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Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, & TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack _____

JOIN CUB SCOUT PACK _____ FOR FUN AND ADVENTURE Publish/broadcast now through ___(event date)___.

Need adventure….need fun….learn things too…this is what Cub Scouting offers.

___ (Grade School Name in town)_____ boys, can join the adventure and fun of Cub Scouting. Pack _____ is having a New Scout meeting on ____date___ at ____(location)___. Bring friends and see how much fun Cub Scouting will be. Have adventure, play games, make stuff, it’s all part of Cub Scouts.

Cub Scouting is open to boys in grades 1 through 5. For more information on Pack _____ contact _Scoutmaster______at ___phone___ or email ______. Pack ____ is part of Prairielands Council, visit the Council’s web site at

Pack _____ PACK ______CUB SCOUTS….LOTS OF FUN AND GREAT MEMORIES Publish/broadcast now through ___(event date)___.

Ask a former Cub Scout about Pinewood Derby, pizza parties, making Mom and Dad gifts, and just watch the scouting memories come forth. Scouting builds character and memories.

___ (Grade School Name & town)_____ boys, can join the adventure and fun of Cub Scouting. Pack _____ is having a New Scout meeting on ____date___ at ____(location)___. Bring friends and see how much fun Cub Scouting will be. Memories will come from your adventures and that’s what Cub Scouting offers.

Cub Scouting is open to boys in grades 1 through 5. For more information on Pack _____ contact __Scoutmaster_____ at ___phone___ or email ______. Pack ____ is part of Prairielands Council, visit the Council’s web site at

Page 2


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Troop _____ PARENTS, DOES YOUR SON NEED SCOUTING? JOIN TROOP _____ Publish/broadcast now through ___event date___.

Don’t let adventure and knowledge pass your son by. Scouting offers exploration, excitement, fun and great opportunities. But don’t tell him it’s also educational and teaches leadership, that’s why Scouting is on most college applications and works well on job applications.

Troop _____ of __(town)_is having a New Scout meeting on ___date___ at ____location___ to discuss, canoeing, caving, hiking, camping and the other adventures and fun of Boy Scouting. Have your son bring friends to see what scouting is all about.

Boy Scouts is open to boys in grades 6 through age 18. For more information on Troop ____ contact ____ at ____phone___ or email ______. Troop ____ is part of Prairielands Council, visit the Council’s web site at


Troop _____ DON’T DREAM OF ADVENTURE, JOIN TROOP _____ AND DO IT Publish/broadcast now through ___event date____.

You play computer games for excitement…wouldn’t it be more fun to actually learn the techniques and LIVE the adventures? That’s what they do in Boy Scouts. Learn to read a compass and map and go hiking; learn firearm safety and go shooting, learn to build a fire and go camping. The adventure is waiting for you if you join Boy Scouts.

Troop _____ of __(town)__ is having a New Scout meeting on ___date___ at ____location___ to demonstrate, the adventure and fun of Boy Scouting. Bring friends to see what scouting is all about.

Boy Scouts is open to boys in grades 6 through age 18. For more information on Troop ____ contact ____ at ____phone___ or email ______. Troop ____ is part of Prairielands Council, visit the Council’s web site at Page 3


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack/Troop ______PACK/TROOP ____ SELLING 13 VARIETIES OF SCOUT POPCORN Publish/broadcast (sales start date) through _(just prior to last sales date)___.

The Scouts from Pack/Troop ____ from __(town)__ (can also add school or organization name where scouts meet) are in the area selling _13_ varieties of Scout Popcorn including chocolate, cheese lovers, caramel and microwave. There’s also a plan where you can have the popcorn sent to our overseas military troops. Many say this is the best tasting popcorn on the market plus this is Pack/Troop ____’s largest fund raising event. Most of the funds used to run Pack/Troop ____ come from the sale of Scout Popcorn. The sale ends ___date____.

Look for a Scout at your door, or call __Scoutmaster—Popcorn Chair_ at ___phone___ to have a scout visit your home. Good popcorn from great kids….the Scouts of Pack/Troop _____.


Pack/Troop ______THE TRADITION CONTINUES WITH (PACK/TROOP)_____ AND SCOUT POPCORN Publish/broadcast (sales start date) through _(just prior to last sales date)___.

Pack/Troop _____ from __town___ is continuing a long time scout tradition of selling popcorn. The Scouts of Pack/Troop ____ will be going door to door with _13_ varieties of Scout Popcorn, including the very popular caramel corn, chocolate, cheese lovers and butter microwave corn. There’s also a plan where you can have the popcorn sent to our overseas military troops. The sale runs through _date__. Most of the money used to fund Pack/Troop ____ activities come from the sale of Scout Popcorn.

Look for a Scout at your door, or call __Scoutmaster—Popcorn Chair_ at ___phone___ to have a scout visit your home. Good popcorn from the Scouts of Pack/Troop _____. Page 4


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack/Troop ______store name___ HOSTING PACK/TROOP____ FOR A 1-DAY POPCORN SALE Publish/broadcast _now _ through _(day of sale)___.

Looking for more great tasting Scout Popcorn? Then plan to visit _store_name and address__ on __day and date_ as they host the scouts from Pack/Troop ____ for a special Scout Popcorn sale. The sale will be from __times___ and features _13_ varieties of Scout Popcorn including caramel corn, butter microwave, chocolate and cheese lovers. There’s also a plan where you can have the popcorn sent to our military troops overseas.

For more information call __Scoutmaster—Popcorn Chair_ at ___phone___ .


Pack/Troop ______store name___ HOSTING PACK/TROOP____ FOR A 1-DAY POPCORN SALE Publish/broadcast _now _ through _(day of sale)___.

On __day & date__, store & town__ is hosting Pack/Troop ___ for a special 1-Day Scout Popcorn sale. Selling popcorn is a scouting tradition and this year Pack/Troop ___ has 13 products for sale including the popular butter microwave, caramel corn, chocolate covered and cheese lover’s corn. There’s also an option where you can have the popcorn sent to our military troops overseas. Selling popcorn is the largest fundraiser for Pack/Troop ____ and helps fund their activities.

For more information call ___Scoutmaster or Popcorn Chair at ___phone___. Page 5


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Troop ______EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT TO BE DONE FOR __organization___ Publish/broadcast before __project date__

In a few weeks __organization__ will look a little different as __scout name_ from Troop ____ in __town__ will begin his Eagle Scout Project, the construction of a new ______. This is all part of _scouts first name_ final push to become an Eagle Scout. As part of an Eagle Scout Project the Scout must submit plans, secure materials, estimate costs, and find volunteer workers. The Scout then provides leadership to the project. Adult leadership reviews the project before and after the completion.

For more information on Troop ____ contact __scoutmaster__ at __phone__.



Troop ______EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT COMPLETED FOR __organization___ Available now for publication and broadcast.

Eagle Scout candidate __name__ from _troop_ in _town_ recently completed his Eagle Scout Project for __organization__ . ___Details about the project—what he did, what is the benefit to the organization, how many hours the project took, who volunteered to help on the project, who donated materials, etc. As part of an Eagle Scout Project the Scout must submit plans, secure materials, estimate costs, and find volunteer workers. The Scout then provides leadership to the project. Adult leadership reviews the project before construction and after the project is completed.

For more information on Troop ____ contact __scoutmaster__ at __phone__. Page 6


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Troop ______

___SCOUT NAME__ EARNS EAGLE SCOUT RANK Available now for publication and broadcast.

__scout name__ from Troop ___ in __town___ has completed all of the scouting criteria and has been awarded the rank of Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of America. Eagle Scout is the highest rank a scout may achieve and includes earning a minimum of 21 merit badges and completion of an Eagle Scout Project as community service. For his Eagle Scout Project _scouts first name_ completed __project description_(organization, number of man hours, etc).

There are a number of people who are instrumental in __scout first name_ becoming an Eagle Scout including ____list of people wants to thank_. Troop ___ is planning an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for __scout first name_ on __date_.

For more information on Troop ___ contact Scoutmaster _name__ at __phone/email__.

Troop ______

___SCOUT NAME__ EARNS EAGLE SCOUT RANK Available now for publication and broadcast.

It is with great honor that Troop ____ of __town__ announces their latest Eagle Scout recipient as __scout name__ has completed all of the requirements and has been awarded the rank of Eagle Scout by the Boys Scouts of America. Nationally only about 3% of boys in scouting reach the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout. Along the way __scout first name_ had to demonstrate his leadership ability, he also earned __# merit badges_ and completed an Eagle Scout Project which consisted of __brief project description__.

Troop ___ is planning an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for __scout first name_ on __date_.

For more information on Troop ___ contact Scoutmaster _name__ at __phone/email. Page 7


Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack ______PACK ___ CROWNS PINEWOOD DERBY RACE WINNERS Available now for publication and broadcast

It’s the fastest 3 seconds in a Cub Scouts life as Pack ____ of __town__ held their annual Pinewood Derby Races on __date__ at __location_. Cars are judged in two categories: speed and Best of Show with the top cars in each class moving on to the Prairielands Council Pinewood Derby Championship Race on __date__ at __location_. The racing was close as many heats are determined by just a few thousandths of a second. The winners in the Speed Division are: ______names_____. The winners of the Best of Show Division are ___names, can also include a description of a car or two.

Besides the racing, scouts and families also enjoyed ___anything special like pizza, games, etc__.

For more information on Pack ___ contact Cubmaster _name__ at __phone/email.

Pack ______

PACK ___ SCOUTS RACE FOR PINEWOOD DERBY TROPHIES Available now for publication and broadcast

Since the mid-1950’s Cub Scouts have been racing Pinewood Derby cars and on __date__ Pack ___ of __town__ continued the tradition. This is a great event with the scouts and their families cheering for every race. Cars are judged in two categories: speed and Best of Show with the top cars in each class moving to the Prairielands Council Pinewood Derby Championship Race on __date__ at __location_. This year’s winners in the Speed Division are __names____. The winners of the Best of Show Division are ___names, can also include a description of a car or two.

Pack ___’s race day also included ___anything special like pizza, games, etc.

For more information on Pack ___ contact Cubmaster _name__ at __phone/email Page 8

Topic: Cub Scout Rank Advancement

Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack ______

((AVAILABLE NOW for publication & broadcast))

___# of kids advancing__ PACK ______SCOUTS ADVANCE IN RANK

On __(date)__ Pack ___ of _(town)_ celebrated their Blue and gold Banquet with __#__ scouts advancing in rank. Each level of scouting has a specific set of requirements that must be met for rank advancement. Scouts work on their requirements at home and during den meetings. This year's advancements are: Tiger Cubs__(names)___ ….. Wolf __(names)__ … Bear __(names)__ … Webelo 1 __(names) … Webelo II scouts are __(names)__.

For more information on Pack _____ contact Cubmaster __(name)__ at __(phone/email)___.

Pack _____ ((AVAILABLE NOW for publication & broadcast))

___# of kids advancing__ PACK ______SCOUTS ADVANCE IN RANK

__# of scouts from Pack in ______town advanced in rank during the Pack's Rank Advancement Ceremony on __date__ . For the past 8 months the scouts of Pack ___ have been working to complete the requirements for their next rank. The requirements can be worked on at home, at den meetings and during special advancement day seminars.

This year's advancements are: Tiger Cubs ______… Wolf ______… Bear ______Webelo I ______and Webelo II ______.

Also receiving their Arrow of Light, which is the highest rank a Cub Scout can earn are; __(names)______.

For more information on Pack ___ contact Cubmaster _____ at __phone/email__. Page 9

Topic: Volunteer Training

Use these templates as is, or as “thought starters”. The terms “Pack”, “Troop” and Venturing” can often be interchanged. Newspapers, radio, TV reach a wide area so add your town name.

Pack _____ ((AVAILABLE NOW for publication & broadcast))

Troop/Pack _____ Volunteers Receive Leadership Training

The life blood of Scouting is its' volunteers, they make the Boy Scout program possible. The Boy Scouts of America encourage all volunteers to receive continual training. It is with great pride that Troop/Pack ____ acknowledges the following volunteers who have completed BSA Training: ___(names)___. Their training consisted of _____ (events, classes attended, etc). Troop/Pack ____ is dedicated to presenting a quality program for its' scouts.

For more information on Troop/Pack ___ contact Scout/Cubmaster ___ at _(phone/email) .

Pack _____ ((AVAILABLE NOW for publication & broadcast))

Scout Leaders from Troop/Pack _____ Complete Training

It takes a long weekend ((or “a few weekends”), some homework, mix in some laughs and you have Scout Training for volunteers. Troop/Pack ____ is run entirely by volunteers, with the help of Prairielands council District Executives and as you can guess it's not easy keeping a group of kids entertained while you also teach them life skills. With Scouting now 100 years old, Scout leaders learn from both the past and present what are the best games, projects and child care philosophies needed to coordinate a successful program.

Troop/Pack ____ congratulates __(names)_ for attending the latest scout training workshops.

For more information on Troop/Pack ___ contact Scout/Cubmaster _____ at __phone/email__.

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