Prayer Concerns for St. John S s5

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Prayer Concerns for St. John S s5

______THE CHALICE PRAYER CONCERNS FOR ST. JOHN’S The weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church December 11, 2016 For the sick: Rosa Dovi, Mike LaVertu, Sofia Analise, Milton Dove, Pat Schultze, Bill, Amy, Kate, Jim, Irene, Joyce, Art, Harold Staudenmaier, Ellen, Bruce, Sue, Deb, Kathy, Hortense, “Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, Shannon Anthony, Bill Hinton, Ginny Weick, Tom, Ericka, Richard, Mark Bellissimo, Roger whose hope is in the Lord their God, Giacomini, Jean Giacomini, Elizabeth Frucht, Gary, Muriel DiGiorgio who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders. who keeps faith forever; May God keep them safe and return them home to their loved ones. who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The Perpetual Light is given this week In Loving Memory of Bertha Lasek, the gift of Dave The Lord sets the prisoners free; & Nelly Lasek. the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. To have someone entered onto our Prayer List for, please e-mail the church office with the The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; person’s name as well as the requester’s name. The e-mail address is: the Lord loves the righteous. [email protected]. The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, Last Sunday’s Attendance: 164 but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin” (Psalm 146:5-9). On this third Sunday in Advent let us rejoice that we have been part of God’s inbreaking Kingdom. Let us rejoice that the Holy Spirit is with us right here and now and that Jesus Christ is Sunday Service 10am coming again in great majesty. Let us not think of the coming of Jesus Christ as some kind of a December 11 December 18 birthday or celebrating of a onetime event. Let us see, hear, and feel that Jesus Christ is coming MC Earl Matchett MC Al Szigethy into our hearts that we might follow the will and purpose of God. LEM Noelle DeLorenzo LEM Linda Ehrenshaft There is a wonderful energy at St. John’s right now. Last week we fed the homeless at HiHi, we Acolytes Luke Cahill Acolytes Wade Holden brought gifts for the ECW Adopt-a-Family program, our Youth Group made hundreds of Emma Cahill Thalia Tosetti Christmas wreaths, the Choir is rehearsing for Christmas Eve, and the children are preparing for James Conolly Anna Wickey the pageant. This week the Spirituality Group led a Quiet Day, Ken and Karen led a Christian Ed Colby Tracy Stephanie Wickey study of the Collects, we wrapped up our Stewardship Campaign, had Bible Study, prayed at Carleigh Tracy Kayla Andrews Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, received a large donation from the Thrift Shop, had Chloe Findlay Jennifer Low Children’s Chapel for our Nursery School, visited shut-ins, and began preparations for our altar at Lector 1 Rob Wheeler Lector 1 Janice Burnett Christmas. Lector 2 Emma Cahill Lector 2 Jennifer Low We prepare our hearts to receive the incarnate love of Jesus Christ so that we may be the hands and feet of God’s love in the world. This week’s collect reminds us that we are sorely hindered by our sins. We have the potential to bump into each other in our busyness. We have the potential to be on our plan instead of God’s plan. I ask you all to be extra generous and kind to one another in the coming two weeks before Christmas. Please take a few days to rest and gather the ones you love together. Please forgive everyone that sins against you and work towards reconciliation with anyone who has angered or frustrated you in the past year. God’s wonderful Kingdom will be ushered in a poor manger on a quiet evening. All the preparations that we do are important, but we cannot miss the whole point of the season in our busyness. God loves us unconditionally and so deeply that despite our sins, God can bring this world to peace, hope, love, and joy through the incarnation of a little baby on Christmas again and again. come from? What do they mean? What gives them their high standing among the works of In Christ’s love, English Prose? This short series will examine a few if the Collects of the 1979 Book of Common Fr. Duncan Prayer, exploring their meaning in the context of liturgy and in the context of the history of the Anglican Church. ______VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS WELCOME! We welcome you to St. John’s Episcopal Church. Established in 1745, this historic church opens its doors to all who seek to deepen their faith and provides warm hospitality to all. We are blessed ST. JOHN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP – ADVENT EVENT by your presence and invite you to fill out a Visitor’s Card on the back table of church. On Sunday, December 18th we welcome back Julliard graduate Debra Valentin for a special Advent presentation she has written and will perform for us, Blessed is She – The Story of the ALTAR GUILD CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS Savior’s Birth as Seen Through the Eyes of Mary & Elizabeth. At 11:30 am refreshments will be served and the show will begin at 12 Noon in the Church. Suggested donation is $15. For more This Christmas remember your Loved Ones, or offer Special Thanksgivings, by making a information, please call Patti Aliperti. donation for this year’s Christmas Poinsettias. Order forms can be found in the back of the ______church, as well as on our website. Order forms and payment are due Monday, December 12th. ______SING NOEL CONCERT

2017 STEWARDSHIP On Sunday, December 18th at 7:30 pm – our annual Sing Noel Concert featuring Route 110, Nancy Loesch, Leslie Valentine, Douglas Purcell, Larry Long, Christine Dore, Tony Chamorro Thank you to all who have submitted their 2017 Stewardship Pledge cards. Your and Rob Wheeler. Join us afterwards in the Great Hall for some Christmas Cheer. Tickets are $20. commitment to St. John’s will help the Vestry with their budget planning. If you have not yet For tickets and more information please call, 631-423-7404. turned yours in, extra pledge cards can be found on the back table of church, as well as in the ______pews. Please turn in this Sunday so we may proceed with our budget which is being finalized soon. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of the ministry of St. SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PAGEANT John’s. ______There will be a Christmas Pageant rehearsal on Saturday, December 17th between 9:00 am and Noon. BIBLE STUDY The Christmas pageant will be presented at the 10am service on Sunday, December 18th. Join us for Bible Study on Tuesdays mornings at 11:00 am. We will meet in the Guild Room. Invite your friends and family to this special event. ______Contact Cindy Ellenbogen at 631-261-5753 for more information on how to be a part of this ADVENT MORNING PRAYER pageant. Join us for Morning Prayer at 9am during Advent every weekday morning except Thursdays. ______CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT ST. JOHN’S ADVENT SERIES Saturday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Join us on Tuesday December 13th. The night will start off with Evening Prayer at 6pm, followed Family Holy Eucharist at 4:00 pm by a Soup and Salad Supper at 6:30pm. At 7pm The Collects of the Book of Common Prayer: Holy Eucharist with String Quartet & Choir at 8:00 pm Prayer, Prose and History will be presented by Drs. Kenneth and Karen Quinn. Every Sunday Candlelight Choral Holy Eucharist at 11:00 pm we begin or liturgy with a prayer called a “Collect.” But what are the “Collects?” Where do they Sunday, December 25th – Christmas Day Holy Eucharist at 10 :00 am Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to our Christmas Services. ______

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