The Specification of the Control Software for an Automated Insulin Pump

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The Specification of the Control Software for an Automated Insulin Pump

The specification of the control software for an automated insulin pump 1. Introduction This specification defines the operation of control software for a portable, automated insulin pump which is used by diabetics to administer insulin as required. In simulates the action of part of the pancreas, an internal organ that manufactures insulin. Diabetes is a medical condition where the body does not manufacture its own insulin. Insulin is used to metabolise sugar and, if it is not available, the person suffering from diabetes will eventually be poisoned by the build-up of sugar. It is important to maintain blood sugar levels within a safe range as high levels of blood sugar have long-term complications such as kidney damage and eye damage. These are not however, normally dangerous in the short-term. Very low levels of blood sugar (hypoglaecemia) are potentially very dangerous in the short-term. They result in a shortage of sugar to the brain which causes confusion and ultimately a diabetic coma and death. In such circumstances, it is important for the diabetic to eat something to increase their blood sugar level. Most diabetics are currently treated by injections of insulin 2 or 3 times a day but this leads to peaks and troughs in their level of insulin. A portable insulin pump measures the level of blood sugar at regular intervals and delivers doses of insulin depending on the actual level of sugar in the blood. This will lead to a situation where the sufferer’s blood sugar levels are much closer to those of people without diabetes. The complications and long-term effects of diabetes can therefore be reduced. The system measures the level of blood sugar every 10 minutes and if this level is above a certain value and is increasing then the dose of insulin to counteract the increase is computed and injected into the diabetic. The system can also detect abnormally low levels of blood sugar and, if these occur, an alarm is sounded to warn the diabetic that they should take some action.

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 1, 8/6/18 2. The insulin pump hardware organisation An insulin pump is a safety-critical system which is used to deliver regular doses of insulin to diabetics. A block diagram of the insulin pump assembly is shown below. Note that the small boxes marked s indicate a sensor.

N e e d l e I n s u l i n s P u m p a s s e m b l y r e s e r v o i r s

B l o o d C o n t r o l l e r A l a r m s e n s o r

C l o c k D i s p l a y s

P o w e r s u p p l y

Needle assembly Connected to pump. Component used to deliver insulin into diabetic’s body. Sensor Measures the level of sugar in the patient’s blood. The input from the sensor is represented by Reading? in the following specification. Pump Pumps insulin from a reservoir to the needle assembly. The value representing the number of increments of insulin to be administered is represented by dose! in the following specification. Controller Controls the entire system. This has a three position switch (off/auto/manual) plus a button to set the number of units of insulin to be delivered (1 unit per press). Moving the switch to the manual position causes the blood sugar measurement and automated insulin delivery to be disabled but information is maintained about the amount of insulin delivered and the reservoir capacity. Alarm Sounded if there is some problem. The value sent to the alarm is represented alarm! in the following specification. Displays There are 3 displays. These displays are represented by display1!, display2! and clock! in the following specification. display1! displays system messages, display2! shows the last dose of insulin delivered and clock! shows the current clock time. Clock Provides the controller with the current time. The system clock is initialised when the machine is installed and the start time of each 24-hour period is set at midnight each day using a hardware interface on the machine. For safety reasons, the clock cannot be altered by system users.

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 2, 8/6/18 Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 3, 8/6/18 3. Requirements for the insulin pump This specification is a specification of the requirements for the control software for the insulin pump. It is NOT a complete system requirements specification for the pump itself or even all of the software associated with the pump. In particular, it does not include a specification of the self-testing operations or a specification of the hardware interfacing. The requirements for the insulin pump are specified in natural language and partially in the Z specification language. Z is not ideal to express all requirements but is useful when precise descriptions are required. In all cases, the Z specification should be considered as an annotation that provides detailed information which augments the natural language specification.

3.1. The dose of insulin to be delivered shall be computed by measuring the current level of blood sugar, comparing this to a previous measured level and computing the required dose as described in 3.3 below. 3.2. The system shall measure the level of blood sugar and deliver insulin if required every 10 minutes. 3.3. The amount of insulin to be delivered shall be computed according to the current sugar reading as measured by the sensor: 3.3.1 If the reading is below the safe minimum, no insulin shall be delivered. See schema SUGAR_LOW. 3.3.2 If the reading is within the safe zone, then insulin is only delivered if the level of sugar is rising and the rate of increase of sugar level is increasing. The amount of insulin required is defined in the schema SUGAR_OK. 3.3.3 If the reading is above the recommended level, insulin is delivered unless the level of blood sugar is falling and the rate of decrease of the blood sugar level is increasing. The amount of insulin required in this case is defined in the schema SUGAR_HIGH. 3.3.4 The amount of insulin actually delivered may be different from the computed dose as various safety constraints are included in the system as defined in the schema RUN. There is a limit on the maximum dose to be delivered in a single injection and a limit on the total cumulative dose in a single day. 3.4. Under normal operating conditions, the system is defined by the schema RUN. 3.5. When operating in manual mode, the system is defined by the schema MANUAL. 3.6. The controller shall run a self-test program every 30 seconds. This shall test for the conditions shown in Table 1 below. The self-testing of the system is defined by the schema TEST. 3.7. When switched on, the system is initialised as defined in the schema STARTUP. 3.8. The system shall maintain three displays: display1! is a text display that shows system messages. It has an associated hardware buffer that can hold several messages. When there is more than 1 message in this buffer, each message is displayed for 5 seconds until all messages have been displayed. The display sequence then restarts with the first

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 4, 8/6/18 message. Hence, several messages may be specified for display on display1!. display2! shows the last dose of insulin that was computed. clock! displays the current clock time.

Alarm condition Explanation Battery low The voltage of the battery has fallen to less than 0.5V Sensor failure The self-test of the sugar sensor has resulted in an error Pump failure The self-test of the pump has resulted in an error Delivery failure It has not been possible to deliver the specified amount of insulin (e.g. the needle may be blocked or incorrectly inserted) Needle assembly removed The user has removed the needle assembly Insulin reservoir removed The user has removed the insulin reservoir Low insulin level The level of insulin is low (indicating that the reservoir should be changed). Table 1: Error conditions for the insulin pump. 3.9. The user may replace the insulin reservoir with a new reservoir at any time. The design of the reservoir compartment is such that only full reservoirs holding 100 ml of insulin may be inserted. When a new insulin reservoir has been inserted, the system is reset according the RESET schema. 3.10. At the beginning of each 24 hour period (indicated by clock =00:00:00), the cumulative dose of insulin delivered is reset to 0. 3.11. The error conditions that should be detected and indicated by the system are shown in Table 1.

WARNING: There may be mistakes and omissions in the following Z specification as it has been completely re-developed from a previous version. Please tell me about mistakes etc. and I will distribute corrections to everyone.

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 5, 8/6/18 4. Schema Definition for the Insulin Pump The overall definition of an INSULIN_PUMP states that the pump is either starting up after being switched on (STARTUP), running normally (RUN), out of action as a result of some fault or because the user has switched to manual override (MANUAL), executing a self-test procedure (TEST) or resetting itself after a new phial of insulin has been fitted (RESET). INSULIN_PUMP = STARTUP  RESET TEST RUN MANUAL The INSULIN_PUMP_STATE schema defines a set of state variables for the insulin pump and invariants for the device. Invariants are logical statements that are always true. The system input hardware is modelled as follows:  A blood sugar sensor which measures the current blood sugar reading in micrograms/millilitre. This is updated every 10 minutes. It is modelled in the Z specification as Reading?. The value of Reading? is normally between 1 and 35.  A hardware test unit which runs a self-test on the hardware every 30 seconds. Problems detected by this unit are modelled in the Z specification as HardwareTest?.  A three position switch which can be set to off, manual or auto mode. This is modelled in the Z specification as switch?.  A button to specify the amount of insulin to be delivered when in manual mode. The number of button presses within a 5 second period specifies the number of units of insulin to be injected. The system must be in manual mode for this to be operational and you may assume that after the first press is detected, the number of presses is counted automatically by the hardware. This is modelled in the Z specification as ManualDeliveryButton?.  Presence sensors for the insulin reservoir and the needle assembly. These switch status when the insulin reservoir/needle is attached or removed. They are modelled in the Z specification as InsulinReservoir? and Needle?.  A hardware clock which is factory set and which maintains the current time. This is represented by the state variable clock?. The Z specification does not mention any timing information. It is assumed that this is preset in the hardware. In the simulation, you must simulate the changing values of these inputs but do not have to simulate the timing of these changes. The output hardware is as follows:  Three displays that provide information to the user about the state of the system. These are modelled as display1!, display2! and clock!. The operation of these displays is described in requirement 3.8 above and in the following schema.  A pump unit that delivers a specified dose of insulin. This is modelled in the Z specification as dose!.  An alarm which gives an audible signal to the user if a problem has arisen. This is modelled as alarm!. The hardware examines this value every 10 seconds and either sets off or cancels the audible alarm.

Several other state variables are also defined in the INSULIN_PUMP_STATE schema:  status represents the current status of the controller. In normal operation, the status is running; if a state exists which is potentially hazardous then the status is warning; if a hazardous state exists, then the status is error. In the error state, normal operation of the device is suspended ie blood sugar levels are not computed.  r0, r1, and r2 maintain information about the last three readings from the sugar sensor. r2 holds the current reading, r1 the previous reading and r0 the reading before that. These are used to compute the rate of change of blood sugar readings  capacity represents the capacity of the system’s insulin reservoir and insulin_available represents the amount of insulin in the reservoir that is currently available for delivery.

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 6, 8/6/18  max_daily_dose, max_single_dose and minimum_dose are included as a result of the system safety requirements and reduce the probability that an insulin overdose will be delivered. max_daily_dose is the maximum dose of insulin that can be delivered in a 24 hour period; max_single_dose is that maximum dose of insulin that can be delivered in a single injection. minimum_dose is the dose that may be delivered to maintain an existing trend in blood sugar levels.  safemin, safemax are the boundaries of the region defining the safe levels of blood sugar.  CompDose is the insulin dose required according to the insulin dosage computation. This may be overridden for safety reasons; cumulative_dose is the total dose that has already been delivered over the last 24 hours.

INSULIN_PUMP_STATE //Input device definition switch?: (off, manual, auto) ManualDeliveryButton?: N Reading?: N HardwareTest?: (OK, batterylow, pumpfail, sensorfail, deliveryfail) InsulinReservoir?: (present, notpresent) Needle?: (present, notpresent) clock?: TIME

//Output device definition alarm! = (on, off) display1!, P string display2!: string clock!: TIME dose!: N

// State variables used for dose computation

status: (running, warning, error) r0, r1, r2: N capacity, insulin_available : N max_daily_dose, max_single_dose, minimum_dose: N safemin, safemax: N CompDose, cumulative_dose: N

r2 = Reading? dose! ≤ insulin_available insulin_available ≤ capacity // The cumulative dose of insulin delivered is set to zero once every 24 hours clock? = 000000 cumulative_dose = 0 // If the cumulative dose exceeds the limit then operation is suspended cumulative_dose >= max_daily_dose  status = error display1! = “Daily dose exceeded” // Pump configuration parameters. capacity = 100 safemin = 6 safemax = 14 max_daily_dose = 25 max_single_dose = 4 minimum_dose = 1

display2! = nat_to_string (dose!) clock! = clock?

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 7, 8/6/18 The RUN schema defines the system state for normal operation. The software defined in the RUN schema should execute every 10 minutes.



switch? = auto  status = running  status = warning insulin_available ≥ max_single_dose cumulative_dose < max_daily_dose

(SUGAR_LOW  SUGAR_OK  SUGAR_HIGH) // If the computed insulin dose is zero, don’t deliver any insulin CompDose = 0 dose! = 0  // The maximum daily dose would be exceeded if the computed dose was delivered CompDose + cumulative_dose > max_daily_dose alarm! = on status’ = warning dose! = max_daily_dose – cumulative_dose  // The normal situation. If maximum single dose is not exceeded then deliver computed dose CompDose + cumulative_dose < max_daily_dose  (CompDose ≤ max_single_dose  dose! = CompDose  // The single dose computed is too high. Restrict the dose delivered to the maximum single dose CompDose > max_single_dose dose! = max_single_dose ) insulin_available’ = insulin_available – dose! cumulative_dose’ = cumulative_dose + dose!

insulin_available ≤ max_single_dose * 4  status’ = warning display1! = display1! “Insulin low”

r1’ = r2 r0’ = r1

The MANUAL schema models the system behaviour when it is in manual override mode. Notice that cumulative_dose is still updated but that no safety checks are applied until the system is reset to automatic mode.


INSULIN_PUMP_STATE switch? = manual display1! = “Manual override” dose! = ManualDeliveryButton? cumulative_dose’ = cumulative_dose + dose! insulin_available’ = insulin_available – dose!

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 8, 8/6/18 The SUGAR_LOW schema defines the state when the measured sugar level in the user’s blood falls below the safe minimum value.


r2 < safemin CompDose = 0 alarm! = on status’ = warning display1! = display1!  “Sugar low” 

The SUGAR_OK schema defines the state when the measured sugar level in the user’s blood falls within the desired range. Insulin is only delivered in circumstances where it appears that the level is likely to go outside this range.

SUGAR_OK r2 ≥ safemin r2 ≤ safemax // sugar level stable or falling r2 ≤ r1 CompDose = 0  // sugar level increasing but rate of increase falling r2 > r1  (r2-r1) < (r1-r0) CompDose = 0  // sugar level increasing and rate of increase increasing compute dose // a minimum dose must be delivered if rounded to zero r2 > r1  (r2-r1) ≥ (r1-r0)  (round ((r2-r1)/4) = 0)  CompDose = minimum_dose  r2 > r1  (r2-r1) ≥ (r1-r0)  (round ((r2-r1)/4) > 0)  CompDose = round ((r2-r1)/4)

The SUGAR_HIGH schema defines the state when the level of sugar in the user’s blood is above the desired level. A dose of insulin is computed that should bring down this sugar level to within the desirable range.


r2 > safemax // sugar level increasing. Round down if below 1 unit. r2 > r1  (round ((r2-r1)/4) = 0) CompDose = minimum_dose  r2 > r1  (round ((r2-r1)/4) > 0) CompDose = round ((r2-r1)/4)  // sugar level stable r2 = r1 CompDose = minimum_dose  // sugar level falling and rate of decrease increasing r2 < r1  (r2-r1) ≤ (r1-r0) CompDose = 0  //sugar level falling and rate of decrease decreasing r2 < r1  (r2-r1) > (r1-r0) CompDose = minimum_dose

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 9, 8/6/18 The STARTUP schema models the behaviour of the system when the user switches on the device. It is assumed that the user’s blood sugar at that stage is OK. Note that cumulative_dose is NOT set in the startup sequence but can only be set to zero at midnight. This means that the total cumulative dose delivered can always be tracked by the system and is not affected by the user switching the machine on and off.


INSULIN_PUMP_STATE switch? = off switch?’ = auto dose! = 0 r0’ = safemin r1’ = safemax TEST

The RESET schema models the system when the user changes the insulin reservoir. Notice that this does not require the device to be switched off. The design of the reservoir is such that it is not possible to insert reservoirs that are partially full.

RESET INSULIN_PUMP_STATE InsulinReservoir? = notpresent and InsulinReservoir?’ = present insulin_available’ = capacity insulinlevel’ = OK TEST

The TEST schema models the behaviour of the hardware self-test unit which runs a test on the system hardware every 30 seconds. The specification here does not specify what happens when there is the simultaneous failure of more than 1 hardware unit. You may chose to simulate this as you wish. Multiple display facility of display1! Is set up if simultaneous failure


( HardwareTest? = OK Needle? = present InsulinReservoir? = present  status’ = running alarm! = off display1!= “” )  ( status’ = error alarm! = on ( Needle? = notpresent  display1! = display1!  “No needle unit”  ( InsulinReservoir? = notpresent insulin_available < max_single_dose) display1! = display1! “No insulin”  HardwareTest? = batterylow display1! = display1! ”Battery low”  HardwareTest? = pumpfail display1! = display1! ”Pump failure”  HardwareTest? = sensorfail display1! = display1! ”Sensor failure”  HardwareTest? = deliveryfail  display1! = display1! ”Needle failure”  ) )

Revised version, 2001/2002. Page 10, 8/6/18

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