VCE Dance Assessment Handbook 2014-2018
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VCE Dance Assessment Handbook 2014–2018
© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2013 No part of this publication may be reproduced except as specified under the Copyright Act 1968 or by permission from the VCAA. For more information go to: The VCAA provides the only official, up-to-date versions of VCAA publications. Details of updates can be found on the VCAA website: This publication may contain copyright material belonging to a third party. Every effort has been made to contact all copyright owners. If you believe that material in this publication is an infringement of your copyright contact the Copyright Officer: [email protected] Copyright in materials appearing at any sites linked to this document rests with the copyright owners of those materials, subject to the Copyright Act. The VCAA recommends you refer to copyright statements at linked sites before using such materials. ISBN 978-1-922082-48-0 ©VCAA 2013 Contents
Assessment 4
VCE assessment principles 4
School-assessed Coursework 6
Scope of tasks 7
Designing the assessment tasks 7
Making assessment part of teaching and learning 7
VCE Dance assessment advice and further resources 9
School-assessed Coursework 9
Unit 3 Performance descriptors 9
Unit 4 Performance descriptors 14
Sample approaches to School-assessed Coursework 20
Unit 3 20
Unit 4 22
Further Resources 25
Examination 25
Publications 26
Introduction The VCE Dance Assessment Handbook 2014–2018 contains assessment information for both school-based assessment and the examination in VCE Dance and advice for teachers on how to construct assessment tasks. Advice on matters related to the administration of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) assessment is published annually in the VCE and VCAL Administrative Handbook. Updates to matters related to the administration of VCE assessment are published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET. Teachers must refer to these publications for current advice. This assessment handbook is published in online format only and provides advice specifically for Units 3 and 4. Updates to the online assessment handbook are published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET. Units 1 and 2 In VCE Dance the student’s level of achievement in Units 1 and 2 is a matter for school decision. Assessments of levels of achievement for these units are not to be reported to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Schools may choose to report levels of achievement to students using grades, descriptive statements or other indicators. Units 3 and 4 The VCAA will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4. In VCE Dance the student’s level of achievement will be determined by School-assessed Coursework and an end-of-year examination. The VCAA will report the student’s level of performance as a grade from A+ to E or UG (ungraded) for each of three Graded Assessment components: Unit 3 and Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework, an end-of-year performance examination and an end-of-year written examination.
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VCE assessment principles Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. At the senior secondary level it: • identifies opportunities for further learning • describes student achievement • articulates and maintains standards • provides the basis for the award of a certificate. As part of VCE studies, assessment tasks enable: • the demonstration of the achievement of an outcome or set of outcomes • judgment and reporting of a level of achievement on a task or collection of tasks for School-assessed Coursework, School-assessed Tasks or examinations.
Monitoring the results of VCE assessment also provides feedback that informs curriculum implementation, assessment design and curriculum review. In each VCE study, teachers and schools determine the assessment tasks to be used at Units 1 and 2. In Units 3 and 4, specified assessment tasks are set. At the Units 3 and 4 level of this VCE study, School-assessed Coursework and the examinations provide assessment results that are used in the calculation of a student’s study score. The following are the principles that underpin all VCE assessment practices. These are extracted from the VCAA Principles and guidelines for the development and review of VCE studies a document published on the VCAA website. VCE assessment will be valid Validating of VCE assessment means that it will enable judgments to be made about demonstration of the outcomes and levels of achievement on assessment tasks fairly, in a balanced way and without adverse effects on the curriculum or the education system. The overarching concept of validity is elaborated in the following sections. VCE assessment should be fair and reasonable
Assessment should be acceptable to stakeholders – including students, schools, government and the community. The system for assessing the progress and achievement of students must be accessible, effective, equitable, reasonable and transparent. Assessment instruments should not assess learning that is outside the scope of a study design.
©VCAA 2013 5 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance Each assessment instrument (for example, examination, assignment, test, project, practical, oral, performance, portfolio, presentation or observational schedule) should give students clear instructions. It should be administered under conditions (degree of supervision, access to resources, notice and duration) that are substantially the same for all students undertaking that assessment. VCE assessment should be equitable
Assessment instruments should neither privilege nor disadvantage certain groups of students or exclude others on the basis of gender, culture, linguistic background, physical disability, socioeconomic status and geographical location. Assessment instruments should be designed so that, under the same or similar conditions, they provide consistent information about student performance. This may be the case when, for example, alternatives are offered at the same time for assessment of an outcome (which could be based on a choice of context) or at a different time due to a student’s absence. VCE assessment will be balanced
The set of assessment instruments used in a VCE study will be designed to provide a range of opportunities for a student to demonstrate in different contexts and modes the knowledge, skills, understanding and capacities set out in the curriculum. This assessment will also provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate different levels of achievement specified by suitable criteria, descriptors, rubrics or marking schemes. Judgment about student level of achievement should be based on the results from a variety of practical and theoretical situations and contexts relevant to a study. Students may be required to respond in written, oral, performance, product, folio, multimedia or other suitable modes as applicable to the distinctive nature of a study or group of related studies. VCE assessment will be efficient
The minimum number of assessments for teachers and assessors to make a robust judgment about each student’s progress and learning will be set out in the study design. Each assessment instrument must balance the demands of precision with those of efficiency. Assessment should not generate workload and/or stress that unduly diminish the performance of students under fair and reasonable circumstances.
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School-assessed Coursework School-assessed Coursework provides schools with the opportunity to make their own administrative arrangements for the internal assessment of their students. School-assessed Coursework also provides teachers with the opportunity to: • select from the range of designated assessment tasks in the study design • develop and administer their own assessment program for their students • monitor the progress and work of their students • provide important feedback to the student • gather information about the teaching program. Students should know in advance how and when they are going to be assessed and the conditions under which they will be assessed. Assessment tasks should be part of the teaching and learning program. For each assessment task students should be provided with the: • type of assessment task and approximate date for completion • time allowed for the task • allocation of marks • nature of any materials they can utilise when completing the task • opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance. Following an assessment task: • teachers can use the performance of their students to evaluate the teaching and learning program • a topic may need to be carefully revised again prior to the end of the unit to ensure students fully understand the key knowledge and key skills required in preparation for the examination. Feedback provides students with important advice about which aspect or aspects of the key knowledge they need to learn and in which key skills they need more practice. Authentication Teachers should have in place strategies for ensuring that work submitted for assessment is the student’s own. If aspects of School-assessed Coursework tasks are completed outside class time, teachers must monitor and record each student’s progress through to completion. This requires regular sightings of the work by the teacher and the keeping of records. The teacher may consider it appropriate to ask the student to demonstrate their understanding of the task at the time of submission of the work. If any part of the work cannot be authenticated, the matter should be dealt with as a breach of rules. To reduce the possibility of authentication problems arising, or being difficult to resolve, the following strategies are useful: • Ensure that a significant amount of classroom time is spent on the task so that the teacher is familiar with each student’s work and can regularly monitor and discuss aspects of the work with the student. • Ensure that students document the specific development stages of work, starting with an early part of the task, such as topic choice, list of resources and/or preliminary research.
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• File copies of each student’s work at given stages in its development. • Regularly rotate topics from year to year to ensure that students are unable to use student work from the previous year. • If there is more than one class of a particular study in the school, the VCAA expects the school to apply internal moderation/cross-marking procedures to ensure consistency of assessment between teachers. Teachers are advised to apply the same approach to authentication and record-keeping, as cross-marking sometimes reveals possible breaches of authentication. Early liaison on topics, and sharing of draft student work between teachers, enables earlier identification of possible authentication problems and the implementation of appropriate action. • Encourage students to acknowledge tutors, if they have them, and to discuss and show the work done with tutors. Ideally, liaison between the class teacher and the tutor can provide the maximum benefit for the student and ensure that the tutor is aware of the authentication requirements. Similar advice applies if students receive regular help from a family member.
Scope of tasks Assessment tasks must be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and must not unduly add to the workload associated with that program. They must be completed mainly in class and within a limited timeframe. Where there is a range of options in assessment tasks, teachers must ensure that they are comparable in scope and demand. Teachers should select a variety of assessment tasks for their program to reflect the key knowledge and key skills being assessed and to provide for different learning styles. Designing the assessment tasks Designing an assessment task is an important part of the teaching, learning and assessment process. The assessment task needs to provide the opportunity for all students to demonstrate the highest level of performance on the outcome. Teachers should design an assessment task that is representative of the content (key knowledge and key skills underpinning the outcome). Performance descriptors for each outcome in Units 3 and 4 are provided to assist teachers in making a judgment about the student’s level of performance on the outcome. The following information presents one approach to developing an assessment task. Making assessment part of teaching and learning Step 1: Define the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment task options. This involves: • listing the key knowledge and key skills that will be assessed by the outcome. These are stated in the study design but may be reworded for student purposes • choosing the assessment task from the options listed in the study design. It is possible for students in the same class to undertake different options; however, teachers must ensure that the tasks are comparable in scope and demand. Step 2: Examine the assessment advice. Examine the highest level of performance descriptors and clarify their meaning if unsure. Use the study design as a reference point. Remember the performance descriptors for each outcome identify the qualities or characteristics that need to be identified in a student response. This helps in the development of the task. It also helps clarify what needs to be
©VCAA 2013 8 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance taught as well as what needs to be included in the assessment task. It will assist students in understanding the expectations of the task. Step 3: Determine teaching and learning activities. Identify the nature and sequence of teaching and learning activities to cover the key knowledge and key skills outlined in the study design. It is important that a variety of learning opportunities are provided to cater for individual preferred learning styles. (Refer to the companion document ‘Advice for teachers’ section for some specific examples of learning activities for each outcome.) Step 4: Design the assessment task. • Try to use a range of task types across Units 3 and 4. • The information in the stimulus should be relevant to the task and assist students in their response. • Check that the instructions are clear. Are they complete and unambiguous? Conditions for the task • It is important that students know what is expected of them in an assessment task. This means providing students with advice about the outcome’s key knowledge and key skills to be assessed. This allows students to understand what they are expected to know or do during the teaching and learning stage. • Students should be provided with the performance descriptors by which their response will be assessed. • Students should be advised about the conditions under which they will be expected to do the task. • Teachers can develop their own rules, consistent with school policies, about the material that can be brought into the room and the use of textbooks. Make sure that these rules are given to the students before the task is started and preferably in writing. • One method of authentication is to collect the work at the end of each period and keep it in an individual plastic folder, workbook or folio. Points to consider When constructing a task, consider the following: • Does the task enable students to demonstrate the highest possible performance level? • Will students select the form of the response or will you select the form that the whole class will use? • Will the task be completed in one lesson or over several lessons? If the task requires extended preparation time (for example, learning, rehearsal and performance of a group dance work), how will students learning be supported across each stage of this process? • Does the task allow easy identification of the key aspects of the response to be assessed?
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VCE Dance assessment advice and further resources
School-assessed Coursework Teachers will provide to the VCAA a score for each outcome in each of Units 3 and 4, which represents an assessment of the student’s achievement. The score must be based on the teacher’s assessment of the level of performance of each student on the outcomes for the unit specified in the study design. Teachers must select assessment tasks from the designated list for each outcome published in the study design. Assessment tasks should be a part of the regular teaching and learning program and should not add unduly to student workload. Assessment tasks should be completed mainly in class and within a limited timeframe. The overall assessment program for the unit should include a variety of assessment task formats, include provision for authentication of student work. School-assessed Coursework for the outcomes in Unit 3 will contribute 15 per cent to the student’s study score for VCE Dance. School-assessed Coursework for the outcomes in Unit 4 will contribute 10 per cent to the student’s study score for VCE Dance. Performance descriptors Performance descriptors provide holistic statements of achievement developed from the outcome statement and its key knowledge and key skills, as specified in the study design. They provide guidance for the setting and marking of assessment tasks. Unit 3 Area of Study 1 Outcome 1 Analyse selected solo dance works. This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of 60 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3. It will be assessed by one task, which will contribute a total of 20 marks. Performance descriptors
The following descriptors provide a guide to the levels of performance typically demonstrated within each range on the assessment tasks.
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MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks Analysis demonstrates sophisticated understanding of how the choreographer has communicated the expressive intention of the selected solo dance works and includes comprehensive description of the range of body actions and physical skills required to perform the movement vocabulary. Insightful discussion of choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement. Perceptive analysis of the dance design and related phrases, ordering and linking of sections and detailed description of the choreographic devices used. Comprehensive discussion of the resulting movement vocabulary and insightful and relevant description of influences on the choices made by the choreographer relating to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects evident in the work. Terminology is used accurately and appropriately and the analysis is supported throughout by relevant, detailed examples.
13–16 marks Analysis demonstrates thoughtful understanding of how the choreographer has communicated the expressive intention of the selected solo dance works and includes detailed description of the range of body actions and physical skills required to perform the movement vocabulary. Relevant discussion of choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement. Coherent analysis of the dance design and related phrases, ordering and linking of sections and clear description of the choreographic devices used. Detailed discussion of the resulting movement vocabulary and relevant influences on the choices made by the choreographer relating to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects of the selected solo dance works. Clear and appropriate use of terminology accurately supported by relevant examples.
9–12 marks Analysis demonstrates adequate understanding of how the choreographer has communicated the expressive intention of the selected solo dance works and includes satisfactory description of the range of body actions and physical skills required to perform the movement vocabulary. Generally relevant discussion of choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement. Satisfactory analysis of the dance design and related phrases, ordering and linking of sections and generally clear description of the choreographic devices used. Satisfactory discussion of the resulting movement vocabulary and generally relevant description of influences on the choices made by the choreographer relating to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects of the selected solo dance works. Generally clear and appropriate use of terminology supported by some relevant examples.
5–8 marks Analysis demonstrates some understanding of how the choreographer has communicated the expressive intention of the selected solo dance works and includes some description of some body actions and physical skills required to perform the movement vocabulary. Limited discussion of choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement. Some analysis of the dance design and related phrases, ordering and linking of sections with limited description of the choreographic devices used. Limited discussion of the resulting movement vocabulary, and discussion of influences on the choices made by the choreographer relating to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects of the selected solo dance works lacks detail and clarity. Limited use of terminology and examples show little detail and/or relevance.
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1–4 marks Analysis demonstrates very limited understanding of how the choreographer has communicated the expressive intention of the selected solo dance works and includes little description of body actions and physical skills required to perform the movement vocabulary. Very limited discussion of choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement. Analysis of the dance design and related phrases, ordering and linking of sections is unclear and incomplete. Very limited description of the choreographic devices and discussion of the resulting movement vocabulary lacks clarity. Very limited discussion of influences on the choices made by the choreographer relating to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects of the selected solo dance works. Very limited use of terminology and examples show very little detail and relevance.
Tasks Description Any one of the following: • a written report • responses to structured questions • a multimedia report. Designing assessment tasks Teachers should develop assessment tasks that allow the student to: • analyse the range of expressive body actions used to communicate the choreographer’s* expressive intention and the physical skills required by the dancer to perform the movement vocabulary of the solo dance works selected from the Prescribed List of Dance Works for Unit 3 • identify and discuss the choreographic manipulations of the elements of movement used to communicate the expressive intention in the solo dance works selected • analyse the dance design of the selected solo dance works and the ordering and linking of related phrases and sections used to communicate the choreographer’s expressive intention • analyse choreographic devices used by the choreographer in the solo dance works selected and describe movement vocabulary • discuss influences on choices made by the choreographer in relation to expressive intention, movement vocabulary, form and production aspects of selected solo dance works • use appropriate terminology and examples • have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance.
*Note: In this outcome the term choreographer refers to one or more choreographers. Resources and scheduling Schools may determine the conditions for the task, including access to resources and notes. Students should be advised of the timeline and conditions under which the task is to be conducted.
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Unit 3 Area of Study 2 Outcome 2 Choreograph, rehearse and perform a solo dance work and analyse the processes and practices used. This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of 60 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3. It will be assessed by one task, which will contribute a total of 20 marks. Performance descriptors The following descriptors provide a guide to the levels of performance typically demonstrated within each range on the assessment tasks.
MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks Sophisticated and perceptive analysis of the dance design presents a comprehensive description of the relationship between the expressive intention, form and movement vocabulary in the solo dance work choreographed by the student. The analysis is supported throughout by use of relevant examples and includes a highly detailed description of the development of the expressive intention and presents a sophisticated account of ways movement creation, choreographic devices, safe use of physical skills, body actions, variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures are used to communicate the expressive intention. Comprehensive discussion and sophisticated analysis of the dance-making process and performance practices used to communicate the expressive intention in the work. Relevant terminology is used accurately and appropriately throughout.
13–16 marks Detailed analysis of the dance design clearly describes the relationship between the expressive intention, form and movement vocabulary in the solo dance work choreographed by the student. The analysis is supported throughout by use of relevant examples and includes a detailed description of the development of the expressive intention and account of ways movement creation, choreographic devices, safe use of physical skills, body actions, variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures are used to communicate the expressive intention. Detailed discussion and thorough analysis of the dance-making process and performance practices used to communicate the expressive intention in the work. Well-chosen terminology is used accurately and appropriately throughout.
9–12 marks Satisfactory analysis of the dance design describes the relationship between the expressive intention, form and movement vocabulary in the solo dance work choreographed by the student. The analysis includes adequate detail in the description of the development of the expressive intention and account of ways movement creation, choreographic devices, safe use of physical skills, body actions, variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures are used to communicate the expressive intention. Clear discussion and analysis of the dance-making process and performance practices used to communicate the expressive intention in the work. Terminology is used in generally accurate and appropriate ways.
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5–8 marks Limited analysis of the dance design briefly describes some aspects of the relationship between the expressive intention, form and movement vocabulary in the solo dance work choreographed by the student. The analysis includes limited relevant detail in the description of the development of the expressive intention and account of ways movement creation, choreographic devices, safe use of physical skills, body actions, variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures are used to communicate the expressive intention. Discussion and analysis of the dance-making and performance practices used to communicate the expressive intention in the work is limited. Limited accuracy and/or appropriateness in the use of terminology.
1–4 marks Very limited analysis of the dance design describes a few aspects of the relationship between the expressive intention, form and/or movement vocabulary in the solo dance work choreographed by the student. The analysis includes very limited relevant detail in the description of the development of the expressive intention and account of ways movement creation, choreographic devices, safe use of physical skills, body actions, variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures are used to communicate the expressive intention. Discussion and analysis of the dance-making and/or performance practices used to communicate the expressive intention in the work is very limited with little relevance. Very limited accuracy and appropriateness in the use of terminology.
Tasks Description Any one of the following: • a written report • responses to structured questions • a multimedia report Designing assessment tasks Teachers should develop assessment tasks that allow the student to: • describe and analyse the dance design of the solo dance work the student has choreographed (technique solo) including the relationship between expressive intention, movement vocabulary and form in their own solo dance work • describe and analyse use of: – movement creation – choreographic devices and safe use of physical skills and body actions – variations of the elements of movement and related movement phrases, sections and formal structures used to communicate their expressive intention movement in their solo dance work – phrases and sections to create expressive formal structures • describe and discuss the dance- making process and performance practices used to communicate their expressive intention in the solo dance work they choreograph, rehearse and perform
©VCAA 2013 14 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance • use appropriate terminology • have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance. Resources and scheduling Schools may determine the conditions for the task including access to resources and notes. Students should be advised of the timeline and conditions under which the task is to be conducted.
Unit 3 Area of Study 3 Outcome 3 Learn, rehearse and perform a group dance work created by another choreographer and analyse the processes and practices used. This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of the 60 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3. It will be assessed by one or more tasks, which will contribute a total of 20 marks.
Performance descriptors The following descriptors provide a guide to the levels of performance typically demonstrated within each range on the assessment tasks.
MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks Effective communication of the expressive intention of a learnt group dance work in a sophisticated and expressive performance that demonstrates a high degree of artistry. Faultless memorisation of the movement vocabulary devised by the choreographer and highly adept and accurate use of the physical skills central to the safe execution of the movement vocabulary including body actions and variations of elements of movement. Aesthetically aware communication of the choreographer’s intention through safe, accurate and expressive execution of all movement phrases, sections and group formations. Accurate and expressive execution of movement vocabulary to timing and structure of music or soundscape (if used). Demonstrates excellent sense of group timing and spatial awareness of other dancers to expressively reproduce required group formations. Highly effective use of a range of appropriate performance practices.
13–16 marks Communicates the expressive intention of a learnt group dance work in a proficient and expressive performance that demonstrates a strong sense of artistry. Highly accurate memorisation of the movement vocabulary and adept and accurate use of physical skills central to the safe execution of the movement vocabulary including body actions and variations of elements of movement. Sensitive communication of the choreographer’s intention through generally safe, accurate and expressive execution of movement phrases, sections and group formations. Mostly accurate execution of movement vocabulary to timing and structure of music or soundscape (if used). Demonstrates a strong sense of group timing and spatial awareness of other dancers to expressively reproduce required group formations. Effective use of a range of appropriate performance practices.
©VCAA 2013 15 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance
9–12 marks Communicates the expressive intention of a learnt group dance work in a generally proficient and expressive performance that demonstrates some artistry. Satisfactory memorisation of the movement vocabulary devised by the choreographer. Generally accurate use of physical skills central to the safe execution of the movement vocabulary including body actions and variations of elements of movement. Communication of the choreographer’s intention is achieved in generally safe and accurate ways with some expressive aspects to the execution of movement phrases, sections and group formations. Generally accurate execution of movement vocabulary to timing and structure of music or soundscape (if used). Generally demonstrates a sense of group timing and spatial awareness of other dancers in performance to reproduce required group formations with some accuracy and expressiveness. Satisfactory use of a range of appropriate performance practices.
5–8 marks Communicates aspects of the expressive intention of a learnt group dance work in a performance with limited proficiency and artistry. Limited memorisation of movement vocabulary devised by the choreographer. Limited accuracy evident in the use of physical skills central to the safe execution of the movement vocabulary, including body actions and/or variations of elements of movement. Communication of the choreographer’s intention is not always achieved in safe and/or accurate ways, and limited expressiveness in the execution of movement phrases, sections and group formations is performed. Limited accuracy in the execution of movement vocabulary to timing and structure of music or soundscape (if used). Demonstrates a limited sense of group timing and spatial awareness of other dancers in performance, resulting in limited accuracy in group formations and a general lack of expressiveness. Very limited use of performance practices.
1–4 marks Communicates few aspects of the expressive intention of a learnt group dance work in a performance with very limited proficiency and artistry. Very little of the movement vocabulary devised by the choreographer is memorised. Very limited accuracy evident in the use of physical skills central to the safe execution of the movement vocabulary, including body actions and/or variations of elements of movement. Limited communication of the choreographer’s intention is in safe and/or accurate ways and limited expressiveness in the execution of movement phrases, sections and group formations. Limited accuracy in execution of movement vocabulary to timing and structure of music or soundscape (if used). Demonstrates faulty group timing and spatial awareness of other dancers in the performance, resulting in some inaccurate group formations and a general lack of expressiveness. Very limited use of performance practices.
Tasks Description Performance of learnt group dance work created by another choreographer Designing assessment tasks Teachers should develop assessment tasks that allow the student to: • demonstrate the safe use of physical skills through undertaking regular and systematic dance training over time
©VCAA 2013 16 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance • correctly align body parts in movement and in stillness when executing the choreographed movement vocabulary • demonstrate physical mastery and memory of the choreographed movement vocabulary, including safe, expressive and accurate variations of the elements of movement • demonstrate spatial and group awareness and accurate and expressive execution of group formations • perform in time with the selected music and/or soundscape (as appropriate) • effectively employ rehearsal and pre-performance processes and practices to learn a group dance work • use a range of performance practices to convey the expressive intention and perform with artistry • have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance. Note: Students should also document learning, rehearsal and performance processes and practices as preparation for analysis required to satisfactorily complete this outcome. This analysis is not part of the school-assessed coursework task. Resources and scheduling Schools may determine the conditions for the task including access to resources and notes. Students should be advised of the timeline and conditions under which the task is to be conducted. Unit 4 Area of Study 1 Outcome 1 Analyse a selected group dance work. This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of the 40 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 4. It will be assessed by one task, which will contribute a total of 20 marks. Performance descriptors The following descriptors provide a guide to the levels of performance typically demonstrated within each range on the assessment tasks.
MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks Analysis of ways in which group structures and all elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of a group dance work is sophisticated and highly detailed, and supported throughout by relevant examples. Perceptive and relevant analysis of influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of selected group dance works is insightful and clearly articulated. Sophisticated use of appropriate terminology.
13–16 marks Analysis of ways in which group structures and all elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of selected group dance works is thorough and detailed, and supported by relevant examples. Relevant analysis of influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of selected group dance works is clearly articulated. Skilled use of appropriate terminology.
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9–12 marks Analysis of ways in which group structures and some elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of selected group dance works is generally accurate, detailed and supported by relevant examples. Analysis of influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of selected group dance works is mostly relevant with some detail. Terminology is used in appropriate ways.
5–8 marks Analysis of ways in which group structures and some elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of selected group dance works is limited to a general explanation with very few relevant examples provided to support the analysis. Only some aspects of the analysis of influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of selected group dance works is provided. Limited use of relevant terminology.
1–4 marks Analysis makes only brief reference to ways in which group structures and a few elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of selected group dance works with very few examples. Limited reference is made to influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and/or production aspects of selected group dance works. Very limited use of terminology.
Tasks Description Any one of the following: • a written report • responses to structured questions • a multimedia report. Designing assessment tasks Teachers should develop assessment tasks that allow the student to: • analyse ways in which the elements of spatial organisation – direction, level, eye/body focus and dimension – are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of choreographers in a 20th- or 21st-century group dance work • analyse how the groupings, formations and movement structures are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention in a selected group dance work • discuss influences on choices made by choreographers* in relation to expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of a selected group dance work • use appropriate terminology • have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance.
*Note: In this outcome the term choreographer refers to one or more choreographers.
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Resources and scheduling Schools may determine the conditions for the task, including access to resources and notes. Students should be advised of the timeline and conditions under which the task is to be conducted.
Unit 4 Area of Study 2 Outcome 2 Choreograph, rehearse and perform a solo dance work and analyse the processes and practices used. This outcome will contribute 20 marks out of the 40 marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 4. It will be assessed by one or more tasks, which will contribute a total of 40 marks. Performance descriptors The following descriptors provide a guide to the levels of performance typically demonstrated within each range on the assessment task/s.
MARK RANGE DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks A highly sophisticated and insightful analysis of how the dance- making process is used to explore ideas, create a unified composition and perform the work with artistry. Appropriate terminology and detailed examples are used in sophisticated ways to illustrate processes used to select and develop an expressive intention and create, evaluate and refine the movement vocabulary. Highly perceptive analysis of ways the student, as choreographer, has manipulated the elements of spatial organisation, used choreographic devices, created and arranged related phrases and sections. Rehearsal, pre-performance and performance practices used to effectively communicate the expressive intention are comprehensively analysed.
13–16 marks A thorough analysis of how the dance-making process is used to explore ideas, create a unified composition and perform the work with a sense of artistry. Appropriate terminology and relevant examples are used effectively to illustrate the use of processes to select and develop an expressive intention and create, evaluate and refine movement vocabulary. Perceptive analysis of how the student, as choreographer, has manipulated the elements of spatial organisation, used choreographic devices, created and arranged related phrases and sections. Rehearsal, pre-performance and performance practices used to effectively communicate the expressive intention are analysed in a detailed way.
9–12 marks Satisfactory analysis of how the dance-making process is used to explore ideas, create a unified composition and perform the work with artistry. Generally appropriate terminology and examples are used to describe use of processes to select and develop an expressive intention and create, evaluate and refine movement vocabulary. Some analysis of how the student, as choreographer, has manipulated the elements of spatial organisation, used choreographic devices, created and arranged related phrases and sections. Rehearsal, pre-performance and performance practices used to ensure effective communication of the expressive intention are described in satisfactory detail.
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5–8 marks Limited analysis of how the dance-making process is used to explore ideas, create a unified composition and perform the work with artistry. Some appropriate terminology and examples are used in a limited description of processes used to select and develop an expressive intention, and create, evaluate and refine movement vocabulary. Limited analysis of how the student, as choreographer, has manipulated the elements of spatial organisation, used choreographic devices, created and arranged related phrases and sections. Rehearsal, pre-performance and/or performance practices used to ensure effective communication of the expressive intention are described in limited detail.
1–4 marks Very limited analysis of how the dance-making process is used to explore ideas, create a unified composition and/or perform the work with artistry. Terminology and examples are used in a limited way to describe processes used to select and develop an expressive intention, and create, evaluate and refine movement vocabulary. Brief references are made to how the student, as choreographer, has manipulated the elements of spatial organisation, used choreographic devices, created and/or arranged related phrases and sections. Brief references are made to rehearsal, pre-performance and/or performance practices used to ensure effective communication of the expressive intention.
Tasks Description Any one of the following: • a written report • responses to structured questions • a multimedia report. Designing assessment tasks Teachers should develop assessment tasks that allow the student to: • analyse dance-making processes and performance practices used to choreograph, rehearse and perform a solo dance work (composition solo) including: – development of expressive intention – use of movement creation processes and choreographic devices – manipulation of the elements of spatial organisation to create movement vocabulary – use of movement phrases, sections and formal structures to communicate the expressive intention • use appropriate terminology and examples • have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest level of performance. Resources and scheduling Schools may determine the conditions for the task, including access to resources and notes. Students should be advised of the timeline and conditions under which the task is to be conducted.
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Sample approaches to School-assessed Coursework The following examples are one teacher’s approach to the development of assessment tasks using the study design and performance descriptors. Unit 3 Outcome 3 Learn, rehearse and perform a group dance work created by another choreographer and analyse the processes and practices used. Step 1: Define the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment task options. The VCE Dance Study Design (pages 27–29) provides details of the key knowledge and key skills related to Unit 3 Outcome 3 and the Area of Study 3: Dance technique, performance and analysis. In order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessary to be familiar with the key knowledge and key skills. Teachers should design an assessment task that is representative of the content (key knowledge and key skills underpinning the outcome). The study design identifies a range of task format that can be used to assess this outcome. Step 2: Examine the assessment advice. The performance descriptors should be fully understood because they give a clear indication of qualities and characteristics that you are looking for in a student response. For example, there is a need for memorisation and the safe, accurate execution of movement vocabulary. Step 3: Determine teaching and learning activities. The assessment task for Unit 3 Outcome 3 is a performance of a learnt group dance work by another choreographer. The teacher plans a sequence of teaching and learning activities that will develop pre-task knowledge and skills that allow students to safely learn and rehearse a group dance work in preparation for performance of the work.
Teaching the pre-task knowledge and skills Use the key knowledge and key skills to be learnt in Unit 3 Outcome X and ensure the student: • is able to effectively warm up and cool down at the beginning and end of the dance activity • understands the expressive intention of the group dance work • learns and memorises the movement vocabulary • works with other dancers to clarify and establish correct timing, spacing and movement qualities required to perform the group dance work with artistry • systematically refines physical skills through appropriate exercises repeated over time • understands relationships between processes and practices used to learn, rehearse and perform group dance works. In relation to Unit 3 Outcome 3, teaching and learning activities could involve: • exploring the choreographer’s expressive intention and, as appropriate, the music or soundscape that will accompany the performance • teaching students the movement vocabulary of the dance work by imitation, repetition and/or other processes
©VCAA 2013 21 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance • establishing and refining group formations • rehearsing the work using a range of processes and practices • developing pre-performance and performance practices. Step 4: Design the assessment task. Designing the assessment task for Outcome 3 requires the teacher to source an appropriate group dance work. This may involve choreographing a work themselves or informing a choreographer of the key knowledge and skills for Outcome 3. Students should be informed of performance dates and rehearsal requirements so they are given adequate opportunity to prepare for their performance. Instructions for the task should highlight the key knowledge and skills that will be assessed and include information about the performance, such as the date, time and duration of the dance, as well as information about costume, props and other production elements as appropriate. Note: As they learn, rehearse and perform the selected work, students should also document the processes involved as required to complete aspects of the outcome not addressed by this assessment task.
Marking the task The performance descriptors can be adapted into a marking scheme, which should be explained to students before starting the task. The group dance work selected for this outcome should provide students with an opportunity to perform a learnt group dance work with artistry. The task should provide all students with the opportunity to safely meet the standard reflected in the highest performance descriptor for the task. This task is worth 20 marks towards the total marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3. A possible breakdown of marks could be the following.
Safe and accurate execution of physical skills and body actions (5 marks) within variations of the elements of movement
Ability to accurately reproduce the movement vocabulary of the (5 marks) dance work
Ability to establish and maintain set group formations (5 marks)
Use of a range of performance practices to communicate the (5marks) choreographer’s expressive intention and perform with artistry
Other considerations When to assess the students The teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this task. This decision is the result of several considerations, including: • the estimated time it will take to learn and rehearse the group dance work and develop and refine necessary physical skills • the likely length of time required for students to complete the task • when tasks are being conducted in other subjects and the workload implications for students.
©VCAA 2013 22 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance Learning of the dance work should begin early in Unit 3 with the performance towards the end of Unit 3.
Unit 4 Outcome 1 Analyse a selected group dance work. Step 1: Define the parameters of an outcome and its related assessment task options. The VCE Dance Study Design (pages 31and 32) provides details of the key knowledge and key skills related to Unit 4 Outcome 1 and the Area of Study: Dance perspectives. In order to plan and conduct an assessment for this outcome it is necessary to be familiar with the key knowledge and key skills. Teachers should design an assessment task that is representative of the content (key knowledge and key skills underpinning the outcome). The study design identifies a range of task formats that can be used to assess this outcome. Teachers should be familiar with the essential characteristics of each task type and the implications of these for task design and conduct of assessment. Step 2: Examine the assessment advice. The performance descriptors should be fully understood because they give a clear indication of qualities and characteristics that you are looking for in a student response. For example, a response for this outcome must include analysis of ways in which group structures and all elements of spatial organisation are manipulated to communicate the expressive intention of a group dance work and analysis of influences on choices made by the choreographers in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of selected group dance works is clearly articulated. The analysis should be supported by examples and use terminology in appropriate ways. Step 3: Determining teaching and learning activities. One assessment task option for Unit 4 Outcome 1 is a multimedia report. This option allows students to use examples direct from DVDs or online resources in their report. These examples should be supported by written annotations. The teacher plans a sequence of teaching and learning activities that will develop pre-task knowledge and skills relating to the elements of spatial organisation, group structures, influences on choices made by the choreographer in relation to the expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects of the group work and appropriate dance language and terminology.
Teaching the pre-task knowledge and skills
Use the key knowledge and key skills to be learnt in Unit 4 Outcome 1 and ensure that students: • have adequate access to the DVD/video recordings of the selected work, including, where appropriate, the complete dance work from which a prescribed section is extracted • develop their understanding of group structures and each of the elements of spatial organisation and their ability to identify relevant examples in the selected group dance work • are given opportunities to discuss and investigate the influences (for example, cultural, historical, economic, social, philosophical, technological, environmental, religious and political factors or personal dance background/training) on choices about
©VCAA 2013 23 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects made by the choreographer/s of the dance work • have opportunities to research and discuss the context of the work and the expressive intention selected by the choreographer. In relation to Unit 4 Outcome 1, teaching and learning activities could involve: • viewing the selected group dance work to identify how the expressive intention is communicated • researching the context of the work, for example, the dance company/performers it was initially created for and/or the dance styles/traditions that influence the work • using websites, notes and textbook references to research influences relevant to choices made by the choreographer/s such as: – dance traditions in their home country or country of birth – dance in the era in which they worked or are working – personal dance training and preferred/primary dance style – social attitudes, beliefs, values and customs of the period the dance work was choreographed in • identifying and documenting examples of each element of spatial organisation – direction, level, eye/body focus and dimension within the beginning, development and resolution of the work, and discussing how the elements of spatial organisation are used to communicate the expressive intention • identifying and documenting examples of how group structures, including unison, canon, contrast, symmetrical and asymmetrical groupings and formations, are manipulated in the work, and discussing how these are used to communicate the expressive intention • developing facility in using appropriate dance language terminology • discussing influences on the choreographer/s choice of production aspects as identified in the work, for example use of technology, costume, sound, lighting, set and/or special effects. Step 4: Design the assessment task. This task will require students to develop a multimedia report. Students should be provided with: • a key question that provides the focus of the task • a set of guidelines or key aspects that should be covered in the report • general advice on the development of the report • access to the DVD or an online recording of the work • access to digital resources such as a laptop and software that will allow them to link annotations to specific time points and/or still images or develop diagrams showing groupings and formations. Students might also have access to a folder stored on the school intranet containing images and/or short excerpts from the work that illustrate specific aspects of the work. Students could develop this resource during teaching and learning for use in the assessment task. For this task students are required to prepare a multimedia report that analyses specific aspects of section/s from the selected dance work. For example, students could analyse: • influences on the movement vocabulary (including group structures) in specific sections of the work
©VCAA 2013 24 ASSESSMENT HANDBOOK 2014–2018 VCE Dance • use of specific elements of spatial organisation to communicate the expressive intention • how group structures of unison, contrast, canon, symmetrical and/or asymmetrical groupings and formations are used in selected section/s to communicate the expressive intention • the impact of two or more influences on production aspects of the work. Students should use appropriate terminology in the writing of the report.
Marking the task The performance descriptors can be adapted into a marking scheme, which should be explained to students before starting the task. The assessment task should offer a question or questions that relate directly to the key knowledge and key skills and provides the opportunity to meet the standard reflected in the highest performance descriptor for the task. This task is worth 20 marks towards the total marks allocated to School-assessed Coursework for Unit 4. A possible breakdown of marks could be the following.
Understanding of ways in which spatial organisation was manipulated to (6 marks) communicate the expressive intention of the choreographer
Understanding of ways in which group structures were manipulated to (7 marks) communicate the expressive intention of the choreographer
Understanding of influences on the choice of expressive intention, movement vocabulary and production aspects made by the (7 marks) choreographer/s
Other considerations When to assess the students The teacher must decide the most appropriate time to set this task. This decision is the result of several considerations including: • the estimated time it will take to cover the key knowledge and key skills for the outcome • when tasks are being conducted in other subjects and the workload implications for students. The assessment task should be conducted at the end of Area of Study 1. This is likely to be around weeks 8 and 9 of Semester 2. (This will allow examination revision time.) During the task students should use notes and other resources such as video excerpts from the work they have studied to compile a report in response to a prompt or question. About one hour should be allocated for compiling the report. The exact dates and times can be decided in consultation with students, VCE coordinators and other key staff.
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Further Resources
Examination End-of-year performance examination – Units 3 and 4 Description Students will perform two dance works that they have individually choreographed in Unit 3, Outcome 2 and Unit 4 Outcome 2. Each solo dance work must be based on the key knowledge and skills specified for the relevant outcomes. Immediately prior to performance, students are required to present to assessors a written Statement of Expressive Intention that is 80 to 100 words in length, and outlines the expressive intention of their composition solo in Unit 4. Knowledge and understanding of safe dance principles should be applied in the performance of each solo dance work. End-of-year written examination – Units 3 and 4 Description The examination will be set by a panel appointed by the VCAA. Students will answer a series of questions focusing on Unit 3 Outcomes 1, 2 and 3, and Unit 4, Outcomes 1 and 2. Conditions • Duration: 90 minutes. • Date: end-of-year, on a date to be published annually by the VCAA. • VCAA examination rules, published on the VCAA website, will apply. • The examination will be marked by VCAA-appointed assessors. Contribution to the final assessment The examination will contribute 25 per cent. Further advice The VCAA publishes specifications for all VCE examinations on the VCAA website. Examination specifications include details about the sections of the examination, their weighting, the formatting of questions, and any other essential information. The specifications are published in the first year of implementation for the revised Units 3 and 4 sequence together with any sample materials. VCE Examination Papers Examination papers for all studies are published on the VCAA website. Assessment Reports The assessment reports are published on the VCAA website and provide teachers with feedback on the examination for Units 3 and 4.
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Publications Regular updates and study advice are published in the VCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET and on the VCAA website. Teachers should also refer to the following publications for assessment of VCE Dance. VCE Dance Study Design 2014–2018 The course developed and delivered to students must be in accordance with the VCE Dance Study Design, accredited 2014–2018. The companion document ‘Advice for teachers’ section contains sample learning activities for Units 1 to 4 and suggested tasks. VCE Dance 2014–2018 resources Teachers are advised to use the resources list in conjunction with the companion document ‘Advice for teachers’ for the VCE Dance Study Design. The resources list is published online and will be updated annually. VCAA website Teachers are advised to keep up-to-date with developments in VCE Dance by accessing the Dance study page on the VCAA website. Administrative procedures for assessment in VCE studies This online publication provides summary information about assessment procedures for VCE studies
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