Dear Valued Supplier
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July 18, 2013
Dear Valued Supplier,
We are pleased to report that TriMega is nearing the Go-Live of its new ERP system and are projecting a significant improvement and increased value in transaction processing to our supplier and member community. As a key supplier to the TriMega organization, you significantly influence our success for seamless integration through the data accuracy of the EDI transmissions you provide to TriMega. By way of this communication, we are asking for your assistance in ensuring for a smooth transition through a data evaluation/cleansing exercise.
During our extensive system testing, we have identified several invoice data elements frequently causing delays or transaction failures when processing EDI invoices. We are calling on our suppliers to assist us in managing these issues thru and internal review of their Order-To- Invoice process to ensure the data elements in question are being properly collected and output in the invoicing process. This discovery process will validate your process is working correctly and will confirm the accuracy of the information provided to TriMega. Correcting issues on the front end of the process (order placement) is guaranteed to eliminate the manual intervention and labor intensive correction on the backend which adds significant expense to transaction processing for both organizations.
To assist you in this exercise, please find attached an updated EDI 810 Invoice mapping specification from TriMega. The data elements in question (defined below) have been highlighted in the attached document to provide a quick reference to their placement in the EDI data. The attached 810 map is technical and would be valuable to your IT team in matching what data source in your system is populating the data elements under review.
Data elements in question include:
TriMega Member Number – The TriMega member number must be present on every invoice transmitted to TriMega. Please ensure the member number provided on the member’s purchase order matches the member’s assigned member number published on the member directory from TriMega. Storing the member number on your customer record is a best practice for ensuring it is present on your invoice. Updated member listings can be downloaded from: [Can we have marketing put a blind URL out with the member listing and put URL here]. This element is found in the N104 segment of the attached EDI 810 document. It must be present in the N104 Bill-To segment (“BT” qualified). It is highlighted in YELLOW in attached mapping guideline for reference.
Invoice Must Be In Balance – The invoice total amount must balance with the invoice line details (Quantity Shipped * Unit Price) + any applicable freight and handling charges found in the SAC05 segment. A system check should be in place to ensure the invoice balances prior to transmitting. Invoices out of balance will be rejected and notification will be sent via email indicating out of balance invoice received.
Payment Terms – Payment Terms should match what is negotiated by TriMega. Better terms will be accepted on the Invoice but less favorable terms will be ignored. There are three individual data elements on the EDI document which should be populated as appropriate.
PAY DAYS – Required for all invoices. This element is found in the ITD07 segment of the attached EDI 810 document. It is highlighted in RED for reference.
DISCOUNT DAYS – If present, DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE must also be populated. ‘0’ is not a valid entry for this field. This element is found in the ITD05 segment of the attached EDI 810 document. It is highlighted in GREY for reference.
DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE – If present, DISCOUNT DAYS must also be populated. ‘0’ is not a valid entry for this field. This element is found in the ITD03 segment of the attached EDI 810 document. It is highlighted in GREY for reference.
Member’s Purchase Order Number – The PO Number must match exactly to the PO number provided by the member. TriMega members require their PO number on the invoice to correctly reconcile the invoice to the receipt of goods. This element is found in the BIG04 segment of the attached EDI 810 Invoice document. A purchase order should be unique and never reused. If a member is reusing a PO Number, it should be suffixed with a release number (date or other) to maintain its uniqueness. The placement of the Member’s PO number is highlighted in GREEN on the attached map for reference.
Member’s Purchase Order Line Number – The PO line number is critical for systems matching invoices to purchase orders electronically. Please use the member’s PO line number when provided on the PO as the line number provided on the invoice. If the PO does not have a line number provided, number each line sequentially as 1,2,3,4,etc… This element is found in the IT101 segment of the attached EDI 810 Invoice document. It is highlighted in Pink for reference.
With your assistance, we can eliminate the failure rate with invoice processing while improving and perfecting the accuracy of information exchanged through our supply channel. Thank you in advance for taking the initiative in reviewing your process relating to these data elements.
Warm Regards,
TriMega Purchasing Association