Tile Setting Materials and Accessories s1
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1.A. Waterproofing sheet membrane for tile assemblies.
1.B. Crack Isolation and waterproofing sheet membrane for tile assemblies.
1.C. Sound control sheet membrane for tile assemblies.
2.A. Section 09300 - Tile: Setting and grouting requirements.
3.A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 3.A.1. ANSI A108.1 - Ceramic Tile Installation. 3.A.2. ANSI A108.5 - Ceramic Tile Installed With Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar or Latex- Portland Cement Mortar. 3.A.3. ANSI A118.4 - Latex-Portland Cement Mortar. 3.A.4. ANSI A118.10 - Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation. 3.A.5. ANSI A118.12 - Crack Isolation Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation. 3.A.6. ANSI A137.1 - Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile.
3.B. ASTM International (ASTM): 3.B.1. ASTM D4551 - Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Flexible Concealed Water-Containment Membrane. 3.B.2. 09305-1 ASTM D751 - Standard Test Methods for Coated Fabrics. 3.B.3. ASTM D1149 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber DeteriorationCracking in an Ozone Controlled Environment. 3.B.4. ASTM D1434 - Standard Test Method for Determining Gas Permeability Characteristics of Plastic Film and Sheeting. 3.B.5. ASTM D1203 - Standard Test Methods for Volatile Loss From Plastics Using Activated Carbon Methods. 3.B.6. ASTM E90 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements (STC). 3.B.7. ASTM E96 - Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. 3.B.8. ASTM E413 - Classification for Rating Sound Insulation. 3.B.9. ASTM E492 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine. 3.B.10. ASTM E989 - Standard Classification for Determination of Impact Insulation Class (IIC).
3.C. Ceramic Tile Institute (CTI) R6-110-65 - Standards of the Tile Trade.
3.D. Tile Council of North America (TCNA) - Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation, latest edition.
4.A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
4.B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including: 4.B.1. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 4.B.2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations. 4.B.3. Installation methods.
5.A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Minimum 5 year experience manufacturing similar products.
5.B. Installer Qualifications: Minimum 2 year experience installing similar products.
5.C. Code Compliance: Waterproof sheet membrane shall comply with applicable Project plumbing codes: UPC-IAPMO, SBCCI and BOCA as applicable.
5.D. Mock-Up: Provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship. 5.D.1. Finish areas designated by Architect. 5.D.2. 09305-2 Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship is approved by Architect. 5.D.3. Rework mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work.
6.A. Convene minimum two weeks prior to starting work of this section.
7.A. Deliver and store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging bearing the brand name and manufacturer's identification until ready for installation.
7.B. Handling: Handle materials to avoid damage.
8.A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's recommended limits.
9.A. Ensure that products of this section are supplied to affected trades in time to prevent interruption of construction progress.
10.A. Manufacturer warrants the product to be free of defects as manufactured for the life of the building.
1.A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Compotite Corp., which is located at: 355 Glendale Blvd.; Los Angeles, CA 90026; Toll Free Tel: 800-221-1056; Fax: 800-334-3940; Email: request info ([email protected]); Web: www.compotite.com
1.B. Substitutions: Not permitted.
1.C. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.
2.A. Product: Composeal Blue vinyl shower pan waterproofing sheet as manufactured by Compotite 09305-3 Corp. 2.A.1. Material: Flexible PVC waterproofing membrane meeting the requirements of ASTM D4551, ASTM D75, and ANSI 118.10. 2.A.2. 30 Grade (Composeal 30): 0.030 inch (0.76 mm). 2.A.3. 40 Grade (Composeal 40): 0.040 inch (1.0 mm).
2.B. Certifications: 2.B.1. Complies with the Corps of Engineers standards for PVC shower pan material (para 15 p1 to 18). 2.B.2. Complies with the requirements of FHA Publication 4900.1.
2.C. Components: 2.C.1. Preformed Corner/Curb Protector as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 2.C.2. COMPOSEL SOLVENT CEMENT as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 2.C.3. Bonding Sealant: Bond to metal flashings, drains, protrusions, etc. with COMPOTITE ELASTISEAL or approved product by manufacturer.
2.D. Material Properties: (ASTM D4551). Meets or surpasses minimum standards. 2.D.1. Tensile Strength, lbs/in width: Grade 40 - 113-lb (2700 psi). Grade 30 - 89-lb (2870 psi). 2.D.2. Tensile Strength at 100% elongation: Grade 40 - 57-lb. Grade 30 - 43-lb. 2.D.3. Ultimate Elongation before breaking: 400%+. 2.D.4. Tear Resistance, lbs/in. width: Grade 40 - 263-lb. Grade 30 - 260-lb. 2.D.5. Pinholes: None. 2.D.6. Micro-Organism Resistance (fungus, mildew, Mold): No Growth. 2.D.7. Chemical Resistance - Distilled H2O % wt. change: +0.4%. 2.D.8. Chemical Resistance - Soapy H2O % wt. change: Grade 40 - +0.3%. Grade 30 - +0.5%. 2.D.9. Chemical Resistance - Alkali: Pass. 2.D.10. Hydrostatic Pressure (to test water penetration): Pass after cold folding, puncture and indentation tests. 2.D.11. Shrinkage, dimension change at 158 degree F (ASTM 1204): Grade 40 - 2.9%. Grade 30 - 1.3%. 2.D.12. Volatility, % loss at 158 degree F after aging: None.
3.A. Product: Composeal Gold crack isolation sheet as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 3.A.1.
09305-4 Material: 3-ply, 40 mil (0.040 inch, 1.0 mm) gauge crack isolation sheet membrane meeting the requirements of ASTM D4551, ASTM D751 and ANSI A118.10 and ANSI A118.12. Two outer layers of non-woven polyester heat-fused to the inner PVC membrane shall provide direct-bonding to both the substrate and tile.
3.B. Certifications: 3.B.1. Surpasses standard for ANSI A118.12; Meets TCNA Guidelines for "Extra Heavy Duty Commercial Application"
3.C. Components: 3.C.1. Preformed Corner/Curb Protector as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 3.C.2. COMPOSEAL SOLVENT CEMENT as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 3.C.3. Bonding Sealant: Bond to metal flashings, drains, protrusions, etc. with COMPOTITE ELASTISEAL or approved product by manufacturer.
3.D. Material Properties - PVC Core: (ASTM D4551). Meets or surpasses minimum standards. 3.D.1. Tensile Strength, lbs/in width: 86-lb (2700 psi). 3.D.2. Tensile Strength at 100% elongation: 42-lb. 3.D.3. Ultimate Elongation before breaking: 330%+. 3.D.4. Tear Resistance, lbs/in. width: 257-lb. 3.D.5. Pinholes: None. 3.D.6. Micro-Organism Resistance (fungus, mildew, Mold): No Growth. 3.D.7. Chemical Resistance - Distilled H2O % wt. change: +0.030%. 3.D.8. Chemical Resistance - Soapy H2O % wt. change: +0.097%. 3.D.9. Chemical Resistance - Alkali: Pass. 3.D.10. Hydrostatic Pressure Test: Pass. 3.D.11. Shrinkage, dimension change at 158 degree F (ASTM 1204): 1.15%. 3.D.12. Volatility, % loss at 158 degree F after aging: 0.08.
3.E. Performance - Composite Material: 3.E.1. Chemical Resistance: FHA 4900. Sect. 615-5: No effect and no water penetration. 3.E.2. Indentation Resistance: FHA 4900.1/e: No water penetration. 3.E.3. Puncture Resistance: FHA 4900.1: No water penetration. 3.E.4. Folding Resistance: FHA 4900.1: No water penetration. 3.E.5. Hydrostatic Pressure: ASTM D-751, A-1: 116 psi. 3.E.6. Ozone Resistance: ASTM D1149: No crack, crazing or water penetration observed. 09305-5 3.E.7. Gas Permeability (Methane): ASTM D1434: GTR: 231 ml, Coefficient: 3.6 barrier. 3.E.8. Volatility Test: ASTM D1203-89: .33% weight loss, no distortion. 3.E.9. Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E 96-10:Standard Test for WVT: permeance: .36 3.E.10. Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E-96 @90%RH for Commercial Steam Rooms under Continuous Use: permeance 1.2. An extra plastic polyethylene sheet (Visquine) is required as per 2013 TCNA Handbook of .1 perm or less tested at 50% humidity. 3.E.11. PASSED: ANSI A118.10; ANSI A118.12-- Including Shear Bond Strength: ASTM C-482; Robinson Floor Tester: ASTM C-627-10: PASSED for 2013 NTCA rating of "Extra Heavy Duty Commercial Application"
4.A. Product: COMPOSEAL WHITE GOLD sound reduction membrane sheet as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 4.A.1. Material: 3-ply, 50 mil (0.050 inch, 1.27 mm) gauge sound reduction membrane sheet meeting the requirements of ASTM D4551, ASTM D751 and ANSI A118.10. Two outer layers of non-woven polyester heat-fused to the inner PVC membrane shall provide direct-bonding to both the substrate and tile.
4.B. Components: 4.B.1. Preformed Corner/Curb Protector as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 4.B.2. COMPOSEAL SOLVENT CEMENT as manufactured by Compotite Corp. 4.B.3. Bonding Sealant: Bond to metal flashings, drains, protrusions, etc. with COMPOTITE ELASTISEAL or approved product by manufacturer. 4.B.4. Acoustical Sealant: As approved by manufacturer.
4.C. Material Properties - PVC Core: (ASTM D4551). Meets or surpasses minimum standards. 4.C.1. Tensile Strength, lbs/in width: 86-lb (2700 psi). 4.C.2. Tensile Strength at 100% elongation: 42-lb. 4.C.3. Ultimate Elongation before breaking: 330%+. 4.C.4. Tear Resistance, lbs/in. width: 257-lb. 4.C.5. Pinholes: None. 4.C.6. Micro-Organism Resistance (fungus, mildew, Mold): No Growth. 4.C.7. Chemical Resistance - Distilled H2O % wt. change: +0.030%. 4.C.8. Chemical Resistance - Soapy H2O % wt. change: +0.097%. 4.C.9. Chemical Resistance - Alkali: Pass. 4.C.10. Hydrostatic Pressure Test: Pass. 4.C.11. 09305-6 Shrinkage, dimension change at 158 degree F (ASTM 1204): 1.15%. 4.C.12. Volatility, % loss at 158 degree F after aging: 0.08.
4.D. Performance - Composite Material: 4.D.1. Chemical Resistance: FHA 4900. Sect. 615-5: No effect and no water penetration. 4.D.2. Indentation Resistance: FHA 4900.1/e: No water penetration. 4.D.3. Puncture Resistance: FHA 4900.1: No water penetration. 4.D.4. Folding Resistance: FHA 4900.1: No water penetration. 4.D.5. Hydrostatic Pressure: ASTM D-751, A-1: 116 psi. 4.D.6. Ozone Resistance: ASTM D1149: No crack, crazing or water penetration observed. 4.D.7. Gas Permeability (Methane): ASTM D1434: GTR: 231 ml, Coefficient: 3.6 barrier. 4.D.8. Volatility Test: ASTM D1203-89: .33% weight loss, no distortion. 4.D.9. Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E 96-BW: WVT: 1.63 (g/m2 d), Permeance: .14 (WVT/mm Hg x 10-2).
4.E. Acoustical Performance: 4.E.1. Sound Transmission Loss (ASTM E90-97 and ASTM E413-87): Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 66. 4.E.2. Impact Sound Transmission (ASTM E492-90 and ASTM E989-89): Impact Isolation Class (IIC) rating of 66.
1.A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. 1.A.1. Before placing sheet, verify the sub-floor is sloped toward drain 1/4 inch (6 mm) per foot using cement mortar if required, and is free of loose objects or projections.
1.B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
2.A. Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation.
2.B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
3.3 INSTALLATION 09305-7 3.A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
3.B. Waterproof Sheet Membrane Installation: 3.B.1. Turn-up sheet along walls not less than 3 inches (76 mm) above curb line, allowing sufficient material to wrap over the curb and extend at least 6 inches onto floor. Pairs of pre-made curb protectors (outside corners) are available. 3.B.2. Notch wood studs to 1/2 inch (13 mm) to the height of the pan to allow sheet to be flush with face of the studs. 3.B.3. Place 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch (6 mm to 13 mm) furring strips to metal studs above the top of the pan. 3.B.4. Place 15 lb. felt underlayment on substrate before installing sheet membrane. 3.B.5. Fasten 3 inches (76 mm) or higher above the top of curb. Use flathead roofing nails or staples on wood studs. Use drywall screws and washers on metal studs. 3.B.6. Fold corners and tuck 'dog ear' behind pan towards the wall. Do not cut pan corners. 3.B.7. Seaming: Lay sheets with an overlap of two inches (51 mm) with upper lap edge towards direction of watershed. Fold back top edge and apply the cement to both surfaces. Place together after surfaces become tacky, about two minutes, and press or roll with a roller, first lightly so as to avoid slippage, then firmly, but not so hard as to distort the material. 3.B.8. Use hold-down clamping-ring type drain with weep-holes. Set sub-drain lip flush with subfloor. 3.B.9. Trim for drain exactly to size of drain opening. Do not trim out to bolt holes, but pierce to accommodate bolts with a tight fit. 3.B.10. Bolt clamping ring firmly. Place a small amount of gravel or other porous material at weep holes so they remain clear when setting bed is placed.
3.C. Crack Isolation Waterproof Sheet Membrane Installation: 3.C.1. Substrate Bond Coat: 3.C.1.a. Latex Portland cement mortar complying with ANSI A118.4 containing a dry latex, or liquid latex additive. 3.C.1.b. Rapid setting latex mortar complying with ANSI A118.4. 3.C.2. Tile Setting Bed: 3.C.2.a. Thin-set method (ANSI A108.5) in accordance with TCNA Handbook requirements and using ANSI A118.4 latex Portland cement mortar. 3.C.2.b. Thick-setting mud bed method (ANSI A108.1) in accordance with TCNA Handbook requirements.
3.D. Sound Reduction Sheet Membrane Installation: 3.D.1. Substrate Bond Coat: 3.D.1.a. Latex Portland cement mortar complying with ANSI A118.4 containing a dry latex, or liquid latex additive. 09305-8 3.D.1.b. Rapid setting latex mortar complying with ANSI A118.4. 3.D.2. Tile Setting Bed: 3.D.2.a. Thin-set method (ANSI A108.5) in accordance with TCNA Handbook requirements and usingANSI A118.4 latex Portland cement mortar. 3.D.3. In waterproofing installations, the membrane shall be extended 6 inches (152 mm) minimum up the wall. 3.D.4. Acoustical Isolation: Acoustical sealant shall be installed at the perimeter of the floor and at penetrations of the floor inside the perimeters. There shall be a 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) wide joint at these locations, that continues through tile work. Neither tile nor setting mortar shall touch the walls or protruding pipes, etc.
4.A. Prior to setting bed installation plug sub-drain and fill pan with water and let stand for 24 hours to insure clamping ring is tight and pan undamaged.
5.A. Protect installed products until completion of project.
5.B. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion.