~24:36 55.3 405 13th 1:26~1:36 55.1 Ln 307 318 2:26~2:36 56.2 56.9 212 Nighttime 3:26~3:36 57.4 195 4:26~4:36 57.6 170 5:26~5:36 59.1 260

Table 4-15 Noise Monitoring Data in different functional zones of the

project areas LAeqdB(A) Monitoring Monitored value Sampling spot Remarks time Daytime Nighttime West District 1# (Administrative Category II 51.9 48.1 Commission of Pioneer Park) area Residential West District 2# (Beite Jingyuan) 42.4 41.3 area 工业区 West District 3# (Huaxi Nm Material 49.7 47.6 Industrial Company) 2005.9.9~ area 2005.9.11 South District (Shuangma Mianyang Industrial 56.0 54.3 New Material Company) area South District 2# ((Administrative Category II 49.5 46.5 Commission of Economic Development Zone) area South District 3# (The 7th Group, Residential Banqiao Resident Administrative 45.3 42.7 area Committee)

4.3.2 Assessment on Existing Acoustic Environmental Quality Assessment standard

According to suggestions from Environmental Protection Bureau of Mainyang City, Category II of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3095-1993) is used for the assessment in the project area, while for monitoring along the sides of main traffic roads, Category IV of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3095-1993) is use. The limit values of the Standard are:

Category II area: LAeq≤60 dB in the daytime, while Laeq≤50 dB in the nighttime;

69 Category IV area: LAeq≤70 dB in the daytime, while Laeq≤55 dB in the nighttime

Noise level in the two districts can meet the requirement specified by Category II Regional Noise Standard. Noise from traffic can meet the standard in daytime but exceed the standard in nighttime

4.4 Conclusions on the Quality of Local Environment

In accordance with the results of monitoring on local environment of the proposed project area, we conclude as follows:

(a) In general, environmental quality of the city proper of Mianyang is good. Existing water quality of the Mainyuan River and the Anchang River meets the standard specified by Category C of Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002). Monitoring results of existing air environment show that NO2 and PM10 values meet standard specified by the Category B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) except for the average annual value of SO2 is slightly higher than the standard.

In perspective of the current conditions of Mainyang, science and technology industries have been identified by the State and Sichuan Province as backbone of development for this city from now on. At present, total area of the city proper is 50km2 with 560,000 urban residents. Few large-sized industrial enterprises with heavy pollution are located in the city. Natural gas and electricity are the major energy for domestic use of the urban residents. Therefore, environmental quality of the city is good and in 2004 it was assessed and certified as the National-level Clean City of China.

(b) From the monitoring results on air environment in Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone, only TSP value monitored one day in Economic Zone was very close to the Standard, the rest measured values in other points can meet the requirements specified by Class B of the Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB 3095- 1996). This is because these two districts are located in the conjunction point of urban and rural areas of the city dominated by rural atmosphere with few enterprises featured by slight pollution. For this reason, local environment of these two districts is good.

(c) Causes for some of the measured values exceeding the standards

Underground water: As measured, NH3-N and colon bacillus in the underground water in the A and C zones of South District exceed the standard and colon bacillus in the underground water of West District exceed the standard. The reason is that farming families in these areas discharge domestic wastewater randomly without any treatment and the wastewater penetrated into the underground water and polluted it in the end.

SO2: Along with the fast growth of economy, urban population, expansion of residential area as well as the increase of hotels and service facilities in this city, power consumption goes up drastically in recent years. Power supply to this city is mainly from thermal power plants which use large amount of coal for power generation, thus coal consumption grows by big margin year by year, causing worsening SO2 pollution

70 in recent years.


5.1 Positive Impact on Local Economic Development

(1) It c an h elp to i mprove investing e nvironment and d raw m ore b usinessmen and i nvestors .

As proposed by this project, roads and infrastructure will be improved or constructed in south section of Mianyang City. The completion of this project will bring great benefits to the city. It will open a new window for Mianyang to open up to the outside world and attract more businessmen and investors. With a better image of its improved investing environment, exchange and cooperation with the outside world will be enhanced. It will attract more investment, talented personnel and advanced technologies, therefore injecting more vitality into the development of the city. As a result, it will promote the forming of an export-oriented economic pattern and speed up the economic and social development of the city.

(2) It is favorable for the construction of auxiliary facilities for the airport , therefore enhancing its service function.

The airport in the southern suburb of Mianyang is one of the key civil air harbors in northwest Sichuan. It is the reserve landing harbor of Shuangliu International Airport of Chengdu. According to market forecasting, by the end of the Tenth Five-year Plan (2005) the airport will have an annual handling capacity of 500 000 passengers and 4000 tons of post commodities. It will become one of China’s first rank airports with 6100 taking-offs and landings annually. The South District is the only way to the airport, the key junction between the airport and various industrial divisions. Therefore, the infrastructure construction of the South District will exert great impact on the development of the air harbor.

(2) It is favorable for improving traffic of the region, enhancing the necessity of service function of the city.

According to the project, 22 roads in length of 21.23 km will be constructed in the Pioneer Park (West District), 17 roads in length of 24.53 km will be constructed in the Economic Development Zone. The covered area of the project is the main passageway to the central areas of Sichuan. Therefore it plays an important role in the traffic network of the whole city. For various reasons, a reasonable layout of road network has not been formed, there are only several roads linking Mianyang and Santai, etc. what worse is that those roads are of lower grade and narrow width, and their pavements have been severely damaged. They are far from satisfying the increasing needs of communications. Through the implementation of project, the urban road network will be improved. Some of them will also function as transit roads. Therefore, this project will play a crucial role in improving the road network of Mianyang. Meanwhile, it will

72 further improve the auxiliary facilities of the city. As a result, it will strengthen the service function of the city, expand its size and put forward implementing the master plan of constructing Mianyang into a Sci-tech City.

(4) It is favorable to promote local economic development and achieve the development goal of socio-economy.

The construction of roads and their auxiliary facilities would exert direct impacts on economic development along the road lines. For instance, during the construction process, a large amount of surplus labor force in the countryside would be employed. The need of such building materials as sand, gravels, stones, etc. will increase the revenue of the region and drive the development of local building-material markets. Moreover the consumption of non-native construction workers would promote the development of the third industry, such as the catering trade, entertainment, etc. Besides, the completion of roads will provide opportunities of development for those towns along the road lines, esp. for the two Parks. They will become a new point of economic growth. In a word, this project will surely put forward the economic development of the local area.

5.2 Resettlement and Land Acquisition

52.1 Basic information of resettlement

According to the data from the resettlement survey report, the resettlement associated with the project implementation is given in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Basic Information on Resettlement of the Project West District (Pioneer South District (Economic Item Total Park) Development Zone) 578 households, 4783 households, 5361 households, Relocated people 1712 persons 8461 persons 10173 persons Number of related 6 29 35 enterprises 9 villages, 14 villages, Related rural communities 5 villages, 25 groups 19 groups 44 groups Land occupation (mu) 1762.48 6526.13 8198.61 Area of demolished houses 108126.50 697813 805939.50 (m2) Number of private 3 235 238 stores/shops 2 2 2 (areas) (1466.87m ) (11750m ) (13216.87m ) Trees 31210 3000 34210

5.2.2 Land acquisition

For the project construction, totally 8198.61 mu (or 546.57 ha) of land will be acquired, among which 7567.33 mu (or 504.49 ha) of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha) of woodland, 242.18 mu (or 16.15 ha) of vegetable land, and 70.93 mu (or 4.73 ha) of other lands. Table 5-2 shows the detail.

For the construction in Pioneer Park, totally 1672.48 (or 111.50 ha) mu of land will be

73 acquired, among which 1041.20 mu (or 69.41 ha)of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha)of woodland, 242.18 mu(or 16.15 ha) of vegetable land, and 70.93 mu (or 4.73 ha)of other lands.

For the construction in Economic Development Zone, totally 6526.13 mu (or 435.08 ha) of land will be acquired. All of them are of paddy fields.

Table 5-2 Detailed Information on Land Acquisition of the Project Economic Pioneer Park No. Item Development Zone Total (mu) (mu) (mu) 1 Paddy filed 457.60 6526.13 6983.73 2 Dry land 583.60 / 583.60 3 Orchard 242.18 / 242.18 4 Woodland 318.17 / 318.17 5 Others 70.93 / 70.93 6 Total 1672.48 6526.13 8198.61 Note: 1 mu = 1/15 ha, or 15 mu = 1 ha.

5.2.3 Overall resettlement plan

Paying respect to the requirement of relocated people as well as based on the practical conditions, people who will be relocated due to the project construction will relocate to elsewhere in the same town or township. Such principal will keep their original life style, local customs and social relations, and be beneficial for the recovery and improvement of their production and living levels. In order to mitigate the impact of project construction on relocated people, demolishment of houses will be done after the new houses being built. The relocated people will move to the area of original communities or towns. For keeping their former style of production and living after resettlement, and creating necessary conditions of developing second or third industry, all the farmers will transfer to urban residents, and draw the basic living fee from local government each month. The detailed information see Resettlement Action Plan..

5.2.4 Impact on Living Quality of Relocated People Analysis of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Certain amount of farmland will unavoidably be occupied and some houses will be demolished in the construction. Consequently, it will bring some troubles to production and living of the local people.

According to investigations, the project will occupy 8118.68 mu (or 541.25 ha) of farmland or woodland, which will bring some losses to the economic development of the area.

For the project construction, 805 939.5 m2 of farmers’ houses will be demolished, and 10 173 people will be affected.

The houses along the roads are of old-fashioned, with shabby structure. Therefore, in another perspective, though resettlement will reduce the size of houses, residents’ living environment will be improved and their house structure upgraded.

74 This will not only bring benefits to residents themselves but also help improving urban living environment. Principles of Land Acquisition and Resettlement

Minimizing the scope of land acquisition and resettlement should be taken into consideration of the project. In unavoidable cases, the living standard of involuntary relocated people must be retained. Compensating involuntary unites or residents must be timely and complies with related policy or regulation. As to the problems brought about by land acquisition and resettlement, they must be solved completely according to related policy or regulation. Details see The Resettlement Action Plan. Impact on People’s and Cultural Life

This project provides essential conditions for the development of local economy and the prosperity of business. It also can increase the income of local people. Meanwhile, economic development will draw more investment into urban or town construction, culture and education, medical and health. In this way, local people’s material and cultural life will become richer.

5.3 Impact on Land Use

It is planned that 21.23 km of roads, 1 interchange, 1 flyover and 91.79 km of stormwater drains and sewers will be constructed in the Pioneering Park, as well as landscape grain spaces will be planted. The project will acquire 1672.48 mu (or 111.50 ha) of land. Among them, 1041.2 mu (or 69.41 ha) of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha) of woodland, 242.18 mu (or 16.15 ha) of orchard land (vegetable land??)and 70.93 mu (or 4.80 ha) of other kind of land.

According to the plan of the Economic Development Zone, 24.53 km of roads, 1 separated interchange, 4 bridges, 74.56 km of stormwater drains and sewers, 4600m of flood control embankment of Fuwongyan River, public green spaces will be constructed. The project will acquire 6526.13 mu (or 435.08 ha) of land, which are all paddy fields.

Main areas affected by the proposed project are of paddy fields and dry land. After the implementation of the project, property of those acquired land will undergo changes. Farmland around those roads will be converted into industrial areas. Of cause, change of the property of the acquired land will happen gradually along with the construction of the coming enterprises to the districts and it will be sped up with the ever improving of the infrastructure in these districts. Negative impact brought about by these changes is the decrease of farmland in the area and reduced output of agricultural produce. In view of the current situation in the acquired land, main products are farming crops without special protected and sensitive points. Taking the nature of the area as a whole, it will be turned into an industrial base and economic development zone step by step in the future and land used for transport and industry will increase. In a long run, the profit brought by economic growth in the area will outstrip the loss in agriculture.

Temporary land occupation mainly occurs in road construction. New makeshift roads, encampments, earth excavation or spoil transfer stations, concrete mixing sites, etc. need temporary land, which will bring about short-term impact to agricultural production. If wasteland or slopes is used in maximum for those purposes and the land is restored to its original status after construction, possible negative impact will be brought down to the minimum. The project construction will produce 1,345,859 m3 of solid wastes or spoils. The spoils will be used to fill waste ditches and low-lying

75 lands, which would be turned into farmland or forestland. Therefore, it is favorable for exploring local land resources.

5.4 Impact on Urban Landscape and Traffic

5.4.1 Analysis of Impact on Urban Landscape

This project is aimed at further improving the city look, promoting the process of urbanization and perfecting the image of Mianyang. The principles of taking human as the center and taking measures suited to local conditions will be adopted in harnessing the environment. Besides, in the process, the city should be optimally arranged according to such factors as its characteristics, its position and historical origin.

(1) Economic Development Zone (South District)

Along the Fujiang River, from north to south, Binhe Road and Landscape Avenue will be constructed in Economic Development District. Among them, the Landscape Avenue connects the Hi-Tech Zone and Youxian District. It is 80m wide, with central greenbelt of 40m wide and 1800m long. The plants take a shape of natural distribution. The road greenbelt will link the separated green patches in the city. Therefore, it will upgrade city image and bring vitality to the city. Green spaces under the interchange or flyover take a shape of combining regular and natural forms. Such design of Landscape Avenue will improve the environmental quality of neighboring streets, and thus improve the environmental quality of related urban area.

(2) Pioneering Park (West District) a. Design of Road Greening

According to requirements of the 3 elements or factors of landscape, the visual image of landscape, greening of bio-environment, mass behavioral psychology and urban environment should comply with 5 principles, i.e. of vitality, sense perception, appropriateness, proximity and management. The landscape design of road k1, k7, k13 in the Pioneering Park will be conducted under above principles. b. Program of Riverbank Greening

The river course is originated at Tuanjie Reservoir, flows through Paifanggou Zone and the starting point of the park, and then ends at Gaoshui area. The greening design would be conducted according to current situation of the river channel. The greenbelt will be designed as open landscape, and as one part of the city landscape. Bio-plants will be mainly planted in the landscape design. A large number of high branch trees will be planted, with intensive patches of flowers and bushes under them. The deliberately left vertical space between trees and flowers﹠ bushes renders passengers longer line of vision and richer views. With simple design but rich colors, this green passage embodies the features of modern landscape. In consideration of combining the riverbank landscape and its current situation together, it is suggested that squares and parks be built in small spaces along the river, so as to optimize its function.

In a word, most of the project area is farmland except for part of the urban area. In term of scenery value, the project area is of low sensitive spots since there is no natural scenic spot, historic or cultural sites. Judging from the viewpoint of project components, unfavorable impact on the scenery is limited. However, construction of roads and drainage system will still bring impact to regional eco-system, scenery and landscape of the area. This project will link the green space and riverbank in the city area. In this way, a modern landscape featured by its bio- environment and at the set-off of hills and rivers will come into being.

76 5.4.2 Analysis of Impact on Urban Traffic

The Pioneering Park and Economic Development Zone are both development zones centered by industries, businesses and residential areas. Traffic is mainly aroused from residential areas, parking lots and business areas. The rush hour is the knock-off hour in the afternoon. Economic development will stimulate traffic growth. But, generally speaking, the two will grow in harmony with reach other. According to investigation analysis and forecasting conducted, in the planned future 20 years, urban traffic will increase. The average saturation rate will reach 0.6, and that of arteries or trunk roads will be higher.

5.5 Impact Assessment on Eco-environment

Major impacts on ecological environment occur in construction phase, mainly the damage of vegetation over the ground along the construction belts caused by excavation and spoil piling.

5.5.1 Impact Analysis of Soil Erosion Impact of land occupation of road construction on water and soil conservation

Land occupation of road construction includes excavation, backfilling, makeshift road, raw material storage, etc. The construction activities will change, bury or damage the existing vegetation, landform, facilities of water and soil conservation. The lands being occupied are mainly paddy fields. It is easy to cause soil erosion (mainly surface erosion), and increase the quantity of soil erosion in the project area. Impact of excavation and backfilling on water and soil conservation

In construction phase, large quantity of excavation and backfilling will disturb or destroy the existing vegetation, substances of ground, and landform. The original top soil will expose or form loose lumps which have no capability of original vegetation to prevent soils from erosion. Impact of spoils on water and soil conservation

The project construction will generate spoils and debris of some 1.346 million m3. Thus special transfer stations should be prepared. Such spoils will damage cultivated land, natural vegetation, and facilities of water and soil conservation in some degree. Because of loose property of spoil pilings, washing away or collapse will easily occur, causing new soil erosion if no proper mitigation measure are not taken. Impact of relocation on water and soil conservation

77 New houses must be built and new cultivated land must be reclaimed so as to compensate the loss of farmland. Such activities will damage vegetation and loosen soils, resulting in new soil erosion. However, these happen only in small separated areas. So soil erosion will be minor, producing no notable accumulation of silt in rivers and damage on farmlands.

5.5.2 Forecast of Soil erosion Disturb the original landform, damage farmland and vegetation

The project will have land acquisition of 8198.61 mu (or 546.57 ha) of different sorts of land in total, among which 7567.33 mu (or 504.49 ha) of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha) of woodland, 242.18 mu (or 16.15 ha) of orchard, and 70.93 mu (or 4.73 ha) of other lands. Table 5-1 shows the detail.

Table 5-1 Detailed Information on Land Acquisition Economic Pioneer Park Development Total No. Item (mu) Zone (mu) (mu) 1 Paddy field 457.60 6526.13 6983.73 2 Dry field 583.60 / 583.60 3 Orchard 242.18 / 242.18 4 Waste land 318.17 / 318.17 5 Other 70.93 / 70.93 6 Total 1672.48 6526.13 8198.61 Note: 1 mu = 1/15 ha, or 1 ha = 15 mu.

Rural eco-environment dominates in the project-affected area with small forest coverage. Main vegetation affected or destroyed through implementation of the project is artificial forest and no rare and precious vegetation and plants will be affected. Forecast of soil erosion

(1) Soil erosion/ soil erosion comprises of two parts: soil erosion by landform damage caused by excavation, disturbance, and so on; soil erosion by spoil piling. So the total quantity of soil erosion is given by

W=W1+W2 (5-1) where W — total quantity of soil erosion (t); W1— quantity of soil erosion over the land (t); W2— quantity of soil erosion at spoil transfer station (t).

78 (2) Newly increased quantity of soil erosion by project activities Wc

Wc=W — W0 (5-2) where W0 — quantity of soil erosion under the previous landform (t);

(3) Quantity of soil erosion under the previous landform W0

W0=∑ Pi • Fi •T=P • F • T (5-3) where P— soil erosion module (5827t/km2.a) under the previous landform; F— potential quantity of soil erosion (km2); T— forecast time (year).

(4) Quantity of soil erosion by spoil piling W2

W2=∑Ri • Vi • Bi where V— quantity of spoil piling, 1.346 million m3 R— volume-weight of spoil, 1.4t/ m3; B— ratio of potential losing quantity to total spoil quantity.

According to the forecast, details of soil erosion in these two districts is calculated and shown in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Forecast of Soil Erosion in Project-affected Area

Item West District South District Total

1115544. Acquired land (m2) 4352928.71 5468472.87 16

Volume of spoil and debris (m3) 84.08 50.51 134.59

Quantity of soil erosion under 9900 13,200 23,100 previous landform (t)

Increased quantity of soil erosion during construction 94200 35400 129600 phase(t)

79 Total soil erosion (t) 104,100 48,600 152,400 Comprehensive analysis of forecast

It is forecasted that total quantity of soil erosion will be some 152,400 tons during construction phase, among which newly increased quantity of soil erosion is 129,600 tons, 94,200 tons in the West District and 35,400 tons in South District. Main part of the newly increased quantity of soil erosion is spoils, accounting for over 80%.

As terrain rises and falls greatly in West District, soil erosion is relatively more severe there. But since area of the acquired land in West District is smaller than that of the South District, the soil-erosion-affected area is smaller than the South District. Although the area of acquired land is larger in South, quantity of soil erosion is small due to the relatively flat terrain.

The main harm of soil erosion is reducing the land productivity and water conservation function, damaging eco-environment of skirt area, causing safety problems of works, and decreasing the productive efficiency. Therefore in order to protect eco-environment and control soil erosion, it is necessary to take some suitable, effective and cost-effective measures of water and soil conservation, to recover the vegetation and landscape, to pay more attention to the protection of transfer stations, and to reduce the soil erosion as could as possible.

5.6 Impact Assessment on Water Environment

5.6.1 Construction Phase Production / construction wastewater

a. W astewater from Sand and Stone Processing

During the construction, a number of sand and stone processing sites will be set. The process comprises of two-stage crushing, screening, etc. Among them, screening process needs water flushing and de-dusting. Most part of water will discharge out from the production system except some part which will be consumed in the process. The main pollutant of the wastewater is SS, with a concentration of 25 000 mg/L (got from similar project practice).

If no treatment for such wastewater, its direct discharge to the river will substantially increase the SS in river water. SS in the river segments of project area will get to 500 ~ 600 mg/L in dry seasons. It has no obvious impact during average or high water seasons due to higher background value of SS at those periods, and the flowrate is higher too. The concentration of SS in the wastewater is far beyond the value of Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). The standard value is 70 mg/L. Thus it is necessary to treat the wastewater so as to meet the requirement of discharge. If the effluent has SS of 70 mg/L after treatment, it will be far lower than the average level of 1650 mg/L of the rivers. Thus no notable impact on river water.

80 b. Wastewater from Concrete System

During the construction, a number of concrete mixing stations will be set. Wastewater comes from the flushing of rotator and material tank. Some 1.2 m3 of water is used each time. Getting from similar projects, the wastewater has pH value of 11, and SS of 500 ~ 1000 mg/L. Because of small quantity, no notable impact on river water. But it should be treated because it exceeds the discharge concentration of 70 mg/L, and then discharges.

c. Oil-containing Wastewater

During construction phase, a number of repair & maintenance stations or plants for automobiles or vehicles and for construction machinery will be set in the construction areas. Wastewater from those stations or plants will be discharged discontinuously. Generally the total water consumption is 5.0m3/h, and the wastewater generation is 80% of the total. That means, the wastewater discharge at peak time is some 4.0m3/h. Direct discharge will cause the water pollution of oil film over the river, affecting the recovery of DO. So it is necessary to treat it to meet the requirement of the relevant standard. Domestic wastewater

Supposing the domestic wastewater or living wastewater discharge of constructors is 0.05 m3/person·d, the quantity of domestic wastewater in construction phase is some 25 m3/d. As the quantity of the wastewater is not too much, higher standard (e.g. Class A) for treatment is difficult. So primary treatment by septic tank will be adopted, and then the effluent will be used as irrigation water for farmland or green space nearby. Direct discharge is strictly prohibited. No such discharge after the completion of construction. Table 5-5 shows the domestic wastewater generation and discharge in construction phase.

Table 5-5 Domestic Wastewater Generation and Discharge in Construction Phase Wastewater Quantity Major pollutant Treating measure Discharge

CODCr: 400 mg/L As manure for crops Domestic BOD : 200 mg/L or trees after 25m3/d 5 No Wastewater SS: 200 mg/L treatment by septic tank Discharge of descending the groundwater table

Excavation for laying pipes will probably produce groundwater which contains SS with a concentration of 500 ~ 1500 mg/L. No other major pollutant in it. Such wastewater will be discharged nearby after sediment.

5.2.6 Operation Phase

81 The completion of the project will achieve the interception or collection of sewage, including industrial effluent and domestic wastewater, of the local area, due to the construction of supporting component of drainage system. It will change the existing situation of random discharge of wastewater in Mianyang. Thus it will substantially improve the quality of local water environment. By preliminary calculation, if the 3 sewage quantity of West District is 10 000 m /d, 1095t/a of COD and 730t/a of BOD5 will be cut down to Fujiang River and Anchang River. While if the sewage quantity of 3 South District is 15 000 m /d, 1640t/a of COD and 1100t/a of BOD5 will be cut down to Fujiang River and Anchang River.

5.7 Impact Assessment on Air Environment

5.7.1 Analysis of Pollution Sources

The main sources of air pollution are concrete mixing, crushing and screening of stones, oil burning of machines and vehicles. Those processes produce dust, SO2, CO, NOX, CnHm and waste gas of Pb compounds. The impact level on air depend on the dispersion conditions in local area, construction intensity, topographical conditions of local area, and so on. If the total oil consumption for the project construction is 2000 tons (gasoline and diesel oil)by estimation, the emission of some harmful gases from oil burning of the project construction is given in Table 5-6 by forecast.

Table 5-6 Waste Gas Emission from Oil Burning Consumption Forecast quantity of Parameter Emission index (kg/t) (t) pollutant (t) CO 29.35 58.7

NOX 48.261 96.5

SO2 3.522 2000 7.04 Pb compounds 1.696 3.39

CnHm 4.826 9.65

5.7.2 Vehicle Emissions

In project area, construction machinery and transportation vehicles are the main equipment of oil burning. Their exhaust or tail gas will have adverse effects on construction sites and traffic roads, resulting in air pollution to a certain extent. The major pollutants are CO, CnHm, and NO2. Vehicle exhaust is emitted along the road, being a linear source, while waste gases emitted by construction machines are of point sources. According to statistics, average wind velocity for years in the area is 1.1 m/s and the maximum wind velocity is 1.57 m/s. Because of good air dispersion conditions in the construction sites, the property of discontinuous emission, and the limit of construction period, such emission will have minor impact on air environment only.

82 5.7.3 Flying Dust

(a)、Generation of flying dust

According to the results of scientific research from home and abroad, quantity of flying dust generated during construction period is related to many factors. For instance, quantity of flying dust caused by excavator relates with the depth of digging, relative height between the mud digger of the excavator and the ground level, wind velocity, size of the soil particles, water content of the soil, just to name a few. For spoil piling site, quantity of flying dust relates to the piling method, wind velocity and whether the site is equipped with protective facilities or not.

Quantity of flying dust generation during excavation process relates to the following factors: wind velocity, moisture content, dispersion rate of the spoil, relative height of spoil damping of digger above the ground and so on. Quantity of flying dust can be calculated with experience formula as follows.


Where:Qp——Quantity of flying dust M——Spoil volume held by the digger K——Ratio by experience

Results of analogical research show that maximum quantity of flying dust during excavation will be about 1% of the load of spoils when no protective measures are adopted and the soil is dry, while it is about 0.2% when proper protective measures are adopted and the soil is wet. Wind velocity is estimated at 1.2m/s.

Much flying dust will be generated at the spoil-piling site on the construction site as forced by natural wind. Up to date, there is no perfect formula to calculate its quantity in theory. In China and foreign countries, wind dynamic test was used to test the basic parameters in the past. Through tests and regression analysis, some formulas have been established based on experience. -4 4.9 Qp=4.23×10 ×U ×Ap×K

Where:QP——Quantity of flying dust at piling spot,mg/s; U——Wind velocity m/s; K——Ratio by experience in consideration of soil moisture %; 2 AP——Total area of the piling spot,m 。 (b) Analysis of impact of flying dust on environment There are three sources to generate flying dust during construction: excavation, piling spot and transportation, of which flying dust generated in excavation and transportation produce greatest impact on environment. As larger particle of dust will come down and accumulate on the ground quickly, our assessment will be focused on the smaller particles of dust in size of >100μ. Analogical analysis suggests quantity of excavation per day is 100 tons in minimum and 200 tons in maximum.

(c) Forecast model

83 i. Basic model

Gaussian Plume Model is used. This model is expressed by the following formula:

Q 1 He 2 Y 2 C(X ,Y, O)  exp(  )  ( ) yz 2 z 2 2y 2 Where:Q——Strength of discharge source (mg/s); He——Height of effective source(m) yz——Dispersion parameter (m) For major sensitive points, landform will be adjusted. Following formula will be used:

Q 1 y 2 C( X ,Y,O)  exp[ ] yz 2 z 2 ii. Overlapping of multiple discharge sources

For multiple discharge sources, concentration at the same point will be overlapped:

n C(X ,Y, O)   Ci(X ,Y, O) i1 Where:Ci(X,Y,O)——Concentration on ground at source i; n ——Number of discharge sources

(d) Dispersion parameter

Selection will be made based on the Nation Standard (GB3201-91).

In consideration of sampling time, hourly average concentration is adopted. If dispersion parameter in vertical direction remains unchanged, dispersion parameter in horizontal direction is calculated as:

q  t1  yt1  yt0.5     t0.5  Where:q——Dilution parameter by time,q=0.3。

(e) Calculation of daily average concentration

Daily average concentration is calculated by following formula:

84 1 24 C  Ci 24 i1 Where:C ——Average concentration(mg/m3); Ci ——Average concentration for every hour(mg/m3)。

(f) Forecast of impact of flying dust on environment

Based on the quantity of dust, contribution rate and range of flying dust to the wind velocity, concentration for downward wind is calculated by 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% of the total excavation. Results of the calculation are shown in 5-8~5-13.

Table 5-8 Impact of flying dust for 200t/d excavation and quantity of flying dust calculated by 0.2% of total excavation Unit: mg/m3 Distance Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.21 0.35 0.68 1.76 0.13 0.23 0.48 1.11 0.10 0.17 0.34 0.81 200 0.05 0.09 0.18 0.51 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.34 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.24 300 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.24 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.17 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.12 400 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.08 500 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.05

Table 5-9 Flying dust contribution to concentration for 200t/d excavation and quantity of flying dust calculated by 0.5% of excavation Unit:mg/m3 Distance Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.48 0.88 1.69 4.31 0.32 0.57 1.12 2.76 0.24 0.43 0.84 2.01 200 0.12 0.22 0.45 1.76 0.08 0.15 0.30 0.83 0.06 0.11 0.23 0.62 300 0.05 0.10 0.21 0.61 0.04 0.07 0.14 0.41 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.30 400 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.36 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.25 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.18 500 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.25 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.17 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.13

Table 5-10 Flying dust contribution to concentration for 200t/d excavation and quantity of Flying dust calculated by 1% of excavation

Unit:mg/m3 Distance Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.95 1.72 3.39 8.62 0.63 1.14 2.24 5.52 0.47 0.85 1.67 4.05 200 0.23 0.44 0.90 2.52 0.15 0.30 0.60 1.66 0.12 0.22 0.45 1.24 300 0.10 0.20 0.41 1.21 0.07 0.13 0.27 0.81 0.05 0.10 0.21 0.60

85 400 0.06 0.11 0.24 0.72 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.49 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.36 500 0.04 0.07 0.16 0.49 0.02 0.05 0.11 0.33 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.25

Table 5-11 Flying dust contribution to concentration for 100t/d excavation and quantity of flying dust calculated by 0.2% of excavation Unit:mg/m3 Distan Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) ce (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.1 0.17 0.31 0.85 0.06 0.11 0.24 0.55 0.05 0.08 0.17 0.04 200 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.25 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.17 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.12 300 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 400 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 500 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02

Table 5-12 Flying dust contribution to concentration for 100t/d excavation and quantity of flying dust calculated by 0.5% of excavation

Unit:mg/m3 Distan Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) ce (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.23 0.43 0.98 2.15 0.15 0.28 0.56 1.38 0.11 0.21 0.41 0.01 200 0.05 0.11 0.22 0.63 0.03 0.07 0.15 0.41 0.06 0.10 0.11 0.31 300 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.30 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.20 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.15 400 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.18 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.07 500 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.06

Table 5-11 Flying dust contribution to concentration for 100t/d excavation and quantity of flying dust calculated by 1% of excavation Unit:mg/m3 Distan Wind velocity 1.0(m/s) Wind velocity 1.5(m/s) Wind velocity 2.0(m/s) ce (m) A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F A-B C D E-F 100 0.47 0.86 1.69 4.33 0.31 0.57 0.12 2.76 0.23 0.42 0.81 2.02 200 0.12 0.06 0.45 1.26 0.08 0.08 0.30 0.83 0.06 0.11 0.22 0.62 300 0.07 0.04 0.08 0.60 0.06 0.04 0.13 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.30 400 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.18 500 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.11 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.12

From the calculation, we conclude that flying dust from excavation contribute greatly to the concentration in the conditions of different wind velocity and wind stability,

86 especially TSP concentration in close distance is several times higher than the standard and even 10 times more than the standard. However, concentration decrease quickly with the increased distance and it meets the standard when the distance is 300m.When moisture content of the soil is high, flying dust contribute greatly only within the distance of 100m.

(7) Impact of flying dust on sensitive points

Construction will be carried out along roadsides. Based on the identified objects of environmental protection and sensitive points listed in Table 1-9, most of the sensitive points will be relocated before implementation of the project.

According to the impact forecast, flying dust of the construction will not cause obvious adverse impact to the sensitive points which are not to be relocated (teaching building and dormitories of Mianyang Foreign Language School at >300m away from the site and Electronic Commerce College of Southwest University of Finance & Economy at >500m away from the site in south side of the road).

For Nanshan Oriental Bilingual School on north side of Yingbin Avenue, its teaching building is 50m away from the road. Under stable climate conditions, flying dust of the construction will not cause obvious adverse impact but may cause quality of air to exceed the standard.

For the dormitory of Bank of China near Road K8 at 30m on west side of the road, flying dust of the construction will cause quality of air to exceed the standard under stable climate conditions.

5.7.4 Analysis of Air Environmental Impact in Operation Phase

As the project is of civil engineering, air pollution is usually caused by exhaust and flying dust generated by vehicle running. The major pollutants are CO, NOx, THC and TSP. Their emission will increase with the ever increasing of traffic flow. They will contribute to the air pollution along the both sides of roads.

In the following paragraphs, analyses will be focused on the impact of vehicle exhaust. (1) Selection of forecast model CALINE4 model recommended by the National Environmental Protection Administration of the U.S. is used to forecast the potential impact. For forecast the concentration of pollutant from the vehicle exhaust at the collecting points on roads, the roads are divided into series of line sources according to the method of CALINE4. Dust concentration at one point of each line sources calculated separately (as shown in Fig. 5- 1) and total concentration at this point produced by vehicles on the whole road will be added up afterwards.

87 Wind direction

Fig. 5. Division of line source by CALINE4 Model

Gaussian Plume Model is used to simulate the dispersion of the limited line sources:

88 Q   Z  H 2   Z  H 2  C  exp   exp   PD 2 2 2 2 2 z u   z   z  2 p2 1 p PD  exp( )dp p 1 2 2 Where: x  x x , x x 、x and x present the end points on the right end and p  1 p  2 1 2 the left 1end of the line 2and the abscissa of the monitoring point respectively. Results of  y  y calculation at the monitoring points on all line sources are overlapped in the end.

(2) Calculating method of dispersion parameter

By CALINE4 model, impact of vehicle flow to dispersion of vehicle exhaust is simulated by initial mixing section. Width of initial mixing section (σY0)is defined as total width of the road plus 3m on each side. The added width on each side (totally 6 meters) represent the impact of the exhaust level of the moving vehicle. Height of the initial mixing section will be calculated with following formula:

σZ0(m)=1.6+0.1×T T is the time for pollutant of vehicle exhaust to stay in the initial mixing section (s).

 W ,  45° 2u sin T   W  ,  45° 2u sin 45°

In the above formula, W refers to the width of initial mixing section, u refers to the ground wind velocity and θ is the angle between wind direction to the ground.

For weak wind and calm (U10<1 m/s)model, formula in the Guide Book is used for calculation.

(3) Results of calculation

(a) Selection of roads for forecast As many roads will be involved in the proposed project, roads with typical features in West District and South District will be selected for forecast. Details of the selected roads are shown in Table 5-14.

89 Table 5-14 Details of the selected roads Designed Name of Length Location Width(m) traffic the road (km) flow Yingbin 80 4322 3.8 West Avenue District K8 25 1036 1.6 South S6 30 1028 1.52 District S8 80 2223 2.02 (b)Results of forecast Results of forecast of vehicle exhaust for the proposed project is shown in Table 5- 15~5-17.

(c)Analysis of the results Category I of Environmental Air Quality Standard(GB3095-1996) is used for 3 3 assessment with CO(hour)10.00mg/m and NO20.12mg/m .

By comparing the forecast results and relevant standards, we conclude:

① Under D and E climate conditions with clam wind, CO value can meet the standard in area outside the road(≥50m); while with light wind 小 风 , it will not exceed the standard.

② For K8 and S6 with low traffic flow, when there is little wind, NOX value will not exceed the standard in area outside the road(/200m), while with little wind, it will not exceed the standard.

③ For Yingbin Avenue and S8 with high traffic flow, air quality tends to exceed standards in all conditions. When there is wind, air quality in area ≥ 200m away from the central line of the road will exceed the standard, while under calm wind, air quality in area ≥ 100m away from the central line of the road will exceed the standard.

(d)Analysis of impact to sensitive points

Four sensitive points located in the proposed project will not be relocated. For teaching buildings and dormitories of Mianyang Foreign Language School and Electronic Commerce College of Southwest University of Finance & Economy (being >500 m

90 away from the central line of the road in the south side of the road), vehicle exhaust on Yingbin Avenue will not cause air quality to exceed the standard and buildings along the sides of the roads will form the barrier to minimize the impact to the sensitive points.

Dormitories of Nanshan Oriental Bilingual School are 50m away at north side of Yingbin avenue and 90m away from the central line of the road. Dormitories of Bank of China are 30m away at west side of K8 Road and 42.5m away from the central line of the road. NO2 from exhaust of vehicles on Yingbin Avenue will cause air quality to exceed the standard in Nanshan Oriental Bilingual School in little wind as traffic flow is relatively high. But with calm wind, it will not exceed the standard.

For the dormitories of Bank of China, vehicle exhaust on K8 road will not cause air quality to exceed the standard at this spot as traffic flow is relatively low. But in little wind, air quality will decrease to some extent.

Generally, after the completion of the project, exhausting gas will affect the ambient air in some local areas due to the increase of traffic flow. But with the improvement of road network, speed of automobiles can be increased, and waiting time at road corner will be shortened, so the emission of exhausting gas will decrease from macroscopic view.

In combination with the features of air pollution, it is suggested that construction owner should select some tree species which have the function of purifying air pollutants and suitable to grow in the local area, such as ginkgo, nanmu, seat-scented osmanthus, camphor, geranium, etc. Two green belts along the roads will purify the air, reduce the traffic noise, and mitigate their impacts on the local people.

5.8 Impact Assessment on Acoustic Environment

5.8.1 Construction Phase Noise sources

Noise sources of construction activities are: stationary and continuous drilling and other mechanical machines, short-time explosion, mobile vehicles and machines. Noise level of conventional construction machinery are listed in Table 5-18. The data come from Practical Data Handbook of Environmental Protection (Chinese version).

Table 5-18 Noise Level of Main Construction Machinery Type Machine Noise level(dB) Mixer 75~90 Crusher 80~110 Point source Excavator 115 Air compressive driller 120 Integrated processing 105 Linear source Heavy-duty truck 88~95

91 Median-duty truck 85~91 Light-duty truck 82~90 Bulldozer 78~96 Forecast model

For forecasting the noise level, noise levels of stationary or mobile sources can be calculated by some equations recommended by Technical Guidelines of EA (HJ/T2.4 -1995).

(a) For stationary source

LA(r)=LWA – 20 lg r - 8 where LA(r)— sound level (A) of the point with a distance of r (m) from the source, (dB) LWA — sound power of level A (dB); R— distance from measurement point to source, (m).

Noise level at the forecast point can be calculated by overlapping

n 0.1Li L总  10lg(10 ) i1 where

L 总— forecast sound level, (dB); Li— overlapped sound level, (dB); N——number of sources.

(b) For mobile source

Trucks or lorries are mobile sources of noise, their attenuation of noise can be calculated by the following equation N 7.5 Leq  L  10lg  10lg  S  13 A max V r where Leq— sound level at the forecast point, (dB(A));

LAmax— source intensity at the center of road; N— vehicle flow, (vehicles/h); V— velocity of vehicle, (km/h); r— distance between measurement point and contrast point, (m); S— Noise reduction by sound barrier in the propagations way. Analysis of impact

(a) Impact Forecast of Stationary Sources

Category B of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993) is adopted for the assessment in the project area. The standard values are 60 dB(A) in the daytime, and 50 dB(A) in the nighttime. Seven noise levels are used to assess the impact of construction machinery. They are 80 dB(A), 85 dB(A), 90 dB(A), 95 dB(A), 100 dB(A), 105 dB(A), and 110 dB(A). Because of low background noise level in the area, the increment of total sound level by overlapping is relatively small, so for different machines, only noise levels at different distance will be forecasted. The forecast results are given in

92 Table 5-19.

Table 5-19 Contribution Value of Noise Source at different Distance Noise of machine Distance (m) dB(A) 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 80 44.04 38.02 34.50 32.00 30.06 28.48 25.98 22.46 19.96 85 49.04 43.02 39.50 37.00 35.06 33.48 30.98 27.46 24.96 90 54.04 48.02 44.50 42.00 40.06 38.48 35.98 32.46 29.96 95 59.04 53.02 49.50 47.00 45.06 43.48 40.98 37.46 34.96 100 64.04 58.02 54.50 52.00 50.06 48.48 45.98 42.46 39.96 105 69.04 63.02 59.50 57.00 55.06 53.48 50.98 47.46 44.96 110 74.04 68.02 64.50 62.00 60.06 58.48 55.98 52.46 49.96

It can be seen from the calculation that ·If the sound level of source is 85 dB(A), noise level at the point which is 25 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime, while at the point which is 15 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the daytime.

·If the sound level of source is 95 dB(A), noise level at the point which is 75 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime, while at the point which is 25 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the daytime.

·If the sound level of source is 100 dB(A), noise level at the point which is 150 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime, while at the point which is 50 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the daytime.

·If the sound level of source is 105 dB(A), noise level at the point which is 300 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime, while at the point which is 75 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the daytime.

·If the sound level of source is 110 dB(A), noise level at the point which is 400 m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime, while at the point which is 150m or plus far from the source can meet the standard in the daytime.

In terms of schools or hospitals which fall into Category A of noise environment, under the condition of no buildings which can be noise barriers, a strong source (110 dB(A)) has negative impact on the area as far as 400 m. As a number of buildings exist in the project area, the affecting distance of construction noise will much less than 400 m. But in order to guarantee the protective objects out of the impact of construction, the arrangement of construction site should consider the external environment, and try to avoid closing to the protective objects as could as possible. I

(b) Impact Forecast of Mobile Sources

For impact forecast of mobile noise sources, the maximum vehicle flow is used as the source intensity. Along the trunk roads, in the daytime, 50 vehicle/h and 35 km/h are used as the traffic flow and speed respectively. While in the nighttime, 20 vehicle/h and 30 km/h are used as the traffic flow and speed respectively. Table 5-20 shows the noise impact on the either side of road.

Table 5-20 Forecast Value of Traffic Noise Impact on Either Side of Road Noise level at different distance from the source Distance of Time standard 10 20 30 40 50 100 150 300 400 attainment

93 Daytime 66.3 63.3 61.6 60.3 59.4 56.3 54.6 51.6 50.3 45 Nighttime 60.4 57.3 55.6 54.3 53.4 50.4 48.6 45.6 44.3 110

Comparing with the reference values specified by Category D of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993), noise level at the point 45 m away from the source can meet the standard in the daytime, while noise level at the point 110 m away from the source can meet the standard in the nighttime. Therefore large quantity transportation in the nighttime should be avoided, and the transportation routes should be far from sensitive objects, such as schools, hospitals, residential quarters, etc.

(c) Impact to the sensitive points According to the results of forecast, noise from transportation during construction phase will not bring significant impact to Electronic Commerce College of Southwest University of Finance & Economy and Mianyang Foreign Language School, but it will cause impact to some extent to the dormitories of Nanshan Oriental Bilingual School and Bank of China. To avoid the potential impact to these sensitive points, it is suggested that transportation vehicles pass through these points as less as possible during construction phase.

5.8.2 Operation Phase Source analysis

Automobiles generate three kinds of noise: engine noise, wheel air pumping noise and impact noise between wheel and road. The wheel air pumping noise becomes the main one when the speed is more than 50 km/h. The noise level of automobile running has relation to its speed and the type of automobile. Generally, we divide them into three categories or types, see Table 5-21.

Table 5-21 Three Types of Automobiles Type Total mass Small sized (S) Less than 3.5t Median sized (M) More than 3.5t ~ 12t Large sized (L) More than 12t

Based on the forecast of traffic/vehicle flow in operation phase, three types of automobile have average radiation sound level (dB) as follows, see Table 5-22.

Table 5-22 Average Radiation Sound Level of Automobiles Type Average Speed(km/h) Radiation Sound Level(dB) Small sized(S) 60 73.2 Median 51 79.2 sized(M) Large sized(L) 41 84.6 Forecast method

94 For forecast of noise impact, Specifications of Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Construction Project is recommended. The traffic noise forecast model has an accuracy of ±2.5 dB. The forecast equation is given by

L=10 lg(N/r)+30 lg(V/50)+ 64

Where L— noise level at the point with the distance of r from the source; N— vehicle flow (vehicle/h, monitoring value is used); V— vehicle speed (m/h); r— distance between the forecast point and the source (m). Forecast of road traffic flow

According to the traffic survey in Mianyang Traffic Planning, two peaks are in the traffic curve, they are, 7:00~8:00 in the morning, and 17:00~18:00 in the afternoon. The coefficient of the two peak hours are 16.1% and 14.7% respectively. People, mainly students and employees, are on the way to school or institutions, or on the way home. So the peak hours are used as the period to analyze.

Table 5-23 Traffic Frequency Forecast in the Far Future (2020) Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic Zone Zone generation attraction generation attraction West 1 13696 14425 South 7 17699 14975 West 2 18430 17450 South 8 18817 7944 West 3 19365 11650 South 9 8715 11534 West 4 15352 14139 South 10 9187 18992 West 5 21410 21405 South 11 11678 15637 West 6 11921 12297 South 12 11818 10129 West 7 29517 18700 South 13 10008 17878 West 8 25926 26789 South 14 16326 15069 West 9 12797 23900 South 15 12995 10826 West 10 14010 13936 South 16 15975 13923 West 11 13813 16495 South 17 12593 12307 West 12 15539 6232 South 18 14923 13340 South 1 15362 13824 South 19 14558 13152 South 2 20634 19645 South 20 24350 24350 South 3 27990 16586 Hi-tech Zone 69544 69544 South 4 53068 24126 Urban center 151239 151239 South 5 11415 11920 Sci-tech City 48700 48700 South 6 15303 13942 SSTU 19582 3477 Forecast results

The traffic noise forecast is conducted based on the characteristics of the project, considering the road wide specification of 40m, 25m, and 16m as well as the width of green space of 5 m, referring to the similar roads in Chengdu, and under the condition of no building barriers. The forecast results are given in Table 5-24.

95 Table 5-24 Traffic Noise Forecast (daytime) Distance to the central line (m) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Road specifications 40 70.0 67.2 65.7 64.5 63.4 62.1 61.8 60.7 59.69 25 68.1 65.1 63.0 61.4 60.3 59.5 58.6 57.9 57.4 16 67.8 64.8 62.6 60.8 59.8 58.9 58.1 57.5 56.8 Unit: dB(A)

It is known from Figure 5-10 that, the noise level at both sides of roads within 20 m can meet the requirement of Category D of the standard. But the noise level at both sides of roads within 200 m can not meet the requirement of Category A of the standard. In the meantime, the calculation shows that the traffic noise level will reduce by 20 ~ 60 dB(A) when buildings stand in-between. So residential quarters, schools or hospitals should not be built along the roads unless some noise control measures are taken. Impact of traffic noise on sensitive objects

The protected objects are located at the either side in the range of 30~ 300 m. According to the forecast, in this range, the traffic noise level can’t meet the requirement of Category A of the standard during peak hours. Therefore, for the sake of protecting the acoustic environment of the roadsides, green belts along the roads should be widened and measure of restricting the vehicle flow should be taken.

To reduce the impact on the dormitories of Nanshan Oriental Bilingual School and Bank of China, some measures such as limiting the speed of vehicles (to about 20km/hour) and ban of horn are suggested to be adopted so as to guarantee the local acoustic environment being controlled under the relevant standard.

Generally, traffic noise is mainly generated by internal combustion engine and horn. Because the urban trunk roads improve its road network, the traffic delay will decrease as a whole. The completion of trunk roads will mitigate the noise traffic pollution due to traffic jams, and is beneficial to urban environmental protection.

5.9 Impact Assessment of Solid Wastes Disposal

The project construction will generate spoils, construction wastes and domestic refuse.

5.9.1 Spoils and Debris

Based on the primary statistics of excavation and backfilling in West District and South District, 840 750 m3 and 505 109 m3 of spoils and debris will be generated in West District and South District, respectively. So totally 1 345 859 m3 of spoils and debris will be generated, see Table 2-6.

Spoils and debris generated in the construction phase will be used for backfilling or other usage as could as possible. Specific transfer stations near the construction site will be selected for temporary piling, and it should be enclosed so as to avoid soil erosion

96 and environmental pollution. Waste lands will be used as the transfer stations as could as possible. It is not suitable to occupy farmland as transfer stations.

5.9.2 Construction Wastes

A large quantity of construction wastes will be generated due to house demolishment. Part of construction wastes can be used for backfilling, and pat of them can be piled in transfer stations.

5.9.3 Domestic Refuse

Domestic Refuse or garbage will be generated by constructors at encampments with a capacity of 200 kg/ day by forecast. Garbage collection sites should be set. Garbage will be transported to municipal landfill site or other environmentally-friendly disposal facilities and disposed there.

5.10 Analyses on the Trend of Development of the Regional Environmental Quality and Potential Indirect Impact Brought about by the Proposed Project

5.10.1 Trend of Development of Environmental Quality

According to the current status and general plan of social and economic development, local wastes discharge and environmental quality in Mianyang City, discharge of wastes and pollutants in this city is forecasted as follows:

(1) Forecast of pollutants discharge a) Forecast of discharge of industrial pollutants

Along with the rapid growth of local economy and increase of output of industrial enterprises, discharge of pollutants will increase correspondingly. By utilizing the Elastic Index Model for 10,000 yuan of output value of industrial enterprises (Elastic Index is 0.85), total discharge of pollutants from industrial enterprises in Mianyang city is forecasted and the results are shown in Table 5-25. Table 5-25 Forecast of total discharge of industrial pollutants in Mianyang City Year 2000 2005 2010 Item

97 Industrial wastewater (ton) 68,000,000 110,000,000 185,000,000 COD(ton) 20,400 33,000 55,000 Industrial waste gas (Billion 41.977 67.605 11.3900 m3)

SO2(ton) 82,600 133,200 224,400 Smoky dust (ton) 37,800 61,000 102,800 Industrial dust (ton) 69,700 112,300 189,200 Solid wastes (ton) 772,500 1,244,100 2,096,100

Notes: All data in above table are from the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Plan of Economic Development Ring of Chengdu Plain (1999-2010) compiled by SPEB and Sichuan Provincial Department of Land and Resources (May 1999). b) Forecast of Discharge of Domestic Wastes Forecast of Discharge of Domestic Wastes in Mianyang City is shown in Table 5-26.

Table 5-26 Discharge of Domestic Wastes in Mianyang City Year 2000 2005 2010 Item Domestic waste water (ton) 45,600,000 55,430,000 67,500,00 COD(Ton) 19,830 24,100 29,350

SO2(ton) 5200 5382 5572 Smoky dust (ton) 40,600 42,019 43,504 Domestic refuse (ton) 229,000 237,000 368,100

Notes: All data in above table are from the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Plan of Economic Development Ring of Chengdu Plain (1999-2010) compiled by SPEB and Sichuan Provincial Department of Land and Resources (May 1999). c) Analyses of the results

Results in the above tables show that even though total quantity of industrial wastewater, waste gas, solid waste and domestic refuse increase year by year with local economic development, total discharge of these wastes can still be controlled in a

98 suitable range if measures are taken to discharge the wastes within the standards and measures of total quantity control are adopted. In this way, the national economy can grow at rapid rate on one hand and the environment is well protected on the other hand.

(2) Forecast of the Trend of Development of Environmental Quality

Based on the current development trend and The Urban Master Plan of Mianyang City, Mianyang is a city featured with science and technology. Most of the enterprises, to be located in the two districts involved in the proposed project area in the future, will be engaged in new & hi-tech industries. For instance, West District will base enterprises and institutes engaged in electronic information technology, new materials, fine chemicals, environmental protection, bio-technology and electronic-machinery integrity, and in South District, the main development orientation is automobile industry, new-typed building materials industry, foodstuff processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, electronic information technology, fine chemical industry, tourism, ecological and environmental protection industry and so on. The major businesses of the existing enterprises in the West District are electronic information technology, pharmaceutical industry, and in the South District, they are electronic information technology and machinery processing. These enterprises generate pollution of category I or II. Of course, pollutants will go up with the increasing number of enterprises to the districts in the future. If perfect waste sewers are built there, pollutants will be well treated and controlled, thus producing minor impact to the local environment and environmental quality of these areas will meet the standard.

5.10.2 Potential Indirect Impact

(1) In terms of functions of the districts, with the incoming of enterprises in the future, these districts will be turned from the current farming/cropping land into economic development area (this will happen step by step). The changes of their functions conform to the overall development scheme of Mianyang City and requirements of local social economic development as well.

(2) In terms of existing conditions of these districts, there are no natural reserves, scenery spots, historical relics and cultural sites and other special and sensitive points in the project area. Impact brought about by the changes of functions of the area will be revealed in following aspects: a) Increase of land value caused by the changes of usage of the land in the project area. This will be favorable for the development and utilization of the land in a more rational way. b) Fast growth of the local economy will promote the increase of GDP, which will serve as stimulation to stability of social order and improvement of living standard of the local people obviously.

99 From what discussed above, we should say that the impact of the project is favorable for environment and will promote the development of local economy.

5.11 Alternative Analyses

5.11.1 Alternatives for Road Surface Construction

Generally there are two alternatives for road surface construction, e.g. bituminous concrete paved road and cement concrete paved road. Cement concrete is widely used for road construction and has been the major structure of roads in urban areas of China for a long time because of its advantages such as low cost of material, easy and convenient building process, etc.. However, in recent years, with fast growth of petro- chemical industry, especially the ever-increasing consumption of petroleum, output and quality of bitumen (pitch) produced by the Chinese enterprises have been lifted by large scale and bituminous concrete used for road pavement is replacing cement concrete step by step. In many cities (including big and medium-sized cities in Sichuan) in China, bituminous concrete pavement is added onto the original cement concrete pavement on the existing roads. This is true for Mianyang. For the construction of roads proposed by this project, bituminous concrete will be used and it will also be used for construction of the Second Ring Road of this city. Although it is more costly to build road with bituminous concrete and special machinery is required for construction, the bituminous concrete-paved roads look more beautiful, functions well to absorb dust, reduce noise and period of construction. For these reasons, bituminous concrete is recommended for the construction of the roads of the proposed project.

5.11.2 Alternatives of the drainage system

For this area, there are three types of wastewater to drain, e.g. domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and rain /storm water. Usually two ways are used to drain such wastewater: mixed drainage system and separate drainage system. By mixed drainage system, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and rain /storm water is drained through one sewer, while by separate drainage system, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and rain /storm water are drained through two or more than two sewers separately.

For analyses of environmental impact, if domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and rain /storm water is sent to wastewater treatment plant by mixed drainage and discharged after treatment, it is effective in perspective of control and prevention of wastewater pollution. But the disadvantages are that large-sized trunk drainage pipes are needed and capacity of wastewater treatment plant increased, resulting in increased investment in construction of the plant correspondingly. Practical experience proves that

100 for cities using mixed drainage system, pollution on the river by the wastewater will get worse and worse along with further development of the city. By separate drainage system, urban wastewater is sent to the wastewater treatment plant and water from rain/storm is drained to the river directly. The weak point of the way is that the water is drained without treatment at the initial stage. But separate drainage system conforms to the sanitary requirement of cities and is favorable for centralized and integrated treatment of wastewater, and it requires low cost of construction and quality of wastewater after treatment meets the discharge standard. This method has been widely accepted at home and abroad and it is the trend of development for wastewater drainage system

By integrating the factors mentioned above, the overall plan of the West District and South District and current conditions of the city, separate drainage system is recommended for this phase of the project and drainage pipelines will be laid together with the construction of the roads.

5.11.3 Alternatives of rain/storm water drainage system in South District

South District is located on the western bank of the Fujiang River. At present, an embankment has been constructed for flood control, which is 10cm higher than the ground level. This structure may lead to accumulation of storm water in the district. According to the analyses on the rainfall and rain season of Mianyang, rain/storm water pumping station only operate for a short period of a year with low utilization efficiency and the accumulated water is drained out by gravity in general. Therefore two alternatives are drawn out for the rain/storm water drainage system in South District

(1)With rain/storm water pumping station

Drainage system of rain/storm water is divided into 4 sections, of which rain/storm water in Section 1 and 2 is lifted up by pumping station and discharged into the Fujiang River, and rain/storm water in Section 3 and 4 is discharged into the natural water body in southern part of the these sections directly.

(2) Without rain/storm water pumping station

In this alternative, rain/storm water pumping station is cancelled and a ditch to collect rain/storm water is built along the interior side of the road on the riverbank. Rain/storm water is discharged into the Fujiang River through the ditch directly.

(3) Alternative analysis

101 The difference between the two alternatives lies whether rain/storm water pumping station will be set up or not. The second alternative is to lie rain/storm water drainage along the riverbank and rain-storm water is collected and led to discharge into the natural water body on the south side. In terms of engineering work, length of rain-storm water drainage pipes are the same for the two alternative except for the bigger trunk drainage pipes with more investment in the pipes proposed in the second alternative than that for the first alternative. However, in the second alternative, there is no rain/storm water pumping station. As a matter of fact, cost of rain/storm water pumping station is high and operational expenses is also high and a long-term problem in the future. Judging from integrated point of view, cost of rain/storm water drainage system designed in the second alternative is much cheaper, and in terms of construction, technology for pipes and drainage installation is mature and of low degree of difficulty.

In conclusion, the second alternative is more better than the first one in terms of economy and technology. Therefore, the second alternative is recommended for this project.

5.11.4 Alternatives for road construction

For design of road construction schemes in the two districts, following factors were put into consideration: functions of the road work, grade of the roads, designed speed of vehicles, locations of the roads, features of the land adjacent to the roads, etc.. Roads S8 and S10 in South District and K22 in West District were used for alternative analyses of optimization.

Road S8, lying east- westwards, is an important road in South District. Its designed width is 80m. Requirements for people to enjoy scenery along the road were fully taken into consideration of the design. In the original design, the central isolating belt was 40m in width, but in the alternative, this belt was readjusted to 25m and fast lane and slow lane were added into the design. The readjustment enhances the function of the roads, makes the design more rational and increases the value of land.

Road S10, lying south-northwards in South District and in the interior side of the embankment, is a trunk road. Most part of it is adjacent to the embankment except for short sections. Its major function is for sight-seeing and designed width 80m. Requirements for people to enjoy scenery along the road were fully taken into consideration in design. But as a trunk pass between the bridge and the eastern districts, its transporting function is also very important. But in the original design, there were two walkways, double-direction lanes of manual vehicle, isolating belt between powered vehicle and manual vehicle and lanes in total width of 40m. In this alternative, walkways, lane of manual vehicle and isolating belt will be built at the same elevation and the original three sections are altered to two sections. By this design, it not only

102 satisfies the requirement of vehicle, but also increases the artistic feature and function for people to enjoy the scenery along the road

Road K22 is the second ring road and is of great importance to this city. The designed cross section is like this: 8m walkway (on two sides)+ 12m (vehicle lanes, mixed lanes for powered/manual vehicle in two directions)+10m (central isolating belt). In the alternative, the design was readjusted to: 4.5m walkway (on two sides)+ 14m (vehicle lanes, mixed lanes for powered/manual vehicle in two directions)+10m (central isolating belt). According to this readjustment, central isolating belt remains the same width, width of vehicle lanes is increased and width of walkway reduced so that 3 lanes for powered vehicle are ensured apart from the manual vehicle and its function as traffic transportation trunk is enhanced. At the same time, the greening and scenery spot are not affected by the construction.

5.11.5 Zero alternative analyses

Analyses from the necessity and importance of the proposed project. Mianyang is the second largest city in terms of economic output in Sichuan, only next to Chengdu and it is one of the key area for economic development in Chengdu Plain. The pinieer Park and Econimic Development Zone are the center of this development. Construction of infrastructure is the pre-requisite to ensure normal development of economic development zone. Well-installed infrastructure (roads, drainage system, etc.) serve as favorable conditions to attract investment from home and abroad, and moreover it is beneficiary for environmental protection in this region.

Analyses from the impact on local environment. Quality of local environment will remain the same if the proposed project is not implemented. However, along with incoming of the enterprises in the future, discharge of wastes will be getting worse and worse as no pipelines and drainage system are installed and disordered discharge of wastes from enterprises will bring obvious adverse impact to local environment. In addition, enterprises may carry out in-depth treatment to the wastes in order to meet the standard as there is no perfect and well-organized infrastructure. In this way, investment will increase and it will do no good to the unified management of the environmental protection.

If this project is implemented, negative impact will be generated during construction stage such as flying dust, noise, wastewater. But the impact is only limited to a certain period of time and limited range and most of the negative impact will disappear after the completion of the construction. If restoration is done well, the negative impact will be alleviated or reduced to the minimum extent. In perspective of long-term benefits of local development, construction of the infrastructure is favorable for better operation of enterprises in the project area and centralized treatment and disposal of pollutants, normal operation of Mainyang Sewage Treatment Plant. Therefore, implementation of

103 the proposed project will bring positive impact.

5.12 Linkage Analyses of the Impact

5.12.1 Analyses on the targeted annual traffic flow and traffic load on the main roads a) West District

According to the data released by the Feasibility Study of the Project, traffic flow at peak hours is estimated at 3344pcu/h on the Second Ring Road in 2010. This road is the major access road connecting Qingyi Town and the National Level High-tech Development Zone of Mianyang and it has been scheduled to complete before 2010.

Traffic flow at peak hours is estimated at 3567pcu/h in 2010 on Yingbin Avenue. Yingbin Avenue is the main outlet in the north side of Mianyang City and the trunk road in West District. This avenue is of great importance to the construction of the whole West District.

Traffic flow at peak hours is estimated at 2770pcu/h and 2601pcu/h in 2010 onYuanyi Street and Cuangyi Avenue respectively. These are the trunk roads for the whole district and are of great importance to the construction and formation of the road network of West District.

Traffic flow at peak hours is estimated at 3459pcu/h on the west section of Jiannan Road in 2010. This road is the most convenient access road connecting West District and Fucheng District.

From what discussed above, we conclude that it is necessary to complete the construction of roads in this district before 2010 in order to support the land development of West District based on the analyses of traffic requirements. b) South District

Based on the analyses of traffic requirements in the whole district, traffic flow at peak hours is estimated at 238,800 vehicle·Km and total traffic load will be 0.68 in 2010. Therefore, it is necessary to complete the construction of roads in the district before 2010 so as to support the land development of South District based on the analyses of traffic requirements.

104 5.12.2 Linkage Analyses of Road K22 and Southwest Technology University

Road K22, proposed for this phase of project, is located in West District and is the main road in urban area of Mianyang in length of 5.5km, of which, a section of the road in length of 2.56km will be built in this phase of project and the rest section in length of 3km will be built with funds from other sources by Mianynag City. As planned in the Master Development Plan of Mianyang City, Road K22 is the Second Ring Road extending to connect with Soutwest Technology University in northward direction. If only a section of 2.56km is built with loan from the World Bank and the rest 3km is left without construction, its normal function can’t be brought into full play and Southwest Technology University will be still disconnected with the town of Mianyang. As advised by the experts from the World Bank, the rest section of 3km should also be constructed together with this phase of project According to the requirements by the Technical Guideline on EIA of the World Bank, EIA on the road of the rest 3km should also be carried out. Technological requirements should satisfy the review of related departments of China and the need of EIA of the World Bank as well.

5.12.3 Linkage analyses on drainage/sewer and sewage treatment plant a) West District According to the development scheme of Mianyang, drainage and sewer system rather than sewage treatment plant will be built in West District. Domestic sewage and industrial wastewater will be collected and sent to Taziba Sewedge Treatment Plant. Taziba Sewage Treatment Plant is located in the southeast area of Mianyang on the right side of the Fujiang River. The designed capacity of the plant is 200,000t/d with two stage treatment. Sewage and wastewater is discharged into the Fujinag River after secondary treatment. The capacity of the on-going construction of the plant is 100,000t/d and will reach 200,000t/d (the designed capacity) in 2010. Based on the data available in this district, sewage generated in this district will be 10,000t/d. Therefore, Taziba Sewedge Treatment Plant is capable to treat such amount of wastewater. b) South District Industrial and domestic wastewater from this district will be collected and treated in Tangxun Sewage Treatment Plant in the south part. At present, capacity, technological scheme and exact location of Tangxun Sewage Treatment Plant have not been finalized yet.

In the following paragraphs, impact of wastewater discharged into the Fujiang River after collection but before the construction of the sewage treatment plant will be analyzed by integrating the capacity of the current water body of the Fujiang River. According to monitoring data, water quality of the Fujiang River is rather good at

105 present and can meet the standard of Category III of water body specifications. For most of the year, it meets the standard of Category II of water body specifications. Therefore, sewage from this district can be treated by two stages.

Stage I: To build complete drainage and sewer system in this district. After being collected, sewage is drained to the lower reaches of the Fujiang River outside urban district of Mianyang for discharge. Based on the current amount of sewage (15,000m3/d), the impact to the Fujiang River is calculated as follows: a)Forecast model

c Q   2   2  p p   uy  u(2B  y)  c(x, y)  ch  exp   exp   4M x  4M x H M y xu   y   y 

Of which:cx, y——Average concentration of pollutant at x,y points

ch ——Concentration of pollutant in upper reaches of the river or current concentration of pollutant in lake or sea

c p ——Concentration of pollutant discharge

Q p ——Quantity of wastewater discharge H ——Average depth 1 2 M y ——Horizontal mixed parameter , M y 0.058H  0.0065BgHI  x 、 y ——Directional coordinate value u ——Flow rate in x direction (average flow rate of cross section of the river) B ——Width of the river b) Forecast factor Forecast factor is CODcr and its concentration is estimated at 400mg/L (being considered as the concentration prior to treatment) c) Results of forecast and analyses From the results of forecast (as shown in the annex) we can see that if sewage and wastewater (15,000m3/d) is collected in South District and discharged into the Fujiang River without any treatment (assumed flow rate 32.2m3/s in low water season and average flow rate 260m3/s), the discharged wastewater will deteriorate water quality very slightly only in the water body 50m below the discharge spot in low water season but not the water quality of the whole river. Quality of water body will remain at specification of Category III Standard.

Stage II: To build Tangxun Sewage Treatment Plant according to the design plan and treat sewage and wastewater by secondary bio-chemical method when condition allows

106 in the future.


The proposed project is the construction of municipal infrastructure. The major environmental impacts are in its construction phase. They are: land occupation and resettlement (mainly farmers’ households), soil erosion or soil erosion, flying dust, noise, spoils. Among the above impacts, the significant impact is land occupation and resettlement. In operation phase, traffic noise and exhaust from automobiles will be the major impacts. But the project will have positive impact on traffic, civil construction, and socioeconomic development.

6.1 Environmental Protection Measures for Land Acquisition and Resettlement

6.1.1 Resettlement Plan Resettlement policy

According to The Resettlement Action Plan, the resettlement principles of urban development project of Mianyang are as follows: respect local customs of life and production, fully consider local people’s willing. In line with the construction of villages, groups and towns, those people previously engaged in the second and third industry will enjoy more opportunities. They will become non- agricultural residents from agricultural ones.

The resettlement work must be based on necessary living materials and the potential for long-term development. Moreover, it is necessary to make use of local advantages and solve the problems of reemploying the local labor force. By doing so, long lasting stability and prosperity can be achieved in the area. Principles of resettlement

(1) Resettlement plan should be based on the indexes in kind of actual land acquisition and house demolishment, as well as the compensation and subsidy standards.

(2) Resettlement should be conducted in combination with local situation, resource exploration, economic development and environmental protection. Proceeding from actual conditions, feasible measures suited to local conditions should be taken to recover and develop the local production, and improve people’s living standard. Essential conditions for self-development should also be created for the relocated people.

(3) Make the layout according to the principle of being favorable for production and convenient for life.

(4) Relocation should be conducted under original scale and standard. The task of investing in enlarging scale of the city, upgrading the standard and making long-term plan should be left to the local government and related authorities or departments.

(5) Handle the relationship between the state, the collective and individuals under the principle of making the overall plan and taking all factors into consideration.

107 (6) In the method of compensating in earlier stage and supporting in later stage, put forward the reemployment of influenced people and maintain their original living standard. Resettlement scheme

(1) Resettlement of Production

People under influence of the project will all turn into non-rural population. They all will get certain amount of subsidy every month and the job opportunities nearby. a. Pioneering Park

·The fee of compensations for land acquisition and resettlement will be granted to farmers by stages, with RMB 110 per month for those above 16 years old, and RMB 55 per month for those under 16 years old.

·Farmers lost their lands will receive technical training conducted by the Bureau of Social Undertakings Development. The bureau will also export labors to other zones and recommend qualified labors to various enterprises. In this way, those farmers will get reemployed. b. Economic Development Zone

·The fee of compensations for land acquisition and resettlement will be granted in a lump sum to the organization of collective economy, which will resettle the production and life of the peasants. Damages to young crops and other attached items will be paid to individuals according to related standard.

·The unit of land acquisition (Party A) and unit of losing lands (Party B) will sign an agreement and settle the matter of resettlement fee. Compensation and subsidy will be paid to Party B by Party A, which will also take over the collective property of Party B, and then used for the resettlement of employees of Party B. Living subsidies will be granted timely every month, with the standard of RMB 110 per person.

·Many channels and methods will be adopted to re-employ the land-lost farmers. For instance, reserve some land aside for developing collective economy as well as building houses so as to provide opportunities for farmers to get employment in the second or third industry; offer pre-job training to farmers, and recommend them to work in factories; encourage them to hunt jobs or start undertakings by themselves, implementing preferential policies of reducing or remitting taxes as well as providing small-sum loans; making efforts to create new short-term jobs of pubic welfare such as traffic conductor, cleaner, safe guard and repair & maintenance worker of public facilities, etc.

(2) Resettlement of People’s L ife a. Pioneering Park

·Villagers of land acquisition will move to new residential quarters under unified planning by the Park.

·The Park will fund the construction of infrastructure concerning water, gas, electricity, road and pipe network, and so on.

108 ·The Park will master the design of house type and story.

·From the month of land acquisition to two months after the new house site being allocated, RMB 50 a month per person of transitional fee will be granted to villagers. b. Economic Development Zone

·Be strictly in line with the policy of “unified plan, reasonable layout, protecting cultivated land, beautifying the environment, comprehensively developing and coordinating the construction,” the relocation work of farmers will be conducted under 2 basic principles, under which the farmers will build their own houses at the support of the Zone.

·The first principle is unified in five aspects: unified plan and individual design, unified construction in accordance with the map and individual style, fix story of the building together, unified in quality supervision management, check and acceptance and getting house property certificates, unified in construction of auxiliary facilities and environmental greening.

·The second principle is that, on a voluntary basis and in light of the requirement of land-saving, reasonable layout and unified plan, the management committee will fund in building multiple- story houses and solving the living problems of relocated farmers.

6.1.2 Investment Estimate

According to The Resettlement Action Plan, the total compensation to relocated people for land acquisition amounts to a estimated cost of RMB 321.07 million. Among them, the compensation for relocated people amounts to RMB 277.75 million, taking up 87.57% of the total cost. The subsidy for re-construction of specific items reaches RMB 10 million for the moment, taking up 3.11% of the total. The reserve fund accounts to RMB 28.80 million, taking up 8.97% of the total. Other expenses amount to RMB 4.32 million, taking up 1.35% of the total. The fee of temporary land use is RMB 0.2 million, taking up 0.06%. Detailed information see details in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Estimated Costs of the Compensation to Relocated People No. Item Sum Percentage(% (RMB million) ) I Compensation for Resettlement of Relocated 27.75 86.57 People 1 Compensation for Land Acquisition and 118.98 37.06 Subsidy for Resettlement 2 Damages to Houses and Attached Items 152.07 47.36 3 Young crops, trees 1.00 0.31 4 Compensation for Relocation 0.70 0.22 5 Other Compensations (including that of the Relocation of Enterprises, Damages to 5.00 1.56 Enterprises or Shops) II Fee for Temporary Land Occupation 0.20 0.06 III Compensation for Re-construction of Specific 10.00 3.11 Items IV Other Expenses 4.32 1.35 V Reserve Fund 28.80 8.97 Total Cost 321.07 100

109 6.1.3 Measures for Environmental Protection Measures for water environmental protection

(1) Measure s for Drinking Water Protection

Strengthen the management of handle-pumping borehole or well, and strictly implement the sanitary or health standard of drinking water among the relocated people. Meanwhile, fence must be erected around the well, lid and special mark be added. A sanitary zone should can be built within the radius of influence. Not to use persistent or hyper-toxic pesticides, not to build permeable toilets or pits, not to throw waste residue or lay sewage gutters around the well. Sterilize the water from borehole or well with bleaching powder twice a day, and guarantee proper chlorine residue in the water.

(2) Measure s for Sewage Treatment

Biogas digesters will be used to treat human and animal fasces. Turning polluting wastes into energy, this kind of digester can contribute to the production of fertilizer, fuel and fodder. It enjoys remarkable energy, healthy, environmental and biological benefits.

A household with 3 to 4 people can build a biogas digester with a volume of about 6 to 8 m3. Measures for health protection of the people

(1) Clearing of the New Location

All toilets, manure pits, animal sties, refuse heaps, construction sites and new graves in the past ten year will be cleared and sterilized. Measures will be taken to prevent and control the spread of contagious or epidemic diseases, so as to guarantee a healthy environment in the resettlement area.

Detailed measures are as follow: sterilize the site by mechanic sprayer and with lime and carbonic acid before excavation, leveling and construction. Then wastes will be cleared and the sites be backfilled for construction.

(2) Check and Prevention and Quarantine of Contagious Diseases

Before resettlement of the people, it is necessary to eliminate animal infectious diseases and the infection media, so that the infection media density of parasitic or intestinal diseases can be controlled. The main targets are mice and flies. Manure pit should be isolated to prevent waterbody contamination. In line with the requirement of water protection, building biogas digesters in every household could be an effective approach to solve the problem of pollution.

Besides, it is advisable to enhance the health education of the people and popularize the knowledge about it. The main aim is to improve their ability in health care and enhance their initiatives in cooperating with health care workers.

The content of education includes the harm, infection channel and preventive methods of contagious diseases as well as the elementary knowledge of hygiene and food health. Compiling and distributing materials for publicity, broadcasting and holding various conferences also can be used for this purpose.

6.2 Measures for Soil & Water Conservation and Ecological

110 Restoration

Soil erosion or soil erosion will occur along the entire route of road construction, in the process of temporary land occupation, and at the spoil transfer stations. It is mainly caused by land disturbance, surface exposition or erosion by rainfalls. The situation is more serious in the earlier stage of construction. Soil erosion will be reduced gradually when the road pavement, greening, and the construction of retaining walls are completed. All together 1 345 859 m3 of spoils and debris will be produced, which calls for the construction of transfer stations for them. According to estimation, totally 187 800 tons of water and soil will lost during the construction phase with an new increment of 158 500 tons.

The key place calls for water and soil conservation is at spoil transfer stations.

6.2.1 Measures for Water and Soil Conservation Overall demand of construction and preventive measures

(1) In the light of related regulations on water and soil conservation and road construction, prefect plans must be made for setting the time limit of the project, so as to reduce soil erosion.

(2) Make balance between excavation and backfilling. Earth fetching and spoil discarding must be conducted at specific site by design. Spoils and debris cannot be discarded or stacked at random. They all must be carried to the assigned site.

(3) Excavation, backfilling, pressing, and construction of retaining walls must be conducted hand in hand.

(4) Reduce the construction period of the project and the exposing time of top soils. Protective walls should be constructed soon after the completion of excavation and filling-back of side slope work. Drainage works must be prepared at the surface and foot of the slope. Every segment must be protected timely during construction. Moreover, the construction period should be arranged by taking climate factors into consideration. Construction of road base in segments with loose geographic structure should avoid rainy season. Furthermore, the construction of bridges should be conducted in dry seasons, to avoid the effect of floods.

(5) Carry out construction scientifically, reduce the amount of spoils, debris, etc.

Simply constructed sand pits and cloth fences should be set at construction sites, encampments, material storage sites, road base where runoff goes, and the construction site of bridge pier foundation. Moreover, slope foot of road base should be protected. Slope gradient should be set, and receipting gutters should be dig in accordance with the related standard. Enough drainage system should be constructed along the line in order to eliminate potential collapses. In addition, construction trace sites and cultivated lands should be recovered after the completion of construction. Besides, material storage sites cannot be set by rivers or reservoirs.

Flood ditches should be constructed around the transfer stations or upper-reach slopes to intercept surface runoff. Meanwhile, if necessary, drainage system or residue dams should be set at the lower part of waste earth fields, in order to prevent mud-rock flow. During the period of service, it is necessary to find a proper way of piling spoils and debris according to their feathers. Then they should be properly disposed according to plan so as to maintain the site stable and without land sliding. Temporary protective measures during construction phase

111 Temporary sand pits will be built at the confluence of surface rainwater to reduce losses of disturbed soil during the construction of road base. Cloth fence also should be set at the oulet of the pit to intercept silt. When the road base is completed and drainage system is set, the pit will be backfilled.

(1) Measures for Water and Soil Conservation along the M akeshift R oad s

In designing the main part of the project, it is advisable to make full use of existing roads and extend them to meet the requirements. As to some section of the road, makeshift roads will be constructed according to the terrain. Attention should be paid to make balance between excavating and backfilling. Makeshift roads will be distributed at different parts of the main roads. Measures of engineering and tree planting will be taken according to individual characteristics of roads in order to reduce soil erosion or soil erosion.

(2) Measures for Water and Soil Conservation at the Transfer Stations

Transfer stations will be set to store the wastes (spoils and debris) temporarily. Mellow soils over the transfer stations will be removed with a thickness of 20 cm before piling spoils and debris. Retaining walls will be built to rise the starting point of slope so as to enlarge capacity of the site. This could also prevent the wastes from sliding, and keep the foot stable. Drainage gutters will be dig around the site, so that rainwater over the wastes can be induced to them. The gutters will be built with stones and have ladder-shaped cross section. Moreover, sandpits will be built around the gutters. Wastes will be settled in the pit and then discharged to the lower reaches of the gutters.

At the end of wastes pumping, the transfer stations will be leveled and covered with soil. Protective trees will be planted at the top and slope of the waste hump. The root of trees can help to fix the wastes, and make it stable. As a result, vegetation will be restored and its area will get an increase. Trees and grass suitable for the local environment will be planted to prevent soil erosion, and improve the bio-environment.

6.2.2 Measures for Biological Restoration Protection of bio-environment

Give publicity and education to construction workers on the protection of wild animals, plants, and bio-environment, strengthen their environmental awareness. Improve construction techniques, and optimize the arrangement of time and procedures. Moreover, it is advisable to control excavation and noise during construction phase, to prohibit the hunting of such animals as frogs, fish, snakes and birds, to reduce the disturbance to those animals, and finally to make efforts to minimize the harm to crops and plants of the area. Restoring and replenishment of bio-environment

Pay attention to the protection of side slope, preventing the slope from sliding, and rock base from weathering, because they will influence the construction schedule. Moreover, after clearing unstable rocks, treatment to the side slope should be carried out to prevent it from erosion.

Make greater efforts to restore vegetation, and increase green lands. In combination with the measures for water and soil conservation, vegetation will be restored in occupied land, transfer stations, and material storage sites along the road line. Trees will be planted in the resettlement area. As to some occupied land which can not be restored, trees will be planted in some wastelands nearby. According to the principle of overall balance, the originally forest cover rate will be cut down by the construction. It is suggested that trees suitable for grow in local area be planted for

112 restoration of forest coverage. Efforts also will be made to make an increase in it in order to improve the bio-function of the area. The above measures should be brought into line with the measures of water and soil conservation.

In accordance with related law or regulation, compensations will be paid for the damage of crops, vegetation and public facilities.

6.3 Measures for Water Environmental Protection

6.3.1 Construction / Production Wastewater Treatment Objectives

In construction phase, construction wastewater or production wastewater, which is generated from the process of sand-stone processing, concrete mixing, equipment washing, etc., contains suspended solids or SS as its major pollutant. It can be recycled through oil-water separation, sedimentation, and filtration and then mostly used to clean the sites, or flush sand and granule. Small portion of it discharges to the drains nearby after meeting the standard.

For wastewater from machine cleaning, the petroleum and its derivates in it should comply with Class A of Standard GB8978-1996. That is, the concentration of petroleum and its derivates should be less than 10 mg/L, and the oil removal rate should be 90% plus. Such treated wastewater must be recycled, and its discharge is prohibited. Wastewater treatment process

Based on the construction layout and characteristics of production wastewater, gravitational sedimentation process is adopted to treat the wastewater, and then recycled. Firstly, gutters or ditches around the working sites are used to collect the wastewaters which come from the process of sand-stone processing system, concrete mixer, repair & maintenance workshop, etc. Then wastewater flows to the pre- sedimentation pond where SS will settle down to the bottom of the pond through adding some flocculants or coagulants, and oils will be absorbed by coarse cloth. The surfactant in the upper part of the pond will be used for the construction. As soon as the ending of the construction, such ponds will be backfilled so as to minimize potential risks. The treatment process is give bellow.

recycled screen grit chamber sedimentation pond

grits loculationslurry絮凝 沉淀池

To spoil pilling site

113 Layout of wastewater treatment facilities

Wastewater treatment facilities will be erected at each construction sites, separately. Design of sedimentation pond and wastewater collecting gutter

Based on the wastewater discharge rate of 100m3/h and the detention time of 1h for grit chamber and 0.5 h for sedimentation pond, the volumes of grit chamber and sedimentation pond are 120m3 and 60m3 respectively. The wastewater collecting gutter has a cross profile of trapezoid with a dimension of 0.25m2. Operational management and maintenance

As the treatment system has no mechanical facility, so specific person is not needed to operate or maintain it. Care must be taken to the removal of sludge otherwise the effluent quality will be affected. Thus a person in charge of removing sludge and recycle cloth is necessary. Disposal of groundwater gushing

Groundwater will probably gush out during the construction of drainage pipes. Such water generally contains SS as the major pollutant. It can be settled and the treated water can be used as production water or for dust removal sprinkling. Domestic wastewater treatment

(1) Scope of Treatment

Domestic wastewater generated in encampments of construction sites.

(2) Objectives

Domestic wastewater can be used for woodland or farmland as fertilizer after fermentation and disinfected. Discharge to the waterbody is prohibited.

(3) Scheme of Treatment

According to the practical conditions, septic tanks will be constructed for treating such domestic wastewater. The septic tanks will have a volume of 50 m3.

(4) Operational Management and Maintenance

Domestic wastewater can be used for woodland or farmland as fertilizer after fermentation and disinfected. The treatment facilities will be dismantled, and the site will be disinfected and poured with limes soon after the completion of construction.

6.3.2 Water Pollution Control in Operation Phase

114 Pollution control will be done for industrial pollution sources in the development area so as to reduce the pollution load, being ready for transporting to the proposed WwTP.

Based on the Drainage Works Planning, interception sewers will be constructed so as to complete the sewer network in the near future.

Speed up the construction of WwTPs, Phase I of Puming WwTP and Phase I of Taziba WwTP will be constructed in the near future.

Combining with the adjustment of land use layout, move existing pollution enterprises to the downwind area of the city. Industrial land use will be centralized and green belts will be planted to separated the production zones and living quarters.

6.4 Measures for Air Environmental Protection and Their Proof

6.4.1 Objectives

According to the monitoring results of existing air quality, TSP in the environmental assessment area meets the requirement of relevant standard. TSP over the construction sites will be controlled within 1.0 mg/m3 which is the limit of fugitive emission specified by Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants, (GB16297-1966). Class B of Ambient Air Quality Standard, (GB3095-1996) will be used for the boundary of construction site

6.4.2 Mitigation Measures Dust control for excavation

Technological requirements: Wet operation will be used for hewing and drilling so as to reduce the emission of dust.

Dust control measures: During rainless days, water sprinkling will be done everyday to speed up the precipitation of flying dust and reduce the affected time and scope.

Personal protection: Workers, who will be affected by air pollution, should have personal protective devices, such as mask, etc. Dust control for sand & gravel preparation and concrete mixing systems

Technological requirements: Wet crushing will be used to reduce the dust emission as could as possible. Enclosed cement transportation will be used to reduce the dust emission. Containers or tanks should have good hermetic condition.

Dust control measures: Water sprinkling will be done around the sand & gravel

115 preparation facility so as to reduce the affected time and scope of flying dust. Dust control facility should be equipped to concrete mixing equipment. Oil-burning waste gas control

During construction phase, a number of transportation trucks or lorries, burning diesel oil, will emit exhaust gas which have higher content of pollutants. In order to guarantee the standard attainment, exhaust purifying devices should be installed for each vehicle. Traffic flying dust control

Control measures will be adopted to reduce or control the flying dust emitted in the process of transportation by vehicles. Special teams will be set, being responsible for repair & maintenance as well as cleaning of roads. During rainless days, water sprinkling will be done by special trucks. In the meantime, sprinkle the soil surface with the solution of polypropylene-acyl-amine so as to increase its coalescent capacity and water stability of incompact soils, and thus reduce the dust emission.

Combing with soil and water conservation, plant trees along the roads so as to reduce the flying dust. Other measures

(1)When wind speed is over the 4th grade, contractors of construction or house demolishing should suspend their activities of excavation or demolishment, and take some effective measures to control flying dust.

(2)For the project construction, try to use commercial concrete as much as possible. The construction site near environmental sensitive points, such as traffic artery, residential quarters, schools, hospitals, enterprise and so on, should be enclosed by certain barriers. Handling and transportation of construction wastes should be done with containers or other types of enclosure. Any leakage or casting of construction wastes is strictly prohibited.

(3) Overload, high top or leaking vehicles of loading sand, stone, cement, soil or refuse are prohibited. Canopy must be covered on the vehicle. The transportation route should be far from the sensitive points, such as dense population area and noisy commercial areas.

(4) Enclosure facilities should be erected for the temporary transfer stations of earth work or building materials (such as cement, sand, stone, etc.).

(5)Cleaning and water sprinkling should be done to construction sites, encampments, and material storage sites at certain time interval, and road cleaning and sprinkling should be done in time;

116 (6)Strengthen management during construction period. Professional staff should be arranged to take charge of the management of environmental work on the construction site;

(7)During the construction of main body, enclosure facilities should be installed around the construction site. Those facilities include dense-mesh safety net, fiber cloth, plastic sheet, metal sheet and so on.

Impact of flying dust on local air environment will be dramatically alleviated when previous measures are taken.

6.5 Measures for Noise Control

6.5.1 Objectives

Construction phase: Noise level of construction area should meet the requirement specified by Boundary Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-1990). The maximum limit values are 75 dB(A) and 55 dB(A) for daytime and nighttime respectively.

Operation phase: Noise level of both sides of road should meet the requirement specified by Category D of Urban Regional Noise Standard (GB3096-1993. The maximum limit values are 70 dB(A) and 55 dB(A) for daytime and nighttime respectively. Different values will be applied to different function of the areas.

6.5.2 Mitigation Measures Noise source control

Contractors should select qualified construction machines which meet the relevant standards. Try to use low noise level machines and technologies as could as possible so as to reduce the noise level and noise source substantially.

Strengthen the repair & maintenance of equipment. Keep their good lubrication condition so as to reduce the operational noise.

For reducing noise level, anti-vibrating bases should be equipped for large-sized mechanical facilities.

Try to reduce the vehicle flow in the nighttime. Speed limitation boards will be erected in residential quarters, attached enterprise area, and intersects of high vehicle flow. Rational operation schedule of vehicles will be worked out. Protection of constructors

117 Constructors or workers who work at the long-term post of strong noise, such as concrete mixing system, should wear certain self protective devices, such as earplugs, etc. And shift schedule will also be adopted. Noise control in construction phase

During construction phase, acoustic sensitive points along the roads, such as residential quarter, school, etc. should be protected. The concrete measures are as follows:

(1) Construction activities should be arranged in proper time and be carried out in accordance with requirements of site management strictly. Operation of heavy machinery such as pneumatic hammers, big lifters, concrete mixers in nighttime from 22:00 through 6:00 are strictly prohibited Encampment should be located in distance as far as possible from schools and living quarters. Try to arrange the construction activities on weekends or in holidays.

(2) Much work of repair & maintenance should be done to construction machines, so that they can keep their optimum operational conditions, and lowest noise level. Regular noise monitoring should be conducted near the sensitive points.

(3) Mitigation measures should be taken when noise level exceeds the relevant standard at sensitive points.

6.5.3 Traffic Noise Control in Operation Phase

(1) By better planning, new sensitive buildings, such as residential quarters, schools or hospitals will not be built within the both sides of 200 m along the road.

If new sensitive buildings have to be built within the noise protective area, necessary noise control measures must be taken according to Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution. Those measures include better layout of buildings as well as sound insulation for front buildings so that they can meet the requirement of relevant standard.

(2) Along with the relevant planning, green belts will be planted as early as possible. Such green belts will have eco-environmental benefit and reduce the noise of road traffic.

(3) High noise level vehicles are not allowed to run on the roads. Driving at high speed over the limitation is also prohibited.

6.6 Measures for Solid Wastes Disposal

In construction phase, spoils and debris, construction wastes, and domestic refuse or garbage will generated. The main control measures are as follows:

118 (1) Spoils and debris generated in the construction phase will be used for backfilling or other usage as could as possible. Specific transfer stations near the construction site will be selected for temporary piling, and it should be enclosed so as to avoid soil erosion and environmental pollution. Waste lands will be used as the transfer stations as could as possible. It is not suitable to occupy farmland as transfer stations.

(2)A large quantity of construction wastes will be generated due to house demolishment. Part of construction wastes can be used for backfilling, and pat of them can be piled in transfer stations.

(3)Domestic refuse or garbage collection sites should be set. The collected garbage will be sorted out by special person. Some of recycled wastes will be sent to recycling centers. Organic matters can be uses as fertilizer for farmland and woodland. The rest inorganic matters and other solid wastes will be disposed at landfill sites or by municipal sanitary authority. Environmental education will be conducted to constructors so as to raise their awareness, guaranteeing the collection of garbage.

(4) The following principals should be complied with when selecting the filing sites:

·. Not to affect the important resources, not to damage farmland and land of local specialties; ·Not to affect sensitive spots of landscape: high spots of vision frequency, large spot of visual angle, collecting point of landscape, or special landscape; ·Not to select places where exist environmental risks, such as collapse, landslide, debris flow, or the places of flood discharge channel, wind tunnel, etc.; ·Not to affect sensitive objects; · Easy to restore and reuse, such as landscape restoration, vegetation recovery or restoration of land; ·Transportation routes should not go through urban area, centralized residential area, school, etc.;

6.7 Other measure and countermeasures for environmental protection

(1) Impact on Agriculture and Flood Discharge and Its Countermeasures

In construction sites, there are large pieces of farmland. Construction activities will affect or damage some farmland and irrigation facilities. The layout of construction sites should be carefully organized so as to avoid damage of the land and facilities. If there is something that can’t be avoided, compensation measures should be worked out in advance.

(2) Impact on Local Traffic and the Countermeasures

Some of the existing streets or roads will be held up or blocked probably during the construction of pipes or roads, bringing inconvenience to the local people. It is required to avoid such impact as could as possible. Signboards should be erected at places where

119 existing traffic troubles. Temporary makeshift roads will be paved to facilitate people’s daily life and production activities.

6.8 Availability of Environmental Protection Measures

6.7.1 Ecological Protection Measures

In construction phase, the combination of ecological restoration & conservation measures and soil & water conservation measures will achieve the goal of protecting, recovering and improving the local eco-environment. The ecological protection measures of the project are worked out based on the practical conditions. They are effective both in cost-saving and goal-achieving.

6.7.2 Protection Measures for Water Environment

Wastewater generated in the construction phase will be treated by two stage sedimentation and oil-removal by cloth. Such process is suitable to treat construction wastewater of high turbidity and mechanical wastewater of oil-containing. The treated wastewater can be recycled. The treatment process is effective in similar projects in practices.

Domestic wastewater or sewage generated in construction phase can be treated by septic tanks. The treatment process is cost-effective and suitable for the requirement of environmental protection.

The domestic refuse or garbage generated in construction phase only has a small quantity. It can be collected and transported to municipal landfill site for disposal. It is easy to operate, and reduce the “white pollution” effectively.

6.7.3 Mitigation Measures for Air and Noise Pollution

Dust pollution will be effectively controlled by setting enclosure construction sites, and adopting optimized layout, adopting wet process, water sprinkling, personal protective devices, and greening.

Noise pollution will be effectively controlled by using noise reduction equipment, rational construction time schedule and layout. Although it is not to eliminate the noise nuisance thoroughly, its intensity can be controlled within the range of relevant standard.

6.7.4 Disposal Measures for Spoils and Debris

The site of transfer stations of spoils and debris will be selected based on the

120 requirements of environmental protection and soil & water conservation. Proper disposal measures together with tree planting will effectively control soil erosion, and are beneficial for local eco-environmental restoration. The scheme is feasible in term of environment, technology and economy.

6.7.5 Environmental Protection Measures and Result Forecast

Effectively carrying out the principle of “Three at the Same Time” will effectively mitigate the negative impacts during the project construction. Environmental protection measures are given in Table 6-2. The results are forecasted in Table 6-3. It is predicated that the implementation of environmental measures and environmental monitoring will make the project achieve a coordinating and mutual promotion among economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit.

Table 6-2 Temporal Environmental Protection Measures Measures Implementing Category Protective objectives time 1. Wastewater from sand & stone Water quality of Fujiang processing system: Fine sand recycler River and Anchang River plus thickening tank Water quality Construction 2. Wastewater from concrete mixing Water quality of Fujiang protection phase system: Sedimentation tank River and Anchang River 3. Domestic wastewater or sewage: Water quality of Fujiang Septic tank River and Anchang River 1. Sprinkler or watering car Air quality of construction sites Air environmental 2. Optimized construction technology Air quality of construction Construction protection sites phase 3. Labor protection Constructors 4. Tree plating along roads Construction sites 1. qualified construction machines Preparation Acoustic Constructors phase environmental 2. Traffic signboards Preparation protection Residents nearby phase Health care of 1. Anti-epidemic measures Constructors Construction population 2. Sanitary management measures Construction sites phase 1. Trash bins and refuse transferring Construction sites Construction Refuse disposal 2. Unified refuse disposal with local Construction sites phase towns 1. Signboards Existing highways in the Construction project area Preparation traffic guarantee 2. Traffic coordinators Existing highways in the phase project area

Table 6-3 Result Analysis of Major Environmental Protection Measures Environmental impact before Environmental impact after taking mitigation measures Environmental protection taking mitigation measures Item Environmental measures Environmental Result analysis Result analysis effects effects Function recovery of Loss of land Mitigation Land occupation -3L temporary land occupation, -1R resources or alleviation greening

121 Increase SS concentration SS is treated and change pH Wastewater collecting Construction/productio and treated value, and -2R gutters, sedimentation tanks, -1R n wastewater wastewater is affect water oil removal cloth recycled. quality of river segment Increase SS and organic matter Latrines, biogas digesters, Almost no Domestic concentration, -2R septic tanks, transportation, sewage 0 wastewater/sewage and affect disinfection and landfill discharge water quality of river segment Propagate mosquitoes, Maintain pollute the Trash environmental Domestic environment, -2R binTransportationdisposa quality of 0 refuse/garbage affect human l at Tantou Town construction health and sites urban image Damage water Recovery thr & soil function of conservation Take compensating measures, water & soil facilities, -3R recover vegetation, and conservation, 0 Water & soil losses spoils from -2R construct spoil retention reduce the -1R excavation works quantity of aggravate water & soil water & soil losses losses Dust and exhaust affect Dust removal by sprinkling, Reduce the local air quality enclosure transportation, impact of dust Ambient air -2R -1R and human personal protection, on health monitoring constructors

Reduce the Construction Rationally arrange time impact of machines duration of construction noise on local Construction noise -2R -1R affect human activities, personal protection, environment health monitoring and constructors Probably increase the Avoid the incidence of Protection measures of human outbreak of Population health -2R -1R diseases in health in construction phase infectious construction diseases phase Promote the development Main body project Socio-economy 0 Main body project +3R of socio- economy Note: + positive environmental impact; - negative environmental impact; 0 no impact; 1 minor impact; 2 median impact; 3 strong impact; R reversible impact; L irreversible impact.

6.8 Estimated Costs of Environmental Protection Measures

122 Environmental protection measures for the project and their costs are given in Table 6- 4.

Table 6-4 Environmental Protection Measures and Their Estimated Costs Cost (RMB Remarks Type Contents Mitigation Measures million) Repair & maintenance Oil-water wastewater, sand & Sedimentation, filtration, discharge of separators, gravel screening standard attainment, comprehensive sedimentation Water wastewater, discharge 1.50 utilization partially tanks and pollution for reduce filters, etc. control groundwater level Domestic Primarily treated by simple septic 0.20 Temporary wastewater/sewage of tanks, and then used for irrigating septic tanks constructors farmland or woodland Flying dust from oil- Sprinkling crs Air burning machines and (including pollution trucks, and from Sprinkling, rationally arrange operational control construction activities construction time, traffic control coat); Sound measure, sound insulation facilities, 2.00 barrier at Noise Construction greening belts sensitive pollution machines and trucks points, control greening belts Domestic Conceptualized piling, setting a spoil refuse/garbage of Trash cans or Solid wastes transfer stations; disposed by constructors 0.20 dust bins, municipal sanitary authority Spoils & debris transfer fee Spoil transfer stations Water & soil conservation measures, 1.00 Retaining works sprinkling walls, gutters Excavation, / Water & permanent or Compensation, recovery soil temporary land 1.50 conservation occupation Recovery or reform of / construction sites and Vegetation recovery 2.00 spoil transfer stations Total 8.40



7.1 Objective and Principles

7.1.1 Objective

The objective of economic gain and loss analysis of environmental impact is to conduct a comprehensive economic assessment or evaluation on the costs of mitigation measures which can reduce the potential adverse impacts caused by the project by using cost-benefit analysis method to analyze the environmental benefit and loss of the project under the precondition of considering the coordinating development of project construction and local ecological construction, socio-economic development. And thus provide a scientific basis for the proof of the project.

7.1.2 Basic Principles

Because of lacking of relevant codes and mature theory concerning environmental gain and loss analysis at present in China in term of non-pollution/ecological type projects. It is difficult to estimate some environmental impacts quantitatively or by money. The environmental gain & loss analysis of the project will be conducted by referring existing results of infrastructure projects both home and abroad in combination with the characteristics of environmental impacts of the project. The main principles are:

(1) Principle of Direct Impact

Because the eco-system affected by the project is a large complicated system. And various environmental factors inside the system also have complex relations. The project will cause a series of chain reaction in ecosystem and environment. The direct impact of the project on eco-environment and economic activities will be considered only in the process of gain and loss analysis of environmental impact.

(2) Principle of Functional Recovery

In the process of environmental impact analysis, measures of precaution, conservation and remedy will be stressed so as to resume the original functions of eco-environment. Therefore, conservation and recovery of eco-environmental functions before the project construction will be the criterion for estimating the costs and scale of protective and remedy measures. And it is also the criterion of reflecting the degree of environmental impact of the project.

(3) Principle of Lump-sum Cost Estimation

Because the environmental loss and environmental benefit caused by the project change with time, such losses or gains have no comparability. Thus, lump-sum or one-time estimation of cost will be used to evaluate the environmental impact. Other

124 environmental impact, which can not be evaluated in price, will be described qualitatively only.

7.1.3 Methodology of Analysis

Based on the above-mentioned basic principles and the characteristics of main affected ecological and environmental factors, market value method, Protective cost method, and shadow project method will be used to estimate environmental gains and losses. Then assess by using the current value and the ratio of gain & loss.

7.2 Gain and Loss Analysis of Environmental Impact

7.2.1 Environmental Loss

According to the theory of environmental economy, if the project will cause the descending of environmental quality and the damage of productive assets, so the cost which can recovery the environmental quality and productive assets can be used as the lowest cost for estimating the environmental gain/benefit and loss of the project. The mitigation measures of the project will alleviate the adverse impacts to a great extent. Therefore the cost of mitigation measures can be used as the cost of recovering environmental quality, being estimated to RMB 8.4 million. The damage of productive assets by the project construction occurs in the process of land acquisition and resettlement. The compensation can be used as the cost of recovering productive assets, being estimated to MB 277.75 million of compensation for relocation.

7.2.2 Major Benefits Brought by the Project

(1) The completion of the project will bring a great change to local building industry, culture, tourism, transportation, building material, recreation, etc.

(2) The completion of the project will perfect the urban infrastructure, strengthen the service function of the city, improve the living quality of local people, promote the socio-economic development in Mianyang.

(3) The completion of the project will improve the communication condition, alleviate the traffic pressure due to ever-increasing population, and improve the human resettlement environment through reducing exhaust gas and noise.

(4) The completion of the project will inject more energy to the city, promote the formation of foreign-orientating pattern of economy, and accelerate the development of socio-economy in Mianyang.

(5) The completion of road construction in the two districts will improve the investment environment, better the image of the city and achieve the sustainable development

125 of economy in Mianyang.

7.2.3 Financial Analysis of the Project

Because the project is of municipal infrastructure construction, it has no stable and normal incomes during its operation. So its financial analysis will be put on the reimbursement of loan. The payback period of the project is 20 years, among which the grace period is 5 years.

Through the analysis of economic benefit after project completion and the investment of project construction, the project is feasible. Three indexes of EIRR, ENPV and PT will be used to assess the project. Based on the feasibility study report of the project, the ENPV is RMB 930.08 million, PT is 10.67 years (including 4 year of construction), and EIRR is 22.80 %.

In a summary, the IRR is higher than 社会折现率 social discounting rate (12%), so the project is feasible in term of economy.

7.2.4 Gain and Loss Analysis

Through the comparison of environmental loss and environmental gain or benefit of the project, it is of non-pollution project which has features of long-term operation period, and lump-sum compensation to environmental loss. So after the completion of the project, additional compensation for environmental loss will not need generally. With the operation of the project, the environmental benefit will gradually increase. The environmental loss will be 1.95% of environmental benefit when it operates 10 years. Furthermore, other environmental benefit which has not be quantified will reduce the ratio of loss to gain further. Therefore, in term of environmental cost-profit, the project has good economic indexes.



8.1 Objectives

Any construction project must have positive or negative impacts on the surrounding physical and socioeconomic environments from its planning, design, construction, and completion till its operation. And thus it is to have an influence on the life, work, study, rest and recreation of the surrounding residents directly and indirectly. They are benefited or suffered from the project directly or indirectly. Their participation may remedy the possible omission and carelessness in the EA. Their opinions can make the planning and design of the project more perfect and reasonable, the measures of environmental protection more practical, thus making the project more benefits on environment, society and economy.

Through the public participation, let more people know the significance of the project and the environmental problems caused by the project so as to obtain the support and understanding of the public. It is favorable to carry out the construction. In addition, the public participation has an active promoting effect on improving the environmental awareness of the public and participating in the work of environmental protection consciously.

8.2 Methodology and Principles

Two rounds of public consultation were conducted during the project EA: first at the project TOR stage and the second at the draft EA report stage. The method used was public opinion questionnaire surveys.

Representativeness combined with randomness is considered as the principle of the survey. Representativeness means that the people who are surveyed should come from various circles of the society. The proportion of the people must be proper. Randomness means that the selection of the people who are investigated should have the statistic characteristics of random sampling. Among the people whose types of sample are identified, take out the people for the survey randomly. The selection of the people who are investigated should be justly without personal feelings of the surveys or investigators.

Take the problems closely related with the public as the content of the survey. In order to save the time and count up easily, select the symbol " √ " for answering most of the survey. The questionnaire sheets are just like Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Questionnaire of Public Participation

127 Name of project: Mianyang Environmental Improvement Project (Infrastructure Development in Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone) Financed By the World Bank Loan

I. Description of Project

The project contents are: (1) In Pioneer Park, construct 22 roads with a total length of 21.23 km, including drainage, lighting and traffic management systems, and construct the stormwater and sewage drainage system for Yingbin Avenue, and constructing 1 interchange and 1 flyover.

(2) In Economic Development Zone, construct 17 roads with a total length of 24.53 km, including stormwater and sewage drainage system, and constructing a separated interchange or flyover, 10 small sized bridges, and 2 public green spaces of 4 ha in total.

II. Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

Based on the preliminary analysis, the project is of infrastructure construction in the two Parks, Pioneer Park and Economic Development Zone (Zone A and Zone C). The project implementation will mainly have positive impacts on the environment. Its completion will promote the investment, and be beneficial for the construction and wastewater drainage of new enterprises in the Parks. The negative impacts of the project are as follows: Land acquisition and resettlement; Impact on public facilities, buildings and traffic; Impact of spoils and construction debris on the environment; Impact of flying ash on air environment and eco-system of farmland nearby; Impact of construction activities on local acoustic environment; Impact of wastewaters generated in the construction phase on local surface water.

In order to alleviate the above-mentioned impacts, effective control policies and measures will be worked out so as to reduce the impacts to meet the requirements specified by the relevant standards.

III. Contents of Public Participation Survey

Name Gender Age Nationality Educational level Unit or Post Occupation address Your attitude to the project: support □ objection □ without care □ Project for your Life positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □ Study positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □ Work positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □

Effect of the project on the surrounding residents positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □ Effect of project on developing local socio-economy positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □

Effect of project on physical and ecological environment positive effect □ negative effect □ bearable negative effect □ no effect □

128 What is your opinions on the resettlement of the project?

Other opinions and suggestions:

Note: Put the symbol "√ " into the sign " □ " to show your attitude

8.3 Survey Schedule

According to the requirements of the World Bank, survey of the public participation was conducted in two stages. The first one was carried out during the compilation of the Terms of Reference for Environmental Assessment (Draft for Review) by distributing Questionnaire of Public Participation. After the completion of Draft EIA Report, it was disclosed in Mianyang Evening Newspaper on July 6, 2005 to tell the public that The Draft EIA Report has been produced and ask for public opinions. The second survey was carried out during the compilation of the formal EIA Report by distributing the second Questionnaire with focus on the questions and issues about environment raised by the public in the first Questionnaire.

8.4 Results of the Survey

8.4.1 Survey in the first stage

(1) Composition and Proportion of the Survey

The main people of survey are residents living in or near the project area. As few people live in the area, so only 70 questionnaire sheets of the public response to the EA of the project were distributed, returned 62. The rate of return is 88%. The composition and proportion of the people are shown in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2 Composition of Surveyed People Occupation Worker Government Farmer Others Total functionary Number 7 5 45 5 62 Percentage 11 8 73 8 100 (% ) Education University or Polytechnic Junior middle Primary school Total Level College school school

Number 13 2 13 34 62 Percentage (% ) 21 3 22 55 100

Owing to the random distribution of the questionnaire sheets, the occupation and educational level of the surveyed people can't be known beforehand. So the proportion

129 of the surveyed people's occupation and cultural level is uneven. But it has a wide range, therefore it has a good representativeness. In the surveyed people, most of them are farmers, making up 73%. Then workers accounts for 11%. Government functionary accounts for 8%. Other occupation is 8%. In term of the cultural level, most of them are of primary school, accounting for 55%. The people whose cultural levels are of junior middle school amount to 22%. College graduates (including the graduates from 2-year or 3-year course training in college), amount to 21%. Polytechnic school graduates make up 3%. Judging by the number, range or the cultural level of the surveyed people, the sheets show the public attitude to the EIA of the project and the public attitude to the participating sense of the EIA more completely.

(2) Results of Survey

The results of survey are given in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3 Survey Result of the Public Participation Attitude to the project Objection 0 Support 54 Carelessness 8 The project for your Life positive effect 54 negative effect 2 bearable negative effect 6 no effect 0 Study positive effect 37 negative effect 0 bearable negative effect 0 no effect 25 Work positive effect 48 negative effect 0 bearable negative effect 2 no effect 12

The project for the living quality of surrounding residents positive effect 58 negative effect 0 bearable negative effect 2 no effect 2

The project for developing local socio-economy positive effect 59 negative effect 0 bearable negative effect 0 no effect 2

The project for local physical and ecological environment positive effect 50 negative effect 5 bearable negative effect 7 no effect 0

The result of the survey shows that 54 persons support the project, accounting for 87% of the total. Nobody objects the project.

In the survey on the effect of the project on personal activities, the 54 people who think that it has an positive effect on living make up 87%; 6 people who think that it has bearable negative effect make up 9.6%; 2 people who think that it has negative effect make up 3.2%.

37 people who think that it has positive effect on studying make up 60%; 25 people who think that it has no effect on studying make up 40%.

48 people think that it has positive impact on working make up 77%. 2 people who think that it has bearable negative effect make up 3.2%. 12 people who think that it has no effect on studying make up 19%.

58 people think the project has positive effect on the living quality of adjacent residents, accounting for 94%; 2 people who think that it has bearable negative effect make up

130 3%. 2 persons think it has no effect on the living quality, accounting for 3%.

59 people who think that the project construction is favorable for developing local socio-economy make up 95%. 3 people think the project has no effect, making up 5%.

50 people who think that the project construction is favorable for developing local physical and ecological environment make up 81%. 7 people think the project has bearable negative effect, making up 11%. 5 people think the project has negative effect, making up 8%.

8.4.2 Second Round of Public Consultation

Based on the analyses on the results of the first survey, 70 questionnaires were distributed and 182 ones were returned for the second time. The return rate is 91%.. Main questions and response results are summarized in Table 8-4.

Table 8-4 Result of Survey of the Public Participation (In the second stage) Attitude to the project

Support 150 Objection 0 No care32

Are you clear about the compensation scheme:

Clear 72 Almost clear 80 Not clear 30

Do you believe resettlement and relocation are guaranteed after loss of the land caused by implementation of the proposed project :

Yes 120 Worried to some extent 62

Do you believe there will be perfect service falities in the new communities (schools, hospitals and tap water supply)

Yes 130 Worried 52

At present, compensating scheme for losses of land and living facilities has not been worked out. Some of the surveyed people are not clear and doubtable to certain extent about the compensating scheme (including resettlement and relocation after loss of land, service facilities to be equipped in newly-built residential quarters and so on). We think this is understandable. In next stage, more work need to be done to publicize and explain to the public the compensating scheme so as to clear up their doubts and misunderstanding.

The result of the survey shows that 150 people support the project, accounting for 82% of the total. Nobody objects the project. In general, people participated the survey support the project.

131 8.5 Conclusion

According to the above survey results and the analysis, the public response for the project is good. The local people support the project construction. It shows that the environmental awareness of the people is becoming higher and higher along with the better economic situation in China and the improvement of the living standard. We believe it will notably improve the local environmental quality and raise the living standard after the completion of the project.


As a whole, the proposed project has positive effects on local environmental improvement and economic development. The main contents of the project are of constructing infrastructure and environmental protection facilities. In term of pollutants emitted in the project construction, it belongs to the project which has minor adverse environmental impact. Its negative impacts occur mostly in the construction phase, but most of them will be eliminated after the completion of the project through conducting works of restoration and reconstruction. Therefore during the processes of construction and operation, environmental protection work should be done in order to give full play to the benefits of the project, and decrease or avoid unnecessary losses caused by man-made incidents as could as possible. Therefore, a management plan and a monitoring program are proposed.

Those plans are based on the relevant environmental laws and regulations as well as the relevant documents and requirements of the World Bank. It comprises 3 parts:

Environmental management

Environmental monitoring

Cost estimate.

9.1 Environmental Management

9.1.1 Objective and Significance

Environmental management is one component of project management and a key link of effectively carrying out the environmental protection in the project implementation. The objective or purpose of environmental management is to guarantee the implementation of all the environmental or mitigation measures so as to control or alleviate the adverse effects on the environment, and to promote the coordinating development of local socio- economy and eco-environment.

9.1.2 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

(1) Regulations of Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects, Order No. 253 issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China;

(2) Regulations of Environmental Protection Design for Construction Projects, (1987) GHZ No. 002;

(3) Technical Guidelines of EA (Outline, Air Pollution, Surface Water Environment, Acoustic Environment) (HJ/T2.1~2.3-1993; HJ/T2.4-1995);

133 Technical Guidelines of EA(Non-pollution Ecological Impact ) (HJ/T1.9-1997);

Technical Specifications of Water and Soil Conservation Scheme for Exploitative Construction Projects (SL204-1998).

9.1.3 Objectives of Environmental Management

Based on the relevant environmental laws and regulations as well as the characteristics of the project, the general objectives of environmental management are:

(1) Ensure the project to comply with the laws and regulations of environmental protection;

(2) Give full play to exert the potential benefits of the project under proper investment of environmental protection;

(3) Adverse impacts defined by EIA Report should be mitigated or eliminated.

9.1.4 Environmental Management Department

Based on the requirements specified by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA), an environmental management department should be set. It is one of the important parts of project management authority, and guided by the authority.

Structure of the Environmental Management Department

The environmental management department should be set in the preparatory period or pre-phase of the project so as to guarantee the implementation of all mitigation measures.

(2) Responsibility of the Environmental Management Department

Work out the guidelines and economic & technical policies of environmental protection suitable for the project through investigation.

Enforce all the relevant laws, orders and regulations of environmental protection, and draw out the regulations, methods and measures of environmental protection for the project, and handle things associated with the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.

Produce the overall environmental protection plan and the annual plan of the project. Work out the annual environmental budget and final account, and work together with financial department to manage the environmental funds.

134 Organize the relevant departments or divisions to work out specific schemes, implementing plans and measures related to the environmental protection of the project. Ensure all the environmental measures will be contained in the final designs, and put into effect.

Monitor or supervise the project environment, and inspect or check the operation of environmental facilities. The situation of environmental protection measures or facilities should be one of important aspects of checking and accepting the project quality.

Coordinate and guide the environmental management work of relevant departments or divisions.

Produce the monthly, quarterly and annual environmental protection reports of the project, produce the implementing evaluation report, and report to the enterprise managers and relevant authorities in term of its work progress. Regularly compile newsletters of environmental protection, and issue environmental protection information and environmental monitoring results in time.

Organize the training courses of environmental management, review and disseminate advanced technologies and experiences, sponsor technical exchange and workshops. Organize the technical training courses, and upgrade the professional level of staff members or employees.

Conduct environmental protection propaganda or dissemination and environmental education so as to rise the environmental awareness of staff members or employees.

Perfect the internal bylaws. Do well the routine work of environmental protection, and data collection and sorting work as well as archives.

9.1.5 Environmental Management in Construction Phase Environmental management of project owner

During the design bidding period of the project, the owner of the project should conduct the design bidding of environmental protection measures. While in construction phase, the owner will be responsible for the entire environmental management work from beginning till ending of construction. The main duty is as follows.

Formulate the implementing plan and management methods of environmental protection during construction phase.

Put the bidding design of environmental protection measures into the bidding documents of project as well as the construction contract.

Work out the annual working plan of environmental protection.

Examine and allocate the annual budget of environmental protection work.

135 Supervise or monitor the implementation of environmental protection measures by contractors.

Organize the implementation of environmental protection measures by project owner.

Coordinate with the authorities of environmental protection and other sectors.

Produce the annual report of environmental protection work, and the monthly, quarterly and annual formats of environmental protection work.

Conduct dissemination or propaganda, education and training of environmental protection. Environmental management of project contractors

The contractors of the project will be responsible for their environmental protection work during construction. The main contents are:

Work out the annual working plan of environmental protection.

Inspect or monitor the construction progress, quality and operation of environmental protection facilities. Solve the problems arising in the process of construction.

Check the spending or consumption of annual budget of environmental protection.

Report the implementation of environmental protection provisions of the contract.

9.1.6 Environmental Supervision

Environmental supervision is a new requirement of environmental protection work. The environmental supervision should be carried out through the entire process of project construction so as to guarantee the implementation of environmental protection work and environmental protection measures.

In order to guarantee the accomplishment of environmental protection measures in time, and the quality of environmental protection works, the owner should entrust qualified supervisors who have certificates of environmental supervision to conduct the work of environmental supervision. Based on the requirements of the project, 3 special persons engaged in environmental supervision are needed. Other environmental supervisors can be of part-time job. Their number will be set on the basis of practical needs. Work mode of environmental supervision

(1) As one of the components of project supervision, the environmental supervision will be under the unified management of supervision department of the headquarter of

136 the project. Environmental supervisors will attend monthly regular meetings of project general supervisor, and submit the weekly and monthly reports to the general supervisor office

(2) Regularly sponsor the environmental supervision meetings. Solve problems and put forward the working scheme.

(3) Environmental supervision sub-departments or divisions sponsor the monthly meetings of environmental supervision, to which representatives of the headquarter and the chief supervisor, construction contractors, and environmental supervision institutions will attend.

(4) A perfect or completed on-site environmental protection system should be established. All the contractors should have their environmental protection leading groups, responsible for leading the environmental protection works, and establish lower level groups or assign persons of environmental protection in construction teams and circles. Each person has its responsibilities. Work contents of environmental supervision

The main contents of environmental supervision in preparatory phase: Examine or review the provisions of environmental protection in Organizing Plan of Project Construction compiled by contractors, check the environmental protection system, take part in the examination and approval of Project Commencement Report, and conduct the supervision and inspection on pollution control facilities.

The main contents of environmental supervision in construction phase: Produce Key Working Points of Environmental Protection for different bidding sections, and conduct environmental education to contractors, point out the environmental sensitive points, put forward the control measures in term of main pollutants in the process of construction, exam the Environmental Protection Scheme of Project Construction submitted by contractors, inspect the operation of environmental protection system, and supervise the construction of water & soil conservation measures.

The environmental supervision work in operation phase: Review the Final Report of Environmental Protection of Project Construction submitted by contractors, sort out the documents of project completion, check and accept the environmental protection facilities, and produce the Final Report of Environmental Supervision. Responsibilities of environmental supervision work

(1) Environmental supervisors should strictly carry out their duty of environmental supervision, and guarantee the implementation of environmental protection measures. (2) Environmental supervisors should well carry out the dissemination or propaganda and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.

(3) Environmental supervisors should work out the examination and acceptance plan at

137 different stages, exam and accept the project in term of environmental protection measures.

(4) For some construction works which have no bidding process, environmental protection provisions should also be included in their contracts. Environmental supervisors should also check the implementation of those environmental protection provisions.

9.1.7 Environmental Management in Operation Phase

Enforce the state and local environmental protection laws and regulations.

Carry out the environmental protection measures, and work out the management methods and system of environmental management.

Carry out the environmental monitoring , and analyze the monitoring results.

Monitor or supervise the operation of environmental protection facilities, and solve their problems.

Conduct environmental protection dissemination or propaganda and education so as to raise the environmental awareness of staff members and people around

9.2 Environmental Monitoring Program

Environmental monitoring will be conducted in both of construction phase and operation phase in term of various environmental factors or parameters.

9.2.1 Objectives of Environmental Monitoring

The objectives of environmental monitoring are to provide the information on the emission situation of wastewater, waste gas, noise, solid waste, environmental quality, and potential pollution accidents in both phases, and provide scientific basis for pollution control, environmental supervision, and environmental management.

9.2.2 Contents and Requirements of Environmental Monitoring

Construction phase: Surface water of river segments in project area, construction/production wastewater, air, noise, and water & soil losses.

Operation phase: Main pollution sources and their outfalls in the area, and effluent at the outfall of WwTP.

138 Detailed monitoring work will be entrusted to local qualified environmental monitoring stations.

9.2.3 Environmental Monitoring Program Environmental monitoring in construction phase

Water Quality Monitoring

· Monitoring points Surface water: upper stream and down stream of Fujiang River and Anchang River in the project area.

·Monitoring parameters: water temperature, SS, pH, DO, COD, BOD5, E. Coli, petroleum & derivates.

·Monitoring frequency and timing Surface water: One time at low water season and high water season, respectively. Each time will last 3 days, 2 samples will be collected per day. The mixed sample will be used to analyze.

·Technical requirements According to Technical Specifications of Water Environmental Monitoring

Air and Noise Monitoring

·Monitoring points Air: Main construction sites, highway sides, main enterprises in the project area, dense population area. Noise: Main construction sites, highway sides, main enterprises in the project area, dense population area.

·Monitoring parameters: Air: PM10 Noise: equivalent sound level A, accumulated percentage sound level (L5, L50, L95).

·Monitoring frequency and timing

Air: 2 times at the peak time of excavation in the first year of construction phase. Each time will last 5 days, and 3 times per day (7:00, 14:00, 19:00).

Noise: 2 times at the peak time of excavation in the first year of construction phase. Each time will last 5 days, and 2 times per day (9:00 ~16:00, 23:00~5:00).

·Technical requirements

According to Technical Specifications of Air Environmental Monitoring and

139 Technical Specifications of Noise Monitoring Water & soil losses / soil erosion monitoring

(1) Monitoring Points

Transfer stationss of spoils and debris.

(2) Monitoring parameters

Construction phase: precipitation, gradient of top, gradient of slope, height of pile, volume of pile, constitution of pile, loss quantity of wastes.

Operation phase: effects or results of protection measures (effect monitoring), and stability.

(3) Monitoring Timing and Frequency

Observe the proposed transfer stations in preparatory phase at one time. Monitor the site 3 times at least in construction phase. More monitoring will be conducted if necessary.

In operation phase, 2 times of monitoring will be conducted in April (before the flood season) and in November (after the flood season), respectively

(4) Monitoring Method

Several stationary monitoring poles will be erected inside and around the transfer stations. Drainage gutters will be constructed around the site. A weir for metering and a settling tank will be constructed in the downstream. The change of ground surface and water & soil losses at each rainfall will be recorded in a certain period. And then estimate the water storage and soil loss.

(5) Technical Requirements

·Water & soil losses monitoring should be conducted by qualified institutions, its procedure must comply with the relevant specifications or standards, and the monitoring instruments must be in good conditions.

·Staff members have capability to operate the instruments, and can briefly analyze and assess the monitoring results.

·Monitoring results should be submitted to the owner and the authority of water & soil conservation. When the monitoring result is of abnormal, it should be reported to the owner, the authority of water & soil conservation, and the institution which worked out the scheme of water & soil conservation, so that they can give a response to solve the problem and to adjust the scheme.

140 ·By the end of the monitoring, an entire monitoring report of water & soil conservation will be submitted to the authorities, and then preserved after examination. Monitoring of land acquisition and resettlement

(1) Objectives of Monitoring

Guarantee the smooth implementation of land acquisition and resettlement, and mitigate the environmental impact brought by construction activities.

(2) Contents of Monitoring

Based on the characteristics of the project, the contents of the monitoring are given in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 Monitoring Contents of Construction Activities Item Working contents ① Compensations are done or not? Land acquisition and ② Living level of relocated people in new residential quarter meets the standard or not? resettlement ③ Resettlement has significant adverse impact on the eco- environment or not? ① Construction activities meet the relevant management regulations or not? ② Environmental sanitary management of construction sites meet the relevant regulations or not? Construction activities ③ Construction time schedules are rational or not? ④ Spoils and debris are properly disposed or not? ⑤ Site recovery is OK or not when the completion of construction?

(3) Monitoring (Supervision & Management) Institutions

Sichuan Project Management Office (SPMO), Mianyang Project Management Office (MPMO), and project owners will conduct routine management work to the project. Sichuan Environmental Protection Bureau (SEPB) and Mianyang Environmental Protection Bureau (MEPB) will monitor or supervise the project.

9.3 Cost Estimate

As the environmental monitoring work in construction phase or operation phase will be done by different units/institutions, so the cost estimate was done separately. Considering cost-effectiveness, the owner will entrust some qualified environmental monitoring station to conduct the environmental monitoring, and the expense will be included in the contract of environmental monitoring.

141 The cost estimate for environmental monitoring of the project is given in Table 10-1 below.

Table 9-2 Cost Estimate of Environmental Monitoring Phase Monitoring Parameter Total Timing Air Soil erosion Noise Construction RMB 50 000 RMB 40 000 RMB 20 000 RMB 110 000 4 years of continual monitoring Operation RMB 40 000 / RMB 20 000 RMB 60 000 5 years of continual monitoring after the project completion


10.1 Conclusions

10.1.1 Conclusions on Environmental Assessment of the Current Situation

(1) Mianyang Environment Improvement Project Financed by the World Bank Loan complies with current industrial policies, and the overall requirements of planned development of the local economy. This project will be conducted at the Pioneering Park and the Economic Development Zone of Mianyang. The location selection conforms to the requirement of the local planning. The proposal of this project has got an official reply from Sichuan Development & Reform Committee, complying with the application and approval procedures of construction project.

(2) The environmental qualities of ambient air, surface water and noise are basically good in the assessed area. The monitored items of the project basically accord with the related standards.

(3) The bio-environment in the assessed area is mainly that of agriculture. Main crops are wheat, rice and vegetable, etc. Overall, it conforms to the requirement of sustainable development and favorable living environment.

To sum up, the natural and bio-environment of the assessed area are basically in harmonious state. On the basis of doing a good job in environmental protection and coordinating development, the area satisfies the environmental conditions of project construction.

10.1.2 Conclusion of Forecast Assessment of Environmental Impact Major positive impacts

Because of its special structure made up of several industrial divisions, development of the south district demands the resolution of traffic problems among different districts, i.e. between the airport and various industrial divisions, between the South District (southern gate of Mianyang) and Miansan Highway and Mianyan Highway, in order to form a frame of road network in the South District. The South District is the secondary center and industrial base of Mianyang City. To attract more business and investment needs favorable urban infrastructures. So the construction of infrastructure is indispensable, concerning the overall design and construction of Mianyang into a Sci -tech city.

As a future center of municipal administration and high-tech industrialization, the West District is an important district of Development Outline of Mianyang Sci-tech City (80 km2). The development of the West District meets the need of the city construction and its economy boost. It is an important part of the overall plan of Mianyang, the extension of the infrastructure construction of the city. The accomplishment of this project will improve the investment environment, bio-environment, and infrastructure in this district, and improve the traffic and transportation within and outside the district. Therefore, it would appreciate the value of land-use and enlarge the capacity of this city. Therefore, the construction and development of the West District is critical to the construction of Mianyang into Sci-tech City.

143 This project will play an active role in improving the road network of Mianyang, and at the same time improve the auxiliary facilities, enhance the service function of the city, enlarge the city’s scales, and promote the implementing of the overall plan of constructing Mianyang into a national sci-tech city.

The success of this project will bring great benefits to the city. It will open a new window for Mianyang to open up to the outside world and attract more businessmen and investors. With a better image of its improved investing environment, exchange and cooperation with the outside world will be enhanced. It will attract more investment, talented personnel and advanced technologies, therefore injecting more vitality into the development of the city. As a result, it will promote the forming of an export-oriented economic pattern, and speed up the economic and social development of the city. Major negative impacts

“Three Wastes” produced during the construction of the project, land occupation and excavation will partially pollute the waters, air, and acoustic environment of the construction sites. Excavation and land occupation of piling spoils and debris will destroy vegetation and so increase new soil erosion, and therefore do harm to local bio- environment. Above adverse impacts will happen only during construction, and the their degree would decrease or avoid along with the accomplishment of the project and the carrying -out of environment protection measures.

The biggest adverse impact of this project is land acquisition and resettlement. According to related survey, this project will acquire total land of 8198.61 mu (or 546.57 ha), among which 7567.33 mu (or 504.49 ha) of cultivated land, 318.17 mu (or 21.21 ha)woodland, 242.18 mu (or 16.15 ha) of orchard land(vegetable land??), and 70.93 mu (or 4.73 ha) of other lands.

After the completion of this project, the usage of these acquired lands will undergo changes. At the same time, the farmland around roads will become commercial and industrial land use owing to the improvement of road network and other infrastructures. The agricultural bio-environment will turn into urban bio-environment in the project area. All in all, the implementing of the project will reduce agricultural land, and increase traffic, industrial and commercial lands. Consequently, agricultural production will go down, the loss of land will bring some negative effects to farmers.

This project will make 5361 of households with 10173 persons relocated, including 44 groups of 14 villages, 3 districts, and 3 townships or street. According to opinions of relocated people and the actual circumstances of the area, people affected by the project will be arranged in the original communities. Relocated people will settled in a planed area of the present districts. Financial compensation and subsidy will be granted to guide farmers who lost their farmlands to develop the third industry, or to offer certain jobs in the enterprises of district. In this way, the relocated people’s living standards will be guaranteed and not be affected.

10.1.3 Environment Protection Measures and Their Results.

144 The EIA Report will put forward a number of corresponding environment protection measures according to the major negative impacts on water environment, air environment, acoustic-environment, bio-environment and socio-environment during the construction phase and operation phase of the project, in order to effectively reduce and control the negative impacts on environment. These measures aim at recycling waste water from the project, building septic tanks for domestic wastewater, reducing flying dust, avoiding night construction with high noise, and limiting the speed of vehicles. And some engineering and biological measures can be taken to make up soil erosion and destruction of landscape and vegetation caused by excavation and piling of wastes. The assessment holds that negative impacts on environment can be reduced to minimum degree on condition that those environment protection measures are carried out properly.

The estimated cost for environment protection of the project is RMB 8.40 million, and the project has a reasonable financial index of environmental cost-effectiveness.

10.1.4 Conclusion of Comprehensive Assessment

According to the assessment of environmental impacts, the proposed project has some major positive impacts. For instance, it can improve present conditions of infrastructure, enhance the development of enterprises in the project area, accelerate the infrastructure construction of the whole city, and promote the process of urbanization. It also has some negative impacts, i.e. land resources losses brought by land acquisition and resettlement, and environmental problems brought by resettlement. Besides, construction wastes or spoils will adversely affect the local eco-environment, resulting in soil erosion in some areas. Over 80% of soil erosion will occur at the spoil transfer stations. The emission or discharge of “Three Wastes” (wastewater, waste gas and solid wastes) will pollute the environment of some areas during construction. All kinds of negative impacts can be eliminated or reduced to a certain degree after taking some environment protection measures. The survey of public opinions says that great majority of people questioned support the project. Therefore, according to environment impact assessment, this project is feasible on the basis of sustainable development, local eco-environmental protection and proper resource exploration.

10.2 Suggestions

(1) Put the provisions of environmental protection into the bidding papers, regulate construction activities of contractors, and require them to take advanced technologies to reduce the destruction of environment as could as possible in the project area.

(2) The project owner and administration authorities or department should strengthen the management of construction activities as well as the protection of local eco- environment, so as to eliminate any accident of bio-environmental destruction both in construction phase and operation phase.

145 (3) Conduct environmental education to construction workers in term of related knowledge, and enhance their environmental awareness so that they can protect the environment self-consciously.



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