APPLICATION FORM for Publication in the Official Catalogue
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ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EXHIBITORS Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.1 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96. ATTENTION! IN CASE THE APPLICATION IS SENT AFTER August 20, 2011, THE PUBLISHER DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOUR PUBLICATION OF THE INFORMATION IN THE PRINTED CATALOGUE VERSION. In accordance with the General Terms of Participation in International Exhibitions staged by Expocentre, each registered participant of the exhibition has to present the following data to be published in the Official Catalogue: company name (in Cyrillic and Latin script), address, telephone, fax, E-mail, web address, and brief information on the company’s activity up to 3 lines long (each line contains 50 symbols including blanks and punctuation marks). Only generally accepted abbreviations are allowed. More comprehensive information, logos, advertisements and publication in the Index of products and services are published at extra charge. Please indicate your COLLECTIVE ORGANIZER
To be entered under letter Country of company for list as to countries
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand BRIEF INFORMATION ABOUT ACTIVITY (150 characters) Information should be preferable in Russian. Otherwise, the editors do not bear the responsibility for the incorrect translation.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT COMPANY 875,00 rub. per line (50 characters per line)
NOTE: Please send your large text on a separate sheet. PUBLICATION OF LOGO: 2 500 rub. * Logos must be sent in vector formats: Adobe Illustrator, FreeHand, CDR (version 9), and BMP, TIFF (full size with resolution not fewer than 300 pixels/inch). Logos sent by fax are not accepted. 100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors. CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Company Stamp Contact Person:
TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp INDEX OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.2 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96.
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand Free of charge we publish short information under two headings. ← FREE OF CHARGE PUBLICATION (indicate TWO number of heading) EXTRA CHARGE PUBLICATION # Type of service Price Check in complete information on the company under each heading (the company’s name in 1 Russian and original (Latin) letters, address, telephone/fax, e-mail, internet, pavilion, hall, 1 750,00 rub. stand). short information on the company under each heading (the company’s name in Russian 2 and original (Latin) letters, country, pavilion, hall, stand) 870,00 rub. 3 Logo under each heading* 2 500,00 rub. Additional information on the company’s activity under each heading 4 (1 line — 50 spaces) 875,00 rub. SPECIAL PACKAGE
# Type of service Price Check in Short information on the company under 4-5 headings in the Index of Products Package 1 and Services + logo in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors 5 000,00 rub. Complete information on the company under 4-5 headings in the Index of Package 2 Products and Services + logo in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors 9 000,00 rub. Short information on the company and logos under 4-5 headings in the Index of Package 3 Products and Services 12 500,00 rub. Complete information on the company and logos under 4-5 headings in the Package 4 Index of Products and Services 15 500,00 rub. INDICATE NUMBERS OF HEADINGS (see supplement) in the Index of Products and Services.
Additional information on the company
NOTE: Please send your large text on a separate sheet. 100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors.
CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Company Stamp Contact Person:
TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp EXCLUSIVE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE CATALOGUE Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.3 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96. Catalogue consists of two parts: Alphabetical List of Exhibitors and Index of Products and Services. Circulation: 1,500 copies. Number of pages: 160-176. Format: 210 х 260 мм (width х height).
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand Format # Parts of Catalogue Type of advertisement of advertisement Price Check in (width х height) 1 1st page 210 х 175 mm 87 500,00 rub. 2 2nd page 210 х 260 mm 70 000,00 rub. COVERS 3 3rd page 210 х 260 mm 63 000,00 rub. 4 4th page 210 х 260 mm 77 000,00 rub. 5 Right side 210 х 175 mm 42 500,00 rub. *1st dividing page 6 Left side 210 х 260 mm 52 500,00 rub. 7 Right side 210 х 175 mm 42 500,00 rub. **2nd dividing page 8 Left side 210 х 260 mm 52 500,00 rub. Advertisement on the top Maximum margin 9 TOP RUNNING TITLE running title of a page 175 х 13 mm 52 500,00 rub. BOTTOM RUNNING Advertisement on the bottom Maximum margin 10 52 500,00 rub. TITLE running title of a page 175 х 13 mm
* 1st dividing page separates the official information about ZAO Expocentr from the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors. ** 2nd dividing page separates the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors from the Index of Products and Services. Bookmarks and enclosures are provided by the client. All materials for advertisements are accepted prepared for publication on elektronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs: Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress 4-6, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS. The format of advertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges. Price for an advertisement dummy shall be fixed separately.
100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors. CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date. Contact Person:
Company Stamp TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE CATALOGUE Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.4 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96. Catalogue consists of two parts: Alphabetical List of Exhibitors and Index of Products and Services. Circulation: 1,500 copies. Number of pages: 160-176. Format: 210 х 260 мм (width х height).
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand Format # Parts of Catalogue Type of advertisement of advertisement Price Check in (width х height) 1 Two facing pages 420 х 260 mm 45 000,00 rub. 2 1 page, color 210 х 260 mm 24 500,00 rub. On the client’s request 85 х 213 mm 3 1/ 2 page, color 14 000,00 rub. 175 х 105 mm 4 1/ 4 page, color 85 х 105 mm 10 500,00 rub. Color advertisement next to the 5 Alphabetical List obligatory information 84 х 75 mm 7 000,00 rub. Advertising article 6 Alphabetical List 1page 210 х 260 mm 17 500,00 rub. Color advertisement next to the 7 information in the Index (under 84 х 53 mm 6 300,00 rub. one heading)
Index of Products and Two color advertisements next 8 to the information in the Index 84 х 53 mm 12 000,00 rub. Services (under one heading) Three color advertisements 9 next to the information in the 84 х 53 mm 18 000,00 rub. Index (under one heading)
All materials for advertisements are accepted prepared for publication on elektronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs: Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress 4-6, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS. The format of advertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges. Price for an advertisement dummy shall be fixed separately. 100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors. CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:
TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp Company Stamp ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE EXHIBITION GUIDE Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.5 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Catalogue and Exhibition Guide
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96. The Official Guide consists of the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors by pavilions and lay-outs of pavilions. Circulation: 20,000 copies. Format: 210 х 260 мм (width х height). Number of pages – 28-36.
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand Format of advertisement # Type of advertisement Price Check in (width х height) 1 1st cover page 210 х 175 mm 87 000,00 rub. 2 2nd cover page 210 х 260 mm 70 000,00 rub 3 3rd cover page 210 х 260 mm 63 000,00 rub. 4 4th cover page 210 х 260 mm 77 000,00 rub. 5 1 page, color 210 х 260 mm 24 500,00 rub. 85 х 213 mm 6 1/ 2 page, color 14 000,00 rub. 175 х 105 mm 7 1/ 4 page, color 85 х 105 mm 10 500,00 rub.
# Type of service Price Check in Advertisement page in the Catalogue + advertisement page in the Guide (page Package 1 format: 210 х 260 мм) 45 000,00 rub. Banner on a Guide page (42 х 35 мм), logo on a lay-out + color highlight in the Package 2 list of exhibitors in the Guide 10 500,00 rub. Package 3 Running title in the Catalogue + running title in the Guide (format 175 х 13 мм) 60 000,00 rub. Package 4 logo on a lay-out + color highlight in the list of exhibitors in the Guide 8 500,00 rub.
All materials for advertisements are accepted prepared for publication on electronic carriers (CD-ROM, ZIP) for programs: Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress 4-6, Adobe Photoshop, and in TIFF, EPS. The format of advertisement is trimmed; please add 5 mm bleed off on all edges. Price for an advertisement dummy shall be fixed separately. 100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors. CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:
TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp INTERNET-CATALOGUE Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.6 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Internet-catalogue
Please fill in the form in Microsoft word or in block capitals, otherwise PUBLISHER bears no responsibility for possible misreading and mistakes. Fax the application to us before August 20, 2011. Fax: + 7 (499) 795-29-00, 795-28-96.
Company (Russian letters)
Country Address
Telephone Fax
E-mail Internet
Pavilion Hall Stand
Internet-catalogue of exhibitors is to be placed to ZAO Expocentr’s website at two weeks prior to the exhibition opening. Information of the Internet-catalogue is open to every visitor of our site. Information on exhibitors is kept and maintained in the Catalogues section for the period of one year. Information placed free of charge in the Internet-catalogue: 1. name of exhibiting company 2. country 3. pavilion, hall, stand 4. 150 spaces of information about activity The above-mentioned variant is obligatory. Additionally you can place the following data (in Internet-catalogue): address, telephone/fax, e-mail, web address, and information on company’s activity (the same information that was ordered by the client for publication in the Alphabetical List of Exhibitors of the Official Catalogue and List of Products and Services). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: - 700 rub.
Logos in the Internet-catalogue are extra charged. *LOGO: - 700 rub. * Participants who ordered a logo publication in both the Official Catalogue and Internet-catalogue don’t have to send the said logo for the Internet-catalogue. If the logo is ordered ONLY in the web catalogue, it shall be provided by the client in GIF or JPG (not fewer than 300 pixels wide). Logos sent by fax are not accepted. 100% prepayment. Prices for publication are listed in the application form. Prices DO NOT INCLUDE VAT. Payment is to be made in EURO at the fixed rate of 34,00 RUB. Banking charges shall be paid by exhibitors. CANCELLATION of the application or changing of the provided information are accepted not less than 20 days prior to the exhibition opening date.
Contact Person:
Company Stamp TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Toys and games 4.8 Baby carriers 1.1 Toys for babies aged 0-1. Goods and toys for 5 Stationery, school-writing materials kids 1.2 Mechanical toys Health, physical growth and development of children 1.3 Smart toys and games 6.1 Rehabilitation equipment 1.4 Wooden toys 6.2 Products for outdoor activities 1.5 Dolls, clothing and accessories for dolls 6.3 Prophylaxis and hygienic products 1.6 Puppets for puppet-shows and fantoccini 6.4 Cosmetics 1.8 Motorways and motor-racing circuits 6.5 Nutrition for babies 1.9 Balls Furniture and equipment for home and 1.10 Plastic and rubber toys educational institutions 1.11 Musical toys 7.1 Furniture and equipment for infant schools 1.12 Children’s cars 7.2 Multi-purpose playground equipment 1.13 Rocking-horses 7.3 Interior design 1.14 Playing tents and houses Books 1.15 Table games 8.1 Books for children and teenagers 1.15.1 Family games, captivating games and brain 8.2 Textbooks, school-books and manuals teasers 8.3 Books for trainees 1.15.2 Electronic and multimedia games 9 Musical instruments. Other equipment for 1.15.3 Hobbies for children and adults, puzzles music lessons 1.16 Stamps, badges, key-fobs Other goods for children and teenagers 1.17 Christmas decorations 10.1 Tableware for children 1.18 Products for parties, gifts 10.2 Clocks, watches, alarm clocks for children 1.19 Toy cars with remote control 10.3 Child safety products 1.20 Cuddly, fur and cloth toys 10.4 Audio and video baby safety monitors Models, meccano 10.5 Child car seats 2.1 Large and table assembling models Education 2.2 Aircrafts models 11.1 Means and systems of education and 2.3 Automobiles models development 2.4 Ship models including historical ships 11.1.2 Multimedia 2.5 Radio and remote control models 11.1.3 Didactic and developing materials 2.6 Fantasy game sets 11.1.4 New programs, technologies and projects of teaching and development 3 Products for creative activity and design 12 Breastfeeding products Care goods for newborns and younger children 13 Franchising 4.1 Cots 14 Children's goods delivery and customs clearance 4.2 Prams 4.3 Baby’s pacifiers, bottle teats, feeding bottles 4.4 Childcare products 4.5 Bath accessories 4.6 Bedding 4.7 Jumping devices Bank Details Please return the completed form to the Catalogue Department: Bannikov Alexander bannikov@expocentr .ru K.7 +7 (499) 795 29-52/53/02 14, Krasnopresnenskaya DEADLINE fax: +7 (499) 795 28-96/29-00 nab., Moscow, 123100, Russia August 20, 2011
NAME OF EXHIBITION: MIR DETSTVA’2011 APPLICATION FORM for publication in the Official Internet-catalogue
If you want to order additional chargeable information to be published in a Catalogue, Guide or Internet Catalogue, please fill in the form and fax it to +7 (499) 795-2900, 795-2896
Name of the company Название фирмы
The country Страна
Postal address Почтовый адрес
Legal address Юридический адрес
Tel.: Fax: Тел. Факс
Tel. for contacts: E-mail: Internet: Тел. для контакта
Bank details (if payment is done from abroad) Банковские реквизиты (если платеж был сделан из-за границы)
Company Stamp Contact Person:
TEL.: FAX: E-mail:
Company Stamp