CTE Lesson Plan

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CTE Lesson Plan

CTE Lesson Plan

Date Submitted: Feb. 20, 2012 Author/Email: Betina Rhine /[email protected] .

Grade Level: Course: Pathway: Cluster: (type an X in the bracket for all Principles of Information that apply) STEM. Information Technology. Technology. [ ] 6 [ ] 7 [ X] 8 [ ]9 [ ] 10 [ ] 11 [ ] 12 Project Name: Famous Americans Internet Search

Objective(s): Students will learn how to effectively use search engines to research data. Students will learn how to evaluate acquired information from the Internet for accuracy, relevance, and validity

Primary Unit of Study (from Scope & Sequence: D.) Networking (3) (c)(E) (H)

College & Career Readiness Standards:

Software: N/A

Materials Required: Computer and Internet connection

Prerequisite Skills: Students should be familiar with using a computer and accessing internet.

Time Required: 1 ½ hour – 2 hours. 30 minutes - 1 hour to demonstrate proper access of search engines and how to identify accurate, truthful information. 1 hour for students to practice using search engines to locate data.

Essential Questions: How do I phrase my research question so I get fewer suggested sites? How many words should I enter into the search bar of the search engine? How do I know if the article/website has truthful and accurate information?

Key Vocabulary: Internet, Search Engines, Research,

Procedure/Instruction: Begin lesson by asking students if they have ever attempted to find something on the internet only to be more confused due to the large amount of information located on line. Next ask students how they know if the information they find on the internet is true and accurate.

Walk the students through the Digital Citizenship PowerPoint and allow students to take notes,( or provide partial notes for students to complete). The PowerPoint provides examples of various ways to type information requests into the search window. The various ways the information is worded provides a variety of different search results. Copies of these results are also shown in the PowerPoint. Next in the PowerPoint, students are also shown a link to a bogus website about a creature that does not exist. The students all vote whether or not they think the article on this web page is truthful. The teacher can then show the students a variety of clues in the article that would identify the information and not being accurate or truthful. Students are then given a handout titled “Famous Americans” and students practice using the search engines to find the answers to questions about famous Americans. Students will have to determine if the information is accurate.

Closure: Answers are reviewed as a class to identify students that may have located incorrect answers due to false information on the internet, or bad search practices. Students and teachers identify why the information is incorrect and what caused the incorrect information. Evaluation/Assessment: This assignment is meant for scaffolding and practice. Students could be assessed by researching additional topics in a question and answer format. Differentiation Strategies: Students requiring modifications could easily research fewer items and/or research topics in which they have accurate background knowledge available.

An extension assignment is after the students have completed the Famous American research and discussed in class the accuracy of their research; students can be broken into 3 teams. Each team is given a different amount of resources to complete a research project. The research project can be based on History also (ie. 5 facts about Abraham Lincoln, 5 Facts about Colonists etc) Team 1 will be given access to only library books, Team 2 will be given access to computer software and library books , but no internet research, and Team 3 will be given full access to computer software, internet use and books. Students will all research the same topic and compare and contrast not only the results of the research but their limitations to research and how they overcame these limitations.

Additional Resources: Additional Files: Digital Citizenship PowerPoint, Famous Americans worksheet

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