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President Bruno Trapikas called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and asked that everyone join him in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Trapikas then asked the Village Clerk to take the roll. Those present were: Stan Capua, Stephanie Clarke, Bob Lawrence, and Bruno Trapikas. Also present were Debra Trapikas, Clerk; Pete Plikaitis, Treasurer; and Jessica Fette, Village Attorney.
Trapikas then introduced Trudy Wilder who will be replacing Jerry Jones as the Building Inspector.
First item of business was the consent agenda, consisting of the minutes of May 11 meeting, as well as the building inspection and enforcement officer’s written reports, and a written report from the Events Committee Chairman. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda was made by Stan Capua and seconded by Bob Lawrence.
Treasurer’s report: Pete Plikaitis
Pete Plikaitis announced there is $30,008.92 in all three accounts: Major Roads, Local Roads and General Funds.
The balance forward from 4/30/16 in the General Fund is $750,652.83. The receipts from the month of April were $10,284.22 and the Disbursements for the month of May were $4,734.27. The fund balance as of 5/31/16 was $766,562.78. Public Investment Checking was $361,207.01 and CD’s were $375.346.85. The bank balance on hand for the General Fund is $30,008.92.
For the Major Road Fund, there was a balance forward from 4/30/16 of $380.960.19 with April receipts for a total of $2,938.17. There were no disbursements for May. The fund balance as of 5/31/16 is $383.898.36. The public investment checking was $148,699.82 and CD’s were $205,189.62 with a bank balance on hand of $30,008.92.
The Local Street Fund had a balance forward from 4/30/2016 of $243,620.90 with $3,202.82 in receipts for the month of April and $172.00 for disbursements in May. The fund balance was $246,651.72. The public investment checking was $116,531.80 and the CD’s were $100,111.00 with a bank balance of $30,008.92.
Total investments were $1,307.086.10 and the current interest rate is 0.425 for the General Fund, 0.437 for the major road fund and 0.445 for the local street fund.
The current T-Bill rate is 0.42 % as of June 7, 2016. Pete asked the Clerk and the Treasurer to affirm our 0.80 millage for the tax year. Stan Capua made a motion to affirm the 0.80 millage for the tax year, and Stephanie Clarke seconded the motion. With the passing of the motion, the Clerk and the President will sign the form to affirm.
Bruce Cole joined the Council at 7:48 p.m. Pete Plikaitis read the bills to be paid for the month of May. Bruce Cole moved to approve paying the bills, Bob Lawrence seconded. The Clerk took a roll call vote and all voted in the affirmative.
Bruno Trapikas asked the council, as individuals, to help pay the cost of prizes for the kids at the annual picnic.
The Clerk had nothing to report except that she would like to add an item to New Business regarding a laptop for the Village, as well as WI-FI.
Street Administrator/Road Commissioner said the hole on the road on Lake Bluff Trail was about 8 feet deep. The water goes in and filters out slowly. It just kept washing away. We will have to repave a section of the road. He received a bid for $1440.00 to repave the road but he wants to wait until he knows for sure that the leak is taken care of. Pictures were passed around to show what has happened.
A survey of traffic counts was taken on Brown School Road. About 1700 cars travel that road each day, 900 go west and 780 go east. This was taken on May 1, 2016. The peak is at 8 am and again at 3 pm which is when school starts and stops. SW Michigan Twin Cats did the survey for us.
We received a copy of a bid from Wightman & Associates, and Steve Carlisle was present from Wightman. They looked at Shoreham and Wissing Lane, Garden Lane and Hanley, They did 12 – 16 bores in the road. Steve came up with cost estimates and what needs to be done on each road. Steve said he just wants to know what the Village wants to focus on at this time.
A motion was made by Bruce Cole and seconded by Stan Capua to authorize Wightman & Associates, Inc. to proceed with the road repair of Wissing Lane and Shoreham Drive. By the end of July they will collect bids, and will approve the bids at the August Council Meeting.
Building Inspector. Trudy Wilder introduced herself and told us about her experience as a home-builder.
Enforcement Officer: Ken Bates told us he will be retiring at the end of this year.
Parks Commissioner Krystin Hanley reported that almost all of the items that had been decided on to be fixed this year have been done. The cracks on the tennis court have been filled. The landscaping company has completed the mowing and brush removal work. Another company has edged everything. The swing set has been taken out of commission until it can be repaired.
The downed trees and timber that is beside the hall need to be removed.
Bruno Trapikas asked for a motion to approve Dr. Steven Hadaway as a member of the Planning Commission. He has met with and interviewed Dr. Hadaway and felt that he would make an excellent fit on the committee. A motion by Stephanie Clarke to approve the appointment of Dr. Steven Hadaway to the Planning Commission was made. Bob Lawrence seconded the motion. Dr. Hadaway will serve a three year term through 2018.
MOTION PASSED TWINCATS: John Olson was not present but he had given Bruno a report, which was read.
PLANNING COMMISSION: There is a public hearing on July 19th. The Planning Commission will lead this meeting.
Zoning Ordinance: The Planning Commission wrote a new zoning ordinance and President Trapikas suggested we read the zoning ordinance, as it is on the website.
The Village Clerk stated that Carolyn Tolliver has asked the Clerk to send her a letter stating who will be running in the November elections.
The Village Clerk asked for support to purchase a laptop computer for the Hall, to purchase WIFI and to approve her working at the Hall every Wednesday from hours she finally sets. Everyone thought it a great idea to be at the Village Hall once a week and all were supportive of that. As far as the computer and WI FI goes, the council asked her to come back to the council next month with costs on a computer, programs that would be needed and the cost of installing and keeping WIFI service at the hall. Pete said he would quit as the Treasurer if he had to work at the village and he does not want to share a computer. Bruce stated that Debra should have a computer but Pete should be able to work from home and still get his computer rental fee each year.
There being no further business, President Bruno Trapikas adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Submitted the 16th day of June, 2016 to the Council via email. Approval to be given on July 13th.
______Debra Trapikas, Village Clerk 6/16/2016