Questions for Ordination Interview
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EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview
1. Give your full name. 2. State your age 3. Where were you born? 4. Did you finish grade school? Are you a high school graduate? 5. Have you any business schooling? 6. What, if any, college work have you had? 7. Are you a graduate of a bible school? 8. Along what lines are you prepared in the field of secular work? What, if anything have you done up until now in this line? 9. What additional preparations and advantages have you had?
1. What has been your religious environment and background? 2. State when and where you were saved. 3. Give some of the details of this experience. 4. Upon what do you rest, for hope of eternal security? 5. What evidences were there in your life of this change? 6. What subsequent spiritual experience have you had, if any? 7. Do you consider that you have received “power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you”? 8. Has the fruit of the Spirit been in evidence in your life? State the particular fruit that you feel are quite apparent. 9. Have you been baptized? If so, what mode? 10. Do you give yourself to prayer? What is your personal prayer program? 11. What priority of time do you give to reading? a. The Scriptures b. Christian Periodicals 12. What books have you read recently which developed you spiritually, mentally and professionally?
1. What do you consider constitutes a call to the Gospel Ministry 2. Do you feel definitely that you have received such a call from God? 3. State in detail the circumstances of your call and some of your convictions concerning it. 4. Do you feel called to any particular type of Gospel work? (Pastoral, teaching, evangelism, music, etc.) 5. What particular qualifications have you, if any, for the special line of work you feel called to? 6. Has God been pleased to give you any special gift or gifts? 7. Do you possess a genuine passion for the lost? 8. What, if any, blessing or fruit has attended your labour or ministry up to the present time? 9. Do you, as a general rule, find it easy to get along with other people? 10. State if you can, at least seven requirements of the deportment of spiritual leadership. Do you, as a minister, feel under moral and spiritual obligation to meet these requirements?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 1 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview D. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES
What does the Bible itself teach about the Holy Scriptures?
1. Why was the Bible written? 2. What comprises the canon of Scripture? 3. Do the sixty-six books of the Bible contain the Word of God? 4. How did man receive the Scriptures? 5. Define inspiration, revelation, and inerrancy - give similarities and/or differences. 6. What was the method of inspiration? 7. What kind of men did God inspire? 8. Are versions and translations inspired? 9. How was the canon of Scripture formed? What was specifically accomplished at the specific councils? 10. What is meant by the “inerrancy” of the Scriptures and are there limitations in the application of the term? 11. How should the Bible in its present form be received? 12. Are the Scriptures a revelation of God, or does God reveal Himself through the Scriptures? Give reasons for you answer. Can you say you truly love God’s word, and that you love reading and studying the Bible?
1. How many books are contained in the Old Testament? The New Testament? 2. What are the five major divisions of the Old Testament? 3. What are the Divisions of the New Testament? 4. Can you name the Pastoral Epistles? 5. Give a basic outline of a book in each of the Old and New Testaments. 6. Name five major characters written about in the book of Genesis. 7. Give an overview of the Pentateuch. 8. Describe some major events in the life of Samuel. 9. Name two judges and briefly outline the major events of their lives. 10. Name five important kings over Israel and Judah. 11. What major event marked the life and ministry of King Saul, King David, and King Solomon? 12. What were the circumstances during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah? 13. Describe three significant events described by Isaiah. 14. Describe a persecution experienced by Jeremiah. 15. Describe a vision give to Ezekiel. 16. Describe the circumstances and/or emphasis of two Minor Prophets. 17. Name the synoptic Gospels. 18. Describe the difference between the four Gospels and the value of those differences. 19. Give a brief overview of one of the Gospels. 20. Give an overview of the book of Acts. 21. List the Pauline Epistles. 22. Give a one sentence description of the basic theme of 1 Corinthians, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, Hebrews, 1 Peter, Jude, and Revelation. 1. List five of the seven churches described in the Revelation and the theme of the message given to them. 2. Give book and chapter for the following a. The Fall b. The Flood c. Abrahamic covenant ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 2 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview d. Ten Commandments e. The tumbling walls of Jericho f. David and Goliath g. Dedication of Solomon’s Temple h. “If I perish, I perish” i. “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him . . .” j. Psalm of Repentance k. The Beatitudes l. The Great Commission m. Love Chapter n. The Resurrection Chapter o. The Armor of God p. The Fruit of the Spirit q. The Gifts of the Spirit r. The Great White Throne Judgment s. Instruction on Tithing t. The Suffering Servant u. The Woman at the Well v. The Transfiguration w. Jerusalem Council x. The parable of the three lost things y. The good Samaritan z. Conflict Resolution 23. Give biblical steps one can follow to accept Christ as Saviour.
Assume that your hearer knows utterly nothing about God but is eager to learn. Using the scriptures, explain: the personality and character of God (His attributes) the Trinity His mighty works
1. What is the meaning of the word “Trinity”? 2. What other terms are used to convey the meaning of the Trinity? 3. How is the term “Substance” used in relation to the Godhead? 4. How is the term “Person” used in relation to the Godhead? 5. What is involved in the doctrine of the Trinity? 6. Does the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead argue against unity? Explain. 7. Give some Scriptural passages substantiating this doctrine. 8. Is there any reasonable or rational basis for this doctrine? What? 9. Does Christ give any light on this subject? Explain. 10. Why is the doctrine of the Trinity essential to sound Christian faith? 11. What is the “hypostatic union”?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 3 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview G. PERSON OF GOD
1. Give some New Testament definitions of God. (John 4:24; Hebrews 12:29; I John 1:5; I John 4:8). 2. What is the basis for the Christian concept of God as being a Person? 3. Name some of the attributes of God. 4. Give a few Scriptural incidents that reveal these attributes. 5. What underlies all else in the character of God? 6. Explain the terms: Theism, Deism, and Atheism. 7. What are some of the evidences and arguments for the existence of God? 8. How can God maintain a personal relationship with His creatures? 9. What is your belief concerning God and evolution?
Many believe that Jesus Christ was an ideal man who lived an extraordinarily exemplary life. From the Scriptures, demonstrate that though He was a man, He was in truth, the very Son of God.
1. State some of the names referring to Christ and explain their meanings. (Example: Messiah, Lord, Jesus, etc.) 2. Why do you believe Christ is God? 3. What is meant by the eternal pre-existence of Christ? 4. What are the fundamental characteristics of His Person? 5. Explain how the historic Christ was conscious of His divinity? 6. How is the person of Christ dealt with in the Old Testament? 7. How may it be proved that Christ was really a man? Why did Christ become a man? 8. How do you account for the fact that Christ had both a divine nature and a human nature and yet was only one person? 9. Why are both natures essential to the Person of Christ? 10. How do you know that Christ is alive today?
Using the Scriptures, explain who the Holy Spirit is and what He does.
1. How do Jesus’ statement and descriptions indicate that the Holy Spirit is a Person? 2. How does His identification with the Father and Son suggest His personality? 3. What qualities of personality does He possess? 4. What ministries, possible only for a person, are attributed to Him? 5. What is indicated relative to His personality by His activity in the early church? 6. How does the Old Testament bear testimony to His personality? 7. What is revealed by His association with other persons of the trinity? 8. How is He affected by the same things and in the same manner as other persons? 9. What to you is the clearest testimony to His personal being? 10. Is belief in His personality essential to orthodoxy? If so, why?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 4 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview J. THE ATONEMENT
Your hearer is a sincere seeker after God. Using the Scriptures, lead him or her into an adequate knowledge of the plan of salvation, covering the following main points: why he or she needs a Saviour what Christ did for him or her on the Cross how his or her life can be changed by the life and power of Christ the steps he or she must take to receive the gift of salvation
1. Where did the doctrine of the atonement first appear in Scripture? 2. What made the atonement necessary as far as God was concerned? 3. What is the basis for our salvation? 4. Does the cross of Christ reveal any attributes of God other that His love? 5. Would you say that Christ’s death was more than an example of sacrifice and love? In what sense? 6. How could God justly put man’s sin upon such an innocent victim? Do not all sinners have to suffer for their own sins? 7. What qualified Christ for being such an offering? 8. Could another human, other than Christ have made an acceptable offering? Why or why not? 9. What assurance do we have that the offering was acceptable to God? 10. For whose sake primarily would you say Christ’s sacrifice was made? 11. What is your view on the extent of the atonement? 12. What are some of the benefits we receive through Christ’s death?
1. Give a definition of justification. 2. On what grounds can God justify an acknowledged sinner? 3. Quote three or four of the better known passages of Scripture which teach us the truth of justification. 4. What spiritual benefits accrue to the justified?
1. State the relationship between justification and regeneration. 2. What is the meaning of the term regeneration? 3. Where does regeneration take place? 4. Upon what terms may a person be born again? 5. Who is the chief agent of regeneration? 6. What are some of the negative changes that take place through regeneration? 7. What positive changes take place? 8. How is it possible for a person to be born again? 9. What assurances accompany regeneration? 10. What is the standing of the regenerate before the Father? 11. What are the privileges of the regenerate?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 5 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview M. SANCTIFICATION
Using the Scriptures, carefully lead your hearer into the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Then explain, in outline form, how this person is to continue to abide in Christ on a day-to-day basis.
1. Who does the work of sanctification? 2. Give a brief definition of sanctification. 3. When does sanctification take place?? 4. Why do we need sanctification 5. Can you prove sanctification is a scriptural doctrine? 6. Do you think there are any other terms that might describe sanctification? 7. What part does the cross of Christ play in the work of sanctification? 8. What is the Holy Spirit’s part in sanctification? 9. Do you think there are any progressive phases to sanctification? 10. What has sanctification meant in your own life? 11. Do you intend to preach sanctification? How? With what emphasis? 12. What does the indwelling Christ have to do with sanctification?
1. What does the Bible teach regarding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? 2. When in relation to the new birth is one “Baptized with the Holy Spirit”? 3. What is the relationship between the Baptism of the Spirit and the fullness of the Holy Spirit? 4. What is the crisis experience? 5. Please explain your understanding of the filling of the Spirit. 6. What is the evidence one is filled with the Spirit? 7. What are the gifts of the Spirit and how do they function?
Explain the Scriptural foundation for physical healing and how a believer should respond when they are afflicted with sickness or disease.
1. What connection do you see between physical healing and the atonement? State a verse or two of Scripture which supports this view. 2. Have you had a personal experience of physical healing? If so, relate one or two of these briefly. 3. Do you understand this truth to be included in the cardinal teachings of The Christian and Missionary Alliance? 4. State at least three Scriptural instructions relating to what may be done for the recovery of the sick. 5. How should you as an Alliance pastor teach this truth? 6. Explain your theology of suffering. 7. How does the issue of sin relate to both the matter of sickness and of healing?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 6 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview P. THE RETURN OF CHRIST
From the Scriptures, explain how the hope of the soon coming of Jesus Christ should affect our lives.
1. Do you believe in the personal and visible return to earth of the Lord Jesus Christ? 2. Explain the difference between the doctrines of Premillennialism, Postmillennialism and Amillennialism. 3. Where will the believing Church be at Christ’s return? 4. What is the purpose of His return to earth? 5. How will His Second Coming differ from His First Coming? 6. What ministry to the unsaved of the world must be performed prior to Christ’s return? 7. What judgment of believers will take place about that time? 8. What judgment of the nations occurs immediately after His return? 9. What will be the status of Israel in the Kingdom which Christ will set up? 10. Why is the return of the Lord called the Blessed Hope of His people? 11. Summarize the essence of Paul’s teaching on the resurrection in I Corinthians 15. 12. What bearing, if any, has the resurrection upon our faith? State what you believe is meant by the term, “the first resurrection”. 13. Is there then a resurrection for all human beings? 14. What are the improvements (physical) which are guaranteed under the truth of the resurrection of those who die in the Lord?
Up until now, your hearer has only assumed that death marks the end of their existence. From the Scriptures, set forth the eternal condition of humans, first for the lost and then for the believer, beginning at the point of death for each and carrying through resurrection, judgement and beyond.
1. Do you have a personal conviction that all who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are lost? 2. In what sense are the wicked lost? 3. What is your conception of ‘eternal punishment’? State your personal view of Bible teaching concerning hell. 4. Is there any possibility at all of the regeneration and salvation of the wicked subsequent to death or, put another way, are the heathen eternally lost?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 7 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview R. ALLIANCE TRUTH AND TESTIMONY
Do you agree, on all points, with the Doctrinal Statement of The Christian and Missionary Alliance without mental reservation?
Your hearer comes from a non-Alliance background but is requesting an explanation as to our origin, our doctrinal emphases, our purpose and main ministry objectives, and our current strength and activity in North America and around the world. Give him or her, a concise thumbnail summary touching on the above points.
1. What is your understanding of the distinctive teachings of The Christian & Missionary Alliance? 2. Explain your understanding of the “Four-Fold Gospel”. 3. Are you in full sympathy with these teachings and do you and will you declare them? 4. Are you prepared to anoint and pray for the sick? 5. Describe your understanding of what the “Deeper Life” is. 6. Is personal evangelism a ministry of the church? The pastor? Or both? 7. What are the phases of the Lord’s Return? 8. What two important events are associated with the return of the Lord? 9. What is the attitude of The Christian & Missionary Alliance on “Controversial Theological Questions” not pertinent to the fundamentals of faith? 10. Are you presently subscribing to, and reading, “The Alliance Life” magazine? If not – why not? If yes – share an article that has really helped you recently.
1. What is the mission of The Christian & Missionary Alliance as compared with its message? 2. Have you a conviction that the task of the denomination is also your personal responsibility? 3. How do you approach the subject of Missions in your preaching and teaching? 4. What is the importance and value of a local missionary convention? 5. Will you promote, by public statements and personal example, the missionary vision and responsibility among your people? 6. Do you financially and prayerfully support missions within The Christian & Missionary Alliance? 7. Is there significance of the Faith Promise Card to the task of missionary outreach? How else might a church raise funds for missions? 8. Do you pray for any specific missionaries? Name some. 9. What tools are available to help you organize prayer for missions?
Explain from the Scriptures, what the church is and what its purpose and function is in the world.
1. What is the church? 2. What are God’s purposes for the church? 3. What is a healthy church? 4. What are some Biblical images of the church? 5. What is the place of gifts? 6. What are the ordinances and how significant are they in the life of the church/believer? 7. What is the place of the offering? 8. What is ordination? 9. What is a denomination?
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 8 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview U. CONSTITUTED AUTHORITY
Explain the legislative and administrative structure of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
1. Does the Word of God recognize and set up constituted authority in the church? 2. Do you believe in constituted authority? 3. Do you think there is anything incompatible between being led by the Spirit and being subject to recognized authority in the church? 4. If yes, state why you feel that your personal convictions and leading should supercede those of the ones over you in the Lord? 5. In New Testament terminology, what is one’s attitude to be to those over him in the Lord? 6. Do you accept the provisions of the several constitutions as found in the Manual binding upon you? 7. Do you regard the legislation of the General Assembly and the District Conference as binding upon you, even though your own opinions and desires are otherwise? 8. What would your attitude be if your superintendent suggested that you make a change in appointment? 9. If the majority of your church elders desired your resignation, and you felt otherwise, would you feel justified in making the situation an issue among the people of the church? 10. State whether you think loyalty to the movement of which you are a part need conflict with general harmony with the entire body of Christ? 11. If you should become personally involved in doctrines contrary to those of the denomination with which you are now identified, or in conduct which would compromise your position as a minister of the Gospel, what should be your procedure toward those who are over you in the Lord? 12. Is your desire to be identified with the work of The Christian & Missionary Alliance a settled, God- given conviction?
What responsibility does a pastor have toward his people, as taught in the Epistles?
1. What does the apostle Peter say about the relation of the shepherd to the flock? 2. State the characteristics of the servant of the Lord as they were given to Timothy by the apostle Paul. 3. Should a preacher’s plans for the carrying on of the work in the church be modified by the wisdom, council, and prayer of the members of the Elders Board of the church? 4. In your judgement, could a member of the official family of the church, or any other member, be any help to the pastor, even though his convictions as to the conduct of the work might differ from those of the pastor? 5. Do you think a pastor should ever allow his personal interests to become an issue among the people? 6. When a pastor submits his resignation should he allow or encourage any actions be taken in the church to bring pressure for his continuing in that field of service? 7. In dealing with divisive members of your church what should be your attitude toward them? 8. In your judgment is it ever practical for a pastor to lead his people into conformity to his own personal convictions? 9. When you leave a field of service, would you seek to continue contacts of information and channels of advice and counsel with the members of that congregation?
1. What is your position on the issue of women in ministry? ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 9 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview 2. Do you believe that women should be allowed to serve as pastors and elders within the local church? Why? 3. Should women be ordained to the pastoral ministry? Why? 4. How would you deal with women in counseling situations? 5. What steps would you take if you were sexually attracted to a female member of your congregation? 6. How would you encourage the women in your congregation to fully use their spiritual gifts and serve the church to their fullest potential? 7. If married, what role do you think your wife will fill in the local church? 8. What are you reading to keep you current regarding the women’s issues in our society? 9. How do you address the attitude of the men in your church toward women?
1. How many people have you personally led to the Lord in the past year? 2. What method of evangelism or evangelistic tool do you use? 3. Have you ever given an altar call at the close of a sermon? 4. Does your church have an evangelistic program (Evangelism Explosion, First time visitation for visitors, etc.)?
1. Do you have a clear position on the issue of abortion? 2. What are your views on homosexuality? 3. Would you make a distinction between homosexuality and a homosexual orientation? How? 4. Are you aware of any racist tendencies? 5. What are your views on pluralism? 6. Have you or are you presently viewing any type of pornography? How would you assist someone overcoming this addiction? 7. What are your views on social drinking of alcohol? 8. Is there any unresolved moral issue in your private life or relationships that once exposed would hurt the Lord’s name or embarrass your family, your church, the denomination or yourself? 9. Have you ever been divorced? If so, are you remarried? 10. If married, has your wife ever been divorced? 11. What are your personal opinions on the subject of divorce? 12. Can you state from memory the Manual regulations relating to divorce? If not, can you state the substance of it? 13. Would you perform the marriage ceremony for a couple where one or the other had been divorced and the former partner is still living? 14. Would you allow a divorced, or someone married to a divorced person, to serve on the Board of Elders?
1. If married, describe your marriage relationship with three adjectives. 2. Describe a recent marital conflict and how you handled it. 3. How do you and your spouse help each other grow emotionally, spiritually and mentally? 4. What ministries, if any, is your spouse involved in? 5. If you have children, how would they describe your relationship with them? 6. What has been your greatest challenge in parenting? 7. If you could do one thing over in terms of your marriage and your parenting, what would that be? ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 10 November 2006 EASTERN CANADIAN DISTRICT Questions For Ordination Interview 8. Describe a typical week in terms of the time invested in your family.
1. Are you fully dedicated to God, body, soul, spirit, for a life of ministry (distinct from salvation experience)? 2. Are you truly in communion with God? Please explain. 3. Have you experienced any specific and significant manifestations of the Holy Spirit in your life? Discuss. 4. What personal spiritual disciplines are you employing to develop yourself spiritually? 5. What keeps you going in ministry? In life? In your marriage? 6. Share the highest and lowest points in your life of ministry to date. 7. What is the biggest temptation you have faced to date in your ministry? 8. What are some of the small temptations that you face in ministry? 9. Do you feel God has specifically tested your call to ministry to date? If so, discuss. 10. How have you experienced God’s discipline in your life of ministry to date?
July 2006
ECD – Ordination Interview Questions 11 November 2006