Introduction to Animal Biology Fall 2013

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Introduction to Animal Biology Fall 2013

Introduction to Animal Biology Fall 2013 ZOOL 200

Instructor: Thomas V. Vogel Office: 360 Waggoner Hall (WG) Phone: 298-2329 E-mail: [email protected]

Course Policies Attendance / Conduct Attendance will not be recorded even thought you are expected to be present and on time for each class. The exams will contain information from the notes available on-line (75%) and from lecture (20%) and directly from the book (5%). All exams will be presented through “Westernonline” in multiple choice formats. Two attempts will be available for each exam. The score will be the average of the two or if only one attempt is made within the time lines of the exam, that will be the grade.

Students with Disabilities: Any student who has a need for special accommodations is encouraged to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.

Cell Phone Policy Any use of a cell phone during class after the first week will result in a 10% deduction from your lecture grade for each infraction. The seat number of the offender will be the indicator used to identify the guilty party. To prevent someone costing you a zero on an exam you must be on time, quiet and in your seat each day before I start lecture. If you choose to compensate for a zero from such an offense, you may produce an original work of no less than three pages in length on a topic of my choosing to be turned in before the exam is off line. After the exam is no longer available there is nothing you can do to improve your grade.


Required book: BIOLOGY Edition: 3RD 14 Publisher: MCG Author: BROOKER ISBN: 9780073532240 WIU Bookstore:

Required book: ZOOL 200 LAB MANUAL Edition: 2013 Publisher: HAYDEN-MCN Author: BIOL DEPT ISBN: 9780738061764 WIU Bookstore:

Course Description Lecture and lab emphasize basic principles in animal biology including scientific inquiry, cell biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and diversity in animal anatomy and physiology. This class is for four credit hours. There are no prerequisites or co-requisites.

Testing and Grading

6 Exams 75% Laboratory 25 % - - - - - 100 %

1 Final grades will be based on the following scale:

100-93 = A 92-90 = A- 89-87 = B+ 86-83 = B 82-80 = B- 79-77 = C+ 76-73 = C 72-70 = C- 69-67 = D+ 66-63 = D 62-60 = D- 59 and below = F

*Departmental policy states that if more than one lab is missed without acceptable documentation, or if more than three labs are missed total, then a grade of “F” for the entire course will result. Consult the lab syllabus for more details on lab attendance policies. Tutoring and Study Skills Services I am always glad to help with any questions or problems that you may have with the course material. If you would like an alternative source of help, Academic Services (248 Olson Hall, 298-1871) and the Biology Assistance Center (WG 104) offer tutoring for ZOOL 200.

Study skills seminars are also available from the University Counseling Center. These seminars are usually given on a weekly basis (check for the schedule of topics). They deal with general study skills rather than course-specific material. I have found that many students who do poorly in introductory biology courses do so because of a lack of basic study skills. Applying the skills learned in these seminars can help students to learn and perform better not only in this course, but in others as well. I encourage you to take advantage of this resource.

Americans With Disabilities Act/Disability Support Services “In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation. It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to the instructor’s attention, as he/she is not legally permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at (309) 298-2512 for additional services.”

Western Online Website There is a Western Online website for ZOOL 200. To access it, go to http://, type in your ECOM username and password, and click OK. Once you have logged in, click on the ZOOL 200 link. See me if you have questions or problems, or contact the UCSS helpdesk at [email protected] or (309) 298-2704.

It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the information contained in the following university web sites. Each student should access these web sites and carefully read the information they contain. If you have questions about any of the information contained in the web sites, feel free to ask.

Department of Biological Sciences Policies:

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

Final Exam Policy:

Academic Integrity Policy:

Grade Appeals Policy:

2 Laboratory Tardy Policy: You are expected to be present and on time for every laboratory session. Quizzes will be given during the first ten minutes of each laboratory session. If you arrive late, you will only be allotted the amount of time remaining. For example, if you arrive five minutes late, you will be given only the remaining five minutes of quiz time to complete your quiz. If you arrive after the quiz is completed, you will NOT be permitted to take it and will receive a grade of zero for that quiz. Attendance Policy: Absences can be considered either excused or unexcused depending upon the reason for the absence. Absences will be considered excused for the following reasons: illness (your own), death in the immediate family (sibling, parent, grandparent, child, spouse), and official university trips. If you are required to be gone due to your own military service obligations, you will need to bring documentation for that to the Lab Coordinator. All other absences will be considered unexcused. The absence policy differs depending upon whether the absence is excused or unexcused. If you miss a lab due to an EXCUSED absence, you will not be permitted to take the quiz for the lab missed or make up the lab. However, in order not to penalize you for a legitimate absence [illness, death in the immediate family, official university trips], your total possible points will be reduced by the number of points associated with the lab exercise and lab quiz for that lab, typically eight points. In order for a lab to be considered excused, you are responsible for providing appropriate documentation within three weeks of the absence. To verify an absence due to illness, you must provide a note from your physician. If you decide not to see your physician when you are ill, your absence will be counted as an Unexcused absence. If appropriate documentation for any absence is not procured and provided to your instructor within three weeks, the absence will be considered unexcused with all the penalties as described below. Absences which are excused will be designated with an “e” on WebCT under the absence column for that lab. If you miss a lab due to an UNEXCUSED absence, you will not be permitted to take the quiz for the missed lab or to make up the lab, you will lose the 10 perfect attendance points (described below), and your total possible points will not be reduced. In other words, you will receive a grade of zero for both the lab you missed and the quiz connected with that lab as well as lose the attendance points for a total of 18 points. However, you are permitted only one (1) unexcused absence in lab before failing the entire course. If you have a second unexcused absence you will receive a zero in lab and therefore an F in the Bio 100 course. Absences which are unexcused will be designated with a “u” on WebCT under the absence column for that lab. You are allowed only one unexcused absence and three total absences. On the second unexcused or fourth total absence (i.e. combined excused and unexcused absences) you will receive a zero in the lab and therefore an automatic F in the Bio 100 course. It is your responsibility to keep up with how many absences of each type you have. Homework: Whether you have an excused or unexcused absence, you are expected to submit your homework (to be described at further length below) each week. Failure to submit a homework assignment will result in a zero on that assignment. Please note, homework is worth 20% of each lab’s grade and 16% of your final lab grade. Forced F in the Course: More than one unexcused or unauthorized absence from lab will result in a zero (0) for the lab portion of the course. More than three total absences in any combination of excused (authorized) and unexcused (unauthorized) absences will result in a zero (0) for the lab portion of the course. Students must pass the lab portion of the course (i.e. receive a 60.0% minimum score) to pass the course. Therefore, any student receiving more than one unexcused absence or a total of more than three absences (excused and unexcused absences combined) and students who receive a lab grade of less than 60.0 will automatically receive a grade of F in the course. For an absence to be authorized or excused it must be verified by the laboratory instructor. Any appeals concerning whether or not an absence is excused will be considered first by the Faculty Laboratory Coordinator (Dr. Barden-Gabbei) and second by the Department Chair of Biological Sciences (Dr. Anderson). Excused absences include participation in athletic and music events sponsored by the university, field trips for other courses, illnesses (Beu Health Center or doctor’s note will be required for verification), and death in the immediate family (copy of the funeral service may be required for verification). Absences should be verified by the laboratory instructor prior to the lab to be missed, except for illnesses and unexpected family emergencies, which should be reported to the laboratory instructor as soon as possible upon your return to classes.

3 Tentative Lecture Schedule

Wk Day Lecture Topics Lab M Intro to Course No lab 1 W Intro to Biology F Origin and History of Life ------M Intro to Evolution 1 2 W Origin of Species (Systematics and Cladistics Part I) F Taxonomy and Systematics EXAM - I (Ch. 1, 22, 23 & 26)

------M Intro to Animal Diversity 2 3 W Vertebrates (Systematics and Cladistics Part II) F Invertebrates ------M The Invertebrates 3 4 W Intro to Ecology and Biomes (Terrestrial Protostomes of Illinois) F Intro to Ecology and Biomes ------M Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 4 5 W Conservation Biology and Biodiversity (Cnidarians, Platyhelminthes F Intro Animal Form and Function and Nematodes) EXAM - II (Ch. 32, 33, 34, &54) ------M Animal Reproduction 5 6 W Animal Development (Ecology) F Nutrition, Digestion, and Absorption ------M Cells of the Nervous System 6 7 W Brain and Nervous System (Animal Development) F Respiratory System EXAM - III (Ch. 40, 43, 44, 51 & 52) ------M Muscular-Skeletal System 7 8 W Circulatory System (Nervous, Digestive & Respiratory) F Circulatory System ------M Circulatory System 8 9 W Excretory System (Skeletal, Circulatory & Urogenital) F Excretory System ------M Excretory System 9 10 W Cells (Cardiovascular Fitness and Breathing) F Cells EXAM - IV (Ch. 46, 47 48 & 49) ------M Nucleic Acid Structure 10 11 W Nucleic Acid Structure (Effects of OTC Drugs F Molecular Genetics on Physiological Processes)

------M Molecular Genetics 11 12 W Mitosis, and Meiosis (Mitosis and Meiosis) F Mitosis, and Meiosis 4 ------M Simple Patterns of Inheritance 12 13 W Complex Patterns of Inheritance (Mendelian Genetics Part I) F Complex Patterns of Inheritance EXAM - V (Ch. 4, 11, 12 & 15) ------M Developmental Genetics 13 14 W Developmental Genetics (Mendelian Genetics Part II) F Genetic Technology ------M Genomes 14 15 W Population Genetics (Population Genetics) F Population Genetics ------Final Exam Comprehensive

(Note: Schedule, including test dates, is subject to change with notice, as appropriate for this class.)


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