Fourth Six Weeks Syllabus

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Fourth Six Weeks Syllabus

3rd Nine Weeks Course Calendar AP English Language and Composition Mr. Helminiak and Ms. Sample

Objectives: For complete description, refer to the AP College Board Language and Composition curricular requirements. [Buzz phrases: 1. “write in several forms” 2. “revise and edit work” 3. write “in an informal context” 4. “writing assignments that are based on” diverse literature 5. discussion of non-fiction/fiction readings 6. “analyze […] graphics and visual images” 7. “research skills” 8. “cite sources” 9. revision work]

Major Readings: Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Good People by David Lindsay Abaire

Writing Focus: AP Argument AP Synthesis

Summative Assessments: 1. Argument Timed Writing #2 (1/12-1/14) 2. Death of A Salesman Unit Test (1/27-1/28) 3. Synthesis Timed Writing #1 (2/3-4 and 2/17-18) ` 4. Good People and Satire Mini Unit Test (3/9-3/10)

Categories Weights: Summative 75% Formative 25%

Extra Credit: 1. Completed Vocabulary Workbook Units 7-12 for 5 summative points added to a major grade. (Due 3/4) *Note: workbook pages must be 100% complete and completed within 80% accuracy to get the extra credit.* 2. Read and test over The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee William for +5 on any summative. There will be two opportunities for extra credit testing this time. You may choose to test after school on Tuesday 1/12, or Wednesday 1/13. Additionally, testing will be offered after school only on Tuesday 3/1, Wednesday 3/2, and Thursday 3/3. You may only do the extra credit once. Additional days have been added for those who read over the Winter Break. *See note at the end of this calendar regarding this extra credit*

T 1/5 Go over final exam rhetorical analysis prompt Show student examples of strong responses to final exam writing prompt

W/Th 1/6-7 Student reflection over previous argument timed writing and student examples Death of a Salesman background information HW: Death of Salesman Act I due by 1/20 and 1/21

F 1/8 Vocab Unit 7 Vocab Quiz (formative) HW: Read “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” LOC pp. 319-324 for next block day

M 1/11 Presentation logical fallacies and visual arguments (ABC news editorials)

T 1/12 Argument Timed Writing #2 A HW: Elements of Satire Presentation with Elements of Satire terms (posted on website) and read the comedy ladder handout (on back of satire terms)

W/Th 1/13 – 14 Counselor/Bridges meeting. You will be returned to class as soon as you are done with bridges. Please return to class promptly, or you may miss part of the timed writing period. Argument Timed Writing #2 B—choose the strongest of the two drafts to turn in (summative)

F 1/15 Vocab Unit 8 Quiz (formative) Range Finders from argument Prompt 2 A Read Garrett Hardin’s “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor” pp. 324-333 for discussion on 1/22

M 1/18 Student Holiday

T 1/19 Discuss “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” LOC pp. 319-324

W/Th 1/20-1/21 Death of A Salesman Act I Quiz (formative) Death of A Salesman Act I Discussion

F 1/22 Meet In Blue LGI for Ms. Beard’s presentation regarding AP and Dual Credit English IV *Bring your vocab workbook to class this day*

M 1/25 Range Finders from argument Prompt 2B Vocab Unit 9 Quiz (formative)

T 1/26 How to answer a synthesis prompt presentation *End of 3week progress report period*

W/Th 1/27 – 28 Death of Salesman Unit Test (summative) Start Reading Good People: Act 1 Reading Check on 2/17-2/18 Continue Synthesis Prompt Introduction: Space Exploration Student Example papers from Synthesis Prompt F 1/29 Discuss Garrett Hardin’s “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor” pp. 324-333 HW: Read Henry David Thoreau “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For” pp. 276-281 *Note this is really hard and it will take more time than you think!*

M 2/1 Discuss Henry David Thoreau “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For” pp. 276-281

T 2/2 Short Piece Quiz: “Singer Solution,” “Lifeboat Ethics,” and Thoreau (formative)

W/Th 2/3 –4 Synthesis Timed Writing #1 A and AP Exam multiple choice practice

F 2/5 Vocab Quiz 10 (formative) Satire Background: Comedy Ladder and Satire terms

M 2/8 “Is it satire?” presentation—political cartoons and other visual satire HW: Read “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift LOC pp. 914-920

T 2/9 Discuss “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift LOC pp. 914-920

W/Th 2/10 – 11 Good People Act 1 Reading Check (formative) Good People Act I Discussion

F 2/12 AP multiple choice practice (formative)

M 2/15 Student Holiday

T 2/16 TED Lecture: Patrick Chappatte’s “The Power of Cartoons,” teen ‘ afluenza’ video, and Twilight parody *End of 3 Week Progress Report Period*

W/Th 2/17 – 18 Synthesis Timed Writing #1 B—choose strongest of two drafts to turn in (summative)

F 2/19 Vocab Unit 11 Quiz (formative)

M 2/22 Range finders from Synthesis Timed Writing #1 A Student Synthesis Timed Writing papers back. HW: Read Ben Franklin’s “An Economical Project” for Friday

T 2/23 Range finders from Synthesis Timed Writing # 1 B

W/Th 2/24-25 Synthesis Timed Writing #2A and Discuss Ben Franklin’s “An Economical Project”

F 2/26 AP Lang Multiple Choice Practice (formative)

M 2/29 Satire Onion article: “Girl Moved to Tears by Of Mice and Men Cliff Notes” Magna Soles Practice Prompt

T 3/1 Quiz: Elements Satire Quiz and Short Pieces (formative)

W/Th 3/2-3 Synthesis Timed Writing #2 B Choose one essay draft for a grade. *Note: This essay will count as a summative grade for the 4th nine weeks* *Note: a review sheet for the exam will be posted on the website by 4:00 p.m. this day* View and Discuss visual argument “A Kinder Gentler Philosophy of Success” by Alain de Botton

F 3/4 Vocab Quiz 12 Quiz (formative) *turn in completed vocabulary workbook pages on this day to receive +5 extra credit points added to a summative grade. Note: workbook pages must be 100% complete and completed within 80% accuracy to get the extra credit.*

M 3/7 Dave Barry’s “Waging Germ Warfare”

T 3/8 Review for Exam

W/Th 3/9-10 9 Weeks Exam: Good People and Satire Mini Unit Test (summative) Discuss Good People Act II

F 3/11 Background info on In Cold Blood and AP Lang multiple choice practice

Note, this is a tentative schedule and subject to change as needed. Bring your novel every class period and the LOC when noted. You are responsible for keeping up with all work by referencing your syllabus. Test and quiz dates will not be extended due to absences on review days. If you will be off campus for a school-related event on a quiz or test day, you must make up your work on the first day you return to campus. For more information on specific AP policy, check the AP course policy document on the website. Check your course calendar daily. You are responsible for everything on it.

*For The Glass Menagerie extra credit opportunity students must secure their own copy of the work. In addition, students must pass the extra credit test with an accuracy of 80% or better. This extra credit will be worth five points added to any summative assessment. In the rare event that a student does not have room to add five points to any summative assessment, the student will receive the maximum number of points on a summative grade up to a score of 100. Students will not receive points on summative assessments above a grade of 100, and extra credit points are not transferable to other grading periods. The teacher will make a notation in the gradebook, which is visible to both parents and students, when the extra credit has been added. The extra credit test is offered after school only on 1/12, 1/13, 3/1, 3/2, and 3/3. Students must sign up for the extra credit testing prior to the test; if a student fails to attempt the test after he or she has signed up, he or she will not be eligible for future extra credit assessments. Students who are late to the testing may not test and will forfeit additional extra credit testing opportunities. In the case of an emergency scheduling crisis, extra credit testing can be moved forward in time, but not back. For example if the student cannot come on 3/2, he or she may—if space is open—test on 3/1, but he or she cannot move it backwards to 3/3. We are giving you lots of notice for these three days! Please adjust your work calendar now.

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