Student Handbook s11
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Lee High School
2010 –2011 Student Handbook
2010-2011 Table of Contents
Welcome Page 2
Attendance 2 - 3
Conduct 3 - 8
General Facts & Procedures 8 - 16
Emergencies 16
Student Organizations 17 - 18
Sports and Academics 19 - 20
Appendi x 21
Appeals Application 22 - 23
Bell Schedule 24
Parent Consent Form 25
Academic Load, Grade Level, Classification Credits Grading Scales, Grading Periods 26
Parking Application, Rules and Application 27 - 28
Policy on Plagiarism 29
School Calendar 30
Acknowledgement of Receipt 32
Welcome to Lee High School. It is the hope of all administrators, faculty and staff that each of you have a successful high school experience. You will be facing changes, unique situations and peer pressures. You will also be learning how to conduct yourself, how to prepare yourself for the future and how to make responsible decisions. Growing into responsible young adults takes effort, regular school attendance, study and respecting the rights of others as well as knowing what is right for you. Academic achievement and citizenship bring their own contributions to your self-esteem. We encourage you to participate in at least one extracurricular activity. It will enrich your school life and present you with the opportunity of meeting new people. Read this LEE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK along with the STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT AND ATTENDANCE with your parents. Ask one of your administrators or teachers if you have any questions. Students are responsible for knowing the contents of these handbooks. II. ATTENDANCE A. Absences Attendance is strictly monitored to meet the 95% attendance mandate of No Child Left Behind legislation. Students who have an excused absence from a class may make up the work providing the student brings an excuse to the Attendance Officer within three (3) days. Students must request make up work within three days of an absence. They are not to assume someone else will take care of this responsibility for them. Students with unexcused absences, including suspensions for the fifth and subsequent times, will not be allowed to make up any missed work. Upon the fifth (5) unexcused absence from school, every effort will be made to have direct contact with the student and the parent. Upon the sixth (6) unexcused absence, a conference is required with parent/guardian. Upon the seventh (7) unexcused absence, enforcement of the compulsory school attendance law occurs through the filing of a CHINS petition with the Lee County Juvenile Court. Early dismissals, tardies, and/or an off campus accumulate toward truancy and all require an excuse for makeup work. B. Attendance Students have three (3) days to get an excuse to this office. Faxed excuses will be given to this office for processing the day after it is received. No excuse will be accepted that is late, nor will any excuse be accepted that has been altered in any way. It is the student’s responsibility to follow this procedure. Please see the Attendance Officers for any questions. C. Attendance Awards a.a. Perfect Attendance – a student must attend school for one full school year without being absent, tardy, having an off campus or an early dismissal. a.b. Excellent Attendance – a student must have been counted present every day during the school year, but may have been absent from a particular class or classes, tardy, off campus, or an early dismissal no more than five (5) times during the school year with/without excuses. A student absent from class for a school sponsored event, trip or competition will be counted present and given an opportunity to make up all missed work. D. Excuses During the year each student is allowed six (6) parent excuses. These six excuses may be used in combination or singly for one of these choices: absence, tardy, off campus or early 4 dismissal. Absentee reasons recognized by the Commonwealth are: medical visit, death in the family, court appearance (Court Service must provide a note), senior college visit, military obligation, parent, or principal. A principal’s excuse is given at a parent’s request for extraordinary circumstances or events, which may occur in a student’s life for which they have contacted an administrator by note or phone. E. Procedure for Early Dismissal/Off Campus/Ride Different Bus Notes from parents requesting a student’s early dismissal, off campus, or permission to ride a different bus must be presented to the staff of Lee High’s main office prior to the beginning of the school day. Notes will not be accepted after the morning bell rings. Every note must contain the signature of the custodial parent and a phone number. Parents are asked to call the school to verify these notes. Students with notes to leave must be drivers properly registered with a parking permit. These notes to leave ARE NOT Attendance Office excuses. An excuse for this absence from school must be brought to the Attendance Office within three (3) days. Students WILL NOT be checked out by anyone who is not his or her custodial parent, legal guardian, official of the court or from the Lee County Department of Social Services. Anyone else must have prior approval by both a signed note and a phone call from the legal parent/guardian. This applies to 18-year-old students as well. Eighteen-year-olds are under the same guidelines and rules as all other students. If an 18-year-old maintains their own household they must notify Lee High administration and Lee High guidance with proof of their status. When it is established that an 18-year-old student lives independently, they will be allowed to sign for themselves in every circumstance of school life. They may not, however, sign out other students. When all legal procedures are followed as outlined above, students and parents must sign the logbook located in the office before they exit the building. Once a student has signed out, they may not return during the day until they sign the logbook upon their return (as with an off campus). If a student has left the building and returns without signing in, they are trespassing. Teachers are to ask for admit slips. III. CONDUCT Lee High School recognizes that human dignity is the basis for all our relationships and growth. Lee High students, staff, faculty and administrators are asked to adopt the Lee High School Pledge of Respect as part of their personal code: Respect is the cornerstone of all interactions and behaviors. I acknowledge the dignity and worth of others, and strive never to diminish another by my conduct or by my attitude. I acknowledge diversity and pledge to build community by practicing hospitality, civility and respect. Misconduct is defined by, but not limited to: Any physical, spoken or written act of abuse, violence, harassment, intimidation, extortion, the use of vulgarity, cursing, or, any restriction or prevention of free movement of an individual. This prohibition applies whether the act is deliberate, intentional or unintentional or is directed toward an individual or group regarding race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, personal characteristics, political or religious ideology; any behaviors leading to disruption, dishonesty, or destruction; any personal grooming/dress causing lack of respect; any participation in any illegal activity. The severity of an offense dictates the consequence. These expectations apply to all facets of school life – at school, at school activities, on transportation, at bus stops, on field trips, and so on. Lee High accepts the procedures and premises set forth in Section 22.1-78 of the Virginia School Law.
5 M. Appeals Students, along with the approving signature of their parents, have the right to appeal OSS actions taken against them to the next highest authority. See the Appeals Form in the Appendices. N. Bus Behavior All school rules apply to transportation to and from school as well as while waiting or discharging at the bus stop. Bus drivers are staff members and will be treated with respect. Parents are requested to sign a letter of bus expectations and acknowledgments at the beginning of the school year. If it is necessary to ride a different bus occasionally, a parent/guardian signed note must be presented to the office staff before the school day begins. A copy of this note must be presented to the driver before entering the bus. Drivers are not to allow anyone onto their bus without authorization.
O. Dress/Appearance
We at Lee High School and Lee County Career and Technical Center appreciate the opportunity to provide a quality education for our students. The goal of the dress code is to have a school conducive to learning. Part of education is to help prepare students to make the transition to life after high school successful by knowing how to appropriately dress for success. It is further recognized that student dress has an impact on the learning climate of a school; appropriate appearance has a high correlation to appropriate behavior. We ask that parents and students accept their responsibilities concerning personal appearance. Personal appearance should not disrupt the educational process, call undue attention to the individual, violate federal, state or local health and obscenity laws, or affect the welfare and safety of the student or his/her classmates. In order to promote a safe environment conducive to learning, the standard for personal appearance prohibits the following:
1. The showing of cleavage or undergarments, see-through clothing, tank tops, tube tops, or tops with spaghetti straps. All shirts must cover the midriff. 2. Shorts, skirts, and all slits in clothing shall not exceed 6 inches above the bend of the center of the knee. This includes any holes or tears in pants. 3. Skin tight clothing, pajamas or lounge pants, sagging or baggy clothing and long coats. 4. Clothing that is disruptive to the school environment; clothing with alcohol, gang, drug, sexual, tobacco, or profane messages. 5. Head dress, including bandanas, hats, caps, hoods, etc. 6. Lack of proper undergarments. 7. Pants or skirts that touch the floor; frayed garments which pose a safety hazard. 8. All visible body piercings must be removed with the exception of earrings. 9. All body markings and tattoos that are disruptive to the school environment such as alcohol, gang, drug, sexual, tobacco, or profane messages. Individual is responsible to provide a covering. 10. Unnatural hair colors or any style that is disruptive to the educational environment. 11. Distracting jewelry or decorations, belt chains, large neck chains and all studded bracelets, collars, spikes, and any similar items. 12. Eyewear that is not prescription and is disruptive to the educational process. No sunglasses will be allowed inside the school building. 13. Face painting, masks, or markings of any kind. 14. Loose fitting shoes, thong style flip flop shoes, beach style shoes, or spike heels. (If a shoe has a thong between the toes without a secondary strap, it is considered a flip flop regardless 6 of material or heel height.) All shoes should be safe shoes that fit the foot securely and be free of rolling devices. 15. Book bags, tote bags, or any oversized bags will remain in lockers during all class periods. Athletic bags should be left in an area approved by the coaches.
This is a minimal requirement for dress code at Lee High School and Lee County Career and Technical Center. Exceptions may be made by the administration to the above policies during school spirit activities. Students acting as official representatives of the school in athletics, band, or any other organization may be required to subscribe to a more rigorous dress code. Additional requirements may be needed for lab sciences and Career/Technical classes. These will be provided by the instructor. Additional requirements may be added by the administration as needed. Students in violation of the dress code will be asked by school personnel to remove the condition which places the student in violation of the dress code. Correction of the condition may require that the student return home for all or part of the day. Students who refuse to follow such direction, or who subsequently return to school and repeat a violation will be punished in accordance with the school’s discipline policy.
7 OFFENSE DEFINITION CONSEQUENCE Altercation Confrontation, tussle, horseplay or OSS physical aggression not resulting in injury Attendance Violation of state, division or school 7th Unexcused tardy DET th policy related to being in school 8 Unexcused tardy DET 9th Unexcused tardy ISS 10th + subsequent tardy OSS (All offenses may result in the loss of Cut class DET, ISS, OSS driving privileges) Leave class w/o permission ISS – OSS school w/o permission ISS - OSS Bias, disrespectful, Violation of peaceful and ISS, OSS combative behavior moral/ethical environment Bullying Repeated negative behavior intended OSS to frighten or cause harm either verbally, physically or in writing Cheating/Plagiarism See policy in Appendices OSS + grade alteration (or policy of school from which course originates) Curse, abusive, Directed toward staff, student, no Staff: OSS5 profane language one in particular Student: OSS3 At large: OSS1 Criminal Conviction Convicted of crime other than traffic Possible expulsion offense Damage, deface, Alter school or other person’s OSS, Legal charges and/or destroy property in a negative manner collection of fee for repair or replacement Disorderly Conduct, Unwillingness to submit to ISS, OSS and/or legal charges Insubordination authority, refusal to respond to a reasonable request Disruption of Unacceptable behavior during ISS, OSS, Call parent Moment of Silence, designated times requiring public Pledge to Flag, decorum special occasion Dress/Appearance See school statement. Subject to Confiscation, change clothing, division policy DET, ISS, Call parent Drug – Over the Unlawful use, distribution, sale, OSS, legal charges as needed Counter solicitation, purchase, possession, transportation, or importation of OTC meds Electronic Devices Devices deemed inappropriate in Confiscation educational setting Entertainment Spending school time with non- Confiscation, ISS educational items (cards, etc.) Excessive Public Prolonged and/or repeated and/or Warning , ISS Displays of Affection inappropriate physical contact Extortion Unlawfully obtaining or attempting OSS to obtain item of value from another person causing physical injury/other 8 harm
False alarm/threat, Untruthful information: spoken, ISS, OSS and/or Legal charges reporting/information written, gesture and/or action Food fight/throwing, Making a mess, not cleaning area, ISS, OSS leaving tray on table throwing food items, etc. Cafeteria Detention Gambling Making, placing or receipt of any OSS bet or wager of money or other of value dependent upon the result of a contest, game, or other events with an uncertain outcome Harassment Shoving, throwing objects, OSS and/or Legal charges repeatedly, to torment, annoy, bother Hazing Committing an act or acts against a OSS and/or Legal charges student or coercing a student to commit an act that creates risk of harm in order to be initiated into an organization, group or class Inciting a Riot Unlawful use of force or violence OSS that seriously jeopardizes public safety, peace, or order. Three or more people acting together. Out of Place Student not being where assigned ISS, OSS, Call parent Possible weapons Possessing razor blades, box cutters, OSS and/or Legal charges fireworks, firecrackers, stink bombs, etc. to school, bus or any event Sexual Offenses Improper, offensive, unwanted OSS and/or Legal charges against staff/student physical contact against a staff and/or expulsion member or student Sportsmanship Behavior unbecoming to a General, Loss of attendance privilege to threatening or causing harm to sporting events, loss of entry school/team fee, ISS, Other Stalking Conduct directed at another person OSS and/or Legal charges with intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death, sexual assault, or injury Tobacco Bringing and/or possessing tobacco Confiscation Paraphernalia paraphernalia to school or event
Unauthorized use of Having unauthorized passengers, Loss of parking 10 days and/or vehicle leaving campus after arrival w/o remainder of year permission, illegal parking, etc. See Appendices. Violation of Violation of technology according to Warning, Loss of privilege Technology Use the division acceptable usage policy ISS-OSS or Legal Charges Weapon Look Alike Any gun that looks like a real gun or OSS and/or Legal charges, 9 is a toy gun, even water pistols expulsion
OFFENSE (State) DEFINITION CONSEQUENCE Alcohol Use, Possession, Sale, Distribution, Legal charges and/or OSS, Consumption, Purchase Expulsion Arson Actual, Attempted Legal charges and/or OSS Assault/Battery Against staff/student with/without Legal charges and/or OSS, weapon Expulsion Malicious Wounding With/without weapon Legal charges and/or OSS, Expulsion Break and Enter Unlawful entry/attempt Legal charges and/or OSS Disorderly Conduct Behavior that substantially disrupts Legal charges and/or OSS, learning process Expulsion Drug Violations Unlawful use/possession/sale/ Legal charges and/or OSS, distribution/gift Schedule drugs, look Expulsion alike, paraphernalia, inhalants, prescription meds not for individual, theft or attempted theft Fighting Incident requiring medical attention, or Depending upon injury, (Major/Minor) Incident with minor injury, scrapes, number of offenses- Legal bruising charges and/or ISS,OSS Gang Activity Ongoing organization, association or Counseling, Legal charges, group of 3 or more persons either formal OSS, and/or Expulsion or informal Homicide Against any person Legal charges, Expulsion Kidnapping Detention against one’s will or of a minor Legal charges without consent of parent/ guardian Robbery Burglary/theft, with/without force (motor ISS, OSS, Legal charges vehicles, locker room, locker, etc.) and/or restitution School Threat Bomb, terrorist, chemical/biological Legal charges, Expulsion either verbal or written Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual advance, request, ISS, OSS, Legal charges physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature Sexual Offense Against staff or student: Forcible assault, Legal Charges, OSS, with/without force, Aggravated sexual Expulsion battery against a student less than 15 years old. Tobacco Use, possession, sale, distribution ISS, OSS, Refer to court system Threat/Intimidation Against staff/student, verbal/physical ISS, OSS, Legal charges Trespassing Physical presence where not allowed Warning, Legal charges 10 Vandalism Willful and/or malicious destruction of ISS, OSS, Legal charges and property /or Restitution Weapon Possess/Bring to school/school event: Legal charges, Expulsion Firearm, shotgun/rifle, knife, expels a projectile, harmful weapon, explosive or triggering device explosive
11 Period Remediation (RISS) is for one or more class period(s) during which time the student is given an assignment to complete and return. Not having books, writing instrument, or sleeping are not RISS offenses. In School Suspension (ISS), Detention (DET), After School Detention(ASD) and Out of School Suspension (OSS) are assigned by an administrator. Only OSS action may be appealed. See Appendices.
A. Accidents All accidents/injuries must be reported to the student’s immediate supervisor before the student leaves school for the day. A school insurance policy offers secondary coverage for all students; however, it is the responsibility of the student to have the necessary form completed by school officials. These forms are available in the main office or the nurse’s office.
A. Activity Fee A five-dollar ($5.00) activity fee is required of each student to help with yearly expenses incurred on behalf of each student.
B. Alternative School An alternative form of education is available for certain students.
C. Announcements Oral announcements are made during designated times during the school day. All announcements must be written, dated, signed by a teacher or administrator, and given to the school secretary prior to the beginning of the school day. Only emergency announcements will be made during instruction time.
D. Appeals See form in Appendices.
E. Arrival at School All students will enter the building through the main entrance doors. Certain areas of the school are off limits before the first bell. Students will have access to the lobby, Commons, guidance, and the Media Center. A bell at 8:00 A.M. announces entry to the remainder of the building and the vocational bridge. Students arriving late to school will report to the Lee High office. Students who arrive late to school and do not check into the office will be counted absent. Students will not be admitted to class without a tardy slip. Excuses for each tardy to school are to be given to the Attendance Officer within three days.
12 F. Breakfast and Lunch Program Meal service at Lee High School is approved by federal and state agencies. Our Food Service is routinely monitored for quality. The Lee County School Board, according to federal and state guidelines, determines meal prices. Federal guidelines will be used to determine if students are eligible for free or reduced meals. All students are encouraged to make application for such service. Students are issued an identification number, which will be keyed into a computer before the student exits the food service line. No one may charge a meal. Students are offered several menu choices. Menus are printed in the local newspaper, posted in each classroom and printed daily on the morning written announcements. Students may choose one entrée item, two-vegetables/two fruits/or one vegetable and one fruit, one bread (which may be in combination with the entrée, for example, hot dog or pizza), one dessert and one milk. Items from the Free Bar may be chosen as desired. These items are free of cost with a free, reduced or purchased meal. Food items must be kept in their original containers until the lunch line is exited. Additional milk or entrée items may be purchased.
G. Career Media Center Career information is available in a specially designated area of the Media Center.
H. Class Officers and Elections Class officers, Mr./Miss LHS candidates, Homecoming candidates, and Student Council representatives are nominated with elections being held at designated times throughout the school year. Class presidents are automatically SCA reps. The following requirements are observed for all candidates during the nomination/election process: a. A minimum 2.0 GPA for the previous semester b. Attendance in good standing c. No discipline/offenses resulting in ISS or OSS during the previous and present semester d. Be willing to carry out the office/position to best of ability. Other clubs, organizations, activities may have stricter requirements. Procedures for becoming a class officer or SCA officer: a. Listen for appropriate announcement, speak with an SCA sponsor, complete an application according to SCA/school guidelines b. Expect your application to be screened by sponsors and administration c. Campaign for one week prior to election d. Ballots will be distributed: one for each designated class’s offices, and one ballot to all students for SCA officers. If technology is in place elections will be by computer e. Vote by student body, majority vote wins f. A committee appointed by the administration will count votes g. A slate of winners will be published and announced. Election procedures for Mr. LHS, Miss LHS, and Football Homecoming, etc.: a. Be nominated as directed and meet the above grade, attendance and discipline requirements h. Be willing to attend occasion if nominated and to dress appropriately for the occasion 13 i. Campaign as desired j. Receive majority of votes. All nominees and elected officers represent Lee High School. Officers preside over class meetings, conduct business, guide goals and projects, and cooperate with their sponsors and administration for the betterment of Lee High School. SCA officers represent LHS at conventions and other public functions. They act as liaisons with administration, students, faculty and community. Class offices are: president, vice-president, secretary, and three SCA representatives. SCA officers are: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and historian.
J. Class Rank Grade Point Averages (GPA) will be used to determine class rank. The following procedures/policies will be followed in determining GPA:
1. Students must attend four (4) full years at the high school level (grades 9-12) in order to be ranked.
2. GPA will be determined by dividing the quality points totaled by the number of courses taken.
3. Beginning with the ninth grade class of 2001-2002,
a. Only those seniors who have earned verified credits and will receive an advanced diploma will be considered for valedictorian, salutatorian, or honor student.
b. Students who pass a course, but wish to repeat the course in order to improve their grade may do so only one time. The higher grade will be used in calculating GPA.
K. Class Rings When class rings are ordered, a deposit is required at the time the ring is ordered. Class rings can only be ordered by those students meeting the requirements of entering the Junior or Senior year. Anyone ordering a ring that is not entitled to do so may lose the deposit.
A. Course Offerings See the Guidance Department for the official listing of course offerings and requirements.
P. Dances Dances are sponsored by clubs, organizations and/or classes. A dance must have a sponsor and must have prior approval from the principal. All procedures for the dance will be approved and announced prior to ticket sales. Sponsors are responsible for accounting, chaperoning and cleaning up.
Q. Debts A student debt is the legal responsibility of that student and/or his parent/guardian. Debts should be paid as they are incurred. Debts remain throughout a student’s high school career and are often requested by future employers. Debts are often caused by non-returned uniforms, unaccounted fund raising money, club money, lost or damaged textbooks, lost 14 library materials, damaged or lost school property, etc. If an individual incurs a debt in the name of Lee High School and has not been authorized to do so, Lee High School is not responsible for the debt.
R. Diploma Requirement Different diplomas have different requirements. See guidance or visit the Virginia Department of Education homepage at:
S. Directory Information Should the local school board elect to designate and make public Directory Information, it shall give annual written and public notice indicating the categories of data designated as Directory Information and the right of refusal by a student for the disclosure of such data. After such notice has been given, a reasonable time, not more than fifteen (15) days shall be given for a parent or eligible student to notify the school in writing if any or all such information about the student should not be disclosed without prior consent. In the absence of a request for non-disclosure, the school may disclose such information in accordance with the local school board policy. The school is not required to maintain a record of disclosure of Directory Information. Certain agencies may exchange information with the school on an as-needed basis: Juvenile Court System and the Department of Social Services.
T. Eighteen Years Old If a student maintains their own household, with proof of such on file in the office and with the Guidance Department, an 18 year old student may check themselves out of school with proper excuses for absences, and receive mailings pertinent to their school records. Otherwise, an 18-year-old student must follow school rules applicable to all other students.
U. Evacuation Procedures for Emergencies See Lee County Policy. Also, see Section V in this Handbook.
V. Exam Information All students will take first semester exams. All students are expected to take final exams. There may be some final exemptions, including: a. Teacher based criteria established at beginning of year b. Students who have an A average in a subject c. Seniors who are passing.
W. Fund Raising School organizations should make every effort to keep fund raising to a minimum with no loss of instructional time. All sales and fund raising programs are to be coordinated through the principal/designee by requesting permission to conduct a fundraiser. Such requests will then be submitted to the school board for approval. Sales of candy or food products that would interfere or compete with the school food service are prohibited. Sales or solicitation by non-school groups are prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the school board.
X. Grade Promotion/Placement If there are extenuating circumstances or hardship cases which would justify early graduation for the benefit of the student or the student’s family, then the matter would be 15 referred to a school committee which, if approved, would refer the matter to the superintendent for final approval to the Board. If totally approved for early graduation, the student would not be ranked.
Y. Graduation Information The senior interview is the graduation declaration. Each prospective graduate must meet with a guidance counselor to review records and to insure that all requirements for graduation are in place. All seniors must complete all the requirements of the senior interview. Guidance will announce all changes, dates, and other pertinent information regarding graduation. The Lee County School Board determines graduation day. Invitations and other supplies may be ordered from the graduate’s dealer of choice; however, the school provides access to one company of their choice to come to the school to take orders. It is through this company that all robes, caps, and tassels must be ordered.
Z. Guidance Services Counselors are prepared to help students and parents who have questions or need assistance with course work, grades, course selections, testing, career planning, college preparation, and personal and/or behavioral problems. Students may see a counselor before or after school, during study hall, or any time for emergencies. Appointments may be made during class only with the teacher’s prior permission. Scholarship opportunities are listed at the beginning of each school year and updated monthly. All announcements are made through every school venue. Guidance personnel conduct interviews to assess student progress and to plan a student’s high school career. Parents and students are required to sign all interviews and scheduling documents.
X. Hall Passes Students anywhere in the building during instructional time must have an official school pass. The principal will direct records of such passes. Students from study halls will travel to library or guidance with a special class roster provided by the teacher. Hall passes are provided for students with medical conditions. These medical passes must have a doctor’s approval on file and the pass will be signed by administration. Regular and medical passes are only good for the restroom, a locker, or the office. Media and/or guidance passes are only good for those two destinations. Passes will not be used to go to another teacher’s room, the snack machines, the telephone, across the bridge, the locker room, the field house or the parking lot.
Y. Homebound Policy Virginia Code dictates the procedures for obtaining homebound instruction. Call Lee County School Board Office at 346-2107 for further information 1. Short term homebound instruction (10 days or less) a.a. Homebound teacher is required to consult with the regular teacher(s) concerning assignments, grading procedures, and SOL needs. a.b. Grades are joint responsibility of the HB instructor and the regular teacher. Grades must be reported within five days of the student’s return to regular school. 2. Long term homebound instruction (over 10 days) a.a. It is the responsibility of the HB instructor to contact Lee High Guidance for a subject list and for arrangement of books. 16 a.b. It is the responsibility of the HB instructor to conduct classes for the student they have contracted to teach. a.c. Grades must be posted in Guidance once the grading period is over. Grades-to-date must be posted in Guidance if the student returns prior to the ending of the grading period. a.d. Grades must be posted to Guidance on the day the student returns to school.
Homebound instructors are responsible for SOL preparation and meeting testing dates if applicable to the student. If the student is a senior it is imperative to stay in communication with Guidance regarding graduation obligations. A mailbox is provided in the Lee High Office for HB instructors. It is imperative for parents, students, and all instructors to understand that high school subject areas are not all suited nor are they adaptive to homebound instruction. It is highly likely that credit will not be earned in some classes when a student becomes homebound.
M. Home Schooling Regulations for home schooling students are outlined in the Code of Virginia. Contact the Lee County School Board Office at 346-2107 for further information.
N. Internet Use and Policy The Internet is to be used for educational purposes only. Access to the Internet through the school’s equipment is a privilege and not a right. As such, your privilege to use the equipment can be revoked for the improper use of the equipment. All students and parents are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy that more clearly defines proper use of the Internet for educational purposes. Students will not be allowed to use the Internet until the AUP is signed and returned.
M. Lockers A maintenance fee of $1.00 is charged for each locker. Only a school lock can be placed on a locker. This lock may be purchased in the office at a cost of $5.00 and may be used by the student throughout their high school career. The school retains the right to inspect student lockers for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent or presence, and without a search warrant. Lee High School is not responsible for any items placed in lockers. Announcements will inform students as to procedures for purchasing and selecting locations of lockers. No locker decorations will be allowed on the outside of lockers.
N. Lunch Contracts Each student must return a completed lunch contract. If guidelines do not apply to a student’s financial situation, the parent must place their signature and the words ‘Not interested’ somewhere on the application. If a student is applying for a free or reduced priced meal service, all required information must be provided. Until contracts are approved during the first few days of the new school year, the previous year’s status will be in effect. If the lunch contract has not been returned to school with proper application within the set limit of time, the student will be charged full price for their meals.
17 O. Married Students and/or Emancipated Minors Married students must file notice of such status with Guidance as soon as possible. Those students who wish to become emancipated minors must file through the Lee County Juvenile Court. Just because a student is married does not mean that student is emancipated. If an emancipation order is entered for any student excusing that student from compulsory attendance in public school, a copy of that order must be filed with Guidance.
P. Media Center The Media Center or Library is open before normal school hours and remains open following the close of school. Hours are posted in the library. Procedures for using the Computer Lab, checking books out, study hall visits, Internet use, book policies, and general behavior rules will be posted and will be explained to classes by the staff.
Q. Medications/Medical Emergencies Medications to be taken during the school day must be brought to school by the legal parent/guardian accompanied by an order from a physician. This procedure must also be followed for over the counter meds. All medications must be kept in the nurse’s office, unless the physician orders certain items to be kept in the student’s control. Meds are kept in a secure office environment. Documentation of each administration of medicine and/or treatment is kept in the nurse’s office. Lee High reserves the right to refuse to administer meds to students who will not follow directions. Lee High staff is not responsible for forcing or for reminding students to take their medication. Prudent judgment will direct staff to seek first aid, to call for emergency transportation or to make any necessary decision for the safety and well being of the student. Parents are responsible to supply the school with necessary phone/names of contacts for emergency situations.
R. New Students Any student entering Lee High School must have evidence of complete immunization. Call the Guidance Department or the Lee County Health Department for a full listing of required immunizations. Students entering from outside the Commonwealth must also have a birth certificate, a social security card, and proof of a physical examination with immunizations by a licensed physician.
HH. Parking Student parking is a valued privilege, not a right. Students will comply with driving/parking regulations. Student parking permits are $15.00. Reserved parking, if available, will be an additional purchase. Permits must be displayed in the vehicle for which it was purchased. Students park in any Lee High parking lot at their own risk. See Appendices for parking application containing additional information.
II. Physical Education Students must change clothes for P.E. classes. Clothing must be a tee shirt, shorts or sweatpants and tennis shoes. These items must be comfortable so as to allow participation in all class activities. Personal hygiene is strongly encouraged through use of facilities provided in the dressing rooms. No personal items should be left unattended in the locker 18 room. Locks may be purchased in the office for $5.00. These locks are personal possessions of the student and are to be used on a gym locker only. Neither Lee High nor any teacher is responsible for items left in the locker room, gym, or dressing room.
M. Prom The prom is the responsibility of the junior class. The class sponsors determine prom ticket prices in accordance to the success of fundraisers. See the junior class sponsors for complete knowledge of all procedures related to the prom.
AA. Publications a. Daily: Absentee report; printed and verbal announcements, AlertNow call-line to parents (if necessary) b. Weekly: Activity Schedule; Menu in local paper c. Monthly: Menu to post in each classroom d. As needed: Letters to parents; SOL information; Grade Reports; Announcements through local media e. Disbursed as appropriate: Lee County Student Code of Conduct and Attendance; Lee High School Student Handbook; Lee High Athletic Handbook; Lee High Teacher Handbook; Lee High Handbook for Cooks; Lee High Handbook for Custodians; Lee High Handbook for Substitutes. f. A large school calendar with all the school year activities is posted in the Lee High office. Lee County School Calendar is published in this book’s Appendices.
AB. Report Cards Grade reports are distributed to all students five school days after the end of each grading period unless this date falls on a Friday, then, reports will be distributed on the following Monday. Progress reports are distributed four times per year at the midpoint of each nine week grading period. Students and parent/guardian must work together to see that these reports are seen by all involved. Final report cards may be picked up in the Lee High office at the end of the school year. If a grade report does not appear to be official please call the school for verification.
AC. Schedule Changes Refer to Lee County School Policy LC-110. Requests for changes of curriculum, diploma type, etc. must be made by the legal parent/guardian in person. The principal must approve all changes. The administration reserves the right to change a student’s schedule on a case- by-case basis due to changing circumstances if it is deemed in the best interest of the student/school.
AD. Scholastic Awards Program Each spring near the ending of the school year an awards program honors those students who have excelled in academics. Special awards and scholarships are presented. Attendance recognition is also given to qualifying students. A faculty committee plans, organizes, and schedules the awards program.
19 AE. School Finances Unauthorized expenditure of money is not permitted. All accounts are audited. Any group making a purchase must get approval and signatures of both the sponsor and the principal. Sponsors are responsible to the bookkeeper. All purchases must be on a purchase order signed by the principal. Purchases in excess of $2,000 require at least three bids. Sponsors are to turn in any collected money daily to the bookkeeper with proper audit control forms. Students must be given a written receipt for any money turned in to a sponsor. AF. Searches and Seizures Lee County School Board Policy, the Commonwealth of Virginia Code and regulations of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department will be followed. Students should expect vehicles, lockers, coats, bags, and other carry items to be subjected to searches. AG. Telephone Use The office telephone is for business only. Office staff will assist students by phoning in an emergency situation. Neither students nor teachers will be called from classes to answer the phone except in an emergency. Cell phones are prohibited on school campus. AH. Textbook Rental Agreement Students and legal parent/guardian assume full responsibility for all books issued to them. They must agree to replace or pay for any or all books, lost, destroyed or damaged beyond normal use. Stolen books are the responsibility of the student/legal parent/guardian. Students/legal parent/guardians must agree to all terms of the book contract. Certain classes have special equipment or instructional aids provided for students. A separate contract for these items has the same legal status as the textbook rental agreement. AI. Traffic Control The following parking flow plan is to be observed: Buses: 1) Morning - Unload near the front doors of the school; 2) Afternoon – Line up in the parking lot facing the auditorium. Teachers: 1) Lee High - park on the east side of the building or in designated lot. Janitors & Cooks: Park on the west side of Lee High building behind the Commons. Students: 1) Regular-park in the reserved student parking lot, if qualified, or in the general parking lot, both on the north end of the Lee High building; 2) Handicapped-park behind Commons, east of the auditorium or directly in front of the auditorium. Visitors: Park in the designated visitor spaces in front of Lee High. The following traffic flow plan is to be observed: No vehicles are to pass a loading or unloading bus Speed limit in front of the school is 25 mph while on the campus the limit is 10 mph Parking in places reserved for handicapped and parking in the bus zone is prohibited Do not park near the front entrance to Lee High from 2:30 p.m. until the buses clear the campus Private vehicles transporting students to school are to unload at the north entrance of Lee High, unless it is after the school day has begun, then students must enter through the main doors to report to the office 20 Private vehicles transporting students home at the end of the day should line up between the rows of faculty parked cars. Do not try to exit the lot before the buses!
AJ.Transcripts Transcripts are requested through the Guidance Department. Transcripts are free to current Lee High students and for one year following graduation. Thereafter, there is a $2 charge per transcript. When a signed request is received from another school for a transcript, we will fill that request without any other mailings of notification.
AK. Trespassing Any person using the school facilities or present on school property without appropriate authorization is considered to be trespassing and may be asked to leave. Refusal to cooperate may result in possible referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies and possible suspension or expulsion of a student. Suspended or expelled students, homebound or home-schooled students who return to school without authorization of an administrator will be considered trespassing. Any visitor/parent who does not check in with the office before moving through the building is considered to be trespassing.
AL. Visitors All visitors must report to the office immediately upon entering the building and obtain a pass from the principal/designee. Visiting time from professional agencies is welcomed within a time that does not interfere with instruction. Appointments should be prearranged. Any family member or relative wishing to visit a student must make arrangements with the principal prior to the visitation. Non-Lee High students are not permitted as passengers on Lee County buses. Students may not bring friends/relatives to school to attend classes with them, to visit during lunch, or at any other time during the day. Parents are not allowed to visit classrooms during instructional time without prior permission from the principal. Appointments to observe a class may be scheduled with the principal prior to the day of the visit. When visitors are given a pass, it is for a specific place and they are not allowed to wander around the building.
S. Work Release Program Any student excused for early dismissal to travel to a place of employment must sign out in the office and leave the building immediately. They are not allowed to sign out early, sign for someone else, or to take anyone with them without prior permission.
Lee County Public Schools has an official emergency procedure handbook adopted in 2004. No publication is complete when attempting to list all possible procedures. There is no substitute for sound judgment and training. Parents and students should have a plan for days when school is dismissed early, when illness occurs, or for any of several situations that could occur during the normal course of daily living. Parents should listen to local radio and television stations for announcements for weather delays or dismissals. Do not call the 21 school or personnel at home; that only ties up the phone and line of procedure for messages. The Lee High office should be immediately notified of any emergency or potentially dangerous situation located on our campus. Always be alert, be cautious, and act promptly, and most of all use common sense when dealing with any situation.
VI. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Participation in student organizations is desirable and encouraged. It is hoped that students will become active members of at least one organization during their high school career. Any student who meets the criteria for membership may become a member by making application and following the organizational procedures. A student may be a member of more than one organization and may also hold membership in the SCA, Beta Club and Pep Club. No student may hold office in more than one organization. Make yourself aware of membership drives, meeting times, and duties of the organization. All organizations are subject to sponsorship. Organization Eligibility Purpose 4-H Open To have fun while learning by doing activities related to rural living Academic Team Open Interscholastic Competition Art Club Enrolled in art class To influence, encourage & contribute to the arts Band (Marching and Enrolled in band class To enrich school & community Concert) through music Beta Club 3.5 GPS, no failing semester To promote honesty, service, grades, approved by leadership; to encourage & assist executive head & majority of further education; to promote active club members. meritorious achievement a. Junior Beta Club a. Freshmen & Sophomores b. Senior Beta Club b. Juniors & Seniors Cheerleaders Open for tryouts To promote & uphold school spirit, to develop sportsmanship, & advance good relations between schools Co-Ed Hi-Y Open To create, maintain, & extend throughout the home, school & community high standards of character through clean speech, sportsmanship & clean living Distributive Education Clubs Enrolled in marketing class To develop an understanding of of America (DECA) the business world; become conscious of civic obligations; develop social poise, leadership Environ-Thon Open To promote science through competition with other schools
22 First Priority Open To provide a speaker forum, to encourage participation & support for a clean lifestyle Forensics Open To encourage & prepare for competition in poetry, extemporaneous speaking, humorous & dramatic interpretation, original oratory prose, & spelling French Club Enrolled in French class To promote interaction among students who study French Future Business Leaders of Enrolled in business class To participate in public meeting, America (FBLA) public speaking, problem solving, & the improvement of scholarship and citizenship
Future Farmers of America Enrolled in agriculture class To develop agriculture; (FFA) leadership, collaboration, & citizenship Family, Career and Open To improve personal & Community Leaders of community living; to promote America (FCCLA) self-development & self- confidence Health Occupations Students Enrolled in health career class To educate members in living of America (HOSA) skills; to develop leadership & health care in the home, school & community Horse Club Open To increase knowledge of horses & horse riding, while involving students in equine oriented activities including rides, shows, clinics & guest speakers. Literary Magazine Enrollment in Creative To craft, create, write, and Writing - grades 11 & 12 publish a magazine
Math Club Open To increase awareness of the careers & opportunities available through a knowledge of mathematics One Act Play Open To promote & participate in theater arts Pep Club Open To stimulate school spirit & support for all school programs; to sponsor Spirit Week & Senior Night Activities Science Club Open To encourage interest in science & related careers Spanish Club Enrolled in Spanish class To promote interaction among students who study Spanish Student Council Association See section “J” for To improve the school through qualifications democratic elections which lead to understanding & cooperation; to develop leadership, initiative 23 & student involvement Talent Search Open To assist students with opportunities available through local colleges Upward Bound Open (sponsor regulations To support, encourage, finance from local college) & develop educational ability Vocational Industrial Clubs Enrolled in trade, technical To learn leadership skills, public of America (VICA) and industrial courses speaking & self-confidence; to compete Yearbook Staff Open To publish a yearbook
24 VII. SPORTS AND ACADEMICS Participation in athletics serves to develop the student emotionally and intellectually as well as physically. Participation develops a sense of responsibility, leadership and pride within the student and within the school. It promotes sportsmanship, community spirit and a general improvement of physical abilities. To participate on an athletic team requires a student to pass five subjects within the previous semester and to be enrolled in at least five subjects in the current semester. Students must also comply with all rules set forth by the Virginia High School League, rules and regulations outlined in the Lee High School Athletic Handbook and any policy of the Lee County School Board. The following sports are available at Lee High School:
Sport Grade Eligibility Baseball 9-12 Baseball, J.V. 9-12* Basketball 9-12 Basketball, J.V. 9-12* Cheerleading 9-12 Cheerleading, J.V. 9-12* Cross Country 9-12 Football 9-12 Football, J.V. 9-12* Forensics 9-12 Golf 9-12 Scholastic Team 9-12 Soccer 9-12 Softball 9-12 Softball, J.V. 9-12* Tennis 9-12 Theatre 9-12 Track & Field 9-12 Volleyball 9-12 Volleyball, J.V. 9-12* Wrestling 9-12* *Eligibility may apply to 8th grade students - see more information below and in the Lee High Athletic Handbook.
Eighth Grade Students – Eligible eighth grade students MUST have written approval from the 8th grade principal and Lee High School principal in order to play on a JV team.
GENERAL ADMISSION FOR ATHLETIC EVENTS – Ticket prices vary with each sport and are posted and announced. Lee High does not determine ticket prices. For the latest information on individual and group priced tickets contact the Lee High Athletic Director.
25 SPORTSMANSHIP – Spectators, athletes and coaching staff should be ever mindful of their position as a representative of Lee High School and of the community it serves. Courtesy, respect, clean language and good manners should be in evidence at all times to players, fellow fans from both teams, coaches, and officials. After all, this is a high school with students in grades 9-12 who are learning what it is like to be an adult. They are looking for models of decorum and good taste.
BEGINNING PRACTICE DATES – *August 2 Football, Cheerleading *August 2 Golf *August 2 Cross Country, Volleyball, Theatre, Forensics, Scholastic Team *November 15 Basketball, Wrestling *February 21 Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Outdoor Track
BOOSTER ORGANIZATIONS – Lee High appreciates the support and endless hours of work given for our teams. All booster organizations operate under the auspices of Lee High School but debt incurred by any such organization is not the responsibility of Lee High School or the Lee County School Board.
26 VIII. Appendix
e. Appeals Application p. 22-23
f. Bell Schedule 24
g. Consent Form – Release of Information 25
h. Academic Load, Grade Level Classification Credits, Grading Scales & Grading Periods 26
i. Parking Permit/Instructions 27
j. Plagiarism Policy 29
k. School Calendar 30
27 LEE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5 PARK STREET JONESVILLE, VA 24263 276-346-2107 FAX: 276-346-0307
The appeal process is designed to provide a means for a fair and equitable decision making process. The appeal should be only for those cases where the student or parent/guardian feels that the student is not guilty of the infraction for which discipline has been assigned. ______
I, ______, parent/guardian of ______request that the Lee County Discipline Committee hear our appeal of the disciplinary action taken against my child.
I understand that I can be at this hearing, along with my child, and/or legal representative to state our case. I also understand that the decision of the Discipline Committee is final, except in the case of an expulsion.
Date: ______Signed: ______Parent/Guardian
______This application and form must be completed and returned to the school principal or designee within five (5) school days following the assignment of disciplinary action. ______
For School Use Only
Date Received Received: By:
Student: School:
Age: DOB: ID#: Phone: Grade:
Alleged Incident/Infraction:
School’s recommended disciplinary action:
Reason for appeal:
Comments and/or recommendations:
Our school may be requested to provide the names and addresses of high school students to military recruiters, colleges and other groups. You do not have to participate in this program.
Please check below to indicate whether you wish to have your child’s name, address, telephone number and picture disclosed to the groups that may request it.
______DO NOT DISCLOSE my child’s contact information without my prior permission. or
______DO NOT DISCLOSE my child’s name, address and telephone number to the entities checked below without my prior permission:
______US military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, etc.) ______Colleges and other educational institutions ______Prospective employers or
______I authorize Lee High School to disclose my child’s name, address and phone number as part of the school directory.
If you do not return this form, Lee High School will be authorize to release the requested information.
Student’s name (print)______
Student’s signature ______
Parent’s signature ______
Date: ______
1. All students will enroll in 7 classes. The only exceptions will be a senior who may enroll in five (5) classes with early release if he/she does not need the sixth or seventh course/credit to graduate.
2. The following numbers of credits and total high school years completed are required for grade level classification: High School Grade Level Grade No. of Credits Years Completed Freshman 09 0 – 5 0 Sophomore 10 6 – 11 1 Junior 11 12 – 17 2 Senior 12 18+ 3
3. The following grading scale will be used:
GRADE Advanced** Honors All others A 100 – 90 100 – 93 100 – 95 B 89 – 80 92 – 83 94 – 85 C 79 – 70 82 – 73 84 – 75 D 69 – 60 72 – 66 74 – 70 F 59 – 0 65 - 0 69 - 0 ** Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment (Academic & CTE), Governor’s School, Nursing, & ASE
4. No grade lower than ten (10) points below the minimum passing grade for that class will be recorded as the average for the first grading period.
5. LEE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS are on Quarter (nine week) grading periods.
6. Progress reports will be sent home the middle of each grading period, or more often as needed.
Adopted: April 11, 2005 Amended: March 12, 2007 Amended: February 10, 2009 Amended: June, 2010
32 Lee High School Parking Application & Rules Reserve and General Parking Permit
LHS Driving and Parking Rules
1. The Student agrees to obey all state and local laws governing the operation of motor vehicles and all duly established rules and regulations concerning operation and parking of motor vehicles on school grounds. 2. Every Student who parks in the student parking lot must have a student hangtag. This tag must be purchased within the first two weeks of each new school year. 3. Maximum speed limit on school grounds is 15mph at all times. 4. Students must display the hangtag from his/her rearview mirror. 5. All pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times. 6. Keep your vehicle locked while parked on school grounds. 7. Students may not return to their vehicles during school hours without receiving authorization from administration. 8. Students’ cars may be searched when reasonable cause warrants the search. U.S. Supreme Court case-New Jersey v. T.L.O. is supported by the state of Virginia. 9. Any damage caused by the student to the parking area or any structures in the parking area will be the responsibility of the student. The Lee County Sheriff’s Department and the Virginia State Police will not investigate accidents on school property. It will be the responsibility of the student and their insurance provider. 10. Students are to park only in their assigned lot, using only one parking spot.
1. Using more than one space 1st Violation: Written warning to student 2. Littering in parking lot 2nd Violation: Second warning to student 3. Improper permit display 3rd Violation: Five school days’ parking suspension 4. Inaccurate vehicle registration 4th Violation: One month parking suspension 5th Violation: Revocation of parking permit
5. Reckless driving 1st Violation: Written warning to student 6. Parking in improper spot 2nd Violation: Second warning to student and 7. Parking under another student’s ten school days’ parking suspension hangtag. 3rd Violation: One month parking suspension 4th Violation: Revocation of parking permit
33 8. Vandalism 1st Violation: Revocation of parking permit 9. Parking under suspended permit (#9: also tow) 10. Failure to follow instruction of staff
Drivers are expected to know the LHS parking rules, adhere to the rules, and accept the consequences for violation of any parking rule. Furthermore, Lee High School reserves the right to modify these rules at any time.
34 LHS Student Parking Permit Application
Student Name: ______
Class Level:______
Permanent Mailing Address: ______
Phone # ______
35 HANG TAG #______Lee High Policy on Plagiarism Definition: Plagiarism means presenting work done (in whole or in part) by someone else as if it were one’s own. Dishonest practices include three basic types: Word-for-word plagiarism: repeating the exact words of a source without giving necessary credit. Paraphrase plagiarism: basically saying the same thing as the original source with just a few words changed. Spot plagiarism: using a source’s key words or phrases as one’s own without giving credit Note: Research will not be considered one’s own when one simply pieces together the ideas of others and calls it a research paper. One must give credit for the ideas one uses unless the ideas are widely accepted as “common knowledge” information. Information is considered “common knowledge” if most people know it. For example, it is common knowledge that there are 365 days in a year, but most people do not know that it rained 210 days in Seattle in 1990. Plagiarism is dishonesty and includes, but is not limited to: [1] Exams and tests A. Impersonation of another student in an exam or test. B. Copying from another student, or making information available to another student with the knowledge that this is to be submitted by the other student as his/her own work. C. Use of unauthorized material. D. Submission of a take-home exam that was written by someone else. [2] Laboratory and Scientific research assignments A. Copying lab reports or allowing someone to copy lab reports. B. Using another student’s data unless specifically allowed by the instructor. C. Allowing someone else to use the lab work. D. Using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material in a lab report without acknowledgment. E. Faking laboratory data. [3] Essays and assignments A. Submission of an essay written in whole or part by someone else as one’s own. B. Preparing an essay or assignment for another student. C. Copying an essay or assignment, or allowing one’s essay/assignment to be copied by someone else. D. Using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material without acknowledgment. E. The buying or selling of a term paper or assignment. F. The submission of the same piece of work in more than one class without the permission of the instructor. G. Submitting whole or a part of a computer program with or without minor modifications as one’s own. Plagiarism can be distinguished from co-operations and collaboration. Often, students may be permitted or expected to work on assignments collectively and to present the results either collectively or separately. This type of assignment is not plagiarism so long as it is clearly understood whose work is being presented, for example, by way of formal acknowledgment. Instructors will provide students with proper form of MLA and APA citation and use of sources. Procedures for plagiarism First and subsequent offenses of plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment with no chance to make up work, as well as a parent conference, and one day of OSS. 36 LEE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2010-2011 SCHOOL CALENDAR
Events / Breaks July '10 August '10 Date Description Inde pen den S ce u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa July 4 Day Cou nty Inse rvic e Day 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 August 10, 11,12 s Sch ool 1 1 Star 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 1 12 3 14 August 16 ts 1 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 15 16 17 8 19 0 21 2 2 2 18 19 20 21 22 3 24 22 23 24 5 26 7 28 3 25 26 27 28 29 0 31 29 30 31 Lab or Day No Sch September 6 ool September '10 October '10 September 20 Progress Reports S u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1st Qua rter End s Half 1 2 3 4 1 2 October 15 Day 44 Day s 1st Qua 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rter 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 1 14 1 16 October 25 Rep 3 5 ort Car 37 ds Go Out 2 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 0 21 2 23 2 2 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 7 28 9 30 31
November '10 December '10 November 1,2 Election Day No School Vet era S ns u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa November 11 Day Pro gres s Rep 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 November 15 orts Tha nks givi ng / Fall 1 Bre 7 8 9 0 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 November 22-26 ak 1st Se m. 1 1 Exa 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 December 14, 15, 16, 17 ms Half Day 1st Se m. End s 82 2 2 Day 21 22 23 4 25 26 27 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 December 17 s Chri stm as 2 Bre 28 29 30 26 27 28 9 30 31 December 20-31 ak
January '11 February '11 2nd Se mes ter S Beg u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa January 3 ins 1 1 2 3 4 5 Rep ort Car ds Go 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 January 10 Out 1 1 9 10 11 2 13 14 15 13 14 15 6 17 18 19
38 Pro gres s 1 2 Rep 16 17 18 9 20 21 22 20 21 22 3 24 25 26 February 7 orts Win ter 2 Bre 23 24 25 6 27 28 29 27 28 February 18, 21 ak Pos sibl e Mak e- Up Day 30 31 s
March '11 April '11 S u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa 3rd Qua rter End s Half 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 March 11 Day 48 Day s 3rd Qua 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rter Rep ort Car ds 1 1 Go 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 10 11 12 3 14 15 16 March 21 Out 2 2 20 21 22 3 24 25 26 17 18 19 0 21 22 23 Eas ter/ Spri ng 3 2 Bre 27 28 29 0 31 24 25 26 7 28 29 30 April 18-22 ak Pro gres s Rep April 25 orts
May '11 June '11 S u M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa SO L Test ing Win 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 May 2-27 dow 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 May 24, 25, 26 27 2nd 39 Se m. Exa 1 ms Sec ond Se mes ter End s 98 1 1 Day 15 16 17 8 19 20 21 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 May 27 s Sch ool 2 2 End 22 23 24 5 26 27 28 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 May 27 s 2 Half 29 30 31 26 27 28 9 30 Day
App rove d: Jan uary 7, 201 0
Acknowledgement of Receipt I have received a copy of the Lee High School Student Handbook either electronically or hard cover. I am responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules and regulations set forth in this handbook. A copy can be electronically obtained through the Lee High School web page.Students are required to sign the acknowledgment of receipt of this book.Print Student
40 Name______Student Signature______Date:______AN.