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9451 North Washington Thornton, CO 80229 Office: (720) 972-5820 Fax: (720) 972-5869 www.bollmantech.org
Medical School Year: 2017-18 Science 1 Website: www.Bollmantech.org
Teachers Flurkey, Mary, Room 139, 720-972-5858 [email protected] , Bartle, Lissa, Room 135 720-972-5836 [email protected] Contact Smith, April Room 138, 720-972-5835 [email protected] Info Small, Patricia Room 131, 720-972-5857 [email protected]
Course Name Medical Sciences 1 This course is designed to help students pursue careers in health care. Students will earn 2.0 credits (Medical Science [Practical Arts]-1 credit, and CP Anatomy and Physiology-1 credit) upon successful completion of the course. Emphasis is placed on the National Consortium Health Science Education (NCHSE) standards, exploring health career options, HOSA: Future Health Professionals (Health Occupations Students of America), leadership, anatomy and physiology, CPR and First Aide certification (optional), employability, and medical Course terminology while integrating Math, Science, and English literacy. Students are Description required to arrange and complete 30 hours of community service (volunteer work), preferably in a healthcare setting, as well as develop and complete a Community Service Project as a class, outside of class time. A portfolio is required. Students will be given pre-tests in August and post-tests in May. The expectation is for students to pass the post-test with 70% or higher. Students should maintain a C or better average to advance to Medical Science 2. Certificate of Completion, CPR and 1st Aide certification, Colorado Career Achievements Readiness Certificate, HOSA scholarships and awards, BTEC letter (3.5 GPA and Possible teacher recommendation), Student of the Quarter, National Technical Honor Society membership (3.0 GPA and teacher recommendation), and Special Achievement Award. Unit of Study Program/Content Standards and Grade Approximate Targeted Level Expectations (where applicable) Time Date of Assessment Standard 1 Human Structure and Function Aug/May Ongoing Academic Diseases and Disorders Foundations Medical Mathematics will be integrated
Standard 2 Concepts of Effective Communication Aug/May Ongoing Communications Medical Terminology Written Communication Skills Standard 3 Health Care Delivery Systems Aug/May Ongoing Systems Standard 4 Personal Traits of the Healthcare Professional Aug/May Ongoing Employability Skills Employability Skills, Career Decision-making Health Care Careers Standard 5 Legal Implications Aug/May Ongoing Legal Legal Practices Responsibilities 9451 North Washington Thornton, CO 80229 Office: (720) 972-5820 Fax: (720) 972-5869 www.bollmantech.org
Standard 6 Ethical Boundaries Aug/May Ongoing Ethics Ethical Practice Cultural, Social, and Ethnic Diversity Standard 7 Infection Control Aug/May Ongoing Safety Practices Personal Safety Environmental Safety Common Safety Hazards Emergency Procedures and Protocols Standard 8 Healthcare Teams Aug/May Ongoing Teamwork Team Member Participation Standard 9 Healthy Behaviors Aug/May Ongoing Health Maintenance Practices Standard 10 Technical Skills Aug/May Ongoing Technical Skills Standard 11 Health Information Management Aug/May Ongoing Information Information Technology Technology Applications
Student Infinite Campus Infinite Campus Weighted Percentage Grade Earned SRG* Mark Calculated Grade of Grade 96-100 4.0 100 89-95 3.5 92 82-88 3.0 85 Summative Assessments 80% 74-81 2.5 77 Formative Assessments 0% 67-73 2.0 70 21st Century Employability Skills Assessments 20% 57-66 1.5 62 45-56 1.0 50 25-44 0.5 35 0-24 0.0 0 * SRG = Standard Reference Grade
Weekly progress grades are posted Thurs at https://ic.adams12.org/campus/portal/adams12.isp
General Expectations Evaluations are based upon the demonstration of proficiency on units associated with a standard for each formative or summative assessment. Summative assessments will be used to determine your grade. Summative measures of achievement are taken when unit mastery is expected. (i.e., unit tests, culmination of a project, embedded assessments, turning in signed/verified record of30 Volunteer Hours Dec 1st, 21st Century Work Skills, etc.). Formative assessments measure the scaffolding skills and/or content embedded in the unit. Formative assessments are taken frequently, after a student has practiced a skill or become familiar with content. Examples of formative assessments may include but are not limited to exit tickets, paragraphs, oral check for understanding, warm- ups, stages in a large project, etc. Many assessments will be graded based on teacher/district/state rubrics. On group projects, students will receive a grade for individual work and a group grade. Grades are based on achievement of Program and/or Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations. Students should maintain a ‘C’ or better average at all times and should have a minimum of 30 volunteer hours completed by December 1st. Failure to do so may affect acceptance into Medical 9451 North Washington Thornton, CO 80229 Office: (720) 972-5820 Fax: (720) 972-5869 www.bollmantech.org
Science 2.
Class Expectations Missing or incomplete assignments/assessments for this course: Superintendent Policies 6280 Homework and 6281 Make-Up Work will be followed for this course.
You will be informed as to the due dates for assignments, whether it is homework, a test, or a project. Work must be completed and turned in on time in order to receive credit. In order for you to receive accurate information regarding learning, it is vital to complete all assignments when due. If you experience problems with assignments, please see teacher individually.
Absence Policy: You are expected to make up any work missed because of any absence. You are responsible to get the make-up assignment(s). You will have the number of days absent (if excused within 24 hours of absence) plus one additional day to make up missed work for an absence. However, long-term assignments (one week or more from the assignment date to the due date) are due on the stated due date, regardless of the absence and are not accorded extra days upon return to school. Long-term illnesses will be dealt with on an individual basis. Once a student reaches 5 absences (excused and/or unexcused) a note from the doctor must be provided upon return to school for each absence. A conference may be scheduled with the student and parent/guardian to establish an attendance contract for excessive absences (excused and/or unexcused). Student may not be allowed to continue attending BTEC.
Tardy Policy: Students will be expected to be in the classroom by the time the bell rings. Students must report to the office for a tardy pass if over 5 minutes late to class. When 10 or more minutes late to class, the student is counted absent. After the 3rd tardy, the parent or guardian of the student will be notified and the student will have to complete an action plan to correct the problem. If tardiness continues, the student will be a given a referral to the Assistant Principal and may not be allowed to continue attending BTEC.
Student Use of Cell Phone and Other Personal Electronic Devices (Supt. Policy 5030) Superintendent Policy 5030 permits the use of electronic devices for personal, recreational, communication or instructional purposes under specific conditions only. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary sanctions up to and including expulsion from school, depending upon the severity of the violation.
In academic settings (classroom, library, labs, etc.) electronic devices must be in the “off” or “silent” position at all times and stored out of sight except when utilized, as permitted by the instructor, as assistive technology, or as part of a student’s individual education program as determined by school administration or the teacher. Teachers may impose even further restrictions at their discretion in their classes.
In non-academic settings, including at school activities or on school transportation, such devices may be used in “silent mode” provided the use of such device, as determined by the supervising staff member or bus driver, in no way disrupts, poses a safety concern or otherwise violates Superintendent Policy 5000, Student Code of Conduct.
Electronic devices may not be used in a manner which is potentially unsafe, illegal or otherwise might violate the Student Code of Conduct. Prohibited uses include but are not limited to creating 9451 North Washington Thornton, CO 80229 Office: (720) 972-5820 Fax: (720) 972-5869 www.bollmantech.org video or audio recordings, or taking or sending photographs of students or staff without permission of the student(s) or staff member(s). Such devices may not be used for academic dishonesty or cheating. Such devices may not be used in any manner that disrupts the academic environment, or otherwise disrupts school activities or functions. Students may not depart a class to activate or use such devices.
The typical progression of consequences for violations as described in the policy includes: 1st offense. The device should be confiscated and the parent should be notified. The device may be released to the student after the student reviews and signs the policy. 2nd offense. The device should be confiscated and the parent should be notified. The device may be released only to the parent after the parent reviews and signs the policy. 3rd or more offenses. Such offenses are considered disruptive behavior and should result in a minimum of one day of suspension to be served in or out of school at the discretion of administration. Subsequent violations may result in increasing suspensions of up to three (3) days.
Under all circumstances students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of their cell phones and personal electronic devices. Adams 12 Five Star Schools shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, or damage of any such device and will not be responsible for investigation of such incidents. If unique circumstances exist warranting the need for a student to use a cell phone or personal electronic device, on a temporary basis, outside the guidelines of Superintendent Policy 5030, such requests should be submitted to the Principal in writing. The Principal’s decision regarding such requests will be final. Student Expectations & Integrity Oath I agree to conduct myself with integrity in all regards. I commit to presenting my own work, writing, words, and ideas at all times, unless otherwise attributed. In addition, I will not copy, use communication devices during tests, post assessments for public access, falsely identify myself, or use inappropriate materials. Engaging in any of these activities represents a breach of this oath and subjects me to the disciplinary code of BTEC and the Adams 12 Five Star School District. It is my honest intention to uphold this oath.
P lagia r i s m /C h e a t i n g P o li c y: Plagiarism means to present, as one’s own, the work, writing, words, ideas, or computer information of someone else. (Sources could be published or unpublished.) Cheating is supplying, receiving or using devices. (Examples: looking at or using someone else’s work, using crib notes/stolen notes, or using disallowed equipment, etc.) Consequences for plagiarism and cheating: Matrix for Plagiarism st . 1nd – 0 on the assignment, teacher calls home and referral . 2rd – 0 on the assignment, 1 day suspension, parent/teacher conference, referral . 3th – 0 on the assignment, 2 days suspension . 4 – 0 on the assignment, referral to District Discipline Hearing G e ne r al G u i d e li n e s: • Assessment and grading standards are applied consistently to students of similarly demonstrated ability. • Assessment results are based solely on demonstrated student progress and achievement of reasonable and clear standards. • Students who participate in group projects will receive a grade for work as an individual as well as a group performance grade.