Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council
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S T I C K N E Y P A R I S H C O U N C I L THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL WILL TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY 01 SEPTEMBER 2016 COMMENCING AT 7.30PM IN THE YOUTH CENTRE, HALL LANE There will be a 15 minute public forum prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence to the Council in respect of the business on the agenda (Standing Order 3e). Members of the public are welcome to stay for the remainder of the meeting, with the exceptions of any closed sessions, but they may not speak on any matter after the public session is closed
AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence and reasons given 2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies (5 minutes) 3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 4. Notes of the meeting held on 07 July to be approved and signed as minutes 5. Clerk’s Report - covering matters from the July meeting 6. To receive reports: a. Chairman: Matters from the July minutes b. Cllr Dodds: Jubilee Committee Report 7. To approve the following for payments: E L Arnold expenses TBA E L Arnold (August & September magazine) 10.00 E L Arnold (Wilko - paper) 13.92 E L Arnold (Ink) 39.99 Greenhough Office Supplies (paper) 7.19 UK Waste Solutions (August) 20.36 Malc Firth Landscapes 264.00 Malc Firth Landscapes (Play Area cuts) TBA Spilsby Ministry (magazine) 50.00 For the Jubilee Committee: E L Arnold (cash for Boston Veteran Bicycles) 30.00 I Dodds (prize money and storage boxes) 34.00 Stickney Community Committee (Hall Hire for Walking Treasure Hunt) 15.00 Stickney Primary School (loan of tables) 50.00 William Lovell Academy (Everything for Stickney Show) 100.00 8. To sign a new Bank Mandate, and letter for bank with regard to Clerk’s salary 9. To organise a Policy Review Plan 10. To review the Publication Scheme 11. To discuss the LCC Street Lighting Transformation Project 12. Planning applications received for decision at this meeting (can be viewed at www.e-lindsey.gov.uk/planning): a. S/169/01602/16 – American Caravans Direct – Erection of 1 bungalow and construction of vehicular access at Land adjacent to Station Business Park, Main Road. b. S/169/01601/16 – American Caravans Direct – Erection of a building comprising of workshop, stores, sales office, reception, staff room and wc’s and construction of a vehicular access at Land adjacent to Station Business Park, Main Road.
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13. To report any planning decisions from ELDC and the Parish Council, received since the last meeting 14. Play Area: a. To receive play area report b. To book play area inspection c. To discuss signage at the play area 15. To receive reports for LCC Highways: a. Any street lights in all day or out at night, pole number required b. Any pot holes for repair c. Any other LCC highways matter 16. To discuss the possibility of a Christmas Tree for the village 17. Correspondence received for this meeting, not covered on the agenda 18. Matters for next agenda: 19. Date and time of next meeting – 06 October 2016
20. Co-option of a Councillor Signed: ………………………… Date: ……………………………