Meeting Of The Board’S Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee

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Meeting Of The Board’S Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee


ADOPTED MINUTES – October 20, 2006

Meeting of the Board’s Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee

Meeting Date: Friday, October 20, 2006 Location: District Administrative Center Department of General Service Physical Plant Conference Room 333 E. 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606

Attendees: Elihu Harris, Chancellor Dr. Sadiq B. Ikharo, Vice Chancellor of General Services Trustee Dr. William Riley Trustee Bill Withrow Trustee Dr. Nicky González Yuen Joseph Bielanski, Academic Senate Robert Beckwith, Facilities Operations Manager Atheria Smith, Scala Design Rosemary Vazquez, Staff Service Specialist, General Services (Recorder)


Item #1 - Consider Minutes of the last Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee: July 12, 2006 minutes were accepted with the following corrections:

1) Per Trustee González Yuen:

a) His name does not have a hyphen in the spelling of his name. b) Add to the minutes that he requested a dollar-to-dollar plan regarding bond fund expenditures. c) Trustee González Yuen also requested that copies of all BFLUPC minutes be sent to all Board of Trustees, for their information.

Vazquez will correct minutes and redistribute.

Item #2 – Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: VC Ikharo gave a general overview highlighting the following major areas of sustainability that will be focused on. They include: Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 2 of 8

1) Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy: The general overview, undertaken at this time, is to have an Energy Master Plan. The District would like to hire a company or consultant to participate in the review and work with District staff, along with members of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee, on Sustainability to write an Energy Master Plan. Plan would include bringing about energy efficiency (District-wide), list a time period in which goals can be met and to look at alternative sources of energy. This company or consultant will assist in the coordination and review process. There are a lot of discounts that Peralta can take advantage of (such as IOU, PG&E) and this company or consultant should know how to secure theses discounts.

The company/consultant that the District is considering is QUEST, in view of the presentations that they have made on how to be able to truly get the “meat” out of sustainability for energy efficiency. Per Beckwith, QUEST has done reports for Peralta and has reviewed areas on how to begin developing a plan and what is doable. Per Beckwith, they seem very capable.

However, the broad area that they are going to cover would be solar energy and what to do with it. A few fundamental questions and areas to look at and explore are:

a) Can sustainability make a campus (such as Merritt) more self-reliant, in terms of energy? b) How much payback period are we looking at before committing? c) Should the District be looking at co-generation for the swimming pools at Laney as appose to gas?

The intent is to invite companies (like Siemens and Johnson Control) to work with these types of partnership with one of the private sector company, especially the company that may have already developed programs that can appease student in terms of either employment or internships or something that would benefit Peralta’s curriculum. These are the criteria that the District will consider during the assessment as to which company/consultant to consider.

Per VC Ikharo, QUEST is just a consideration because it appears that they have the type of experience that would help the District to achieve its goals. Per Beckwith, there are other companies that the District is also considering looking, such a DMJM, which has done a lot of similar work at other Community Colleges. Trustee González Yuen requested that the District also consider other companies such as Global Resource Efficiency Services (GRES), before a decision is made. Per Trustee González Yuen GRES has done consulting and planning on the resource use for a number of Colleges and Universities. He would like to arrange a date where VC Ikharo and Thomas Smith, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, to attend a presentation from GRES, as an example of one company and the way they think about doing sustainability consulting. Trustee González Yuen will coordinate a date and time and let everyone know. Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 3 of 8

A preliminary draft of specification has been submitted by DGS Chief Engineer, Tony Graciolett, however, it is not comprehensive.

2) Water Utilization, District-wide: Per VC Ikharo, two things will be happening regarding water utilization:

a) Connect the telephone lines so that Peralta’s weather satellite would be able to control the irrigation controller system here at the District office and also across the street at Laney. This will lead to actual reduction in water usage. b) Valley Crest has been hired by EBMUD to help build a waterline on the other side of 10th Street. This will be connected to Peralta in two ways: 1. through a connection by the Laney Tennis Courts and 2. through a second connection outside the District Office, by the Estuary

What this means is that the District will only have water that is recyclable water going throughout the District for irrigation purposes, not the general water usage that goes to the public. Signs will be posted that the water that is used for irrigation is recycled water.

3) Procurement: Trustee González Yuen asked if procurement includes all of the building construction materials. Per VC Ikharo, for the procurement phase, the District is looking at the materials purchased, such as paper (100% recycled paper), appliances (energy efficient) and other energy efficiency materials.

4) Recycling: (Regarding the Draft Sustainability Policy) Trustee González Yuen would like to see 10-years from now 100%, or near that, solid waste conversion. He would also like to write this into the policy; to have LEED Silver certification as a minimum requirement. Per VC Ikharo, , Silver would cost the District too much money, let’s try for LEED Green certification as a minimum.

Trustee González Yuen would like to see more paper recycling. Per VC Ikharo, paper recycling will be addressed as a separate item. The plan is to solicit for Request for Proposal for a company that would be able to look at the overall paper recycling program for Peralta. The goal is to have paper recycle bins /units in every office and classroom, if feasible, throughout the District. The custodian will then be able to take the recycling bins and transport them to larger containers for recycling pick-up by the company working with Peralta. The District is already recycling 70% of waste materials. This percentage puts Peralta ahead of the City of Oakland and other Agency requirements. It is the District’s goal to do about 80% by 2007.

VC Ikharo distributed AB75 Report to the Trustees only, for their information. This report is a yearly report the District submits to the State that outlines and summarizes what Peralta is currently doing, relating to recycling. This report includes building Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 4 of 8

materials recycled and other haul-away materials such as food, grass clipping, office paper (mix), cardboard, etc.

Trustee González Yuen suggested, from the savings from recycling programs, that some funds should be put aside to do the sustainability work that isn’t quite as lucrative, but is no-the-less as important, in reaching the District’s overall recycling goals. Per VC Ikharo, in order for the District to meet any goal of savings, the District will need to put out extra funds right now. To do even the LEED Green buildings, the District will be spending between 10- 25% cost above what it would normally cost to do construction. The goal is to recover theses funds overtime to begin accumulating savings.

5) Green LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification: It is very expensive to attempt to go for Platinum or Gold Certification in this type of area because the District is doing mostly modernization. What the District is looking at is that for each building that is worked on, from here on, to look at going for Green or Silver certification. A checklist is provided that determines qualification criteria for Platinum, Gold, Green, etc. Trustee González Yuen would also like to include the area of Health & Safety which would include areas such as air quality, lighting, toxicity in the environment, etc. Per VC Ikharo, overall, there will be indoor air quality issues in the plan which comes out of the LEED Certification phase. Beckwith distributed informational material on LEED –EB Certification Levels, specifically the LEED Green building Rating Systems which includes a section on indoor environmental goals and other sustainability goals.

Per VC Ikharo, these issues should be addressed during the design, processing and programming from the beginning not when the building is already erected because it doesn’t do any good if the air quality system was not designed to get outside air into the environment.

Trustee González Yuen is concerned that as the District looks at possible consultants that the consultant will not just be an energy consultant, but rather would be a consultant who will allow the District to think about the overall program as well as our Educational Plan. Per VC Ikharo, the area that the District is focusing on right now is Energy Efficiency which is a big area in itself. There is no one company that is usually a master of all the areas. Instead there are companies/consultants that have expertise in various areas. When buildings were built at Peralta, in the 1960, they didn’t have air conditioning systems. Currently more labs are being created and the campuses are asking for more air. To accommodate this, more chiller plants will need to be built. For example, College of Alameda doesn’t have a central chiller plant. The District will need to do this now before Building D and C and other building come on line; the District will be able to have power for them to tap into. One company/consultant wouldn’t be able to do all the tasks necessary for an energy efficient program; it would never get off the ground. Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 5 of 8

A better approach, per VC Ikharo, is to hire a company/consultant to consult on energy, alternative energy and chiller plants as well as load capacity. This will be a big multi- million dollar project by itself. Then the other areas or interest, relating to air quality management, will be done by the Architect that will do the programming of the building and they will have somebody who has a high level of sustainability and LEED certification to assist the District. In order for Peralta to spend the monies for any of this infrastructure, an Educational Master Plan has to be ready first.

Trustee González Yuen suggested that VC Ikharo and/or facilities staff tour the Cure Center for Environmental Studies at Danza College, it would be worth the time. The building’s Architectural framework is designed so that it would be integrated in with the Education curriculum. He does not feel that the District is successfully integrating sustainability with education curriculums. These types of projects are beneficial to the students. He also suggested that the District incorporated language into the RFPs to include working with Peralta’s internship programs, etc. He is concerned that energy efficiency consultants may put more emphasis on completing a job cheaper and faster rather that providing an opportunity for students to learn these systems. He would like to make sure that whoever is brought in that they have a strong understanding of Peralta’s educational mission.

VC Ikharo distributed document entitled “Demystifying the Bond Program Implementation”, which is a general overview of what usually happens with bond funds and how these processes (7 phases) are inter-related. The Education Master Plan for each of the Campuses will drive the Facilities Master Plans. The questions are:

a) How does curriculum benefit from all of this? b) What about job opportunities? c) How do you get people to think about the educational master planning part from a sustainability perspective?

VC Ikharo explained that the curriculum piece could be included in an RFP that is developed for the Facility Master Plan so that the design and plan is integrated. However, there is a “gray area” for companies which make it very difficult to be able to implement. A better approach would be for the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Sustainability along with the Academic Senate and the school Presidents to develop a curriculum piece that has benefits that would be able to benefit from this program. What Trustee González Yuen wants to see is that the selected company/consultant is someone who understands that from the ground up and that they are asking the questions as appose to some group for whom that is a foreign question. Per VC Ikharo, its good that the whole picture is looked at but the District needs to be able to define and establish goals that are obtainable. Trustee González Yuen agreed

Beckwith distributed a copy of a memo he wrote to VC Ikharo in which he gave a brief status report Sustainability / Energy Conservation and what his department is currently Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 6 of 8

doing. He noted that this status report, however, does not include Procurment or Recycling. Five renovation projects resulted in rebates to the District. Trustee González Yuen suggested that the DGS look into having a press release announcing this accomplishment.

Item #3 – Master Plan:

Peralta will need to start an Educational Master Plan now and get that process going and equally get a company that can develop a Facilities Master Plan so both plans can go on together. Planning and reprogramming should take place between now and the end of next year (2007).

Trustee Withrow asked, relating to the Educational part of Master Plan, that in conforming facilities as to what Peralta needs, educationally, is the District projecting out the educational delivery systems that we expect to have?

Per VC Ikharo, the answer is yes. The District needs to look 15-years down the line using demographics and from there begin to determine what the “smart classrooms” are. Each of the Master Plans that will be developed will have the integration of information technology, smart classrooms, and sustainability, includes LEED certification. All of that will be included in the cost estimates for each building so that when they are delivered they already include indoor air quality management.

Item #3 – Update and Review District-wide (Dr. Ikharo)

District Admin Center Renovation, Phase III: VC Ikharo distributed a binder to the Trustees which contained the layout plans for he the Boardroom renovation. He asked the Trustee to please review this binder before the October 24, 2006 Board Meeting, Trustees can call him if they have any questions before then.

Other areas included in Phase III include: 1) Renovation of the Educational Services Department, 2) Expansion of the Physical Plant administrative offices, 3) Renovation of the existing break/lunch room, 4) Replacement of the atrium flooring, 5) And various changes to the existing storage room adjacent to the Legal Counsel Department.

District Record Retention: The DGS is in the process of developing an RFP for record retention to be able to scan and keep documents electronically and toss/shed documents, per Class A & B guidelines.

Laney Athletic Facilities: Bleacher installation should begin by the week of October 23, 2006. Bleachers should be delivered by then. Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 7 of 8

Laney ADA Restrooms: Project should be completed by November/2006. DSA is monitoring this project. When work is complete DSA inspector will report findings. If all is okay, a certificate of occupancy will be issued. This verifies that Peralta has met all the requirements.

Laney Parking Lot Lights Upgrade: Project should be completed by the end of the first week in December/2006. Approximately 100 parking spaces are temporarily lost as a result of the horizontal cable being done. The lighting will be higher (25 ft. instead of 18 ft.) and brighter that is more energy efficient as appose to the “amber” lighting. The plan is to install lighting that meets both Peralta’s sustainable goal as well as brightness for safety, while providing standard uniformity. VC Ikharo and the Chancellor plan to meeting with the owners of the Kaiser Convention Center to see if they can secure parking spaces on 10th Street.

Laney College, Building Roofing: Requests for approval will be sent to the Board. Plans are to start this project before the rains come. The Contractor for this project will also be doing the gymnasium roofing for the College of Alameda.

Laney Culinary Art Project: Two (2) portable buildings will be delivered that will act as interim housing for classes and lab until demolition and renovation of the Beginner’s Inn is completed. The Beginner’s Inn should be completed by April/2007 along with the bakery areas. By June 30, 2007 these two areas should be complete, with the exception of the Student Center. Programming and design are being done to determine what the new Student Center and the kitchen will look like, which will be part of the next phase. Students and Faculty were invited to meet with the President of Laney and Architect to share ideas. As a result the kitchen will be bigger than what it used to be, with the new configuration they are considering.

Merritt, Building R (Student Center): This project is being completed and plans are to take occupancy in December//2006. A Change Order will be presented to Board for ratification. There is an $80,000 price difference to be able to upgrade CAT 5 to CAT 6 type of cabling that would be able to carry more band waves for technology in the Building. This request will be coming from IT department.

Merritt, Building P (Lecture Hall): Construction will begin January/2007.

Merritt, Building D (Science): Plans include programming and soliciting for bids for construction. The District is working on a plan with Highland Hospital to determine the cost to move all the nursing programs to Highland Hospital campus. Programs would be moved in two phases over a 5-6 year period with the School of Allied Health occupying 40-50 sq. ft. at Highlands by the year 2012. Right now the District is having discussions with Kaiser to gather information and knowledge. The State will assist the District with renovation funds. This would allow for more space for other programs and bigger classrooms. By next Fall/07 moving will begin. Intent will be to permanently house the Nursing Program at the Highland Hospital Campus.

College of Alameda: Gymnasium roofing will begin soon. Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting Minutes of 10/20/06 Meeting Page 8 of 8

Berkeley City College: Life- safety feature for the building will be installed this week and will be tested this weekend. By Tuesday, October 24, 2006, all the testing should be completed so that the fire alarms, sprinklers and other life-safety features should be 100% functional. The Fire Marshall has been working with the District. Once it is verified that work is completed and meets standards the Fire Marshal will certify compliance. After verification, fire watch will no longer be required.


Next meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 17, 2006 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourned.

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