Battle of the Books 2012 Questions
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Battle of the Books 2012 Questions Note: Each book needs 3 regular battle questions 1 ultimate questions 2 mock battle questions
Alvin Ho: Allergic to Girls, School and Other Scary Things by Lenore Look (created by Brandi Kenyon)
1. What does Flea wear that makes her different from others? Eye patch or peg leg 2. What does everyone line up to try to catch at Jule’s house? Chicken pox 3. What does Alvin’s dad make Alvin do after breaking Johnny Astro? Take piano lessons
Bonus Round: What is one of the two groups in the Patriot’s Day game? Minutemen or Red Coats
Mock Battle: 1. Alvin has a P.D.K. What does P.D.K stand for? Personal Disaster Kit 2. What was the topic of Flea’s book on Alvin? Alvin’s eyes
Amulet: Book One – The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi (created by M’lyn Hines)
1. In the book, Amulet: The Stonekeeper, by Kazu Kibuishi, who was the first person to find the monsters in the basement? -Emily and Navin’s mother
2. In the book, Amulet: The Stonekeeper, by Kazu Kibuishi, who chose Emily to inherit the amulet’s power? -Her grandfather, or Silas, or Silas Charnon
3. In the book, Amulet: The Stonekeeper, by Kazu Kibuishi, what is the name of the pink, talking bunny? -Miskit
4. In the book, Amulet: The Stonekeeper, by Kazu Kibuishi, when Emily and Navin reach the edge of a cliff, they make parachutes out of something they find growing on the cliff’s edge. What do they find and use? Giant mushrooms, umbrella mushrooms, mushrooms
5. In the book, Amulet: The Stonekeeper, by Kazu Kibuishi, who uses his power to free Emily and Navin’s mother from the monster? -Elk King’s son; Elf Prince
City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau (created by M’lyn Hines)
1. In the book, The City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau, children graduate from school at age 12 and are given job assignments. What job is Lina assigned and what job does she wish she could have? (a bonus round question?) -assigned: pipeworks; wants: messenger 2. In the book, The City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau, what does Poppy find in the hinged box? -instructions for escaping from the City of Ember
3. In the book, The City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau, what is the mayor hiding in the pipeworks? -a secret treasure room; … food, lightbulbs… things the rest of the city has run out of
4. In the book, The City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau, Lina and Doon find a “moveable light” as they are preparing for their great escape. What do we call the object that they discovered? -a candle
5. In the book, The City of Ember by Joanne DuPrau, what do Lina, Doon and Poppy see for the first time in their lives on the first morning after they escape from the City? -a sunrise
Day-Glo Brothers by Chris Barton (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, The Day-Glo Brothers, what did Joe perform in front of crowds? Magic shows, magic tricks, magic acts
2. In the book, The Day-Glo Brothers, where did Bob and Joe first experiment with ultraviolet light? In their basement.
3. In the book, The Day-Glo Brothers, during which war were the glow in the dark paints useful? World War 2
Ultimate Questions 1. In the book, The Day-Glo Brothers, what object did Bob and Joe see from a mile away that looked like it was on fire? A billboard, a sign
Mock Battle Questions 1. In the book, The Day-Glo Brothers, what did Bob have dreams of becoming? A doctor
Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, Gregor the Overlander, what color are the eyes of the human Underlanders? Violet, purple
2. In the book, Gregor the Overlander, who are the crawlers?
Giant cockroaches
3. In the book, Gregor the Overlander, which missing Overlander does Gregor hope to find in the Underland? His father
Ultimate question 1. In Gregor the Overlander, who do the crawlers call “their princess?”
Boots How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, How to Eat Fried Worms, how many days does Billy have to eat the worms?
15 days
2. In the book, How to Eat Fried Worms, who do Joe and Alan pretend to be in their letter to Billy?
The doctor, Dr. McGrath (don’t need specific name of doctor)
3. In the book, How to Eat Fried Worms, in what does Alan lock Billy before he finishes his last worm?
A closet, the tool closet
4. In the book, How to Eat Fried Worms, which boy is on Billy’s side for the bet?
Ultimate Question 1. In the book, How to Eat Fried Worms, what is the name of the type of earthworm that Joe and Alan give Billy to Eat.
A night crawler
Lawn Boy (LB) by Gary Paulsen (created by Martha Badigian)
1. In LB, the main character receives a gift from his Grandmother in honor of his twelfth birthday? (answer: a [riding] lawn mower).
2. In LB, why diD Arnold want to warn money in the first place? (answer: he wanted to buy an inner tube for his bike tire).
3. Lawn Boy meets his neighbor Arnold- what does Arnold do for a living? (answer: Arnold is a stock broker).
4. What does Lawn Boy’s father do for a living? (answer: He is an inventor).
5. When Lawn Boy complains to Arnold that he has too many lawns to mow, what does Arnold suggest? (answer: Arnold suggests that he hire people to help him).
6. In LB, in addition to the money that Arnold had made for Lawn Boy in the stick market, what did they also invest in? (answer: a boxer).
7. In LB, what did the boxer Joey Powdermilk decide to use as a nickname? (answer: Joey Pow). The Lemonade War (TLW) by Jacqueline Davis (created by Martha Badigian)
1. In the beginning of TLW, what does the letter from school say that upsets Evan and makes him begin to be mean to his sister Jesse? (answer: The letter says that Evan and Jesse will be in the same 4th grade class).
2. In TLW, Megan has a favorite book that she reads over and over. What is that book? (answer: Charlotte’s Web).
3. In TLW, name one of the two things that Jesse and Megan did on the Second day to “add value” to their product? (answer: free snacks and/or music).
4. In TLW, Officer Ken shuts down Evan’s lemonade stand in town. What was it that Evan did not have that he needed? (answer: a permit).
5. In TLW, what did Jesse do to destroy her brother’s cooler full of Lemonade? (answer: She put fruit flies, bugs and dirt in it!)
6. In TLW, what was Evan saving his money to buy? (answer: An I-POD).
7. In the very end of TLW, how do Evan and Jesse earn back some of the money that was stolen? (answer: They won the [Rotary Club] poster contest).
Love That Dog by Sharon Creech (created by Brandi Kenyon) 1. In the book Love That Dog, what was Jack’s first poem about? A blue car 2. In the book Love That Dog, Jack tells the teacher she can post his early poems on the board as long as she doesn’t do what? Put his name on them 3. In the book Love That Dog, what author does Jack want to visit the school? Walter Dean Myers
Bonus Round In the book Love That Dog, what is one of the two shape poems that Jack’s teacher shows the class? House and Apple
Mock Battle 1. In the book Love That Dog, what is the name of Jack’s dog? Sky 2. In the book Love That Dog, what is Jack’s first reason he gives for not writing poetry? Girls write poetry, boys don’t
The Magic Half by Annie Barrows (created by Brandi Kenyon) 1. In the book The Magic Half, why was Miri sent to room? She hit her brother with a shovel 2. In the book The Magic Half, what does Molly think Miri is when she first sees her? A fairy 3. In the book The Magic Half, when Miri is trapped in the dining room, how does Molly distract Horst and Aunt Flo? Drops her water glass
Bonus Round In the book the Magic Half, what American time period does Molly live in? The Great Depression
Mock Battle 1. In the book The Magic Half, what does Miri find that convinces her that she really did go back in time? Molly’s journal/notebook 2. In the book The Magic Half, what does Miri pretend to be in order to get Horst to run away? A monster/ghost/zombie
Masterpiece by Elise Broach (created by Martha Badigian)
1. In MP, where does Marvin the beetle and his family live in the apartment? (answer: Under the kitchen sink).
2. What is Jame’s father’s occupation (what does he do for a living)? (answer: He is an artist- a painter).
3. What gift does James’ father bring him for his birthday? ( answer: A pen and ink set for drawing).
4. What does Marvin the beetle make as a birthday present for James? (answer: a drawing).
5. Where did James take Marvin on his first real trip outside of the apartment? (answer: To a museum, or, The Metropolitan Museum of Art).
6. For what reason did Christine at the Museum want to fake the theft of an artwork?
*7. What is the last name of the artist whose picture James was asked to copy? (answer: Durer).
8. How was Marvin able to tell James the address of the apartment where the stolen drawing was located? (answer: he had an address label from a newspaper that had been delivered to the apt.).
* = more difficult question.
Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, how is Edward rescued from the ocean? A fisherman catches him with a net 2. In the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, name one thing that Nellie sews for Edward. Acceptable Answers: A dress, a gown (nightgown), a shift, new ears
3. In the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, where do Abilene and her daughter Maggie find Edward? In a doll shop, in Lucius Clarke’s shop.
Ultimate 1. In the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, what does the Bryce have Edward do on the streets of Memphis for money?
My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel (created by M’lyn Hines)
1. In the book, My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, why is the main character, Saruni, saving to buy a bicycle? --to help his mother transport produce to the market
2. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins, what country does Saruni live in? -Tanzania
3. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, once Saruni has earned the bike, what does he start saving for next? -a cart to pull more produce.
4. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, why does the bike-seller laugh at Saruni? -Saruni’s savings are not enough to purchase a bike
5. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, what does the word “Yeyo” (yey YOH) mean? -it is Masaii for “mother” or “mom”
6. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, it begins raining in the month of March. In what month does the rain finally stop? -June
7. In the book My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tololwa Mollel, Saruni is given his father’s old bike when his father buys a piki-piki for himself. What does the Swahili word piki-piki mean? -motorbike or motorcycle.
Owen and Mzee by Craig Hatkoff (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, Owen and Mzee, what kind of animal is Mzee? A tortoise
2. In the book, Owen and Mzee, what type of natural disaster left Owen and his family stranded? Floods
3. In the book, Owen and Mzee, which country serves as the setting? Kenya
Ultimate 1. In the book, Owen and Mzee, what does the name Mzee mean in the Swahili language? “Elder” or “Wise Old Man”
Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman (created by M’lyn) QUESTION ORDER MATTERS!
1. In the book Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, the hawks amaze bird watchers by building a nest where? -on the side of an apartment building
2. From the book, Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, name 3 things that red-tailed hawks like to eat. [used in Mock battle at Wakefield and Matunuck] - any 3 of these -- rats, pigeons, squirrels, mice
3. In the book Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City, who are the red-tailed hawks natural enemies? [used at Wakefield mock battle and no one got it right] -crows (humans are not ‘natural’ enemies of the hawk)
4. In the book, Pale Male, Citizen Hawk of New York City, what is the wingspan of a red-tailed hawk? -4 feet
5. In the book, Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, WHY did the residents of the apartment building want to get rid of the hawk’s nest? -bird droppings, garbage from the nest landing on the sidewalk, messes, etc.
6. In the book, Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman, what do the hawks do to find a mate or to celebrate finding each other? -aerial ballet – any description accepted – correct vocabulary not required
Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon & Dean Hale (created by M’lyn Hines)
1. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, Gothel steals Rapunzel from her real parents to punish them for stealing something from her. What did they steal? -rapunzel greens, or lettuce, from her garden
2. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, how does Rapunzel escape from the tree? -She uses her hair to lasso the tree and swing down to the ground
3. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, what is the nickname that Jack gives to Rapunzel? -Punzie
4. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, Antler Man—also known as Witchy Jasper—was afraid of the “Devourer.” When Rapunzel and Jack find the devourer—what does it turn out to be? -a rabbit with antlers, or a jackalope
5. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, what kind of magic does Mother Gothel possess? -growth magic. She can make things grow or wilt
6. In the book, Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale, what happens to Mother Gothel at the end of the story? -she is swallowed up by her own magic; she becomes a tree
Riding Freedom by Pam Munoz Ryan (created by Brandi Kenyon) 1. What does Charlotte always wear tied around her wrist? Reins 2. What does three clangs on the bell mean? Someone has been adopted 3. What does Ebeneezer make Charlotte do to prove she should come with him? Drive a stage coach
Bonus Round Which one of Mr. Millshark’s items does Charlotte take on the stage trip? His boots
Mock Battle: 1. Where does Mrs. Boyle hide Charlotte when adopting parents visit? In the potato bin 2. What is Charity’s foal named? Charlotte’s Pride
Shredderman, Secret Identity by Wendelin Van Draanen (created by Tina Ladika)
1. In the book, Shredderman, Secret Identity, what do the other kids at school usually call Nolan? Nerd
2. In the book, Shredderman, Secret Identity, where does Nolan hide his camera? In his backpack.
3. In the book, Shredderman, Secret Identity, what did Nolan stand on top of when he threw the confetti? The roof of his school
Ultimate Question 1. In the book, Shredderman, Secret Identity, in the end which person does Nolan decide to do his project on instead of Bubba? His dad.
Mock Battle 1. In the book, Shredderman, Secret Identity, what is the name of the magazine and t.v. show that Nolan likes? Gecko and Sticky
Skeleton Man by Joseph Bruchac (created by Brandi Kenyon) 1. In the book Skeleton Man, what does Molly’s uncle do every night after checking that she is okay? Lock her bedroom door 2. In the book Skeleton Man, why does Molly not eat any of the food that her uncle gives her? She thinks it is drugged 3. In the book Skeleton Man, what is Molly’s nickname for her teacher Ms. Shabbas? Ms. Showbiz
Bonus Round In the book Skeleton Man, what nickname does Molly’s dad call her by? Warrior Girl
Mock Battle 1. In the book Skeleton Man, what animal helps Molly in her dreams? A rabbit 2. In the book Skeleton Man, when Molly goes into her uncle’s study, what does she realize that he has all over the house? Hidden cameras