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Blue Valley High School s1

2010 Blue Valley Cross Country



Boys and Girls Teams Placed 8th in State 1 State Medalist Girls 2nd at Regionals & Boys 3rd 5 Athletes in top 10 of Regionals 3 All EKL Athletes (top 10) Boys and Girls Varsity placed 1st at Paola Girls won Mill Valley Invitational 1 Varsity Girl race winner Medals in every Varsity Race Girls and Boys JV won at Wyandotte 2 boys on top 20 - 5K all time list 7 Girls currently on top 20 - 4K all time list 4 Girls on top 20 - 5K all time list Blue Valley High School Cross Country 2010


Head Coach Diana Huber 12th Year Coach Assistant Coach Manal Siam 3rd Year Coach

Team Captains

The 2010 BVCC captains were chosen based on their dedication to Blue Valley Cross Country and their ability to lead and inspire. All 3 of these captains represent true dedication. They all have been members of the team since they were Freshmen. These captains were an important element in forming the strong bond and unique spirit that our team exhibited this year.

Ben Gaede Evelyn Davis Brian Witt

Team Managers

The 2010 BVCC managers did an exemplary job of performing the often thankless tasks such as taking splits at races, getting water and assisting the coaches with a variety of other duties. Our managers exhibited a true spirit of dedication and performed their jobs not only willingly, but with enthusiasm. Their support is much appreciated.

Anna Jones Ashli Cummings Nick Wise Becky Winegarner Juliana Himmel

Cross Country 2010 Parent helpers

The 2010 BVCC season could not have been a success without the behind the scenes support of these Cross Country parents. They gave willingly of their time, talents, and energy in a variety of ways in an effort to support both the coaches and the athletes and to make life a little easier for all of us. We are truly thankful for their generous service to our team!

Organized Tigerfest Tena Loats & Jill Wiederholt

CC Banquet Meg Lewis & Brenda Gaede

Pictures on Web site Randy & Maggie Mardis Picture Badges for parents Randy & Maggie Mardis

Locker Decorations Dee Hartman

Slide show for banquet Carla Swimmer

CC Handymen Paul & Grandpa Wiederholt

Course clean up Tom Loats

Hosted team dinners The families of: Bailey Swimmer, Evelyn Davis Brian Witt, John Wiederholt & Kenneth Tysick, Ben Gaede

Helped with team dinners, The families of: Extravaganza breakfast & Gaede, Strickland, Loats, Poje, Team treats McDonnell, Best, Wiederholt, O’Toole, Witt, Ekis, Nienstedt, Beal, DeFonso, Patterson, Retz, Trieu, Swimmer, Lewis, Lotz, Sickle

Thanks to all the parents who brought food to the meets. The runners and coaches appreciated everything you did. All the help from the parents helped make the season fun for the kids and easier for the coaches. We can’t thank you enough. Thank you for your Tigerfest contributions too!!!

The coaches hope that we did not miss a single thank you, but if we did, we truly apologize. We appreciate everything that the parents and students did to make this a successful season.

Awards for the 2010 seaSon

The following two awards were nominated by the team Most Inspirational Girl: Bailey Swimmer Boy: Ben Gaede

Most Team Spirited Girl: Evelyn Davis Boy: Skyler Trieu

The following awards were decided by the coach’s analysis of the season

Rookie of the Year (1) Rachel Campbell You Did It! (1) Jane Webb Best Team Player (1) Xavier Adams Biggest Move to Varsity (3) Sarah Lewis, Jake Kennedy, John Wiederholt Most Improved Varsity (2) Mackenzie Gorthy, Brian Witt Most Improved Present & Past (2) Grant DeFonso, Garion Morgan Letters V=Varsity. This is earned by running in 4 Varsity races or running under 16:15 G & 17:15 B JV=Junior Varsity or breaking 20:00 or in the top 14 4 times C=C-Team. This is earned by running in 4 C-team races and not above criteria CMT=Commitment. This is earned by running in less than 4 races.

From Years Before This chart states the runner’s Personal Record (PR) From each year BOYS 5K (3.1 MILES) Letter 2010 2009 2008 2007 So Xavier Adams JV 19:58 So Alec Butenas C 22:15 Sr Kevin Chung C 23:39 22:18 23:24 So Paul Davis JV 20:27 Sr Alex Dean JV 20:27 20:39 22:04 22:03 Jr Grant DeFonso JV 19:16 22:18 21:04 Sr Ben Gaede V 16:42 17:07 17:10 17:51 So Connor Hartman JV 20:19 Jr Jake Kennedy V 17:53 19:30 20:42 Fr Connor Lotz JV 20:14 So Collin Mardis CMT X 20:02 Jr David Maricle JV 19:00 18:48 So Conor McReynolds C 24:51 Sr Garion Morgan JV 20:31 22:52 Fr Mikhail Motsonashvili C 21:57 So Nicholas Patterson JV 20:14 So Grant Poje V 17:30 17:46 Sr Will Retz C 22:04 Sr Tarryn Schantell JV 20:24 21:02 22:16 23:11 So Christian Spragle C 26:02 29:32 Jr Ben Strickland V 17:56 18:05 18:36 Sr Austin Svancara C 22:24 Sr Skyler Trieu V 17:49 17:54 18:39 19:52 From Years Before continued This chart states the runner’s Personal Record (PR) From each year BOYS 3.1 (5K) MILES Letter 2010 2009 2008 2007

Sr Kenneth Tysick JV 19:13 18:57 So John Wiederholt V 18:02 19:16 Sr Danny Willis V 16:56 17:34 18:49 Jr Brian Witt V 17:28 18:18 19:33

BOYS ALL TIME TOP 20 (Since 1985)

Ben Gaede 7th 16:42-2010 Danny Willis 16th 16:56-2010

From Years Before This chart states the runner’s Personal Record (PR) From each year GIRLS 4K (2.5 Miles)

Letter 2010 2009 2008 2007

So Maddie Beal JV 18:42 So Sophie Best V 17:17 17:00 Fr Rachel Campbell V 16:49 Jr Evelyn Davis V 16:47 16:50 17:29 Jr Beth Ekis JV 18:31 17:52 18:37 So Alexa Faber C 21:19 So Gracie Gallagher CMT X Jr Mackenzie Gorthy V 16:26 16:57 17:06 Jr Jen Kranjec JV 18:24 So Sarah Lewis V 18:18 18:31 From Years Before continued This chart states the runner’s Personal Record (PR) from each year

Letter 2010 2009 2008 2007 Jr Miranda Loats V 17:21 16:51 16:38 So Bingjie Li JV 20:29 So Molly Maher C 22:44 Jr Becca McDonald V 16:16 16:33 16:23 So Megan McDonnell JV 18:12 17:34 Jr Sara Naatz JV 20:14 18:21 18:13 Jr Kacy Nienstedt C 20:13 18:54 18:34 Jr Lauren O’Toole JV 19:57 Jr Madison Outlaw C 22:56 Sr Julia Sickle JV 20:41 20:15 21:50 22:36 Jr Bailey Swimmer V 16:06 17:14 16:23 Jr Jane Webb JV 19:52

GIRLS ALL TIME TOP 20 4K &5K (4K since 1999 and 5K since 1991)

Bailey Swimmer 5th/16:06-2010 9th/ 20:31-2010 Becca McDonald 7th /16:16 -210 12th /20:44-2009 Mackenzie Gorthy 9th /16:26/2010 15th /20:58/2010 Miranda Loats 12th /16:38-2008 Evelyn Davis 14th /16:47-2010 17TH/21:10-2010 Rachel Campbell 15th /16:49-2010 Sophie Best 18th/17:00-2009

Senior Quotes “It isn’t Patience, Confidence, or Passion that allows for Potential to be revealed, but a combination of all three” -Ben Gaede “Don’t get lost on the trail, it’s not good for your body” -Danny Willis

“May the bagels and cereal be saved for you after the race, May the competition be miles behind you, The abs upon your stomach, as if chiseled by Michelangelo himself, The flame of determination bright within your heart, And forevermore May you wear the laurel of victory.” Chuc nhieu may man, BVCC! -Skyler Trieu

“My sport is your sports punishment” -Alex Dean "It’s good to have fun, but it’s more fun to be good" -Kevin Chung

“If you put your head into anything….You can do it!” - Garion Morgan “I am a butterfly” –Will Retz

“Most people run a race to see who is the fastest, I run a race to see who has the most guts ” (Steve Prefontaine) – Tarryn Schantell

“I know you are a lemon” –Austin Svancara

“The time, effort, and commitment you put in now will be acknowledged in the future” -Kenneth Tysick

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”(John Bingham) –Julia Sickle 2010 Run Finds

These are just a few of the fun things that we find on our runs. (nothing alive or dead and will fit in a grocery cart)

1. Working lighter Skyler Trieu 2. Soft Bunny Broche John Wiederholt 3. Deflated Paint Ball John Wiederholt 4. Coroded AA battery Kacy Nienstedt 5. Baseball insides Coach Huber 6. Plastic dented bat Connor Lotz (Consky) 7. Talking baby doll Will Retz 8. 3 point valve ????who was this again? 9. OJ Glove SKyler Trieu 10. Hacky Sack Conor McReynolds(Con Man) 11. Strangely shaped foam: Garion, Paul, Connor Hartman (Connie), Will, Skyler & Nicholas, Con Man 12. Hanging name tag Miranda Loats

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