IPE Committee Bylaws October 2013

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IPE Committee Bylaws October 2013

Touro University California INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE BYLAWS ARTICLE 1. NAME Section 1.1. Name. The name of the Committee shall be Touro University California Interprofessional Education (IPE) Committee. ARTICLE 2. MISSION Section 2.1 Mission. The mission of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall be to provide leadership and guidance for the development of academic structures and resources necessary for members of the Touro University California community to collaborate and develop team- based learning experiences. These efforts shall be designed to cultivate understanding, innovation, service, and leadership, with the aim of preparing TUC students to acquire the skills and competencies needed to fully participate in the American healthcare system’s changes towards achieving more equitable, patient-centered care. The overarching goal is to build the competencies required to deliver safe, accessible, efficient and effective team-based care and services. In support of the university’s mission and purpose, the charge of the Interprofessional Education Committee is 1) to provide leadership for the development of inter-professional and multidisciplinary education, research, and patient care opportunities for faculty and students at all colleges, 2) to serve as the coordinating body that facilitates this development for the university community; and 3) to assist in the ongoing development and articulation of guidelines, policies, training, faculty development, curriculum, and evaluation, as aligned with implementation of interprofessional education across all colleges.

Section 2.2 Objectives. 2.2.1 Develop, coordinate and facilitate implementation of innovative immersion experiences, learning opportunities, and interdisciplinary cross-cutting curricular options to advance interprofessional education at Touro University California, inclusive of clinical partners.

2.2.2 Initiate and provide guidance for faculty development to broaden faculty perception, knowledge, and attitudes regarding the educational culture and training opportunities that are integral to IPE.

2.2.3 Support the implementation of curriculum which integrates IPE Core Competencies and anchors development of collaboration across disciplines, with the purpose of increasing team-building effectiveness and opportunities for sharing knowledge. The Core Competencies, as identified in a national report by 1 six organizations representing health profession schools, are intended to guide preparation of health professions students for integrated, high quality care within the nation’s evolving health care system. There are four general IPE competency domains, which are further specified through 38 sub-competencies that describe essential behaviors. The four general domains are:  Values and Ethics for Interprofessional Practice  Roles and Responsibilities  Interprofessional Communication  Teams and Teamwork

2.2.4 Develop, coordinate, monitor and evaluate IPE-focused instructional and training opportunities, and assess the TUC community’s needs and barriers in relation to infrastructure and capacity for growth.

2.2.5 External Collaboration - cultivate collaborative relationships and partnerships with IPE programs at other leading academic institutions, with the purpose of identifying and sharing “best practice” developments in IPE curriculum, training, research, and clinical implementation.

ARTICLE 3. AUTHORITY The authority vested in the IPE committee will be consistent with its charge to facilitate development of immersion experiences for the community and to assist in the development and articulation of guidelines, policies, training, faculty development, curriculum, and ongoing evaluation that are aligned with implementation of interprofessional education across all colleges.


There shall be two categories of membership: Academic/Administrative Members and Advisory Members. Collectively, both categories of membership shall be referred to as “members”.

Section 4.1 Academic/Administrative and Advisory Members . 4.1.1 Academic and Administrative members of the committee shall be voting members and will consist of representatives elected from the Faculty Senate, dean-appointed representatives and a provost-appointed representative.

a. Members elected by the Faculty Senate will include faculty with the rank of instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor who are contracted with TUC for a minimum of 50% commitment to the university. These members will be elected as follows:  COM – one member  COP – one member  PA – one member  PH – one member  Education – one member  Nursing – one member  Library – one member

b. The Deans may appoint him/herself, or any faculty or administrative representative from their college to membership on the committee.

c. One additional member may be appointed by the Provost.

4.1.2 Advisory Members: All other individuals shall be Advisory members. Advisory- members shall have the right to participate and speak on issues before the IPE Committee.

a. The Student Government Association and the Student Run Free Clinic may each choose to appoint one member to the committee.

Section 4.2 Duties of the Interprofessional Education Committee Members

4.2.1 All members shall attend meetings, actively participate in taskforces, and actively support/contribute to IPE development activities during their tenure.

4.2.2 In addition to the duties noted in 4.2.1, all Academic Members shall:

a. Actively represent the curricular perspective of their college/program b. Be responsible for supporting their college’s/program’s accreditation process with regard to Interprofessional Education c. Work closely with their academic dean and college curriculum committee to include Interprofessional Education in the curricula.

4.2.2 In addition to the duties noted in 4.2.1, all Administrative Members shall: a. Actively represent the administrative perspective of Senior Administration and the Provost. b. Be responsible for reporting the activities of the Interprofessional Education Committee to the Executive Council.

4.2.3 Advisory Members Shall a. Actively represent the perspective of the student organization of which they are a member.

3 b. Be responsible for reporting the activities of the Interprofessional Education Committee to the Student organization they represent.

Section 4.3 Terms of Office

4.3.1 All Academic/Administrative members shall serve two years with staggered terms and the possibility of a second term, if approved by the committee.

4.3.2 Advisory members will serve for a one year term, with the possibility of a second term with approval of the members.


Section 5.1 Regular and Special Meetings. The Interprofessional Education Committee shall meet on a regular basis at such dates and times as determined by the membership of the Interprofessional Education Committee. Special meetings may be called by the Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee or by majority action of the members of the Interprofessional Education Committee.

Section 5.2 Notice of Meeting. No additional announcements will be made for regular meetings of the Interprofessional Education Committee beyond the initial agreement of the dates and times of the meeting as determined by the membership of the Interprofessional Education Committee. Committee members should be notified of special meetings up to ten (10) business days in advance, if at all possible.

Section 5.3 Quorum. Quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the members of the Interprofessional Education Committee. Quorum shall be required only for recommendations to the Dean’s Council, Executive Council, Provost/Senior Provost or Faculty Senate.

Section 5.4 Voting by Proxy. No member may vote or act by proxy at a meeting of the Interprofessional Education Committee.

Section 5.5 Action Without Meeting. Action may be taken by electronic means such as e-mail. Quorum shall be determined by the total number of electronic ballots received. Section 5.6 Agenda. The Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee, in consultation with the other members of the Interprofessional Education Committee, shall set the agenda for the meetings of the Committee. Any member of the Committee shall be permitted to request items for inclusion on the agenda of meetings. The Faculty Senate, Dena’s Council, Executive Council or Provost/COO may also submit agenda items for discussion and related action.

Section 5.7 Leadership of Meetings of the Interprofessional Education Committee. The Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall preside at meetings of the Interprofessional Education Committee. In the event that the Chair is absent from a meeting, the Vice-Chair shall serve in this role.

ARTICLE 6. OFFICERS Section 6.1 Designation. The Officers of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall be the Chair, Vice- Chair and Secretary.

Section 6.2 Election and Selection. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary shall be elected by and from the academic and administrative voting members of the Interprofessional Education Committee.

Section 6.3 Term of Office. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary will serve a two year term commencing July 1st ending June 30th. In the initial year, the Chair will serve one year so that, in subsequent years, the Chair and Vice Chair terms are staggered, to avoid expiring simultaneously.

Section 6.4 Resignation, Removal, and Vacancies. The Chair of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall be declared vacant upon the resignation, incapacity, disability, or death of the appointed Chair. The Vice Chair will serve as Acting Chair until a successor is elected.

Section 6.5 Duties. The Chair shall: a. Preside over Meetings of the Interprofessional Education Committee; b. Set the agenda for meetings of the Interprofessional Education Committee in consultation with the members of the Interprofessional Education Committee;

5 c. Notify members of the Interprofessional Education Committee of Special Meetings. d. Report to the Faculty Senate, Executive Council and/or Provost on committee findings, recommendations and concerns.

The Vice-Chair shall:

a. Assist the Chair with leadership of the Interprofessional Education Committee and Steering Committee as requested b. Assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unable to perform their duties.

The Secretary shall:

a. Record, maintain and distribute minutes to the membership. b. Notify the membership of all special and regular meetings and of the results of all votes. c. Receive and tally all electronic votes and notify the membership of the results. d. Record, maintain and distribute minutes to the membership. e. Accept new agenda items submitted by the membership and present them to the Chair for inclusion.

ARTICLE 7. RECORDS Section 7.1 Minutes and Formal Actions. The Interprofessional Education Committee shall keep, as permanent records, minutes of all meetings. A record of all actions taken with or without meetings shall also be maintained.

ARTICLE 8. FIDUCIARY MATTERS Section 8.1 Discharge of Duties. Each Member of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall discharge his or her duties: (i) in good faith, (ii) with the care an ordinarily prudent individual in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances, and (iii) in a manner that the individual reasonably believes to be in the best interests of students and/or employees at Touro University California.

Members shall make budget expenditures appropriate to carrying out responsibilities of the committee, ensuring that budgetary resources are available to fully implement approved initiatives.

ARTICLE 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 9.1 Parliamentary Procedure. The parliamentary procedure for formal actions of the Interprofessional Education Committee shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 9.2 Severability. The invalidity of any provision of these Bylaws shall not affect the other provisions of these Bylaws and, in such event, these Bylaws shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid provision were omitted.

ARTICLE 10.AMENDMENTS OF BYLAWS Section 10.1 Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, and new Bylaws may be adopted by a three-quarter (3/4) vote of a Meeting of the Interprofessional Education Committee at which a Quorum is present.

Approved by the Executive Council: 12/9/2014 Approved by the Provost/COO: 12/9/2014


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