Trigonometry/Pre Calculus

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Trigonometry/Pre Calculus

Trigonometry/Pre Calculus

Teacher: Ms. Lunte Email: [email protected]

Book: PreCalculus with Limits - Larson, Hostetler, Edwards

Grading: A 88 - 100 B 76 - 87 C 64 - 75 D 52 - 63 F below 52

Your quarter grade will be determined accordingly: A total point system will be used. Points will be determined through tests, quizzes, group quizzes, homework quizzes, journals, and group projects. The quarter average will not be rounded up – therefore an 87.9% is a B+.

Semester Grade: 3rd Quarter (40%), 4th Quarter (40 %), Semester Exam (20%)

Supplies: 1) Notebook/Notepaper (college or wide rule) and/or 3-ring Binder (HW collected periodically) 2) Calculator ~ You will be taught how to use the TI 83/83+/84+ and it will be helpful if you have your own for homework purposes. 3) Pencils & erasers 4) Graph paper ¼ or 1/8 inch – around 100 sheets 5) Straight edge

How to succeed: Be on time everyday! Be attentive in class (don’t sleep!) Ask questions (I’m here to help!!) Be prepared for class (paper, pencil, book, notes) Do the assignment everyday!!! Participate in class Be a positive influence on the class Challenge yourself

Classroom Policies/Procedures

1. Tardiness and absences:  Dealt with according to EHS guidelines.  You are tardy if you are not in the classroom when the second bell rings.  Partial credit will be given for work missed due to unexcused absences. However, for the first three absences, work will receive 80% credit and after that 50% credit.  If you have an excused absence you have the number of days you were absent to make up your work for full credit (ex: out one day, one extra day to complete assignment).  If you are absent on a review day, you are still responsible for taking the quiz or test the day you return!!!!!  If you are absent YOU are responsible for retrieving any missed notes, handouts, or assignments.  If you miss a test or quiz, YOU are responsible for scheduling a make-up time with me preferably outside of class. Field Trips/college visits  If you miss class due to an EHS field trip or a scheduled college visit, you should take care of turning in the previous night's homework, scheduling makeup quizzes and tests, and collecting any assignments and materials you will miss PRIOR to the field trip/college visit NOT when you return. You will receive a zero on pertinent assignments if you do not do this.

When I grant permission for a field trip, I expect the student to return to class the day after the field trip with the material covered that was missed. No student will be allowed to use the excuse that they cannot participate appropriately in class (turn in work, take part in class discussion, complete work/quiz/test, etc.) because they missed class due to a field trip. If you are making an unsatisfactory grade in class at the time a field trip (non-mandatory) “approval” is requested, and/or you do not think you can follow the procedures outlined above, you may want to reconsider missing class.

2. Homework:  The old saying, “practice makes perfect,” is exactly why we will have homework every night unless there is a test that day.  Be prepared to have your homework graded during an UNANNOUNCED homework quiz. Make sure you keep yourself organized so that you can find past assignments in a timely manner. I cannot stress enough how important it is to show all work that leads to the correct solution. Only homework paper and a pencil may be used during a homework quiz. NO notes, calculators, or books may be used during a homework quiz.  NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Therefore, if you do not have your notebook or binder (for any reason) in class on the day a homework quiz is given, you will earn a zero.

3. Quizzes/Tests:  There will be either a quiz or test most weeks

NOTE: On all assignments completed in this class, you MUST show your work to get credit. This is for your own good since it is so easy to make silly mistakes in math. It also gives me the opportunity to award partial credit on quizzes and tests.

5. Leaving the classroom:  If you need to leave the classroom for any reason, you must have your planner with you for me to sign. Bring it with you every day.  You will be given three hall passes each semester which you can use to go to your locker, the restroom, or get a drink. Once these passes are gone, you will need to take care of these things before or after class (Note: If there is a medical reason for which you may need to leave the classroom more often, please let me know and arrangements will gladly be made). If you do not use these passes at the end of the semester, they will be worth 5 points extra credit for each pass you have left.

6. No cell phone should be used for any reason in our classroom. Use of such devices (calling, receiving calls, text messaging, playing games, etc.) is not allowed in our classroom at ANY time. Such devices will be confiscated and turned into administration with a referral form. TURN YOUR PHONES OFF IN OUR CLASSROOM! 7. Discipline:  I cannot begin to address every situation that may arise in the classroom or the consequence thereof. The general rule of thumb is that the first time inappropriate behavior occurs, I will give a warning to the individual(s) or the entire class; the second time inappropriate behavior occurs you will be asked to stay after class; the third time you will get a referral and be removed from my class; the fourth time I will call home. Certain behavior (especially involving student/classroom safety) will result in an immediate referral and removal from class.

8. Finally, the most important factor in the success of our classroom is RESPECT. Respect yourselves, respect everyone you come into contact with, and respect property. This is non- negotiable.

This classroom is a small community of learners; inside these walls we are free (and encouraged!) to think for ourselves, ask questions, and make mistakes. Always keep in mind that mistakes are avenues to understanding! The key is to learn from our failures and build on our successes, as well as take pride in our work and put forth our best efforts. I look forward to an exciting and learning-filled year!

***Note to parents/guardians: An important aspect of a student’s educational success is parental/guardian involvement. As such, I ask that you take time each day to discuss your student’s school day with him/her. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss with me, or would simply like an update on your child’s progress, the best way to contact me is via email at [email protected]. In addition, my school website ( will include each chapter’s syllabus and any notes or handouts. It will also have important dates such as when a project is due. For a look at your child’s progress, you may also consult TigerView. If your student is struggling at anytime throughout the school year, I try to be available before and after school as many days as possible. There is also a tutoring lab after school from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday sponsored by the math department. Please sign and return this sheet no later than January 7th. It will be counted as a homework assignment.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please sign and return, acknowledging that you were given an opportunity to read this policy letter, particularly the note at the end regarding how to call/correspond with me. Thanks!

______(Parent/guardian signature)

______(Email Address)

______(Telephone Number)

Dear student,

Please sign and return, acknowledging that the policies and procedures of this class were discussed and given to you. Thanks!

I, ______, have read and understand Ms. Lunte’s (print name) classroom policy letter.

In the absence of further guidance, I will always do the right thing.

______(Student signature) HOMEWORK . You can expect to have homework every day except the night of a test; however, exceptions may be made. . Always assume that you must SHOW ALL YOUR WORK THAT LEADS TO THE CORRECT SOLUTION on all assignments. Showing all of these components in your homework, not just the answer will be very beneficial when it comes to homework grades and preparation for tests/quizzes. I am aware that the odd numbered answers are in the back of your textbook . For this very reason, I tend to assign odd numbered problems … so you will check your work. It will NOT benefit you to “copy” answers from the back of your book. . Be prepared to have your homework collected during a homework quiz. Make sure you keep yourself organized so that you can find past assignments in a timely manner. Again, I cannot stress enough how important it is to show all work that leads to the correct solution. . When you are absent, you are expected to get the assignment from a class syllabus (if supplied), a peer, or me. . Any assignment not turned in at the time it is asked for is considered late. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. . If you are absent on the day of review before a test, you will still take the test upon your return with the rest of the class. Extended-excused absences may be given special consideration.

ABSENCES – Homework - A chapter outline will be provided at the beginning of each chapter. If you’re absent, refer to this to find out what work you missed. They are also online. Test/Quizzes – will be taken on their scheduled day, unless you were absent when new material was presented and this is your first day back (missing review day does not count).  I prefer a student does not take a make-up test/quiz during class time if new material is being presented Unexcused Absences – These absences will be dealt with according to school policy (refer to your Edwardsville HS Student Handbook in front of your Student Planner.) Field Trips ~ If you miss Trig/Pre Calc class due to an EHS “field trip,” you must follow the following procedures. 1. All work that is due the day of the field trip must be turned into me PRIOR TO THE DEPARTURE/START OF THE FIELD TRIP. 2. If a test/quiz is to be given on the day of the field trip, YOU MUST TAKE THE TEST/QUIZ PRIOR TO THE DEPARTURE/START OF THE FIELD TRIP. A grade of zero will be assigned for these items if not completed ahead of time. You will be responsible for setting up a time with me to take the test/quiz early. 3. A student should collect any assignments and materials that will be given the day of the field trip PRIOR TO THE DEPARTURE/START OF THE FIELD TRIP. When I grant permission for a field trip, I expect the student to return to class the day after the field trip with the material covered that was missed. No student will be allowed to use the excuse that they cannot participate appropriately in class (turn in work, take part in class discussion, complete work/quiz/test, etc.) because they missed class due to a field trip. If you are making an unsatisfactory grade in class at the time a field trip (non-mandatory) “approval” is requested, and/or you do not think you can follow the procedures outlined above, you may want to reconsider missing class.

YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT 1. Check folder for missing worksheets, handouts, etc. 2. Get assignment from Syllabus, teacher or peer 3. Get notes from a peer 4. Read section & try sample problems. DO assignment. 5. If you still need help set up a time with me before school.

WHEN TO GET HELP - The best time to get help will be in the morning. During the Fall & Spring I will NOT be available after school to give help. During the Fall & Spring I will be at school around 6:45am. I can be to school earlier if you let me know in advance. MORE RESOURCES Math Tutoring (Monday – Thursday) 2:15-3:15 I, ______, have read and understand Mrs. Eberlin’s classroom policy (especially regarding make-up work). In the absence of guidance, I will always do the right thing.

______(student signature)

Dear Parent/Guardian Please sign and return acknowledging that you were given an opportunity to read this policy letter. Have your son or daughter return this signed paper to me no later than January 4, 2013. Thank You!

______parent/guardian signature

______parent/guardian telephone #

______parent/guardian e-mail address

2nd Copy for those with more than one household that needs to receive information

I, ______, have read and understand Mrs. Eberlin’s classroom policy (especially regarding make-up work). In the absence of guidance, I will always do the right thing.

______(student signature)

Dear Parent/Guardian Please sign and return acknowledging that you were given an opportunity to read this policy letter. Have your son or daughter return this signed paper to me no later than January 4, 2013. Thank You!

______parent/guardian signature

______parent/guardian telephone # ______parent/guardian e-mail address

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