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Julie A. I. Thompson, PT, DPT, C/NDT 2453 Grove Park Schertz, TX, 78154 210-260-0295 [email protected]
Education: Hardin-Simmons University Abilene, TX 2006 to 2008 Physical Therapy DPT, 2008
University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA 1977 to 1981 Physical Therapy BS, 1981
Licensure Information/Registration Number: Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners License No. 1112324
State of Washington Health Professions Quality Assurance Division License No. PT00002698
Professional Certifications: 2016 Re-Certified NDT Adult Hemiplegia Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association Memphis, TN
2015 Certified LSVT BIGR Houston, TX
2013 Certified NDT Adult Hemiplegia Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association Houston, Texas
1999 Certified (Strength) Weight Trainer International Weightlifting Association San Antonio, TX Additional Training: 1985 Infant Assessment Team Training, Child Development and Mental Retardation Center University of Washington Seattle, WA
1984 Interdisciplinary Team Training Child Development and Mental Retardation Center University of Washington Seattle, WA
Publications: Klappa SG, Crocker R, Hughes L, Thompson J, Klappa SP. Predicting compassion fatigue: A model for disaster relief workers. HPA PTJ PAL January 2016; 15(4):J1-J18.
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Thompson J, Piernik-Yoder B. Learning space matters: Assessment of a case-based interprofessional learning activity with DPT and MOT students in a novel learning environment. (Accepted Presentation at the Texas Society of Allied Health Professions, September 2016, Houston, TX)
Ortega C, Simmons M, Rangel Y, Thompson J. Students’ Judgments Of Their Professional Generic Abilities: Do Faculty Agree? (Research poster presentation at the 2nd Annual Faculty Showcase of Educational Innovation, October 30, 2015)
Ortega C, Simmons M, Rangel Y, Thompson J. Students’ Judgments Of Their Professional Generic Abilities: Do Faculty Agree? (Research poster presentation at the Texas Society of Allied Health Professions, September 2015, San Antonio, TX)
Hughes L, Thompson J, Klappa S. Cognitive Mapping Illustrates DPT Student Learning Through a Pro Bono Patient Case. (Research poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting. February 4 – 7, 2015, Indianapolis, IN)
Klappa S, Thompson JA. In the Case of Service Learning: What Does It Really matter. (Research poster presentation at the Leadership in Education Conference, October 10-11, 2014, Kansas City, MO)
Hughes L, Thompson J, Klappa S, Martinez H, Knox M, Bridges J. Revealing the student learning experience by participating in a pro bono patient case. (Research poster presentation at the Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) Annual Conference, October 16-18, 2014, Galveston, TX) Calk E, Ferrand A, Oliva V, Sanchez M, Klappa S, Thompson J. Using learning styles and personality types to predict success of first year students’ didactic scores from a problem-based learning (PBL) DPT program. (Research poster presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Conference, February 3-6, 2014, Las Vegas, NV)
Klappa S, Hughes LC, Thompson J. Facilitating future scholar practioners: Changing conceptions of research among DPT students in a problem-based learning program. (Research poster presentation at the Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) Annual Conference, October 26, 2013)
Thompson JA, Klappa S. The color of success: Personality and the DPT student. (Research poster presentation at the Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) Annual Conference, October 26, 2013)
Additional Projects :
Mentored student research group at The University of the Incarnate Word. Investigation included data collection regarding learning styles preferences and/personality types to assess predictive effects regarding predict the success of first year students in a Problem Based Learning DPT program. Completed with poster presentations (2012-2014).
Non-Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Thompson JAI. Traumatic Brain Injury: The Continuum of Care and Physical Therapy. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Grand Rounds, April 8, 2016. Invited presentation
Thompson JAI. Stroke: The Continuum of Care and Physical Therapy. University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Grand Rounds, October 9, 2015. Invited presentation
Thompson JAI. Physical Therapy and the Neuromuscular Evaluation. University of Texas Medical School (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation interns), February 24, 2015 Invited presentation.
Klappa SG, McKernan K, Thompson JA, Kuhn J, Rassat A, Thompson, J. Kinesiotape: Una receta por exito. (Kinesiotape: A recipe for success). Universidad Pontifica Catolica Madre y Maestra Santiago, Dominican Republic, August 5, 2014. Invited presentation.
Faculty Positions Held:
Assistant Professor, Tenure-track University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Department of Physical Therapy; June 2016 to present Clinical Assistant Professor, Non-tenured University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio School of Health Professions Department of Physical Therapy; June 2013 to June 2016
Adjunct Professor, Non-tenured University of the Incarnate Word School of Physical Therapy August 2012 to July 2013
Employment/Positions Held:
Staff PT Warm Springs Rehabilitation Hospital at Thousand Oaks Post-Acute Specialty Hospital of San Antonio San Antonio, TX; August 2015 to May 2016, December 2015 to May 2016
Staff PT Pediatric Therapy Associates San Antonio, TX; November 2015 to May 2016
Staff PT Non-Surgical Center of San Antonio San Antonio, TX; May 2015 to December 2015
PT School District Schertz Cibolo Universal City Independent School District (SCUCISD) Schertz, TX; August 2012 to May 2013
Staff PT & PRN PT Sonterra Health Center San Antonio, TX; Fall 2010 to Fall 2014
Senior PT Manor Care-Heartland of San Antonio San Antonio, TX; Spring 2008 to fall 2010
Director of Rehabilitation Hallmark Rehabilitation, Inc. Schertz, TX Spring 2000 to spring 2008
Staff Civilian PT United States Army Exceptional Family Member Department (EFMD) Germany; Fall 1993 to fall 1996
Staff PT Puget Sound PT Registry Redmond, WA’ 1988 to 1991 Director Cascade Sports Medicine and Industrial Rehabilitation Center Federal Way, WA; Spring 1986 to summer 1988
Staff PT St. Peter Hospital Olympia, WA; Summer 1981 to spring 1986
Current Teaching Responsibilities in the UMHB Entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program:
PHTH 7314 Introduction to Patient Management Lecture and Lab, Fall, Primary Instructor
PHTH 7342 Patient Management: Integumentary Lecture and Lab, Fall, Primary Instructor
PHTH 7353 Patient Management: Neuro II Lecture and Lab, Spring, Primary Instructor
PHTH 7354 Patient Management: Pediatrics Lecture and Lab, Spring, Primary Instructor
PHTH 7142 Patient Management: Neuro 1 Lecture and Lab, Summer, Primary Instructor
Teaching Responsibilities in the UTHSCSA Entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program:
PHYT 8108 Management of the Patient with Neurological Dysfunction I Lecture and Lab, Fall, Primary Instructor
PHYT 8116 Management of the Patient with Neurological Dysfunction II Lecture and Lab, Spring, Primary Instructor
PHYT 8130 Movement Science II—Faculty Liaison & Lab Director
Teaching Responsibilities in the UIW Entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program:
DPT 6311 Physical Therapy Reasoning 3, Summer, Adjunct Professor, facilitator of 7-student tutorial group
DPT 5322 Patient/Client Management 3, Summer, Adjunct Professor, lab assistant
DPT 5521 Physical Therapy Reasoning 1 and 2, Fall and Spring, Adjunct Professor.
DPT 5322 Patient/Client Management 1 and 2, Fall and Spring, Adjunct Professor, lab assistant.
PPDPT 9334 On-line Ethics, Fall, Primary Instructor Volunteer Teaching Responsibilities in the PTA Program at St. Phillips Community College:
PT 1405, Wound Care Invited Lecturer Second year students Annually 2001 to present
Continuing Education /Contemporary Expertise (2011-present)
NDT through the Lifespan Memphis, TN March 2016
Neural Plasticity: Foundation for Neurorehabilitation Memphis, TN April 2016
Promoting Neuroplasticity-Timing Matters Memphis, TN April 2016
Help! I Need More Treatment Ideas! Designing and Implementing Effective Treatment Strategies Memphis, TN April 2016
Roundtable Breakfast and General Session Memphis, TN April 2016
Attended Event: The Female Athlete Triad: An Update With Clinical Applications San Antonio, Texas October 2015
Comprehensive Concussion Management: Need to Know Information for Physical Therapists Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Linking Neuroanatomy to Function in MS: Mechanisms Driving Gait Deviations Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Vestibular SIG: Pediatric Considerations for Vestibular Balance Therapy Indianapolis, IN February 2015
The Dilemma of Balance Rehabilitation: Prescribing the Right Dosage of Difficulty for Each Patient's Program Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Walking the Walk: Translation of Scientific Findings to Improve Locomotor Recovery Post-stroke Indianapolis, IN February 2015
A Skilled Physical Therapist Approach to Alzheimer's Disease Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Getting to the Heart of Stroke Rehab and Mobility - Considering Cardio Indianapolis, IN February 2015 High Intensity Aerobic Exercise to Enhance Plasticity Post-Stroke Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Obesity: Spinal Cord Injury SIG: Assessment and Management of the Obese or Overweight Patient with Spinal Cord Injury Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Differential Diagnosis and Management of Brainstem and Cerebellar Infarctions Indianapolis, IN February 2015
Teaching Excellence Mini-Series University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio San Antonio, TX September-December 2014
Attended Event Session: The Culture of Prematurity: Collaborating with Families for Best Outcomes Galveston, Texas October 2014
Attended Event Session: The Neuroscience of Visual-Motor Systems for PT Galveston, Texas October 2014
APTA Faculty Development Workshop Dallas, Texas June 2014
Attended Event: The Affordable Care Act & the Profession of PT - Are They Suitable Companions? San Antonio, Texas May 2014
Expanding Neurologic Expertise: Advanced Clinical Practice in Acute Stroke Rehabilitation Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Making Decisions Related to the Intensity of Pediatric Services Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Outcomes to Promote Effective Pediatric Practice Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Needles, Tubes, and Intensive Care: What Happens to the Baby Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
When One Hemisphere Innervates Both Sides of the Body Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Linking Structure and Function, Part 1: Muscle and Bone Across the Lifespan in Individuals with CP Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Ethical Implications for Emerging Trends in Neuro Rehab Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014 Individualizing Balance Programs for Individuals with Degenerative Diseases Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Platform Presentations Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Effects of Immobility on Infant Spatial Cognitive Development Las Vegas, Nevada February 2014
Restoring Postural Control During Functional Transitions: Focusing on the Early Stages of Rehabilitation Houston, Texas May 2013
Zooming in on the Head and Trunk to Facilitate Advanced Arm and Leg Function Houston, Texas May 2013
Roundtable Breakfast/General Session Houston, Texas May 2013
The etiology of Running Injuries Arlington, Texas October 2013
Exercise Considerations for Individual's with Parkinson's Disease Arlington, Texas October 2013
Evidence Based Practice in Multiple Sclerosis Arlington, Texas October 2013
Walking Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis San Antonio, Texas November 2013
A Faculty Development Workshop for New PT/PTA Faculty: From Clinic to Classroom: A Roadmap for Success Abilene, TX June 2013 (30 contact hours)
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association 2013 Annual Conference: Focus on Postural Control Wide Angle to Zoom Houston, TX May 2013 (20 CEU)
Ethics for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants, San Antonio, TX, January 2013. (2 contact hours, approval 5210003A)
Spanish for Physical and Occupational Therapist, San Antonio, TX, September 2012. (12.5 contact hours)
MT-1 Basic Peripheral Seminar, San Antonio, TX, May 2012. (25 contact hours)
Kinesiotaping Advanced Techniques, Level KT3, Conroe, TX, June 2011. (15.5 contact hours)
Kinesiotaping Fundamentals and Advanced Whole Body Techniques, Level KT1/KT2, Houston, TX, May 2011. (15.5 contact hours, approval 50441A) Therapeutic Management of Gait Dysfunction, San Antonio, TX, April 2011. (7.75 contact hours, approval 50860A)
Membership in Professional Organizations:
American Physical Therapy Association, 1979 to present Clinical Electro & Wound Management Geriatrics Section Neurology Section Education Section Health Policy and Administration Pediatrics LSVT BIGR Association 2015 to present Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association 1986 to 1996 2006 to present Washington State Physical Therapy Association 1977 to present Texas Physical Therapy Association: Central District 1997 to present
Honors and Awards:
Hallmark Rehabilitation, Inc., Garden Ridge, Texas Sapphire Award for Excellence in Customer Service May 2007 Hallmark Rehabilitation, Inc., Houston, Texas Excellence in Customer Service Award, June 2006 Member Cambridge Who’s Who Honors Lifetime Member September 6, 2006 Enlisted Wives Club, Rhein-Main AFB, Germany Member of the Year 1995-1996 Enlisted Wives Club, Rhein-Main AFB, Germany Member of the Quarter for January, February, March 1996 Exceptional Family Member Department On-the-Spot Cash Award, June 15, 1994