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Volume 8, Number 3, 2010
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
Editor-in-Chief Zenon J. Pudlowski World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne 2010 World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
WIETE Partners
Association of Taiwan College of Engineering & Commonwealth Science and Department of Electrical and Engineering Education and Engineering Technology Technology Academy for Power Engineering, Management (ATEEM) Northern Illinois University Research (C-STAR) AGH University of Science & Taichung, Taiwan DeKalb, Illinois, USA Chennai, India Technology, Kraków, Poland
Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, K.S. Rangasamy College of Computer & Control Engineering Polytechnic Institute Russian Association of Technology of New York University Engineering Universities Technical University of Łódź, Tiruchengode, India Łódź, Poland New York, USA Moscow, Russia
Technological Education Institute of Piraeus University of Botswana Piraeus-Athens, Greece Gaborone, Botswana
Published by:
World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) 34 Hampshire Road, Glen Waverley, Melbourne, VIC 3150, Australia
E-mail: [email protected] Internet:
© 2010 WIETE
ISSN 1446-2257
Articles published in the World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE) have undergone a formal and rigorous process of peer review by international referees.
This Journal is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this Journal may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the publisher.
Responsibility for the contents of these articles rests upon the authors and not the publisher. Data presented and conclusions developed by the authors are for information only and are not intended for use without independent substantiating investigations on the part of the potential user.
244 World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
Prof. Zenon J. Pudlowski World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) 34 Hampshire Road, Glen Waverley, Melbourne, VIC 3150, Australia Tel/Fax: +61 3 85550953, E-mail: [email protected] Internet:
Dr Elena A. Danilova Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia Dr Ian R. Dobson Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia Ms Dianne Q. Nguyen (Manager) Monash University, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia Ms Krystyna Wareing Independent Communications Consultant, Crawley, West Sussex, England, UK
Prof. Hosni I. Abu-Mulaweh Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA Prof. Tuncay Birand Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Prof. Colin U. Chisholm Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK Prof. Ahmad Ibrahim Yorkville University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Prof. Adinarayana Kalanidhi Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research, Chennai, India Prof. Efrossini C. Kalkani National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece Prof. Krzysztof Kluszczyński Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Prof. Romanas V. Krivickas Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania A/Prof. Wojciech Kuczborski Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley, Perth, Australia A/Prof. Paul Maj Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley, Perth, Australia Prof. Kaliappan Manivannan Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research, Chennai, India Prof. George Metaxas Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Piraeus-Athens, Greece Dr Bruce Moulton University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia Prof. Nikos J. Mourtos San José State University, San José, USA Prof. Andrew Nafalski University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Adelaide, Australia Prof. Alexey F. Nesterov Russian Association of Engineering Universities, Moscow, Russia Dr Venkatachalam Rajendran K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India Prof. Ákos Rédey University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary Prof. Ian M. Robinson Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK Prof. Kin Wai Michael Siu Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PRC Prof. Harold P. Sjursen NYU Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA Prof. Robert Špaček Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia Prof. David W.S. Tai Association of Taiwan Engineering Education and Management, Taichung, Taiwan Prof. Jacek Uziak University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana Prof. Algirdas V. Valiulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania Prof. Marika Vicziany Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Prof. Promod Vohra Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA Prof. Sławomir Wiak Technical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland
245 World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
Z.J. Pudlowski Editorial 249
T. Aarrevaara & I.R. Dobson Do engineering academics in Finland have job satisfaction? 250
K-H. Tseng, C.R. Diez, S-J. Lou, Using the Context, Input, Process and Product model to assess an 256 H-L. Tsai & T-S. Tsai engineering curriculum
C-M. Chou Analysis of college students’ satisfaction with educational functions and 262 teaching patterns of technological and vocational education in Taiwan
H-H. Tsai Development of an inventory of problem-solving abilities of tertiary 268 students majoring in engineering technology
W-S. Lo Using an ontological engineering approach and e-learning on instruction of a 273 practical project - a case study of vocational education
J. Fleming, R.M. Iyer, M. Shortis, Employers’ perceptions regarding graduates of engineering dual degrees 277 H. Vuthaluru, K. Xing & B. Moulton
C-C. Lin, J-F. Lin, Y-C. Lin, Design of an interactive Web-based e-learning course with simulation lab: a 283 F-C. Tai, C-Y. Wang, C-Y. Chen case study of a fuzzy expert system course & Y-J. Lin
R-G. Chung, C-L. Lo, T-H. Different cooperative learning grouping and problem-based instruction in 289 Hsieh, W-L. Chang & Y-C. Hu promoting students’ learning performance
L-S. Lee, L-T. Chang, K-Y. Lin, Skills standards for the cultural and creative industry of bamboo 295 Y-C. Lee, M-J. Wu & S-W. Lin handicraftsmen in Taiwan
P.F. Tjoa & R. Devon Safety by design: a review on planning and design strategies for a safer 301 living environment in higher education communities
H-H. Tsai & S-C. Wang Curriculum comparison of mechanical engineering technology programmes 310 at Purdue University and Ming Chi University of Technology
C-M. Chou, C-H. Shen, A study on constructing entrepreneurial competence indicators for business 316 H-C. Hsiao & S-C. Chen department students of vocational and technical colleges in Taiwan
W. Makasiranondh, S.P. Maj & Pedagogical evaluation of simulation tools usage in Network Technology 321 D. Veal Education
H.I. Abu-Mulaweh Undergraduate engineering design experience in the thermal science area 327
Y-R. Yang, H-H. Tsai & Assessment of the students majored in Mechanical Engineering Technology 331 H-P. Feng in practical training programmes
H-Y. Lin, S-H. Lin, C-Y. Chiu, An AHP approach to industry-oriented management competence 339 W-T. Hung & C-Y. Chen development in an institute of technology
R.B. Ward The further fallacy and paradox of leadership 344
W-w. Feng & K.W.M. Siu Facility design and development in secondary technology education on the 350 Chinese mainland
K-Y. Lin, Y-H. Guu, B-C. Jiang A study of energy saving and carbon emission reduction education policy in 356 & L-S. Lee Taiwan
J. Njock Libii Using wind tunnel tests to study pressure distributions around a bluff body: 361
246 the case of a circular cylinder
C-S.J. Hwang, H-H. Lin & MUST-Care: a proposal for teaching nursing skills 367 C-C. Sun
C-Y.S. Vasana & T.L. Smith Whole-mind teaching and learning: a case study in engineering 371
S-H. Lee Selection and prioritisation of assessment measures for campus 376 environmental management
V.P. Kommula & G. Jerekias Blackboard utilisation in engineering courses and digital divide - the case of 380 FET/UB
G. Kabouridis An innovative approach toward first-year mechanical engineering students’ 386 conceptual difficulties in engineering design
C-H. Ko Different perceptions of price/value trade-off between experts and design 390 students
K. Sritaratorn, N. Buranajant & One Stop Service System development at the Institute for Scientific and 396 S. Sombunsukho Technological Research and Services
Index of Authors 400
World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education
247 Editorial
This regular issue of the World Transactions on Engineering & Technology Education (WTE&TE), Vol.8, No.3, consists of 27 fully peer-refereed original articles from authors who represent eight countries, of which 15 deal with issues in engineering and technology education facing academics, researchers and postgraduate students based in Taiwanese academic institutions.
The release of this issue comes after the 1st World Conference on Technology and Engineering Education held in Kraków, Poland, between 14 and 17 September 2010 that was organised by the World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE), in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Power Engineering (DEPE) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, IT and Electronics at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland. Conference delegates reiterated the necessity of raising further the profile of technology and engineering education, as well as emphasising the prevailing need for international collaboration on technology and engineering education.
Two exciting events provided the Conference highlights. The first was the launch of the Mediterranean Centre for Engineering and Technology Education (MCETE), the first of the WIETE’s satellite centres, as they are known, and which is based at the Technological Education Institute (TEI-Piraeus) in Piraeus-Athens, Greece. The second was the relaunch of the Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE). The break in publishing the GJEE was caused by the closure of the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE) in 2008, the founder of the GJEE in 1997.
In its role as an international hub of engineering and technology education, information and resources, the WIETE wishes to continue publishing the GJEE. The principal objective of the GJEE is not to compete with the WTE&TE but to provide a primary focus on promoting research and development, specifically in engineering education, as well as providing the international engineering education community with a forum for discussion and the exchange of information on engineering education and industrial training at tertiary level. A call for articles to be considered for inclusion in the GJEE, Vol.12, No.1, has been made on the GJEE’s Web pages available on the WIETE’s Internet site.
On behalf of myself and all those involved with this issue of the WTE&TE, sincere gratitude is extended to the authors of these articles for their willingness to share and exchange information on their research and development accomplishments with other researchers and educators worldwide.
In addition, our special thanks should be directed to those involved in refereeing these articles, for the effort and time they committed to this journal. Also, I would like to acknowledge the contribution made to production of this issue by Dr Elena A. Danilova, Dr Ian R. Dobson, Ms Dianne Q. Nguyen and Ms Krystyna Wareing, without whom the release of this publication would not have been possible.
Zenon J. Pudlowski