Will the Real Newt Gingrich Stand Up

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Will the Real Newt Gingrich Stand Up


House Minority Whip from 1989 to 1995 and then as the 58th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to Jan 1999.

On January 21, 1997, the House of Representatives voted for the first time in its 208-year history to discipline a House Speaker, and, in a 395-28 vote, ordered Gingrich to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty for ethical wrongdoing.[3]

During his term as Speaker, eighty-four ethics charges were filed against him; eighty-three of them were dropped.[67] The remaining charge concerned a 20-hour college course called "Renewing American Civilization" that Gingrich had taught through a tax-deductible foundation, Kennesaw State College Foundation. Allegations of tax improprieties led to two counts "of failure to seek legal advice" and one count of "providing the committee with information which he knew or should have known was inaccurate" concerning the use of a tax exempt college course for political purposes. To avoid a full hearing, Gingrich and the House Ethics Subcommittee negotiated a sanctions agreement. Democrats accused Gingrich of violating the agreement, but it was forwarded to the House for approval.[68][69] On January 21, 1997, the House voted 395 to 28 to reprimand Gingrich, including a $300,000 "cost assessment" to recoup money spent on the investigation.[70][71]

The full committee panel did not agree whether tax law had been violated.[72] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the courses.[73]

Just because you are smart, just because you are a good orator, does not mean you have or have had the best interest of Americans at the fore front! He is talking about Agenda 21 – does that mean he is for or against it? Does it mean he knows what it is or that is what you want him to say! Talk is cheap

1994 – Voted YES for the Formation of the National Endowment of the Arts Voted YES to 13B in foreign aid Voted Yes to giving the IRS 166M Voted YES to giving the UN an extra 1.2 B Voted Yes to the Presidential line item veto

During his four years as House speaker, Gingrich sometimes opposed President Bill Clinton but he also worked closely with Clinton, in 1996, to limit public welfare, and, in 1997, to pass a capital gains tax cut and, in 1998, to pass the first balanced budget since 1969.

95-96 closing of the gov for a balanced budget from Clinton

1995 - Voted YES to an additional 31.8B in foreign aid 1996 - Voted NO to a 1% decrease in foreign aid Voted YES on the anti-gun legislation and for the Brady Campaign’s Lautenberg Gun Ban Voted YES to subsidize trade with the Soviets Voted YES to transfer of 2.2M acres if Idaho mineral lands to wilderness status Voted Yes to federally funded loan guarantees to further trade with China Made taxpayer funds available to foreign governments through import & export banks Yes to amnesty for illegals Yes on GATT and NAFTA Yes to give China most favorable status

When becoming speaker he presented 3 books to all congressmen – Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers and a book written by his long time friend Alvin Toffler, a professed “futurist” who wrote in his book “we are moving toward a NEW SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. Why no Constitution?

While he was speaker they did pass the 1st balanced budget since 1969 and also the welfare reform bill

In the 1998 book “Lessons Learned the Hard Way” Gingrich outlined a multi-step plan to improve economic opportunities for the poor. The plan called for encouraging volunteerism, creating tax incentives, reducing regulations for business in poor areas. and increasing property ownership by low-income families.

Member of CFR since 1990 – goal of the CFR has always been to push the US into a world government.

Gingrich supported the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, creating the Medicare Part D federal prescription drugs benefit program In a May 15, 2011, interview on Meet the Press, Gingrich repeated his long-held belief that "all of us have a responsibility to pay – help pay for health care", and suggested this could be implemented by either a mandate to obtain health insurance or a requirement to post a bond ensuring coverage

Gingrich has also been an advocate for health information technology. In 2005, together with Hillary Rodham Clinton he announced the proposal of the 21st Century Health Information Act, a bill which aimed to replace paperwork with confidential, electronic health information networks.

In 2005 he became the co-chair of a task force for UN reform, which aimed to produce a plan for the U.S. to help strengthen the UN

Poster child for “flexible” principles. He is a political chameleon shifting his views to reflect whatever is popular in DC at the time.

Fellow congressmen and woman call him calculating, pushy, move heaven and earth to obtain his goals, let’s nothing stand in his way

While speaker he told gun owners that as long as he was speaker no gun control legislation would ever move out of committee to the House floor and at the same time was working behind the scenes to pass gun control

Stood shoulder to shoulder with Nancy Pelosi to pass the Criminal Safezone Act which prevents armed citizens from defending themselves – this bill actually hurts law abiding citizens while protecting the very criminals who brake the law.

His past record shows he has no integrity yet it is the very integrity of the American people he is asking for to vote for him. He certainly had no integrity in how he treated his former 2 wives.

Railed against Obama on the bailouts for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while at the same time was receiving more than 1.5M from Fannie Mae as a “consultant” states he was a historian for them – what?

During this time his firm also raised $27M to pass healthcare mandates.

He once again sat next to Nancy Pelosi in the video insisting on global warming was a man made problem in need of government mandated solutions.

Tea Party crowd, which is skeptical of both long service in Washington and careers in influence peddling

“Well, he’s a fighter, but he’s also a fighter that’s carrying a 200-pound rucksack on his back with all the baggage trying to fight,” West said. “I think the problem with the Republican Party, Laura, and you’ve been around this more than I have, is that we continue to believe in leadership by entitlement. We don’t come up with new faces, new visionary leaders. You look at everyone on this stage — they’ve been in this game for quite some time.”

Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. A petition aimed to convince Congress that Americans, including representatives from both major parties as well as Independents, want them to open oil drilling in Alaska's Wildlife Reserve and off the Atlantic, Pacific and Florida Gulf coasts, and to extract shale oil from the Rocky Mountains, in order to make the country independent from foreign oil. As of 20 August 2008

August 2009, American Solutions launched the "Jobs Here. Jobs Now. Jobs First" campaign, also known as the "Real Jobs Tour", to combat unemployment levels, then approaching 10 percent across the United States.[11] The plan outlined five major tax cuts to boost the American economy, including a two-year, 50 percent reduction in payroll taxes; a 100 percent annual write-off for small businesses' new equipment purchases; adoption of the Irish corporate tax rate of 12.5 percent; and the abolishment of the estate tax and capital gains tax

On January 6, 2011, American Solutions launched NoMoreObamacare.com, a website encouraging congressional Republican lawmakers to defund and repeal the federal health care legislation passed in 2010

Gingrich left the organization when he announced his forming an exploratory committee to run for president in March 2011,

The House banking scandal and Congressional Post Office scandal were emblems of the exposed corruption. Gingrich himself was among the 450 members of the House who had engaged in check kiting; he had overdrafts on twenty-two checks, including a $9,463 check to the Internal Revenue Service in 1990.[33]

During the 2009 special election in New York's 23rd congressional district, Gingrich endorsed moderate Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava, rather than Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, who had been endorsed by several nationally prominent Republicans.[103] He was heavily criticized for this endorsement, with conservatives questioning his candidacy for President in 2012[104][105] and even comparing him to Benedict Arnold, a traitor during America's War of Independence.[106] Gingrich has since regretted his decision.[107]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWENTY-SEVEN SOLID REASONS WHY NEWT GINGRICH IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE

1.Voted for the creation of the Federal Dept. of Education in 1979 under Jimmy Carter. 2.Big supporter of Foreign Aid — even to Soviets through the Export-Import Bank. In one year (1994-1995) voted for nearly $45 billion in foreign aid. That’s $45 BILLION IN ONE YEAR…DID YOU READ THAT!!! 3.Helped push through Federally-funded loan guarantees to Communist China. Uh, that’s with our tax paying dollars! 4.Urged the House to repeal the War Powers Act and give the Presidency more power. 5.Urged Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia. 6.Supports Iraq & Afghan War 7.Calls for Iran War 8.Supported Clinton’s welfare programs, education programs, labor programs, and environmental programs, as well as most of his foreign affairs programs. 9.Supported spending $30B for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states. 10. Voted to give billions of dollars to United Nations “peacekeeping” operations; 11. Pushed for a School Prayer Amendment 12. Mentored by Henry Kissinger. If you don’t know how EVIL Kissinger is… KISS OF DEATH TO AMERICA…he is right there with SOROS, Rockefeller, Rothschild AND MAURICE STRONG (UN CHAIRMAN AND CREATER OF AGENDA 21) 13. Bailed out savings and loan institutions in 1991; $40B Bank bailout. Go to google and put in “US SAVINGS & Loan crash + BUSH” and see what you get! 14. was a draft-dodger during Vietnam, yet advocates foreign interventionism. 15. Worked on the Rockefeller presidential campaign in 1968. 16. Card-Carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a globalist think tank (“think tank” BS… their goal it to take AMERICA COMMUNIST! WAKE UP!) 17. “Distinguished member” of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (neocon, pro-interventionism group) and so u know, AMERICA IS A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY!!! 18. Member of Bohemian Grove (can you say Bilderberg, Trilateral, CFR…same people…same agenda… Amerika goes Communist!) 19. Member of the World Future Society (google 4th World Wilderness Congress/Convention) 20. Voted for NAFTA, a blatant circumvention of Congress’ exclusive power to regulate commerce with foreign nations. Took power from American people and put it into the hands of unelected Binational panels, made mostly of foreigners. 21. Supported GATT 22. Supported WTO (World Trade Organization) 23. Continually supported increased federal spending. 24. Founded the Center for Health Transformation, which advocates its own version of socialized medicine. 25. April 2008, he cuddled up with Nancy Pelosi on a love seat at the National Mall to make a “We Can Solve It” television commercial (for Al Gore’s $300 million global- warming ad campaign) He said that “our country must take action to address climate change.” Yet when he explained his participation at newt.org, he admitted, “I don’t think that we have conclusive proof of global warming [or] that humans are at the center of it.” 26. He recently toured the nation with Reverend Al Sharpton and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to promote President Obama’s education reforms and charter schools. The tour agenda recommended increased local control of schools to be regulated and subsidized by the federal Department of Education. That’s right: increased local control through increased federal regulation. 27. Endorsed an ultra-liberal Republican over a conservative third-party candidate in New York’s 23rd Congressional District special election held November 3. Republican Dede Scozzafava supports same-sex “marriage,” big labor, and abortion. She won the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in March of 2008. The liberal ACORN-affiliated Working Families Party backs Scozzafava. MORE DETAILS…..

He voted for NAFTA which weakened our borders with Canada and Mexico. He voted for GATT which makes the US subject to the authority of the World Trade Organization. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations which is a group of influential people dedicated to globalization at the expense of America’s sovereignty. Use the following web site to explore their membership: http://www.muckety.com Go to the site, type in the organizations’ name, and click the Search button. Read the column on the right to learn how to use the tool. In general, you can double click a displayed box to expand it or right click a box to get a menu of options. It is an interesting tool for mapping relationships between people and organizations.

If you start a new map and enter Newt Gingrich you’ll see about what you would expect. But double click on John Vincent Weber and check him out. He is affiliated with the Aspen Institute and any time you see the Aspen Institute, you know you are dealing with Progressives. If you double click that, you’ll be shocked at some of the names shown. I don’t know if he is still a member but when I looked at it about a year ago, Andrew L Stern of SEIU was a director of the Aspen Institute. In effect, John Vincent Weber is Newt Gingrich’s link to Andy Stern, SEIU, and the Progressives.

Domestic policy votes include supporting the creation of the Department of Education in 1979 under President Carter. Approval of that bill was close. If 3 votes had switched for yes to no it would have killed it. Gingrich was one of 30 Republicans who supported it when the Republicans held 159 seats in the House of Representatives. Even one of the Democrats pointed out that there is no authorization in the Constitution for federal involvement in education. That Department of Education is how the Progressives took over the indoctrination of children into their philosophy.

In 1979 he also voted for the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act which gave the federal government control over almost 80 MILLION acres in Alaska. Jimmy Carter signed the bill into law in 1980. That act turned 80M acres into tourist sites controlled by the federal government rather than Alaskan state controlled mineral and timber resources.

Here is a link to search for historical votes in the US Congress: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes.xpd?year=1979 That link is for 1979 but there is an area on the right side of the web page where you can select the year and other selection criteria. Time Magazine, one of the Progressives’ propaganda outlets, named Newt Gingrich “Man of the Year” in 1995. If you watch closely who is currently giving him, if not praise, then at least less vitriolic coverage, during the current election articles you’ll see that they are mostly leftist news outlets – Time Magazine, The New York Times, Huffington Post, etc. Compare that to their coverage of Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann.

Gingrich’s “Contract with America” was simply a marketing ploy. Under his leadership and with a majority in both houses, spending _growth_ not only continued but actually increased as did the size of the federal government. In 1996 Congress passed the single largest spending increase on education in US history under his leadership. It was 14 billion with a B and that was 1996 dollars. Keep in mind that the House of Representatives totally controls spending. The president and the Senate can negotiate what they will approve, but it is up to the House to specify the spending – and Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House, the most powerful position in that body.

In short, Gingrich talks the conservative talk and once elected furthers the agenda of the Progressives. He is, in fact, one of the reasons our deficit is as large as it is because of the spending and growth of government that occurred when he was Speaker of the House in the late 90′s. STILL NOT SURE????? KEEP READING! WHO IS THE REAL NEWT GINGRICH? PART 2 of 2

By: Devvy June 15, 2009 © 2009 - NewsWithViews.com

Newt Gingrich's rating on the Conservative Index (CI) of the New American, while better than many other members of Congress, is far from the stellar rating you would expect from one heralded as "the theoretician in chief" of the conservatives in Congress, His CI ratings for his eight terms in office has fluctuated between fairly good to mediocre to abysmal:

96th Congress : 85 - 97th Congress: 77 98th Congress : 74 - 99th Congress: 80 100th Congress: 80 - 101st Congress: 57 100nd Congress: 60 - 103rd Congress: 78

The following sample of votes shows only some of the many decidedly unconservative votes Gingrich has cast:

Welfare Madness

During his 16 years in Congress, Gingrich has inveighed vociferously against the evils of the New Deal/Great Society welfare state - while voting for every kind of welfare program imaginable: for the elderly, children, the "homeless," businessmen, farmers, bankers, left-wing broadcasters, etc. Those votes include: March 21, 1991 - $40 billion to begin the unconstitutional bailout of failed savings and loan institutions; June 26, 1991 - $52.6 billion for agriculture program subsidies, and food stamps; October 5, 1992 - $66.5 billion for housing and community development; September 22, 1994 - $250.6 billion in appropriations for the Departments of Labor, HHS, and Education.

Budget-Busting Profligacy. A Balanced Budget Amendment forms the core of the first plan of Gingrich's "Contract with America." He has been calling for such a measure and condemning deficit spending ever since coming to Congress. In an early 1982 speech he called on Congress to reject further increases in the National Debt Limit. "Only by using the debt limit as a leverage point" he bravely declared, "can we force the changes which clearly the liberal leadership of this body wants to avoid." Trouble is, a few months earlier, on February 5, 1981, he had voted with those same "liberals" to raise the National Debt ceiling by another $49.1 billion to $985 billion. He has gone this same route many times since.

[Ed. Note: Fast forward to July 24, 1998: The "public debt" is $5,537,391,525,542.80. How the international banking cartel must sit and laugh themselves silly at the stupidity of the American people to sit back and take this. Guess what? The "debt ceiling level" is $5.950 BILLION. Soon you will see another horse and pony show by the Congress of Clowns, agonizing, posturing and blustering about having to raise the debt limit and more distractions. And raise it they will. That $5.5 billion will soon hit the $5.950 billion mark. Sick.] Of course, raising the debt ceiling would not have been necessary had he practiced what he preached. His votes against "more frugal government" include: December 21, 1987 - $603.9 billion for 13 regular appropriation bills larded with many wasteful, extravagant, and unconstitutional items (it passed by a vote of 209 to 208); May 4, 1989 - outlays of $1.165 trillion and a deficit of $99 billion for a dishonest and spendthrift 1990 budget designed to barely skim in under Gramm-Rudman $100 billion deficit limit; March 10, 1994 - a vote against a responsible amendment offered by Rep. Gerald Solomon (R-NY) to balance the budget by 1999 through $698 billion in spending cuts (a mere 3.5% cut) over five years.

Considering these and other votes against sound fiscal policy, it is not surprising that Gingrich's spendthrift ways have carried over into his personal finances. The 1992 House banking scandal revealed that Gingrich has run 22 overdrafts on his checking account, and this in spite of having voted himself a huge pay raise and having a taxpayer-provided, chauffeur-driven car. Nor it is surprising that his rating from the National Taxpayers Union during the latest session of Congress (the lO3rd) was a meager 75%. His tax-and spend record over the years on votes tabulated by Tax Reform Immediately (TRIM) has so often contradicted his rhetoric that the National Director of TRIM, James Toft, was prompted to remark: "Professor Gingrich hopefully will never be called upon to teach a course in the proper role of our federal government. His rare votes against bloated big government usually have been prompted by the partisan wrangling of the moment, not by any great respect for, or understanding of, the Constitution."

Foreign Aid. If there is anything more unpopular, unconstitutional, counterproductive, fiscally irresponsible, and immoral than welfare for domestic freeloaders, it is welfare for foreign freeloaders. But the "tight-fisted" Mr. Gingrich consistently votes to send U.S. tax dollars to kleptocrats and tyrants abroad: June 27, 1990 - $15.7 billion in foreign aid for fiscal 1991; June 20, 1991 -$12.4 billion for fiscal 1992 and $13 billion for fiscal 1993; June 25, 1992 - $13.8 billion for fiscal 1993; August 6, 1992 - $12.3 billion for the International Monetary Fund and $1.2 billion for the "republics" of the former Soviet Union; June 17, 1993; $ 13 billion for fiscal 1994; September 29, 1993 - $12.9 billion, including $2.5 billion to Russia; August 4, 1994 - $ 13.8 billion for foreign aid for fiscal 1995.

Eco-lunacy. Gingrich, a longtime member of the Georgia Conservancy ("an aggressive environmental group comprised largely of upper-middle class urbanites" - Newt's own words) CO-founded by Jimmy Carter, organized one of the early environmental studies programs back in 1970 while a professor at West Georgia State College. According to Current Biography, the success of his early congressional campaigns was due in large part to "the support of environmentalists." Besides being blatantly unconstitutional, virtually all federal environmental legislation involves gross violations of states' rights and property rights of private individuals, both of which Gingrich claims to champion.

Newt's "green" votes include: May 16, 1979 - the Alaska Lands Bill, locking up 68 million aces as untouchable "wilderness," December l7, l987-$307milion for continuation of the fraudulent and unconstitutional Endangered Species Act, putting the "rights" of owls, bugs, rates, snakes and newts above those of people; March 28, 1990 - elevating the unconstitutional Environmental Protection Agency to Cabinet-level status; May 23, 1990 - the badly misnamed Clean Air bill, requiring radical cuts in industry and automobile emissions, adding tens of billions of dollars annually in new costs to our already stringent and costly air standards.

Federalizing Education. The Communist Manifesto calls for nationalizing education, while the U.S. Constitution, to the contrary, prohibits federal involvement in educational matters. These votes cause on to wonder which document's philosophy is guiding Newt Gingrich's education policy decisions: May 10, 1979 - for creation of the new Cabinet level Department of Education demanded by President Carter and the radical National Education Association; May 9, 1989 - $1.4 billion in federal aid for "applied technology education," the new federalese for vocational education; May 16, 1990 - $2.9 billion for Head Start and Follow Through programs for fiscal 1991, rising to $7.7 billion in 1994; July 20, 1990 - $ 1.I billion for a variety of education programs, none of which the federal government has authority to fund; May 12, 1994 - "such sums as may be necessary" for the $3.3 billion-per-year Head Start program and $2.6 billion for fiscal 1995 for three low-income and child abuse prevention programs.

Counterculture values. Despite playing to the "religious right," Gingrich has racked up a surprisingly "moderate" record on homosexual "rights." His troubling votes include : May 22, 1990 - the Americans with Disabilities Act, permitting massive new federal intervention into the private work-place in order to stop "discrimination" in hiring on the basis of disability, including AIDS; June 13, 1990 - $2.76 billion for various AIDS programs demanded by the militant homosexual lobby; July 12, 1990 - the final version of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

On July 26, 1990 Gingrich voted with the majority in refusing to support a resolution by Rep. William Dannemeyer (R-CA) to expel Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) for felony criminal offenses related to his homosexual activities. He actively supported the re-election of Rep. Steve Gunderson (R-WI), an open homosexual, and praises Gunderson's "courage" for being "gay" and Republican.

Nationalizing Law Enforcement. On October 22, 1991, Gingrich voted for an amendment to the federal crime bill offered by Rep. David McCurdy (D-OK) to establish a National Police Corps. Although he didn't vote for the $30-billion Clinton crime bill of 1994, he resurrected it and helped make passage possible. As Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY), one of Newt's cheerleaders, explained to Michael Kinsley on CNN's Crossfire, "If it wasn't for Newt Gingrich, you wouldn't have a crime bill."

Indeed. The Gingrich-led opposition "threw" the game, failing to challenge the bill's fundamental flaw - that the federal government has no constitutional authority to take over state and local crime fighting duties - and focused instead on "pork" in the bill. "That crime bill stank to high heaven," charged Pat Buchanan. "It federalizes crimes such as spousal abuse, giving the feds police power the Constitution reserves to the states." And the crime package in Newt's "Contract With America" would speed us further down the road toward a national police state.

Newt's Roots

Llewellyn Rockwell, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and publisher of The Free Market, observes that, rhetoric notwithstanding, "Newt Gingrich is a Rockefeller Republican," a big-government `Conservative' who talks a good line, but like Ronald Reagan will give us higher taxes, more government, and more spending. His `Contract with America' is a fraud; it should be called a `Press Conference with America."' Or, perhaps, a "Contract On America." Newt's "Contract" with its calls for amendments to balance the budget and impose term limits, seems to imply that our original contract, the U.S. Constitution, is gravely deficient. This could give new impetus to the dangerous movement for a constitutional convention. *

[*NOTE: Mr. Jasper will examine the "Contract With America" in our January 9, 1995 issue.]

The problems with Newt Gingrich's "conservatism" go back to his "roots. Current Biography Yearbook for 1989 gives this snapshot of his early career:

After graduating from Emory [University in Atlanta] in 1965, Gingrich received a master's degree from Tulane University in 1968. and a PhD. degree in modern European history in 1971. His behavior at Tulane appeared to belie his future conservatism and hawkish foreign policy views. He accepted student deferments rather than face the draft during the Vietnam War, experimented with marijuana, led a campus demonstration defending the school paper's right to print a nude photograph of a faculty member, and campaigned for Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller of NY in 1968 because of the governor's support of civil rights.

Nelson Rockefeller, of course, was the bane of all conservatives, the epitome of effete internationalism, and a member of the CFR (run by his brother David) and the ruling elite of the Eastern Establishment. In his unsuccessful runs for Congress in 1974 and 1976 Gingrich showed no deep conservative leanings. He was, and remains, a member of the NAACP, the World Futurist Society, and the New-Age oriented Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future.

In 1978, Congressional Quarterly gave this bio of the freshman congressman: "In his previous campaigns, Gingrich was considered unusually liberal for a Georgia Republican. But this year he relied on the tax cut issue, using an empty shopping cart to emphasize his concern about inflation." He also capitalized on the wide - spread anger over President Carter's Panama policy and headed up "Georgians Against the Panama Canal Treaty."** He has been using conservative issues to advance his career ever since.

[Ed. Note: The Panama Canal was paid for with the sweat off the back of decent Americans. From a military strategic point of view, and economic if you want to include that into the equation - it was UTTER STUPIDITY for the United States to give up this canal. We will regret it some day.]

In 1981 this writer asked Georgia Congressman Larry McDonald for an evaluation of the rising Republican star from his neighboring 6th District. His reply was surprising at the time. Newt Gingrich, he said, was a devious and ambitious politician masquerading as a conservative and not one to be trusted. Gingrich had gone out of his way, Dr. McDonald said, to obstruct and to undermine support of conservative members of Congress for some of McDonald's legislative efforts. This was particularly disturbing since Rep. McDonald was the most conservative member of Congress by virtually all rating systems and would have been a natural ally of Gingrich if Gingrich were truly conservative. In July 1983, the Conservative digest compared the voting scores of the leading conservatives in Congress based on ratings from the American Conservative Union, the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, the National Conservative Political Action Committee, and the New American's only Conservative Index. Congressman McDonald topped the list at a combined 98.3 percent. Congressman Gingrich weighed in at an anemic 77.5 percent.

CFR - Crafted Conservative

However, by beating his chest more loudly, trumpeting his message more stridently, and pursuing power more ruthlessly than all others, Gingrich has won the title of Maximum Leader of the "Conservative Revolution." Not that it was all his own doing, by any means; the CFR-dominated "liberal" media have been only too accommodating in crafting conservative bona fides for one of their own. It is a sickeningly familiar redux.

In 1976, CFR front man Jimmy Carter was presented to us by the same CFR media elites as a "conservative" southern Baptist from Georgia who would give us the "change" America needed. In 1992 it was CFR member Bill Clinton, another "conservative" Southern Baptist from Arkansas who was sold to the country as the ticket to positive "change," the "New Democrat" with "traditional values" and a "New Covenant." Now comes "conservative" Southern Baptist and CFR member Newt Gingrich, with promises of drastic "change" and a new "contract." If you're beginning to sense another imminent betrayal, congratulations, you're catching on. ***End of Article***

Gingrich's activities outside Congress are equally distressing. Alvin Toffler is a New Age guru and dear friend of Newt. In an upcoming issue I will lay out this "New Age" issue, from both sides and you can be the judge regarding the relationship between New Age and the New World Order. Alvin Toffler's book, Creating A New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave, is a bizarre, revolutionary view and blueprint for the 2lst century. Gingrich WROTE the forward for this book - it's frightening and you should read both editions. These books became best sellers in Communist China because they mirror Mao. On page 433 of Toffler's bilge, we read: "The founding fathers as the architects of the political system which served so well, this system of government you (founding fathers) fashioned, including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly OBSOLETE and hence increasingly if inadvertently, OPPRESSIVE and DANGEROUS to our welfare. It must be RADICALLY changed and a NEW SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT INVENTED - a democracy for the 2lst Century." How frightening. And who constantly talks about "re-inventing government?" Why, Al Gore, our illustrious tree kissing Vice-President. Mr. Toffler wants to convert our form of Republican government to a democracy. Who died and made him King?

On page 74 of the 1994 version of Toffler's book: "You (again referring to the founding fathers) would have understood why even the Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered, and altered - NOT TO CUT THE FEDERAL BUDGET OR TO EMBODY THIS OR THAT NARROW PRINCIPLE, but to expand it's Bill of Rights, taking account of threats to freedom unimagined in the past, and to create a whole new structure of government capable of making intelligent, democratic decisions necessary for our survival in a Third Wave (New Age jargon), 2lst Century America...."

Referring back to the 1980 version of this book by Toffler and praised by Gingrich, I quote from page 227: "...the nuclear family can no longer serve as the ideal model for society.: The explanation then given for a solution is "more exotic possibilities" for the future family, i.e. "Homosexual marriages, communes, elderly people sharing expenses, sex and families with several husbands and one wife."

Don't take my word for it, order Gingrich's voting record and read Toffler's book - both versions. Actions speak louder than words.

I ask you - who gave us the Mexican peso plunder of $52 billion, the Brady Bill, GATT, NAFTA and on and on and on? Dole, Gingrich, Herger, Clinton, Gephardt, Bonior, Feinstein, Bush - the list goes on. In August of 1993, Henry Kissinger, kingpin of this global kingdom, stated in an article he wrote for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate: "NAFTA represents the single most creative step towards a New World Order since the end of the Cold War."

The New York Times ran a full page ad, April 15, 1994 which read: "GATT is the third pillar of the New World Order." The aforementioned can claim that they don't support the loss of our sovereignty or this New World Order, but if that's the case - why do tey keep voting for mechanisms that are critical in destroying our sovereign nation and securing this New World Order of socialism?

Do you see the problem I have in supporting these individuals who claim to be conservatives but their voting records say differently?

These newly elected 79 freshmen Republicans have been standing firm. I've seen their press conferences on C-SPAN. They say they were elected by their constituents to go to Washington and stop the plunder. Newt Gingrich canceled fund raisers for two freshmen Republicans here in California because they wouldn't do what big-daddy said.

Do we want people in Congress who simply jump when their leash is pulled by the Speaker of the House? Do we want incumbents who grossly ignore, like my opponent Wally Herger, the wishes of his constituents to vote for unconstitutional, disastrous legislation like NAFTA & GATT just because Gingrich, Dole & Gramm said that's the way it will be? Or do we want strong leadership from constitutionally educated and committed individuals? For part one click below.

Click here for part -----> 1, (I tried this link and it’s been removed I even contacted the printer to get it …hmmm) STILL NOT SURE???? KEEP READING….. Newt Gingrich Sleeps with the Enemy

On October 28, 2011, in GOP Candidates, by Eric Odom (Media Director) 2012 Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has recently enjoyed a new surge of energy into his otherwise fledgling campaign. There are a plethora of reasons for the surge, one of the biggest being his ability to perform with applause in debates. Let’s face it, movement voters are hungry for the story to be told like it is, and Gingrich is a master of the art.

What most of the temporary Gingrich support misses, though, is the former House Speaker’s recent past of betrayal of the movement. His betrayal of the GOP and the basic principles of the majority of the GOP primary voting electorate. There are many instances we can point to, but none are as outright damning as the Gingrich betrayal on global warming hysteria.

For those who might have forgotten about the New Gingrich/Nancy Pelosi couch scene… a little refresher video.

Now some of you may be thinking “get over it.” If you look beyond the surface, however, you’ll find the mistake Gingrich made wasn’t quite that simple. In fact, the entity he was promoting with Nancy Pelosi is far from a friend when it comes to true free-market solutions in America.

Let’s take a look. click here for video with Newt and Pelosi … http://campaigntrailreport.com/2011/10/28/newt-gingrich-slept-with-the-enemy

In the ad, Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi promote WeCanSolveIt.org. There are many parts of this website we’re going to point out, but let’s start with one of the most obvious right out of the gate.WeCanSolveIt.org is not an actual website, but rather a re-direct to ClimateRealityProject.org. (That wasn’t always the case, but it was the same organization) What might be surprising to many Gingrich fans is that Climate Reality Project, the organization he stood with Nancy Pelosi to promote, is the organization run by none other than… Al Gore.

Founded and chaired by Al Gore, Nobel Laureate and former Vice President of the United States, The Climate Reality Project has more than 5 million members and supporters worldwide. It is guided by one simple truth: The climate crisis is real and we know how to solve it.

In fact, the homepage feature is a video of Al Gore speaking at a global warming event.

It gets worse…

WeCanSolveIt.org bloggers are openly supporting the leftist agenda behind “Occupy Wall Street.” They’re even promoting a video of 350.org founder Bill McKibben speaking to Occupy Wall Street about the Keystone pipeline. In the video, McKibben blasts the pipeline and calls for its end.

Climate change has made its way into the Occupy protests as well. And there’s good reason for that: For the 99%, the future of our global climate is just as vital as the future of the economy. 350.org founder Bill McKibben used the gathering as an opportunity to engage listeners around the pending decision to build the Keystone XL pipeline, which would transport Canadian tar sands oil through the U.S. Check out his speech here:

The video:

Ironically, back in September a Newt Gingrich spokesperson told Salon that Gingrich supported the Keystone XL pipeline. Inquiring minds want to know… if Newt Gingrich supports the pipeline, why did he tape a TV ad with Nancy Pelosi for Al Gore, when the ad promotes a website opposing it?

Heck, why did Newt Gingrich decide to tape an ad for Al Gore period?

This isn’t a matter of a simple misjudgment. This is an issue of complete betrayal of stated principles. It’s not something conservatives can just “get over” and move past. How can the movement go after Barack Obama for his global warming/green cronyism with a candidate who backed some of its biggest players? How can we oppose Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and their green ilk with a candidate who was advocating on their behalf?

It’s a big problem. Newt Gingrich slept with the enemy on global warming, and that shouldn’t be lost on us as we head into the primary season.

-Eric Odom

Related posts:

1. Newt Gingrich comments on Ryan plan still stinging 2. How Out of Touch is Newt Gingrich? 3. Newt Gingrich Isn’t Thrilled About Attention His Campaign Gets in Media 4. Newt Gingrich stung by… Gov. Nikki Haley? 5. Newt Gingrich waves white flag with movement voters STILL NOT SURE?….here’s more!

1. Newt “World Order” Gingrich supported GATT , NAFTA and WTO while in ...

Jan 22, 2011 ... The establishment-favored Newt Gingrich is a case in point. The Republican? After more than a decade out of the spotlight, Newt Gingrich is ...


1. Newt Gingrich claims he is not a member of bohemian grove, a ...

Feb 5, 2010 ... Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich spoke at Claremont Colleges ..... Did Gingrich heartily support Clinton's GATT initiatives and ...

dailypaul.com/124064/newt-gingric… 1. Campaign For Liberty — Newt ìWorld Orderî Gingrich supported GATT ...

Please be informed by reading the following on his broken contract with Americans: Just as report cards keep parents posted on their ...



The UN has authority over GATT, which would administer the world in matters of ... —Newt Gingrich, House Ways and Means Committee hearings during June 1994. ...


1. YouTube: CFR-member " Newt World Order" Globalist- Gingrich praises ...

Mar 22, 2011 ... Newt "World Order" Gingrich supported GATT, NAFTA and WTO while in Congress. www .campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=36799 ...


1. Medical Library and Physician's Directory, Health Information ...

... attempt by the United Nations, working through the GATT treaty imposed upon you through Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, and their Republican/Democrat pals. ...


1. Gingrich Strongly Supports Federal Mandate Requiring Citizens To ...

Newt "World Order" Gingrich... Supported NAFTA and GATT http://www. freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2661574/posts. Cap and Trade ... www.thetreeofliberty.com/vb/showthread.php?t… STILL NOT SURE…. I am giving you all I got!!!

Watch this video!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWPz1Qdq1uI

And this one!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=W3nxNj95150&feature=related

Ok, and for those that just can’t ignore his gallivanting and his moral ethics…I put this in here for you!!!

I am astounded by the number of emails that I am getting from friends that are deciding to support Newt Gingrich. Even World Net Daily is promoting this guy.

The man is weak. He is a liar. He is a cheater. And he is a hypocrite. He is not a "man of God". Nor does he have the backbone to be a leader for the tough times that lie ahead.

This article, written in 2007 shows that Gingrich is a hypocrite, a liar, a cheater and not a man of God. He cheated on both of his wives. He divorced the first one while she was battling cancer. He divorced the second one shortly after she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Yet he had the gall to lead the proceedings against Clinton. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2937633&page=1#.TryU2vIbu00

Here's more to attest to his lack of character. And by the way, He decided to convert to Catholicism so he could marry his third wife. So, he had his second marriage annulled. What a guy! http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/gingrich_profile_featuring_ex- wife_begets_question.php

And then if you want to say that his personal life doesn't matter (but it does reveal his character) then here is the low down on his record while in office. He supported NAFTA....that should be enough to send him packing but there is plenty more. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/gingrich_profile_featuring_ex- wife_begets_question.php Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown

MEGAN CARPENTIER AUGUST 11, 2010, 8:42 AM 505242 In 1999, after refusing to take the seat he won in the 1998 elections, Newt Gingrich left his second wife, Marianne, for a much-younger staffer with whom he’d been having an almost-ignored affair. As in his first marriage, he did so shortly after Marianne was diagnosed with a serious illness; as in his first divorce, he fought Marianne tooth and nail over any financial settlement. And then he had the Atlanta archdiocese inform Marianne that their marriage was invalid in the eyes of his fiancée’s faith; 9 years later, he completed his conversion to Catholicism.

Given his popularity among Republicans, one would think there is little left to say about Gingrich’s personal foibles that could hurt his political career. But sandwiched in between snippets from his campaign to return to popularity in yesterday’s Esquire profile are tidbits from the still-supportive Marianne that portray Gingrich in a far- from-pleasant light — and hints that his personal foibles took quite a toll on his political fortunes behind the scenes. Before marrying Marianne, Gingrich presented his first wife, Jackie Battley, with the terms of their divorce as she lay in a hospital bed recovering from surgery for uterine cancer. Gingrich had pursued Marianne from nearly the moment they met at a January 1980 fundraiser:

She told him about the local economic decline, he said somebody needed to save the country. She said that he couldn’t do it alone, he asked about her plans for the future. Even then, he was making rash pronouncements that reasonable people made fun of, such as that he would be the next Republican Speaker of the House.

They kept the conversation going on the phone, often talking late into the night. Although he was still married to Jackie, Gingrich told Marianne they were in counseling and talking about divorce. Of course, they weren’t. In April 1980, only one day after Jackie’s surgery, Newt went to her room to present her with the terms of the divorce. That summer, he introduced Marianne to his parents, according to Esquire. By October, he was already refusing to pay alimony or child support. Marianne admits she knew little of that at first.

At first, she had no idea that the wife he was divorcing was actually his high school geometry teacher, or that he went to the hospital to present her with divorce terms while she was recovering from uterine cancer and then fought the case so hard, Jackie had to get a court order just to pay her utility bills. Gingrich told her the story a little at a time, trusting her with things that nobody else knew — to this day, for example, the official story is that he started dating Jackie when he was eighteen and she was twenty-five. But he was really just sixteen, she says.

The divorce was finalized in February 1981; Marianne and Gingrich wed six months later in August. She says now that she probably should have known better. She told Esquire that he asked her to marry him after only a few weeks and before he was divorced, adding, “It’s not so much a compliment to me. It tells you a little bit about him.”

Esquire goes on to describe the financial pressures faced by the new couple: Gingrich declared keeping a budget “too stressful,” so Marianne took that over, looking to maintain homes in Georgia and D.C., pay Gingrich’s alimony and child support and reduce his massive personal debt. A Vanity Fair article from 1995 indicates that Jackie, too, was in charge of the household finances because of Gingrich’s spendthrift ways: in fact, the debt the couple faced when they married in 1981 wasn’t paid off until 1994. In 1997, Gingrich was fined $300,000 by the House for ethics violations related to college courses and a non-profit. He and Marianne didn’t have the money, so he began to write a book. But the book didn’t turn out as anyone expected: it was a dramatic apology that Marianne described as “weird.” With his inner circle, she attempted to edit it into something publishable — but they ended up scrapping the manuscript entirely. After the book petered out in 1997, Marianne said that his behavior began to deteriorate.

After that, Gingrich started to deteriorate. There were times, Marianne says, when he wasn’t functioning. He started yelling at people, which he’d never done before, and he’d get weirdly “overfocused” on getting things done — manic, as if he was running out of time. He took to taking meetings while eating, slurping his food, as if he wasn’t aware or didn’t care how strange it looked. The staff responded with gallows humor: “He’s a sociopath, but he’s our sociopath.” Marianne said that, in the summer of 1997, Republican leadership attempted to stage an intervention with Marianne’s help. The problem was Gingrich’s “volcanic” temper — and when Gingrich arrived a the meeting, they told him that his anger was dysfunctional, and the dysfunction was causing the American people to turn against Congress and the Republicans. Gingrich appeared to listen - but, according to Marianne, “But from then on his behavior only got more erratic.” Despite his increasingly erratic behavior, Gingrich proceeded to hammer out several compromises with the Clinton Administration to balance the budget and cut taxes — until 1998, when the Lewinsky scandal exploded. Gingrich, like several of his colleagues, were not immune from charges of infidelity.

In 1998, Salon reported that, much like his first marriage, Newt was dogged with rumors about alleged infidelities. In addition to rumors swirling around the Hill in 1997 and 1998, Gingrich faced accusations that he conducted an affair in 1977 based on his ability to deny that he’d “had sex” with a woman. From the 1995 Vanity Fair profile:

In the spring of 1977, [Anne Manning, who admitted to a relationship with Gingrich that started during his 1976 campaign] was in Washington to attend a census-bureaus workshop when Gingrich took her to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. He met her back at her modest hotel room. “We had oral sex,” she says. “He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, “I never slept with her.” Indeed, before Gingrich left that evening, she says, he threatened her: “If you ever tell anybody about this, I’ll say you’re lying.” A neighbor of his first wife, Jackie’s, said he, too, saw Gingrich engaging in extramarital oral sex. Kip Carter, who lived a few doors down from the couple, saw more than he wanted to. “We had been out working a football game —I think it was the Bowdon game— and we would split up. It was a Friday night. I had Newt’s daughters, Jackie Sue and Kathy, with me. We were all supposed to meet back at this professor’s house. It was a milk-and- cookies kind of shakedown thing, buck up the troops. I was cutting across the yard to go up the driveway. There was a car there. As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys’ wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me his little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then. That article came out, of course, before the sordid details of Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and his artfully worded denials were public.

Marianne hints in the Esquire profile that Clinton may have been much better informed about her husband’s extracurricular activities than she was — and that he may have used that information to his advantage one night in 1998. One night, Marianne says, Bill Clinton called from the White House. She answered the phone and the president asked if he could please speak to her husband. Could the Speaker come over immediately? After he hung up, Newt summoned his driver and went in the back door to the Oval Office. During that meeting, he would tell her later, Clinton laid it out for him: “You’re a lot like me,” he told him.

Whatever else happened at that meeting, Newt Gingrich was muzzled in the critical run- up to the ‘98 midterms. Three weeks before the election, Gingrich got a visit from Kenneth Duberstein, a senior Republican who had served as chief of staff to Ronald Reagan. “He says, ‘What’s going on? We’re gonna lose seats if something doesn’t change.’ ” Marianne jumped in, too. “I asked Newt, ‘What are you doing? Why aren’t we out there blasting them?’

This was his true turning point, she believes. As his personal failures and his political contradictions closed in on him, she began to entertain fears about his fundamental decency. She was, of course, to be proved right. After the Republican losses in 1998, then-Rep. Bob Livingston (R-LA) pressured Gingrich to resign as Speaker, threatening to run against him if he did not. (Students of political history will recall that, 6 short weeks later, Livingston himself withdrew as speaker and left Congress 6 months after that in the wake of revelations of his own marital infidelities.) Gingrich left Congress in early 1999. It was then that Marianne went to the doctor and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In early May — just before Mother’s Day — she went to Ohio to visit her mother. She told Esquire that Gingrich didn’t return her calls for two days — which, for a man that usually checked in several times a day, was quite unusual. And when he finally returned her calls, that’s when she knew.

He wanted to talk in person, he said. “I said, ‘No, we need to talk now.’ “ He went quiet. “There’s somebody else, isn’t there?” She kind of guessed it, of course. Women usually do. But did she know the woman was in her apartment, eating off her plates, sleeping in her bed? Probably not. Marianne didn’t give up on her marriage so easily — but Gingrich asked something of her she could not give.

She called a minister they both trusted. He came over to the house the next day and worked with them the whole weekend, but Gingrich just kept saying she was a Jaguar and all he wanted was a Chevrolet. ” ‘I can’t handle a Jaguar right now.’ He said that many times. ‘All I want is a Chevrolet.’ ”

He asked her to just tolerate the affair, an offer she refused. Undoubtedly, his mistress — a Callista Bisek, a former Hill staffer who was then 32 — would not have appreciated the comparison. Bisek and Gingrich had reportedly been having an affairs for 6 years before Gingrich told Marianne. After Gingrich’s phoned-in confession, they talked at their home — just after he’d given a speech in Erie, Pennsylvania about the importance of family values. She told Esquire she asked him how he could give such a speech days after he’s admitted his affair to her and asked her to tolerate it

“It doesn’t matter what I do,” he answered. “People need to hear what I have to say. There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live.”

If Marianne was not keen on her husband’s moral hypocrisy, she became less enamored with his efforts to deny her as much alimony as possible — or his efforts to tell the world that they’d had an open relationship. It wasn’t until Gingrich deposed his own mistress in their divorce proceedings that he admitted the affair had been going on for six years. Marianne denies that she knew of the affair or allowed it to continue. In a telling anecdote, Gingrich attempted to explain to Esquire reporter John Richardson his relationship with Bisek as one in which she, of course, is more mature than he. “Callista and I kid that I’m four and she’s five and therefore she gets to be in charge, because the difference between four and five is a lot.”

Richardson repeats the anecdote to Marianne, who finds it jarring. Her eyes go wide when she hears his line about being four to Callista’s five. “You know where that line came from? Me. That’s my line. That’s what I told him.” She pauses for a moment, turning it over in her mind. Then she shakes her head in wonder. “I’m sorry, that’s so freaky.”

Newt knows how to talk like a conservative in election cycles. Like Obama, he knows how to cater to his constituency. But when the chips are down, here is how he has behaved:

Quote: In 1995 Newt Gingrich made a dispassionate appeal in the well of the US House of Representatives to increase the power of the Presidency by repealing the War Powers Act. After voting for $1.2 billion dollars in 1994 to fund increased NATO peace keeping missions, the very next year he urged President Clinton to expand the US military presence in Bosnia [SUPPORING MUSLIMS AGAINST CHRISTIANS--DON]! Newt has been pro abortion, pro amnesty for illegal aliens, in support of higher taxes at one time or another, and in favor of expanding the role of the Federal government! He is viewed as being anti-family by many, not only because of his pro choice stance on abortion, but also for his support of gay marriage, and because he has twice divorced and been married three different times. Actions speak louder than words! Quote: Newt Gingrich has been a member of the ‘progressive’ Council on Foreign Relations since 1990. This NGO, founded in 1921, and bankrolled with BIG MONEY from the Rockefeller Foundation and J. P. Morgan among other internationalists, has been dedicated since its inception to dismantling American sovereignty, de-constructing our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and promoting the idea of One World Government! http://www.lessgovisthebestgov.com/Newt-Gingrich-Candidate-President-Republican- Primary.html defended Amnesty and the Dream Act in the CNN debate with so many Americans out of work.

The Record of Newt Gingrich

1979 Elected to Congress from Georgia's 6th District Voted to create the Department of Education, under President Jimmy 1979 Carter 1989 Becomes House Minority Whip 1990 Becomes member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) 1993 Voted for NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement 1994 Supported the WTO, the World Trade Organization. Voted for GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that subjected Americans to the international authority of the WTO (See his exact quote in accompanying article.) See additional link. Voted YES for the Formation of the National Endowment of the Arts Voted YES to 13B in foreign aid Voted Yes to giving the IRS 166M Voted YES to giving the UN an extra 1.2 B Voted Yes to the Presidential line item veto

Becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives and recommends reading The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler as required reading for all of his Congressional colleagues. (See accompanying article.) Voted NO to a 1% decrease in foreign aid Voted YES on the anti-gun legislation and for the Brady Campaign’s Lautenberg Gun Ban Voted YES to subsidize trade with the Soviets Voted YES to transfer of 2.2M acres if Idaho mineral lands to 1995 wilderness status Voted Yes to federally funded loan guarantees to further trade with China Made taxpayer funds available to foreign governments through import & export banks Yes to amnesty for illegals Yes to give China most favorable status

Delivers speech to the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in which he blames the US Constitution for making America's role in 1995 leading the world more difficult! Read his full quote in accompanying article, "The American challenge in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution...". Wrote the foreword to another one of Toffler's books, The Politics of 1995 the Third Wave, Creating a New Civilization The liberal establishment Time Magazine names Newt Gingrich their 1995 “Man of the Year” Appeals to the US House of Representatives to increase the power of 1995 the Presidency by repealing the War Powers Act of 1972, and urged President Clinton to expand the US military presence in Bosnia. Under his leadership, Congress passed the largest single spending 1996 increase on education in US history, a whopping $3.5 billion dollars! Newt resigns over failed midterm elections in which Republicans lost 5 seats, the worst loss in history for a Party who did not control the White 1999 House! At the same time, he was also involved in a flap over an extra marital affair and a controversial book deal!

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