Sticks Teaching DVD Notes

Riding in the Car  Imaginary car play to start – “What’s the first thing we do in the car – seatbelts? Lets see if the car starts. Does the horn work?  Zoom on resting tone and Beeps on the 5  Suggestions – eating in the car, speeding ha ha….  Tonal patterns can finish with beep beep HONK!

Water Play  Let’s make some more water sounds  Let’s do just the sounds  Go home and collect some more water sounds

Mary Wore a Red Dress  Substitions with kids clothes smile food activities etc  Harmonies and part singing – actions on each part (rolling arms/dancing moves)  Conga line with large movement  Mary had a little lamb lyrics on verse 1 with Ba ba baaa on verse 2 and 3

Follow Me Down to Carlo  Start with skittles – Celtic equivalent of Shooby Dooby Doo  Follow me down 8x into song with different hand actions  Can accent Follow me down to Carlo four claps  Use the Follow Me Down Repeats to change actions  Crawling  To standing on La La verse  Follow me down repeats with stomping and into walking  La La toe tapping or Heel/toe with gallops  Let’s all follow “Jacky and Lily” now  Follow me in and follow me out follow me round and round  Up/Down – Round and Round with rolling arms  Follow me down repeats to sitting  Drums / Sticks  Heel Toe  Follow me in and follow me out

Spin and Stop  Rolling and Fingers  Get two groups going on Spin and Stop harmonies and then teacher sings La Di melody overtop.  To standing turning opposite ways  Bounce and Stop  Shrug and stop  Resonator Bells – singing melody with bells playing on different beats or on the Spin/Stop rhythm  Tickle and Stop  Run and Stop  Nuzzle and Stop  Tap (feet) and Stop  Instruments – trumpets, violins  Changing the movements during sit and sing – rock and stop, rolling body in a circle, clap and stop  Breaking the phrases into sections and conducting side and side

Stick Tune  Blblblblbl woop! With sticks drumming and then up freeze  Using Cd with Sm to Lg actions Let’s all ______today!  Do the Monkey/ Find a Partner/Let’s get on the train at the end with music continues

I’m Freezing  Fake sneezing to start Winter coming and it’s been a bit cold. Have you been cold lately?

Don Carlo  With CD Running arms as staple actions  Accenting each body part with action on defferent  On musical break review body parts  Do again with CD getting faster

Happy Puppy Silly Cat  Start with dog and cat play  Woof Woof meow ostinato with bounce  Pash Clap Clap

Nigun  Scarves  Start sitting with macro/micro play of scarves A  To standing on B  Circling with Macro/Micro play  Step kick on bridge into A  Free play  Sneaking in Woo! And out  Circling with  In and out with scarf overhead C vamp  Silly dancing to finish  Slides with scarve 1 to woo! 5 down Roll That LittleBall  Pretend ball with rolling/bouncing with defferent beat divisions  Being theball and roling around  Dyads with rocking

Pop Goes theWeasel  Walking and then jump freeze on Pop! A  In and out B  Dancing and Shaking it on Swing beat

Jack in theBox  Ambivalent Jack

Mix It Up  Tight Circle Egg Shakers  Action with different action on Bum Bum Bum  Clicking with RLR  Neighbors w/ Neigh/Neigh click  Floor/Knees/ Shoulders Up w/ same but add Woo! on up action.  Tum tadadoodoodo on tummy  Dyna Bands or scarves

Tailor and the Mouse  Embodying the characters in small hand gestures or standing and acting out. Tailor can walk big and proud or do a Russian dance. Mouse is scampery. Resonators  Switching playing hand  Bell and floor  &1 &2  Hitting the wooden part  Hit and flying stick away 234