Study Tour to Denmark for CIEM Management 12-17 May (Week 20), 2002

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Study Tour to Denmark for CIEM Management 12-17 May (Week 20), 2002

Study tour to Denmark and Poland for CIEM delegation Draft outline of program


- 28 August to 1 September, 2006: Denmark - 2 to 7 September, 2006: Poland


The visiting group will become acquainted with:

 State management organization  State management in the market economy  Role of the civil society

In addition, the visiting group will work with two partners of Danida funded project (NIAS and DOE) in Denmark on project management.

Issues to be studied

1. State management system - Organization of the state management apparatus, especially the governmental organizations? - Tasks and functions of each organizations, - Decentralization and collaboration among these organizations.

2. Exercising state ownership rights in enterprise. - The size of the state sector in the economy; - State agencies or institutions in charge and instruments used for exercising state ownership rights in enterprises; - How - Shortcomings or weaknesses of the system.

3. Foreign investment control and promotion. - Foreign capital flows; - Investment law, if any? If no, how investment is regulated? Investment project classification; Is a investment project required to re scrutinised and certified by authorities? or how investment stock and flow in general and investment projects in particular can be controlled?. - Discrimination for foreign and domestic investors, if any, and why? Differences, if any, in incorporation procedures of company with foreign invested capital. - Investment promotion policies; Institutions and tools of investment promotion.

4. State control or state supervision over businesses.

1 - Business registration agencies; - State supervision or control of businesses after their incorporation.  Purposes of control  Scope of control;  Subjects for control;  Ex-ante licensing and post supervision? what are industries or professionals for ex ante licensing and what for post supervision? any why?  Institutions and instruments of control;  Agencies in charge of issuing license to business; how and who is in charge to excercise supervision over their works?.  Assessement of effeciency and effectiveness of control;  Key issues of the current regulatory reforms;  Issuses of debate or discussion in regulatory reforms. 3. Coordination and responsibilities of central and local goverment in supervising businesses.

5. Role of civil society in development - What are the main (strong) civil organizations? - How are they organized/operated? Under what regulations? - What are their roles? Particularly, role of NGOs in policy making process? - How do they affect/contribute to the development?

Institutions that may be visited in Denmark (tentative list)

1. State management system: The Danish Parliament: Short presentation by two politicians. Ministry of Finance Ministry of the Interior and Health: Presentation on The Local Government Reform (see also

2. Exercising state ownership rights in enterprise: Area: The energy sector. DONG Energy (Danish Oil and Natural Gas) is a limited company, the shares of which are owned by the Danish state. However, the government is preparing a privatization of the company. Ministry of Transport and Energy Power plant, Avedøreværket (major energy company), close to Copenhagen.

3. Foreign investment control and promotion: Invest in Denmark, part of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Visit to either Hillerød area with its Medicon Valley because of a high concentration of companies doing research in medicine and bio-chemistry often with foreign investment. Or a visit to Odense where we will look at investment promotion policies. In both cases, we will try to get appointments with Mayor and/or Head of city administration.

4. State control or state supervision over businesses: Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, part of Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs.

2 Visit to a company. Local Government Denmark, the local governments’ interest association.

5. Role of civil society in development: Presentation by associate professor Henrik Bang, University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science. Henrik Bang has done research in civil society empowerment, democracy from below. See also

6. Department of Economics and NIAS

Note: NIAS invite for Dinner on Wenesday (Mr. Lasse Moller from Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnamese Ambassador will be there), Finn will invite for dinner on Thursday.

Jørgen Delman, PhD, Director NIAS Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Leifsgade 33 2300 Copenhagen S. Denmark

Phone NIAS: +45 3532 9500 Phone direct:+45 3532 9523 Mobile:+45 2682 8720 Fax: +45 3532 9549 Web site: E-mail: [email protected]

Hotel place in Denmark

Palace Hotel Rådhuspladsen 57 DK-1550 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel: +45 33 14 40 50

Booking nos. 516981719 526981719 536981719 546981719

- Price single room incl. Breakfast: DKK 995.00 (USD 167) - Price double room incl. Breakfast: DKK 1195.00 (USD 200)

Institutions that may be visited in Polland (tentative list)

1. Ministry of Economic Issues 2. Ministry of Finance 3. Ministry of Labor and Social Policies

3 4. Minsitry of Home and Administrative Affairs

Place to stay in Poland

Stay in the Guess House of Vietnamese Embassy to Poland.


The Danish/Poland hosts would be asked to make a presentation of not more than half an hour, after which the floor will be open for questions and discussions.

For each visit at least two Vietnamese participants will be in charge of preparing the questions and handling the individual visits.

The visiting group will have a session in the evenings before dinner to review the day’s visits and assign responsibilities for covering the information in their report.


1- Dr.Dinh Van An, President, Head of the delegation, CIEM 2- Nguyen Dinh Cung, Director, Research Department on Macro-Economic Policies 3- Le Xuan Ba, Vice-President, CIEM 4- Hoang Van Thanh, Deputy-Director, Research Department on Macro-Economic Policies 5- Pham Duc Trung, Researcher, Research Department on Business Development Policies 6- Pham Manh Cuong, Deputy Head of the Administration Office 7- Dang Thi Thu Hoai, Researcher, Research Department on Sustainable Development

Organisation of study tour

For Denmark, NIAS is responsible for organising the activities in Denmark. Specifically, the following issues will be carried out by NIAS:  Make a list of meetings and arranges all meetings  Visa invitations to be issued by NIAS  Book accommodations  The tickets will be booked and bought in Hanoi by the local project office.

For Poland, Vietnam embassy in Poland will help out as above.

Budget line: 8.4 & 9.1

Hanoi, July, 2006.


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