Saham Toney Parish Council
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![Saham Toney Parish Council](
SAHAM TONEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON THE 2ND OCTOBER 2017 These are draft Minutes which will not be approved until the next meeting of the Parish Council on the 6th November 2017 and are therefore subject to change. A meeting of the Parish Council was held on the 2nd October 2017 at 7.30 p.m. at The Wells-Cole Community Centre.
Present – Mr. B. Hinkins in the Chair supported by Messrs N. Creek, R. Harrold, J. Laws and Ms. K. Avery and Ms M. Baldwin.
1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies received and accepted from Mr. M. Bohn, Mr. T. Bunce and Mrs. T. Hewett.
2. Declaration of Interest in Items on the Agenda: No councillor declared an interest in any agenda item.
3. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on the 4th September 2017 were proposed by Mr. J. Laws seconded by Mr. R. Harrold and unanimously agreed.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes and Action List:
Pot holes, weeds in roads in estates and overgrown verges obscuring signposts – reported again but now goes to central Highway line and difficult to keep track of what they are referring to as it is done by numbers. Smell in Richmond Road – nothing further heard. Bridge from Warwick Farm – on Agenda Silted drains and water courses – reported again. Metal culverts in Hills Road – reported again Overgrown hedge at 1A The Oval – reported again. Himalayan Balsam – Mr. R. Harrold said he had seen on Gardener’s World that there is a product – rust – which can be painted onto some of the plant leaves either upstream or upwind which kills the plants. The Council will look at this. Bridge on Cley Lane and coping stones – reported again but still not repaired. Will report again. Sunken manhole covers on Pages Lane – reported again but as this is now with Anglia Water it will probably be a while before anything is done. Hedge on Bell Lane on the Mere side reported to Highways but nothing heard Drainage Report – nothing heard Playingfield – meeting took place on the 27th September. Accounts were produced showing that the parish grant was spent on the maintenance of the field. There are problems with Watton Rugby Club changing their name – the most important being that they would loose their status in the league. They are prepared to look at this in the future but it was pointed out that Rugby Clubs do not always play in the town included in their name. The Parish Council agreed that in the short term the Rugby Club can continue to play at the Playingfield under the name of Watton Rugby Club. They have been a lifeline to the Sports & Social Club and have spent about £2000 replacing the floor and the shower pump and buying a new TV. They have also contributed £1500 towards the new mower. They spend money at the bar and run social events throughout their season and it was felt that the amount of money they put in to the club compensates for not paying rent. The Parish Council to look at a new simpler form of Lease. 2nd October 2017 106
Siting of Gym Equipment – on Agenda.
5. Richard Otterway, Development Manager from the Wayland Development Partnership: Mr. Otterway introduced himself as the replacement for the two people who had left the Wayland Development Partnership. He is also responsible for the building and the gallery.
At present they are bidding for £100,000 for a Tourism Project to increase visitors through cultural events and festivals. £26,000 has already been secured. An extension to the Dementia Café is planned by way of a Sensory Garden in the yard behind Wayland House and the bid for the funding has been submitted. The Community Fridge is another new project. It is estimated that the average family wastes £470 on food over a year and this project aims to provide a facility where people can take unwanted food for others to access it.. The funding for this is coming from Sainsburys and it is hoped to open during the week commencing 30th October at Wayland House. When the Surge building closed there was £8300 left which has been given to the Partnership and it is planned to give grants up to £500 to young people for such things as training or buying musical instruments. The guidelines are very broad and will be on the website. They are also thinking about setting up an internet café at Wayland House as, unlike some local areas, their internet connection is very good. They would like to focus on jobs – helping people to prepare a cv and apply for a job with the help of the Dereham Job Centre with whom they already have a good relationship.
A parishioner asked how the public are made aware that these facilities are available and Mr. Otterway replied that they would be advertised in the Wayland News and village magazines.
6. Reports from District/County Councillor: Neither councillor was present. 7. Time Allocated for Members of the Public to Speak: A parishioner asked about the cutting of a piece of land at the front of the WCCC but it was uncertain as to where this was – Council will check and ask contractor to cut. A parishioner said there had been a lot of broken glass (which she had cleared up) near the play area at the WCCC which was a hazard for children. Other parishioners also said they had been clearing up broken glass. Mr. J. Laws said there were problems with several cars loitering in the corner of the car park. Clerk will contact Police again asking that they check the Car Park late at night to see if this would deter people using the area. General discussion took place between parishioners and the Council re the bridge from the Warwick Farm development to the land at the WCCC. Parishioners were unhappy that the Council were considering closing off this route as it provides a safe path for children going to school and others accessing the village. The Chairman said that the bridge was also being used by motorcycles which were churning up the grass at the WCCC and would in time make it difficult to cut. The Council had asked Clayland to provide barriers to stop this but no reply had been received to this request. This matter is on the Agenda. 8. Correspondence: Email from CPRE re meeting on the 27th November and Pledge re housing – the Clerk read a Pledge which had been sent by the CPRE in connection with housing targets and site allocations in the current local plans. It was agreed to sign this Pledge. Mr. R. Harrold said it had been reported in the EDP that a survey is going to be carried out in 8 towns re traffic, transport and 2nd October 2017 107 infrastructure – problems that should be addressed before houses are built.
Email from parishioner re lorries using Ovington Road – the Clerk read the email re lorries full of building rubble using the road with sometimes as many as ten journeys back and forth during a day. The Clerk had acknowledged this email and suggested that the Environmental Health Department at Breckland would be the best contact as there is nothing that the Council can do. The Council agreed with this. Mr. R. Harrold said perhaps the Council should ask NCC to include Watton and the surrounding villages in their survey programme. It was agreed that Clerk contact NCC re this. Email from the Play Park Inspector re various matters as follows:- o The two pieces of grass near the Growing Together site have still not been cut and the Council will point this out to the contractor. o Mr. N. Creek agreed to contact Phil Smith re the damaged wooden backing sheet of laminated board for the steps on the larger climbing frame. o The dips forming near the two wooden seats will be monitored. o The Play Park Inspector asks that the Council consider a working party to paint or stain the play equipment and it was agreed to advertise this in the Saga in the Spring. o Also asking the Council to consider placing a fence across the top of the play area near the new walk way to stop dog walkers using the play area for their dogs. Access from Ladybird Close should be by the path provided and if this access is to be allowed perhaps Clayland could be asked to provide the fence. o All the trees and bushes were removed when the electricity was put underground and were never replaced. With the lack of these, football is eroding the area. Clerk will contact UK Power Networks re this. o Querying if compensation has been sought for the access over parish land as ransom strips are worth a vast amount of money. o Querying the planning permission for the bridging of the ditch – Clerk will check this.
9. To Approve Accounts for Payment: The following accounts are due for payment:-
Saham Toney Sports and social Club - £2800 – grant Saham Saga - £800 – Grant. The Saga Editor said that the cost of producing Saga was increasing with the extra properties in the parish and asked that the Council give consideration to increasing the grant to £900 next year. Mrs. J. Glenn - £486.16 – Salary Broom Hall - £20 – hire of meeting room for NP HMRC - £60.20 – tax
The payment of the above accounts was proposed by Mr. N. Creek, seconded by Ms K. Avery and unanimously agreed.
10. To consider any Planning Matters:
Plan 3PL/2017/1134/F – change of use of land to garden land for plot 3 and erection of cart lodge/store at land to the rear of Greys Cottage, Hills Road – no objection Plan 3PL/2017/1191/VAR – removal of condition 3B on Plan 3PL/2015/1059/F – caravan to accommodate family member to be a warden on site at Lowe Caravan Park 134 Hills Road – no objection
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Plan 3PL/2017/1152/HOU – erection of porch to replace existing, construction of terraces etc. at Saham Lodge, Chequers Lane – no objection.
11. To discuss quotes for installing the Gym Equipment: A group of councillors had met and agreed the area where this equipment is to be situated. The area needed is 50 square meters and the Chairman had prepared a specification and plan. It was agreed the Clerk contact Trell Contractors and Richard Spilman for quotes for the work.
12. To discuss the Bridge from Warwick Farm Development to the Community Centre: A reply had been received from Clayland. The Chairman suggested that the Council write to Breckland and ask for a meeting to clarify the issues re the bridge as the Council does not want to encroach on any laws. All councillors agreed with this and the matter will be deferred until November.
13. To discuss email from the Chairman of the Management Committee at the WCCC re the loss of Pre-School: Email had been received re two possible Pre-Schools who could be interested in moving to the WCCC but this would be dependant on being able to use the outdoor play area and the sheds for storage. The email asks if the WCCC could retain the outside play area as it is vital for their future survival that a replacement is found to fill the void left by the closure of the Saham Toney Pre-school. The financial loss to the centre could mean that the WCCC could become unsustainable and would be forced to close. The Council had met with the Chairman of the Pre-school at his request to discuss the handing back of the outside area. Pre-school have now almost cleared their debt from the sale of their property and once the remaining items have been sold they are almost certain that there will be no remaining debt. The fence, slabs and gazebo are to remain and everything else will be cleared by Pre-school. The Chairman of Pre-school said they would like to donate the two sheds to the Parish Council in lieu of any payment being made for the maintenance of the area. One of the sheds needs a new roof.
The Chairman proposed that the Council meet with the WCCC Management Committee to discuss their future and to discuss any Pre-schools that might be interested in moving to the Community Centre and this was agreed.
14. To discuss maintenance of the land at the WCCC: The Chairman said the land at the WCCC is very overgrown with brambles etc and Wil Smith has suggested that this work can be carried out either by 5 days of work with 3 men or 1 day of work a month over a 5 month period. At the time TTSR quoted for the contract they did say extra work was needed and therefore this had been included in the Budget. It had also been suggested that with the extent of woodland cover at the site, we need a tree survey for insurance purposes. Mr. J. Laws said some of the trees need felling. It was agreed the Clerk would contact Ravenscroft Tree Services and the company who carried out the survey for the Growing Together Project and ask for a quote for a tree survey. The Chairman proposed we accept the 1 day of work a month over a 5 month period option as this would allow us to monitor the work being done and this was unanimously agreed.
15. To discuss a Community Orchard in response to a letter received from a parishioner: Paul Quant spoke re establishing a Community Orchard in the parish. He has lived in Saham Toney for a couple of years having moved from Little Downham where there was a Community Orchard. The idea is that apples are gown as a community project and then anyone living in the parish can pick the apples. After looking at a couple of sites, the area in the corner of the Playingfield away from cricket and rugby pitches looks to be a suitable area. The area is overlooked and used by dog walkers who 2nd October 2017 109 could keep a watch on the site. The Clerk suggested that a piece be put in Saga asking for volunteers to set up a group to get the project up and running. The area of land is owned by the Parish Council but the Clerk will check with the Sports and Social Club that they are in agreement with this area being used for an orchard.
16. Update on the Neighbourhood Plan: The Chairman said a meeting had been held on 22nd September at Breckland with Phil Mileham (Chair), Cllr Bambridge (Executive member for Growth), Susan Heinrich (N.P Co-ordinator) and Theresa Hewett (District Councillor) and representatives of Saham Toney’s NP. The Chairman said the Group had been asked where we were at with our NP and he had replied at stagnation. This has no reflection of the Working Group who meet every week and continue their hard work but on the lack of response from Breckland. As a Parish Council we must remember that we are the lead body for the NP and are responsible for all decisions and discussions and this requires robust governance. When completed by the Working Group it will be analysed by Breckland and others and signed off in a legal way. The Chairman read a list of the Working Group actions in October –
o .2nd, 3rd, 9th - Walk around the village to access evidence of green space, character and heritage asset. o 4th - Update Heritage Register o 8th - Review draft and sustainability statement. o 10th and 13th – complete updates and circulate to councillors. o 22nd and 24th – comments on these documents o 29th and 30th – formal submission and prepare for a consultation.
17. To agree any items to be discussed by the Working Group – No matters to be discussed.
18. To consider any applications to fill the vacancies on the Council – No candidates.
19. To consider reports from outside organisations: The Chairman said that discussion on the Budget for 2018/19 will begin in November and asks all councillors to look at this year’s Budget and think about changes for the next Budget. The Chairman had also spoken to the Saga Editor re the possibility of the Council paying for extra pages for the Saga over the next 6 months as it is taking up several pages with the Council and NP reports. The cost of an extra 4 pages would be £32.50 a month for 6 months when hopefully the NP will be completed. The Chairman proposed that the Council pays £32.50 a month for the extra 4 pages and this was unanimously agreed.
The Chairman read an email sent to the Clerk informing that Jill had been shortlisted for the Clerk of the Year but missed out on the overall award.
20. Items for the next agenda (not for discussion): The following items to be on the November Agenda:- Bridge from Warwick Farm to the WCCC land and Provisional discussion of the Budget for 2018/19.
21. To Confirm the Date and Time of the Next Meeting: Monday 6th November at 7.30 p.m at the Wells-Cole Community Centre.
The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.
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Parish Matters
Pot holes on Ploughboy Lane – Clerk will report again.
Bush on the corner of Bell Lane by the Three Horseshoes obscuring vision at the crossroads – Clerk will write to the owners.
2nd October 2017