General Maths Mba (It)

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General Maths Mba (It)

word. nearly most one the pick phrases, or words lettered five these From phrases. Directions ANTONYM Q-5 or words of pairs lettered five by followed phrases, or words original pair. pair toin relationship similar thebest lettered that expresses expressed a that the phrases, Select of pairs related a of consists below question Each Direction ANALOGY Q-4 Q-3 Q-2 Q-1 in as a whole.sentence Beneath the of meaning omitted. the fits best been that words of has set or word something the Choose words. that of sets or indicating words lettered five blank are sentence each blanks, two or one has below sentence Each 1- Q 2 for Directions Engg/IT-Page Engg/IT-Page Q-7 the thentick briefthe bestRead textand answer. Q-6 best. is deciding which one before choices a. persona. A country. of Itcollector a wouldalso herinterest faraway the andart home. brighten warm productwill something beautiful. hersheofwork outside useful both The makes both her loom and house, designs, of worksoutasimple or pieces wool.Sitting small, colorful patterns, weaver onmaking of at The examplesfolk art. unknownTurkey. floor oneartsarefine of smooth coverings, of of These the Kilims are e. c. a. GRANDIOSE some of beto therequiredistinguish questions you sure to fineofthe all meaning, consider Because shades or words lettered five precedes letters capital in printed word a questions, antonym following the of each In Stage. d. Antenna Birdc. b. Mammal Oceana. FISH d. c. b. a. means: the firstthe world. explorergo around was to ‘Explorer’ He c. a. Means:Illicit e. d. c. b. a. T. Booker education, black jobs. practical for people in prepared that programs emphasis to blacks educating vocational for available funds the limited the ______of favored Washington ______was who Dubois, W.E.B Unlike d. a. bya work______. suchmere the exhibit see fine done for amazed Selectioncommittee to was The : kilim 1 of A person places. old whoA discovers person new whofor A looks business. person places. new whoA discovers person the world. around whoA travels 3 is a: Suspicious ……denyingSuspicious ………..confining Aware …….…restrictingCritical Entrepreneur Connoisseur uncommunicative andsimple unimposing docile necessarynot out draw …allocating Appreciative …….allotting Protective SAMPLE PAPER FOR BACHELORSAMPLE PAPERFOR CANDIDATESOF ENGINEERING / COMPUTER SCIENCEENGINEERING / COMPUTER : : : : : : : b. place doe insect aviary whale wave TROUT NUST TEST ENTRANCE e. e. b. d. b. c. thing c. MATHEMATICS ENGLISH not licensednot perceivable barely Exhibitionist Artist d. b.

SAMPLE inlight weight occur to unlikely opposite

PAPER c. in meaning to the capitalized the to meaning in Amateur Q-16 Q-15 Q-14 Q-13 Q-12 Q-11 Q-10 Q-9 Q-8 most the appropriateSelect choice: Engg/IT-Page Engg/IT-Page Q-19 Q-18 Q-17 A square matrixAsymmetric square is if A =A ? (1,4) a. they= solution y=7 Find set of5,2x- x+ e. d. c. b. a. of incorrect? theis Which following c. hit the edgec. thenearer drum skin force hit aa. thewith drum larger skin anote make ofpitch? doto drum would agive thelower soundof a drummer What thereflects match radiation head c. is theenough flame hot not a. to becauseenough light matchget extremelydoes matchheldNOT near(The is touching)bunsen An an not hot to pressurea. of join equal have maps.uppointsvalues featureThey important shown which onweather Isobars arean heat e. d. heat kineticc. b. potential electricala. hydroelectric station? power a aretheenergychangesin main What direction. bodychanges d. The Theup. body speeds a. occur? NOT of theeffects following Which forcearepossible. could applieda is to body, a severaleffects When these None of e. ln C a. x–+ d. a. theis following which anynumber number of positiveincorrect? real c, k,and For any rational 2 length of shadow makes pole high a. 6m a when sun the plane.horizontal of elevation of angle the Find 10 a. once. only integer manyformedbe numbers2,35,7.Each ofto used is How consisting twodigits be from can A a.  2 of ln xdx=ln ? t 3 30 arecorrect All of a = prism base).Height right (Area Volume of a circular= right cylinder Volume of cube) of of any a=the cube (length face Volume of xlength lengthxwidth asolid rectangular Volume = of lim lim x x   0   c = c c x c b. 12 b. A b.(2,3) b. rain fall b. rain k = 0 = b. kinetic electrical light kinetic kinetic x+b. ln C 45 14 c. –A c. (4,1)c. c. temperaturec. was. as The it body remains e. bodyrotates. b. The e. b. 0 PHYSICS c. x.lnc. arecorrectAll d. the flame does not radiate any heat sideways. doesany radiate d. thenot flame heat is bad of conductor b. air a lim x    (radius ) (radius c = c c c. d. 16 d. A d. (1,4) d. thewith drumsmaller skin b. hit force a d. sunshine electrical kinetic electrical electrical heat    e SAMPLE x 2 loosen the drum skinloosen the    . height + C+ (*) -1 3 60 c. The mass of the bodydecreases. The mass of c. 0 d. c. PAPER windspeed e. x ln x+x ln C d. lim x  

x c 90 k = 0 = 0  3m on the on 3m Q-30 Q-29 Q-28 Q-27 Q-26 Q-25 Q-24 Q-23 Q-22 Q-21 Q-20 Engg/IT-Page Engg/IT-Page a. CH a. isat room oftemperature? hydrocarbon thesaturated Which following gas sugara. an ofcompound: not organic theis Which following 1 a. optimum pH has of: (thean stomach) Pepsin in enzyme c. a. End Sub ( Date ) MsgBox ( ) ShowDate Sub executionthecode following the willresult of after the What be c. a. as: to referred array array)of in the itotalan ith1to of element elements the ( The rangesfrom number d. c. b. a. in ais ofuser positioned: inspreadsheet which currently area a_____ is the singlecell work d. c. b. a. compressing is: reasonfor a file The d. c. b. a. a canvirus by: computer get Your d. c. b. a. is less spacethan the codedoccupies originalfile called: into that of a a format Translation file d. c. b. a. people: to a beingtool used is the Internet let as anionic a. in used are: detergents Surfactants Crand Co a. have atomicradius of thepairs same Which following

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