Sass Shooters Handbook

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Sass Shooters Handbook



STATE SASS CHAMPIONSHIP Single Action Shooting Society

Hooten Holler Roundup 14

2016 Kentucky State Championship is proud to be sponsored by the Single Action Shooting Society

SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SOCIETY Schedule of Events FRIDAY 8:30 – 11:45 Long Range Side Matches, entry cutoff at 11:30 Noon until 5:00 Side Matches Wild Bunch Side Match starts at 12pm Warm-up Match 2:00 5:30 Free Hot Dog Dinner 6:00 Hillbilly Entertainment SATURDAY 9:00 Safety Meeting (All Shooters MUST be Present)

9:30 Start Match Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time 9:30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10:15 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11:00 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11:45 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12:30 1:30 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 2:15 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch/Vendors 1:30 Continue Match 4:00 Entertainment Cowboy Yard Sale (feel free to sell anytime) 5:00 Dinner at HOOTEN/Side Match Awards Shortly after dinner - Hillbilly Entertainment SUNDAY 9:00 Match Starts Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time 9:00 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 9:45 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 10:30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 11:15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1

Man on Man Shoot off ( open to all ) Awards FIRST AID First Aid may be requested to the Posse Leader or at the Church building.


In the event a competitor feels a range officer's ruling is in error, the ruling may be politely and immediately appealed to the range master / match director after clearing the range, allowing match activities to resume. The range master/match director will consider the appeal on grounds of policy and rules interpretation only, and their decision is final. At major matches special protest juries comprised of Territorial Governors may be empanelled to aid the range master/match director in making a reasonable judgement. At the Kentucky State Shoot, you must make your intent to appeal known to the posse marshal BEFORE leaving the unloading table. A deposit of $40 will be made. If you loose the appeal, the money will go to the SASS scholarship fund.


At all SASS annual club, state, regional, national, and world championship matches, no re-shoots will be given after the first shot is fired, except for  prop or match equipment failure  a Range Officer impeding the progress of the shooter  timer failure or unrecorded time as determined by the Range Officer and the Match Director. In this case, the shooter starts over with no penalties (except safety) or misses. For example, if the Range Officer stops a shooter from completing a shooting sequence because of a suspected squib load, and the gun turns out to be “clear,” the Range Officer has impeded the progress of the shooter, and a re-shoot is in order. Stage 1 Clint plays a cynical gunfighter who comes to a small border town and offers his services to two rivaling gangs. Neither gang is aware of the double play, and each thinks it is using him, but the stranger will outwit them both.

Scenario: “The man with no name” has arrived in San Miquel, which is controlled by the Rojo’s and the Baxter’s who sell liquor and guns to the Indians. Clint wants to make it rich too, but which one will pay the most? Clint decides to challenge the Baxter’s first, as he passes the coffin maker he says, “Get three coffins ready.”

Here are the hired guns that make fun of your mule when you came into town. Now they won’t apologize. START: Hands touching window frame Rifle 10 Pistol 10 LINE : “ Get three coffins ready “ Shotgun as needed Must shoot through all 3 wall openings R R R R



Gun order: Shotgun, Rifle, pistol

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle stage in a doorway and shotgun staged in window Must shoot through all 3 openings.

Shotgun: As needed. Any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, make safe

Rifle: Starting on either end double tap sweep then one on each center target make safe

Pistol: Starting on either end double tap sweep then one on each center target and holster Stage 2 This picture was the first installment in a cycle commonly known as the “Dollars” trilogy. Later, United Artists, who distributed it in the U.S., coined another term for it: “The Man With No Name” trilogy. While not as impressive as it’s follow-ups For A Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good,The Bad, and The Ugly (1966).

Scenario: Clint has been in the cave recovering from being beaten by the Rojo family. At last he rides into town for a showdown. Ramon Rojo tries to shoot him in the heart, but Clint is wearing a metal chest protector, so he’s not hurt. Clint says to Ramon, “ When a man with a 45 meets a man with a rifle, you said the man with a pistol is a dead man. Let’s see if that’s true.”

Rifle 10 START: Both hands holding chest plate Pistol 10 LINE : “ aim for the heart ” Timer sounds. Drop chest plate. Shotgun 4+ Must use 3 openings R R R R R



Gun order: Shooter choice rifle not last

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun are stage in different openings

Must shoot through any 3 openings

Pistol: Shoot 2-2-1 sweep from the left then a 2-2-1 sweep from the right and holster.

Rifle: Shoot 2-2-1 sweep from the left then a 2-2-1 sweep from the right make safe

Shotgun: Any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, make safe Stage 3 Clint Eastwood stars in this 1968 western. He is an ex-lawman who has bought some cattle to start his ranch. Misunderstood, he is caught and hanged by nine upstanding citizens for murdering Johanson and his wife and stealing their cattle. Marshal Cooper sets out to bring in the “Swede” who is jailed in another town. When he arrives there he sees “Reno” one of the men who hanged him. He kills Reno when he goes for his gun after recognizing the rope mark on Cooper’s neck. When he returns to Fort Grant with the Swede, he finds that another of the hanging party has turned himself in and given the Judge the names of the others in the party.

Scenario: It is hanging time for the Swede. You are the executioner and are getting the condemned man ready. But the Swede has many friends that want to see you swing instead. Rifle 10 START: at the opening where the shotgun will be shot Pistol 10 facing the “Swede” with both hands on the rope, one hand Shotgun 4 + on each side of his neck.

Must shoot through 3 LINE : “Let’s get it over with “ wall openings



SG SG P P P P Gun order: Rifle, pistol, shotgun

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun staged in different openings Must shoot through three openings

Rifle: Nevada sweep starting on either end, make safe

Pistol: Nevada sweep starting on either end, holster

Shotgun: Any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, make safe Stage 4 Jed Cooper is the mysterious drifter who is the victim of a mob lynching. A group of nine men try to hang Cooper, but fail. Jed is cut down from the rope by Sheriff Bliss. Judge Fenton then makes Jed the deputy, giving him the right to go after the ones who tried to hang him. Using these warrants Copper begins to track down the other 7 members of the hanging party. He arrests one at Red Creek then has to leave him there and go after three rustlers and murderers. Catching them he finds that one of them was in on the hanging party. The other two are youngsters who he tries to talk the Judge out of hanging. The Judge tells him that they have to hang to uphold the law or the next posse that catches an outlaw will say, “Hang’Em, and Hang’Em High, there’s no justice in Fort Grant.”

Scenario: Rifle 10 You have headed back to Red Creek to finish rounding up your Pistol 10 executioners. The judge has given you the warrants and you have heard Shotgun 4+ that Captain Wilson, Tommy, and Louis are at the Big “W”.

START: Start starts at gun of choice, standing at the judge’s table with both hands flat, palms down on table. LINE : “Time to heal my scar “




Gun order: Shooters choice rifle not last

Gun staging: Pistols staged on left table, rifle is staged in the outhouse and shotgun is staged on right table

Pistol: Shoot a 2-1-2 sweep from the left then a 2-1-2 sweep from the right restage

Rifle: Shoot 2-1-2 sweep from the left then a 2-1-2 sweep from the right restage

Shotgun: Any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up restage Stage 5 Clint Eastwood is Josey Wales, a farmer with a young family. A wild group of Union Soldiers nicknamed “Red Legs” , because of the red cloth they wear around their legs, come riding through and slaughter Josey’s wife and son. Josey joins up with a confederate outfit and spends the war tracking down the “Red Legs”

Scenario: It is the end of the war and your outfit is ready to surrender their arms and go home. Captain Fletcher has negotiated the details. The surrender turns out to be a trap by those murdering “Red Legs”. Looks like Fletcher has betrayed you. START: Start at a pistol opening, with hands on chest LINE : “ Murdering Red Legs”

Rifle 10 Pistol 10 Shotgun 4+ Must shoot through three openings R R R R




Gun order: Pistol, rifle, shotgun pistol starting on either end of stage

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle stage in a window and shotgun staged in other window

Must shoot through three openings

Left pistol targets: 1-3-1sweep starting on either end holster

Rifle: 10 rounds on 4 targets make safe

Shotgun: Any order, must fall to count and misses, may be made up, make safe

Right pistol: 5 shots alternating on the 2 targets holster Stage 6 During his travels, Josey has joined up with 2 Indians, a old woman and her daughter, and a dog. The group has tried to start a new life but the “Red Legs” have tracked Josey down.

Scenario: The “Red Legs” have got Josey trapped outside. Time to even the odds. Start: At train car with hands on handle.

Line: Say the line “ Lookout Josey ”. Timer starts.

Rifle 10 Pistol 10 Shotgun 4+ R R R



Gun order: Shotgun, rifle, pistol

Staging: Pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun are staged inside rail car with door closed

Shotgun: Any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, restage

Rifle: 2-6-2 sweep starting on either end, restage

Pistol: 2-6-2 sweep starting on either end, holster Stage 7 Munny knows the gunfighter myths for what they are. He doesn't waste time quick drawing and spraying bullets around the room when careful aim and direct shooting are more likely to win the day...especially with half a bottle of whiskey in the belly and a nice helping of luck, that is!

After walking into the saloon, Mummy asks for the owner. Skinney comes forward. Mummy kills him with a blast of the shotgun. Little bills exclaims “ You sir are a cowardly son of a b****. You just shot an unarmed man.” Mummy responds “ Well, he should have armed himself if he’s going to decorate his saloon with my friend.”

Scenario: While receiving the reward money for killing the two cowboys that cut up the prostitute, you have learned that the sheriff, Little Bill, has killed your friend Ned. You decide to settle the score before heading home.

Rifle 10 Start: standing facing coffin with one hand on each side of Pistol 10 coffin. Shotgun 4+ line : “ Well, he should have armed himself. “




Gun order: Rifle not last

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, shotgun staged on right tble rifle can be staged either table or on the same table. shooter must shoot from both stables.

All guns must be shot from outside the 2x4.

Pistol: 4-2-4 sweep starting on either end, holster

Rifle: 4-2-4sweep starting on either end, make safe

Shotgun: any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, make safe. Stage 8 While traveling on the train, you hear a pompous English man talking about how the French can’t shoot. Being of French decent, you are about to set him straight but your friend says “ Be quiet, this here may just be English Bob who works for the railroad shooting China men.”

Scenario: English Bob challenges you to a pheasant shooting contest at $1 per bird. Seeing that Bob has just shot eight using only his pistols, you think that you might need to use ALL of your guns. Start: one hand on the train brake and the other on the bell.

Rifle 10 Line: “ I ain’t got no eight dollars “ Pistol 10 Shotgun 4+ R R R



Gun order: Shooters choice rifle not last

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle staged on right table and shotgun staged on the left table

Shooter must shoot from both tables and at least one foot must be on or over the line

Pistol: are shot in a double tap Nevada sweep starting on either end holster

Rifle: is shot in a double tap Nevada sweep starting on either end make safe

Shotgun: any order, must fall to count and misses may be made up, make safe Stage 9 In High Plains Drifter, Eastwood, as The Man with No Name, enters Lago, and immediately heads for the Saloon, where his worth, lineage and speed with a gun are all questioned by the town toughs. Taking his drink with him, he retires to the Barber Shop for a shave and a bath. The toughs follow him, and the much-discussed shootings from the barber chair take place.

Scenario: The rest of the story not told in the movie is, as the barber, you know these toughs have cronies who are sure to pay you a visit to protest your providing services to drifters who shoot up their pals. Take precautions!

Begin standing in the circle facing barber chair, both hands holding handles of barber shears.

Say the line “ “ Timer sounds

Rifle 10 Pistol 10 Shotgun 4+



Gun order: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, Rifle and shotgun staged on the wagon one on each side of ammo box

Shooter starts behind wagon, with hands touching the ammo box

Pistol: 1-1-6-1-1 starting on either end, holster

Rifle: 1-1-6-1-1starting on either end, make safe

Shotgun:- Any order misses can be made up Stage 10 After a sumptuous supper and a spell in the sack, Callie Travers betrays the stranger by sneaking out of his room and sending in bad guys to beat him to death in his bed. Eastwood is, of course, the Stranger who never sleeps. He’s waiting with the dynamite and uses it as a great equalizer.

Scenario: You’re the stranger and you deposit the dynamite through the window to the right. Knowing the thugs are going to vacate the premises, you step to the wall and shoot’em as they go.

Begin standing with both feet in circle, holding dynamite in both hands.

Say the line “ “ Timer sounds Either throw the dynamite through the window on the right Rifle 10 , or move to the window and drop it through. Pistol 10 Shotgun as needed



Hay Bale

Table A Table B

Gun order: Rifle, shotgun, pistol

Gun staging: Pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun staged on the same table.

Rifle: target order is: single tap 2 red, 2 blue, 2 red, 2 blue and 2 red, restage

Shotgun: As needed, any order misses can be made up restage

Pistol: Advance to the hay bale and target order is: single tap 2 red, 2 blue, 2 red. 2 blue and 2 red, holster

Stage Raw Time Misses Procedural/ Total Time MS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 Totals

The Hooten Old Town Regulators would like to send out their appreciation to Capt. Ralph Marcum. Without Capt. Marcum and the use of his facilities the wonderful shoot and time you will enjoy this weekend would not be possible. Please take the time to tell Capt. Marcum thank you for everything

Once again please take the time to visit our vendors

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