Vocabulary and Warmup

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Vocabulary and Warmup

TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4- UNIT 2 VOCABULARY AND WARMUP Pre-activity Schema Building: - The teacher asks students what their favorite food is. Sample questions: “What’s your favorite food? What do you like eating for breakfast?/ What do you like eating for lunch?/ What is your favorite snack?/ What do you like eating for dinner?¨ - Students ask the same questions to one another. - The teacher shows some pictures to introduce breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

Activity Grouping: Setup: CYBERLAB KID´S PLATFORM -Individual work - Students click on the vocabulary section. Students listen to the vocabulary about food.

VOCABULARY. Make students acquainted with the goals of the unit.. Students practice the

vocabulary section. Students click on the arrow keys to move forward or backwards as they listen. Vocabulary Practice: Section 1 Students click on the arrow keys to listen about different types of food. Then they listen and repeat. They will listen to the name of the food first and repeat the name and sentence. For example: PANCAKES. I like to eat pancakes to breakfast. Then they listen again and repeat the sentence with the name of the food in context Students continue listening until they reach snacks Now students click on the images about snacks. Then they listen and repeat. They will listen to the name of the snack first and repeat the name and sentence. For example: COOKIES. MY FAVORITE SNACK IS COOKIES. Warm-up - Students work individually. Students have to classify the different food into the different categories: BREAKFAST, SNACK, LUNCH, DINNER. To do this, they click on the food in the box provided and drag it to the right column. EXAMPLE: scrambled eggs >>>> BREAKFAST

- * Students listen to the feedback as they drag the food to the different categories. The feedback indicates if they are doing it right or wrong. Post-activity VIDEO. Students click on the PLAY button to listen to the song. Students sing along the “Meal Song”. The lyrics appear on the video clip. Supplementary activity Students read the questions and write answers according to their preferences. 1. What do you usually have for breakfast? ______2. What do you usually have for lunch? ______3. What do you usually have for dinner? ______4. What is your favorite snack? ______

Tips/Further EXTRA ACTIVITY. ( MEMORY GAME) activities 1. Students sit in a circle. One student says: “My favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs. Student 2 says: Laura´s favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs. My favorite breakfast is gallo pinto. Student 3 says: Laura´s favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs. Raul´s favorite breakfast is gallo pinto. My favorite breakfast is pancakes, and so forth… 2. Students click on the MOVIE button and sing along “The Food Song”. The lyrics are in the movie clip. TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4 - UNIT TWO LISTEN Pre-listen Schema Building: Pre-listening - Activate background knowledge by having students work on pictures related to symptoms. The teacher shows the pictures in class and students listen and repeat the symptoms: stomachache, headache, toothache and sore throat. - CYBERLAB KID´S PLATFORM. Students click on the listen section. Students listen to the symptoms and relate them to the pictures: stomachache, headache, toothache and sore throat. - Students listen and repeat as they listen. I have a toothache, etc.

Listen Grouping Setup: CYBERLAB KID´S PLATFORM. - Individual work Each student should have a headphone. Students will listen to four conversations, and answer questions for listening comprehension. While-listening - Students listen to the first conversation. They listen once. When they listen the second time, they click on the right symptom from the multiple choice provided.

- Students listen to the second conversation. They listen once. When they listen the second time, they click on the right symptom from the multiple choice provided. When they listen the third time, they check their answers. - Students listen to the third conversation. They listen once. When they listen the second time, they click on the right symptom from the multiple choice provided. (THEY DO THE SAME WITH CONVERSATION 4) - After listening to the fourth conversations, students listen to all of them again, and check their answers with a partner and the teacher. - Students can click on the refresh button if they want to listen again.

Now students click on the ABC button to test their understanding of the conversation. Post-activity Post-Listening

- Students click on the pink ABC button to practice more. Students read the questions and choose the right answer.

Example: 1. What´s wrong? A. I like to play soccer. B. I don´t feel well. 2. What´s the problem? A. Let´s study the alphabet. B. I have a stomachache 3. Do you want some water? A. Lend me a pencil. B. Ok, thanks. 4. Let me call the teacher. A. Yes, please. B. Let´s play.

Tips/Further Tips for the teacher. activities - Students can go back to the pre-listen activity and practice the pronunciation of the different symptoms. - Students can play a MIME GAME. The teacher hands in some slips of paper. Students mime the symptom that is written in the paper. Other students guess the symptom.

TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4 - UNIT TWO LANGUAGE STUDY Pre-activity Schema Building: - The teacher activates prior knowledge by asking students the following questions: What do you like for breakfast?/ What is your favorite snack? - Students draw their favorite food and report to class their drawings. Example: I like to eat pancakes for breakfast. - Teacher uses the drawings and asks personal questions. Do you like pancakes for breakfast? Students practice: YES, I DO/ NO, I DON´T. Students ask the same questions to one another. Activity Grouping Setup: Pair work Students look at the language study chart. Students read the expressions about likes and dislikes about food, health problems, and suggestions / advice for health problems. Students can go forward or backwards by clicking the

NEXT or BACK buttons. Activity 1 - Students click on the ABC button to practice activities related to the language study. Example: What is your favorite snack? / What do you have for dinner? / What do you have for breakfast? / Do you like eating hamburgers? Do you like vegetables?

Activity 2. - Students click on the ABC button to practice activities related to the language study. - Post-activity - Students read the questions provided.

What do you like to eat for breakfast? ______What do you like to eat for lunch?______What do you like to eat for dinner?______What is your favorite snack?______What is your favorite drink?______

- Students ask questions to each other. - Students report their answers. EXAMPLE: Raul likes gallo pinto for breakfast. / Maria likes spaghetti for lunch., etc

Tips/Further - The teacher should monitor students when they are listening to the information in the activities language study section. - The teacher should put students to repeat the expressions in the language study section. - The teacher should monitor students while they are working in the activities provided in the ABC buttons.

TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4 – UNIT 2 READ Pre-read Schema Building: CYBERLAB KIDS PLATFORM - Students click on the READ button. - Students see the picture of the food pyramid on the left side of the book and read the different food groups: fats, oils, sweets / milk / meat / vegetable / fruit / grain - Students see the different types of food on the right side of the book. - Students click on the food and listen to the name and pronunciation of the different types of food - As students click, the name of the food is highlighted over the different food groups to indicate where they belong. Read Grouping Setup: CYBERLAB KIDS PLATFORM Individual work - Students click on the yellow arrow keys to continue. - Students click on the book to start reading (the park) - Students read about the different food groups.

- Students read information about the food groups in the food pyramid and the different types of food that belong to each group. - Students continue listening and reading the information about the different groups. To do this, students click on the yellow arrow keys until they reach the last group type.

- Students click on the ABC button to test their understanding of the reading.

Sample ABC practice for the reading: In the grain group, we should have six servings of: a. rice b. fish c. apple Post-read - Students listen to the instructions. - Students answer the question provided: “What do you have for breakfast, lunch or dinner?” - Students complete the table about the food they eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. - Students write their answers on the chart provided. - Students share their answers with a classmate.

Tips/Further Tips for the teacher. activities - In the pre-activity, the teacher can practice pronunciation about the types of food when students click on them. - The teacher should monitor students when they are working in the comprehension activities (ABC button) - The students can share information orally in the post-activity. Example: “I like to eat eggs for breakfast”. TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4 - UNIT TWO WRITE Pre-activity Schema Building: CYBERLAB KIDS PLATFORM - STUDENTS MAKE A LIST OF THEIR FOOD PREFERENCES (brainstorming activity) - Students click on the write section and look at the picture of a kitchen. - Students click on different types of food and drag them to the kitchen table. These types of food are the ones they like the most. - Students listen and repeat the names of the different food they like.

Activity Grouping Setup: Individual work Students review a sample paragraph.

- Students write about their food preferences.

Example: I like to eat ______and ______for breakfast. My favorite breakfast is ______. I like eating______for breakfast. My favorite lunch is ______. I like eating ______for lunch. I like to eat ______for dinner. On weekends, I like to eat ______. My favorite snack is ______. - Students exchange paragraphs and check each other’s information. - Students read their food preferences out loud.

Post-activity -Students work as a group and do a find someone who. FIND SOMEONE WHO… ______likes “gallo pinto”for breakfast. ______likes spaghetti for lunch. ______likes hamburgers every day. ______likes to eat vegetables. ______likes to eat chicken. ______likes pizza. ______likes cake.

- Students write the names of the classmates on the space provided. - Students report their answers orally. Example: Luis likes to eat hamburgers everyday. Tips/Further Tips for the teacher: activities - Monitor students as they are clicking and dragging the food on the table. - Put students to practice pronunciation. - Monitor students when they are writing in the platform in the WRITE section. Check spelling.

TEACHER´S GUIDE GRADE 4 - UNIT TWO PROJECT AND SURF THE WEB Pre-activity Schema Building: - Students read the objectives of the team project: 1. To investigate about the typical food in Costa Rica. 2. To design a bulletin board about the typical food in Costa Rica. GROUP Grouping Setup: FORMATION Pair work The teacher forms the groups. Roles Job Description Student’s Name Student 1 Sees that everybody uses English Leader Sees that everybody participates Presents the product - .

Student 2 Writes information about project Secretary Student 3 Designs layout and adds artwork Designer Student 4 Helps secretary and designer with their Assistant work

STEPS FOR THE STEP 1. Investigate the types of food Costa Rican families usually have for breakfast, TEAM PROJECT lunch, dinner and special occasions (holidays, festivities).

STEP 2. Form groups of four students. Choose the roles of your classmates.

STEP 3. The teacher divides the topics per groups.

Group 1 investigates about different types of breakfast. Group 2 investigates about different types of lunch. Group 3 investigates about different types of dinner. Group 4 investigates about typical food for Christmas. Group 5 investigates about typical food for weddings. Group 6 investigates about typical food for First Communion and Holy Week. STEP 4. Students investigate about the different types of food which were assigned to them. Then, students decorate the bulletin board with different pictures of the different types of food. THE BULLETIN BOARDS WILL BE PLACED AROUND THE CLASSROOM. After that, students explain to the entire class about the types of food.

SURF THE WEB Students go to the following website: Click on the following website: http://www.peacecorps.gov/kids/like/ecu- food.html - Students find out the following: What do kids eat in Ecuador, Kiribati, Nepal, Russia and Morocco?

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