Visiting Rotarians
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CLUB NO. 470 * DISTRICT 5160 * ORGANIZED APRIL 29, 1926 * VOLUME 81 NUMBER 14 October 10, 2006 Today’s Meeting President Carla called the meeting to order and then led the club in the “Pledge of Allegiance.” David Janes then led the Club in Rotary Grace. David followed Rotary Grace with a baseball song that ended with “Will you still be here…tomorrow.” Considering how long the song was, everyone felt the answer was going to be yes. Next weeks program will be Katie Villegas from the Yolo County Children’s Alliance. Visiting Rotarians Ron Maraviov introduced the visiting Rotarians; Howard Plank from Williams, Pat Scribner and Cecil Padilla from Winters and our two guest speakers Dr. Nicki Harrington from Yuba City and Dr. Angela Fairchilds from Woodland Sunrise. Guests of Rotarians Christian Sherrill introduced Stephanie Beaver and Alan Flory introduced Xavier Tafoya. Installation of New Rotarian Dona Mast introduced Katie Parker to the club. Katie grew up in Woodland and attended UC Davis. Katie currently is in charge of the fundraising arm of the Yolo County Red Cross. Welcome Katie. Announcements President Carla reminded everyone that the District Conference at the Yin Ranch is this weekend. Steve Venables is collecting donations for one of District Governor Candy Pierce’s projects. The club is going to match the donations and present Candy with a check when she comes to visit us later this year. Gary Wegener got the approval to go with the Club Wizard web page support has a lot of nice features for our web site. Once set up, Woodland Rotarians will be able to buy advertising space to help offset the cost of the service. It should be up and running in two weeks. Dave Molinaro wanted to get his Raiders harassment over with early so he stood up and made some announcements. First off, there is one spot left for the Reno Train Trip on January 22nd. Dave was also concerned about the Voodoo rituals being performed at the Sunrise Club. Dave felt that we needed to make up a competition that the Sunrise Club could beat us at just to let them win once in a while.
Les Engelmann couldn’t remember if he paid for his birthday several months ago. Howard Newens was born in Vietnam 51 years ago on October 6th. Keeping with the tradition of his old Rotary Club, Roger Dorris paid for his birthday again. Anniversaries
Les Engelmann paid for his anniversary (38 years) on September 7th. Recognition
Julia Larson was in charge of recognition and she decided to start with Thankful Time. Roy Holmes was thankful for his three week trip to Montana and Ohio to visit several of his family members. Julia then quickly shifted gears and called on David Janes to question his song selection. The theme of the day was “What was your first car and what are you driving now?” George Burger owned a ’52 Plymouth and is now driving a Land Rover. Isaac Castaneda has traded in his ’78 Datsun B210 Hatchback for a Ford pickup. Clancy Duppong’s first car was a ’54 Ford Custom. Katie Parker is now cruising in an ’04 Nissan Xterra. Les Engelmann’s first car was a ’51 Ford Deluxe. I couldn’t hear what he is driving now, but I am sure it is fast. Don Huff owned a 1937 Buick Century (they had cars back then?). Jim McGibbon’s first car was a ’68 Volkswagon Bug. Jeff Reisig’s 1968 Camaro lasted one week prior to wrecking it. Don Smith owned a 1946 Mercury. Tom Schwarzgruber didn’t seem too happy that his parents handed him down a Ford Galaxy to drive. Jim Nolan had a 1961 Chevy, while Bob Nakken had a ’68 Chevy Impala. Bob Moeller drove a 1943 Jeep Willy. After his short car commercial Mark Werum admitted that his 1955 Mercury was a clunker.
Rags to Riches The pot went to Mark Evans, shown here with a $40 plus grin…
Today’s Program Alan Flory introduced today’s speakers Dr. Angela Fairchilds, President of Woodland Community College and Dr. Nicki Harrington, Chancellor of the Yuba Community College District (YCCD). Alan started off the program talking about the upcoming ballot Measure J. Measure J was put on the ballot after the YCCD Board voted to place a facilities bond measure on the November ballot. If approved (at 55%) Measure J will allow the YCCD Board to follow through with their Facilities Master Plan. The plan will provide students with modernized classrooms, expanded facilities for the math and science curriculum and greater accessibility for disables persons. Students will also be offered access to bachelor degree coursework and classes close to home. What will Yolo County’s share be? Since Yolo County represents 26% of the assessed value of the District, Yolo County will receive 26% of the Measures’ funds.
The Woodland campus currently has 22 full time professors and 80 adjunct faculty members. The goal is to have the Woodland campus become a full campus in the fall of 2008, which means additional professors and staff will need to be hired. The cost you ask? If Measure J is approved by voters, homeowners will pay $16 per $100,000 of the assessed value of their home. For additional information, or to see the Facilities Master Plan, visit the YCCD website at Upcoming Events Gary Wegener 666 4098 (call them in to me and I will list; would like to get the years calendar.)
October14/15 District Conference - (Call Carla, 662 7891) November - December - Noon-Sunrise Holiday Dinner January 21/22 Reno Train Trip - (Dave Molinaro 662 7337 one space left as of 9/19 meeting) February 24th 2007 Auction/Dinner - at Holy Rosary Community Center. The theme is a Cruise Trip? (Mahlon Whittle 661-1925 [email protected]) Please sign up for at least one committee: Food; oral auction donations; silent auction donations; decorations; 50/50 raffle; finance; ticket sales; sponsorships; program & publicity; raffle sales. March - April - Joint meeting with Davis May - Senior BBQ second Tuesday and Gibson May Fair June - Demotion July – August - Carnitas Booth September - Oktoberfest and Chili Cook Off (John Fenrich 662 5257)
Upcoming Programs suggestions? Call Craig Miyamoto 668 1934 DATE SPEAKER TOPIC 10/17 Katie Villegas Yolo County Children's Alliance 10/24 Hamza El Nakhal Jihad in Islam 10/31 Sharon Jensen County Administrator
Greeters Scott Johnston October 17, 2006 Thomas Monley 666-5825 October 24, 2006 Mike Cahill 661-5860 October 31, 2006 Jeff Reisig 666-8180
Officers and Directors for 06/07 President………… Carla Sanborn Craig Miyamoto (1 yr) Past Pres………… Steve Venables Linda Konietzko (1 yr) Pres. Elect…...... Mahlon Whittle Howard Newens (1 yr) Secretary………….Alan Flory Pat Imbach (2 yr) Treasurer…………Tony Delevati Karl Diekman (2 yr) Sergeant at Arms ..George Berratoni Julie Farnham (2 yr)
Where to Make Up Gary Wegener 666 4098 Monday 12:10-Davis (Community Church) 7:15 Sacramento South (Community Club Hse) 12:10 Reno (Harrah’s Headliner Room) Tuesday 7:00 Vacaville Sunrise-The Hickory Pitt 12:15 Roseville-Sierra View Country Club 12:15 Red Bluff-Elk’s Lodge 12:15 Arden Arcade-Buggy Whip Restaurant 12:10 Colusa-Golf Course 12:10 Fairfield/Suisun-Holiday Inn 12:15 San Francisco-Sheraton Palace Wednesday 12:15 E. Sacramento-Hungry Hunter 12:10 Berkeley-His Lordships 12:10 Dixon-Fairgrounds 12:15 Marysville-Elk’s Lodge 12:15 Napa-Elk’s Lodge 12:15 N. Sacramento-Red Lion Inn Thursday 6:30 Folsom-Lions Club House 7:00 Woodland Sunrise-Corkwood 12:10 Winters-Buckhorn !2:00 Gridley-Memorial Hall 12:12 Las Vegas-Landmark Hotel 12:05 Redding-Riverview Golf Club 12:15 Sacramento-Convention Center 12:15 Vacaville-Opera House 12:15 Vallejo-Marine World Holiday Inn 12:15 Willows-Franco’s Restaurant 6 PM Woodland-Holiday Inn Express Friday 7:00 Davis-Senior Center 12:15 Lincoln-Women’s Club 12:15 Santa Cruz-Dream Inn 12:15 Yuba City-The Refuge 12:15 W. Sacramento-Pheasant Club Roster Alan Flory 662 0090/Gary Wegener 666 4098 [email protected] Name Spouse Classification Office Phone S Ahlquist, Bruce T. (Susan) Y.M.C.A. Director/Retired 662-1379 P/F Bernard, Timothy N. (Nancy) Podiatrist 668-2649 P/F Berrettoni, George M. (Kathy) Liquor Retailing 666-7844 F Blake, Randall (Terry) Family Law 668-9722 S Blevins, Sally Creative Art 662-3333 S Brooker, Clyde (Krimhilde) Credit Union-Administration 669-6322 F Bunch, Gary M. (Kathy) Senior Accountant 662-3251 F Burger, George R. (Janet) Family Dentistry 662-1747 Cahill, Michael Karen Fire Administration 661-5861 Castaneda, Issac (Deanne) Chemical Sales 666-5452 F Chandler, Herbert W. (Iona) Agricultural Commissioner 662-4320 F Chandler, Michael (Randi) Fire Administration 796-2500 F Cunningham, David W (Patricia) Life Insurance 662-9181 S Delevati, Anthony (Margie) Mgmt./Accounting Firm 666-6671 F Diekman, Karl (Hiromi) Fire Administration 406-8787 P/F Dorris, Robert A. (Helene) Farm Management 662-1159 F Dorris, Roger (Connie) Real Estate Management 662-4777 F Duppong, Clancy (Brenda) Personnel Service 661-1831 F Engelmann, Lester B. (Gail) Fluid Control Systems 908-9405 F Evans, Mark A. (Beverly) Employment Development 661-2900 Farnham, Julie Banking-Ag & Comm 406-2529 P/F Faye, H. Peter (Marilyn) Agricultural Engineering 735-6401 P/F Faye, Marc (Gerda) Prune Growing 735-6401 F Faye, Marilyn (Peter) Education - Elementary 735-6421 F Fenrich, John (Kay) Media Relations 662-5257 F Flory, Alan B. (Gerry) Property Tax Administration 662-0090 P/F Gardner, Franklin (Shirley) Corporate Law 662-2859 P/F Griffith, Robert L. (Harriet) Real Estate - Residential 662-7790 Gutierrez, Aniek Sales Coordinator 661-0666 F Haarberg, Kevin C. (Lorie) Investment Broker 662-7390 S Hedington, Karen (Mark) Recognition/Awards 666-3220 S Holmes, Peter M., Jr. (Chris) Agri-Loan Broker 661-6479 F Holmes, Roy M. (Mary Jo) Real Estate - Residential 662-7417 P/F Huff, C. Don (Mary) Land Improvement 662-1442 F Imbach, Patrick (Tina) Banking /Agricultural 669-0706 F Janes, David W. (Judy) Attorney 662-7367 S Jansen, Michael W. (Linda) Law - Personal Injury 668-7600 Name Spouse Classification Office Phone P/F Johnston, Scott R. (Sheila) Accounting Service 662-3911 P/F Kohlmeier, Roger B. (Judy) Loans-Real Estate 662-5193 S Konietzko, Linda Financial Services 666-6681 S Larson, Julia (Rich) Veterinary Medicine (H) 666-2461 F Maltese, I. Charles (Joyce) Associations-Rental 916-932-2200 P/F Maraviov, Ronald (Shirley) Exhibitions - Agricultural 662-7125 F Mast, Dona (Cowles) Farm/Administration 867-5624 F McGibbon, James E. (Susan) Obstetrics 661-9098 S McHale, Christine Banking/Personal 669-0705 P/F McNary, Donald S. (Lou) Fund Raising (retired) 662-0139 McNight, Aurora Mortgage Banking 662-9099 F Miyamoto, Craig (Stephanie) Investment Representative 668-1934 P/F Moeller, Robert B. (Ruth) Barley Farming 662-6245 F Molinaro, David (Mary) Milk Distribution 662-7337 Monley, Tom (Peggy) Floor and Window Coverings 666-5825 F Moore, Charles F. Agricultural Financial Services 666-3333 Morgan, Scott Real Estate/Agriculture 662-8696 F Nakken, Robert P. (Gay) Tax Law 662-7367 Newens, Howard (Phoebe) Auditor - County 666-8217 P/F Nolan, James V. (Barbara) Real Estate Law 662-2859 Nordgren, Ken Financial Consulting 662-9615 P/S Northup, Oliver J., Jr. (Claudia) Civil Law 758-0458 Parker, Katie New member Pate, Ben New member P/F Poarch, Raymond A. (Ruth) General Merchandise 662-1830 F Randolph, Tabb (Nancy) Insurance - Commercial 662-9181 Reisig, Jeff Attorney/Prosecution 666-8180 P/F Rodegerdts, Carl R. (June) Dentistry - Prosthodontist 662-0242 P/F Sanborn, Carla (John) Banking/Commercial 662-7891 F Schwarzgruber, Thomas (Gail) Sand & Gravel 662-4590 P/F Seney, Robert G. Cemetery Manager 662-7811 S Sheffield Wally Theda Commercial Real Estate 666-5485 Sherrill, Christian Holidae Chiropractic 666-6685 P/F Smith, Donald L. (Vivian) Oilseeds - Research 662-3648 S Snowball, Jana (Chuck) Emergency Srevices Comm. 666-8902 Sullivan, Carey Police Administration 661-7834 P/F Tamblyn, Robert D. (Judy) Retirement Plans 662-8675 F Trongo, Mary Ann Real Estate-Residential 662-2121 F Turner, Ute Banker 661-6000 P/F Ullrich, Marcus E. Accountant 666-6671 P/F van Muyden, Wim F. (Pauline) Medicine - Obstetrics 662-5339 Vargas, Pamela Florentino Non Profit Fundraising 662-3633 Vaziri, Kevin Hospital Administration 669-5355 F Venables, Steve (Lydia) Recreation - Travel 662-5491 Waldrop, David Retirement plans Consulting 662-8675 F Wegener, Gary Joan Tauzer Civil Engineering - City 661-5960 F Werum, Mark (Sherry) Tires - Retail 662-9106 F Whittle, Mahlon (Jan) Real Estate- City 666-1925 P/F Wirth, Gary (Marilyn) Architect 662-3429 P: Past President; F: Paul Harris Fellow; S: Sustaining Member