Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield
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Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Parish Council Office, The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, SL5 7JF on Tuesday 24 February 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield, D McKay, B Story
In Attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Satndley SPAE, Lise Andreessen Voluntary Bio-Diversity Adviser.
6000 TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors Robert Ellison, David Hilton and Christine Lester.
6001 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting, held on 3 February, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
6002 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were given.
Application No. Location and Description
15/00067 (amended) 10 and land at 10 Fox Covert Close, Ascot Erection of a new dwelling with associated parking, access and landscaping works following the demolition of single storey side element of existing dwelling with alterations to the parking and layout of no.10 Recommendation: No Objections, provided that permitted development rights were removed, the proposed 4 metre evergreen boundary screening was planted before the works start and that the Borough Highway Officer’s comments were acted upon The committee also supported the recommendations put forward by Jacobs.
15/00119 (Full) East Lodge, Cheapside Road, Ascot, SL5 7DR Single storey rear extensions with balconies above Recommendation: No Objections provided there was no overlooking from the proposed balconies.
15/00121 (Full) South Court, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EG Replacement garage with ancillary accommodation in roof space with new gated access Recommendation: Objections on highway safety grounds as the gates were located right on the road. The proposed gated access was also considered to be urban in style and concerns were raised regarding the possibility of an adverse impact on the root protection area of the trees. The committee requested that the application therefore be referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer. They also requested that the application be referred to Jacobs to consider the validity of the Environmental Statement, which was perceived to lack detail.
1 15/00151 (Advertisement) Former Clover Leaf Cars Ltd, Station Hill, Ascot Consent to display 2x internally illuminated fascia signs Recommendation: Objections as the proposed signs were considered to be too large and that the proposed was out of keeping within the Green Belt.
15/00162 (Full) 8 Silwood Close, Ascot, SL5 7DX Replacement dwelling with replacement detached garage and pool following demolition of existing dwelling, garage and pool Recommendation: No Objections.
15/00184 (Full) Dorchester House, 13 Holmes Close, Ascot, SL5 9TJ Single storey rear extension, first floor side extension, conversion of one garage to habitable accommodation and associated works Recommendation: No Objections.
15/00188 (Full) 79 Kennel Ride, Ascot, SL5 7NU First floor front/side extension and new first floor side window Recommendation: Concerns were expressed as to the potential overlooking of the neighbouring property.
15/00191 (Full) 131 New Road, Ascot, SL5 8QA Detached outbuilding Recommendation: No Objections on the condition that the proposed building was not to be used as habitable accommodation and that planning permission should be sought if the building were to be connected to the utilities.
15/00239 (Full) Greenhays, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7DG New windows to approved p.p. 14/02156 and new bay windows to front elevation Recommendation: No Objections.
15/00246 (Full) Missanda, Wells Lane, Ascot, SL5 7DY Construction of a block of 10 x 2 bed apartments following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings Recommendation: Strong Objections – contained within Appendix A.
15/00247 (Full) Dial House, Kings Road, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 0AG Erection of two detached houses and garages with access drive and gates following demolition of existing dwelling Recommendation: No Objections, subject to the Borough’s highway recommendation being met and that the landscaping scheme contained within the application is planted.
15/00271 (Full) 33 Francis Chichester Close, Ascot, SL5 9AG Part single, part two storey side extensions and alterations to ground floor rear elevation Recommendation: No Objections, provided the planting strip is retained along the side wall.
15/00289 (Full) 15 Walton Drive, Ascot, SL5 7PG Two storey side extension Recommendation: No Objections.
15/00292 (Full) Land rear of 48 Llanvair Drive, Ascot Erection of 2 new dwellings with associated garaging, following demolition of existing dwelling Recommendation: Objections – contained within Appendix B.
15/00296 (Full) 20 Woodlands Ride, Ascot, SL5 9HN Two storey rear extension Recommendation: No Objections.
2 15/00301 (Full) 37 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TB First floor front extension over existing garage to include an external staircase Recommendation: Objections. The committee considered that the application would have an adverse impact on the street scene due to the proposed exterior stairs/ balcony. The committee requested that a single family occupancy condition be imposed should the Borough be minded to approve the application.
15/00305 (Variation 1 - 6 Beechcroft Close Ascot Under Reg 73) Construction of 23 dwellings with access road and landscaping following demolition of the existing 6 houses as approved under permission 12/00808/FULL, and varied under 13/00899/VAR , without complying with condition 1 (approved plans) from planning permission 14/02376/VAR to replace approved plans with amend plans Recommendation: Objections on the same grounds as set out in the Parish Council Planning Committee minutes of 10 June 2014, regarding application 14/01578. As nothing had changed since this previous application was refused, the committee expected the application to be refused again, but in the event that the planners / panel were minded to approve it, the committee asked that such approval was conditional upon the implementation of enhanced mitigation proposals. The mitigation proposals focus only on the area around plots 1 and 2, but the committee considered it appropriate to provide additional landscaping along the whole of the Sunnninghill Road boundary to help to mask the buildings and provide a green and leafy street scene.
Several different landscaping proposals had been approved over time, with each one further eroding the quality of the landscaping. It was considered appropriate is appropriate that in mitigation for the increased heights of plots 1 to 3 (and of others) that in addition to the mitigation proposals offered in the application the following additional mitigation is provided: The 3 trees originally proposed at the bottom of the garden to plot 1 are planted. The tree removed from the garden of plot one along the road boundary is replaced. The tree originally proposed in the front garden of plot 1 at the south east corner of the dwelling is planted. The two trees originally proposed at the north end of the road boundary are planted to screen plots 14 to 17.
In addition the committee requested that all new trees were to be TPO’d. The committee went on to note that application 14/02376 was approved with conditions. This approval had provided the grounds for the developer to appeal, following the dismissal of his original appeal, on the grounds that there was no condition against which to appeal. This was considered to be disappointing. Furthermore, the boundary shown did not include the bank along the London Road, whereas the committee thought it should.
15/00371 (Full) 62 Cavendish Meads, Ascot, SL5 9TD Widening of the existing driveway Recommendation: No Objections, although the committee requested that a permeable material should be used, if the Borough were minded to approve the application.
14/02250 Kier House, Kier Park, Ascot, SL5 7DS The erection of two dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling The appeal was dismissed.
14/01395 Hamilton House, Larch Avenue, Ascot, SL5 0AP The redevelopment of existing dwelling to provide two detached houses with attached garages and parking areas The appeal was dismissed.
14/00551 Hunters Lodge and 1 and 2 Ascot Lodge, London Road, Ascot 9 dwelllings with associated parking/turning and landscaping following demolition of the existing buildings
3 The appeal would be decided on the basis of a Hearing and any comments are to be received by the Planning Inspector, no later than 9 March.
6005 TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS No matters were received at the time of sending out the agenda.
Week ending 30 January
Application Number: 14/03389 Type: Full Proposal: Erection of 4x 4 bed dwellings and 3x 3 bed dwelling following the demolition of existing dwellings Location: Straddle Stones And Paddock End Forest Road Ascot Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03749 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (T1) Beech, tip reduce the lower and mid crown, overhanging the driveway only, by up to 2m to a height of no more than 8m from ground level. (T2) Silver Birch, fell. (T5) Sweet Chestnut,crown lift to give a height clearance of 3m from ground level. (T6) Sweet Chestnut, crown lift to give a height clearance of 3m from ground level. (T9) Beech, fell. Location: Birdsong Larch Avenue Ascot SL5 0AR Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03802 Type: Full Proposal: Part two storey, part single storey rear extension Location: 9 Lockton Chase Ascot SL5 8TP Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03914 Type: Full Proposal: Erection of two storey replacement dwelling with basement accommodation and detached garage with staff accommodation. Location: Former Pinewood Coronation Road Ascot Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: Concerns
Application Number: 14/03915 Type: Full Proposal: Two storey front extension Location: 12A Gainsborough Drive Ascot SL5 8TB Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Week ending 6 February
Application Number: 14/03546 Type: Full Proposal: Installation of water fountain with jets, lights including maintenance to access. Location: Roundabout Adjacent To Heatherwood Hospital London Road Ascot Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
4 Application Number: 14/03697 Type: Full Proposal: Two storey front/rear and first floor extension over existing garage, new chimney stack to the west elevation and raising of the roof. Location: 6 Llanvair Close Ascot SL5 9HX Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: Concerns
Application Number: 14/03801 Type: Full Proposal: Erection of 3x detached two storey dwellings with access driveways following the demolition of 9 Llanvair Close. Location: 9 Llanvair And Rear of 11 Llanvair Close Ascot Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03848 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (T1) Scots Pine (TPO 011 of 2014) - fell. Location: High Pines 13 Woodlands Ride Ascot SL5 9HP Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03897 Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev Proposal: Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions, insertion of dormer windows in front, side and rear elevations. Erection of replacement double garage with accommodation above. Erection of front boundary wall with gates and pier. Location: Greenhays London Road Ascot SL5 7DG Decision: Application Withdrawn Parish Council Recommendation: No Parish Council Recommendation Required
Week ending 13 February
Application Number: 14/03051 Type: Full Proposal: Erection of detached outbuilding to rear Location: Rajvoog Tandoori Restaurant 4 High Street Sunninghill Ascot SL5 9NE Decision: Refuse Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03839 Type: Full Proposal: Detached triple garage with habitable accommodation above Location: Woodberry Down St Marys Road Ascot SL5 9JE Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03978 Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO Proposal: (T1) Oak - remove two lowest hanging branches which are overhanging over the roof of the neighbouring property. Location: Flat 2 Catherine House London Road Ascot SL5 7EQ Decision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
5 Application Number: 14/04014 Type: Full Proposal: Single storey front extension, replacement flat roof with pitched roof on front elevation and associated works. Location: 14 Kinross Avenue Ascot SL5 9EPDecision: Application Permitted Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
6007 OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Peter Deason raised concerns about developers damaging pavements and grass verges during construction. The committee called for the Borough to ensure that any damage is repaired and suggested that the Borough take photos before and after development, make it a condition that any damage is made good and that the construction plan is enforced. Councillors Deason and Barbara Story both raised concerns about beautiful trees within the Parish being cut down as they are not subject to a TPO. Councillor Story informed the meeting that she had been in contact with the Borough’s Tree Unit about this and that she was to be sent a map locating TPO trees within the Parish. The committee agreed to register a log of tree loss and continue to work with the Borough to TPO all important trees. The possibility of a media campaign to highlight the loss of trees was also discussed and Lise Andreassen agreed to draft a press statement, with photos to be provided by Councillor Deason. The Chairman informed the committee that an applicant had raised concerns about the committee’s objection to his application.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.18pm.
------Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman
6 Appendix A
15/00246 (Full) Missanda, Wells Lane, Ascot, SL5 7DY Construction of a block of 10 x 2 bed apartments following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings Parish Council Recommendation: Strong Objections
The committee considered that the application for 10 x 2 bed flats represented a gross over-development and over intensification of use of a site which is described as ‘Villas in a Woodland Setting’ and damages the openness of the Green Belt opposite. The committee considered the application to be contrary to the following policies:
NP/DG1.1, DG1.2 DG1.3 and DG1.6 – respecting the townscape assessment criteria. NP/DG1.2 requires dwellings in “villas in a woodland setting’ to be for “occupation typically by a single household, each house sitting in its own plot with a garden for its exclusive use”. Apartments are not therefore permitted.
NP/DG1.6 and LP policy H10 require developers “to demonstrate how their proposals will enhance the character of the local area”. The committee considered that the application had not and cannot demonstrate that this development will enhance the local character, which is rural.
NP/DG1.3 – retaining and enhancing the sylvan, leafy nature of the area. There is no soft landscaping or space for such, to meet this policy.
NP/DG2.1, DG2.2 and Local Plan policies DG1 and H11 – density, footprint separation, scale, bulk. The building is 2 metres higher that Ascot Corner and 3 metres taller than Warners. At a height of 12 metres, the building overlooks surrounding properties from the 2nd floor on all sides. The density is equivalent to 39.4 dph
NP/DG 3.1 – respecting the character and appearance of the surrounding area.
NP/EN3 a & b – gardens. Represents an unacceptable reduction in greenspace to the rear and the removal of all greenspaces on south east, north east and front of the site which will impact on the environmental value of the site. The building and hardstanding occupy the full width of the site. The garden depth is less than 30% of the plot depth, contrary to P/DG3.2.
NP/EN2.1 – trees. A large number of screening trees were removed from the south east boundary with ‘Warners’, leaving this property exposed. The screening should be replaced. The tree survey does not show any category A trees and only 3 category B trees. The other 16 trees are categorized as C or unclassified. Google Maps shows that the site was covered by many important mature trees.
The development does not respect the established building lines in Wells Lane, or the arrangements of front gardens, walls, railings or hedges, which are important to retaining the green and leafy character of this semi-rural lane. Nor does it respect the privacy and amenity of neighbouring properties, all were considered to be contrary to NP/DG2.2 and LP DG1. There is no screening shown along the south west boundary or space for any, and the screening to the street is sparse with a number of wide gaps.
It is essential that the landscaping proposals are included in the application, so as to be able to assess the application as to how it sits in the green and leafy character of the area and how it is screened from neighbouring properties. They are not, contrary to LP DG1 (6).
NP/T1.1, 1.2 – parking and access. There appeared to be a complete lack of surface parking, with this policy not addressed. There are only 2 parking spaces for visitors at ground level and no off street space for trades people etc to park off the narrow Lane, contrary to NP/T1.
The development would need to comply with NP/DG5 – energy efficiency.
The committee noted that no ecological survey had been provided, contrary to NP/EN4 – biodiversity.
A comparison with Ascot Corner was not considered valid in that permission for this development was prior to the Neighbourhood Plan which relates to properties on the London Road. 7 Under Neighbourhood Plan Guidelines, there should be a full Development Brief and Statement of Community Consultation before this application for 10 flats can be considered – reference Appendix C & D of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Appendix B 15/00292 (Full) Land at rear of 48 Llanvair Drive, Ascot Erection of 2 new dwellings with associated garaging, following demolition of existing dwelling Parish Council Recommendation: Objections on the following grounds: The committee considered this application was for backland development in a Townscape assessment Area of ‘villas in a woodland setting.’ It was perceived to be similar to both Somerton and Clytha applications which were dismissed at appeal.
It was considered to cause considerable harm to the areas established character, contrary to NP/DG1.1, 1.2,1.3 and 1.6, LP policies H11 and DG1 (3) (6) (8) and (11),
Both houses are taller than the surrounding properties and plot 2 and because of its height and position will overlook surrounding properties and was therefore perceived to be unneighbourly.
The proposed loss of a significant number of trees was considered unacceptable, given that a large number have already been removed prior to application. There is no tree layout plan to allow the quality of the removed trees to be assessed, and no adequate proposal to plant replacements of similar amenity value. The committee therefore requested that the Borough Tree Officer should review the application. The proposals are thus contrary to NP/EN2 – trees, and LP policy N6. Also the committee considered there to be potential harm to the root protection zone of trees bordering this driveway.
Both gardens are significantly smaller and plot 2 has the possibility of being overshadowed, contrary to NP DG3.2.
The position of the driveway for plot 2 has the potential to be unneighbourly to number 50 Llanvair Drive.
Furthermore, there does not appear to be a swept path analysis or turning areas for refuse vehicles at the gated entry point to plot 2.
The application should not have gone to Bracknell Forest Council first.
It was perceived to be ‘Backland Development’, contrary to NPPF paragraph 53. There is no other Backland Development in the road. The committee noted that some developments with ‘tandem’ housing in the area have been refused by the Borough and at appeal.
It was perceived to be contrary to NP/EN3 – gardens, as it results in an unacceptable reduction in the green space created by this garden and in combination with surrounding gardens. It also results in an unacceptable impact on the landscape and environmental value of the site due to the rear house and severe loss of trees in an area categorized as ‘villas in a woodland setting’.
The screening of the rear plot from the front plot (plot 1) relies on new planting, which will take a significant time to serve this purpose.
No landscaping proposals have been submitted, contrary to LP policy DG1 (6), and this is a core part of the overall appearance of the development.
The access to plot 2 and the parking / garage area is likely to cause noise disturbance to the gardens of plot 1 and the two adjacent properties, and a visual impact.
The development fails to contribute to a balanced mix of housing as it is similar to most new homes delivered in the last few years, contrary to NP/H2. The dwellings are larger than those currently in the road, and no demonstrable need for such large houses has been submitted, contrary to NP/H2.1.
The scale of the development was considered to be contrary to LP H11 in terms of scale and could cause damage to the character and amenity of the area.
8 The scale and bulk of the rear property is large, out of keeping with the area and impacts upon the open character of the area formed by the rear gardens, contrary to NP/DG 2.1, 2.2 – on density, footprint, scale and bulk. It also was perceived to fail to respond to and integrate with the surrounding gardens and their landscape context, contrary to NP/DG3.1
There is no bin storage to plot 2 close to the road although it was noted that the rear property is in Bracknell Forest, so will have different collections.
The committee considered that the application must comply with NP/DG5 and meet the Code of Sustainable Homes, level 4.
The committee noted that the bat survey referred to did not appear to be on the Public Portal and requested therefore that the application be referred to Jacobs to have a look and that there was no biodiversity survey.
Appendix C
Ecological Notes for Planning Committee Meeting 24/2/15
A. New Applications
15/00067 – 10 and land at 10 Fox Covert Close
Jacobs have recommended that if planning permission is granted, certain biodiversity enhancements be required via a planning condition. I concur with this recommendation.
15/00121 – South Court, London Road
The new garage impinges on the root protection area of 4 TPO trees, and is therefore of concern. The Tree Team should be asked to review this application.
Although an ecological walkover survey has been conducted, it appears lacking in detail. For example, there is no diagram to show the position of the active badger set in relation to the development. It is requested that Jacobs, the Council’s ecologists, be asked to review this application in relation to the impact on the active badger sett.
15/00162 – 8 Silwood Close, Ascot
Firstly, one tree is to be lost (Category C) and should be replaced elsewhere on-site. Secondly, the application does not include measures to enhance biodiversity. The National Planning Policy Framework states that ‘opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments should be encouraged’. As outlined by Jacobs for other applications, such measures could include:
‘Inclusion of native species of local origin within any landscaping proposals;
Provision of bat boxes on mature trees around the garden;
Provision of summer and winter bat boxes to be incorporated into the masonry of the new development;
Bat access roof tiles to provide discreet and un-interrupted access into the roof space;
Provision of log piles; and
Provision of bird boxes on trees and building to include different designs/models.
Thus, the application should be amended to incorporate measures to enhance biodiversity.
15/00246 – Missanda, Wells Lane
9 No ecological information on the site has been provided. The garden has already been upturned and bushes and trees cut down. Jacobs should be asked to review this application. Given its closeness to significant woodland and streams, an ecological survey should be conducted.
The application does not include measures to enhance biodiversity. The National Planning Policy Framework states that ‘opportunities to incorporate biodiversity in and around developments should be encouraged’. As outlined by Jacobs for other applications, such measures could include:
‘Inclusion of native species of local origin within any landscaping proposals;
Provision of bat boxes on mature trees around the garden;
Provision of summer and winter bat boxes to be incorporated into the masonry of the new development;
Bat access roof tiles to provide discreet and un-interrupted access into the roof space;
Provision of log piles; and
Provision of bird boxes on trees and building to include different designs/models.
Thus, an ecological survey should be undertaken and the application should be amended to incorporate measures to enhance biodiversity.
15/00292 – Land rear of 48 Llanvair Drive
It should be noted that the applicant has felled a significant number of mature trees prior to submitting this application. I saw these trees piled up in front of the house after the felling and was astounded at the amount of timber removed from the site.
Additionally, the application would require the further removal of a significant number of trees. NP/EN2.1 requires that developments should seek to retain groups of trees or woodland on site; this proposal goes against this policy.
There is reference to a bat survey being submitted but it does not appear on the website. This bat survey should be made available so that we can evaluate it.
The existing house is detached and over 60 years old. It is close to many trees and adjacent to woodland to the rear. In accordance with RBWM’s application validation requirements, an application to demolish a detached building that was built prior to 1960 needs to be accompanied by a biodiversity survey and report. This has not been submitted.
Until the bat survey and a wider biodiversity survey are made available for evaluation, this application cannot be determined.
We request that Jacobs be asked to review this application, together with the RBWM Tree Officer.
Lise Andreassen, Voluntary Bio-Diversity Adviser to the Parish Council