Curriculum Vitae s34
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Contact details:
Paul Schoen 2 Waddenhall Cottages Petham Canterbury Kent, CT4 5PX UK
Tel: +44 1227 700825 (O) / +44 1227 700677 (H) Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Skype: paul.schoen1 CURRICULUM VITAE
1. Family name: SCHOEN
2. First names: Paul
3. Date of birth: 22nd July 1966
4. Passport holder of: British/Argentinean
5. Residence: UK
6. Education:
Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: [ Date from – Date to ] Hull University, UK 1985-1988 BA (Hons) South East Asian Studies LSE, London, UK 1988-1989 MSc (Econ) International Relations Wye College, University of London, UK 1990-1991 MSc (Econ) Agricultural Economics
7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)
Language Reading Speaking Writing English (mother tongue) 1 1 1 Spanish 2 2 2 German 2 2 2
8. Membership of professional bodies:
9. Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc): Fully computer literate (MS office – Word, Excel and other programmes such as AsDB/FAO/WB’s Farmod and Costab, as well as MS Project)
10. Present position: Independent Consultant
11. Years within the firm: Independent since May 2006
12. Key qualifications: Over 20 years of experience in a broad range of economic and natural resource development areas. Increasingly undertaking missions for donors including UNDP, DFID, IFAD, SNV, and EC as Team Leader. Expertise includes Macro and Micro-Economic and Financial Sector Analysis. He is particularly strong in project identification, Project Preparation and Formulation (e.g. Vietnam and Laos), appraisal, Monitoring (on-going) and Evaluation (mid-term (e.g. Bangladesh), final/terminal (e.g. Nigeria, Botswana, Bangladesh, Romania) and ex-post (e.g. India), cost-benefit analysis as well as business planning and financial and economic forecasting and logical framework development. He has undertaken well over 40 consultancy missions of which a quarter, were evaluation or monitoring. Other missions were related to business development or project management. He has been involved in setting up and assessing monitoring and evaluation systems for various projects including several in the Balkan region for the EC and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the sectors of SME and agricultural value chain support and institutional change. He has also undertaken work on Food Security with particular reference to the examination of food security in the agricultural sector covering macro-economic and micro-economic analysis. Other areas include Food Marketing Economics with reference to market performance, structure and conduct as well as pricing policy and value chain analysis, development and monitoring (West Africa, Balkan region). Consultancy areas have included Policy and Sector and Sub-Sector Analysis (e.g. Tanzania Productivity Assessment) including programming and country analysis. Sub-sectors have covered local institutional development, rural development and service support systems (public and private) (e.g. Vietnam - ADP II, Bangladesh - Chars Livelihoods Programme I and II, Nigeria - MPP3) as well as fund development and design, agricultural economics, irrigation and water economics, , fisheries, floodplain projects, food crops, livestock and poultry economics, small farm business development and management improvement studies, environmental economics (EIAs). Assignments have also included examination of institutions, capacity and capability assessments and institutional strengthening. His work has also covered competitive research grant systems as well as commercialisation of research organisations in East and West Africa for both the World Bank and EC. Much of his consultancy and advisory work have included sustainable livelihoods, poverty alleviation, community development and some specialist areas including pastoral development and conflict management. Consultancies have also involved Agribusiness Analysis and agribusinesses in several developing countries as well as transition economies of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Asia with a view to identifying export potential and building on existing comparative advantages. Various planning and policy tools such as the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) including Domestic Resource Costs has been employed. He also has a particular interest in Small Island and Developing States (SIDS) and the development of economic/environmental vulnerability indexes (EVIs). He has international experience in development projects, either on single assignment or working with, or leading, multidisciplinary teams, at local, regional and international levels in South and South East Asia, South Pacific, Latin America, Caribbean, Africa, Eastern Europe and other transition economies as well as the Mediterranean. He has undertaken work for numerous agencies including DFID, EC, Tacis, Phare, UNDP, IFC, DGIS (Dutch Aid), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), FAO, IFAD, Senter (Dutch Agency), LuxDevelopment, SNV ( in collaboration with Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the AfDB. Commercially, he has prepared (written, identified teams and prepared financial offers) many hundreds of proposals over the last decade for companies competing for donor organisation funded projects, including agribusiness, sustainable livelihoods, poverty alleviation, water and irrigation and policy formulation, and economic development (on average about five a year). He has been business manager, and Head of Section, for a number consultancy companies with responsibility for Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe and as a result have undertaken many business visits to all the donors in country as well as Headquarters respectively. He continues to receive requests for proposal preparation as an independent consultant. 13. Professional experience:
Date from – Location Company & Company & Position Description Date to reference reference (mths) person1 (name person2 (name and contact and contact details) details) 9-11-09 to Albania/UK SNV/D-MoFA SNV /Danish- Monitoring Development of a Performance Monitoring Programme (PMP) for Pro Mali Programme. 4-12-09 (Martin MoFA Programme Development of a programme of works including framework, templates to be used, monitoring schedule West Specialist for monitors in the team and mentoring the support to SMEs in three value chains of apples, herbs and /mwest@snv spices and small ruminants. Planned external regular monitoring visits anticipated into 2010-14. Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation). Two core missions to design PMP undertaken. 20-7-09 to Bangladesh/ DFID/Maxwell DFID Lead Economist Design of Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP - Phase II)– Phase 2 (Management and Technical 1-11-09 UK Stamp (Cat (member of core Support: Design of second phase of a GBP 70 M programme in the riverine areas of Bangladesh by Vignon team) linking people to services prior to “exiting”. Responsible for full Cost Benefit Analysis and economic /cvignon@ma analysis of the second phase. (two missions). m) 1-5-09 – Home based DFC EC - DG Analyst and Writer Background discussion papers for ECFIN Conferences – Preparation of a discussion paper on “the 30-5-09 (13 (and (Tiphaine Economic and Asian Experience in Financing rural development”. Experiences including, case studies, differences and December Shanghai Laurent Financial similarities and identification of best practices. The role of the IFIs, the private sector as well as the 2009 presentation /tiphainel@bc Affairs regulatory environment will also be a focus. Paper served as background document for conference held presentatio December n.thedfcgroup. in China in December 2009. Paper was presented in Shanghai. n) 2009) com 23-3-09 to Pakistan UNDP (Direct UNDP (Direct Team MTR of Community Empowerment through Livestock Development and Credit (CELDEC) – review 1-5-09 contract) Cyra contract) Leader/Evaluation of all elements of this 3-6 year project in partnership with the Government of Pakistan and private sector Syed corporations Nestle Pakistan and Engro Pakistan. CELDAC is designed to enhance income and /cyra.syed@u employment generation of rural women through livestock skills development, improved livelihoods and food security at the household and community level. It is a component of UNDP’s and the Government of Pakistan’s overarching Gender Support Programme (GSP). The initiative is implemented in Punjab and Sindh. 2-09 to 7-09 Tanzania Innovex Ltd Government Team Leader Productivity Analysis Study: Collection and analysis of data relating to 8 sub-sectors (agriculture, (Leonard of Tanzania fisheries, forestry, mining, manufacturing, bee keeping, livestock and wildlife) in the Tanzania n economy Chacha with respect to production, productivity and efficiency. Recommendations on performance enhancement /leonard.chac and policy direction. Team of 6. Made keynote presentation of Study at Workshop in Dar Es Salaam ha@innovexd (three missions). 10-1-09 – UK and SNV SNV Technical Assistance in programme and assignment indicator setting for Balkan Region. Review of 12-2-09 Albania (Netherlands (Netherlands Advisor/Monitor and documentation related to indicator setting and monitoring and evaluation system approach. Development Development Evaluator Organisation) Organisation) Courtney 1 The Contracting Authority reserves the right to contact the reference persons. If you have any objection to this fact, kindly state so and provide a justification 2 The Contracting Authority reserves the right to contact the reference persons. If you have any objection to this fact, kindly state so and provide a justification Bickert/ cbickert@snv 12-08 to 01- UK Private Private Proposal writers Preparation of two proposals: South Africa – SURUDEC and Swaziland - Smallholder Sugar 09 consultancy consultancy Support Project (Sivlia Finizio /finizio@eurec 7-20/10 UK DFC S.A. Koffi Annan Economist – Poverty Strategy Formulation: Development of a Strategy for Poverty Alleviation to compliment the peace 2008 José Luis Foundation. Alleviation Strategist mediation functions for the newly established Foundation in Geneva. Analysis and review of poverty and Mombrù/: conflict resolutions and strategy for the intervention of the foundation post peace settlement. [email protected]
9/09-5/10 Nigeria EPOS (Aida EU-EDF Team Leader - Study for the Provision of Future Routine Immunization Services - Study to explore the transition of 2008 Bayou Economist EU PRIME (Partnership to Reinforce Immunization Efficiency) from EU supported project to service entity /aida.bayou@ and review of services that LGAs and State could themselves undertake and either funded directly or through alternative means and methods including other donors and private corporations. Months 06- Botswana Atkins EU -EDF Team Leader - Final Evaluation: Land and Water Management Applied Research Programme - Project No. 8 ACP 07 2008 International Economist RAU 018: nThe overall objective of the Programme was to increase the availability of improved and Ltd Ian appropriate L&WM technologies to R&D institutions in the SADC region for subsequent dissemination to mathieson/ian farmers, particularly smallholder farmers. It is in line with the boarder development goal of increasing .mathieson@ regional crop production, whilst conserving finite natural resources, and is consistent with the atkinsglobal.c programming guidelines of the 8th EDF Regional Indicative Programme for SADC. The overall objective om of the Final Project Evaluation was to assess the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the programme against the results anticipated in the project logical framework. 25-4-08 to Mauritius Landell Mills Government Resource Economist Development of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Framework – Financed by the Government 25-5-08 and Timothee of the Republic of Mauritius. The outputs of this work include an Integrated Coastal Zone Strategy, 3-11-08 28- Maurice National Policy and Legislative Framework and ICZM Area and Action Plans for Pressure Zones. 11-08 /Timothee.Ma Undertook economic valuation of the coastal zone area as well as development of financing options and urice@landell strategies for ICZM implementation. Two missions. 2-12-07 to Nigeria EPOS (Aida EU - EDF Team Leader – Health Cost Study on Routine Immunization. The specific objectives included: 31-3-08 Bayou (Health) Economist total cost to fully immunise a child taking cognisance of cost categories and quantities of inputs from /aida.bayou@ all stakeholders at federal, state and LGAs (e.g. vaccines, consumables, transport, cold chain procurement and maintenance, personnel, etc) for routine immunization (excluding supplemental immunization activities) using available data; cost projections for routine immunization at federal, EU PRIME focal states and LGAs for 2007 to 2010; and current and anticipated financing of routine immunization at all levels against projected costs. Several missions undertaken between December 2007 and end of March 2008. 14-10-07 to Laos Agrifor Lux- Team Leader – Formulation Mission for Khamkeut Integrated Local Development Project (KILODEP). Leader of 15-11-07 Renaud Development Local Development/ formulation mission for new Provincial Development Project comprising a Local Development Fund, Jumet/ Fund Management/ Capacity Building for Local Government and Public Finance and Sustainable Service Delivery. r.jumet@agrif Economist/Rural Formulation of various funds including a priority, competitive and credit fund. The project was expanded Development from €4 M to close to €8 M covering the whole province of Bolikhamxay. 11/12-10-07 Hungary TETT Bohus TETT Presenter Presentation on EDF tendering, contracting and consultancy rules and procedures for new member state Péter consultants and state operators. Pál/ppbohus @tettconsult. eu 16-4-07 to Vietnam SOFRECO)/ AFD Project Costing Agricultural Diversification Project II (Preparation/Formulation), Agence Française de 11-05-07 Julien Specialist/Economist Développement (AFD). The proposed ADPII aims at increasing farmers’ incomes and creating rural Guillaud/ employment through promoting market-oriented diversification of agriculture in the central highland and Julien.GUILL coastal provinces of Vietnam. Achieving this objective would contribute to increasing and stabilizing the AUD@sofrec incomes of smallholders in the central highland and coastal provinces, thereby leading to the growth of the rural economy and the reduction of rural poverty in the country’s central region. The expected specific outcomes of the proposed project would be that: (i) farmers adopt new crops and new and environmentally sound production and post harvest techniques; (ii) farmers adopt new livestock production and animal health techniques; (iii) farmers increase productive on-farm investments; and, (iv) farmers have increased access to market infrastructure and information. Responsible for preparing project costs (in COSTAB) for all components as well as Economic and Financial Analysis Chapter of Preparation Report. a) 26-3-07 Bosnia- EURECNA/ EU – CARDS Monitoring Specialist Indicator Setting – EU Regional and Economic Development II (REDS II). Review of monitoring activities to 5-4-07 b) Herzegovina (Sivlia of Regional Development Agencies Monitors’ Network, mentoring and training sessions as well as 11-6-07 to Finizio imparting best practice on monitoring techniques and skills, including identification of proper indicators, 28-6-07 c) /finizio@eurec information collection, preparing operational plans, conducting interviews, documenting evidence and 10-9-28 to preparing comprehensive reports. Reports on individual RDA monitor skills and recommendations on 28-9-07 further individual capacity building. Development of Monitor’s Manual and Flow Chart of steps involved. 02-2007 Trinidad And Agrisystems EU (EDF) Economist Financing Proposal for Trinidad and Tobago Sector Policy Support (EU): The strategic basis for the Tobago (Desk Mike Financing Proposal was the formulation of a National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) which was designed to Based) Gutteridge/mi establish a comprehensive framework to support national adjustment to a combination of reforms to the ke.gutteridge EU Sugar Protocol and a 2003 economic policy decision by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad @cardnoagris and Tobago (GORTT) to terminate its support for, and direct involvement in, the sugar cane industry’s commercial activities. Financing Proposal written and presented to EU. 14-11-2006 Nigeria Agrisystems/ EU – (EDF) Team Leader – Final Project Evaluation of Micro-Projects Programme in the Delta Regions. The overall objective of to 15-1- Mike Economist/ MPP3 was to help improve the living standard in poor settlements of the Niger Delta (Rivers, Bayelsa and 2007 Gutteridge/mi Evaluation Delta States), contributing to the reduction of the poverty, social tensions and crisis. The project purpose ke.gutteridge was to implement basic infrastructures and support income-generating activities. The results would be the @cardnoagris implementation of around 5,000 micro-projects (MPs) ranging from € 1,000 to € 20,000 mainly in the sectors of water supply, village transport, health systems, income generation or micro-credit schemes. Special attention would also be given to non-physical results of projects including capacity building of local organisations and improvements of skills and technical knowledge of local craftsmen and contractor. Complied with the structure of the EU for such missions covering relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. Leader of mission comprising 5 people. 9-31/10 Romania IFAD IFAD Socio-Economist/ End of Project Evaluation of the Apuseni Development Project, which was a 5-year IFAD-initiated 2006 (direct (direct Evaluation project working through a revolving credit fund functioning as a discount facility for the provision of both contract) Mark contract) investment and working loans for qualifying beneficiaries/SMEs. The activities eligible for financing Keating included improved livestock production, small processing plants, and income and employment facilities, m.keating@if such as agro-tourism and other small business activities. The evaluation assessed project performance, the impact on project users and the performance of project partners. As part of the assignment a small survey was supervised to analyse impact on direct and impact beneficiaries. A Socio-Economic Impact Chapter constituted the output. 09 –2006 Liberia FAO (direct FAO (direct Agricultural Comprehensive Assessment of the Agriculture Sector in Liberia (CAAS-Lib – Sub-sector Study). through to contract with contract with Economist (Crops) Member of a team drafting an assessment document indicating and specifying the potential role of 02-2007 TCAS) Vito TCAS) specified agricultural commodity value chains and associated SMEs (i.e. cereals (rice upland and Cistulli/vito.cis lowland), root crops (cassava), vegetables) in achieving the priority objectives of Government with a focus [email protected] on smallholders, traditional farming and food security. Also identification of inputs for the preparation of a strategic orientation framework to achieve sustainable food security and nutrition, agricultural development and medium and long term investments needed in the sector. Calculation of DRCs and competitive advantage ratios undertaken. 06-07/2006 Pakistan SOGREAH – EU – Asia Monitor - Asia Monitoring - Member of a team of monitors to review and assess performance and status of various Agrisystems/ Monitoring projects funded by the EU including those supporting SMEs. Projects assigned included “Financial Sector Mike Reforms Programme” (i.e. for SMEs and Micro-Finance Institutions) (project value €50 million – €5 Million Gutteridge/ in TA and €45 Million in grant assistance) and “Institute for Educational Development (Phase II)” (project mike.gutteri €10 million Euro). Monitoring reports prepared in line with guidelines and criteria set by the EU and Asia- Monitoring team. dge@cardno agrisystems. 02-3 2006 Bangladesh DFID – DFID – Economist – Output-to-Purpose Review (OPR) of DFID-WFP programme support. Reviewed 2 projects supported seconded to seconded to Evaluation by DFID – Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme and DFID Partnership Agreement (PA) with Aquaconsult/ Aquaconsult WFP. Lead responsibility for the OPR for WFP. Harold Lockwood/har old.lockwood @aguaconsul
02-03- Bangladesh UNDP/ UNDP Team Best Practices Mission: Develop a series of Knowledge and Best Practices Products that further the 2005 / 10- Shireen Leader/Economist/ replication potential of livelihoods and community development projects in Bangladesh and 2005 Sayeed/shiree Livelihood Specialist elsewhere. Two-person team. (Up to three visits – March and October 2005. n.sayeed@un 11-04 to 04- Georgia Pollard EU - Tacis Project Director Project Management: Increase of Financial Management Capacity within the Ministry of Agriculture and 06 Blakeley/pol Food: Project direction and operations manager of a team of international and national lard.blakeley consultants providing TA to the Ministry of Agriculture in increasing its ability to manage, plan and budget its agricultural and rural development and food security funds over a period of 18 month. @agrisyste Visits undertaken in February, March, June and August 2005 and March 2006. 11 2004 / Bangladesh UNDP/ UNDP Fisheries Two Project Review – Horticulture and Fisheries Projects: Review and comparison of two UNDP 03 2005 Ayshanie Livelihood funded project which were evaluated in the last 12 months (one of which refers to the Labe/ayshani /Economist/ Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Livelihood Security: (BGD/97/017). The e.labe@undp. Evaluation purpose was to provide UNDP with lessons and recommendations for the design, management org and development of future rural development and community/livelihoods projects in Bangladesh. Member of a five-person team to cover horticulture, nutrition and policy formulation. Worked closely with Team Leader on finalisation of the report covering all the sections required. 07-08 2004 India EC EC Team Leader - Small Projects Facility Programme (EC) – Civil Society: Technical and Financial Assessor of NGO Social Development/ proposals submitted to the Small Projects Facility (SPF) Programme in the area of civil society, Assessor development and contribution to EU-India social and economic relations. 70 proposals reviewed by the team in a highly transparent and organised manor over a period of two weeks in the EU-Delegation in Delhi. Proposals were assessed according to 5 criteria: Financial and Management Capacity, Relevance to the SPF Programme, Methodology, Sustainability and Budget/Cost-Effectiveness. Team Leader/Coordinator of 8 consultants (4 Indian and 4 Int’l). 03-04/2004 Papua New EC EC Economist Preparation of a Joint Annual Review (JAR). Review of country material on economic, social and Guinea (EDF)/Govt of (EDF)/Govt of political situation as well as concentration on focal areas of the EC and GoPNG (NAO). Examined issues PNG PNG dealing with cross cutting themes including gender, environment and good governance. Reviewed the programme covering STABEX/FLEX/SYSMIN and EDF funding sources. Drew up summaries in line with Millennium Development Goals and indicators of poverty reduction and prepared the draft Joint Annual Report 2003 for submission in line with the Cotonou requirements. 11-12/2004 Bangladesh UNDP UNDP Team Leader/ Empowerment of Coastal Fishing Communities for Livelihood Security (ECFC) – Mid Term Economist Evaluation: Evaluation of project in Cox’a Bazar. The project focused on community and social development, empowerment of coastal fishery communities, capacity building of Government services providers and marine resource management and protection. 07/2003 & Sierra Leone Agrisystems DFID Team Leader/ Community Reintegration Programme (CRP): Designed an end of project impact assessment 02/2004 Economist / programme as well as evaluation data collection methodology. An integrated impact assessment format Programme was developed, tested and compiled. Through CRP over 450 micro-projects were funded as part of an assessment effort to reintegrate ex-combatant and other war affected person (OWAPs) back into the local communities. Projects covered physical infrastructure (e.g. schools, police stations, ferries), reintegration, Water and Sanitation (WATSAN), natural resources (agriculture, fisheries, forestry) and programme-wide activities in 6 Districts of the country. Visits were made throughout the programme area and targeted over half the population of the country. Two missions undertaken. Led a small team of two local consultants. 11-12/2002 Nigeria AfDB AfDB Team Leader/ Resource Use Conflict Management Study: Study to explore conflicts over land and water use between Agricultural arable crop farmers and livestock (transhumance) herders, institutions to overcome conflicts and ways of Economist managing equal access to limited resources in the fadama seasonally flooded areas of Nigeria. (on behalf of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Central West, AfDB) 2002 S E Asia WME WME Senior Consultant Project identification mission to all major donors and clients of WM Enterprise including UNOPS, ADB, EU, World Bank, DFID and national Governments. (Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) 02-06/2002 Bangladesh WME DFID Socio-Economist / Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP): Development of Economic Guideline for use by non- Design economist members of the Team; Developed economic and financial budgets for each of the components of the programme and wrote the Economic Annex of the Programme Document; lead author of a Policy Document entitled, “Rural Farm and Non-Farm Economic Policy and Strategy Paper with Reference to the Char Livelihood Programme Area – A Case of Multiple Insularity”, to be adopted by DFID and for onward presentation to the Government of Bangladesh 02/2002 Romania WME WME Senior Consultant Undertook site visit as well as writing and support for EC proposal “Partnership Development between Local Government and NGOs” to be located countrywide. 2001 S E Asia WME WME Senior Consultant Project identification mission to all major donors and clients including EU, ADB, World Bank, DFID and national Governments. (Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines) 11/2001 Malta FWC EU - FWC Agriculture/ NR and Special Needs Assessment Study for the Island of Gozo: Conducted a rapid appraisal of the strengths, WME Environmental weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Gozo with respect to the natural resources and impact of agro- Economist industry activities. 08-09/2001 Bangladesh IFC IFC Enterprise and Export Agribusiness Sector Study: Studied the market for agro-industrial products covering livestock, Marketing Expert fisheries (fresh and brackish water, including inland water fisheries and shrimp), flowers, fruit and vegetables. Undertook DRC analysis on 4 models. 06-07/2001 India WME EC Economist/ Terminal Evaluation of Rural Cooperative Storage Project in Bihar State: Final evaluation of a € 20 Evaluation million project, which assisted the construction of 1,500 storage houses (Godowns) and provided financial and capacity building support to Primary Agricultural Cooperative Associations (PACS) in 20 districts of the State, as well as the Government of Bihar, through a complex system of loans, grants and training mechanisms. 06/2001 Romania WME WME Economist Site visit as well as writing and support for DFID proposal “Local and Regional Development Project” to be located in the Northern Region of the country. 1997-2001 Global/ Africa NR NR Head of Business Headed the Business Development Group as well as having a special remit to examine consultancy International International Development/ development projects in Asia and the Pacific and Latin America. Project Management and Consultancy - Ltd Ltd Business Manager/ Project Director for a number of long term and medium term projects/assignments either in Africa or Africa world- included the DFID funded North and East Research Project in Uganda and an Evaluation of the EU's Food Security Programme directing a team of seven economists. Promoted in 2000 to Principal Consultant for Business Development 11/2000 India NR DFID Economist Project proposal site visit to gather and analyse material for the Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project. International Ltd 03/2000 to Ghana World Bank World Bank Economist/Project Project proposal site visit to gather material on restructuring the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) 09/2000 Director to be funded by the World Bank through the Civil Service Commission under the National Institutional Renewal Programme. Subsequently won and implemented. 02-12/2000 Global NR EC - (SCR) Project Evaluation of the EU Food Security Programme: Member of a team of economists responsible for International Director/Team evaluating the Food Security Programme of the EU world-wide in terms of macro-economic efficiency, Ltd Member effectiveness, impact and sustainability with reference to the EU Regulation on Food Security/Food Aid. Other yardsticks of “success” included coherence, complementarity and consistency. 06-07/2000 Moldova NR NR Economist Project proposal site visit and substantial contribution of the writing for project on Support to the International International Education, Research and Advisory Services of Moldova worth Euro 3 million. In partnership with other commercial consultancy companies. 06/2000 Uganda/ EU – EDF EU – EDF Agricultural Regional Programme to Support Agricultural Research in Eastern Africa (ASARECA): Undertook Kenya NR Economist revision of Financing Proposal to incorporate additional funds made available to allow inclusion of a International number of research networks into the Programme. 1998-1999 Africa NR NR Rural Development Project identification mission to all major donors and clients of NR International including EU, World Bank, International International Expert DFID, national Governments. (visits to Mozambique/ Zambia/ Côte d’Ivoire/ Ghana/ Malawi/ Tanzania/ Ethiopia) 05/1999 Uganda/ NR NR Rural Dev Expert Undertook site visit for tender to be submitted to DFID for Integrated Lake Management Project around Kenya International International Lakes George and Kyoga. Data gathering from institutions and government agencies in Kampala and NGOs. 1998 West Africa NR NR Business Manager Project identification mission to all major donors and clients including EC (Ghana/Cote D’Ivoire/Nigeria) International International 1998 Kenya/ NR NR Business Manager Project site visit for projects to be funded by EC and DFID for the following sectors: Tse- Uganda International International Tse/Forestry/East African Agricultural Research/East African Livestock Research. 1998 Cameroon NR NR Business Manager Project Preparation Mission - Mount Cameroon Project - Limbe. Data collection including costing and International International fact-finding undertaken. 09-10/1997 Tajikistan Euroconsult EC - Tacis Economist-Business TA to the Fruit and Vegetable Sector Project. Developed and advised on the writing of Business Plans Development for small and medium size enterprises in the fruit and vegetable sector including, lemons, honey, dried Adviser apricot manufacturing, cannery and a glass jar and bottle factory. 02-04/1997 Russia Euroconsult Senter – Agricultural Nizhny Novgorod Poultry Project. Financial and economic appraisal of privatised poultry farm. (Dutch Euroconsult Economist Economic Assistance). 1996 Kazakhstan Euroconsult Euroconsult Agricultural Fact finding mission undertaken for purposes of writing project proposal: Participatory Training and Farm Economist Demonstration Project to be funded by the World Bank. Proposal subsequently won 1996 India EU EU Economist Alkaline Soils Rehabilitation Project in Uttar Pradesh/Bihar by developing monitoring budget of EC and FAI FAI Government of India funds. 1996 Lithuania EC EC Agricultural Appraisal and Project Preparation mission for an irrigation project. FAI FAI Economist 1995 Ukraine FAI ODA/KHF Economist Identification/Appraisal Mission. Mission to develop four project ideas identified by the Agricultural Restructuring Unit to the stage where they were made ready for full appraisal and inclusion in the 1996- 1997 agricultural restructuring programme 1995 South Africa FAI ODA Economist Fact finding mission to explore Southern Africa pipeline project opportunities for private consultancy company with European Union and British Development Division Southern Africa. 1995 Swaziland FAI FAI Economist Fact-finding mission undertaken to collect project data for Small Dams Rehabilitation and Construction Phase II. 1995 Namibia ODA – FAI ODA – FAI Economist/ Project Supervision Mission of Technical Assistance Project Developing of Agricultural Statistical Capacity in the Officer Ministry of Agriculture. 1995 Namibia FAI FAI Economist Fact finding mission undertaken on behalf of Australian consultancy company to Namibia for Northern Region Livestock Development Project to be funded by IFAD and Government. 1995 South FAI DRDC Agricultural/ Latin American Dairy Market Sector Review. Dairy Research and Development Corporation (DRDC), America, Livestock Economist Australia. (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay) Australia 1996 Bangladesh UNDP/ODA UNDP/ODA Programme Officer Managed a number of projects, including: Managed Livestock, Fisheries, Poultry and Remote Sensing; Formulated TOR for Evaluation Missions of UNDP and partner agencies. Supervision and Evaluation Missions. Implemented, monitored and evaluated projects following UNDP Rules and Procedures – Project/Programme Manual (PPM). Project summary sheets and logframe approach also produced. Reviewed Governmental policy for agricultural and fisheries sectors. 1992 PNG DPI DPI Agricultural Econ Division of Primary Industry (DPI), Government of New Ireland Province, Kavieng. Adviser/Consultant to Assist Sec Gen. 1991 Trinidad and Caribbean Caribbean Agricultural/ Oropouch Development Study, South Trinidad for Caribbean Development Bank Tobago Dev Bank Dev Bank Irrigation Economist
14. Other relevant information (e.g. Publications) . Mission and assignment reports. . “Island Insularity - Where Will it End? A Case of “Multiple Insularity” with Reference to the Northern Chars of Bangladesh”, Paul Schoen and Sattar Mandal, Occasional Paper, University of Malta, 1 October 2002 . The Asian Experience in Financing Rural Development – Paper developed for the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and presented at the ASEM Conference held in Shanghai, China on 10-11 December 2009 (EU funded) . Editorial support for occasional papers . Many hundreds of proposals either as lead writer or as support technical editor.