Probability Contract: Chapter 11

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Probability Contract: Chapter 11

Teacher Resource Page Algebra I Learning Contract: Term 1- “Data Analysis” Unit Based On: Glencoe Mathematics: Algebra 1 Essential Curriculum Indicators MA.ALG.15.10 Use the measures of central tendency and variability (mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, quartile) to make informed conclusions MA.ALG.20.05 Make informed decisions and predictions based upon the result of simulations and data from research MA.ALG.20.10 Make predictions by finding and using a line of best fit and by using a given curve of best fit MA.ALG.20.15 Communicate the use and misuse of statistics

Teacher Directions for Implementing Learning Contract 1) Pre-assess students on indicators for the “Data Analysis” Unit. 2) Identify and document students who have demonstrated “mastery” on each indicator/section. Recommendation: Mastery = 85%. 3) Copy and prepare a contract for each compacted student. On learning activities chart, indicate section(s) where the student has demonstrated mastery. Reminder: Compacted students will be excused from large group instruction for these sections. During this time, students will complete the alternative learning activities as indicated in the chart. 4) Based on the areas of student mastery, prepare copies of enrichment materials from the Glencoe teacher resource kits. 5) Since compacted students have demonstrated mastery on specific indicators, they should be excused from the class work and homework related to teacher-directed instruction on those indicators. Instead, grades for compacted students should be based on the alternative learning activities. Management Tips  Store worksheets and/or stapled packets in labeled folders for each section.  Copy on cardstock and/or laminate the worksheets that may be reused.  The Science and Math Labs require the preparation of materials and workspace. Consider recruiting a resource teacher, mentor or other responsible volunteer to work with compacted students for these investigations.

Data Analysis/Algebra I 1 Teacher Resource Page (Continued)

Students who have Will need access to Glencoe Algebra 1 math book demonstrated mastery on: and copies of the following *Glencoe Resources: _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 1-8) _____Graphs and Functions _____ Real-World Applications Worksheet (RW 1) (Section 1-8) _____Statistics: Analyzing Data _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 1-9) by Using Tables and Graphs (Section 1-9) _____Statistics: Displaying and _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 2-5) Analyzing Data (Section 2-5) _____Identity and Equality _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 13-3) Properties _____ School-to-Career Activity Worksheet (SC 13-3) (Section 13-3) _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 13-4) _____Distributive Property _____ Real-World Applications Worksheet (RW 13) (Section 13-4) _____Commutative and _____ Enrichment Worksheet (CR 13-5) Associative Properties _____ School-to-Career Activity Worksheet (SC 13-5) (Section 13-5)

*Glencoe Mathematics Resource Code Chapter Resource Masters CR School-to-Career Masters SC Real-World Transparencies and Masters RW ScienceAdditionally, and Mathematics students Lab should Manual have access SML to packets for the following projects WebquestScience and and Math Project Lab ResourcesSML- Labs 9 and 22 WQ Webquest Internet Project WQ- Unit 1

Codes for Various Glencoe Mathematics Resources

Data Analysis/Algebra I 2 Data Analysis/Algebra I 3 Student’s Name: ______Algebra I Learning Contract: Term 1- “Data Analysis” Unit Due Dates:  Teacher-required alternative activities will be due ______.  Student-selected enrichment investigation will be due ______. Indicators: MA.ALG.15.10 Use the measures of central tendency and variability (mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, quartile) to make informed conclusions MA.ALG.20.05 Make informed decisions and predictions based upon the result of simulations and data from research MA.ALG.20.10 Make predictions by finding and using a line of best fit and by using a given curve of best fit MA.ALG.20.15 Communicate the use and misuse of statistics

Expectations:  Student Work:  Participate in whole group instruction when indicated by pre-assessment.  Complete alternative learning activities when previous mastery has been demonstrated.  Show work (or setup of work) for each problem.  Use a calculator only when indicated in the directions.  Answer all written responses in complete sentences and support with examples.  Seek assistance from teacher, as needed, when direct instruction is not being provided.  Student Behavior:  Remain on task at all times.  Use 6” voices at all times.

Learning Activities:  See the chart on the back of this contract for the required learning activities based on the section(s) where you have demonstrated “mastery.”  Select one of the alternative activities from the approved list below the chart after you complete the required learning activities.

Assessment: For this unit, your successful completion of the indicated alternative learning activities will replace the grades for class work and/or homework.

I, ______, have read and understand the Contract Guidelines for the Term 1, “Data Analysis” Unit Learning Contract. I agree to the…  expectations of my work and behavior  requirements of the alternative learning activities and due dates I accept the responsibilities of working on the enrichment activities as outlined in the contract. Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Teacher Signature: ______Return Signed Contract By:______Learning Activities Data Analysis/Algebra I 1  Required by the Teacher: As an alternative activity instead of participating Since you have in whole group instruction, you should complete demonstrated mastery on: the following by the end of the period today: Choose any 2. “Check off” the activities you complete. _____ Math book: pg 48 #22-25 _____Graphs and Functions _____ Enrichment Worksheet 1-8 (Section 1-8) _____ Algebra Activity-Math book: pg 49 _____ Real-World Applications Worksheet 1 Choose any 2. “Check off” the activities you complete. _____Statistics: Analyzing Data _____ Math book: pg 55 #18-21 by Using Tables and Graphs _____ Enrichment Worksheet 1-9 (Section 1-9) _____ Spreadsheet Investigation-Math book: pg 56 _____Statistics: Displaying and Analyzing Data _____ Math book: pg 93-94 #38, 42-44 (Section 2-5) _____Enrichment Worksheet 2-5 Choose any 2. “Check off” the activities you complete. _____ Math book: pg 727-728 #22-25 _____Identity and Equality Properties _____ Enrichment Worksheet 13-3 (Section 13-3) _____ School-to-Career Activity Worksheet 13-3 _____ Calculator Investigation-Math book: pg 729-730 Choose any 2. “Check off” the activities you complete. _____Distributive Property _____ Math book: pg 736 #34-37 (Section 13-4) _____ Enrichment Worksheet 13-4 _____ Real-World Applications Worksheet 13 Choose any 2. “Check off” the activities you complete. _____Commutative and Associative Properties _____ Math book: pg 742 #39-42 (Section 13-5) _____ Enrichment Worksheet 13-5 _____ School-to-Career Activity Worksheet 13-5

 Selected by the Student: When you have completed the required alternative activities, select one of the investigations, which you have not already explored, from the list below. For this enrichment activity, you may work with a partner or in a small group. Remember, you should complete your enrichment investigation by ______. After you read through the requirements of the activities, “check off” to indicate your choice. Small Group Investigations _____Science and Math Lab 9: Reflection of Light _____Science and Math Lab 22: Caloric Content and Box and Whisker Plots Webquest Internet Project _____Unit 1: “Can You Fit 100 Candles on a Cake?” (Math book pg 3)

Data Analysis/Algebra I 2

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