Theses, Dissertations, Presentations and Publications by Researchers and Students of The
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Theses, dissertations, presentations and publications by researchers and students of the Caribbean Basins, Tectonics and Hydrocarbons Project (2005-2013)
GRAND TOTALS: 21 MS theses, 126 presentations, & 75 publications
2013 MS theses from students supported by the CBTH project (4) Campiño Restrepo, L., 2013, 2D Seismic Interpretation of the Tumaco on-and offshore basin, SW Colombia. Implications for tectono-stratigraphic evolution and hydrocarbon exploration: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 119 p. Dale, A., 2013, Crustal type, tectonic origin, and petroleum potential of the Bahamas carbonate platform: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 84 p. Johansen, E., 2013, Flexural Modeling through time in northern South America: MSc thesis: University of Stavanger, 92 p. Pachon, L., 2013, Stratigraphic and tectonic history of the Putumayo foreland basin, Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Houston, 153 p.
2013 Presentations (22) Batbayar, K., P. Mann, J.C. Hippolyte, 2013, Shifts in the Caribbean plate direction inferred from paleostress measurements from striated fault planes in the circum-Caribbean region, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. Bingham, L. and D. Karssenberg, 2013, Error Propagation of a Fuzzy Logic Multi-criteria Evaluation for Petroleum Exploration, EUROGEO Conference, Bruges, Belgium. Blanco, J.M., C. E. Padrón, H. Contreras, 2013, Fracture Identification and Analysis Using Seismic Attributes in Carbonate Reservoirs: Cimarrona Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Blanco, J.M., P. Mann, P. Bartok, 2013, Subsurface Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbons of the Falcon Basin: An Inverted, Hydrocarbon-Bearing Rift Basin in Western Venezuela, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia. Campiño Restrepo, L. and A. Escalona, 2013, 2D Seismic Interpretation of the Tumaco Basin, SW Colombia. Implications for Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Exploration, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Carvajal Arenas, L.C., P. Mann, M. Saunders, 2013, Petroleum prospectivity of the southwestern Nicaraguan Rise (Colombian Caribbean) based on regional integration of seismic and well data, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Carvajal Arenas, L.C., P. Mann, K.K. Bissada, M. Saunders, 2013, Cenozoic Source Rocks of the Southwestern Nicaraguan Rise, Caribbean Sea: Distribution, Burial History, and Maturation, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia. Castillo, K. and P. Mann, 2013, Early History of the Orinoco Delta on the Northeastern Margin of South America, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia. Dale, A., K. Reuber, D. Bird, P. Mann, 2013, Central Atlantic Magmatic Province Plume Focus and Evidence for its Relation to the Basement of the Bahamas, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. Dale, A., P. Mann, D. Bird, 2013, Crustal Structure of the Central Atlantic Rifted-Passive Margin from South Carolina to the Southeastern Bahamas: A First Step to Understand its Petroleum Potential, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hasan, Murad, 2013, New observations on the crustal structure of the US Gulf of Mexico basin based on deep-penetration seismic reflection data, gravity and plate reconstructions, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. Johansen, E. A. Escalona, N. Cardozo, L. Bingham, 2013, 3D Flexural Modeling through time in the northern South America, EAGE Conference, London, England. Nguyen, L., P. Mann, D. Bird, 2013, Gravity and Petroleum Modeling in Gulf of Mexico, GSA South- Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. Mann, P. and N. Dowla, 2013, Worldwide Trends in the Discoveries of Giant Fields from 2006-12 with Predictions on the Locations and Numbers of Future Giants, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Osmond, J., P. Mann, S. Pierce, 2013, Petroleum Potential of Onland Basins in Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) Based on Integration of Vintage Well and Seismic Reflection Data with Geochemical Data, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ott, B., P. Mann, M. Saunders, 2013, Crustal Provinces of the Nicaraguan Rise as a Control on Source Rock Distribution and Maturity, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pachon, L.F., P. Mann, N. Cardozo, 2013, Structural Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Putumayo Foreland Basin, Colombia, from Subsurface Mapping and 3D Flexural Modeling, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Reuber, K., P. Mann, M. Saunders, 2013, Buried Cretaceous Delta of the Barreirinhas Basin, Offshore Brazil: Potential Source of Structural and Stratigraphic Traps in Deepwater Sandstone?, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sanchez, J., P. Mann, and P. Emmet, 2013, Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic deformation of the North American- Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America and its effects on the origin and migration of hydrocarbons, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tomlinson, D., Z. Wolfe, M. Murphy, P. Mann, 2013, Comparison of Thick versus Thin-Skinned Styles of Laramide Thrusting in the Southern Rockies and Sierra Madre Oriental Fold-Thrust Belts, GSA South-Central Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas. Torrado, L., P. Mann, J. Bhattacharya, 2013, Tectonic effects on changing fluvial style in the Late Eocene ‐ Oligocene northern Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Torrado, L., P. Mann, J. Bhattacharya, 2013, Application of Seismic Attributes and Fluvial Geomorphology of the Late Eocene-Oligocene of the Carbonera Formation in the Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG ICE Conference, Cartagena, Colombia.
2013 Publications (5) Escalona, A. and W. Yang, 2013, Impact of low-angle subduction in petroleum systems along the Leeward Antilles island arc emergent gas trend, northern South America: First Break., v. 31, p. 55-65. Escalona, A. and W. Yang, 2013, Subsidence controls on foreland basin development of northwestern offshore Cuba, southeastern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, January 2013, v. 97, p. 1-25, doi:10.1306/06111212002 Koehler, R., Mann, P., Prentice, C., Brown, L., Benford, B., and Grandison-Wiggins, M., 2013, Enriquillo- Plantain Garden fault zone in Jamaica: Paleoseismology and seismic hazard: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 103, no. 2A, p. 971-983, April, 2013, doi: 10.1785/0120120215 Prentice, C., Mann, P. and Pena, L., 2013, Comment on “Historical perspective on seismic hazard to Hispaniola and the northeast Caribbean region”: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, v. 118, 1-4, doi10.1002/jgrb.50170.2013 Vargas, C., and Mann, P., 2013, Tearing and Breaking Off of Subducted Slabs as the Result of Collision of the Panama Arc-Indenter with Northwestern South America: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 103, No. 3., p. 2025-2046, June, 2013, doi: 10.1785/0120120328
2012 MS theses from students supported by the CBTH project (4) Figueira, B., 2012, An examination of the spatial and temporal evolution of a complex transition zone in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad-Venezuela (Eastern Venezuela Basin/ EVB): MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, 80 p. Moreno, C., 2012, Evolution of the southern Llanos basin, Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, 88 p. Torrado, L., 2012, Non-Marine Sequence Stratigraphy and Changing Fluvial Style in the Northern Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia: MSc thesis, University of Houston, Houston. Wolfe, Z., 2012, Stratigraphic Controls on the Structural Evolution of the Sierra Madre Oriental Fold-thrust Belt, Eastern Mexico: MSc thesis, University of Houston, Houston, 74 p.
2012 Presentations (21) Alvarez, T., P. Mann, C. Vargas, L. Wood, J. Latchman, 2012, Systematic Variations in the Age and Thickness of Subducting Crust as a Control on Regional Structure; the Barbados Accretionary Prism, the Island of Trinidad and the Associated Offshore Areas, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. Bernal-Olaya, R.D. and P. Mann, 2012, Controls on Migration of Forearc Depocenters, Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia, GSA Penrose Meeting, Lucca, Italy. Bernal-Olaya, R.D., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2012, Tectonic Controls on the Spatial and Temporal Migration of Depocenters in Forearc Basins: A Comparison of Modern and Ancient Caribbean Examples, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. Bernal-Olaya, R.D., 2012, Defining the geometry of the subducting Caribbean slab beneath northwestern Colombia and its controls on the overriding Lower Magdalena forearc basins, XI Simposio Bolivariano, “Exploración petrolera en las cuencas subandinas,” Cartagena, Colombia. Bingham, L., A. Escalona, R. Zurita-Milla, 2012, GIS-based Fuzzy Logic Analysis for Petroleum Exploration and Case Study of Northern South America, EAGE Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia. Campos, H., 2012, Tectonic and subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, XI Simposio Bolivariano, “Exploración petrolera en las cuencas subandinas,” Cartagena, Colombia. Chursina, I., A. Escalona, 2012, Frontier Exploration in Accretionary Prisms: Sinu belt Colombia, GSA Penrose Meeting, Lucca, Italy. Dowla, N. and P. Mann, 2012, Future Discovery Trends of Oil and Gas Fields, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas. Dowla, N. and P. Mann, 2012, Oil and Gas Field Discovery Trends, University of Houston Undergraduate Research Day, Houston, Texas. Dowla, N., R. Stewart, P. Mann, L. Chang, 2012, Shallow seismic profiling of onland Leogane fan-delta, Haiti, for imaging fan stratigraphy and buried faults associated with the January 12, 2010, earthquake, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California Figueira, B. and A. Escalona, 2012, Examination of the complex transition zone in the southern Gulf of Paria, Trinidad-Venezuela, EAGE Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Figueira, B. and A. Escalona, 2012 Examination of the spatial and temporal evolution of multiple terranes in the southern Gulf of Paria, GSTT Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Mann, P., 2012, Are "uncharacteristic" earthquakes spatially linked to strike-slip restraining bends?, Fall AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. Mann, P., W. Yang, A. Escalona, 2012, Regional Effects of the Cuban Arc-Continent Collision on Structure, Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbons in the Deepwater, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. Moreno, C. and A. Escalona, 2012, Inversion History of the Southern Area of the Llanos basin, Colombia, EAGE Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia. Ott, B. and P. Mann, 2012, Early origins of the Caribbean plate from seismic and gravity data across the Nicaraguan Rise, AAPG-SEG Student Expo, Houston, Texas. Ott, B. and P. Mann, 2012, Early origins of the Caribbean plate from deep seismic profiles across the Nicaraguan Rise, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, California. Pachon, L.F. and P. Mann, 2012, Hydrocarbon Structural Traps above Inverted, Mesozoic Normal Faults in the Putumayo Foreland Basin, Southern Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. Sanchez, C.J., and P. Mann, 2012, Thick-Skinned Style and Timing of Convergent Tectonics in Northwestern South America and Implications for Petroleum Exploration, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. Sanchez, C.J. and P. Mann, 2012, Sedimentary and structural response of right-lateral transpression associated with oblique convergence along Caribbean-South American plate margin, Northern Colombia, GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina. Torrado, L., P. Mann, J. Bhattacharya, 2012, Non-marine Sequence Stratigraphy and Changing Fluvial Style in the Northern Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, California.
2012 Publications (4) Bingham, L., R. Zurita-Milla, and A. Escalona, 2012, Geographic information system–based fuzzy-logic analysis for petroleum exploration with a case study of northern South America: AAPG Bulletin, v. 96 no. 11.Escalona, A. and W. Yang, in press, Subsidence controls on foreland basin development of northwest offshore Cuba, southeastern Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, vol. 96 no. 11. Mann, P., 2012, Comparison of structural styles and giant hydrocarbon occurrences within four active strike- slip regions: California, Southern Caribbean, Sumatra, and East China, in D. Gao, ed., Tectonics and sedimentation: Implications for petroleum systems: AAPG Memoir 100, p. 43-93. Sánchez, J., B. K. Horton, E. Tesón, A. Mora, R. A. Ketcham, and D. F. Stockli, 2012, Kinematic evolution of Andean fold-thrust structures along the boundary between the Eastern Cordillera and Middle Magdalena Valley basin, Colombia, Tectonics, 31. Vargas, C., P. Mann, and C. Gomez, 2012, Morphologic expression of accretionary processes and recent submarine landslides along the southwestern Pacific margin of Colombia: in Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, edited by Y. Yamada et al., Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, v. 31, pt. 4.
2011 MS theses from students supported by the CBTH project (3) Bingham, L., 2011, GIS-based analysis for petroleum exploration using fuzzy logic multi-criteria evaluation and sensitivity analysis: unpublished MS thesis, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 176 p. Campos, H., 2011, Tectonostratigraphic and subsidence history of the northern Llanos foreland basin of Colombia: unpublished MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 105 p. Rodriguez, A., 2011, Regional structure, stratigraphy, and hydrocarbon potential of the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico: unpublished MS thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 177 p.
2011 presentations (23) Alvarez, T., C. Vargas, P. Mann, and J. Latchman, 2011, Subduction-to-stike-slip-transition in the southeastern Caribbean imaged using deeply-penetrating seismic reflection lines and tomography, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. Alvarez, T., C. Vargas, P. Mann, A. Escalona, and J. Latchman, 2011, Subduction-to-Strike-Slip-Transition in the Southeastern Caribbean Imaged Using Deeply-Penetrating Seismic Reflection Lines and Tomography, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, p. 19. Bernal, R., P. Mann, and C. Vargas, 2011, Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia: A forearc basin formed above a zone of active, shallow subduction, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. Bernal-Olaya, R. D., P. Mann, and C. Vargas, 2011, Lower Magdalena Basin, Colombia: A Forearc Basin Formed above a Zone of Active, Shallow Subduction, AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition Houston, Texas. Bingham, L., and A. Escalona, 2011, Using Regional GIS-Based Suitability Maps in Petroleum Exploration: Case Study of Northern South America, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway. Campos, H., P. Mann, and N. Cardozo, 2011, Flexurally-driven subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. Campos, H., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and N. Cardozo, 2011, Flexurally-driven Subsidence History of the Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas. Chursina, I., and A. Escalona, 2011, Consideration of accretionary prisms for petroleum exploration, Norwegian winter conference, Stavanger, Norway. Costley, R., P. Mann, C. Vargas, L. Bingham, and A. Escalona, 2011, GIS database for research on active tectonics and basinal studies in Colombia and its offshore Caribbean and Pacific margin, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. Emmet, P. A., P. Mann, and R. Roberson, 2011, Nicaraguan Rise offshore Honduras: Upper Cretaceous source rock may contribute to a proven Eocene hydrocarbon system at Main Cape-1 in the Mosquitia Basin: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas. Escalona, A., and W. Yang, 2011, Evaluating petroleum systems along the Leeward Antilles island arc, southern Caribbean, EAGE Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Escalona, A., and L. Bingham, 2011, Peak oil: An elusive target and the impact of technology and frontier exploration, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway. Figueira, B., A. Escalona, N. Cordozo, and M. Sahoo, 2011, Fractures at Galera Point, northeast Trinidad: Origins, significance and impact on reservoir potential, Norwegian Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway. Mann, P., and C. A. Vargas Jimenez, 2011, Role of Panama arc-indentor for late Cenozoic deformation in Colombia and implications for regional distribution of hydrocarbons, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas. Mann, P., 2011, Major hydrocarbon plays in the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and northern South America, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. Mann, P., Emmet, P., Roberson , R., 2011, Crustal thinning of the continental borderland bounding the oceanic Cayman trough, Fall AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. Moreno, M. C., A. Escalona, and N. Cordozo, 2011, Main structural features of the Southern Llanos basin, Colombia, and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway. Prieto, M., H. Van Avendonk, P. Mann, S. Holdbrook, D. Lizarralde, and P. Denyer, 2011, Crustal Thickening, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Potential of the Western Colombia Basin Adjacent to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas. Prieto, M., H. J. A. Van Avendonk, P. Mann, S. Holbrook, D. Lizarralde, and P. Denyer, 2011, Crustal structure and sequence stratigraphy of the western Colombian basin adjacent to Costa Rica and Nicaragua, GSA Penrose Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. Rodriguez, A. B., and P. Mann, 2011, Origin of the Mexican Ridges passive margin foldbelt based on seismic and well integration from the shelf-slope-deep basin and structural restoration, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition Houston, Texas. Vargas, C. A., P. Mann, and C. Gomez, 2011, The Monterey isotope excursion event in the Colombia basin: Seismic evidence and hydrocarbon implications, AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, p. 30. Yang, W., and A. Escalona, 2011, Exploration plays in Guyana basin, Northeastern South America, Norwegian Geological Society Winter Conference, Stavanger, Norway. Yang, W., and A. Escalona, 2011, Pseudo-3D Modeling on Source Rock Evaluation in the Guyana Basin, Northern South America, EAGE Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria.
2011 publications (17) Aitken, T., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and G. L. Christeson, 2011, Evolution of the Grenada and Tobago basins and implications for arc migration: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 235-258. Bingham, L., and A. Escalona, 2011, Creating a unified geologic database: The need for a global standard: First Break, v. 29, p. 41-48. Escalona, A., and P. Mann, 2011, Tectonics, basin subsidence mechanisms, and paleogeography of the Caribbean-South American plate boundary zone: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 8-39. Escalona, A., P. Mann, and M. Jaimes, 2011, Miocene to recent Cariaco basin, offshore Venezuela: Structure, tectonosequences, and basin-forming mechanisms: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 177-199. Escalona, A., and L. Bingham, 2011, The value chain and hydrocarbon reserves, in M. Lien, ed., Introduction to Petroleum Geology: Høvik, Norway, Vett and Viten ELS, p. 254-264. Escalona, A., W. Fjeldskaar, and I. Grunnaleite, 2011, Basin modeling across the emergent Lesser Antilles island arc, southeastern Caribbean: Impact on petroleum systems: First Break, v. 29, p. 23-34. Garciacaro, E., A. Escalona, P. Mann, L. Wood, L. Moscardelli, and S. Sullivan, 2011, Structural controls on Quaternary deepwater sedimentation, mud diapirism, and hydrocarbon distribution within the actively evolving Columbus foreland basin, eastern offshore Trinidad: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 149-176. Garciacaro, E., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2011, Regional structure and tectonic history of the obliquely colliding Columbus foreland basin, offshore Trinidad and Venezuela: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 126-148. Hippolyte, J.-C., and P. Mann, 2011, Neogene–Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Leeward Antilles islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao) from fault kinematic analysis: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 259-277. Hornbach, M. J., P. Mann, C. Frohlich, K. Ellins, and L. Brown, Assessing geohazards near Kingston, Jamaica: Initial results from chirp profiling, Leading Edge, v. 30, p. 410-413. Kroehler, M., Mann, P., Escalona, A., and Christeson, G., 2011, Late Cretaceous-Miocene diachronous onset of backarc thrusting along the South Caribbean deformed belt and its importance for understanding processes of arc collision and crustal growth: Tectonics, v. 30. Mann, P., 2011, Volume dedication Amos Salvador (1923-2007): Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 1- 3. Mann, P., and A. Escalona, 2011, Introduction to the special issue of Marine and Petroleum Geology: Tectonics, basinal framework, and petroleum systems of eastern Venezuela, the Leeward Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, and offshore areas: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 4-7. Soto, D., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2011, Miocene-to-recent structure and basinal architecture along the Central Range strike-slip fault zone, eastern offshore Trinidad: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 212-234. Vargas C. and P. Mann, and C. Borrero, 2011, Field guides for excursions to the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano and to the Romeral Fault System (Colombia) in the frame of the Neotectonics of arc-continent collision concepts, Earth Sciences Research Journal, v. 14, no. 1. Yang, W., and A. Escalona, 2011, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Guyana Basin: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95, p. 1339-1369. Yang, W., and Escalona, A., 2011, Basin modeling and source rock evaluation in the Guyana basin, First Break, v. 29, p. 59-69.
2010 presentations (13) Escalona, A., W. Fjeldskaar, and P. Mann, 2010, Basin modeling along emergent island arcs and oblique convergent margins - Impact on petroleum systems - Southeastern Caribbean case, EAGE Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Bingham, L., A. Escalona, and P. Mann, 2010, Creating a Unified Geologic Database: Methods and Techniques, EAGE Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Mann, P., A. Escalona, and W. Yang, 2010, Tectonic setting and hydrocarbon trendology of a reported 7-8 TCF giant gas Discovery, eastern Gulf of Venezuela, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Alvarez, T., and P. Mann, 2010, Tectonic habitat of hydrocarbons in the deep- and ultra-deepwater frontier areas of Trinidad and Tobago, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Punnette, S., L. Wood, and P. Mann, 2010, Tectonic and eustatic controls on the origin of shelf sands and associated facies, offshore NCMA area of Trinidad and Tobago, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Rodriguez, A., P. Mann, and W. Galloway, 2010, Effects of Laramide foreland basin tectonics on structure, subsidence, and hydrocarbons of the Mexican sector of the Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Bernal, R., P. Mann, A. Escalona, R. Hernandez, and V. Ramirez, 2010, Characterizing the structural style and age of the Romeral fault zone in the subsurface of the Lower Magdalena basin, Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Bingham, L., A. Escalona, and P. Mann, 2010, Creaming Curves and Discovery Trends of 5 Basins from the Gulf of Mexico to Northern South America, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Campos, H., and P. Mann, 2010, Tectonic influence of the Cordillera Oriental thrust salient on the shortening and subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Emmet, P., and P. Mann, 2010, Early Cenozoic rift inversion: key to understanding the structural framework and petroleum potential of the Nicaraguan Rise, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Whitehill, C., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2010, Tectono-stratigraphic framework of the western Maracaibo block, Colombia-Venezuela: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Yang, W., A. Escalona, and P. Mann, 2010, Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the continental shelf of Guyana and Suriname, AAPG Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, AAPG. Mann, P., Y. Wenxiu, and A. Escalona, 2010, Far-field deformation effects of the oblique Caribbean plate collision on the passive marging of the northeastern South America in the Guyana Basin, AGU Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.
2010 publications (7) Mondziel, S. A., N. Grindlay, P. Mann, A. Escalona, and L. Abrams, 2010, Morphology, structure, and tectonic evolution of the Mona canyon (northern Mona passage) from multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar, and seismic reflection profiles: Tectonics, v. 29, p. 1-23. Xie, X., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2010, Regional provenance study of Eocene clastic sedimentary rocks within the South America-Caribbean plate boundary zone using detrital zircon geochronology: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 291, p. 159-171. Hayes, G., Briggs, R., Sladen, A., Fielding, E., Prentice, C., Hudnut, K., Mann, P., Taylor, F., Crone, A., Gold, R., Ito, T., and Simons, M., 2010, Complex rupture during the 12 January, 2010, Haiti earthquake: Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 800-805. Hornbach, M., Braudy, J., Briggs, R., Cormier, M., Davis, M., Diebold, J., Dieudonne, N., Douilly, R., Frohlich, C., Gulick, S., Johnson, H., Mann, P., McHugh, M., Ryan-Mishkin, K., Prentice, C., Seeber, L., Sorlien, C., Steckler, M., Symithe, S., Taylor, F., and Templeton, J., 2010, High tsunami frequency as a result of combined strike-slip faulting and coastal landslides: Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 783-788. Prentice, C., Mann, P., Crone, A., Gold, R., Hudnut, K., Briggs, R., Koehler, R., and Jean, P., 2010, Seismic hazard of the Enriquillo-Plaintain Garden fault zone inferred from paleoseismology: Nature Geosciences, v. 3, p. 789-793. Hayman, N., Grindlay, N., Perfit, M., Mann, P., Leroy, S., and Mercier de Lepinay, 2010, Oceanic core complex development as the ultraslow-spreading Mid-Cayman spreading center: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Q0AG02, 2011. Hornbach, M., Mann, P., Taylor, F., and Bowen, S., 2010, Estimating the age of near-shore carbonate slides using coral reefs and erosional markers: A case study from Curacao, Netherlands Antilles: Sedimentary Record, v. 8, p. 4-10.
2009 theses (2) Autret, E., 2009, Regional Geological Interpretation of Offshore Guyana Based on Subsurface Data, unpublished MS thesis, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 57 p. (supervised by A. Escalona at the University of Stavanger, Norway). Taboada, G., 2009, Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the northeastern Maturin foreland basin, Venezuela, unpublished MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 113 p.
2009 presentations (15) Alvarez, T., L. J. Wood, and P. Mann, 2009, Three-dimensional relationships between synchronous normal faulting, folding and sedimentation in the Columbus channel, offshore southern Trinidad, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Bingham, L., A. Escalona, I. Norton, and P. Mann, 2009, GIS-Based Hydrocarbon Resource Map of the Mexican Sector of the Gulf of Mexico, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Emmet, P., and P. Mann, 2009, Hydrocarbon Potential of the Nicaraguan Rise Based on Reevaluation of vintage Seismic and Well Data from the 1970s, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Escalona, A., P. Mann, and L. Bingham, 2009, Hydrocarbon exploration plays in the greater Caribbean region and neighboring provinces, EAGE Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, EAGE. Jiang, X., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Tectonostratigraphic and Hydrocarbon Framework of the Colombian Offshore Margin from the Magdalena Delta to Panama, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Benford, B., P. Mann, C. Prentice, W. King, C. DeMets, M. Grandison, and B. Tikoff, 2008, Late Quaternary activity and seismogenic potential of the Gonave microplate: South Coast fault zone of southern Jamaica, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, American Geophysical Union, p. poster. Mann, P., and M. Horn, 2009, Tectonostratigraphic and structural setting of giant oil and gas clusters in the Sub-Andean foreland basin and Pacific-Caribbean forearc region, X Simposio Boliariano meeting, Cartagena, Colombia. Norton, I., A. Escalona, P. Mann, and L. Lawver, 2009, Mesozoic Caribbean plate reconstructions based on a revised fit of Precambrian and Paleozoic terranes in northwestern South America and Central America, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Punnette, S., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Tectonic and Stratigraphic Setting of Gas Fields of the North Coast Marine Area, Offshore Northern Trinidad and Tobago Basin, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Taboada, G., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Are widespread flexure-related normal faults in the Eastern Venezuelan foreland basin hosting undiscovered oil fields in the underexplored, far eastern part of the basin?, X Simposio Boliariano meeting, Cartagena, Colombia. Taboada, G., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Tectonic Controls for Three Main Subsidence Phases of the Eastern Venezuelan Foreland Basin in the Region of the Orinoco Delta, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Vence, E., D. Contreras, P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Subsurface structure of a 400-km long segment of the Oca-Ancon right-lateral fault zone from the offshore margin of Colombia to the Falcon basin of Venezuela, X Simposio Boliariano meeting, Cartagena, Colombia. Xie, X., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2009, Impact of Tectonic Setting and Diagenetic History on the Reservoir Potential of Eocene to Miocene On- and Offshore, Deepwater Sandstones, Northern South America, AAPG Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, AAPG. Vargas, C., 2009, Potential de hidrocarburos en Colombia, Colombian Petroleum Show, Bogota, Colombia, Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos. Vargas, C., C. Gomez, L. Briceño, and C. Rey, 2009, Morphologic expression of accretion processes along the Pacific margin of Colombia inferred from high-resolution bathymetric data, AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, California, American Geophysical Union.
2008 theses (2) Contreras, D., 2008, Defining the northeastern boundary of the supergiant Maracaibo foreland basin, Venezuela: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 184 p. Vence, E., 2008, Subsurface structure, stratigraphy, and regional tectonic controls of the Guajira margin of northern Colombia: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 128 p.
2008 presentations (6) Contreras, D., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and M. Nunez, 2008, Structural and stratigraphic correlations across the Burro Negro fault zone, northeastern margin of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, AAPG. Escalona, A., P. Mann, and L. Bingham, 2008, Hydrocarbon exploration plays in the great Caribbean region and neighboring provinces, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio, Texas, AAPG. Jiang, X., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and I. Filina, 2008, Structure and stratigraphy of the Tobago-Barbados Ridge and its implications for hydrocarbons in the Barbados offshore area, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Antonio, Texas, AAPG. Vence, E., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2008, Tectonic controls on Middle Eocene to recent stratigraphic sequences along the Guajira margin of northern Colombia, American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, AAPG. Xie, X., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2008, Paleogene Deep-water Sandstone Provenance and Reservoir Quality of Offshore Areas of Northern South America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, AAPG. Xie, X., P. Mann, and A. Escalona, 2008, Paleogeography, Paleodrainage Systems, and Tectonic Reconstructions of Eocene Northern South America Constrained by U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology, AGU Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, AGU.
2008 publications (5) Christeson, G. L., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and T. J. Aitken, 2008, Crustal structure of the Caribbean- northeastern South America arc-continent collision zone: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, p. 1-19. Wallace, L., Ellis, S., and Mann, P., 2008, A collisional model for rapid, forearc block rotations, arc curvature, and episodic back-arc rifting in subduction settings: Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems, 10, Q05001 doi:10.1029/2008GC002220 Hornbach, M., Mondziel, S., Grindlay, N., Frohlich, C., and Mann, P., 2008, Did a submarine slide trigger the 1918 Puerto Rico tsunami? Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 27, p. 22-31. Funk, J., Mann, P., McIntosh, K., and Stephens, J., 2008, Cenozoic tectonics of the Nicaraguan depression, Nicaragua, and Median trough, El Salvador, based on seismic reflection profiling and remoting sensing data: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 121, p. 1491-1521. doi:10.1130/B26428.1 Wallace, L., Ellis, S., and Mann, P., 2008, Tectonic block rotation, arc curvature, and back-arc rifting: Insights into these processes in the Mediterranean and in the western Pacific, in E. Catlos, editor, Donald D. Harrington Symposium on the Geology of the Aegean, IOP Conference Series, Earth and Environmental Science, v. 2, doi: 10.1088/1755-1307/2/1/012010.
2007 theses (3) Funk, J. 2007. Cenozoic Tectonics of the Nicaraguan Depression, Nicaragua, and Median Trough, El Salvador based on seismic reflection profiling and remote sensing data. Master of Science, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 188 p. Kroehler, M., 2007, Tectonics and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Venezuelan Basin, Caribbean Sea: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 108 p. Soto, M. D. 2007. Structural and basinal architecture and active strike-slip faulting of the eastern offshore area of Trinidad. Master of Science thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 109 p. 2007 presentations (14) Bingham, L., Escalona, A. & Mann, P. 2007. Building an Integrated, Digital Database Using HTML and GIS Tools: A Case Study for the Northern South American Petroleum Province. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. Bingham, L., Escalona, A. & Mann, P. 2007. Building an integrated, digital database using HTML and GIS tools: A case study for the northern South American petroleum province. Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Bingham, L., W. P. King, and P. Mann, 2007, GIS-Based Active Fault Map of the Caribbean Plate Margins, Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, CO, GSA. Castellanos, H., Escalona, A., Rodriguez, L. & Mann, P. 2006. Tectonic and stratigraphic controls on the Orinoco heavy oil belt, eastern Venezuela foreland basin. AAPG annual meeting. Houston. CD- ROM, Contreras, D., Mann, P., Escalona, A. & Nunez, M. 2007. Structure, Stratigraphy and Gas Potential of the Northwestern Eocene Maracaibo foreland basin, Western Venezuela. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. El-Mowafy, H., Mann, P. & Escalona, A. 2007. Hydrocarbon Potential of the Aruba and Western Curacao Basins, Offshore Venezuela. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. Escalona, A. & Mann, P. 2007. Overview of the subsurface geology of on and offshore northern South America - Implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Escalona, A., Mann, P. & Lavier, L. 2007. Kinematic Model Linking Basin Subsidence and Fault Evolution Along the Obliquely Convergent South America-Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. Hanzlik-Valentin, M., Mann, P., Escalona, A., Grindlay, N. R. & Abrams, L. 2007. Reconstructing Paleogeography and Sea-level History of Western Puerto Rico Using High-resolution 2D Seismic Profiles. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. King, W. P., L. Bingham, P. Mann, C. DeMets, and M. D. Wiggins-Grandison, 2007, Possible existence of an unidentified, seismogenic fault zone along the southern coast of Jamaica: A compilation of earthquake and remote sensing data, Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, Colorado, GSA. Mann, P., Garciacaro, E., Soto, M. D. & Escalona, A. 2007. 3D anatomy of the Columbus foreland basin, eastern offshore Trinidad. Geological Society of Trinidad and Tobago: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Mann, P., Horn, M. & Cross, I. 2007. Emerging Trends from 69 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2006. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. (Available online at: Nordfjord, S., Escalona, A., Mann, P. & Galloway, W. 2007. Linking Tectonic and Sedimentary Events in the Northern Caribbean and Southern Gulf of Mexico. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California. Vence, E., Escalona, A., Mann, P. & El-Mowafy, H. 2007. Along-Strike Continuity of Caribbean Tectonic Terranes and Their Controls on Source and Reservoir Rocks, Offshore Colombia and Venezuela. American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Long Beach, California.
2007 publications (9) Gorney, D., Escalona, A., Mann, P., Magnani, M. B. and BOLIVAR study group, 2007, Chronology of Cenozoic tectonic events in western Venezuela and the Leeward Antilles based on integration of offshore seismic reflection data and on-land geology. AAPG Bulletin, 91, p. 653-684. Mann, P., 2007, Global catalogue, classification, and tectonic origins of restraining and releasing bends on active and ancient strike-slip fault systems: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 290, p. 13-142. Mann, P., DeMets, C., and Wiggins-Grandison, M., 2007, Toward a better understanding of the late Neogene strike-slip restraining bend in Jamaica: Geodetic, geologic, and seismic constraints: in Cunningham, D., and Mann, P., eds., Tectonics of Strike-Slip Restraining Bends, Geological Society of London Special Publication, p. 239-253. Soto, M. D., Mann, P., Escalona, A. & Wood, L. 2007. Late Holocene strike-slip offset of a subsurface channel interpreted from three-dimensional seismic data, eastern offshore Trinidad. Geology, 35, p. 859-862. Mann, P., 2007, Overview of the tectonic history of northern Central America, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 1-20. Rogers, R., and Mann, P., 2007, Transtensional deformation of the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America, Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 37-64. Rogers, R., Mann, P., and Emmet, P., 2007, Tectonic terranes of the Chortis block based on integration of regional aeromagnetic and geologic data, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 65-88. Rogers, R., Mann, P., and Scott, R., 2007, Cretaceous intra-arc rifting, sedimentation, and basin inversion in east-central Honduras, in Mann, P. (editor), Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 89-128. Rogers, R., Mann, P., Emmet, P. and Venable, M., 2007, Colon fold belt of Honduras: Evidence for late Cretaceous collision between the continental Chortis block and intra-oceanic Caribbean arc, in Mann, P., editor, Geologic and tectonic development of the Caribbean plate boundary in northern Central America: Geological Society of America Special Paper 428, p. 129-150.
2006 theses (2) Garciacaro, E. J. 2006. Stratigraphic architecture and basin fill evolution of a plate margin basin, eastern offshore Trinidad and Venezuela. Master of Science thesis, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 150 p. Hanzlik-Valentin, M., 2006, Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico: unpublished MS thesis, University of Texas, Austin, 94 p.
2006 Presentations (8) Escalona, A. 2006. Multiphase Tectonic Evolution of Northwestern Venezuela and its Offshore Area: Implications for the Distribution of Source and Reservoir Rocks. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston. Data on CD-ROM, Escalona, A. and Mann, P. 2006. Oil and gas prospects in the Venezuelan offshore area identified using a regional grid of 2D seismic lines. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston. Data on CD-ROM, Garciacaro, E., Mann, P., Escalona, A. and Wood, L. 2006. Regional Structure, Tectonic History, and Petroleum Systems of the Obliquely Colliding Columbus Foreland Basin. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston. Data on CD-ROM, Mann, P. 2006. The Risk of Tsunamis in the Northern Caribbean. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 86, p. 21-25. Mann, P., Christeson, G., Escalona, A., Levander, A., Zelt, C., Magnani, B., Sawyer, D. and Schmitz, M. 2006. Plumbing the Depths of the Caribbean-South American Arc-Continent Collisional Zone Using Long Seismic Reflection and Refraction Transects. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. Mann, P., Hippolyte, J. and Weber, J. 2006. Neogene Tectonic Phases of Central and Southern Trinidad Based on Brittle Tectonic Analysis of Faults Exposed in Coastal Cliffs and Rock Quarries. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. Mann, P., Horn, M. and Cross, I. 2006. Tectonic Setting of 31 Giant Oil and Gas Fields Discovered from 2000-2005: Implications for Future Discovery Trends. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. Soto, M. D., Mann, P. and Wood, L. 2006. Structural and Stratigraphic Evidence for the Offshore Extension of the Central Range Fault Zone of Trinidad. AAPG Annual Meeting. Houston. Data on CD-ROM, 2006 publications (13) Mann, P. and Escalona, A. 2006. Introduction to the Maracaibo Basin theme issue. AAPG Bulletin, 90, p. 443-444. Mann, P., Escalona, A. and Castillo, M. 2006. Regional geologic and tectonic setting of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, western Venezuela. The America Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 90, p. 445-478. Escalona, A. and Mann, P. 2006. Tectonic Controls of the Right-Lateral Burro Negro Tear Fault on Paleogene Structure and Stratigraphy, Northeastern Maracaibo Basin. AAPG Bulletin, 90, p. 479-504. Duerto, L., Escalona, A. and Mann, P. 2006. Deep structure of the Merida Andes and Sierra de Perija mountain fronts, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 90, p. 505-528. Castillo, M. V. and Mann, P. 2006. Cretaceous to Holocene structural and stratigraphic development in south Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, inferred form well and three-dimensional seismic data. AAPG Bulletin, 90, p. 529-565. Escalona, A. and Mann, P. 2006. Sequence-stratigraphic analysis of Eocene clastic foreland basin deposits in central Lake Maracaibo using high-resolution well correlation and 3-D seismic data. AAPG Bulletin, 90, p. 581-623. Escalona, A. and Mann, P. 2006. An overview of the petroleum system of Maracaibo Basin. The America Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 90, p. 657-678. Escalona, A. 2006. Petrophysical and seismic properties of lower Eocene clastic rocks in the central Maracaibo Basin. AAPG Bulletin, 90, p. 679-696. Mann, P., Peterson, L. and Droxler, A. W., 2006. Tectonics, Circulation and Climate in the Caribbean Gateway. JOI News, v. 8. Mann, P., Rogers, R. and Gahagan, L. 2006. Overview of Plate Tectonic History and its Unresolved Tectonic Problems. In Bundschuh, J. & Alvarado, G. E. (eds) Central America: Geology, Resources and Hazards. Taylor and Francis/Balkema, 1, 201-237. Mann, P., 2006, The risk of tsunamis in the northern Caribbean, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, v. 86, no. 1, p. 21-25. Moscardelli, L., Wood, L. J., Mann, P., 2006, Mass-transport complexes and associated processes in the offshore area of Trinidad and Venezuela, AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, p. 1059-1088 Levander, A., Schmitz, M., Ave Lallmant, H., Zelt, C., Sawyer, D., Magnani, M., Mann, P., Christeson, G., Wright, J., Pavlis, G., and Pindell, J., 2006, Evolution of the southern Caribbean plate boundary: EOS, v. 87, no. 9, 28 February, 2006, p. 97-100.
2005 thesis (1) Gorney, D., 2005, Chronology of Cenozoic Tectonic Events in Western Venezuela and the Dutch Antilles Islands Based on Integration of Offshore Seismic Reflection Data and Onland Geology: Master of Science thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 90 p.
2005 presentations (3) Christeson, G. L., Aitken, T. J., Mann, P. and Escalona, A. 2005. BOLIVAR Project: A New Model for Grenada and Tobago Basin Evolution. AGU Annual meeting. San Francisco, California. Garciacaro, E., Mann, P., Escalona, A. and Wood, L. 2005. Anatomy of an Actively Evolving Foreland Basin Inferred from BOLIVAR Project 2D Lines and Merged 3D Seismic Volumes, Columbus Basin, Eastern Offshore Trinidad. AGU annual meeting. San Francisco, California. Hanzlik-Valentin, M., Mann, P., Abrams, L. and Grindlay, N. 2005. Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico. AGU Annual meeting. San Francisco, California.
2005 publications (1) Sullivan, S., Wood, L., and Mann, P., 2005, Distribution, nature, and origin of mobile mud features offshore Trinidad, Gulf Coast Societies-SEPM 24th Bob F.Perkins Research Conference, p. 840-867.