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New Mexico Public Education Department s5

New Mexico Public Education Department Grade 3 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed I. STUDENTS WILL APPLY STRATEGIES AND SKILLS TO COMPREHEND INFORMATION THAT IS READ, HEARD, AND VIEWED. I.A Listen to, read, react to, and retell information I.A.1) Interact with text before, during, and after reading, listening, or viewing by: Setting a purpose, previewing the text, making predictions, asking questions, locating information for a specific purpose, making connections and using story structure and text organization to comprehend. Examples  Students will participate in think/pair/share activities.  During the Read Aloud students will draw a picture connecting background knowledge with one event in the story. I.A.2) Summarize main idea(s) from written or spoken text succinctly. Examples  Students will use a web to summarize the main ideas of the story.  In small groups each student will act out the main ideas of the story. I.A.3) Employ active listening skills. Examples  Students will participate in whole group engagement strategies such as thumbs up, thumbs down, and other total physical responses.  Students utilize think/pair/share.

Page 1 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed I.A.4) Increase vocabulary through reading, listening, and interacting. Examples  Students will create picture webs using the new vocabulary.  Students will role- play with one another for the new vocabulary. I.B Locate and use a variety of resources to acquire information across the curriculum I.B.1) Use reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to confirm decoding skills, verify spelling, discover and extend meaning of words. Examples  Students will use reference materials such as a dictionary, glossary or thesaurus to confirm decoding, verify spelling, and extend the meaning of words.  Students will illustrate vocabulary words and use a dictionary as a reference to extend word meaning. I.B.2) Use encyclopedias, dictionaries, and electronic resources to gather information. Examples  Students will use the Internet and or Encyclopedia to gather information (Animal habitats, etc.) and write a research paper.  Students will use the dictionary and thesaurus as a resource to help with vocabulary, spelling to assist in writing a research paper. I.C Demonstrate critical thinking skills to comprehend written, spoken, and visual information

Page 2 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed I.C.1) Draw conclusions, make generalizations, gather support by referencing the text. Examples  Students record story details on a graphic organizer so they can draw conclusions.  Students use a KWL chart to draw conclusions and make generalizations.

I.C.2) Explain choice of reading materials congruent with purpose (e.g., solving problems, making decisions). I.D Acquire reading strategies I.D.1) Apply phonics and structural analysis to decode words (e.g., less common vowel patterns, syllable breaks). Examples  Students will practice decoding words orally by clapping out syllables. I.D.2) Apply context clues to decode unknown words. Examples  Students will use post it notes to identify unknown words and apply context clues for meaning.  Students will use reading strategies such as reread, picture clues, etc. I.D.3) Use reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to confirm decoding skills, verify spelling, and discover and extend meaning of words. Examples  Students will create their own dictionary of unfamiliar words and use a dictionary to confirm decoding skills, spelling and meaning.  Students will use the thesaurus to extend the meaning of unknown words.

Page 3 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed I.D.4) Use a variety of strategies to comprehend text (e.g., re-read, read ahead, ask for help, adjust reading speed, question, paraphrase, retell). Examples  Students will refer to the reading strategies poster before asking for assistance.  Students will practice using reading strategies to comprehend text with a partner. I.D.5) Read aloud with fluency and comprehension grade-level text. Examples  Students will utilize Readers Theatre for fluency and comprehension.  Students will choral read whole group. I.D.6) Increase vocabulary through reading, listening, and interacting. Examples  Students will use background knowledge to make connections to real life experiences.  Students will review new vocabulary by playing games such as jeopardy, 10,000 Dollar Pyramid, Pictionary, etc. II. STUDENTS WILL COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY THROUGH SPEAKING AND WRITING. II.ADemonstrate competence in speaking to convey information II.A.1) Present information in a logical manner with a clear main point. Examples  Students will create a web, flow chart etc. to organize their information.  Students will present information using a Total Physical Response activity to demonstrate beginning, middle, and end.

Page 4 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed II.A.2) Sustain conversation on a topic. Examples  Students will utilize the protocol activity (students each talk for 1 minute without interruption) on a topic.  Students will collaborate on particular topic and present to the class. II.A.3) Answer open-ended questions. Examples  Students will use the RACE (Restate, Answer, Cite, and Expand) strategy with open-ended questions whole group.  Students will use a RACE rubric to guide then in answering open-ended questions. II.A.4) Explain own learning. Examples  Students will reflect on their own learning by using a KWL chart.  Students will reflect on their own learning by journal writing. II.A.5) Read aloud with fluency and comprehension grade-level text. Examples  Students will partner read stories.  Students will read chorally in small and whole group. II.BApply grammatical and language conventions to communicate II.B.1) Use correct subject/verb agreement. Examples  Students will identify subject verb agreement in their practice book with a partner.  Students will utilize sentence strips to write their own sentences and divide the sentence strip between the subject and the verb.

Page 5 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed II.B.2) Use correct capitalization and punctuation. Examples  Students will edit the morning message using correct capitalization and punctuation.  Students will edit their partners paper using correct capitalization and punctuation. II.B.3) Use a variety of complete sentences (declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory) in writing and speaking. Examples  Students will re-read sentences with the correct tone for declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.  Students will categorize a variety of complete sentences in a writing center. II.B.4) Compose two or more paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details, appropriate logical sequence, and sufficient elaboration. Examples  Students will use their main idea webs to compose two or more paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details.  Students will present their paragraphs using a presentation rubric. II.B.5) Use strategies for spelling (e.g., sound patterns, visual patterns, and silent letters). Examples  Students will practice finding words with specific sound patterns in leveled readers.  Students will label sound patterns with CV C, CVVC, etc.

Page 6 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed II.B.6) Proofread own writing for spelling and edit (with assistance) for language conventions and format. Examples  Students will work with a partner to proofread writing using a rubric.  Students will use editing marks when revising their papers. II.B.7) Create readable documents with legible handwriting.

II.B.8) Write compositions that have few significant errors in use of pronouns, adjectives, adverbial forms, and coordinating conjunctions. II.B.9) Create and deliver recitations and presentations about familiar experiences or interests that are organized around a coherent statement. Examples  Students will give an oral presentation about a given selection relating personal experiences.  Students will orally present a hobby or interest they may have.  Dramatize a familiar experience and explain why this is important to you. II.B.10) Demonstrate a command of Standard English when speaking. Examples  Students will answer in a complete sentence.  Students will compose a paragraph they will have to read to the class that demonstrates a command of Standard English. II.CDemonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process

Page 7 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed II.C.1) Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and maintains focus on the topic by using preliminary plans. Examples  As a group students will orally brainstorm ideas on a topic before beginning their draft.  Students will use their own graphic organizer (Web) to assist in writing a draft. II.C.2) Compose a variety of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama selections using self-selected topics and multimedia forms (e.g., poems, simple narratives, short reports, learning logs, letters, notes, directions, instructions). Examples  Students will compose different forms of poetry such as Haiku, Diamante, etc.  Students will compose a letter to their favorite author. II.C.3) Suggest and implement reflection and revision (with assistance) on target elements by clarifying ideas, adding descriptive words and phrases, sequencing events and ideas, combining short, related sentences, and strengthening word choice. Examples  Students will write a self-reflection using descriptive words and phrases.  Students will use a thesaurus to strengthen their word choice and clarify ideas in their reflection.  After listening to a short story students will write a descriptive reflection. II.C.4) Begin to incorporate literary words and language patterns in writing (e.g., elaborate descriptions, use figurative wording). Examples  Students will work on a web using descriptive words on a certain topic to assist in writing.

Page 8 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed II.C.5) Combine information from multiple sources, using technology as a tool, in writing reports and stories. Examples  Students will use the Internet to gather information on specific states and use publisher to create a brochure for their state.  Students will create a timeline on a historical person to assist them in writing a report. II.C.6) Write stories and essays that show an awareness of an intended audience and purpose. Examples  Students can write an essay on character counts for students in Kindergarten to promote school-wide discipline.  Students can write an essay on the pros and cons of having a dress code to administrators. III.STUDENTS WILL USE LITERATURE AND MEDIA TO DEVELOP AN UNDERSTANDING OF PEOPLE, SOCIETIES, AND THE SELF. III.A Use language, literature, and media to gain and demonstrate awareness of cultures around the world III.A.1) . Use language and media to make connections between own experiences and the experiences of others (e.g., local stories, stories about local culture and history). Examples  Students will participate in writing and acting out local stories such as La Llorna, etc.  Students will compare and contrast the work of two local artists in the community.

Page 9 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed III.A.2) Create and participate in responses to a variety of literature and media (e.g., dramatizations, presentations, fantasy plays). Examples  Students will give a presentation on New Mexico Foods using PowerPoint.  Students will create a skit based on Folktales. III.A.3) Identify and discuss similarities and differences in events and characters across examples of literature and media. Examples  Students will use a character map to compare and contrast similarities and differences of characters.  Students will complete a character analysis with events from the story. III.A.4) Make informed judgments about the purpose of media productions.

III.BIdentify and use the types of literature according to their purpose and function III.B.1) Read and create a variety of text, including fiction (short stories, novels, fantasies, fairy tales, and fables), non-fiction (biographies, letters, articles, and essays), poetry, drama (skits and plays). Examples  Students compare and contrast differences using a Venn diagram.  Students will read different genres and rewrite endings.  Students will interview a grandparent, or neighbor and write a biography.  Write letters to their favorite author.

Page 10 of 16 CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS & Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Addressed III.B.2) Respond to fiction, non fiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by considering the differences among genres, relating plots, settings, and characters to own experiences and ideas, considering main character’s point of view, participate in creative interpretations, make inferences and draw conclusions about characters and events. Examples  After reading a fiction story, use a story map to list the characters, plot, setting, and events. Using the story map write a paragraph to the main character of similarities in life experiences.  Write and read aloud a Haiku poem using expression and phrasing. 41/410

Page 11 of 16 Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Addressed

1) Provides models, selections, activities and opportunities for responses that promote respect for all people regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or disability.

2) Avoids stereotyping.

3) Learning objectives and instructional strategies are explicit for every lesson and every chapter.

4) Lesson objectives stated at the beginning of each lesson and are reinforced in a variety of ways. 5) The beginning of each lesson includes the questions students will be expected to answer at the conclusion of the lesson.

6) Includes vocabulary list at the beginning of each lesson.

7) Provides multiple instructional strategies and activities for explicitly teaching vocabulary acquisition, including sight vocabulary, using contextual clues and learning new words, root words, and prefixes/suffixes. 8) Provides instructional support for the writing process: models of editing/revision are provided.

Page 12 of 16 Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Addressed 9) Provides instructional support for the writing process: writing strategies and applications that progress in breadth, depth, and sophistication.

10) A variety of cultural perspectives are used in content.

11) Uses visual aids to identify concepts and relationships.

12) Uses visual aids to illustrate new words.

13) Both content and graphic/visual aids represent the diverse populations of the world. 14) Provides an analysis of grade level and English language proficiency level readability at book level and passage level. 15) Related passages at significantly higher reading difficulty levels are referenced and available for teachers to read aloud and discuss with the class to facilitate comprehension at higher levels. 16) Provides substantial support and resources for differentiated instruction, including (score each item separately):

a) Clear, explicit instructions to students

b) Explicit strategies for teachers

Page 13 of 16 Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Addressed

c) Review & guided practice to refine new skills

d) Ongoing review & skill practice to refine previously acquired skills

e) Appropriate pacing of lessons

f) Vocabulary and terminology matches usage in Standards and Benchmarks 17) Includes content and information that support a variety of approaches to instruction, including (score each item separately):

a) Writing activities

b) Speaking activities

c) Project-based learning assignments

d) Interdisciplinary instruction

e) Thematic instruction across genres

Page 14 of 16 Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Addressed f) Activities that elicit critical thinking, such as collaborative group work, writing, speaking, researching, and interviewing 18) Provides material and support for explicitly teaching comprehension.

19) Incorporates increasingly complex practice into lessons.

20) Provides writing and speaking activities for students to make connections across reading selections, contemporary and classical culture, and their personal experiences. Some examples of this might include:  discussing/responding to open-ended prompts;  tracing cause and effect relationships;  comparing real life situations;  dramatizing, or;  tracing themes. 21) Provides instructional support for the development of academic language and the practice of academic language through listening, reading, speaking/discussing, and writing. 22) Extensive and varied opportunities to practice targeted skills.

23) Models of writing types that are evident (e.g. persuasive, compare/contrast, newspaper articles, advertisements). 24) Supports development of technology based skills by providing opportunities for students to:

Page 15 of 16 Month(s) when Grade 3 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Addressed

a) select appropriate search techniques to acquire information; and b) become familiar with software such as word processing, graphics, databases, spreadsheets, simulations, multimedia and telecommunications. c) solve problems and communicate information in various formats and to a variety of audiences. 36/180

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