Exploring Careers Syllabus

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Exploring Careers Syllabus

Exploring Careers Syllabus

This syllabus is a comprehensive look at what this course is, what it entails, set due dates for projects and tests as well as their corresponding point total as well as a list of my rules and procedures that will be followed by you the student. This however can change at anytime as this document can be amended.

What is this course- Exploring careers is a one semester comprehensive course that is a requirement for all 8th graders in Killeen Independent School District. In this class we cover all aspects of life that the student will deal with after they graduate either from High school or college depending on the career path they have in mind. We cover each career cluster as stated by the Department of Education as well as some prominent careers found in those fields. We cover the High School 4 year plan that the student will have to fill out this year. We cover budget creation, planning for college, job acquisition skills, and other things the student will need to be successful at life after school.

Participation Grades and other formative assignments

My class is a business type environment. Most days you will get a participation grade of up to 10 points per day. I grade like you would get paid in real life. Come in do your work (notes/group work/discussion) get 10 points for the day. Come in play on your phone talk to your friends about things not related to this class 0 points for the day. This is like being suspended or fired from your job. I will also have several different assignments like writing prompts and book work that will always be do at the end of class.

Projects/ Tests-

This class will have several Projects that are graded on a summative assessment basis. The following Projects are what is expected to be completed and Turned in on time.

First 9 weeks- Career Portfolio/Presentation- Due Sept 23rd Possible Points 200 Creating your own globally minded business/Presentation- Due Oct 7th Possible Points 200 Three Career info pamphlet/Presentation (Final Exam)- Due Oct 12th Possible Points 300

Second 9 weeks-

Interview- Done the week of Nov 7th thru 10th Possible Points 200 Budget- Due Dec 2nd Possible Points 200 Career Presentation (Comprehensive Final) Possible 300 Points

Interactive Notebook/Daily Participation-

This class will have an interactive notebook. Along with the participation grades a notebook check will be done periodically and you will be given a grade based on what part or parts I check for completion. These sets of grades will make up part of your formative assessments through out the course for the semester you have me.

Make-up work- In case you are absent is your responsibility to make sure your notebook is complete with notes from the previous day or days you were absent. You can do this two ways by either asking to copy the notes from a classmate or you can come in at lunch or during tutoring to copy my notebook which I will keep up to date.

Tutoring times- I will have tutoring from 3:45 to 4:30 every Thursday afternoon. In the event that I have afternoon duty like last year I will not start tutoring until 3:55 and go until 4:40. I am willing to tutor on other days these instances will be done on a case by case basis and will have to be asked for at least 2 days in advance.

Rules and consequences-

1. No talking during direct instruction 2. No cell phones out unless permitted by Mr.Duerre 3. Be kind and courteous to all students and teachers in this classroom 4. Respect other people’s things and personal space (think of how you would feel if someone damaged something of yours or invaded your personal space)

Consequences for breaking rules

1. Warning 2. Moved to the hot seat/ along with a teacher conference after class. 3. Moved to the hot seat for a week/ Parent contact 4. 3 days of lunch detention with parent contact as well 5. Referral to the AP’s office.


1. No bathroom breaks, you have 4 minutes in between classes to take care of your business and the bathroom is right across the hall no excuses 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on 3. When you come in to my class, come in quietly get out your interactive notebook and sit in your assigned seat. 4. When the tardy bell rings you need to be in your seat working on the days warm up if you are not in your seat you are tardy 5. Do not get out of your seat without permission that includes throwing something away or sharpening your pencil. 6. No put downs, use the rule if you do not have something nice to say do not say anything at all. 7. This will be treated like a job environment slang words or words that have been “given” a new meaning will not be tolerated in this class. (i.e.-savage and fleek) 8. If you have your cell phone out during a time when you were not given permission it will be confiscated. First offense returned at the end of class. Second offense taken down to the office. I know your parents say they need to get in touch with you but if it is a true emergency they can call the school number and either have the front office get you a message or call you down to talk to them.

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