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Table of Contents
GPSS School Calendar pg. 3 LPUMS Administrative Calendar pg. 4 Principal’s Message pg. 5 Bell Schedule pg. 6 Vision/Mission/ESLRs pg. 7 CATS/Forward/Core Beliefs pg. 8-9 Middle School Curriculum pg. 10-14 Teacher Responsibilities pg. 15-26 Instructional Supplies pg. 26 Student Attendance Procedures pg. 27-30 Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support pg. 30-34 Child Abuse Reporting pg. 35-36 Equal Education Opportunity pg. 36 School Services pg. 37-38 Non-Appropriate Student Funds (NAF) pg. 38-39 Use of Copy Machine pg. 39-40 Miscellaneous pg. 40-41 Emergency Management Plan pg. 42-55 Admin. & Support Staff Duties & Responsibilities pg. 56-62 Library Rules and Policies pg. 63-65
2 GPSS SCHOOL CALENDAR – SY: 2007-2008 Monday August 13, 2007 Teacher Orientation Tuesday August 14, 2007 FIRST DAY OF CLASSES/First Quarter Begins Tuesday-Friday August 14-24, 2007 Pre-Service Training for Head Start Monday August 27, 2007 Head Start Parent-Child Day Tuesday August 28, 2007 First Head Start Classes Monday September 03, 2007 HOLIDAY – LABOR DAY Monday September 10, 17 and 24, 2007 Head Start Assessment and Screening No classes Friday September 14, 2007 First Quarter Progress Report Due Monday September 24, 2007 Southern High School Parent-Teacher Conference Monday October 08, 2007 Flexible Make Up Day #1 Wednesday October 17, 2007 END OF FIRST QUARTER* 45 INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS Thursday October 18, 2007 SECOND QUARTER BEGINS Monday-Friday October 22-26, 2007 Head Start Open House @ Centers Tuesday October 23, 2007 First Quarter Grades Due by the End of Duty Day Monday October 29, 2007 Elementary School/Head Start Parent-Teacher Conference Tuesday October 30, 2007 Middle School Parent-Teacher Conference (except Southern High School) Thursday November 1, 2007 High School Parent-Teacher Conference Friday November 2, 2007 HOLIDAY-ALL SOULS DAY Wednesday November 7, 2007 Professional/Staff Development Day #1(Board/Union Contract 6.A.3)** Monday November 12, 2007 HOLIDAY-VETERANS DAY Monday-Wednesday November 19-21, 2007 Head Start Institute In Service Training (No Head Start Classes) Thursday November 22, 2007 HOLIDAY – THANKSGIVING DAY Friday November 23, 2007 THANKSGIVING BREAK – Flexible Make Up day #2 Tuesday November 27, 2007 Second Quarter Progress Report Due Friday December 7, 2007 HOLIDAY – OUR LADY OF CAMARIN Friday December 14, 2007 Head Start Professional/Staff Development Day Wednesday-Thursday December 19, 2007-January 1,2008 CHRISTMAS BREAK (December 19-21 Flexible make up days #3, #4, #5) Wednesday January 02, 2008 CLASSES RESUME Friday January 11, 2008 END OF SECOND QUARTER 45 INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS Monday January 14, 2008 THIRD QUARTER BEGINS Thursday January 17, 2008 Second Quarter Grades Due By End of Duty Day Monday January 21, 2008 Flexible Make up Day #6 Friday February 15, 2008 Second Head Start Parent Conference (No Head Start Classes) Wednesday February 20, 2008 Third Quarter Progress Report Due Friday February 29, 2008 Southern High School Parent-Teacher Conference Monday March 03, 2008 Professional/Staff Development Day #2 (Board/Union Contract 6.A.3) Tuesday March 11, 2008 Secondary School-Chamorro Language Competition Monday-Friday March 17-21, 2008 EASTER BREAK (March 17-19 Flexible Make Up day #7, #8, and #9) Monday March 24, 2008 CLASSES RESUME Tuesday March 25, 2008 END OF THIRD QUARTER 45 INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS Wednesday March 26, 2008 Fourth Quarter Begins Monday March 31, 2008 Third Quarter Grades Due By End of Duty Day Monday April 7, 2008 Middle School Parent Teacher Conference Tuesday April 8, 2008 High School Parent Teacher Conference (except Southern High School) Wednesday April 9, 2008 Elementary School/head Start Parent Teacher Conference Monday-Friday April 21-May 2, 2008 SAT-10 Testing for Elementary and Secondary Wednesday May 05, 2008 Fourth Quarter Progress Report Due Monday May 12 & May 19, 2008 Head Start Post Assessment Monday May 26, 2008 HOLIDAY – MEMORIAL DAY Thursday May 29, 2008 END OF FOURTH QUARTER / LAST DAY OF CLASSES 45 INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS Friday May 30, 2008 Teacher Work Day*** Monday June 02, 2008 Flexible Make Up Day #10 Tuesday-Friday June 03, 2008-August 08, 2008 SCHOOL VACATION *In the event a quarter has missed days, the end of the quarter shall be moved back to complete the requisite number of days for that designated quarter. **Schools that need Accreditation Days shall use the Professional/Staff Development Days for this purpose at ½ day intervals and may be scheduled outside of the set Professional/Staff Development Days date. ***In the event the Make Up Days are utilized, the last day of the Fourth Quarter and the Teacher Work Day shall change accordingly. FLEXIBLE MAKE UP DAYS APPROVED 180 instructional Days October 8, 2007 2 Teacher Work Days November 23, 2007 2 Parent-Teacher Conf. Days December 19-21, 2007 APPROVED BY: LUIS S.N. REYES- Superintendent MAY 25, 2007 2 Professional/Staff Dev. Days January 21, 2008 Guam Public School System 186 Duty Days March 17-19, 2008 PETER ALEXCIS ADA – Chairman May 25, 2007 June 2, 2008 3rd Guam Education Policy Board 10 Built-in Make Up Days
3 LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE CALENDAR SY 2007-2008 Thursday August 9, 2007 New Student Orientation Friday August 10, 2007 New Teacher Orientation Mon. August 13, 2007 Faculty/Staff Meeting/ Teacher Orientation/ Special Ed. Orientation Mon. August 20, 2007 wk. of 6th,7th,8th Grade Assembly Fri. August 31 2007 New Teachers Mini-Workshop Wed. Sept. 5, 2007 School Open House Tues. Sept. 11, 2007 Faculty Meeting Fri Sept. 14, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop / 1st Quarter Mid-Term Progress Reports Due Wed., Thurs., Fri. Sept.19-21, 2007 Team Meeting Fri. Sept. 28, 2007 New Teachers Mini-Workshop Mon. Oct. 01, 2007 wk of 6th 7th 8th Gr. Assembly Tues. Oct. 09, 2007 Faculty Meeting Tues., Wed., Thurs. Fri. Oct. 09-12, 2007 1st Quarter Exams Fri. Oct. 12, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Mon. Oct. 15, 2007 wk of Grade Level Assembly Wed. Oct. 17, 2007 1st Quarter Ends Wed., Thurs., Fri. Oct. 17-20, 2007 Team Meeting Tues. Oct. 23, 2007 1st Quarter Grades Due Fri. Oct. 26, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Mon. Oct. 29, 2007 1st Quarter Skills Assessment/ Learning Quality Forms Due to Content Rep. Fri. Oct. 30, 2007 1st Quarter Parent -Teacher Conference Tues. Nov. 07, 2007 Professional/Staff Development Day #1 Thurs. Nov. 09, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Tues. Nov. 13, 2007 Faculty Meeting Wed.-Fri. Nov. 14-16, 2007 Team Meeting Tues. Nov. 21, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Fri. Nov. 23, 2007 Flexible make up Day #2 Tues. Nov. 27, 2007 2nd Quarter Mid-Term Progress Reports Due Thurs. Dec. 06, 2007 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Tues. Dec. 11, 2007 Faculty Meeting Wed.-Fri. Dec. 19-21 Flexible Make Up Day #3, #4, #5 Mon.Fri. Jan.0 4, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Mon./ Fri. Jan.07, 2008 wk. of Gr. Level Assembly Tues.-Fri. Jan. 08-11, 2008 Faculty Meeting Tues. Jan. 08-11, 2008 2nd Quarter Exams Wed. Jan. 11, 2008 End of 2nd Quarter Wed.-Fri. Jan. 16-18, 2008 Team Meeting Tues. Jan. 17, 2008 2nd Quarter Grades Due Fri. Jan. 18, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Thurs. Jan. 21, 2008 Flexible Make Up Day #6 Jan. 22, 2008 2nd Quarter Skills Assessment/Learning Quality Forms due to Content Rep. Fri. Feb. 01, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Tues. Feb. 12, 2008 Faculty Meeting Fri. Feb. 15, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Wed. Feb. 20, 2008 3rd Quarter Mid-Term Progress Report Due Wed.-Fri. Feb. 20-22, 2008 Team Meeting Fri. Feb. 29, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Fri. March 03, 2008 Professional Development Day #2 Fri. March 4, 2008 wk. of 6th 7th 8th Gr. Assembly Tues. March 11, 2008 Faculty Meeting Mon.-Fri. March 11-14, 2008 3rd Quarter Exams Fri. March 14, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Mon.-Wed. March 17-19, 2008 Flexible Make Up Day #7, #8, #9 (Easter Break March 17-21) Wed.-Fri. March 19-21, 2008 Team Meeting Tues. March 25, 2008 End of 3rd Quarter Fri. March 28, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Thurs. March 31, 2008 3rd Quarter Grades Due Fri. April 07, 2008 3rd Quarter Parent Teacher Conference Tues. April 08, 2008 Faculty Meeting/3rd Quarter Skill Assessment/Learning Quality Forms due to Content Rep. Fri. April 11, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Mon. April 14, 2008 wk. of Gr. Level Assembly Tue.- Thurs. April 14-17, 2008 Test Best (SAT 10 Practice) Wed.-Fri. April 16-18, 2008 Team Meetings Mon.-Fri. April 21 – May 02, 2008 SAT 10 Testing Fri. May 05, 2008 4th Qtr. Mid-Term Progress Reports Due Fri. May 09, 2008 New Teacher’s Mini-Workshop Tues. May 13, 2008 Faculty Meeting Wed.-Fri. May 14-16. 2008 Team Meetings Wed May 19, 2008 wk. of Grade Level Assembly Wed.-Mon. May 08 – May 12 , 2008 8th Grade Exam Week Thurs. May 16, 2008 8th Grade Final Grades Due Tues.-Fri. May 12 –May 15, 2008 4th Quarter Exams, 6th & 7th Grades Mon. –Thurs. May 27-28, 2008 Individual Team Awards Assembly Thursday May 29, 2008 END OF FOURTH QUARTER/LAST DAY OF CLASSES Mon. May 30, 2008 Teacher Work Day Tuesday June 05, 2008 4th Qtr. Grades Due
Buenas Wildcat Faculty and Staff, For school year 2007-2008 we face a year of self-study and continued improvement, as we prepare for the accreditation visit of the Western Association of Schools and College. Along with this much anticipated visit, we have numerous new programs to implement and to continue such as Project Menhalom, a character-based education curriculum; Project Hatsa, involving both the professional development and technology mini grants; and our Direct Instruction programs infused in language arts and reading for this year. As your principal, I pledge my leadership and support to continue guiding Luis P. Untalan Middle School in this direction of continued growth.
In retrospect, during school year 2006-2007, we worked on fine tuning our understanding of the SAT 10 Item Analysis and focused on our top priority skills. Creating Awesome Test Scores or CATS was the end result. We also asked you to do Peer Observations where you visited the classrooms of your fellow colleagues to gain greater awareness of each others talents and expertise. We continued our home-school connection with our school bulletin placed on the website, and moved into the twenty-first century with our in-school emailing and telephone capability in the classrooms. In interscholastic activities, we made our mark in the community with our award-winning Famagu’on Oro, and our first place win in the girls’ middle school basketball team, and the boys’ basketball win of the Beacon Tournament that included both the private and public schools.
For school year 2007-2008, I wish each of you a productive and fulfilling year as we work together to accomplish our mission to educate and nurture our future generation. We need everyone’s contribution, big and small, to carry on the task at hand to ensure competent, productive, and responsible citizens for our island and the global world we live in today. We face many challenges, but together with our Wildcat spirit of resiliency, I am confident that we will weather through all the difficulties and continue to make a difference in the lives of our students and our school.
With pride and gratitude, Naomi C. Taitingfong
SCHOOL YEAR 2007-2008
WARNING BELL ------8:24 am
HOMEBASE/TEAM TIME ------8:30 am – 8:54 am (24 min)
1st PERIOD ------8:57 am -9:42 am (45 min)
2nd PERIOD ------9:45 am -10:30 am (45 min)
3rd PERIOD ------6TH GRADE LUNCH------10:33 am -11:18 am (45 min)
4th PERIOD ------7TH GRADE LUNCH------11:21 am -12:06 pm (45 min)
5th PERIOD------8TH GRADE LUNCH------12:09 pm -12:54 pm (45 min)
6th PERIOD ------12:57 pm - 1:42 pm (45min)
7th PERIOD ------9 MINUTES PASSING TIME ----- 1:51 pm - 2:36 pm (45min)
8th PERIOD ------2:39 pm - 3:24 pm (45 min)
WILDCAT SCHOOL PRIDE (WSP)------3:24 pm - 3:30 pm ( 6 min)
ROTATIONAL BELL SCHEDULE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Warning Bell Warning Bell Warning Bell Warning Bell Warning Bell HB HB HB HB HB 1st 8th 1st 8th 1st 2nd 7th 2nd 7th 2nd 3rd (6th gr. LUNCH) 3rd (6th gr LUNCH) 3rd(6th gr LUNCH) 3rd(6th gr LUNCH) 3rd(6th gr LUNCH) 4th (7th gr. LUNCH) 4th(7th gr. LUNCH) 4th(7th gr LUNCH) 4th(7th gr LUNCH) 4th(7th gr LUNCH) 5th(8th gr . LUNCH) 5th(8th gr. LUNCH) 5th(8th gr LUNCH) 5th(8th gr LUNCH) 5th(8h gr LUNCH) 6th 6th 6th 6th 6th 7th 2nd 7th 2nd 7th 8th 1st 8th 1st 8th WSP WSP WSP WSP WSP
6 Our Educational Community Prepares all student for life, Promotes excellence, and Provides Support.
The Luis P. Untalan Middle School community will empower students with knowledge that will enable them to be Competent Productive and Responsible citizens in our society.
EXPECTED SCHOOL WIDE LEARNING RESULS (ESLRS) Everything we do at LPUMS will focus around academic excellence. The values we teach our students are based upon our Expected School wide Learning Results. These ESLRS call for all students at LPUMS to be:
World Class Citizens Know how much people need each other Understand the need for laws and protecting property Contribute and be involved in the community Information Users Demonstrate skills to locate, interpret, and use information Identify, analyze, integrate, and apply information Life Long Learners Read, write, listen, and speak effectively Demonstrate effective skills for interacting with others Demonstrate the necessary skills to accomplish a task Decision Makers Identify and assess problems to make logical decisions Identify alternatives or strategies in decision-making situations Accept responsibility for personal actions and decisions Critical Thinkers Interpret and follow directions Acquire and evaluate, organize and maintain information Use logical, practical, and creative thinking skills to solve problems Academic Achievers Identify and implement a plan to fulfill future education and career goals Demonstrate competence in reading, writing, and mathematics Promote excellence in the arts, sciences, humanities, and physical education Technology Users and Use technology to gather, interpret, and evaluate information Demonstrate the use of different technologies to share information and ideas Apply technology to enhance the quality of life Solution Seekers Demonstrate constructive ways in dealing with conflict, stress, and emotion Improvise and look for new method Do not give up until a solution is found
The rubrics in APPENDIX A shall be used by teachers to determine whether their students have mastered each ESLR. The rubric is broken into three levels of mastery; accomplished, developing, and basic. Each level has identified benchmarks that indicate a student’s level of understanding.
7 EXPECT SCHOOLWIDE BEHAVIOR : C A T S Order and positive behavior management go hand in hand with effective classroom learning. In order for learning to take place, the environment must be conducive to learning. Thus, UMS’s expected behaviors are what we require in general from all of our students throughout the entire campus, inside and outside or the classroom, as they enter/ leave our campus, and throughout the day-- C A TS: C -Care for your school A- Act responsibly T- Treat yourself and others with respect S- Strive for excellence
The uniqueness of each student requires that all personnel at LPUMS strive to provide diverse programs, to understand student needs, to be sensitive to cognitive, social and emotional stages of development, and to respect the individuality of each student. Our mission is grounded in our core beliefs about effective educational practices and the process of educating young people.
1. People come first at LPUMS. Treating others as we want to be treated drives daily activities and enters into each decision both in and out of the classroom.
2. Students can learn and be successful. Student achievement in all areas of development will be the measure of our success. The success of LPUMS in accomplishing the primary task of educating young people is measured by the collective successes of each student. When our students are unsuccessful, we have been unsuccessful. Learning and teaching are not separate entities. The assessment of one is an assessment of the other.
3. A Teaching is hard, honorable, valuable, and worthwhile work. 4. successful education is viewed as a journey and not a destination. The process of learning should be viewed as enjoyable, challenging, and fulfilling.
5. Success involves risk of failure. Failing creates opportunities for growth. Each of us has the responsibility to provide support and encouragement to risk takers and to recognize that failing GPSSs not make one a failure.
6. The students, faculty, staff, parents, and volunteers come from a community of learners with individual needs and individual differences. All of us can learn from each other. We are our own best resource.
7. Providing an atmosphere that is safe and nurturing is a key element to a successful school. Students need to display appropriate behavior that helps them to be successful in all areas of school life. All faculty and staff of LPUMS will serve as a role model for students.
8. Teaching should be directed at the higher levels of thinking that require students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. Teaching how to manipulate information is more important than teaching how to memorize.
9. A divergent curriculum ensures that students are assisted and not sorted. Providing opportunities and removing obstacles are essential for positive student outcomes.
10. The curriculum is shaped by student needs. Students are not shaped to fit the curriculum.
8 11. The curriculum is a means to an end-not an end unto itself.
12. The curriculum must be planned over time, and it must change when there is a need to change. The old way may not be the best way.
13. The "True Middle School Concept” is a program that meets the needs of pre-adolescent learners. Its components are; Advisory, Interdisciplinary and Exploratory Programs. Students are assigned to a team of teachers who can work effectively in an interactive and integrated manner.
14. Evaluation is an on-going process that indicates where students need to improve. We help students meet the curricular standards—not verify that they haven’t.
15. All students must be prepared to live in a world in which the ideals of democracy, tolerance for difference, multi awareness, and the need for global interdependence are essential.
16. Feeling a sense of pride is important to us all. We must strive to obtain, nurture, and foster it in every LPUMS student.
17. The LPUMS facility belongs to all of us, and so GPSSs the responsibility of keeping it clean, safe and inviting.
18. Everyone contributes to LPUMS (including custodians, cafeteria staff, school aides, clerical, teachers, and administrators) and works together as a community to achieve common goals.
19. Decisions that concern LPUMS will be made through a collaborative process that involves students, teachers, parents, administrators, support staff, and others.
20. Co-curricular activities such as athletics, clubs and organizations are integral parts of the middle school program. Each program plays an important role in the overall education of our students. At times, the needs of one program may temporarily overshadow the needs of another in order to best meet the needs of our students.
21. LPUMS is part of the island community. We have a responsibility to respect the environment in which we live and learn. We are a resource to the community and the community is a resource to us.
In summary, these are our core beliefs. Our policies, procedures, actions, and decisions will be based on our mission and these beliefs. Doing what is right for our students is our primary goal.
A. Board Policy 338
The importance of achieving developmentally responsive middle level schools cannot be overemphasized. Developmentally responsive schools should exhibit the following characteristics:1) A curriculum that is challenging, integrative, and exploratory; 2) Varied teaching and learning approaches; 3) Authentic and meaningful assessments; 4) Flexible organizational structures; 5) Programs and policies that foster health and safety; and 6) Guidance and support services.**
This policy specifies the approved Middle School Curriculum that is to be implemented by each of the Guam Public Middle Schools. This curriculum specifies the required subjects that the transescent student in grades six through eight shall complete before continuing on to high school.
9 The Middle School Program shall include advisory time, interdisciplinary team teaching with a team planning period, exploratory courses, and time blocks that incorporate flexible scheduling.
Required Subjects : Each student shall take two (2) semesters per year of the following courses:
6 th 7 th 8 th Language Arts Language Arts Language Arts Reading Reading Reading Social Studies (World History) Social Studies (World Geography) Social Studies (U.S. History) Science (General) Science (Life) Science (Earth) Math Math/Pre–Algebra Math/Pre–Algebra/or Algebra
Three (3) semesters of PE. One (1) semester of Health. Two (2) consecutive semesters / One (1) year of Chamorro Language. One (1) semester of Career Education. One (1) semester of Computer Science.
Exploratory Courses : These courses may be offered on a quarterly or semester basis with the effort being placed on providing the students with the opportunity to explore the greatest number of these courses.
Art Beginning Band Beginning Choir Beginning Intermediate Intermediate Advanced Advanced Advanced Concert Choir Creative Crafts Jazz Band Mixed Choir Cultural Dance/Art Concert Band General Music
Career Academy Business Agricultural Science Home Economics Industrial Arts Marketing Tourism World Language
Pass/No Courses Office Aide (7th SA720) Office Aide (8th SA820)
Other Considerations: For a student failing two (2) or more courses, alternative methods of instruction are encouraged to remediate and decrease retention rates. Viable alternatives such as double dosing, homework help, remediation courses such as Corrective Reading, Saturday and after-school tutoring programs are recommended. Any student reaching age 15 prior to the opening of the new school year, shall not be eligible to attend middle school. Prior to the end of the previous school year, the administrator of the middle school will meet with the parent/guardian and the student with age appropriate placement. To further facilitate this preparation, the student may be required to attend a summer school, and when possible should be included in all pre-registration and orientation meetings at the receiving school. The process of moving a student to the high school for age appropriate placement must be completed prior to the beginning of the new school year. This age requirement takes into account Public Law 24-26 regarding the age of students beginning kindergarten and allows enough flexibility for retention to occur twice, if necessary.
10 Definition of Terms
Advisory Time: a regularly scheduled period each day/week in which students interact with peers/teachers about both personal and school-related concerns (note, there are various names for this time i.e. home base, prime time, and other special names for this teacher guidance.)
Authentic Assessment: methods of assessing student achievement or performance that are as close to real-life situations as the setting allows.
Exploratory Courses: regularly-scheduled curriculum experiences designed to help students discover and/or examine learning related to their changing needs, aptitudes, and interests (this term is used in lieu of electives).
Flexible Schedule: “chunk” of uninterrupted teaching time allocated to a given group of students and teachers on an interdisciplinary team.
Guidance and Support: through guidance counselors, health counselors, advisor/advisee, and programs such as GATE, LOTE, and SPED the students’ cognitive and affective needs are the focus.
Interdisciplinary Team: an instructional organization of two five teachers representing varied disciplines that pool their resources, interests, expertise, and knowledge of students to jointly take the responsibility for meeting educational needs of a common group of students.
Team Planning: teachers on the same team have a common planning period during which they can meet together on a daily basis to hold team meetings, student/parent conferences, and plan interdisciplinary instruction.
Time Blocks: organization of the school day into large units of time that may be utilized in varied and productive ways by the school staff.
Transescence: the stage of development that begins prior to the onset of puberty and extends through the early stages of adolescence.
B. Home Base and the Advisor/Advisee Program (AAP)*
All teachers and students are assigned to a home base. Home base is always the first reporting period of the day and is used for important administrative duties. The following are duties performed by home base teachers: 1. Lead in the Pledge of Allegiance (Territorial board Policy #309) 2. Read bulletin announcements and review the calendar in student planners to keep everyone informed of daily/monthly events. 3. Check the uniform of students to ensure compliance. Students not in complete uniform (Official top/bottom) are to be referred to the Pupil Personnel Office during home base only. The administration will do its best to hold students accountable before home base. Students processed for uniform violations should have a copy of the referral on their possession. If they don’t, they most likely were not processed and need to be sent to the PPO (home base ONLY!) 4. Take student attendance and complete the attendance scan form daily (See Attendance Procedure section)
11 Each team of teachers takes responsibility to ensure the proper implementation of the Advisor/Advisee program (AAP). The AAP is one of the three components of the Middle School Concept, the other two being interdisciplinary teaming and exploratory courses. LPUMS provides all three components. * ( The AAP program has been modified due to the implementation of the Direct Instruction Program, but may be incorporated into the Second Step activity day.)
The Advisory concept has been closely identified with the idea of affective education and the school’s responsibility to assist in social and emotional growth. Learners between the ages of 10 and 15 experience greater changes in their physical, emotional, sexual, social and intellectual development than at any other time during their lives. These young adolescents vary dramatically in their rate and time of development. Middle schools are uniquely designed to address the unique needs of these learners and to ease this transition period as they grow from childhood to adolescence.
Middle school is designed for the changing student. These are students who no longer belong in elementary school but are not yet ready for high school. They are at a unique period in life and a specialized educational program aimed at bridging the gap between elementary and high school works best. The middle school is an educational response to these needs and the characteristics of youngsters between ten and fifteen. It is designed to meet the full range of intellectual and developmental needs of this group.
12 C. Interdisciplinary Teaching (TEAMING):
“Interdisciplinary” teaching involves teachers across different subject areas. Teams of five core teachers share the same students, a common planning period, and the same part of the building whenever possible. They share responsibility for planning the instruction in more than one area of the curriculum and they meet together to discuss their students academic programs. Elective teachers are also assigned to these core teams and provide another level of support.
D. Exploratory Courses: Middle schools provide an exciting curriculum to students who “tune out” easily through exploratory courses. Restricting the curriculum to the dull, the dry, and to the drill doesn’t work with young adolescents. An exploratory curriculum provides middle school students with an exciting venue to build necessary skills while engaging students in fun learning. Exploratory courses are offered during team time and introduce students to such topics as bicycle repair, journalism, photography, dance, etc..
D. Character Education: Public Law 26-44 and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires all schools on Guam to develop curricular programs that incorporate positive character qualities into its existing educational programs. Below is an abbreviated form of the public law.
“It is the policy of this government that Guam’s public schools be the best and safest possible. To that end, each school is encouraged to instill the highest character and academic excellence in each student in the public school system, in close cooperation with the student’s parents, and with input for the community and educators.
Public schools should make every effort, formally and informally, to stress character qualities that will maintain a save and orderly learning environment, and that will ultimately equip students to be model citizens. These qualities include, but are not limited to, honesty; responsibility; respect and care for the person and property of others; self-discipline; understanding of, respect for, and obedience to law and citizenship; courage, initiative, commitment and perseverance kindness, compassion, service and loyalty; fairness, moderation and patience; and the dignity and necessity of hard work.
The Guam Public School System shall establish a non-sectarian character education program to evaluate methods for incorporating positive character qualities into levels of the existing educational programs within one hundred twenty (120) days after the enactment of this Act.” (17 GCA, §4121) To fulfill this mandate, we have implemented the Second Step Curriculum (SSC) program. This 15 part series is a violence-prevention curriculum designed to reduce impulsive and aggressive behavior in students and increase social competencies through empathy training, interpersonal problem solving, behavioral skills training, and anger management. Typically, students receive 100 minutes of character building instruction each week through Team Time (set 20 minutes in the morning). F. Corrective Reading (CR)
Corrective Reading is a complete core program that uses the Direct Instruction model to help students master essential decoding and comprehension skills. The program includes decoding and comprehension strands at four instructional levels. Depending on their reading levels, students work on decoding skills, comprehension skills, or both. The Decoding programs help students accurately identify words, rely on letter sequences to determine word pronunciations, and significantly increase reading rates. The Comprehension programs help readers to attend to and follow instructions, build their vocabularies, and improve background knowledge and thinking skills in order to understand what they read. All students will receive two blocks of CR instruction everyday unless they test out of the program. The Comprehension program will be implemented in the language arts classes. The Decoding program will be implemented in the reading classes Those who test out of DI will be taught the regular reading/ language arts curriculum. Those students requiring greater remediation (a decoding score of B1 or less) will receive an additional dose of decoding instruction as one of their electives until they reach B2. You can learn more about the CR program by visiting the following websites:
TEACHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Student Outcomes Organizational Chart
President George W. Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act on January 8, 2002. This Act focuses on four principles; (1) accountability for student achievement and academic standards, (2) increased flexibility and local control of student outcomes, (3) a greater role for parents in their children’s educational programs, and (4) greater emphasis on scientifically based instruction.
To align ourselves with this federal mandate, the Guam Public School System has developed a District Action Plan (DAP) that incorporates these principles into its mission. In turn, individual schools throughout the district have developed their School Improvement Plan (SIP) that aligns itself with the DAP. The diagram below pictorially shows our organizational commitment to student outcomes.
The driving mission of everyone at LPUMS is to develop in each student a vision of success and to provide him or her with all the resources to be successful. Student outcomes are the overall evaluation or measurement of our success as educators. All of our efforts are focused on creating a climate in which successes are celebrated and failures are viewed as opportunities for growth.
To this end, our curriculum must be aligned with all the factors that determine success. The foundation for positive student outcomes is based on the plans devised by the school community to coordinate their efforts and guide them in the right direction. The School Improvement Plan outlines the strategy LPUMS will
15 implement to ensure our children are successful.
B. Curriculum Guide (CG): A CG is a compilation of documents that provide teachers with a framework to account for skills taught and evaluated throughout the academic year. At the beginning of each school year all teachers sign receipt of this guide and use it as a basis for structuring their course. The CG should be present in every class taught. The CG is a fluid document that may be modified as new federal, local, or school mandates are implemented. Individual teachers are not to add or delete items from the CG unless authorized by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum and the Content Area Representative for each respective content area. CG’s are part of the end of the year clearance. All CG’s should contain the following items:
1. A Curriculum Guide Disk which contains the following a. Faculty Handbook b. Skills Assessment Template 1/ Skills Assessment Template 2 c. Learning Quality and Accountability Monitoring Form d. GPSS Content Standards (Performance Indicators)
2. Your Course Syllabus 3. Quarterly Skills Assessment Test Instruments – a. 1st Quarter Test and Answer Key b. 2nd Quarter Test and Answer Key c. 3rd Quarter Test and Answer Key d. 4th Quarter Test and Answer Key
4. List of Quarterly Instructional Objectives – 5. Student Acceptable Use Policy – 6. Modification Sheet for LOTE/SPED – 7. Instructions to Intergraded Disk/Comment Directory –
C. Course Syllabus: All teachers are required to submit to the Assistant Principal, Curriculum a copy of their current course syllabus for each subject taught no later than the second week of the 1st quarter. A copy of your syllabus may also be submitted to the school webmaster to be placed on the school website. (See sample course syllabus, APPENDIX B.) The syllabus at a minimum must include the following items: a. A brief description of the course taught and student supplies requested b. A projected outline of skills to be taught for each quarter c. Grading criteria specifying how student grades are weighted and calculated (i.e., tests= 25%, homework=10% , etc..) Note: To ensure letter grades are aligned with the mastery of quarterly skills, all post quarter exams are weighted at 15% of the overall grade. d. Rubrics for how citizenship grades are determined which specifically addresses the criteria deserving/warranting an E for Excellence, S for Satisfactory, an N for Needs improvement, and a U for Unsatisfactory.
D. Lesson Plans:
At UMS, there are 12 components to an effective lesson. Every lesson taught should be carefully planned and orchestrated to ensure these twelve areas are addressed. Whether inside or outside the classroom, each learning experience needs to have educational goals and measurable objectives. These goals and objectives must also be aligned with the district’s adopted Content and Performance Standards, norm reference testing instruments (SAT 10), and our Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRS). APPENDIX C is a 16 lesson plan template adopted by the school. Teachers are encouraged to follow this format for each lesson they teach. Whatever format a teacher chooses, the twelve components should be present in each lesson.
1. Teachers shall be responsible for his/her lesson planning and shall prepare daily lesson plans.
2. When a school administrator has arranged a formal observation, the teacher will provide the administrator with a copy of the lesson plan, which shall indicate the nature and extent of instruction for the period of observation. All classroom instruction should support this lesson plan.
3. When absent, the teacher shall provide a lesson plan for the substitute that outlines what is to be taught. A seating chart, attendance record sheet, and any special instructions necessary for the substitute to successfully execute the lesson should also be provided. The principal shall require the substitute to leave a written report for the teacher telling what was accomplished in class. If a report is not provided, please see the Assistant Principal, Curriculum.
4. Emergency Lesson Plans- three emergency lesson plans should be on file all times to be used only in cases of emergency and the teacher cannot submit on to be used when absent. If they are used, it is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that it is replaced /updated. They should be submitted no later than the second week at the start of every school year to the clerk of the Assistant Principal, Curriculum.
E. Skills Assessment Checklist (SAC) and Learning Accountability Monitoring Forms (LAMF):
A SAC is a form used by every teacher to identify all skills taught each quarter. The form tracks the performance of the entire class for each skill (vertical) and each child (horizontal). Horizontally, teachers will calculate an average grade measured in percent of how each student performed across all skills. Vertically, the teacher will calculate an average grade measured in percent of how all students did with each skill. SACs are submitted for each section taught and are good tools for assessing student mastery.
LAMFs are used to report test results and to itemize skills that may not have been covered and why. LAMFs are submitted for each section taught. They are good tools for teachers to use for teaching reflection and measuring quarterly gains in student achievement.
Both the SACs and LAMFs are due no later than ten (10) calendar days after the end of the quarter. Use the official forms located in your Curriculum Guide. All alternate forms must be approved by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum.
F. Student Evaluations:
The grading of pupils is the teacher’s responsibility. Teachers shall be considered the best qualified person to evaluate the pupil’s work and integrity of the teacher shall be respected. The grade given by the teacher is the teacher’s evaluation of the student’s progress or achievement.
In the event a student or parent wishes to appeal a grade, a conference should first be held with the teacher. If that conference GPSSs not resolve the matter, then the appeal conference shall be held with the student, the teacher, a school counselor, a school administrator, and the student’s parents or legal guardians. The scholastic grade must be in accordance with pupil’s scholastic achievement or progress. In the case of Special Education/ LOTE students, the pupil’s grade should be based on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/ Modifications Check List. The teacher 17 may give bonus or extra points to students who accomplished non-curricular activities but should not decrease student grades for non-fulfillment.
Teachers may not issue a “U” (Unsatisfactory) for minor infractions to school/class rule without first making necessary communications with parents about the student’s conduct. However, a “U” may be issued for major infractions to school/class rules. Teachers shall develop and publish their citizenship rubrics on their course syllabus.
Students are formally assessed each year. To measure student achievement, LPUMS administers quarterly and annual exams. Mastery of skills will be determined using the following levels: Level I: Indicates little to no mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills Level II: Denotes partial mastery of skills taught Level III: Represents solid academic performance Level IV: Signifies superior performance beyond grade level
1. Quarterly Exam (Skills Assessment Test) At the end of the quarter a Skills Assessment test is administered to measure the student level of learning at the end of each quarter. Each grade level content area should collaborate to design its test so that it is uniform for each grade level per content area. To align letter grades with skills mastered, all teachers shall weight their post quarter exam at 15% of the students overall grade.
2. Yearly (Pre/Post) In the absence of any district wide assessment (i.e., SAT9/10), a pre-test is issued at the beginning of the year measuring all skills taught within a certain subject area. At the end of the year a post-test is administered assessing each child’s mastery of all skills taught. This exam is NOT weighted and strictly used to report criterion based achievement data.
G. Grade Book
Each teacher is required to keep a neat and legible grade book. The grade book is turned in at the end of the year as an official record of the school. Before submitting your grade book for clearance at the end of the school year, teachers must insure that:
1. All quarter grades are clearly marked and easily identifiable. 2. All semester grades are clearly marked and easily identifiable. 3. An explanation on the grade book front cover of how: a. assignments (test, quizzes, homework, projects, portfolios, etc) are weighed. b. the grades were calculated (include an example of a student in one of your classes). Note: A legend for all the codes/symbols used in your grade book is attached on the inside of the grade book front cover.
H. Report Cards:
1. Teacher grades are submitted electronically using the Columbia School System Integrade diskette prior to the end of each quarter. If you use the letter grades in your record books, you must convert letter grades to percentages using the following system. The levels of performance are reflected next to the percentage grades below and serve as a basis for measuring skill mastery referenced in the student evaluation section. 18 A = 90 - 100 LEVEL IV B = 80 - 89 LEVEL III C = 70 - 79 LEVEL II D = 60 - 69 LEVEL I F = 0 - 59 LEVEL I INC. - Incomplete
2. An “INC” grade will become an automatic “F” on the 10th calendar day following the end of the quarter. It is the responsibility of the teacher to inform the Columbia System Administrator (CSA) within this time period whether a grade other than “F” should be assigned. All grade changes must be done within this period of time. All subsequent grade changes must be approved by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum. You will be provided a Directory Comment and Instruction Sheet for reference when completing the diskette for easy reference. There are two (2) columns for comment – You may use both, one, or none at all. If you would like to include a comment that is not on the directory, please see the CSA.
I. Retention Policy:
In an effort to ensure accountability of skills, raise the academic expectations of our students, and ensure consistency among all teachers/teams, a school retention policy has been established. Retention may be considered due to three factors: (1) failure in three or more core subjects, (2) a yearly cumulative grade point average less than 59% in core subjects, and/ or (3) current year cumulative grade point average of 59% or below in all course work. If a student is going to be retained, teams must demonstrate, through documentation, that the fifteen (15) steps were followed. Adherence to these specific procedures and deadlines found in APPENDIX D is mandatory in the retention process in order to protect all parties involved The procedures and required forms are located in APPENDIX D.
J. Attendance Book:
Your attendance book is an official record that may be subpoenaed in court for students who are habitually truant. Attendance must be taken every period. Teachers shall update their record books on a daily basis and report students who are absent using the prescribed formula discussed in the attendance section. A legend describing the codes used to track your attendance shall be placed in the front of your attendance book. Your attendance book is a part of your end of the year clearance and will be collected.
K. Special Populations: “All children can learn and succeed, but not on the same day and in the same way,” (William G. Spady)
In general, it is the teacher’s responsibility to review the cumulative records of ALL students assigned to them regardless of their placement (i.e., resource or regular classroom). IEP’s, modification checklists, previous teachers’ anecdotes, educational background, present levels of performance, and unique needs can be found in the child’s cumulative folders. Pay particular attention to students receiving special education or LOTE services. Cumulative folders for all students are located in the counselor’s offices.
LOTE These children speak English as a second language. The LOTE coordinator manages, plans and is a
19 resource person for all students. A quarterly modifications checklist will be given to each teacher for every child in the LOTE program. Please indicate on this checklist the types of modifications used to meet the child’s needs.
SPED All children in the special education program have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). The IEP contains the student’s unique needs, goals, objectives, and required modifications. The Consulting Resource Teacher (CRT) is the resource personnel to assist the teachers in meeting the child’s unique needs. The CRT will schedule all annual and tri-annual meetings for children in the SPED program. IT IS THE TEACHER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW ALL IEP DOCUMENTS. Other teacher responsibilities include but are not limited to:
1) Attend all child study and/or IEP meetings 2) Research the child’s IEP goals and required modifications. These can be Found in the child’s cumulative folder located in the counselor’s offices. 3) Adhere to requirements of the IEP, including but not limited to the required modifications. 4) Prepare written Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) and submit at the IEP meetings along with content specific modifications necessary to help the child succeed. 5) Come prepared to the IEP meetings including PLAAFPs and proposed goals. 6) Notify the parents in writing of the child’s progress toward IEP goals and objectives on a quarterly basis. The evaluation criteria, method of collection, and evaluation schedule is described in detail in the student’s goals and objectives section of the IEP. 7) Actively participate in the setting of goals. All instructional goals and objectives should be observable and measurable and include the following: a. What is the content to be learned? b. What is the level of thinking? (Thought process involved, Bloom’s Taxonomy) c. What behavior must the student do to demonstrate that learning is taking place? d. What conditions will they work? (Internet, research, materials, time allocation, documents, etc…) e. What are the standards of mastery? (level of accuracy) 8) Some students have one to one aides. These aides are required to carry a communication/planning binder. The teacher must check the binder daily to ensure that instructional information, data, and progress is communicated and documented.
Section 504 is a civil rights law. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that children with a disability have equal access to an education. Section 504 and the ADA both require that programs make “reasonable accommodations” to enable persons with handicaps to participate effectively. A review of the cumulative folder will indicate if a child has a disability that requires accommodations and modifications. If you suspect a child has a 504 disability and has not been identified as such, contact the CRT or administrator in charge of special programs for guidance. 20 L. Faculty Meetings
Teachers will be required to attend a maximum of ten (10) regular faculty meetings a year and no meeting will exceed one (1) hour. The agenda shall be distributed to faculty members one (1) day in advance. The agenda for the meeting may include subjects submitted by the faculty members at least two (2) school days in advance. Announcements of the meeting will be made at least one (1) week in advance unless the meeting is regularly scheduled. The faculty will vote at the first meeting of the year whether to hold morning or afternoon meetings.
M. Content Area/ Team Meetings:
Content Area Representatives will meet with their respective departments on a regular basis. Content Reps. will meet with the Assistant Principal, Curriculum once a month. The meeting will take place the Tuesday following the scheduled faculty meetings.
Team teachers will meet with the Assistant Principal, Curriculum, the week following the Content Rep. on Wednesday and Thursday during their respective team meeting periods. All teachers are given a team planning period to support interdisciplinary team teaching. Therefore, daily team meetings must be documented and submitted by the team leader. Teacher attendance and agenda items discussed are the data to be recorded each day and submitted four working days after the end of each quarter.
N. Professional Development
Continuous development is the hallmark of a true professional. It is a never ending process that requires ongoing effort. Excellent teachers understand the commitment necessary to attain and remain at the top of their profession. Professional development lies at the center of this commitment. At LPUMS, the expectation for all teachers is to engage in development that improves teacher effectiveness, sets high standards and expectations, and improves student learning.
During the SY 07-08, there are two professional development days scheduled in the GPSS calendar. As you know, this will not be sufficient to provide you with the necessary training to excel. Therefore, the Assistant Principal, Curriculum will be working with Content Representative and Team Leaders to organize a professional development schedule via your individual team planning periods. Examples of professional development topics offered at LPUMS are:
•Curriculum Alignment & SAT10 •Lesson Planning •Classroom Management •SLIP •Assessment and Accountability •Essential Elements of Effective Instruction/ Researched Best Practices •Content Standards & Performance Indicators
O. Field Trip Activities:
1. On Island/Off Island Field Trip: All field trips should be instructional and educational in nature, and support the goals and objectives of the content area. Teams/ teachers must seriously weigh the value of the 21 field trip. Teams should determine if the benefits outweigh the cost and added responsibilities to the parents/ team to warrant taking students off campus to enhance student learning. With careful and purposeful planning, a number of worthy educational field trip destinations are available in our island community to take our students off campus. However, requests for movie field trips will be carefully scrutinized. Written lesson plans, weeks in advance of the field trip, and classroom observations in the classroom prior to movie field trip will have to support such requests.
Board Policy #363: An on-island field trip is a trip taken by students of a school or schools while accompanied by one (1) or more employees of the Guam Public School System to a point on Guam. Such a trip would include the following preparations.
a. Complete all three required forms identified in APPENDIX E ( Request Form, Planning Form, and Permission Form. A minimum of five (5) working days is needed to review Field Trip Requests.)
b. Teachers should discuss proposed field trips with the Assistant Principal, Curriculum before initiating discussion with students. Instructional goals and objectives of proposed field trip must be in writing.
c. The teacher must make prior arrangements with those in charge at the destination as to time of arrival, number of pupils and any other pertinent information.
d. A request for bus transportation should be indicated on the field trip form found in APPENDIX E by the teacher. The teacher shall arrange with Public Works Transportation Section for the use of school buses for field trips after receiving approval from the Assistant Principal, Curriculum. If private bussing is used, the teacher needs to submit the total cost of the charter and cost to individual students. No child should be excluded for their inability to pay the charter fee.
e. The teacher shall conduct a preliminary survey of the place for safety reasons before the initial field trip day.
f. After receiving final approval from the Assistant Principal, Curriculum, the teacher should proceed with further planning. The teacher shall notify the parents of their students explaining every phase of the trip to include purpose, safety and educational benefit. Parent permission must be obtained in writing before a student is authorized to participate in a field trip. All forms to be completed before authorization is granted are located in Appendix E. A teacher may deny a student’s participation in a field trip if: - The student is failing any class; - The student has excessive absences (7 days or more for the quarter); or - It is the student’s sixth field trip for the quarter; or - Student is a safety risk and the majority of teachers agree that student should not participate.
g. Field trips involving water have specific procedures that must be satisfied to be review by a UMS administrator and then sent to the Superintendent’s Office for final approval. A minimum of ten (10) working days is needed to process water-related field trip request. Please see the Assistant Principal, Curriculum for guidance.
h. Off Island field trips must be justified in writing and approved by the Principal, Associate 22 Superintendent, Secondary, and Superintendent. Please see the Assistant Principal, Curriculum for guidance.
i. Students are required to submit a field trip form to each teacher whose class they will miss at least one (1) week in advance to be initialed by the teacher. This enables teachers to maintain accurate attendance.
j. As a safety precaution, student are to be in full uniform for all field trips. Students out of uniform may be denied participation on the day of the field trip and disciplined accordingly.
P. Film/Video Selection: The selection of films and videotapes for classroom use should be previewed prior to showing to students. This preview is to avoid controversial matters aired by parents. When a film is controversial in nature or rated other than “G”, parental acknowledgment shall be secured. A simple letter summarizing the film for parental approval should be sent home prior to viewing. The letter must first be routed via the school principal for approval.
All films viewed by students should be of educational value pertaining to a prescribed lesson being taught in class. The following guidelines are to be followed when showing a film/video:
1. Preview film(s) prior to showing it in class. Does it meet the following criteria: a) Does it pertain to the lesson being covered? b) What movie rating has the film been labeled? c) Is there enough time to watch the film? d) Can students comprehend the content material of the film? e) Is the film controversial in nature that it warrants parental approval?
2. Films are not to be shown to give students free time in class.
3. Feedback from students is expected after viewing the film.
Q. Solicitations/Correspondence/Contracts Involving the School:
Solicitations, correspondence, or contracts involving the school or the Guam Public School System must be reviewed by the school principal or his/her designee before publishing. This includes but is not limited to the following examples:
*1. Requests to businesses or organizations for financial sponsorship 2. Student publications in the newspaper 3. Contracts for services such as DJ’s, yearbooks, spirit items, etc... *4. Requests for donations of any kind * Can only be solicited by an authorized UMS PTO officer
R. General Responsibilities Teachers will 1. Sign-in before the beginning of each working day on the payroll sign-in roster and be in the classroom fifteen (15) minutes before the beginning of the duty day, and remain on campus fifteen (15 ) minutes after the final school bell. Those who do not sign in and have issues with payroll will not have the sign-in document to support their arrival time 2. Teach all assigned subjects to the best of one’s ability. 23 3. Adhere to duties and responsibilities specified in the Board of Education policies. 4. Know and enforce consistently and fairly the rules and policies of the school 5. Be sensitive to the feeling of others and exercise mutual respect in dealing with people (students, staff, etc.) 6. Be aware of attendance procedures (Student Discipline Procedure Manual/Board Policy 411). 7. Make referrals to Assistant Principals or counselors when necessary. 8. Be truth seeking, fact finding and objective. Do not make decisions based on assumptions, emotional feelings, or hearsay. 8. Teachers may leave the campus during their preparation period (Prep) for job related activities and lunch period provided they sign out and in. Those who do not sign out/ in may be subject to being pay docked. 9. DO NOT LEAVE STUDENTS UNSUPERVISED AT ANY TIME / DO NOT SEND STUDENT OUTSIDE CLASSROOM AS A DISCIPLINARY ACTION 10. Develop daily lesson plans that are clear and have engaging activities. 11 Notify the school for any kind of absence when needed as soon as possible. Failure to notify and seek administration approval, one’s pay is subject to being pay docked, and is a violation of personal rules and regulation 12. Maintain and document communication with parents on a regular basis. 13. Discuss all bulletins sent out on weekly/daily basis with home base students 14. Review and ensure students understand all school policies/procedures that govern them.
S. Duty Hours / Absences / Leave Procedures
Teacher duty hours at LPUMS generally consist of seven (7) hours, but may be changed by the Guam Education Policy Board. Teachers are required to sign-in at the Main Office fifteen (15) minutes before the first period bell rings and to remain on campus until the buses have departed. They are not, however, required to stay more than fifteen (15) minutes after students have been dismissed, except on days when meetings are held.
Teachers are also required to attend all school assembles with their class and hold students accountable for their conduct on the school premises.
1. Teacher Absences: The following responsibilities accrue to a teacher who is absent: a. To notify the school administrator of expected absence on a daily basis. b. To provide lesson plans and class rosters where applicable. c. To provide the school administrator such other assistance that will facilitate the learning process.
2. Leave Procedures: It is the responsibility of the teacher to notify the school administrator of intended absence as soon as possible and to provide daily lesson plans for the substitute teacher to implement. If a lesson plan is not submitted with your leave form, it will not be entertained. The school should be notified before Close of Business (COB), if the absence will extend to the next day. (The School Principal shall be notified personally of intended absences). To maximize supervision and instruction on campus, a 3% cap on scheduled sick leave, personal leave, and administrative leave involving parental involvement will be imposed each day. Teachers are encouraged to submit their leave requests as soon as possible. It is important to understand that leave is not automatically approved. It is the employee’s responsibility to follow up with the administrator approving the leave to ensure leave is approved.
24 a. SICK LEAVE: Sick leave is accumulated at the rate of four (4) days per pay period in the work year. Advance leave can be requested for up to thirteen (13) days. Check with the Principal’s secretary if you need leave time beyond the hours you’ve accumulated. When requesting for sick leave, a completed lesson plan must be submitted with your leave form.
b. PERSONAL LEAVE: Teachers may take three (3) days of paid leave for personal reasons or to conduct personal business, which cannot be accomplished after school or on weekends. Notice for personal leave must be a minimum of two full school days in advance. Leave taken to extend holidays requires at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice. No personal leave will be granted the first and last week of school.
c. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE: This leave can be used for employees requesting to exercise the parental involvement initiative under Executive Order 98-16. However, use of such leave is subject to the 3% cap mentioned above. Administrative leave is discretionary and if such requests affects the safety of students when an employee is out, then the administration reserves the right to deny such leave requests. Employees are encouraged to submit their requests as early as possible.
Please refer to the GPSS Personnel Rules and Regulations for further information concerning types of leave available. It is of utmost importance that leave forms be filled out and returned to the principal’s secretary as soon as you return to work. If the absence exceeds three (3) consecutive days, a doctor’s certification shall accompany the leave form. Failure to submit the form and all supporting documents on time may result in non-payment for days missed. (Leave forms are due on 5:00 p.m., on Friday of the week after payday).
N. Dress Standards:
Employees of the Guam Public School System are in constant contact with the children and adults of the community. Therefore, teachers shall dress in a manner that enables them to best carry out their instructional tasks and is consistent with their professional standing.
S. Room Care:
Teachers are requested to assist in the care of their classroom by: 1. Ensuring that students do not mark or carve on wall, doors, bulletin boards or other furniture assigned 2. Keeping paper and trash off the floors
3. Reporting repair needs to the Administrative Assistant (Business Office) as necessary 4. Conserving power whenever possible. All lights and applicable equipment should be turned off when the room is not in use. Air conditioning units should be turned off after school, over the weekends, and holidays unless otherwise specified by the administration. Classrooms should be secured at all times when not in use. 5.Ensuring that no food or drinks are consumed in class.
T. Admit Slips AND Corridor Passes
When accounting for student attendance in or out of class, teachers shall use official school forms only and adhere to the following:
25 1. Issue admit slips to students regardless of the reason for absence. However, determining whether the absence is excused or unexcused is based on policy. (Refer to attendance procedures for details) 2. If you are the last period teacher of the day, all admit slips must be routed back to the PPO to update student attendance on the Columbia system. DO NOT HOLD ON TO THESE SLIPS! 3. Please use the official corridor passes or passes approved by the administration when sending students out of your room. 4. Ask for the pass when the student returns, noting time returning to you. Question all discrepancies. 5. Only one (1) pass per student. Do not send multiple students out at one time. 6. Students are not allowed to go to their lockers during class time.
A. Instructional Supplies 1. Classroom supplies will be issued to each teacher at the start of the school year. After that, teachers may obtain needed supplies from the business clerk. Necessary forms will be provided.
2. It must be kept in mind that our budget is extremely limited. Care must be taken so that all teachers receive a fair share of supplies.
3. Content Representatives will identify instructional supplies and equipment needed after conferring with teachers. Working with the principal, they will assist in determining priority at of what will be purchased within the limits of the budget. All teachers will be made aware of the budget allotted to the school by the central office.
4. Due to the length of time it takes to secure replacements, extreme care must be taken to prevent loss or damage to equipment. Teachers are asked to immediately report to the office any equipment loss or damage.
B. Textbooks 1. The textbooks are issued without charge or deposit to students for their use, but they are financially responsible for ordinary care of the books in their possession.
2. Lost or damaged texts are charged to the students. Students have a week’s grace period to recover any lost text. A replacement cannot be issued to a student until payment has been made. Send student immediately to business office with Lost/Damaged textbook form to pay for lost or damaged books after the grace period.
3. Use The Textbook Clearance Form if student paid for a lost book, then found it , and now needs refund. 26 4. All teachers with the exception of science teachers will check out all of their student books from the business office. Science teachers will check out their books with their content representative/department chairperson. Teachers are required to keep an accurate record of textbooks issued to them and to each of their students. Textbooks should be checked at least every quarter so that parents can be informed of missing books on a timely basis. Teachers must record the condition of the textbook, textbook title and number, and the name of student the textbook was issued as well as a signature of student acknowledging receipt of book. A copy of issued textbook listing must be submitted to the business office, no later than 20 days after the start of the school year. Teachers who fail to account for the textbooks issued to them will be held financially responsible for replacing all unaccounted books.
C. Equipment
School equipment is used to support the instructional programs and should be maintained at all times. Equipment such as computers, VCR’s, televisions, multi-media projectors, video camera, etc.. were purchased for student benefit. The following procedures must be followed when checking out equipment:
A. Attendance Definitions:
The following definitions and standards apply to the administration and enforcement of student’s attendance requirement.
1. Absence from Class: A student is absent when he/she is not present in class and is not actively involved in an approved school-related activity for 10 or more minutes after the start of the instructional period. 2. Absence from School: A student is absent for a school day when he/she is not present at school-approved activities for more than one-half of his regular scheduled contact hours. Contact hours are instructional time and supervised school activities during the school day. 3. Skipping: A student is considered skipping if he/she is absent from a scheduled class for ten (10) or more minutes without a valid excuse. When a referral (Using Discipline Referral Form) is submitted to the PPO for a student who is Suspected of skipping, follow ups will be made the next day as to the location of the student during the periods they were reported out of class. If skipping, parents are called and a Mandatory Parent Conference is arranged. In addition, students may be placed on Work detail Assignments. If said student is caught skipping again, progressive discipline will follow (refer to referral form for a list of administrative interventions).
4. An absence is excused when the absence is a result of any of the following:
27 a. Illness of student. Any student absent for three or more consecutive school days due to illness must present a written certification from an attending physician and must report to the school nurse prior to reporting to classes. b. Death of an immediate member of the family. “Immediate member of the family” means, spouse, mother, father, guardian, children, sister, brother, mother-in-law, and father-in-law. Step and adoptive parents/children are also considered “immediate family”. Absences for up to three school days for this reason is excusable without prior approval. Any absence for this reason, beyond three school days, requires prior written approval from the school administration. c.Medical and Dental visits. d. Court required appearances. e.Lack of bus transportation.
Within these parameters, determinations of acceptable excuses for absences are within the discretion of the school administrators. Parents dissatisfied may follow grievance procedures.
5. The following are not acceptable excuses for an absence: a. Baby-sitting or taking care of friends or relatives at home. b. Housekeeping or housework. c. Party or fiesta , or rosary preparations. d. Lack of transportation.
Teachers do not have the authority to excuse absences that do not meet the criteria specified in Board Policy 411 and the Student Discipline Procedural Manual.
6. Pattern of Absence - If teachers suspect that a student has a pattern of excused absences, they may refer the matter to the administrator in charge of attendance and request that all subsequent absences require a doctor’s note to excuse.
7. Admit Slips – Every student who was absent from school must get an admit slip from his/her home base teacher upon returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to have each teacher sign the admit slip. The last period teacher is responsible for collecting all admit slips and submitting them to the PPO by close of business that day. If you notice that the reason indicated on the admit slip does not correspond to the reasons outlined in policy, refer the matter to the administrator in charge of attendance.
8. Habitual Truancy – Under section 6401 of the Guam Code Annotated, Truant is defined as a pupil found to be absent from school three (3) or more days without a reasonable and bona fide excuse that meets the criteria outlined in Board Policy 411. Continued unexcused absences will result in a student being truant. Habitual truancy is outlined in, Habitual Truancy 6402. Title 17 of the Guam Code Annotated. A student is considered to be a habitual truant if he /she has accumulated 12 or more unexcused absences anytime during the school year. If any pupil is a habitual truant, the principal or a designee of the school shall request the Superintendent to file a petition concerning such a habitual truant in the Family Court of Guam.
B. Home base Teacher:
1. Attendance Forms are placed in each home base teacher’s box daily. All teachers are required to check their boxes daily for important documents and correspondence. Daily attendance via forms is taken by all home base teachers and picked up by school aides and submitted to the Attendance office no later than the end of 1st hour.
28 2. Make sure all home base attendance forms are filled in completely, using a #2 pencil.
3. Take roll and prepare attendance form for pickup by school aides.
4. All students who come to school late during the first period of instruction only, are to go to the PPO for a tardy slip. Their names are taken down to revise their status of absence in case the Attendance Forms have already been collected. (example: ‘X’ is marked for tardy to supersede the student from being `/ ` absent.)
5. If a student is absent, the home base teacher issues an admit slip to the student upon return whether or not a note was brought in. If no note was brought from home, the teacher issues and unexcused admit slip. The student will have two days to bring in a note to change the unexcused absence to excused. In the case of three (3) consecutive days (due to illness), the child must have a certified doctor’s note. The teacher will send the student with a pass to the nurse’s office to get an admit slip for the three consecutive days, excused or unexcused. The nurse’s office will issue an admit slip to the student. Suspended students are not allowed to enter your class unless they have been cleared by the PPO.
C. Pre-Arranged Absences :
Absences of long periods of time (more than 3 days) in which prior notice is given to the school by the parent or guardian and approved by the PPO administrator are called Pre-Arranged Absences. The absences, if approved by an administrator and all assigned teachers, are excused and work missed may be made up by the student. The absences are usually due to death or illness in the family and often require off-island travel. In rare cases, the absence is for other reasons such as participation in Guam Public School System approved activities or lengthy illness. The primary purposes of the pre-arranged absences are to make all concerned aware of the status of the student and to give the student the opportunity to make up work, if determined to be necessary by the teacher.
In order for a student to be excused from school because of funerals, medical treatment, off-island travel etc.., the parent/guardian must first request for a pre-arranged absence form from the PPO. This form is first approved by the Assistant Principal, PPO and then routed to each of the student’s teachers and counselor for their acknowledgement and signature. NOTE: If the parent gives no notice, there can be no pre-arranged absence.
D. Periodic Attendance Check :
The Assistant Principal, Pupil Personnel, will conduct a periodic check of teacher attendance records relative to students being absent or truant from class. It is the responsibility of the teacher to report students who are truant to the Assistant Principal, PPO for corrective action.
E. Referrals For Unexcused Absences :
1. By law, all compulsory aged children must be in school everyday. For 3 unexcused absences, whether consecutive or not, students must be referred to the PPO using the Attendance Referral Form. All attempts made to remediate absences (i.e., contact with parents) should be documented on the referral. When a student accumulates 12 or more unexcused absences, he/she will be referred to Family Court for habitual truancy by the school truant officer.
29 2. In some cases, students are out for 3 or more consecutive days and parents are aware of the absences claiming that the child was ill and at home but not taken to the doctor. In such cases, parents are notified that those absences will remain unexcused and the child can only incur up to 12 unexcused absences before being referred for habitual truancy. 3. Team Referrals vs. Individual Referrals. Team referrals are strongly encouraged. To submit a team referral, at least four (4) assigned teachers must have the same student absent on the same days. If a team of teachers can’t submit a referral, the individual teacher(s) are obligated to submit a referral on the student 4. Students who have 3 or more absences (with a doctors note) are to be issued an admit slip “excused”. If a child does not have a doctor’s note, the child is automatically referred to the PPO.
F. Referrals For Tardies:
1. If a student is late at the beginning of the school day, the student must report to the PPO for a tardy slip. Their absence status is manually changed from absent to tardy in the computer as well as on the Attendance Scan Sheets. If a student was at the nurse or counseling office, they must have a tardy slip from the person who sanctioned the tardy. NOTE: Teachers should not hold students back from their classes unless approval is given by the teacher affected. 2. If a student accumulates 3 or more unexcused tardies, teachers should make attempts to remedy each infraction before referring. (All attempts must be documented on the referral) 3. The school definition for tardy is “a student not in their seat ready to learn when tardy bell rings.” Three (3) tardies are equal to one (1) unexcused absence. If a student is not present in class for more than 10 minutes, the tardy is recorded as an absence excused or unexcused. Teachers are to remediate student tardies by calling or providing written communication to parents before referring a student to the PPO. Students who accumulate three (3) unexcused tardies should be referred using the school attendance form. All attempts to remediate the behavior shall be documented on the attendance referral form.
H. Acceptable Use Policy:
LPUMS offers access to technology for educational purposes. In APPENDIX F is our school Acceptable Use Policy. To be eligible to use the school network and computers, all personnel must agree to abide by the policy. Again, computer use is for school/educational purposes only.
Positive behavioral support (PBS) is a general term that refers to the application of positive behavioral interventions and systems to achieve socially important behavior change. Positive behavioral support is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design effective environments in which teaching and learning occurs. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining school environments that improve lifestyle results for all children and youth.
The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a program presently implemented at LPUMS. The project is comprised of two major components: Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum and School Wide Information System II (SWIS II).
30 A. Second Step: The Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum helps children change the attitudes and behaviors that contribute to violence. The research-based curriculum teaches social-emotional skills to reduce impulsive and aggressive behavior in children and increase their level of social competence. The Second Step school and family components are important parts of the any comprehensive plan to improve children’s social skills and reduce violence.
B. School Wide Information System II (SWIS II ): SWIS II (School-Wide Implementation System II) is a web-based information system for gathering, entering, summarizing, reporting and using office discipline referral information. SWIS II compliments the Second Step Curriculum and improves the decision-making process by providing school personnel with the ability to develop safe and effective educational environments through the use of the data collected. SWSI II also provides summaries of this information for use in the design of effective behavior support for individual students, groups of students, or the whole student body.
C. Discipline Procedures: The administration of LPUMS does not condone corporal punishment in school. It does not condone hitting, slapping, pulling ears, throwing things at students, or physically forcing a student to comply with a directive.
The administration of LPUMS stands ready to assist teachers with discipline problems. Teachers who find they are unable to maintain classroom control are expected to seek assistance from their PTEP administrator.
Classroom control does not mean that the students are expected to be kept in rigid silent attention. It does, however, mean that they are to be engaged in meaningful educational activities throughout the period. Students should certainly never be allowed to deface or destroy property in the classroom (writing or carving on desks, walls, etc., breaking louvers, and other acts of vandalism.).
A teacher may exclude a student from class by sending him/her to the Pupil Personnel Office (PPO) when the seriousness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the behavior makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom detrimental to the learning process.
The teacher shall send a written explanation using the LPUMS Incident/Statement form. The statement should be thorough providing as much information possible for the administrator to take appropriate action.
17 G C A § 5114 states, “Every teacher in the public school shall hold pupils to strict account for their conduct on the school premises and during recess.” In accordance with the law, all teachers shall hold students accountable for their behavior by communicating with parents (written or oral) and referring students to the administration when appropriate.
D. Student Conduct & Teacher Expectations : The administration of LPUMS strongly believes that effective teachers establish high behavioral expectations for their students and model appropriate behaviors at all times. The community objective is to develop and maintain a safe school environment where students feel at home and look forward to returning to school.
Effective classroom teachers encourage students to develop self-control and self-direction in relation to their responsibilities to others around them.
31 A teacher meeting a student on the campus during class time has the right to ask to see a corridor pass. If a student cannot produce such a pass he/she will be taken to the Assistant Principal, Pupil Personnel.
Other school employees such as clerks or custodians shall also hold students accountable for their actions. Any employee observing a breach of discipline may report and/or apprehend the offending students. Refer to APPENDIX G for a list of operational definitions and scheduled consequences.
If applicable, the administrator shall take the necessary disciplinary action after consultation with the teacher. The administrator will notify the referring party in writing when disciplinary action taken.
F. Progressive Steps In Student Discipline :
Minor Behaviors (Outside of Classroom Behavior) (Level 1 Offense)
1. The teacher tries to resolve the problems first by conferring with the student to reach an understanding that is acceptable to both student and teacher. The offense should be documented using the Minor Offense Documentation Form. Indicate the offense and all attempts to resolve each offense.(e.g., sent home letter, call parents, counseling, detention, etc..)
2. If the student continues to display inappropriate behavior, he/she is to be referred to the counseling office after the 4th minor offense.
3. When it becomes apparent that the student has established a pattern of misbehavior (4 Minor Offenses), document and attach the Minor Offense Documentation Form to the Discipline Referral and submit to the PPO for immediate action. The referral must be completely filled out to include function of behavior. Failure to do so, will result in referral being returned.
Major Behaviors (Level II and Level III Offenses)
Upon the first offense, the teacher or staff person can document the offense using the Incident/Statement Form. Attach it to a completed Discipline Referral Form and submit to the PPO for immediate action. The referral must be completely filled out to include function of behavior. Failure to fill out the referral completely may result in the referral being returned.
Note: The discipline referral should be sent up to the PPO but not the student, unless the student’s presence in class poses an endangerment to other students, the teacher, or themselves.
The table in APPENDIX G identifies the behavioral offenses and assigned consequences used on the discipline referral form. Behavioral offenses are identified by level and each level is based on severity. The column on the right of the table lists the types of behaviors committed by students. The left column lists all the weighted consequence or intervention for each offense. The interventions are progressive becoming more severe as the severity and the frequency of the offense increases.
The intent of the table is to standardize how the school community holds students accountable for their behavior. If a student is referred for a particular behavioral offense, the administration will provide the student with their due process and determine whether the stated offense is appropriate. If the student is guilty of the referred offense, the administration will assign the weighted interventions as indicated. This
32 will ensure that administrative decisions are not arbitrary and capricious and that students are consistently assigned the same consequence for the same behavioral offense.
Teachers should familiarize themselves with the table and the following definitions of behaviors to ensure all students fully understand school behavioral expectations.
Referring A Student For Disciplinary Action Involving Level II or III Offenses
1. In all cases in which a student referral is sent to the Assistant Principal, he/she will investigate the situation and decide on a course of action. The decision of what consequence to assign depends on the weight of the offense and whether the child is guilty of the offense. 2. Only the administrator or his/her designee can suspend a student. Only the Superintendent of Education can expel a student. Parents of suspended or expelled students have the right to appeal. 3. A student excluded from a class by an administrator shall not be returned to class unless they have been cleared. When the Assistant Principal for Discipline determines that a student’s presence in the school or classroom constitutes a threat to the safety of a teacher or other students, the student shall be assigned parent shadowing/suspension.
Parent Shadowing/Suspensions:
1. Parent shadow and suspension are synonymous terms. 2. Parent shadowing is an intervention where a student is authorized on campus throughout the duration of their consequence provided the parent or guardian shadows the student at all times on campus. The parent is free to come and go, however, when the parent leaves so must the child. No student under this consequence is authorized on campus without their parent/guardian. 3. All parent shadowing/suspensions must be initiated by a school administrator as an exercise of administrative authority. 4. No suspension may last longer than ten (10) school days, including the time a student is pending a Discipline Advisory Counsel hearing. 5. Suspension decisions imposed by the principal or DAC (Discipline Advisory Council) as appropriate are final except that the Superintendent may revoke any suspension if he/she finds it in the best interest of the school or student. 6. A school administrator may suspend a pupil when in the administrator’s judgment, it is necessary for the welfare of the school or the pupil concerned. Specific grounds for suspension as defined in Board Policy 405 section D are: a. Continued willful disobedience; b. Open or persistent defiance of school authorities; c. Habitual profanity or vulgarity; d. Obscene gestures or wearing of clothing with obscene words, pictures, or drawings; e. Behavior which may cause the student’s continued presence in school to be offensive to the welfare of the school; f. Conduct which constitutes a violation of the Guam Code Annotated*; g. Conduct which endangers the health or safety of others; h. Making threats of violence against others; i. Possession of weapons or explosives; j. Possession of alcohol or other intoxicating drugs; k. Intoxication; l. Academic Dishonesty.
33 G. Positive Behavioral Awards Criteria
In an effort to recognize our students for good behavior, we have developed two awards that are issued each month. On or before the last Thursday of the month, team teachers submit the name of the student who has won the award to the Pupil Personnel Office for either the Most Improved World Class Citizen or the Excellent World Citizen. The criteria for each award are listed below.
World Class Citizen Award
Student has demonstrated all criteria throughout the month the award is given : o Grade requirement: C (70%) or better o Has no documented discipline problems in any class for the month, no referrals to the PPO office, gets along well with peers, and is respectful and courteous to all. o Came prepared to class o Helpful (has volunteered service to the team or school) o Came to school with complete uniform, in clean & neat appearance. o Came to class daily and on time 100% of the time. o Consensus opinion of Team (Team Award)
Most Improved World Class Citizen Award
Student has demonstrated 1 of 3 throughout the month the award is given: o Has shown marked improvement in academic achievement o Has shown a significant, observable change in behavior/attitude o Has shown an effort to change previous problematic behaviors (i.e. attitude change, become more organized, more tolerant of others, attendance, comes prepared to class and turns in assignments, etc.) o Consensus opinion of Team (Team Award)
A. Who May Report: Under Guam Law, persons specified in the Government Code Section 9120-21 and 9120.28 are subject to civil and criminal liability if they fail to report suspected abuses to Child Protective Services immediately by telephone and with a written follow-up within 48 hours of their first awareness of the incident. Included in this category of persons required to report to the administrator are: teachers, employees of a public school. Headstart teachers, school nurse, guidance counselors, cafeteria personnel, parent volunteers in the school, and all others working on the campus.
Whenever any adult receives information indicating that a student has been abused or beaten by parents or guardians, he/she shall report the matter to the Child Protective Services (CPS). Forms are available in the Nurse’s or Counseling Offices. If an adult receives information that the abuser is someone other than primary caretaker, then it must be reported to the Guam Police Department. Although the person first receiving the incident is responsible for reporting it to CPS/GPD, the school administrator must also be advised of the situation.
34 a. Report Procedures:
Government Code Section 9120.21 provides: “…Any person who, in the course of his/her medical profession or training and experience, knows or is told that a child is an abused or neglected child.
Section 9120.23 continue “reports of suspected child abuse or neglect from persons required to report shall be made immediately by telephone and in writing within 48 hours after the oral report. Oral reports shall be made to the Child Protective Services.”
Telephone reports shall include the name of the person making the report, the name of the child, the present location of the child, the nature and extent of the injury, any other information that led the person to suspect child abuse, and other information requested by CPS.
Reports submitted in writing shall be on forms provided from CPS. If not available in school, they may be obtained from their office.
The duty to report child abuse is an individual duty and no supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit such reporting duties. Furthermore, no person making such a report shall be subject to any sanctions. Internal procedures to facilitate, report, and to appraise supervisors and administrators shall be consistent with the provisions of the Guam Code. Teachers who must make reports are required by law to make the initial report to the school administrator and CPS. It is suggested for the person initiating a report to keep a record of the person spoken to, the time of day, and other related information. Only one telephone report is required regardless of how many individuals become aware of the abuse or neglect. b. Liability of Reporting Person:
Government Code Section 9120.29 states: “ Any person or official required by this statute to report a case of suspected child abuse or neglect who willfully fails to do so shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree.
Failure to report suspected child abuse may result in civil liability as well. A person required to report suspected child abuse and fails to do so may be held liable for civil damages. (Landeros vs Flood (91-6) Cal. D. 399)
c. Immunity of Reporting Person:
Any person, hospital, institution, school, facility or agency participating in good faith in the making of a report or testifying in any proceeding arising out of an instance of suspected child abuse or neglect (pursuant to protective custody), shall have immunity from any liability, civil, or criminal, that might otherwise result by taking such actions. For any proceeding, civil or criminal, the good faith of any person required reporting cases of child abuse or neglect pursuant to this law shall be presumed.
A. Human Dignity
No student will, on the grounds of race, creed, color, sex, marital status or national origin, be subjected to segregation or separate treatment in any manner related to receipt of instruction, financial aid, or other benefit provided through the public school system; nor will an individual be restricted in any way in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others receiving instruction, financial aid, or other benefit provided by the Territorial Educational System.
B. No Distinction
This includes any distinction with respect to spaces where instruction is provided and to restrooms. Neither will separate times to set aside on the grounds of race, creed, color, marital status, or national origin for the provision of instruction.
C. Responsibility
Each employee of the Guam Public School System is individually responsible for the implementation of this policy.
A. Audio
All A.V. equipment must be returned at the end of the day to the library, unless prior arrangements have been made and the equipment is stored in a secured room with an alarm.
B. Custodial
Good service is the rule regarding custodial help. If you have a complaint, refer the matter to the Assistant Principal, Facilities. Teachers are expected to conduct light housekeeping ((i.e., picking up trash in class, etc.) in their classroom(s).
Wildcat Pride Time is scheduled at the end of each day to assist teachers in maintaining the care of their classroom. As part of our school ESLER, W- World Class Citizens, Expected Behaviors C- Care for your school, we also teach our students to be positive, contributing citizens of the society they belong to. Teachers may assign students to create a daily schedule for Pride Time so that the clean-up activities become part of the classroom routine. Teams may also work together to develop Pride Activities that the entire Team can work cooperatively and creatively to enhance the appearance of their section/ area of the school.
36 C. School Health
1. The school nurse is responsible for addressing student health care, however, he/she can also assist employees when necessary (i.e., blood pressure checks etc..).
2. No medication, including aspirin, will be given to students by school staff. In absence of a school nurse, follow these procedures: a. Call an administrator immediately. b. If illness or injury is serious, the administrator will call for an ambulance and notify the parent.
3. Ensure that students know that they must have a pass to go to the nurse’s office. Students without passes will not be seen unless it is an emergency. All injuries (actual or suspected) should be brought to the nurse’s attention and principal, even if the child refuses medical help.
D. Guidance Counseling 1. There is a guidance counselor for each grade. These counselors are here to help students and teachers. Students are encouraged to see their grade level counselor, if they have problems.
2. Student cumulative records are in the Counseling Office. Teachers who need information about a student may see the assigned grade level counselor. All information found in this record is as confidential and not to be discussed, except as needed, with other teachers and/or the administrative staff and the Guam Public School System Officials.
E. Library Services 1. All students using the library will be admitted only by a corridor pass (one pass per student). Limit is 4 passes per teacher. The only exception is a permanent lunch library pass issued by the library.
2. Teachers approving and signing passes to the library should be sure that the student has a valid reason for going to the library. The pass is valid only during the period in which the approving teacher issues the library pass.
3. Students entering the library must leave the pass at the main desk and pick it up when they are ready to leave. This pass should be returned to the issuing teacher.
F. Cafeteria Services 1. Lunch service is available for all teachers. Breakfast & lunch tickets will be sold at designated areas on a daily basis.
2. No lunch tray is to be taken out of the cafeteria.
E. Mail Services
School staff may not use the school address for personal mail.
A. Sell of Goods
Any selling of goods or collection of money from students must be approved by the Principal. Please refer to the school’s Non-Appropriated Funds Handbook for more information.
B. Solicitation
Activities and Solicitation by an outside organization is governed by Board Policy #815: The public school system shall strive to safeguard the students, their parents, and the staff from money raising or advertising plans of outside organizations, commercial enterprises and individuals.
No solicitation advertising or selling by any outside organization shall be permitted on any campus subject to the control and jurisdiction of the Guam Public School System without the written permission of the Superintendent of Education.
This means that orders cannot be taken or items delivered to the school. Salespeople representing a commercial organization such as Amway or Tupperware must get written permission from the Superintendent to sell or take orders on campus.
D. Fees and Activity Funds
Board Policy provides that:
1. No student fund raising within any school shall be conducted without the prior approval of the Principal or his/her designee.
2. Funds collected within each school by student organizations shall not be used for any purpose other than indicated by the student organization involved and in accordance with Board Policy.
3. In all vocational, technical, industrial arts, and home economic classes, students shall pay for materials used in projects in which the completed work becomes the property of the student. Otherwise, the school shall purchase the materials to be used.
4. The administration of LPUMS believes that moneymaking activities should be held to an absolute minimum. Some students are made to feel bad when they can’t buy the things other students do.
5. Except for home economics, industrial arts and art fees, all money generated from students must be done so by a student organization and the funds must be spent as determined by a majority of the members of the organization. Students or teachers may organize clubs, or other organization if they wish. The organization must be approved by the Principal or his/her designee. An account will be opened for the organization in the school’s activity account.
E. Clubs/Organizations
38 All officially sanctioned school clubs or organizations must first be chartered with the Student Body Association (SBA), approved the school administration, and copies of the following documents on file with the Business Office: List of club officers. The club/organization’s charter application and By-laws and Constitution.
A. Procedures
1. Each teacher is assigned an account number and a monthly limit for use of the copy machine. Teachers are to safeguard their account numbers and exercise care when using the copy machine. 2. The school’s copy machine and the account issued at the beginning of the school year is to be used for photo copying materials directly related to classroom instruction and student learning. They are NOT to be used to copy personal materials. Also, the boxes (for mail) in the main office are only to be used for the dissemination of official school communication. 3. Please keep in mind the cost of running the copy machine, which is metered, as well as the cost of paper. Consider back-to-back if more than one page is needed. Although this won’t make a difference on the meter reading, it will help save on the cost of paper. 4. No last minute, urgent, emergency photocopying will be entertained. Two teacher preparation periods are for your use to prepare for your classes. This last minute request only serves to impede the office staff in carrying out their respective responsibilities, and is a burden that they should not have to carry. 5. Students are not allowed to copy for a teacher. Do not send a student down to wait to get your materials copied. All students should be in the classroom benefiting from your lessons/instruction.
The office will publish the school bulletin every Tuesday and Thursday of the week and forward them to your email addresses and also place them in the school website: Announcements are to be read during home base everyday. Announcements to be included in the bulletin must be in the office no later than 1:00 p.m. of the day prior to publication. Teachers are expected to read these bulletins in their classes. Those without computer in their class will be afforded hard copies of the weekly bulletin. It is the teacher’s responsibility as outline in the Teacher Duties, Section R, p. 22, to read the bulletin to their students during Home Base. If you are having computer problems, see the Business Office Administrator for assistance, and inform the Curriculum Office of your situation so that you will be provided with a hard copy of one.
B. Visitors
39 Visitors with legitimate reasons are welcome to visit the school, however, all visitors must check in at the main gate/office to be issued a visitor’s pass. This pass must be visible at all times while on campus. Friends and younger brothers or sisters may not visit the school at any time, including activity days.
C. ID Cards
Faculty and staff are encouraged to wear their ID badges at all times. However, during threat conditions: Yellow, Orange, and Red – ID badges are mandatory at all times during school operating hours.
D. Guest Speakers
Teachers are encouraged to invite guest speakers to speak to their classes. It is requested that the appropriate form be filled out. This form may be obtained from the Assistant Principal, Curriculum.
E. Parties
Parties are not allowed during school hours. As a directive from the GPSS Food and Nutrition Office, the only food to be served or offered to students must be from the licensed, contracted food vendor for our school.
F. Student Lockers
Student locker are issued by home base teachers. Home base teachers will keep a record of student locker assignments and combinations. This document is not to be accessible to students.
G. Outside Employment Employees may undertake or retain outside employment only if such employment is not: 1. In conflict with his/her work assignment and duty scheduled hours of the department. 2. Employment does not bring the department or it employees in disrepute 3. Advance consent and approval is secured in writing from the Superintendent.
H. Breakfast/Lunch Ticket Purchase Prices for Adult Breakfast/Lunch tickets are as follows: Breakfast - $1.25
Lunch - $2.50
I. Excellence In Teaching:
Teaching is an art form that requires much dedication and commitment to excellence. To recognize outstanding pedagogy at UMS, the administration has created an award that highlights teaching that stands out among all others. The award is entitled, “EKSALENTE NA’ MA’ESTRA.” (EXCELLENT TEACHER). To win this prestigious award, a teacher must meet all of the following criteria:
1. Has at least 3 years of teaching experience at LPUMS. 40 2. Has earned an above average evaluation for at least 3 years, and at least one of these years was an outstanding rating. 3. Has been instrumental in the development and implementation of a curricular initiative. 4. Has served in a co-curricular leadership capacity, as a team leader, school committee chairperson, or club/organization advisor for at least 3 years. 5. Had to be unanimously selected by each member of the current school year administrative team.
A. Threat Matrix:
LOW CONDITION GREEN Low risk of terrorist attacks. The following Protective Measures may be applied: Refining and exercising preplanned protective measures; Ensuring personnel receive training on HSAS, department, or agency- specific Protective measures and Regularly assessing facilities for vulnerabilities and taking measures to reduce them GUARDED CONDITION BLUE General risk of terrorist attack. In addition to the previously outlined Protective measures, the following may be applied: Checking communications with the designated emergency response of command location; Reviewing and updating emergency response procedures; and Providing the public with necessary information
41 ELEVATED CONDITION YELLOW Significant risk of terrorist attack. In addition to the previously outlined Protective Measures, the following may be applied: Increasing surveillance of critical locations; Coordinating emergency plans with nearby jurisdictions; Assessing further refinement of Protective Measures within the context of the current thereat information; and Implementing, as appropriate, contingency, and emergency response plans. ID Badges required. HIGH CONDITION ORANGE High risk of terrorist attack. In addition to the previously outline Protective Measures, the following may be applied: Coordinating necessary security efforts with armed forces or law enforcement agencies; Taking additional precaution at public events; Preparing to work at an alternate site or with a dispersed workforce, and Restricting access to essential personnel only – Gates 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 are closed. ID badges required school personnel SEVERE CONDITION RED Severe risk of terrorist attack. In addition to previously outlined Protective Measures the following may be applied: Initiate lockdown. Assigning emergency response personnel and pre-positioning specially trained teams; Monitoring, redirecting or constraining transportation systems; Closing public and government facilities; and Increasing or redirecting personnel to address critical emergency needs.
B. Types of Emergencies:
There are different types of emergencies that may require a specific response depending on the circumstances in which it occurs. The following are a list of common emergencies that school’s typically prepare, but are not to be interpreted as complete. Therefore, as supervisors of children, you must be prepared for ALL emergencies.
1. Fire Please read carefully the evacuation procedures attached. Note: Wind direction may change plan. Stay focused and pay attention to instructions given. 2. Typhoon Listen to the radio for information and instructions 3. Bomb/Terrorist Threat See Section below 4. Water and Power Outage Continue on with normal operations until notified by the administrator 5. Earthquakes Teachers and students are to find shelter under the desk. Follow the procedure, “DROP, UNDER, COVER.”
42 C. Evacuation Procedures
Emergency procedures are addressed in Board Policies 500,505, 510, and 515. Emergency evacuation exercises are an important component in ensuring the safety of everyone. To ensure that our school community is proficient with the school evacuation procedures, there will be one evacuation exercise each month throughout the school year. When a school wide evacuation is initiated, it is imperative that everyone follow established procedures and directives issued by school administrators.
TASK: Given an exercise or real emergency, all students, school personnel, and visitors, will evacuate the school campus following all operating procedures without injury.
CONDITIONS: Faculty, staff, students, and parents are informed and understand the school evacuation procedures and evacuation map.
STANDARDS: Everyone will evacuate school buildings to the soccer field immediately after the evacuation signal is activated using assigned routes. Everyone will be in the evacuation area at least 100 feet away from school buildings no later than three (3) minutes after the start of the evacuation.
The evacuation alarm will consist of the following signals: (1) Audio/visual alarm, and (2) Fifteen short bursts of the school bell. Whistles may be used by school aides if one or both of the signals is non-functional. Teachers in an area where they cannot hear or see one or more of the alarm signals should always be alert and ready for an evacuation. An audio/visual alarm that is activated will only serve as a warning signal. Teachers will not evacuate their classes unless both signals are activated together. Staff will immediately locate the source of the alarm and inform the main office of the situation. Classes will only evacuate when the bell is rung intermittently for 15 seconds along with the activated fire alarm system. As an alternate signal, staff will assist the process by blowing their whistles intermittently and notifying classes to evacuate. A fire alarm that is activated during non-instructional time (i.e., before/after school, break, lunch or passing time) will also only serve as a warning signal. The procedures above apply if an evacuation is necessary. When evacuating during non-instructional time, teachers and students are to exit to the evacuation area in an expeditious manner and proceed to their teams assigned area.(B1-B8) In the event of an evacuation during instructional time, teachers will refer to the emergency evacuation procedures and escort their classes to their designated areas. All standard procedures of student accountability will follow. Because of the possibility of inclement weather, teachers should encourage their students to store a change of uniform in their locker at all times. Everyone inside the school premises must proceed towards their assigned exits in an expedient but safe manner without causing injury to others. Once outside the building with responsible personnel, students must continue to maintain their best behavior. No one will go back into the school building unless authorized by the school administration and safety personnel. After the evacuation is complete and the command is given by the Command Post (CP) that it is safe to re-enter the school campus. The school bell will ring to notify everyone to return to the classrooms/offices. Students and teachers will proceed back to their location prior to the evacuation using the same routes. If the “ALL CLEAR” SIGNAL GPSSS NOT COME WITHIN A TWO HOUR PERIOD, THE COMMAND POST WILL CONTACT THE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE FOR AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE STUDENTS TO GO HOME.
43 THE SCHOOL EVACUATION AREA IS THE SOCCER FIELD (Please refer to the school evacuation map for a visual reference:)
Once the evacuation alarm is authenticated, teachers will: Secure flag, attendance book, Student Evacuation Count Forms, umbrellas, water, etc., to take to their assigned evacuation area. The red end of your flag should be in the up position while en-route to your evacuation area. Red indicates that your students are not accounted for. Immediately evacuate classroom and escort students to their designated evacuation area using designated evacuation route. Teachers and students are given 3 MINUTES to clear the school (Main campus classrooms, walkways etc..). Work quickly and efficiently. Line up their students and ensure that they are accounted for. Once all your students are accounted for, place your flag –green end up. Green indicates that you are good. Fill out the Student Evacuation Count Form and submit to designated personnel. Once all students are accounted for, raise the green flag. Submit student evacuation count forms to appropriate personnel, brief them on the status of the evacuation, and remind them to listen and follow all instructions. The administrative staff are located at the command post if assistance is needed.
Miscellaneous responsibilities include:
Teachers are encouraged to review the evacuation procedures with their students once a month or as often as necessary. Teacher are also encouraged to walk their students along their assigned evacuation route so students can demonstrate the correct direction toward the evacuation area.
In the absence of administrative staff stated above, the senior ranking school aide will be the designated individual to account for all students and personnel in the evacuation area and communicate with the Command Post.
Ensure a current evacuation map is posted next to the exit door used during evacuations. Highlight your room and the path your students will travel to reach their evacuation area.
Provide input after each evacuation to improve proficiency. Your suggestions will be included in the After Action Report (AAR) to follow. All questions and concerns should be brought to your grade level administrator.
Teachers on prep during an evacuation are to report to the Command Post to provide assistance.
Teachers are to brief their students that if an evacuation takes place during non-instructional time, they are to report to their teams assigned location for accountability. The following matrix are the assigned locations for each team.
44 B TEAM B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 8
6A X 6B X 6C X
7A X 7B X 7C X
8A X 8B X 8C X
S1 X L1 X
Evacuation personnel will sweep through their assigned area and ensure that everyone has evacuated. Every classroom, restroom (if accessible), office area, etc. must be checked. If a room is locked, skip the room and clear the rest of your area and then report to your administrator the doors you need opened. If a custodian or administrator does not show up to open a room after two 2 minutes, radio your situation to the command post. There should be absolutely no talking on the radio. All concerns or questions that are emergency in nature should be directed to the Command Post. We are given 3 MINUTES to clear the school. Work quickly and efficiently. When the administrator gets the clearance from all the areas assigned to him/her, he/she will radio to the Command Post that their “Area is clear” (First of two clearances) Administrators will be at the corner of room 41 and walkway by room 46 & 47. Personnel assigned to gates 1, 2, and 3 are to set up traffic cones or close the gates to prevent vehicles from entering or exiting the school campus. There should be no movement of motorized vehicles during the duration of the evacuation. All questions or concerns should be relayed directly to the CP. Gate personnel should ensure that parking areas are clear of students, teachers, visitors, and staff. There will be one main First Aide Station next to the Command Post. Emergency water and cups are available at designated points. Teachers on prep during an evacuation are to report to the Command Post to provide assistance. After certifying with your administrator that your zone is clear, locate the teachers assigned to your area and collect their evacuation count forms. Use the Evacuation Room List to identify teachers with 45 students during the time of evacuation. Review the form and take a separate count to ensure accuracy. Collect all your forms and report all discrepancies. Note down any problems you may experience on the back of the student evacuation count forms and submit to the administrator/senior school aide assigned to the area. This feedback is extremely important for future drills and will be recorded in the After Action Review (AAR). Administrators can be found at their second check point (Command Post) The administrator in each designated area will inform the Command Post of all discrepancies or the “ALL ACCOUNTED FOR” (Second and Final Clearance). The administrator in charge of the Command Post will then forward this information to GFD who will then make the assessment of whether it is safe to go back on campus. DO NOT DIRECT STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND SUPPORT STAFF BACK TO THE CAMPUS AREA UNTIL THE COMMAND POST GIVES THE FINAL CLEARANCE. After the evacuation, the administrators will submit all the Student Evacuation Count forms to the person in charge of the Command Post for an after action review. If you have any questions or concerns, refer to a school administrator for guidance.
D. Bomb Threats (BP 505)
In the event of a bomb scare occurs at school, the following actions shall be taken: 1. Immediately evacuate people from all buildings to a place of safety at least 100 feet away from the building; 2. Report the situation to the Guam Police Department and to the Superintendent 3. During the period of evacuation, only Public Safety, Explosive Ordinance Disposal personnel, and authorized GPSS personnel shall enter the building. No student, teacher, principal, or other staff personnel shall enter the buildings until official clearance has been granted. 4. The role of the military Explosive Ordinance Disposal personnel is that of assistance and advise only. The responsibility for dealing with any bomb scare incident remains with the Guam Public School System. 5. The principal shall be the one responsible to determine whether the school is safe to re-occupy.
All employees answering telephones are to be familiar with the following procedures and carry them out immediately
Step 1: Try to gather as much information from the caller as possible (location, when, etc..)
Step 2: Hang up the phone.
Step 3: Pick up the phone and dial *57 (either a recording verifying that the trace is successful or two beeps will be heard) If for some reason *57 cannot be activated, continue on to the next step.
Step 4: Note the phone number and the approximate time of the call.
Step 5: Immediately inform GPD that you have activated *57 supplying the number of the phone the call was received and the time the call was received.
Step 6: Notify the Superintendent’s Office of the threat and how contact can be made with the school while the building is vacated.
46 Step 7: Follow all operating procedures dealing with threats. If there is a second call on the same day, the principal is to call the Superintendent for instructions before evacuating.
Step 8: Upon re-entering, notify the Superintendent’s Office when the building has been cleared and normal operations has resumed.
O. Lock Down Standard Operating Procedures
The goal of this SOP is to ensure that the school community is ready for immediate implementation of a lock down should an emergency or crisis situation occur.
A signal will be initiated to inform the school community of an emergency or crisis. Teachers will Not evacuate their classes. The signal is a constant ring of the school bell for one (1) minute without pause. The alternate signal will be a constant blowing of whistles by support staff along with verbal directions to initiate a lockdown. If an evacuation is necessary, the evacuation signal will be initiated (i.e., 15 short rings of the bell along with the activated fire alarm system). In the event of an actual evacuation, teachers will refer to the emergency evacuation procedures and escort their classes to their designated areas. All standard procedures of student accountability apply.
If a crisis or emergency occurs during non-instructional time (e.g., before school, breaks, lunch, or after school), teacher’s are to direct students to secure themselves in the nearest room to their location. Teachers should gather as many students near to them and secure. Because most classrooms may be secured during these times, try and direct students to areas that you know are open (e.g., cafeteria, office areas, gym etc.)
The all clear signal will be a constant ring of the school bell for one (1) minute along with support staff blowing their whistles. The alternate signal will be a constant blowing of whistles by support staff with verbal directions to return to normal operations.
The Emergency Management Team (EMT)
For every specific crisis, the administration will first assess whether action on the part of the Emergency Management Team is warranted. If the EMT is activated, they will determine the scope and severity of impact for particular populations (e.g. students, staff, parents, and the community). The Emergency Management Team Responsibilities Checklist will be followed in part or whole, depending on the nature of the particular crisis.
The EMT prepares for unforeseen events, identifies available local resources, develops and modifies the school’s Emergency Management Plan, and implements the plan in an emergency to ensure the physical safety and emotional well being of students and staff. 47 Members
The Emergency Management Team (EMT) is the focal point for all phases of crisis response, including prevention. The team includes the following members:
Principal (Chairperson) School Nurse (Crisis Coordinator for Suicide) 6th Grade Teacher (Crisis Coordinator for Natural Disasters) 6th Grade Counselor (Public Information Officer) 7th Grade Teacher (Crisis Coordinator for Shootings/Weapons on campus) 7th Grade Counselor (Crisis Coordinator for Riots-Major Disturbance) 8th Grade Faculty Member (Crisis Coordinator for Acts of Terrorism) 8th Grade Counselor (Crisis Coordinator for Student/Faculty/Staff Death) Parent (Community Advisor) Guam Fire Department (Community Advisor) Parent Representative (Community Advisor)
The EMT Chairperson is the School Principal or his/her designee. The chairperson coordinates and delegates the main functions of the EMT, as listed below:
Hold an organizational meeting during the first month of the new school year. This meeting should include all Crisis Team members and representatives from community support agencies. Complete the Emergency Team Membership Form Designate EMT members to perform PIO, Maintenance Head, and Clerical/Data Tracking functions. Update and maintain crisis management plans and guides. Identify all local resources, to include contact names and phone numbers, and complete the Community Resource List Conduct team training, as necessary. Provide annual in-service for staff on crisis management. It is vital that all staff members (i.e. faculty and support staff) understand and have the opportunity to practice Emergency Evacuation and Lockdown procedures. Assure that all teachers have made their emergency plans available for substitutes. Serve as liaison between community agencies and the school. Meet on a regular basis, at least once per quarter. Maintain communication with the District Superintendent’s Office. Update the Team Crisis Emergency Kit Confirm that each classroom has an updated Classroom Emergency Kit (See Appendix A). Follow Emergency Management Team Annual Responsibilities and Responsibilities During A Crisis Checklists Complete After Action Emergency Management Report Ensure timely response to general crisis related requests from other agencies. Annual: The EMT Chairperson coordinates and delegates the functions of the Crisis Team as stated on the Emergency Management Team Annual Responsibilities Checklist. Specific Crisis: The Emergency Management Team convenes and provides services as stated on the checklist, Emergency Management Team Responsibilities during a Specific Crisis.
48 Teacher Responsibilities
Upon hearing the signal, teachers and staff in the classroom are to initiate a Lockdown and follow these instructions: If possible, have students seek shelter under desks or tables or go to the safest hiding area in the room. Instruct everyone to be silent and still. Lock the door or doors leading into your room. Do not let anyone into your class unless they know the challenge and password. The challenge is Excellent. The password is Wildcat. The person knocking on your door should initiate the challenge, “EXCELLENT.” YOU WILL RESPOND WITH THE PASSWORD, “WILDCAT.” If student or staff is trapped in hallway after door has been locked, be prepared to let them in. (Note: They must know the challenge). Turn off lights and turn off computer screens. Close blinds, if applicable. Remain still, quiet, and in safest area of room. If you can, use your cell phone and report your status, location, and composition to the EMT Command Post- PFC Room (734-2748). Complete a Student Evacuation Count Form and submit to support staff when they report to your room. Do not attempt an evacuation unless instructed to do so. No one will return to normal operations unless instructed to do so by the school administration. Teachers using the backfield during the time of a crisis are to quickly vacate the area and secure their classes in classrooms 43-50. Upon initiation of a crisis alarm, EMT members are to follow established lockdown procedures and report to the Command Post (CP)-PFC room when relieved. Teachers on prep are to report to the PFC to provide assistance. ** When safe, these teachers will be sent to cover the classes of members of the EMT.
The following are helpful hints teachers can use to reassure their students during time of national crisis:
Listen to your students and watch their behavior. Sometimes the quietest child may be the most frightened. Some children may daydream or have trouble concentrating on their schoolwork. Some may act out. Others may be just fine. Take the time to reassure your students that their homes and schools are safe places. Show them that their school is functioning normally, and tell them that their government is working and that it will continue to protect them. Help students discuss the known facts and to separate fact from rumor. Avoid speculating, exaggerating graphic details, or stereotyping groups of people. Discussion is good but do not overwhelm them with too much information. Maintain structure and stability through the daily schedule and engage in classroom activities that do not focus on the crisis. Children are comforted by their normal routine, and “back-to-normal” activities will help them. Remember that the images on television are frightening, even to adults. Try and reduce or eliminate the presence of television in the classroom. If applicable, remind your students about the value of living in a country 49 that respects individual liberty and the rule of law. Talk about the principles that led to the independence of our country, and why they are still important today. If applicable, engage in patriotic activities to give your students comfort. Say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing patriotic songs, or read books about courage. If applicable, encourage your students to participate in constructive activities relative to the crisis. They can write notes to those in mourning or write about acts of courage or bravery. Give them the opportunity to come up with ideas about how they can help those in need.
Support Staff Responsibilities
Support Staff in assigned zones will secure hallways, restrooms, and perimeter gates in zone to ensure no students, visitors, or adults are outside a secured room. They will also check to ensure all rooms are locked during lockdown procedures. All unsecured areas will be reported to the CP. Exact protocol for support staff is dependent upon the crisis. This procedure is a general rule that support staff will follow during a lockdown. Assigned clerks from PPO and Main Office (Same as Support Staff Evacuation Assignments) report immediately to the CP with the Emergency Management Binder to record information coming from support staff in zone and all evacuation related resources (i.e., backpack, bullhorn, etc..). All visitor/GPSS employee logs/faculty listing with contact numbers must be brought to the CP to ensure visitor/staff accountability. The nurse will report immediately to the CP with supplies for triage and the complete listing of emergency contact numbers and class schedules for students. A sentry (cafeteria staff/social worker-aide) will be posted at GATE 1 and GATES 2 AND 3 will be monitored after the crisis over to control access on campus. Support staff will close hallway GATES 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Once assigned areas are secured, support staff, will secure themselves in a classroom in their assigned zone and report status to the CP. Custodial staff will rover in assigned areas and assist support staff with securing zones. When complete, they will also secure themselves in a locked classroom or office area. Clerical staff will take responsibility for office aides and visitors and ensure they are in a secured location away from glass windows or doors. Stay calm and await instructions from admin or the CP. Remember, your level of thinking and calm demeanor will make a big difference with faculty and student responses during a crisis or emergency. Assist teachers with monitoring student behavior. Some children may respond more negatively to a crisis than others. Report any students having difficulty coping with the crisis to the CP. Reassure students that the school is a safe place and that school officials are doing everything possible to protect everyone. As much as possible, provide as many non-instructional activities(e.g., intramurals, lunch time jams, etc..) to promote “normalcy.”
Counselor Responsibilities
Report immediately to CP to provide assistance. Be prepared to establish individual/group counseling sessions to assist during the crisis or emergency situation. The EMT will give specific guidance on what is needed.
50 In counseling sessions, allow victims to tell their stories and to talk about their reactions. Assist them in discussing what happened in chronological order. Encourage them to try to remember what they saw, heard, smelled, tasted or touched at the time the tragedy occurred and for each stage thereafter. Any of our senses may have a “traumatic imprint”. Assure them that most of their reactions are not uncommon for people in the midst of a crisis or emergency. It is not unusual for people to be in a state of shock for days after a tragedy of great magnitude. Fear and anxiety may characterize their days—they are struggling with regaining a sense of safety. Assure them that they can feel safe again. Reassure victims and survivors that they are not at fault for the tragedy or its consequences. Grief or sorrow will be overwhelming to many. Remember that tears are good. Tears relieve stress. Predict for those who are distressed or traumatized what will happen over the next weeks and months. It can be predicted that there will be a continuing need for assistance. Lives will never be the same, but they can be reconstructed for the future. Prepare those who are distressed by developing a plan for what will happen. Help people begin to plan for what will happen in their lives and to explore ways to overcome the problems facing them, their families and friends.
Administrative Responsibilities
Principal or designee will report immediately to the CP and take charge. The remaining administrators will assist support staff with clearing the hallways and ensuring all rooms are under lockdown. Upon completion, administrators will secure themselves in the closest room and attempt to make contact with the CP. Make the decision to conduct (1) lockdown, or (2) partial to full evacuation of school, (3) to activate the EMT to assess the magnitude of the crisis or emergency and make recommendations, and (4) advise personnel accordingly, either of lockdown or to evacuate to predetermined locations (safe havens, rallying points) using the school’s pre-established message/method of alert. Make the determination whether 911 should be called. Communicate with the Superintendent’s Office regarding status and provide regular Situational Reports (SITREPS) as needed. Evaluate the counseling resources you have at school and consider what services and assistance may be available in your community. If you need help with counseling your students, community organizations can help. Meet with the faculty and staff as a group and individually. Many of them are feeling stress and anxiety, and your leadership can help to comfort them and build a strong sense of camaraderie that will assist them in meeting the needs of their students. Encourage teachers to listen to the questions and concerns of their students, and to answer their questions honestly with age-appropriate facts. Remind teachers not to overwhelm students with too much information. Share suggestions with the faculty about how to discuss the specific crisis with the students in their classrooms, and how to look for signs of distress or special needs among their students so they know where to direct extra help.
Note: Before student release procedures are initiated, all Emergency SOP’s must be followed. At the onset of an emergency or crisis situation, the administration will initiate the signal to alert the community of the emergency or crisis. When the school is under complete lockdown, all classrooms and office spaces are to be secured.. Once the Superintendent of Education authorizes the release of students from campus, the school will implement the following procedures:
Command Post (CP) will instruct support staff in zone to inform all teachers to release ONLY student walkers and car riders to the cafeteria. Teachers are cautioned to ensure that only authorized students are released. All other students (bus riders) must wait in their classrooms. The cafeteria is the staging area for students who walk or are picked up by their parents/guardians. Once all students are secured in the cafeteria, designated staff will take full accountability of both categories of students and relay status to the CP. A pre-determined list of students who walk home will be provided to staff assigned to the staging area. Support Staff will simply check off their names from the list. If a student reports to the staging area but their name is not on the list, report the discrepancy to the CP and wait for approval. Support staff will write down the names of students waiting to be picked up. Students who are waiting to be picked up by their parents/guardians in POV are to wait until their rides arrive. Parents in POV are to enter G6 (Kaila St.) and park along the side of RM 42 and 43. Support staff will greet parents and call in the names of students to be picked up to the cafeteria. Once the student is identified, support staff overseeing the cafeteria will mark off the students name and direct them to the POV release point. When student is united with parent, have parent/guardian sign the Student Release Form (Forms are kept in RM 42) and instruct them to exit through G5. (San Antonio St) Upon clearance from the CP, all student walkers will be escorted to the Release Point (RP) - G2 (Pedestrian gate in front of traffic light). When all the busses arrive for the remainder of students, the CP will instruct support staff in zone to go to each class and instruct teachers to escort their students to the front parking lot and get them on their busses. Teachers will assist with supervision until all students have been successfully released. Immediately after all students are released and accounted for, an emergency faculty/staff meeting will be assembled in the library to provide updates and guidance. ***Faculty, Staff, and parents are encouraged to develop a Family Care Plan that identifies who is responsible for picking up dependents in case of an emergency. This will hopefully reduce the level of stress during an emergency or crisis situation. ***Teachers shall submit a list of all students who are walkers and riders by home base enrollment to the PPO by no later than the end of the 3rd week into the new school year and update the list at the end of the each quarter of each year.
D. Typhoon Warning Procedures :
It is the intent of the Board that school personnel take all necessary precautions to prepare school facilities and themselves prior to the onset of a tropical storm, typhoon, and that all necessary actions be taken after the passage of a storm to insure the resumption of instruction as soon as possible. For these reasons and because tropical storms/typhoons do not follow normal business hours, it may be necessary for all school personnel, including instructional staff, to report during other than regular work hours to accomplish the required actions. This policy provides the authority for the Director, Guam Public School system to direct such action.
52 Fleet Weather Central, Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Communications Naval Marianas is the source of weather forecasts and warnings. By mutual agreement, the Commander Naval Forces Mariana’s advises the Government of Guam through the office of Civil Defense of expected winds and threatening weather conditions including the precautions announced for naval activities.
Base on analysis of wind warning in relation to Guam, the Governor, through appropriate government agencies establishes and announces the conditions of readiness to the civilian populations and the Government of Guam.
Typhoon Condition IV - normal weather conditions Typhoon Condition III - typhoon winds are possible within 48 hours Typhoon Condition II - typhoon winds are possible within 24 hours Typhoon Condition I - typhoon winds are possible within 12 hours
When condition III is declared: Schools will remain open, school buses will continue to operate on their usual schedule during Condition III. Nothing will be done to change or disrupt the normal everyday operation of the schools. All available twelve-month employees will be used to ensure that the campus has been thoroughly cleared of all items which might become hazardous during the onset of high winds.
If condition II is declared while school is in session, the following procedures shall be observed: When directed by an announcement from the Office of the Governor that Condition II is in effect, students who are not normally transported by school buses shall be dismissed immediately. Transportation officials will send school buses to the schools. As soon as the buses arrive, the children who are normally transported by bus shall board the buses and return home. The release procedures described in the previous section will apply.
2. Building, General: Once all students have been released, school personnel including teachers shall begin securing buildings. Windows and doors will be protected as appropriate. Schools not designated as typhoon shelters shall turned off all electrical switches except those which control cafeteria refrigerators and freezers. The principal and other assigned staff members shall inspect buildings and grounds to ensure that all loose and hazardous material has been removed.
3. Classroom and offices: Books, registers, student report cards, and supplies will be placed in a safe part of the building. All rooms will be prepared to withstand wind, rain and water damage. Teachers will be responsible for securing their own room(s).
4. Personnel: After everything possible has been done to ensure the safety of the buildings and property, the principal shall release school personnel who are not needed to operate the shelter.
If Condition II is declared when school is not in session, principals and all school personnel, including instructional staff, shall immediately report to their school and carry out necessary precautions as specified above. School personnel who are not needed for shelter preparation and shelter management assignments are to be dismissed upon completion of their securing duties.
5. What to do in Condition I: Stay under shelter and carry out the recommendations of the Director of Civil Defense.
6. Typhoon shelters: In schools designated as official typhoon shelters, principals shall act as shelter managers. This responsibility is under the general cognizance of the district mayor, whom the Governor has 53 appointed Civil Defense Warden within their own municipal jurisdiction. The principal shall take the necessary steps to make the school ready to accept those to be sheltered. Among other things, principals shall register and assign shelteree’s to rooms, inform them of available services and facilities, and advise them to take reasonable efforts to safeguard school property.
7. When Condition IV (“All Clear”) is declared: When the threat of the typhoon has passed and the island is declared to be in Condition IV, upon instruction of the Director of Education, or other competent authority, all school personnel including instructional staff, shall report to their respective schools and assist in the clean up and restoration of the facilities so instruction can resume. All directives issued by the school principal are to be followed.
8. Post Storm (Condition IV) Teacher/Counselor Responsibilities: a) All faculty members should be prepared to clean up, to assess damages, and to prepare for instruction in their respective areas. Clean up will usually include removing water from rooms, moving desks and books, and wiping off the desks and chairs. Classrooms should be ready for the next day of instruction. b) Teachers should check in with the principal to determine if help is needed in the book/locker and storage room. c) Faculty members are encouraged to bring whatever supplies (brooms, mops, etc.) they need to clean up. d) Give a list of damages to the school principal e) When finished, teachers/counselors are encouraged to help others in the clean up of classrooms and school grounds. Please see the administrator in charge for guidance.
9. Offices and Custodian Staff Responsibilities: a) All staff members are to clean up, assess damages, and prepare their respective areas for opening. b) Staff members are encouraged to bring whatever materials they may need for clean up. c) Give a listing of damages to the school principal. d) All staff members are expected to clear debris from around the school and to discard any trash found around the school. e) Office staff and custodial staff are to check with their immediate supervisor for assignments.
10. Cafeteria Workers: a) Clean up all debris from the storm. b) If no power, transfer all frozen/refrigerated items to cold storage. c) Return everything to its place to prepare for opening. d) Survey and test all electrical equipment. e) Survey and report any damages to the cafeteria manager and principal.
A. Support Staff Organizational Chart
Principal: Naomi C. Taitingfong
Secretary, Brenda Sison
AssistPrin Curriculum: AssistPrin. CR Sp.Pop/ Assistant Pupil Person Program Facil: Principal, Off: Coord. Lucy Leon Marcia Maria San P.Devera Guerrero Martir Nicolas R. Flores
Counseling Library Para LOTE Administra. Clerk Typist Office: Services, Truant Clerk: Educators, COORD. Nurse’s Officer: IEPC III: B.Benavente Librarian: Officer: Stephanie Supervisory Clerk, Office: Carmen T.As Frank Castro Betty Cruz E. Langas, Danny Leon Mary Pipes Martinez Aides, Leon AChargualaf Guerrero 1:1 Aides Guerrero
Computer Clerk. Clerk, Clerk, Operator, Anita Kelly Marina Linda Mary Naputi Cepeda Tenorio
Clerk, Sirena Balajadia
55 School Principal: Assumes overall supervision of the school and implementation of the SIP Provides instructional leaders in the development, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of a balanced educational program, including all support services and co-curricular activities (Skill- based curriculum, Accreditation, SAT 10 Content Standards and Performance Indicators) Evaluates teachers Chairs meetings with content representatives Supervises Assistant Principals, Cafeteria Manager, and Administrator Officer (i.e., leave forms and evaluations) Handles teacher leave requests (When Assistant Principal, Curriculum is not available) Works with appropriate district administrators in the recruitment, selection, and assignment of personnel Approves all communication sent home or outside the school campus Provides training for assistant principals Plans for staff development Coordinates all PTA meetings Oversees the Parental Involvement Committee of the SIP
Assistant Principal, Curriculum: Acting Principal (When principal is off-campus) Handles all teacher leave applications Handles clerical staff leave request assigned Oversees the 8th grade program Approves all school bulletins Evaluates teachers, counselors, librarian, and school health counselor Plans for faculty meetings Meets monthly with content representatives Attends and monitors all team planning Approves all field trip requests Oversees Student Achievement Committee of the SIP
Assistant Principal, Special Programs/Facilities/Business: Evaluates teachers Handles all custodians leave requests Attend all team planning meetings Attends All IEP meetings Oversees 7th grade program Oversees the LOTE program Approves student activities Supervises activities coordinator Plans for all social events (Christmas party, end of the year, teacher orientation day, etc…) Plans and coordinates student and employee awards/recognition ceremonies Responsible for school facilities Supervises custodians 56 Oversees the Resource Committee under the SLIP
Assistant Principal, Pupil Personnel: Oversees Student Campus Conduct (Discipline) Oversees student attendance Approves all out-of-district requests Oversees the 6th grade program Evaluates teachers Prepares student/parent handbook Supervises all school aides/1:1 aides Supervises interscholastic games Responsible for Second Step program Attends all team planning meetings Handles all school aide/1-to-1 aide leave requests Oversees School Climate section of the SLIP
Administrative Officer: Receives and maintains a continuous inventory of school equipment and government property Assists the Principal with budget preparation Supervises all requisition for the procurement of equipment and supplies Supervises all preparations of requisitions, receipts, and distribution of supplies Supervises all preparations of school’s payroll. Responsible for keeping valid time sheets and pay records of all personnel Keeps record of leaves and absences of staff members Maintains centralized key distribution Attends and provides supervision for school activities after school hours Serves as the school’s treasurer Performs other duties as delegated by the Principal
Cafeteria Manager (if cafeteria not outsourced to private food vendor) Responsible for seeing that the food is prepared daily and is served to meet the students’ nutritional needs. Insures federal guidelines are followed for nutritional balance. Observes government health and safety regulation in all matters relating to the operations of the cafeteria. Provides the principal with daily/weekly menus at least a week prior to implementation when possible. Supervises all cafeteria employees and workers.
Grade Level Counselors
57 The basic role and function of the counselors is to implement the philosophy and objectives of the guidance and counseling department. A fundamental objective of the counselor is to recognize the unique worth of the individual. Counselors must be committed to helping individuals to: Understanding themselves; Understand their rights and their freedom to choose; Understand their alternatives and the possible consequences of their decisions; Make decisions; Take responsibility for their decisions; Become self-directed; Function effectively in social community. The counselor will serve as a consultant to the school and community by: Providing mediation for changes in behavior and conflict resolution; Serving as a liaison for issues pertinent to the learning environment of the schools; Supporting the staff with assistance in developing positive rapport with students to; Assisting teachers in identifying students who would benefit from counseling and providing feedback on referred students as appropriate; Providing information to parents and students to aid in their understanding of educational goals; Providing resource materials and expertise dealing with issue affecting students, staff, and family. Providing information about appropriate community resources or organizations The counselor will provide individual and group counseling by: Providing crisis intervention; Using appropriate interventions in situations detrimental to the physical, mental, educational, and emotional well-being of the individual; Providing support to individuals by addressing topics such as interpersonal relations; Making referrals to school and community agencies when necessary. The counselor will uphold the standards of the counseling profession by: Meeting district competency standards and requirements for re-certification; Participating in the development of policies concerning guidance and counseling; Keeping information about developments and innovations within the professional at the local, state, and national levels. Following the legal and ethical standards of the counseling profession The counselor shall assist in issues affecting students such as the course scheduling of students and the preparation/implementation of school-wide testing of students, and other duties related to student issues as directed by the principal.
SECTION VII. STUDENT RECORDS, PRIVACY ACT AND TITLE IX (FEDERAL LAW) CUMULATIVE FOLDERS Information in each student’s record is available to teachers who have need for this information. Information found in a student’s cumulative folder is not to be discussed with people other than the student’s teachers or administrative staff of LPUMS or the Guam Public School System. When information is needed from a cumulative folder, please ask the counselor’s secretary to obtain the folder for you. Do not get it yourself. Return it to the Counseling Office clerk when you are finished. In any respect, these records MUST NOT be removed from the Counseling Office without written approval from an administrator.
58 School Health Counselor Initiates procedures for emergency care of illnesses and injuries occurring while pupils are under the jurisdiction of the school. Responsible for first aid care of emergencies. Assumes responsibility for follow-through with parents concerning school health emergencies Provides health counseling and guidance to pupils to promote optimum growth and development. Serves as health consultant to pupils, parents, and teachers in matters pertaining to pupil health. Assists in planning school programs to promote optimum physical, social and emotional health. Develop plans to enhance the safety of pupils and staff. Participates in periodic surveys to identify the presence of factors detrimental to the health and safety of pupils and staff. Provides consultant services to classroom teachers on planning content materials and activities related to health instruction. Provides consultant services to pupils on an individual or classroom basis in relation to health instruction. Assists teachers periodically in the instruction of appropriate health education topics. Participates in developing school policies and procedures to ensure cooperation with local health officials in all matters pertaining the community health. Prepares quarterly health reports and submits to the principal on a quarterly basis.
Administers and operates the school library and plans arrangements and procedures for utilizing library materials to their most effective use with students and teachers. Selects and orders books, recordings, filmstrips, magazines, and pamphlets, the contents which suit student needs and interests (reinforcing and enriching curriculum studies. Selects and orders equipment and supplies for the library with the approval of the Principal. Classifies, catalogs, and supervises the processing of library materials. Encourages reading through individual contact with students and through arranging displays, booklists, and school newspaper publicity. Instructs and supervises the library clerk, assist students in book processing circulation procedures, and other tasks. Instructs students in use of the card catalog and reference tools to increase their efficiency and use of the library Instructs teachers and students in the use of the library and its resources. Provides assistance for teacher use of library facilities. Develops and oversees the Library Action Plan of the SLIP Responsible for coordinating the distribution of AV equipment and accountability of equipment.
Activity Coordinator Be present for all meetings. Insures that any fund-raising activity is reviewed and submitted to the principal at least two (2) weeks in advance, for approval or disapproval. Insures that students have a clear understanding of the objectives of the activity. Holds a workshop (preferably during the first meeting) on the handling of non appropriated fund with the Assistant Principal, Business and the Administrative Officer. Insure that all contracts or agreements (verbal or written) are routed to the Principal for approval or disapproval. All contracts or agreements must be validated by the
59 Principal. Be on site at all times for off-campus/on-campus functions. Assists the administration with overseeing compliance with Non Appropriated Fund Procedures (NAF) Coordinates and schedules all activities. Submits weekly bulletin and other media announcements as needed by the principal
Content Representative
Responsible to: Be the voice to air concerns or provide suggestions to help teachers Be the liaison between the content area teachers and administration Provide necessary information to content area teachers regarding opportunities to attend workshops, seminars, or to get resources in content area Keep teachers informed of any activity or event related to content area (contests, science fairs, etc…) Organizing achievement data from content area teachers Have a directory of the content area teachers complete with name, room number, & team Set a specific time and day to meet regularly To align curriculum with district Content Standards Performance Indicators, SAT9/10 Clusters Assists the Assistant Principal, Curriculum with assessing SIP goals and objectives Facilitating regular meetings with content area teachers Discuss issues related to the teaching of content Share and incorporate ideas Provide opportunities for grade levels to get together and discuss grade level concerns and issues (i.e., Index of Instructional Objectives, Item Analysis, SAT9/10 alignment etc.)
Team Leader’s
Are Responsible for: Providing the team teachers with pertinent information necessary for team success. Being the liaison between the team teachers & the administration as well as other groups in the school (counselors, coordinators, advisors, etc,.) Relaying information to administration about issues & concerns of the team Document daily team meetings (agenda and attendance) and submit these documents each quarter to the Assistant Principal, Curriculum Being the facilitator of team efforts Organize team meetings (agenda, goals, etc…) and report them on a quarterly basis Mentoring new teachers to the team Initiate the identification of “at risk” students and develop action plans to assist students succeed Overseer of team committees (fieldtrips, fundraiser, newsletter, etc…) Seek outside help for the team when needed Assist the Reading Coordinator (RC) with data collection Enforcing team and school rules Setting up child study teams to assess student needs
60 Ensure team members are aware of retention procedures and adhere to timelines Know the rules and discipline procedures of the school Have a team behavior tracking system in place to document offenses Make sure team teachers understand and USE school policies Know the attendance procedures and policies make sure team teachers understand the policy have a system in place to track attendance patterns and contact parents & guardians immediately
Reading Coordinator Facilitates the Corrective Reading (CR) program Create means of organizing teaching schedules relative to CR Oversees initial placement of students into decoding/comprehension results Assures that data is collected and made accessible in each classroom Examines data and provides feedback to teachers on a regular basis Change placement of students as needed and approved by the principal Schedule and conduct classroom observations Identify and schedule in-service needs for teachers throughout the year Communicate with teachers as necessary Communicate with administration on a regular basis Teach an instructional group Perform other duties specified by the principal
Athletic Director Ensures preparation of facilities for all home games. Assistant Principal in selection of athletic personnel. Calls to attention of coaches any failure to uphold responsibilities. Attends in person (or a substitute) all home games. (Substitute must be a coach, teacher or administrator Keeps records of: Team Rosters Eligibility Vital Statistics Works with Administration in providing awards for outstanding performance. Works with other athletic directors in setting up schedules for all Sports and activities. Orders new and replacement equipment when deemed necessary after receiving proper authorization from the Principal. Oversees the athletic facilities, supplies and equipment. Is in charge of the use of athletic facilities by school organization and keeps an up-to-date schedule of use of athletic facilities by all organizations. Is in charge of assignment of athletic facilities by non-school organization; responsible for keeping schedules or organizations requesting rental of athletic facilities and providing the administrative officer with the information, including names, date, and time of use of facility so that correct billing, supervision, and custodial responsibilities are met by the renting organization.
61 Performs other duties as delegated by the Principal
All students using the library will be admitted with a library pass issued by a teacher or in the company of a teacher. The library will be available also during lunchtime however. A special Library Lunch Pass issued by teachers must be used.
Everyone is welcomed to use our LPUMS library. The librarian and library Aide are here to service you in your quest for knowledge, and also to promote reading pleasure. When using the library, please remember: . A. Behavioral Expectations to Enforce with Students 1. Be quiet in the library at all times. 2. The library is open at 7:30 am before school starts to browse, check in, check out, library books, and to finish homework assignments. 3. No eating, chewing gum, or drinking permitted in the library. 4. When teachers accompany students, no library pass is needed. 5. Students must wait outside until the teacher has given some visible signal to enter the library. This same procedure applies when the bell rings to leave the library. 6. Students must keep quiet in the library. No unnecessary visiting and gabbing, etc., from one table to another or from one section of the library to another. 7. About fifteen (15) minutes before the bell rings for the end of the period, the teacher should remind the class to start putting the materials away and check out library. 8. Books are only on a two-week checkout basis for students and can be renewed upon request for another two weeks. Reference materials can’t be checked out, they can only be used in the library. 9. You are responsible for the books checked out. Lost books must be paid for in its full amount. A late fee of ten cents ($.10) will be charged for each day a book is late. 10. Don’t use another student’s ID number for checking out library books or using the computer. 11. Students are required to leave the library the same way they found it. Chairs should be pushed in under the table, papers or any mess picked up and thrown into the wastebasket and library materials returned to correct shelves. 12. A student caught mutilating, destroying, or sticking gum on books, periodicals, furniture or anywhere within the library will suspended for the use of the library and referred to the AP-Pupil Personnel for disciplinary action. 13. A student must have an individual library pass to the library during lunch time (four students allowed per teacher). 14. Internet is available to student for education use. Limit is five (5) minutes per student. 62 15. Books can be checkout by faculty for as long as needed for their own use or for class use. The end of the school year for clearance must return all Library Material and equipment! 16. Teachers for class use can check out audio-Visual materials. Students are not allowed to check out AV-Materials. All AV-Material MUST be kept in a secured room. You, who checked out the AV-equipment, ARE responsible for it’s safety. Video tape(s) are also available. LRC schedule is posted in the library bulletin board. 17. Library material should be used with care, checked out correctly, and returned promptly on the date due so that they will be available for others to use and wouldn’t be charge a late fee. 18. Students should be considerable to others. They should be quiet and orderly so others will not be disturbed. 19. Library books and other materials should be put away properly or checked out; and any mess cleaned up before a student leaves the library. 20. Students should come to the library only when they have library work to do. The librarian will not be responsible for students who have nothing to do but disturb others who have important work to do.
B. Checking out books magazines, AV Materials, etc.
1. Before any library material can be checked, the library Aide(s) (or Tech) at the circulation desk will check the library registration files to make sure you are properly registered. 2. The Library Aide(s) will stamp the due date on the book card and on the pocket of the book (and initial their name near the due date) and give you the book(s). 3. If a student already has two (2) books checked out, he/she may not check out another unless one or both books are returned. 4. Students may check out magazines. Teachers may check out magazines for the use of students. There is no limit number of magazines to be checked out. However, discretion is encouraged and magazines should be returned as soon as possible.
C. Library Services
The library is open at 7:30 am before school starts. Come in and browse, check out books, or return books.
The Librarian or Library Technician will help you find information available on any subject.
Library orientation is to familiarize and help you use the library more effectively. Orientation service is also available upon request by teachers during any time of the school year. A teacher can check out a set of Encyclopedias for class use, but it is to be returned before the end of the school day or if made special arrangements with Librarian.
Old magazines and newspapers may be checked out to teachers for projects.
Library Reservations can be made Ahead of Time for the Following:
63 1. Class research or special projects by classroom teachers…..The number of days reserved by any one teacher will be scrutinized by the Assistant Principal, Curriculum to ensure equal access by all 2. Group testing by counselors 3. Alternate classroom for those whose classes have no operational air conditioner 4. Any other school activity or function approved by administration
**The Library will be closed for book check out (2) weeks before school ends. **Library books must be all turned in before school ends
A- ESLERs Rubrics
B- Course Syllabus Sample
C- Lesson Plan Sample
D- Retention Policy
E- Field Trip Forms
F- Acceptable Use Policy
G- Behavior Offenses and Consequences
ESLR Rubrics
World Class Citizens
Asks for help when needed; works in cooperative teams in leadership position and contributes to group goals Consistently follows school and classroom rules and understands their purpose; listens politely, disagrees respectfully, and understands and tolerates opposing Accomplished points of view Actively participates in community organizations and/or community service; has a depth of knowledge of diverse groups and demonstrates respect through words and actions Sometimes asks for help when needed; works in cooperative groups and contributes to group goals Consistently follows school and classroom rule; listens politely, disagrees respectfully, and tolerates opposing Developing points of view Is aware of community service opportunities and is a member of school or community organizations; has some knowledge of diverse groups and demonstrates respect through words and actions Rarely asks for help when needed; works in cooperative teams but may or a contribute to group goals Inconsistently follows school and classroom rules; Basic listens politely and will not be disrespectful Is award of community service opportunities; has limited knowledge of diverse groups and demonstrates minimal respect through words and actions
Information Users
Able to independently select, gather, and use information from multiple sources and interprets ideas Consistently interprets and follows directions and understands their purpose Accomplished Accurately verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a thorough comprehension of presented
66 material; applies knowledge from theory to real world applications most of the time Sees relationships between two or more objects and uses logic to draw conclusions; consistently uses logic to draw accurate conclusions from available information and/or extract rules or principles from a set of objects or a written text. Generally interprets and follows directions Accurately verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a thorough comprehension of presented material; applies knowledge from theory to real world Developing applications most of the time Sees relationships between two or more objects and uses logic to draw conclusions; consistently uses logic to draw accurate conclusions form available information and/or extract rules or principles from a set objects or a written text. Inconsistently interprets and follows directions Verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a general comprehension of presented material; seldom applies Basic acquired knowledge to real world applications Sees relationships between two or more objects independently; uses logic to draw accurate conclusions independently some to the time. Life Long Learners
Consistently comprehends content read; consistently writes in a clear and concise manner; articulates ideas and opinions succinctly and creatively Accomplished Actively listens for understanding; questions automatically to obtain deeper understanding Uses interpersonal skills to interact, participate, and share knowledge. Comprehends the main idea of what was read; frequently writes in a clear and concise manner; Developing articulates ideas and opinions adequately Usually listens for some or limited understanding; occasionally questions for facts and clarification Usually uses interpersonal skills effectively. Limited comprehension of what was read; rarely writes in a clear and concise manner; articulates ideas and Basic opinions partially and/or inaccurately Often listens with no understanding; seldom asks questions to obtain information Uses interpersonal skills ineffectively or not at all.
Decision Makers
Recognizes existence of a problem and identifies all of 67 its components; locates, evaluates; and collects information a variety of relevant resources Suggest multiple, feasible solutions; utilizes a variety of Accomplished effective and relevant strategies to solve a problem Consistently aware of consequences of decision; is responsible in accepting the results most of the time; continually evaluates choices Recognizes existence of a problem and identifies some of its components; locates, evaluates, and collects information from some sources Suggests at least one feasible solution; utilizes some relevant strategies to solve a problem Developing Generally aware of consequences; accepts responsibility for results some if the time; evaluates choices occasionally Recognizes existence of a problem but cannot identify its components; makes minimal effort to locate, evaluate, and collect information from sources Basic Suggest only one solution; utilizes one relevant strategy to solve a problem Has limited awareness of consequences; may or may not accept responsibility for choices; may or may not evaluate choices
Critical Thinkers
Consistently interprets and follows directions and understands their purpose Accurately verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a thorough comprehension of presented material; applies knowledge from theory to real world Accomplished applications most of the time Sees relationships between two or more objects and uses logic to draw conclusions; consistently uses logic to draw accurate conclusions from available information and/or extract rules or principles from a set of objects or a written text. Generally interprets and follows directions Accurately verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a thorough comprehension of presented material; applies knowledge from theory to real world Developing applications most of the time Sees relationships between two or more objects and uses logic to draw conclusions; consistently uses logic to draw accurate conclusions form available information and/or extract rules or principles from a set objects or a written text. Inconsistently interprets and follows directions Verbalizes, summarizes, and/or demonstrates a general comprehension of presented material; seldom applies 68 Basic acquired knowledge to real world applications Sees relationships between two or more objects independently; uses logic to draw accurate conclusions independently some to the time. Academic Achievers
Has an academic plan, takes the appropriate courses, and knows secondary goals to prepare for the next grade level and beyond; gain career experience in the community, through job shadowing, intern ships, volunteering, and/or paid work-experience Generates new ideas by making connections, changing Accomplished or reshaping goals, and imagining new possibilities; organizes, processes, and synthesizes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information Consistently makes school a priority; sets and works consistently at educational goals; recognizes and uses multiple intelligences skillfully to apply and adapt new knowledge and skills Takes the appropriate courses and has some knowledge about secondary goals; explores career through about a variety of resources and experiences at school and in the community Generates ideas and uses imaginations freely combining ideas and information in new ways; organizes and Developing process symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information; Generally makes school a priority; sets and sometimes works at educational goals; recognizes and makes limited use of multiple intelligences to apply and adapt knowledge and skills Knows basic course and next grade level requirements; is exposed to career possibilities at school Generates ideas but cannot bring them to a viable Basic conclusion; organizes symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other information; May not make school a priority but has set educational goals; has difficulty recognizing and using multiple intelligences to apply and adapt knowledge and skills Technology Users
Independently uses technology uses select, gather, and save information from multiple electronic sources Accomplished Uses a variety of technological and multimedia tools to effectively communicate an idea Uses technology to gather information from a variety of electronic sources with occasional monitoring Developing Uses only certain technological and multimedia tools to
69 communicate an idea Requires continual assistance in order to use technology to perform research Basic Requires continual assistance in order to use technological and multimedia tools to effectively communicate an idea
Solution Seekers
Consistently demonstrates knowledge of a wide variety of occupational and living skills; is aware of issues and is involved in steps necessary for change, and may be active in student government or activities Accomplished Readily and independently visualizes and utilizes various applications in solving a problem; confidently recognizes reasonableness of possible solutions and makes logical extensions if necessary Consistently shows persistence in seeking solutions Demonstrates knowledge of some occupational and living skills; is aware of issues and knows the steps necessary for change Developing Given some direction will visualize and utilize some applications in solving a problem; recognizes the reasonableness of possible solutions most of the time Is generally persistent in seeking solutions Demonstrate limited knowledge of occupational and living skills; is aware of issues Basic Visualizes and utilizes applications in solving a problem but only with directions; sometimes recognizes appropriateness of possible solutions Shows limited persistence in seeking solutions
Approved By:______Social Studies
Luis P. Ungallant Middle School School Year 2007-2008 Teacher XYZ 7th Grade Room 78 Team 7B Tigers Course Description: Students will understand the world in which they live in; recognize the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations; and promote the understanding of the relationship between people and their environment. Course Outline: 1 st Quarter 3 rd Quarter Map Skills Economic Studies Geographic Studies Cultural Studies
2 nd Quarter 4 th Quarter Governmental Studies Social Systems Civics Global Studies
Grading Procedure: Each student may calculate his/her grade at any time according to the following criteria. Projects 20% Post-Test 15% Tests/Quizzes 20% Assignments (Class work, Homework) 25% Portfolio (Notes, Vocabulary, Collection of Work) + 20% 100% Make-up Work: Students who are absent have the opportunity to make up missed assignments (class work/homework), quizzes and tests. A portfolio is available for students to check what 71 they missed. All the notes, vocabulary, class work, and homework are included and available for students to use. Students who are absent need to see me to determine a due date for make-up assignments or schedule a make-up quiz or test. Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned on Mondays through Fridays. All assignments are to be completed neatly and turned in on time. Quiz/Test Policy: Quizzes and tests will be given periodically. Students will be given approximately one week notice for all quizzes and tests. However, pop quizzes may be given to check if students are going over their notes on a regular basis. Post-Test A Post-Test will be issued at the end of each quarter. The Post-Test is weighted at 15% of a student’s total grade per quarter.
Required Material: Pens (Black or Blue ink) Binder (½ inch width) Pencils Loose leaf paper Color Pencils 4 divider tabs Color Crayons Rules: 1. Follow directions. Students should respond quickly to whatever is asked of them with the willingness to try new things. 2. Be punctual. Students should be in their seat to begin class by the tardy bell. 3. Be prepared. Students should be ready when class begins with all materials, everyday. 4. Respect everyone. All our words and actions should reflect a team attitude. Consequences: 1. Teacher/Student Consultation 2. Call/Note to Parent 3. Team Teachers/Student Meeting 4. Referral to Counselor 5. Team Teachers, Student, & Parent Meeting 6. Referral to Vice-Principal for Discipline In Regards to School Policy: Refer to Student Handbook.
Parents/Guardians, please sign below and return this form to your child’s Social Studies teacher, indicating that you have gone over the syllabus for Social Studies for school year 200_-200_ with your child. Thank you for your continued support. ------My child and I have reviewed the syllabus set for Social Studies and agree to follow and support it. ______Student’s Name Student’s Signature Date ______Parent’s/Guardian’s Name Parent’s/Guardian’s Date Signature
72 Amended July 22, 2004
Citizenship Grade: Each student’s citizenship grade is evaluated based on the following rubrics: Students need to exhibit at least two of the behaviors in each category to warrant that evaluation.
E = Excellent Student exhibits exemplary behavior: no disciplinary action needed Always follows school and classroom rules Listens politely and demonstrates respect to others Actively participates in class most of the time Socializes very well with others most of the time
S = Satisfactory Student exhibits good behavior; few to no disciplinary action needed Consistently follows school and classroom rules Participates in class Gets along well with others some of the time.
N = Needs Improvement Student exhibits inappropriate behavior Inconsistently follows school and classroom rules Occasional disciplinary action needed; teacher disciplinary action needed on three or more occasions. Student participation in class is infrequent Has difficulty getting along with others
U = Unsatisfactory Student exhibits unacceptable behavior; Frequent disciplinary action needed; referred to the PPO and disciplinary action Taken (Level II or III type offenses) Student GPSSs not participate in class GPSSs not get along with others.
* Please note that citizenship grades are reported at the middle and end of the quarter via progress reports and report cards. APPENDIX C LUIS P. UNTALAN DAILY LESSON PLAN FORMAT
Teacher Name:______Quarter: 1 2 3 4
M T W TH F Date: ______Period: _____ I. ESLR Addressed: Specify how ESLRS are reinforced by lesson: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD I ___ World Class Citizens ___ Information Users ___ Life Long Learners ___Decision Makers ___ Critical Thinkers ___ Academic Achievers ___ Technical Users ___ Solution Seekers To measure ESLRS, refer to rubrics II. List All Skills Taught and the Content Standard(s) covered: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD I
III. Anticipatory Set or Affective Grabber: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD III
IV: Instructional Objective(s): (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD I (List and specify all desirable outcomes expressed in observable/measurable behaviors in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains) V: Instructional Strategy: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARDS II, IV, AND VI ___Teacher Led Instruction ___Cooperative learning ___ Interdisciplinary Instruction ___Thematic unit approach ___Seminar discussion ___Problem-based learning ___Hand-on task ___Peer tutoring ___ Alternative assessments / Other: ______VI: Methods of Assessment or Evaluation: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARDS IX AND X ___Test ___Oral presentation ___Journal ___Discussion ___Reports ___Other:______Project product ___Portfolios___ Individual/Group work ___Investigations/Experiments. VII: Models/Examples: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD IX ____Story Boards ___Pictures ___Graphs ___Tables ___Charts ____ Overheads Other: ______VIII: Checking for Understanding: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARDS VII, IX, AND X ___Question & Answer ___Class Discussion ___/ Other: ______IX: Guided Practice: (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD V ____Question & Answer ___Class Discussion ___Hands On ___Worksheet ____Evaluate graphs, charts, tables, and/or pictures / ____ Other:______X: Closure: (Needs to include all of the following) (Time Allotment:_____ ) PTEP STANDARD VIII ■ Review of Objectives(Where they met?) ■ Introduction of tomorrow’s lesson ____ ■ Significance of lesson ■ Clean Up ■ Other/Specify:______XI: Modifications For Students In Need: _____ Shorter essay ____ Multiple Choice ____ Limit choices ____ Peer Tutoring ____Simplified Questions ____Limit Questions ____Spelling & Grammatical Errors Not Counted ____Extended Time ____ Tutor ____ Other/Specify: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford APPENDIX D RETENTION PROCEDURES – follow deadlines/date requirements
STEP 1: Familiarize yourself with retention literature inserted into your Curriculum Binder.
STEP 2: Review student grades to determine retention candidates within 10 days after the end of 2nd Quarter, January 21, 2008.
STEP 3: Submit “possible retention list” to curriculum administrative and grade level counselor within 10 days after the 2nd Quarter, January 11, 2008-January 21, 2008.
STEP 4: Notify parent(s)/guardian(s). Team leader or designated team member will complete the Notification of Retention Letter within 10 days after the 2nd Quarter January 11, 2008-January 21, 2008). If unable to notify parent(s), see the school social worker to contact parents.
STEP 5: Conduct intervention plan meeting. During the meeting, document intervention goals, action plans, and set time-line for the intervention to occur. Compile work samples to compare before and after the intervention. Team teachers will complete the intervention plan and secure necessary signatures by anytime within 15 days after the 2nd Quarter January 21- February 5).
STEP 6: Implementation of intervention plan (Core teachers) by no later than 15 days after the 2nd Quarter January 21- February 5.
STEP 7: Determine if student has a learning disability based on date compiled. (See consulting resource teacher (CRT) for child study forms to initiate special education referral).
STEP 8: Submit “final retention list” to curriculum administrator and grade level counselor by the 4th week of 4th quarter April 21-April 25, 2008.
STEP 9: Final retention letter (Team leader or designated team member by the fourth week of the 4th quarter April 21- April 25). Final retention letter will be sent home to parents with a specific time and date for the retention conference.
STEP 10: Retention Conference (Schedule by team leader or designated team member – April 21-April 25). The retention conference will be conducted by the administrator based on submitted final retention list. Team leader will arrange for a specific time/date for this conference and request all committee members to attend. The retention conference will evaluate student progress, determine retention adequacy, and establish grade level placement for the following school year. The retention conference committee members are comprised of parent(s)/guardian(s). Core teachers, elective teachers, administrator, guidance counselor, CRT, and LOTE Coordinator.
STEP 11: Submission of retention conference results and notification of retention to the counseling office by team leader for filing in student’s cumulative folder when 4th quarter grades are due June 5th). NOTE: 8th grade students – retention packet must be
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford completed and submitted with 4th quarter/semester grades LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL POSSIBLE/FINAL RETENTION LIST FORM
Date: ______
Team Leader: ______
Grade/Team: ______
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
Received by: ______
Date: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL
Directions: Please place a checkmark in each box after you have reviewed and completed each item. I. Retention Committee Comprises Of:
Administrator Core Teachers Elective Teachers Guidance Counselor Health Counselor CRT LOTE Coordinator Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
II. Ensure the Following Conditions Are Reviewed:
Review retention literature Adequate Health –Vision, Hearing, etc. Physically/Emotionally conducive home environment Instruction adequate to student learning style/abilities/disabilities Language needs met Receiving special education (Sped) services Receiving language other than English (LOTE) services
III. Interventions:
Teacher Responsibilities
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) notification letter MPC with core teachers, elective teachers, counselor, and administrator Monitoring forms/folder Provide remediation sessions weekly Utilize effective teaching strategies (VAKT) Utilize annual assessment and a minimum of 2 other diagnostic assessment
Acknowledge notification letter Attend MPC with core teachers, elective teachers, counselor, and administrative Review and sign monitoring form Ensure child attends remedial sessions weekly Provide sufficient study time at home
Student Responsibilities
Hand-Carry notification letter to parent(s)/guardian(s) “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Obtain monitoring folder from the home base teacher Ensure all teachers sign monitoring forms Attend remediation session as scheduled Meet with grade level counselor
IV. Reasons For Retention: No improvement after implementation of interventions Performing 3 more years below grade level Failing 3 or more core subjects Cumulative grade point average of 59% and below in all core subjects Cumulative grade point average of 59% and below in all subjects Results on annual assessment indicates little or no mastery of skills Excessive absences – 12 or more unexcused absences
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL POSSIBLE RETENTION NOTIFICATION LETTER
Date: ______
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Your son/daughter ______is currently being considered possible retention in the ____ grade for school year ______. This is due to three factors: (1) failure in three or more core subjects, (2) a yearly cumulative grade point average less than 59% in core subjects, and (3) current year cumulative grade point average of 59% or below in all course work.
We have schedule a meeting for the following date and time: ______
If you are unable to attend, please call the school or write a note to reschedule our meeting.
Your Partners in Education,
______Language Arts Teacher Reading Teacher ______Science Teacher Social Studies Teacher ______Math Teacher Elective Teacher ______Elective Teacher Guidance Counselor ______Assistant Principal, Curriculum
…………………………………………………………………………………… Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Acknowledge (Please sign and return to child’s home base teacher.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: ______
Student’s Name: ______
Date Parent(s)/Guardian(s) received notification letter: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford
STUDENT: ______DOB: ______
GRADE/TEAM: ______TEACHER: ______
NOTE: Do not delay the implementation of this IP, due to the parent’s inability to meet. In print big block, indicate dates of scheduled meetings.
Parent’s Signature:______
Student’s Signature:______
Teacher’s Signature:______
Grade Level Counselor’s Signature:______
Assistant Principal, Curriculum Signature:______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL FINAL RETENTION CONFERENCE NOTIFICATION FORM
Date: ______
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
We would like to schedule a final conference to evaluate your child, ______progress in school. We strongly recommend your participation in this meeting. You have been scheduled to meet with the committee on:
If you are unable to attend, please call the school or write a note to reschedule the conference.
Committee Members:
______Language Arts Teacher Reading Teacher
______Science Teacher Social Studies Teacher
______Math Teacher Elective Teacher
______Elective Teacher Health Counselor (If Applicable)
______Consulting Resource Teacher LOTE Coordinator (If Applicable) (If Applicable)
______Guidance Counselor Assistant Principal, Curriculum
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) acknowledgement (Please sign and return to child’s home base teacher)
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: ______
Student’s Name: ______
Date Parent(s)/Guardian(s) received notification letter: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford LUIS P. UNTALAN MIDDLE SCHOOL RETENTION CONFERENCE RESULTS FORM
After reviewing and evaluating the performance______Student’s Name
______for the school year______, the Grade Date of Birth committee:
Recommends retention for school year______
DOES NOT recommend retention for school year______
Comments: ______
Committee Members:
______Language Arts Teacher Reading Teacher ______Science Teacher Social Studies Teacher ______Math Teacher Elective Teacher ______Elective Teacher Health Counselor ______Consulting Resource Teacher LOTE Coordinator (If Applicable) (If Applicable) ______
Guidance Counselor Assistant Principal, Curriculum ______Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Cc: Cumulative Folder
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford FINAL RETENTION NOTIFICATION LETTER
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
This is to notify you that your child,______, did not achieve the goals identified on The Intervention Plan, and did not meet the minimal requirements to be promoted to the next grade level. As a result, your child will be retained in the_____ grade school year______.
Committee Members: ______Language Arts Teacher Reading Teacher ______Science Teacher Social Studies Teacher ______Math Teacher Elective Teacher ______Elective Teacher Health Counselor ______Consulting Resource Teacher (CRT) LOTE Coordinator (If Applicable) (If Applicable) ______Guidance Counselor Assistant Principal, Curriculum
Cc: Cumulative Folder
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford APPENDIX E
FIELD TRIP FORMS Field Trip Request Form
Date of Request: ______
Teacher: ______Date of Field Trip: ______Destination: ______
Departure time from school: ______Time of return: ______
Subject/Grade: ______Number of students: ______
Number of adult supervisors: ____ Names: ______Cell Phone (s) ______Name of Teacher staying back: ______
Note: Ratio is One teacher per 30 students. If not all students are attending, one teacher on the core team must stay back and provide instruction for them. Objectives of Trip (measurable learning outcomes):
Note: Teachers are reminded of their responsibility to follow all applicable policies and procedures; special attention must be given to parental knowledge and permission, adult supervision, safety precautions and conduct of students.
Principal’s Approval/Disapproval: ______Date: ______Comments/Instructions: ______
Cafeteria Manager: ______Date ______Transportation Arrangements ( Busing Company):______
Transportation arrangements were completed by: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Contact person: ______Date: ______Confirmed By: ______
Field trips are intended to provide students learning activities beyond that which cannot be provided within the confines of the regular classroom environment. They are not recreational diversions, but are applied learning activities. The field trip must be directly related to the curriculum and provide clear support to the goals of the school. (Use the reverse side of this form if more space is needed for any of the items).
1. Which of the ESLRs GPSSs this field trip address?
2. What skills/concepts will be taught during this field trip?
3. Provide a description of the destination and the planned activities:
4. Area of Curricular Focus:
a. List related unit/academic focus of activities in the classroom to be supported by the field trip.
b. Describe in detail how the field trip supports the unit’s goals.
c. Describe Pre-field trip instructional focus/classroom preparation activities.
d. Describe your classroom follow-up activities/evaluation:
5. Is a fee applicable to this field trip? If so, how much per child? If a child is not able to participate in the field trip fee, what is done with the child? (No child should be denied from attending because of financial reasons.)Describe safety precautions to be taken on the field trip:
6. GPSSs the field trip involve strenuous physical activity? ______YES ______NO
7. What steps have you taken to ensure that any student’s health restrictions have been addressed?
9. Objectives (Measurable and Observable) of field trip.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford FIELDTRIP PERMISSION FORM
Dear Parents: Date: ______Your permission is requested for your child ______to participate in an ON CAMPUS/OFF CAMPUS FIELD-TRIP TO ______on______Periods involved are: 1st _____ 2nd _____ 3rd _____ 4th _____ 5th _____6th _____ 7th _____ 8th_____.
A field trip is a sound educational practice, bringing first hand experience to the child allowing him/her on the spot observation and explanation of project(s) under study. It is usually the culmination of a classroom learning experience. It should be pointed out that taking the students from the campus imposes an unusually heavy responsibility for the school. FOR THIS REASON, YOUR CHILD WILL BE UNDER MY SUPERVISION DURING THE TRIP. He/she should bring ______
______Principal Signature Departure time from school: ______Return time to school: ______Movie Title and Rating if applicable: ______, ______
______Instructor(s) Signature * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARENTAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT 1. No student shall be forced to attend nor shall be penalized for not attending. 2. Students must make arrangements with individual teachers to make up work.
Please indicate if there are any health restrictions that may prohibit your child’s participation in this activity. ______.
APPROVED AND RELEASED: I give my approval for my child, named above, to participate on this field trip. I understand that the teacher will accompany and supervise the group.
______Parent Signature NOTE TO PARENTS: A teacher may deny a student’s participation in a field trip if: 1. The student is failing. 2. The student has excessive absences (7 days for the quarter). 3. It is the student’s sixth field trip for the quarter. 4. Student is a safety risk and a majority of his/her teachers agree for student not to participate ______FOR CLASSROOM TEACHER’S USE: The above named student has contacted me concerning his or her absence from my classroom for the date and time stated in this permission slip.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford PERIODS: 1ST. _____ 2ND. _____ 3RD. _____4TH. _____5TH. _____6TH. _____7TH. _____ 8TH ______
NOTE TO TEACHERS: Please indicate the reason(s) for not giving your permission for the student’s participation in this field trip by writing the number(s) 1,2 or 3 [in the note to parents above] in place of your initials.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Luis P. Untalan Middle School Employee Acceptable Use Policy
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Luis P. Untalan Middle School (LPUMS) offers access to technology for educational purposes. This document contains the Acceptable Use Policy for all personnel who use the school network and computers. Computer use is for school/educational purposes only. A. Educational Purpose 1. Technology at LPUMS has been established for a limited educational purpose. The term "educational purpose" includes classroom activities, assignments, and career development. 2. LPUMS is not established as a public access service or a public forum. LPUMS has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access and expects you to follow all rules of conduct. 3. You may not use LPUMS equipment for commercial purposes. This means you may not offer, provide, or purchase products or services through the use of school computer equipment. 4. You may not use LPUMS for political lobbying. However, you may use computer equipment and the network to communicate with elected representatives and to express your opinions on political issues. B. Internet Access 1. All personnel will have access to Internet World Wide Web information resources through their classrooms, library, teacher/staff work center, or office area as applicable. C. Unacceptable Uses The following uses of LPUMS computer equipment and network are considered unacceptable: 1. Personal Safety a. Posting personal contact information about yourself or other people. Personal contact information includes your address, telephone, school address, activities, etc. b. Meeting with people you may have encountered online. c. You will promptly disclose to your immediate supervisor any message you receive that is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable. 2. Illegal Activities a. Unauthorized access to the LPUMS or the GPSS network or to any other computer system beyond your authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another person's account/password or access/tampering with another person's files. These actions are illegal, even if only for the purposes of "browsing". b. Deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. c. Using the LPUMS network to engage in any other illegal act, such as arranging for a drug sale or the purchase of alcohol, engaging in criminal gang activity, threatening the safety of a person, harassment, etc. 3. System Security
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford a. You are responsible for your individual log in account and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to know or use your account. Under no conditions should you provide your password to another person. b. You will immediately notify your immediate supervisor or system administrator, if you have identified a possible security problem. Do not go looking for security problems. This may be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access to the school network. c. You will avoid the inadvertent spread of computer viruses by limiting the use of floppy disks to school computers with virus protection software.
4. Inappropriate Language a. Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on Web pages. b. Use of obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful language. c. Posting information or sending email that could cause damage or a danger of disruption. d. Engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks. e. Harass another person. Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. If you are told by a person to stop sending them messages, you must stop. f. Knowingly or recklessly send/post false or defamatory information about a person or organization. 5. Respect for Privacy a. You will not repost a message that was sent to you. b. You will not post private information about another person.
6. Respecting Resource Limits. a. You will use the system only for educational and career development activities and limited, high- quality, self-discovery activities. There is no limit on use for education and career development activities. b. You will not download large files unless absolutely necessary and only if approved you’re your immediate supervisor or systems administrator. If necessary, you will download the file at a time when the system is not being heavily used and immediately remove the file from the system computer to your personal disk. c. You will not post chain letters or engage in "spamming". Spamming is sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people. d. You will not save data on any school computer hard drive system unless authorized by your immediate supervisor or systems administrator.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford 7. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement a. Do not plagiarize work that you find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as your own. b. You will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when you inappropriately reproduce a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies appropriate use of that work, you should follow the expressed requirements. If you are unsure whether or not you can use a work, you should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright law can be very confusing. If you have questions, ask your immediate supervisor. 8. Inappropriate Access to Material a. You will not use the LPUMS network to access material that is profane or obscene (pornography), that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards other people (hate literature). b. If you mistakenly access or receive inappropriate information, you should immediately tell your immediate supervisor or systems administrator. This will protect you against a claim that you have intentionally violated this Policy. D. Your Rights 1. Free Speech Your right to free speech, as set forth in the Guam Public School System Policies and Regulations applies also to your communication on the Internet. The LPUMS network is considered a limited forum under the Guam Public School System and may restrict your speech for valid educational reasons. The school will not restrict your speech on the basis of a disagreement with the opinions you are expressing. 2. Due Process a. The School will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the LPUMS network.
E. Limitation of Liability The School makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the LPUMS system will be error-free or without defect. The School will not be responsible for any damage you may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. The school is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through the Internet or stored on the system. The school will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system. You are responsible for your actions and verifying the quality of information accessed. F. Personal Responsibility Whenever you use a computer or network, you leave little “electronic footprints” that tell network administrators where you have been and what you have been doing. It is your personal responsibility to follow this Acceptable Use Policy.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford
Luis P. Untalan Middle School
Employee Acceptable Use Policy Contract
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Employee Name: ______Immediate Supervisor: ______Date:______
By signing below, I agree to the following: I have fully read and understand the school Acceptable Use Policy To use school computers and the network responsibly and ethically only for purposes stated in the policy To access my computer login account or computer files only To use the internet (browsing and e-mail) for appropriate purposes stated in this policy. To follow all copyright rules. To follow all directives specified in the policy.
Employee Signature: ______Date: ______
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Table of Behaviors and Weighted Interventions
Being In Off-Limit Area Warning, Reprimand, and Counseling Throwing Objects Harassing Others Reprimand, Counseled, telephone or written conta Gum/Beetle Nut Chewing ct with parent/guardian, and 2 days of lunch detenti Demeaning/Derogatory Remarks on or work detail Running, tripping, pushing (rough horse-playing) Violation of Dress Code/Uniform Policy* Reprimand, Counseled, telephone or written conta Possession of Electronic Devices ct with parent/guardian, and 4 days of lunch detenti on or work detail Public display of affection
*see Uniform Policy for schedule of interventions LEVEL I OFFENSES Mandatory Student/Parent Conference/ 4 Minor Classroom Infractions 3 Days of Work Detail Skipping or leaving campus without permission Providing False Information 5 Days of Work Detail/ 2 Weeks of Behavior Monit Disruptive Demonstration oring/ Referral to Counselor. Writing in Textbook/Property DPW Bus Referral 1 Day of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Obscene-offensive, profane gesture 4 Weeks of Behavior Monitoring/ Referral to or comments Counselor Possession of or Use of Tobacco products (See page 17) Possession of or Use of a Combustible device (e.g., lighter)
LEVEL II OFFENSES 3 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referral to Counselor/3 Weeks of Behavior Monitor 3 Major Level 1 Infractions Forgery 6 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referral Academic Dishonesty to Counselor/ 6 Weeks of Behavior Monitor Continued Willful Disobedience Bullying, Harassment , and Intimidation 9 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referral Disorderly Conduct to Counselor/ 9 Weeks of Behavior Monitor
LEVEL III OFFENSES 10 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referra Habitual Level I and II Infractions l to Counselor/ 10 Weeks of Behavior Monitoring Possession of a Weapon or Explosive Device Theft of Property 10 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referra Sexual or Racial Harassment*** l to Counselor/ 15 Weeks of Behavior Monitoring/ Extortion D.A.C Hearing. [Rec.: Additional 10 Days of Paren Activation of a Fire Alarm/Tampering with a Fire t Shadow or Alternative Ed Placement (Short Ter Extinguisher m)] Arson 10 Days of Suspension or Parent Shadow/ Referr Terroristic Conduct al to Counselor/ 20 Weeks of Behavior Monitoring/ Graffiti/Defacing/Destroying Property-Vandalism D.A.C Hearing. [Rec Expulsion or Alternative Ed. Assault (Physical) *** Placement (Long Term)] Rioting *** Drug/Alcohol Use / Distribution or Possession
*** Requires Peer Mediation Upon Return
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Operational Definitions for Behavior/Consequences
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Problem Behaviors Definition
Abusive Lang:/ Verbal messages that include swearing, Inappropriate language/ name calling of word in an inappropriate Profanity (Inapt lang) way.
Alcohol Student is in possession of or is using alcohol.
Arson Student plans and/or participates in malicious burning of Property.
Bomb Threat/False alarm Student delivers a message of possible explosive (Bomb) materials being on- campus, near campus, and/or pending explosion.
Combustibles Student is in possession of (Combust) substances/objects readily capable of causing bodily harm and/or property damage (matches, lighters, firecrackers, gasoline, and lighter fluid).
Defiance/disrespect/ Refusal to follow directions, talking back Insubordination/ and or socially rude interactions. Non-compliance (Disrespect)
Willful Disobedience Refusal to redirect behavior when instructions are given by an adult
Rioting Four or more students involved in a physical fight when assault is involved.
Disruption Behavior causing an interruption in a class (Disruptive Student) or activity. Disruption includes sustained loud talk, yelling, or screaming; noise with materials; horse playing or rough-housing; and /or sustained out-of–seat behavior.
Dress Code Violation Student wears clothing that GPSSs not fit within dress code guidelines practiced by the school/district.
Fighting/physical Actions involving serious physical contact Aggression where bodily harm may occur (e.g., hitting (Fight-Assault) with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.).
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Forgery/theft Student is in possession of, having passed (Theft) on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property of has signed a persons name without that persons name without that permission.
Harassment/tease/ Student delivers disrespectful messages Truant (Harass) (verbal or gestured) to another person that include threats and intimidation; obscene gesture, pictures, or written notes.
(Harassment) Disrespectful messages include negative Sexual/Racial comments based race, religion, gender, age, and /or national origin; or intense verbal attacks based in ethnic origin, disabilities or other personal matters.
Lying/Cheating Student delivers message that is untrue and/or deliberately violates rules.
Minor/Warning All low intensity problem behaviors that are violations of sufficient intensity to warrant an office discipline referral.
Other Problem behavior causing this referral is not listed above. Staff using will specify the problem behavior observed.
Other Drugs Student is in possession of or is using illegal drugs/substances or imitations such as butane.
Property Damage Student deliberately impairs the usefulness or property.
Truancy Student leaves class/school without Skip Class permission or stays (Skip) out class/school without permission.
Tardy Student is not in their seat ready to learn when tardy bell rings. 3 tardies are equal t 1 unexcused absences. Teachers are to remediate student tardies by calling or providing written communication to parents before referring student to the Attendance Administrator. Students who accumulate 3 unexcused tardies should be referred using the school attendance form.
Tobacco Student is in possession of or is using
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford tobacco.
Vandalism/Property Student participates in an activity that Damage results in substantial destruction of (Vandal) disfigurement of property.
Weapons Student is in possession of knives or guns (real or look alike), or other objects readily capable of causing bodily harm.
Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation any gesture, written, verbal or physical act that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived characteristics such as age, race color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or a mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school sponsored function, on a school bus or to and from a school bus stop.
Specify the type of harassment observed: H04=verbal; h05=physical; h06=racial; h07=sexual
Extra Info. Extra Info. Is a field that SWIS offers for schools to define problem behaviors at a more specific level. Schools have three options available for Extra Info codes. Examples listed below: Extra Info 1: Specify the minor (school rule) that has not Minor followed: m01=not safe; m02-not respectful; m03=not responsible
Extra Info 2: Specify the type of major infraction Major observed.
Action or Intervention Taken Definitions
Counsel/Warn/Reprimand Student is counseled/warned/reprimanded regarding behavioral offense by designated personnel
Student is assigned to provide community Work Detail service in the way of campus beautification or cleaning the cafeteria.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford Behavior/Attendance Monitoring Sheets Students are required to carry monitor sheets that communicate daily with parents regarding student’s behavior or attendance.
Parent Shadowing Student is authorized on campus when the parent/guardian is present with the child everywhere on campus.
Suspension Student is not authorized on campus due to a parents/guardians inability to shadow their child.
Individual Instruction Parent and student are provided an eight hour block of instruction on Character Education on a set day outside of regular instructional time.
DAC Hearings An impartial hearing designed to assess a students unique behavioral needs. These hearings are also required when a student is excluded from their educational program more than 10 days.
Expulsion Approved only by the Superintendent of Education. If approved, the student is not allowed to enroll in a public school for a full year.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Henry Ford