Meeting of Burscough Parish Council

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Meeting of Burscough Parish Council


Meeting of Burscough Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th February 2017


Present: Cllrs Atherton, Bullen, Crawford, Hardisty, Kennedy, Leyland, Mackrell, Makin, Reade, Taylor and Warrilow,

350. Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Sutherland (work). 351. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests: There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest. 352. Minutes of Previous Meetings: The Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 11th January 2017 were approved as a true record. 353. Residents’ Points of Interest: Cllr Mackrell spoke on behalf of the Road Safety Group to advise that a response had been received from Rosie Cooper MP providing copies of letters from the Police and from the highway authority. The Clerk was requested to write to Rosie Cooper to seek further information regarding the response, and to raise the issue with the Police 354. Cllr Reade joined the meeting. 355. To receive report from Police: Apologies were received from the Police. Their report submitted was considered. Sgt Appleton’s report, in response, to questions raised previously, was noted. Members expressed concern regarding what appeared to be increasing rates of crime. The Clerk was asked to seek further detail regarding January crime figures. 356. To receive a report from County Councillor Dereli: Apologies were received from Cllr Dereli. 357. To receive a report from Borough Councillor(s): Apologies were received from Cllr Pritchard. 358. Finance: a. It was resolved that the bank reconciliation and variance report to 31st December 2016 be accepted. b. It was resolved that the final budget budget as presented be accepted. c. It was resolved that a precept of £35.39 per band d property be agreed (same as last year). d. It was resolved that a grant of £60 be paid to the Air Ambulance Service (LGA 1972 s137). e. Audit: e.i. It was resolved that the Terms of reference as presented be approved.

e.ii. It was resolved that the Internal controls and suggested testing methodology as presented be approved.

e.iii. It was resolved that the Risk Management Plan, policy and register as presented by approved.

e.iv. It was resolved that the Asset register as presented be approved. e.v. It was resolved that the Effectiveness of internal controls be approved and duly signed by the Chairman. The level of Insurance cover was considered and agreed to be adequate.

f. To appoint internal auditor: It was resolved that Bill Whittle be asked to undertake the internal audit.

g. It was resolved that the following items be approved for payment:

Employee 2 salary 285.37 Employee 5 salary 1506.96 HMRC Tax & NI 518.39 Peoples Pension Pension 414.39 NRE office lease 460.00 Alpha Business Products Ltd Printer 29.71 P & R Electrical Removal of Xmas lights 1407.00 KC Computers Ink 7.99 Yates Playgrounds Spid 206.40 Yates Playgrounds Spid 316.80 K Faragher IT support 35.00 Firwood Grit 569.49 Yates Playgrounds Spid 192.00 Employee 5 Expenses 23.90 Grove Room hire 70.00 Grove Room hire 262.50 6305.90 359. Neighbourhood Planning: It was resolved that subject to minor amendments relating to spelling/grammar and accuracy, and subject to an amendment relating to the appointment of a centre manager on pages 72, 73 and 75, the draft neighbourhood plan be approved for consultation.

360. It was further resolved that the Consultant, Peter Hamilton be commended for the excellent document presented today and for the work completed to date.

361. Street Scene

a. Hanging Baskets and displays –

a.i. The Clerk was requested to seek a second quote to renew hanging basket brackets in Burscough Town.

a.ii. It was resolved that the Parish Council place order for ten hanging basket brackets to be supplied and fitted.

a.iii. It was resolved that floral displays be purchased as follows: weekly watering hanging baskets in the village centre and in Burscough Town up to a total of 70; tier planters, either round or square base up to 6; and total of barrier baskets up to 8. a.iv. It was resolved that an order be placed for planting and growing on of up to 8 barrier baskets and 2 hanging baskets owned by Burscough Parish Council

a.v. It was resolved that up to a further 5 self-watering barrier baskets to be procured to fill locally (see above)

b. It was resolved that the purchase of salt for gritting (as listed above at min 358c) be ratified.

c. Christmas decorations: It was resolved that the specification for the display remain the same for the next year with the purchase of a star for the Christmas tree at the Monument and extra decorations for the tree at St Johns (already approved).

362. It was resolved that a sum of £250 be allocated for printing and distribution to Burscough addresses of 4500 road safety fliers be increased to provide for printing and distribution of full colour flyers.

363. It was resolved that the increase in cost of lease of office from £460 per month to £475 per month, effective 1st March 2017 be accepted.

364. A letter regarding the Great British Spring Clean was noted.

365. Outside Committees:

a. Cllr Crawford reported on the work of the Burscough Flood Group: There had been successes in foi’s and discussions regarding Martin Mere weir/sluice. Work is continuing regarding the role of a critical drainage area and whether Burscough should be listed as such.

b. Cllrs Atherton, Crawford and Bullen met with the Vice Chairman of the Inland Waterways Association, and this was extremely informative and useful regarding Burscough’s modern-day significance to boaters on the Leeds and Liverpool. A very useful meeting had also been held with Nick Smith of the Canal and River Trust

c. Cllr Atherton reported on the last meeting of the Burscough Business Watch which is rescheduled for later in February.

d. Cllr Atherton had attended the first meeting of the group supporting Refugees and Asylum seekers.

366. It was resolved that revisions to contract for neighbourhood planning consultancy be approved as presented.

367. It was resolved that in principle, and subject to (a) the working hours would be 12 per month, for a financial officer, and that the Clerk’s hours would reduce by 2 per month, (b) a trial period be agreed to test out the idea, the proposal to separate the role of Legal Officer and Financial Officer be accepted. The Clerk was requested to work with Finance WG and Personnel WG to develop a job specification. 368. Time and date of next meeting: The next meeting will be held on 8th March at 7 pm

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