Name and Surname Class

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Name and Surname Class



1. Dopasuj nagłówki do przestępców w ramce. a rapist a mugger a shoplifter a kidnapper a drug dealer a murderer a terrorist a bank robber

1. Thieves steal $20,000 in gold bullion ...... 2. HEROIN DISCOVERED IN CITY CENTRE FLAT ...... 3. Millionaire's son disappears in South America- money demanded ...... 4. Young woman in sexual attack ...... 5. Clothes taken from three city centre department stores ...... 6. Bomb blows up in busy market ...... 7. TOURISTS ATTACKED AND ROBBED IN BUSY SQUARE ...... 8. MAN FOUND SHOT DEAD ......

2. Porównaj Polskę i Wielką Brytanię. Uzupełnij luki odpowiednimi wyrazami. Użyj wiedzy ogólnej. UK Poland Type of country 1...... a republic Head of state The Queen 2......

3 Name of major political ...... Labour; Conservative; Liberal Democrat Platforma Obywatelska, PIS

Parliament (lower and upper houses) 4...... and 5...... Sejm and Senat

6 How often is a general ...... held? Every 4 to 5 years Every 4 years 7...... 55 million inhabitants 40 million inhabitants National 8...... 9 Red, white and blue Red and white National ...... 'God save the Queen' 'Mazurek Dąbrowskiego'

YOUR ANSWERS: 1...... 2...... 3...... 4...... 5...... 6...... 7...... 8...... 9......

3. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. 1. border/boundary a. Smugglers have been arrested at the ...... between Italy and France. b. The river is the ...... between two villages.

2. foreigner/stranger a. I'd never seen him before. He was a complete...... b. I studied abroad last year. Being a ...... in somebody else's country, was an interesting experience.

3. election/referendum a. Which political party are you going to vote for in the ...... ? b. Are you going to vote 'yes' or 'no' to more European integration in the ...... ? 4. spend/waste a. Financial experts believe that we will ...... more money on consumer goods this year. b. I don't know why people ...... money buying things they don't need.

5. emigration/immigration a...... from abroad to my country has risen in the last ten years. b. Hundreads of well-educated people leave the country every year. If the givernment doesn't do anything about this form of ...... , we will have problems.

6. change/coins a. I've got eight ...... in my pocket. They are quite heavy. b. Do you have ...... for a £10 note?

7. guilty/innocent a. Peter didn't commit the crime. He was ...... b. The court found Webb ...... of stealing thousands of pounds from the school.

8. shoplifter/pickpocket a. When I got home, my wallet had gone. It must have been stolen by a ...... b. The police caught a ...... as she was walking out of the supermarket.

4. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź. 1. Be careful! That man’s a ______. 5. I think it’s terrible when young boys a) theft ______old people. b) thief a) mug c) stealer b) mugging c) mugger 2. He was arrested for the ______of his wife. a) murder 6. Do you think ______is a serious crime? b) murderer a) shoplift c) to murder b) shoplifter c) shoplifting 3. When they need money they just ______a bank! 7. There was a ______in my street last night. a) robber a) burgler b) robbery b) burglary c) rob c) burgle

4. John woke up to see a ______standing 8. The bank ______got away with fifty in his room. thousand euros. a) burgle a) robber b) burglar b) rob c) buglary c) robbery 5. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki. anthem borders capital citizen flag immigrants population visa republic constitution

The USA has a 1.______of over 300 million. Its 2. ______is Washington, D.C. and its national 3. ______is the song The Star – Spangled Banner, which of course refers to the national 4. ______- the well-known Stars and Stripes. The USA 5. ______Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Politically, it is a federal 6. ______. It has the oldest 7. ______in the world, adopted in 1787 and still used. An interesting thing about the USA is that you become a 8. ______simply by being born in the country, so the children of 9. ______are already Americans. If you liked to travel to the US from Poland, you would have to have a 10. ______- a special document which you apply for in the US Embassy in Warsaw.

6. Match the definitions in A column with the people in B column. A B 1. She saw the crime. …………….. A. policewoman 2. He had an alibi. …………….. B. suspect 3. She arrested the mugger. …………….. C. judge 4. They found him guilty. …………….. D. victim 5. He announced the verdict. …………….. E. witness 6. She had her handbag stolen. …………….. F. detective 7. He investigated the crime. …………….. G. jury

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Good luck :-)

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