ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

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ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

Facility Name: ______+Met Expectations Monitored By: ______-Expectations Unmet Date: ______ Room for Improvement

Emergency Preparedness

Standard Classroom/Date

HSPS 1304.22(a)(1) Posted plan of action for emergencies that require a rapid response on the part of staff. (Choking, Medical & Dental) KAR 28-4-128(a)-(b)

HSPS 1304.22(a)(2) Emergency phone numbers are clearly posted.

HSPS 1304.22(f)(1) Well supplied first aid kits must be maintained in each classroom and available for outings. Each kit is accessible to staff, but out of reach of children.

HSPS 1304.22(f)(2) First aid kits are restocked after use and inventoried monthly.

HSPS 1304.53(a)(10) (iv)Emergency lighting is available and tested monthly.

(v)(vi)Approved, working fire extinguishers & smoke detectors are tested monthly.

KAR 28-4-128(d) (vii)Exits are marked and evacuation routes are posted. (Fire, Carbon Monoxide)

HSPS 1306.35(b)(1) Family child care homes must have a written description of its health, safety and emergency procedures. KAR 28-4-128(a)-(b)

HSPS 1306.35(b)(2) (ii)Family Child Care sites will be equipped with working carbon monoxide detectors that are tested monthly.

HSPS 1306.35(c) Emergency plans are shared with parents and posted for easy review. (Fire, Tornado, Carbon Monoxide, Flood, Power Failure, Community Violence etc…) KAR 28-4-128(a)-(b)

April 2013 TW ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

Environmental Safety

Standard Classroom/Date

HSPS Space is organized into functional areas that are easily recognized by children and allow for 1304.53(a)(3) individual activities as well as social interactions.

HSPS Environment is free of broken glass, hazardous objects, standing water, high grass or brush 1304.53(a)(7) etc.

KAR28-4-437(d) Outdoor play equipment is in good repair and safe condition (adequately secured to the ground, free of sharp edges/splinters, soft fall zone) KAR28-4-115(i) Fall Zones (2) Center Base: Under all climbers Rubber mulch=6” deep Pea gravel=9” deep Wood mulch=9” deep

Family Child Care: Only climbers over 4’ tall Rubber mulch=6” deep Pea gravel=9” deep Wood mulch=9” deep HSPS The outdoor play area is arranged such that no child can leave the premises or get into 1304.53(a)(9) unsafe or unsupervised areas.


KAR28-4-115(i) (1) HSPS (i)&(22)Heating and cooling systems, indoor and outdoor, are insulated to protect children 1304.53(a)(10) and staff.

KAR 28-4- 423(a) (iii)&(23)Dangerous materials and poisons are stored in locked cabinets or facilities separate from medications and food and only accessible to authorized persons. KAR28-4-423(a)

(xi)& (15)Outlets (indoor and outdoor) are covered. KAR 28- 40423(a) (16)Extension cords are not used.

(xii)&(10)Windows and doors are constructed, adapted or adjusted to prevent injury.

KAR 28-4- (11)Floors are clean and free of cracks. 423(a) (13)Walls are clean and free of cracks.

(viii)&(18)Indoor and outdoor spaces are cleaned daily and kept free of undesirable and hazardous materials and conditions (daily checklists are completed).

April 2013 TW ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

(xvi)Garbage and trash are stored and disposed of in a safe, sanitary manner (covered cans).

KAR28-4-439(s) HSPS (vi)Toys, materials and furniture are safe, durable and kept in good condition (materials are 1304.53(b)(1) free of sharp edges and loose pieces, balloons and/or plastic bags are not used, no choking hazards).

(vii)Toys are stored in a safe and orderly fashion (in labeled locations out of walk ways).

HSPS Toys are made of non-toxic materials and sanitized regularly. 1304.53(b)(2)

KAR28-4- 439(m) HSPS 1306(b)(2) (ix)Providers secure health certificates for pets to document up to date immunizations and freedom from disease or condition that poses a threat to children. Pets are properly KAR 28-4-131 managed at all times to ensure child safety (removed from meal areas during meal times, etc.)

HSPS 1308.4(o) Facilities enable the safe and effective participation of children with disabilities. (4)

April 2013 TW ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

Health Care

Standard Classroom/Date

1304.22(b)(3) A health plan is maintained and followed for each child with special health needs.

HSPS All medications are properly labeled (name of child/staff, name of medication, dosage, 1304.22(c)(1) name/number of pharmacy/physician). Medications are maintained under lock and key and out of reach of children. Medications in need of refrigeration are refrigerated. KAR-28-4- 430(c)(10) HSPS A current over-the-counter drug form is on file for each Head Start child (toothpaste, special 1304.22(c)(3) diapers/wipes, special formula)

KAR 28-4- Medication is administered only with the written consent from the parent. 430(9)(a)

HSPS Individual records for the dispension of medication are maintained and reviewed. 1304.22(c)(4)

KAR28-4-430(c) (11) HSPS (ii) Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water before food prep, 1304.22(e)(1) handling, consumption and any other food-related activity (setting the table).

(iii)Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water whenever hands are contaminated with bodily fluids.

(iv)Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water after handling pets or other animals.

HSPS (i)Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water before and after 1304.22(e)(2) giving medications.

(ii)Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water before and after treating a wound.

HSPS Nonporous gloves are available for use when dealing with bodily fluids. 1304.22(e)(3) 1304.23(a) A nutrition plan is maintained behind the STOP sign and followed for each child with special nutrition needs.

HSPS Children brush their teeth daily in conjunction with a meal. 1304.23(b)(3)

April 2013 TW ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist

KAR28-4-439(i) HSPS Facilities are available for the proper storage and handling of breast milk and formula. 1304.23(e)(2) Labeled and Dated

HSPS Accommodations are available for nursing mothers who visit classrooms and participate in 1304.40(c)(3) activities.


Standard Classroom/Date

1304.22(e)(1)(i)&(2)(iii) Staff, volunteers and children wash hands with soap and running water after diapering/toilet use.

KAR 28-4-430(b)(2) Children are allowed to go to the bathroom individually as needed.

1304.22(e)(5) Staff follow the KDHE diapering procedure.

KAR 28-4-132(c)(10) 1304.22(e)(6) A separate utility sink, or same sink sanitized, is specifically used to clean potties.

1304.53(a)(10) (xv)Diapering/Toilet training equipment is available for children that are diapered or toilet training. KAR28-4-132(c)(4)

KAR28-4-132(c)(9)(b) (xiv)Bathroom facilities are located away from areas used for cooking, eating or child activities. Facilities are clean, in good repair and easily reached by children.

(xvi)Diapers are disposed of in a safe and sanitary manner. A container with a lid KAR 28-4-132(c)(8) will be used and emptied each day, at a minimum.

April 2013 TW ECKAN Health & Safety Checklist


Standard Classroom/Date

HSPS Cribs, mats, cots are separated by at least 3 feet or a physical barrier. 1304.22(e)(7) HSPS Staff follow safe sleep practices. Infants are not put to sleep on soft mattresses, with soft 1304.53(b)(3) bedding or materials such as comforters, pillows, blankets or toys.

KAR28-4-440(h) (2) KAR28-4-436(b) Children which do not sleep at nap time are provided with quiet time activities. (2)

Other Observations/Notes


April 2013 TW

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