Minutes of the Regular Meeting Of

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting Of

MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, July 5, 2016 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walters at 4:30 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT Councilmembers Suzanne M. Walters, Mayor Joan Kramar Suzanne C. Stanford, Borough Clerk Karen Lane President Marcus Karavan, Solicitor Joselyn Rich Jill A. Gougher, Borough Administrator Judith Davies-Dunhour James Craft, CFO Mantura Gallagher Barry D. Mastrangelo

Mayor Walters announced that the meeting was now open. Adequate notice of the meeting was provided by posting a copy of the time and place on the Municipal Clerk’s bulletin board and mailing a copy of same to the Press and the Cape May County Herald on January 8, 2015.



Dr. Tedesco presented many facts about Stone Harbor Point, called it a phenomenal place, remarkable for many different reasons. She shared many things going on at the Point, how the Point has changed, how the project we partner on has evolved, highlighted achievements we have had and also challenges we still face. It is a complex place, deed restricted, designated natural conservation area and is cooperatively managed, which is a challenge and creates a lot of confusion. She spoke about the endangered species located there, piping plover and red knot, which require consideration and protection. Other things involved in the Point, include sand harvesting, Hereford Inlet, one of the few inlets not engineered, and the offshore sand area which is outside of the Inlet, mapped and managed as a Federal Dredge Material Source Area. A complex kind of place, ever changing.




ORDINANCE 1483 (Tent Fee)

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

That Ordinance 1483 be taken up on second reading.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

The Clerk read the title only of Ordinance 1483 on second reading.

The Public Hearing is now open.

No one spoke.

The Public Hearing was closed.

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

That Ordinance 1483 be passed on second reading and advanced to third and final reading.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

The Clerk read the title only of Ordinance 1483.

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

That Ordinance 1483 be passed on third and final reading, adopted and published according to law.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2016-S-128 - (Change Order – Recreation Fence)

Upon motion of Councilmember Mantura Gallagher Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor passed Resolution 2016- S-96 on May 3, 2016 approving the purchase of fencing for the 82nd street tennis courts in the amount of $234,604.50; and

WHEREAS, the fencing was to be purchased by a Shared Services Agreement with Sterling High School “DBA” South Jersey Technology Partnership, which the Borough entered into on April 5, 2016 by Resolution 2016-S-74; and

WHEREAS, the amount approved for the fencing in Resolution 2016-S-96 was $234,604.50 and the amount actually has increased by $9,223.06 as per revised quote and memo from CFO dated June 29, 2016 which makes the revised purchase price for the fencing $243,827.56.

NOW, THEREFORE, BT IT RESOLVED BY THE Council of the borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth at length; 2. That Resolution 2016-S-96, passed by Borough Council as set forth above is hereby amended by changing the amount of the award price from $234,604.50 to $243,827.56 due to an increase in cost associate with the size of the footings – they went from 48” to 54”. 3. That all Borough officers and/or employees required to approve such a change dare hereby directed to do so.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2016-S-129 - (Apply for DCA Grant – ACA beach access and bathrooms)

Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor desires to apply for and obtain a Fiscal Year 2017 grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for $400,000 to carry out a Public Facilities project to remove architectural barriers by providing handicapped accessible beachfront access and bathrooms in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Be it therefore RESOLVED,

1) that the Borough of Stone Harbor does hereby authorize the application for such a grant, and,

2) recognizes and accepts that the Department may offer a lesser or greater amount and therefore, upon receipt of the grant agreement from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, does further authorize the execution of any such grant agreement; and also, upon receipt of the fully executed agreement from the Department, does further authorize the expenditure of funds pursuant to the terms of the agreement between the Borough of Stone Harbor and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Be it further RESOLVED, that the persons whose names, titles, and signatures appear below are authorized to sign the application, and that they or their successors in said titles are authorized to sign the agreement to sign the agreement, and any other documents necessary in connection therewith:

(signature) (signature)

(typed name) (typed name)

(title) (title)


I, , the Borough Clerk of the Borough of Stone Harbor hereby certify that at a meeting of the Borough Council held on the above Resolution was duly adopted.

RESOLUTION 2016-S-130 - (DCA Grant - Approving Public Facilities Grant Management Plan)

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

Approving Public Facilities Grant Management Plan

WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor will apply for $400,000 in Fiscal Year 2017 CDBG funds for a Public Facilities project to remove architectural barriers by providing handicapped accessible beachfront access and bathrooms in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);

WHEREAS, the NJ Department of Community Affairs requires Stone Harbor Borough to prepare a Grant Management Plan to define project staffing and project activities;

WHEREAS, the NJ Department of Community Affairs requires Stone Harbor Borough to officially adopt its Grant Management Plan;

WHEREAS, the Borough has prepared a Grant Management Plant for its Fiscal Year 2017 Public Facilities project;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor adopts the Grant Management Plan for the Fiscal Year 2017 Public Facilities project. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May, at a meeting thereof held on July 5, 2016 .

Borough Clerk Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2016-S-131- (DCA Grant – Identifying Small Cities Program Fair Housing Officer) Upon motion of Councilmember Mantura Gallagher Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

Identifying Small Cities Program Fair Housing Officer

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor is applying for Fiscal Year 2017 Small Cities Community Development Block Grant application(s); and

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor must make efforts to affirmatively further fair housing; and

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor has reviewed various actions that would be acceptable to the New Jersey State Department of Community Affairs and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor has made assurances in the grant agreement that;

1. It will comply with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and regulations issues thereto; and 2. It will comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations issued thereto it; and 3. It will comply with the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and will affirmatively further fair housing; and 4. It will comply with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that Mike Koochembere, Construction Official shall be designated as the Small Cities Program Fair Housing Officer for the Borough of Stone Harbor; and

Be It Further Resolved that the Fair Housing Officer shall contact the US HUD Regional Office of Housing and Equal Opportunity and the NJ Division on Civil Rights, inform those agencies of his/her appointment as Fair Housing Officer and request Fair Housing Information; and

Be It Further Resolved, that the Fair Housing Officer shall provide fair housing advisory services and assistance and referral advice to persons requesting such assistance from the Borough of Stone Harbor; and

Be It Further Resolved, that the Borough of Stone Harbor will publish in the local newspaper of record and post at the Borough Municipal Building a public notice announcing the appointment of the Fair Housing Officer and the availability of local fair housing advisory services.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May, at a meeting thereof held July 5, 2016,

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2016-S-132- (Adoption of State Model Citizen Participation Plan)

Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Adoption of State Model Citizen Participation Plan for DCA Small Cities Program

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor is an applicant for Department of Community Affairs Fiscal Year funds; and

Whereas the Borough will enter into grant agreement(s) for said grant(s) if approved; and

Whereas, that grant agreement(s) will require the Borough of Stone Harbor to comply with all federal regulations with respect to citizen participation; and

Whereas, the Borough of Stone Harbor has reviewed the Model Citizen Participation Plan prepared for Small Cities CDBG grantees;

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Mayor and the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May and State of New Jersey, that;

The Model Citizen Participation Plan developed by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Small Cities CDBG is adopted by the Borough of Stone Harbor; and

The Borough of Stone Harbor will follow all regulations set forth in that document throughout the term of the grant agreement cited above. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May, at a meeting thereof held July 5, 2016 .

Borough Clerk Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

MOTION: Approve Special Event – Trial on the Isle July 12, 2016

Upon motion of Councilmember Mantura Gallagher Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

That the Trial on the Isle event be approved.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

MOTION: Authorize Borough Engineer to go to design for Golden Gate Road

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

DISCUSSION – Wayward Signs - Councilmember Lane said this was brought forward because our car charging station has become a reality but we have to tell people where it is. There has been a need for signs, this was brought forward by Council years ago. She passed around pictures of signs that could possibly be put in the nodes and also in the Mall, at their own expense. If Council is in agreement possibly we could send it to the Planning Board for further input. Mayor said a few years ago a consultant came from the County and said the Freeholder Board was taking these signs on as a project, but we don’t have any idea where that project went after that. The last correspondence the Borough had was in 2013, the Administrator will check with the County for an update and bring it back to the next meeting.

PLAQUE – Councilmember Gallagher reported that a little group of people had approached her and asked if Council had considered a plaque for Councilmember Carusi, with his name and proper wording to be placed in the front of Borough Hall to commemorate the number of years he served in Council and because he was a sitting Councilmember at the time of his death, they felt it would be appropriate for us to honor him with such notion. She offered to bring this before this delegation and for us to consider such a plaque. This has also been taken before Public Safety committee and they have discussed it. Councilmember Davies-Dunhour said it was discussed in Public Safety that we thought it would be nice for a picture, have Mrs. Carusi pick a picture that would go on the plaque that would note the years of service. Councilmember Davies-Dunhour said there is no reason why we shouldn’t move forward with it, contact Mrs. Carusi for a picture, this was kind of the vision Mrs. Carusi had, she wanted it in a place the public could see it when the entered Borough Hall. Councilmember Gallagher said that would be appropriate and after one of our meetings we might be able to dedicate that plaque in his memory and perhaps Mrs. Carusi and any members of her family could be in attendance.

Upon motion of Councilmember Mantura Gallagher Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

That we go forward with the Plaque for Mr. Carusi.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

The following bills were presented to Council for their approval:

July 6, 2016 BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR Page No: 1 10:00 AM Check Register By Check Id Range of Checking Accts: DISBURSEMENT to DISBURSEMENT Range of Check Check # Check Date Vendor Amount Paid Reconciled/Void Ref Num ------41980 06/29/16 BORSH BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR 307,755.39 06/30/16 910 41981 07/06/16 ACEPLUMB ACE PLUMBING SUPPLIES, INC. 163.99 41982 07/06/16 ACMEM ALBERTSONS 26.53 41983 07/06/16 ADVAN ADVANTAGE RENTAL & SALES 573.20 41984 07/06/16 ALLIN ALL INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PRODUCTS 714.26 41985 07/06/16 ANJALIPO ANJALI POWER YOGA 124.81 41986 07/06/16 APCERTES A.P. CERTIFIED TESTING, LLC 3,675.00 41987 07/06/16 BAILEYJA JAMES E. BAILEY 400.00 41988 07/06/16 BALLDANI DANIEL RYAN BALL 200.00 41989 07/06/16 BAUERIIT BAUER II, DR. THOMAS L. 250.00 41990 07/06/16 BLANKARA BLANEY & KARAVAN, PC 4,029.00 41991 07/06/16 BOSACCOD DAVID C. BOSACCO 400.00 41992 07/06/16 BRANNONL BRANNON, LINDA MICHELLE 400.00 41993 07/06/16 BRIDGEMA BRENDEN BRIDGEMAN 400.00 41994 07/06/16 BURKE BURKE MOTORS 875.42 41995 07/06/16 CAPEMINI CAPE MINING & RECYCLING, LLC 463.22 41996 07/06/16 CAPRI CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS 670.00 41997 07/06/16 CASAP CASA PAYROLL SERVICES 379.25 41998 07/06/16 CDWIN CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 120.00 41999 07/06/16 CENTRJER CENTRAL JERSEY EQUIPMENT 1,690.80 42000 07/06/16 CHATTENL LINWOOD CHATTEN 400.00 42001 07/06/16 COHENLAR COHEN, LARRY 250.00 42002 07/06/16 COLLETT CHRIS COLLETT 100.00 42003 07/06/16 COMCA COMCAST 109.85 42004 07/06/16 COOPERTR TRAVIS COOPER 50.00 42005 07/06/16 CRAFTSNA NANCY C. CRAFTS 1,358.28 42006 07/06/16 DEROSEMA MATTHEW DEROSE 400.00 42007 07/06/16 DISCOHYD DISCOUNT HYDRAULICS 1,822.30 42008 07/06/16 DONOFIII LEWIS T. DONOFRIO III 50.00 42009 07/06/16 DONOFRIO LEWIS T. DONOFRIO, JR. 50.00 42010 07/06/16 EASTERNW EASTERN WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS 166.21 42011 07/06/16 ENFORSYS ENFORSYS, INC. 1,244.25 42012 07/06/16 EZPASSVI EZ PASS 300.00 42013 07/06/16 FANCHDON DONALD J. FANCHER 400.00 42014 07/06/16 FARINA THEODORE FARINA JR 400.00 42015 07/06/16 FASTENAL FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTI 157.90 42016 07/06/16 FINNEGAN JACQUELINE FINNEGAN 400.00 42017 07/06/16 FISCHERK FISCHER, KEVIN 250.00 42018 07/06/16 FORDS FORD, SCOTT & ASSOCIATES, LLC 3,000.00 42019 07/06/16 FREDSTAV FRED'S TAVERN 900.00 42020 07/06/16 FUNFLICK FUNFLICKS OUTDOOR MOVIES 3,250.00 42021 07/06/16 FUNKRYAN RYAN J. FUNK 500.00 42022 07/06/16 GALETON GALETON 514.50 42023 07/06/16 GARBERJI GARBER, JIM/DEB 250.00 42024 07/06/16 GARDS GARDEN STATE HWY. PRODUCTS 1,678.50 42025 07/06/16 GARRISON SHANNON GARRISON 400.00 42026 07/06/16 GARSEYST GARSEY, STEPHEN 1,500.00 42027 07/06/16 GENTI GENTILINI FORD, INC. 18,148.00 42028 07/06/16 GIULIANK KARL GIULIAN 50.00 42029 07/06/16 GRAIN GRAINGER 921.60 42030 07/06/16 GRANT E.M. GRANT 1,586.83 42031 07/06/16 GROFFTRA GROFF TRACTOR NEW JERSEY 227.72 42032 07/06/16 GRUCC GRUCCIO, PEPPER, P.A. 2,009.25 42033 07/06/16 HAFELERO ROBERT G. HAFELE 100.00 42034 07/06/16 HAUFFIII WILLIAM G. HAUF, III 225.00 42035 07/06/16 HEMBYJOH JOHN M. HEMBY 400.00 42036 07/06/16 HEMBYMIK MIKHAILA D. HEMBY 400.00 42037 07/06/16 HERAL HERALD NEWSPAPERS 433.28 42038 07/06/16 HIGHLAYO HIGHLAND YOUTH PERFORM.ENSEMBL 500.00 42039 07/06/16 HOMED HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 134.91 42040 07/06/16 HOOVER HOOVER TRUCK CENTERS 260.78 42041 07/06/16 INTEGRAT INTEGRATED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS 450.00 42042 07/06/16 JBYRN J. BYRNE AGENCY INC. 100.00 42043 07/06/16 KARAVMAR MARCUS KARAVAN 6,128.84 42044 07/06/16 LAMACHFI JAMES LAMACH JR 400.00 42045 07/06/16 LAMANTEE MATTHEW J. LAMANTEER 400.00 42046 07/06/16 LEONA LEONARD, INC., A.M. 149.65 42047 07/06/16 LOEFFLAD JACOB LOEFFLAD 400.00 42048 07/06/16 LOGAN MARK W. LOGAN, DVM 79.00 42049 07/06/16 MALWAREB MALWAREBYTES CORPORATION 1,719.40 42050 07/06/16 MARRIII CHARLES MARRINER III 400.00 42051 07/06/16 MCCLURER ROBERT C. MCCLURE 400.00 42052 07/06/16 MCCLURJR ROBERT MCCLURE JR 450.00 42053 07/06/16 MEMPH MEMPHIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY 711.68 42054 07/06/16 MIRACLEF MIRACLE FITNESS 3,658.20 42055 07/06/16 MIXNERST STEPHEN E. MIXNER 400.00 42056 07/06/16 MIXSTDPW STEPHEN MIXNER 59.99 42057 07/06/16 MOTTJANI JANICE MOTT 1,112.65 42058 07/06/16 NEALSYST NEAL SYSTEMS, INC. 4,465.00 42059 07/06/16 NEELDLAU NEELD, LAURA A. 30.00 42060 07/06/16 NEOPOSUP NEOPOST 310.00 42061 07/06/16 NEWDECKC CHRISTINA NEWDECK 608.40 42062 07/06/16 NJMOTVEH NJ MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION 60.00 42063 07/06/16 NOLAN KATLYN NOLAN 400.00 42064 07/06/16 OCECO COWI NORTH AMERICA, INC. 27,332.97 42065 07/06/16 OFFSH005 OFFSHORE TRAILER CO., LLC 8,085.00 42066 07/06/16 ORIGI ORIGINAL WATERMEN, INC. 2,833.50 42067 07/06/16 ORZECHED EDWARD ORZECH 200.00 42068 07/06/16 OTTONJOS JOSH OTTON 400.00 42069 07/06/16 PARAM PARAMOUNT CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. 136.52 42070 07/06/16 PEDRO PEDRONI FUEL COMPANY 1,881.93 42071 07/06/16 PHILPIZZ PHIL PIZZI 200.00 42072 07/06/16 PIER47 PIER 47 MARINA 89.95 42073 07/06/16 PROSPORT PRO SPORT CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5,200.00 42074 07/06/16 RIGGI RIGGINS, INC. 4,375.58 42075 07/06/16 RILEI RILEIGHS OUTDOOR DECOR 2,179.00 42076 07/06/16 RRSPEC R & R SPECIALTIES 693.25 42077 07/06/16 SCHEUERM GEORGE SCHEUERMANN JR. 400.00 42078 07/06/16 SCHU2 SCHULER SECURITY, INC. 480.00 42079 07/06/16 SCHWARTD DOUGLAS SCHWARTZ 200.00 42080 07/06/16 SCOTT SCOTT, DEBORAH 30.00 42081 07/06/16 SEASHASP SEASHORE ASPHALT CORP. 165.00 42082 07/06/16 SEVMILPI SEVEN MILE PIES 264.00 42083 07/06/16 SHCOC STONE HARBOR CH. OF COMMERCE 1,200.00 42084 07/06/16 SHIPSHAP SHIP SHAPE HEALTH/FITNESS LLC 42085 07/06/16 SHORESHO SHORESHOT 124.80 42086 07/06/16 SHORESOL SHORE SOLUTIONS MECHANICAL CON 980.00 42087 07/06/16 SHSURFPA STONE HARBOR SURF & PADDLE LLC 4,001.43 42088 07/06/16 SJWATERT SOUTH JERSEY WATER TEST, LLC 430.00 42089 07/06/16 SOUTH010 SOUTH JERSEY TECHNOLOGY PARTNR 243,827.56 42090 07/06/16 STAHLWIL WILLIAM F. STAHL, JR. 400.00 42091 07/06/16 STANFORD ROGER W. STANFORD 400.00 42092 07/06/16 STANK KYLE STANFORD 400.00 42093 07/06/16 STAPL STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 1,165.25 42094 07/06/16 STAPLEBU STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 450.49 42095 07/06/16 STAUFFER DOUG STAUFFER 400.00 42096 07/06/16 STILTNER KIRBY STILTNER, JR. 400.00 42097 07/06/16 SUMMERHO THE SUMMER HOUSE DESIGN GROUP 572.04 42098 07/06/16 SUPPLYWO SUPPLYWORKS 246.96 42099 07/06/16 SUSTAINJ SUSTAINABLE JERSEY 35.00 42100 07/06/16 SWANKMOT SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC. 681.00 42101 07/06/16 THEPARTY THE PARTY AUTHORITY 250.00 42102 07/06/16 TRCOU TRI COUNTY BUILDING SUPPLIES 1,632.76 42103 07/06/16 UKELLADI DINI UKELLA 100.00 42104 07/06/16 USLIFENY USLIFE INS. CO. OF NY 178.26 42105 07/06/16 VANDENJG JOHN G. VANDENBRAAK JR. 400.00 42106 07/06/16 VAULFRAN FRANK VAUL 100.00 42107 07/06/16 VERWIRPD VERIZON WIRELESS 463.02 42108 07/06/16 VILLASAU NAPA AUTO PARTS 320.18 42109 07/06/16 VITAL VITAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 1,020.00 42110 07/06/16 WBMASONI W.B. MASON 229.19 42111 07/06/16 WESTB005 WEST BAY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 43,120.00 42112 07/06/16 WESTP WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER 44.00 42113 07/06/16 WIERMANS SAMUEL A. WIERMAN 400.00 42114 07/06/16 WORKNETP WORKNET. OBOM 5,650.00 42115 07/06/16 WWORK WATER WORKS SUPPLY CO.,INC. 468.00 42116 07/06/16 YOSIMUSI YOSI MUSIC, LLC 375.00 911 Report Totals Paid Void Amount Paid Amount Void ======Total: 137 0 757,929.58 0.00

Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Approving the Bill List and authorizing the CFO to pay the bills when the funds are available and the vouchers are property endorsed.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE




Upon motion of Councilmember Barry Mastrangelo Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

That the Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council be adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

APPROVED______, 2016

______, Mayor

ATTEST______, Borough Clerk

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