Biography Project

 You will read a biography of an African-American figure who made a difference throughout history. This person can be a Civil Rights activist, politician, scientist, or other important person to our history (musicians and athletes should not be included).  You will create a poster or collage including pictures and other interesting facts about the person. Be creative and have fun.  Your poster or collage should include a printout of the attached questions answered in complete sentences.  You will present your poster/collage in class, giving a brief summary of your person and their accomplishments. Please do not read directly from the questions and be sure to practice your presentation at home.

Timeline Thursday, Jan. 29 – Turn in the name of the person you selected Thursday, Feb. 5 – Full poster/collage due Tuesday, Feb. 10 – Presentations during Reading class

**Projects will be accepted as late on Tuesday, February 10, for a maximum grade of 70**

Grading Rubric Your grade will be determined based on the following rubric:

Category 0 1 2 3 4 (0 points each) (10 points each) (15 points each) (20 points each) (25 points each) Turned in on No project Student turned in Student turned in time project late, on project on or before Tuesday, Feb. 10. Friday, Feb. 6.

Report questions No report Report is not Report questions Report questions Report questions questions readable. are not answered are answered in are answered in in complete complete sentences complete sentences sentences. with 5-10 with 0-3 grammar/spelling grammar/spelling errors. errors. Poster/collage No poster/collage No visual aid of Visual aid does Visual aid is messy Visual aid is neat (visual aid) project, but not represent the or is not clearly and clearly labeled. report questions figure. labeled. are turned in. Presentation No presentation Speech Speech Speech Speech (speech) demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated very little very little knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the character by character by character. character. answering answering all questions. questions in Student is not Student speaking complete sentences. speaking clearly clearly or Student is speaking or speaking loud speaking loud clearly during most Clear speaking voice enough enough only part of the speech. throughout speech. throughout the of the time. presentation. Multiple pauses. Name:______

Name of African-American Figure:______

Briefly describe information about your person’s life. (Where was he/she born, what was their occupation, what was their education, what made them so important to our history?) (Don’t forget you are telling us a story about your person’s life.)

When and where was your person born? ______


What was their family, school, life like growing up?(example; were they poor, wealthy, orphaned, live during the civil war, have diseases, loose siblings or parents etc.)






What did they do to “take a stand” “make a difference” or “make them famous”? ______





How did their “taking a stand” cause problems for them? ______





What impact did their actions make? ______




How would you have reacted if faced with the same adversities? ______





How might things be different for us if this person had not “taken a stand” or “made a difference”? ______






Write a short paragraph summary of your person that might appear on the back cover of a library book describing who your person was and what they did to make a difference.






______List the sources you used to find your information.



