Sequence of End-Time Events

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Sequence of End-Time Events


Sudden destruction is prophesied for Britain and America Sequence of End-Time Events

“Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. {punish: Heb. visit upon}” (Amos 3:1-2)

C White Version 1.2 An instalment in the Ezekiel’s Message series

History Research Projects GPO Box 864 Sydney Australia 2001

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2 Sequence of End-Time Events

No. Major Event Sub-event Supporting Information or Comments Applicable Scripture

1. Pre-Tribulation events: Variety of economic, political and military events leading up to a The world is seeking leadership that is radically different to that worldwide commercial and economic system led by Europe offered by the USA. It is possible that the USA will divide including decline of moral authority of USA; global economic ethnically (‘balkanise’) and politically (between centralists and collapse. states-rights factions). There could even be a mini-civil war to try and ‘take back’ America from the political correct-globalist elites.

2. A probable 3 ½ year period leading up to the Tribulation where a As Christ’s work covers a 7 year period, so does that of his global system of commerce and cooperation, led by Europe, is in antithesis, the Beast. Each has 2 x 3 ½ year periods: the first 3 place that provides prosperity and a time of 'peace and safety' - ½ years of soft power; the second period of conquest and Babylon warfare

3. Beast appointed around this time He is strong faced (“fierce” is not necessarily the best Dan 8:23. Cp Deut 28:50 where the translation). Possibly means chisled features and kingly invaders of Israel are said to have a appearance “fierce countenance”

4. Severe trials upon the House of Israel: first 4 seals opened:

5. Seal 1: = White horse – religious deception arises The Pope deceives Europe and much of the world some time Matt 24:4-5; Rev 6:1-2 prior to the Tribulation

6. Seal 2: = Red horse - wars Various wars occur across the world some time prior to the Matt 24:6-8; Rev 6:3-4 Tribulation. Give that this precedes the issues the House of Israel will be facing, it is possible that this refers to some wars the Israelite nations will be involved with. So weakening them. This may include civil wars and incursions by Mexico and the Caribbeans

7. Seal 3: = Black horse – famine - especially in House of Israel House of Israel severely weakened by drought, crop failure etc – Matt 24:7-8; Rev 6:5-6; Lev 26:19-20 this impacts upon the economy and capacity to fully militarise

8. Seal 4: = Pale horse – disease epidemics -especially in House of The above leads directly into disease epidemics Matt 24:7-8; Rev 6:7-8; Lev 26:25 Israel

9. 1335 days commence (75 days prior to the Tribulation) Dan 12:12

10 King of South (alliance of North African and possibly other nations) “push at” in Heb = to thrust, gore, wage war Dan 11:40 . ‘pushes at’ King of North (Europe)

11 1290 days commences (45 days after 1335 days commence and Dan 11:40-45; 12;11; 8:9-12; Matt 24:15-

3 Sequence of End-Time Events

No. Major Event Sub-event Supporting Information or Comments Applicable Scripture

30 days prior to the Tribulation) – King of the North (Europe) 20; Luke 21:20-23 storms into the Middle East

12 1150 days Dan 8:14 .

13 Jerusalem surrounded by armies and trampled underfoot Zech 14:1-2; Luke 21:20-24; Rev 11:1-2 .

14 Philadelphia Era flees into the Wilderness Rev 3:10;12:13-17; Luke 21:21, 36 .

15 2 Witnesses commence their work 3 ½ days prior to Tribulation .

16 Seal 5: 1260 days (3 ½ years) of Great Tribulation upon House of Israel Quebec may be the staging post for Europe. Also, Europe may Dan 12:7; Matt 24:15; Rev 11:2-3; 12:6, . commences (= Seal 5) (ie 30 days after commencement of 1290 offer Russia Alaska back as a swap for resources and 14; 13:5; Lev 26:32-39 days) cooperation. Notice that Ezek 27:13 contains an end-time Europe leads international forces into UK, USA and possibly prophecy that Tyre (equated with Babylon prophetically) trades Scandinavia and Holland. Japan, Indonesia, India invade Australia slaves with Tubal and Meschech - cp Rev 18:13 and New Zealand.

17 Israel’s lands divided up amongst her enemies For instance, Australia may be divided up between India (Cush - Amos 7:17; Mic 2:4 (cf Dan 11:39) . Is 11:11), Japan (Tarshish – Is 60:9) and Indonesia.

18 cooperation among the gentile nations continue Israelites (including Church of God members) traded as slaves Rev 18:13; Ezek 27:13 . etc, etc. In other words, the Babylonian commercial system continues into the Tribulation period - at least for a while

19 Saints persecuted and martyred During the Tribulation the Beast will be permitted to do as he Dan 7:25 . pleases in Rev 13:6. Note Strong’s reference to “power”: “1849 exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah} Meaning: 1) power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases 1a) leave or permission 2) physical and mental power 2a) the ability or strength with which one is endued.” Compare wording with Dan 11:36

20 Two witnesses Undertake their work during the Tribulation and may commence Rev 11:3-13 . their work 3 days prior to it

21 Seal 6: Signs in the heavens Matt 24:29-30; Luke 21:25; Joel 2:30-31;

4 Sequence of End-Time Events

No. Major Event Sub-event Supporting Information or Comments Applicable Scripture

Rev 6:12-17

22 Sealing of God’s people Rev 7 (see Eph 1:13-14; Ezek 9:4) .

23 Israel begins to stir to repentance Lev 26:40-45; Hos 3:5; 6:1-3 .

24 Day of the Lord Joel 2:1; Rev 6:15-17; 11:18; 14:19; 15:1 .

25 Seal 7: .

26  1st Trumpet A third of trees and grass burnt up Rev 8:7 .

27  2nd Trumpet A third of sea becomes blood; a third of creatures in the sea die; Rev 8:8-9 . a third of ships destroyed

28  3rd Trumpet A third of rivers become wormwood Rev 8:10-11 .

29  4th Trumpet A third of sun, moon and stars darkened Rev 8:13 .

30  5th Trumpet (= First Woe) Europe attacks Russia and her allies Rev 9:1-12 .

31  6th Trumpet (= Second Woe) Armies of the East counter-attack with 200 million. A third of . people are killed

32 2 Witnesses raised from dead Rev 11:3-13 (cp Rev 1:7) .

33 Christ returns (7th Trumpet) Rev 10:7; 11:15-19; 19:1-21; Matt 24:30- . & resurrection of the saints 31; ICor 15-52; IThess 4:16; Zech 14:1-4

34 Third Woe (the 7 plagues): Rev 8:13 .

35  Plague 1 Sores appear on those with Mark of the Beast Rev 16:2 .

5 Sequence of End-Time Events

No. Major Event Sub-event Supporting Information or Comments Applicable Scripture

36  Plague 2 Seas turn to blood with creatures dying Rev 16:3 .

37  Plague 3 Rivers turn to blood Rev 16:4-7 .

38  Plague 4 Humans scorched by the sun and they then blaspheme God Rev 16:8-9 .

39  Plague 5 Beast’s seat of government afflicted Rev 16:10-11 .

40  Plague 6 Euphrates dries up armies of the East and Beast’s armies battle Rev 16:12-16; Joel 3:9-17 . it out at Armageddon

41  Plague 7 Great earthquake and hailstorm Rev 16:17-21 .

42 Satan put away – Jubilee commences Rev 20:1-6 .

43 Second Exodus The house of Israel scattered in captivity in foreign lands – Is 27:13; 10:20-22; 11:11-12; Jer 16:14- . Assyria; Elam; Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Shinar, isles or coastlands 15; 23:3, 7-8; 31:8-9; 50:3-5; of the sea and from the north country. Only 3.33% of Israelites survive the Tribulation to return in the Second Exodus!

44 Rebels purged out Israel and Judah still need purging of rebels after the return of Ezek 20:38, 42-44 . Christ.

45 Israel swoops upon many gentile nations, taking them as servants Is 14:1-2; 60:5-16; 19:17; 61:4-9; 66:19- . either before or after entry into the Promised Land 21; Ezek 25:13-17; Ob 1:17-21; Zech 9:11-14; 10:3-10; 12:7-8; 14:14; Amos 9:11-12; Zeph 2:7-13;

46 Israel enters the Promised Land 1). Deut 4:26-29 (cp Is 55:1; Hos 6:1-3; . Lam 3:23-24; Deut 30:1-5), 30-31; 30:4 (cp Matt 24:31); Is 10:20-22; Zeph 3:18- 20. 2). Is 1:11-16; 27:12-13 (it would appear that this will begin at the 7th Trump of Revelation). See also Zech 9:14; Is

6 Sequence of End-Time Events

No. Major Event Sub-event Supporting Information or Comments Applicable Scripture

10:20-22; Jer 16:14-15; 23:3, 7-8; 31:8-9; 43:1-6; 50:3-5; Ezek 20:42-43.

47 Assyria repents (leading Shemite nation) Is 19:21-25 .

48 Egypt repents (leading Hamitic nation) Is 19:1-25; Zech 14:18-19 .

49 Meschech, Tubal, Gog, Magog etc invade Middle East Ezek 38 & 39 .

50 The above nations defeated and repent. Meschech is probably the Ezek 38 & 39 . leading Japhetic nation

51 New Covenant made between Israel and Christ completes His ministry of Dan 9:24-27. The Antichrist Is 59:20-21; Jer 31:31-34; Heb 8:8; Ezek . her Messiah after 3 ½ years of ministry undertakes parallel activities. 16:59-60; 36:26-28; Hos 2:16-19

52 Millennial Temple established God’s glory fills the Temple Ezek 40-48 (Ezek 43:5). Cp Acts 2:2; Is . 44:28

53 Union of Israel and Judah Jer 31:1, 7-9; 50:4-5; Ezek 11:17; 34:12- . 13; 37:19-22. Other related scriptures include: Jer 12: 14-15; 16:15; 23:3-4, 7-8; 24:6-7; 30:3, 8-10; 33:6-9; 50:4-5, 19-20; Ps 14:7; 53:6; 68:6; 30:4; Lev 26: 42-46); Jer 3:17-19; Zech 12:10-14; Rom 11:26; Acts 15:16-17; Hos 1:11; 2:14; Mic 2:12; 5:4-7; Zech 8:7-8; 10:9-12.

54 Israel set up as leading nation of the world – reigns under Christ Ps 47:1-9; Deut 28:12-13; Is 61;1-9; Zech . and the saints for 1,000 years 8:23; Is 41:15-16; 49:1-10, 22-24; 54:3-7; Mic 4:13; Is 55:4-5


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