MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Jim s1
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MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Jim Joseph, Trustee Fritz Koennecke
ALSO PRESENT: Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Richard & Patti Hubbard, Robert Kent, Joseph King, Chary Griffin, Priscilla Arthur, Caitlin Gambee, Jason Emerson, (see list for remainder present).
Mayor Kurt Wheeler administered the oath of office to reelected Village Trustees Jim Joseph and Dave Porter.
Mayor Wheeler opened the public hearing and reported at that time there would be no decisions made tonight and he would ask the Board to continue the public hearing. Mayor Wheeler asked the public for new comments that pertain to the law and to keep their comments to two minutes as there were many items on the meeting agenda. Mayor Wheeler reported when this process began there were no projects in mind other than to increase flexibility to optimize the use of the 5 Ledyard Ave. After the process was initiated, Mr. Hubbard of the Brewster Inn came to the Mayor to share his idea for the adjacent parcels and inquire of current or future zoning might permit him to pursue the idea.
Trustee Amy Mann read the following letter she wrote after the June 2nd meeting.
To echo Kurt, I am hoping that tonight we can focus our comments on the content of the proposed law and offer constructive specific suggestions, and move away from comments and accusations about our process.
We have just come through, in rapid succession, a series of comparable proposals, all of which required sensitivity to established neighborhoods - VES, Empire, the Farnham St bakery, Circa, and now the Western Gateway. All of these were different animals with different considerations and different outcomes for different reasons, but we have approached all of them with a similar process. We have a strong track record of allowing public input and not acting in haste (both understatements.) VES and Empire each took close to two years not only because we did not rest until the public was satisfied, but also because each of us at this table thinks for him or herself and needs to be satisfied as well. Kurt does not decide to pursue these initiatives himself in the dark of night, nor does he do so without being challenged by the rest of us when we see fit.
Everyone at this table has their thing that drew them into public service. Mine is that I experienced firsthand what it feels like to go through changes to one's property without being given a voice in the process. I was told bold- faced lies in hopes I would go away, denied the ability to provide input and commentary, and shunned for speaking up. It is distressing and disheartening to feel excluded, and my call to service was to see if I could help prevent anyone from feeling that way again. So believe me when I say that I take neighbor input and an open process very seriously. To write off our efforts as "doing the best we can," or imply that there is some conspiracy theory at work, is insulting and sells us short.
Our process might not be perfect, but it is a heck of a lot better than the way things used to happen. It is legal, it is open, and it encourages involvement.
That said, I know there are still many unanswered questions with the law and I doubt that anyone's mind is made up yet. I look forward to your constructive suggestions, either tonight, or at the next work session, to see if they can be answered.
Trustee Dave Porter thought it might be helpful if the Board walked the properties that would be affected by this zone change with the owner’s permission.
Robert Kent, the architect working with Mr. Hubbard gave a preliminary powerpoint presentation of the proposed uses on the two parcels adjacent to the Brewster Inn. The Arthur house would have three suites and offer private meeting and dining space. The carriage house would require an addition to optimize its potential and could be converted into several rooms. There would be a small kitchen in the Arthur house but most of the cooking would be done at the Brewster.
Sparky Christakos stated he felt the intent is good thinking about the compatible use of the Ridge building at 5 Ledyard Ave. that started in March or April but the expansion that has occurred since the Brewster Inn got involved has turned this into something totally different, something bigger. Mr. Christakos submitted a letter to the Board.
Mr. Loftus of Ledyard Ave. stated there is no need for a zone change as on his side of Ledyard Ave. there already is a restaurant, an inn and a marina. Mr. Loftus stated he didn’t buy his house to be next to an event center. Mr. Loftus is concerned with the infrastructure.
Anne Ferguson read a letter outlining her opposition and offering alternate approaches (letter in file).
Max Gale of 1 Ledyard Ave. is concerned about combining properties. As it stands, combining or demolishing a home for parking would be skirting some of the rules. There is nothing in the proposed law pertaining to penalties or referencing penalties. What will happen if you leave your tent up too long or if the noise is too loud? Mr. Gale asked who will enforce this. Mr. Gale is also concerned with the signage.
Jack Rooney spoke of the ordinance pertaining to a tent being up. As it reads, a tent can go up two days before the event, one day of the event and then removed the day after the event which means a tent could be up all summer and didn’t think that this is the intent of the ordinance and felt this should be changed.
Sonnett Loftus asked if this was definitely going to happen. Ms. Loftus stated the proposed ordinance has gone from thirty rooms to fifteen rooms and asked if it might go to ten rooms.
Mayor Wheeler pointed out that thirty rooms would not fit in any existing structure on Ledyard Ave and that is why the number has gone down and explained the process.
Dave Porter pointed out if this law passed Mr. Hubbard would still have to go in front of the various boards for approval of his plans.
Mr. Gale asked what notice the public will be given when it comes time for the Board to vote.
Sarah Webster stated she was not in favor of this new law being proposed and felt this Western Gateway will end up looking like Lyndon Corner to the Town Square in Fayetteville or the Sedgwick area of Syracuse. This isn’t about preserving homes. This is a zone change. This is to appease a small group of property owners. Ms. Webster felt the Board and zoning enforcement officer should be enforcing the existing laws rather than changing the law.
Mr. Christakos asked if the committee had resolved the issue of parking after multiple meetings on the topic.
Mayor Wheeler answered that work on all of the issues raised during public hearings (parking, signs, etc.) are being taken into consideration as the committee continues to work.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to continue the public hearing on August 4, 2014 at 7:00p.m.
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine A. Burns Village Clerk
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Jim Joseph, Trustee Fritz Koennecke
ALSO PRESENT: Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Richard & Patti Hubbard, Robert Kent, Joseph King, Chary Griffin, Priscilla Arthur, Caitlin Gambee, Jason Emerson, (see list for remainder present).
Mayor Wheeler opened the Village Board meeting at 7:55p.m.
Mayor Wheeler made the following Appointments for 2014:
Appointments for 2014:
PRIMARY DUTIES Trustee Amy Mann Deputy Mayor and Public Works Commissioner Trustee David Porter Commissioner of Water & Sewer and Fire Commissioner Trustee Jim Joseph Police Commissioner and Parking Initiatives Trustee Fritz Koennecke Parks & Recreation Commissioner and Court Liaison
ADDITONAL COMMITTEES/DUTIES Mayor Kurt Wheeler Western Gateway Committee Trustee Dave Porter Lake Watershed Committee Trustee Fritz Koennecke Lake Watershed Committee Trustee Amy Mann Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Committee Trustee Fritz Koennecke Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Committee Mayor Kurt Wheeler Shared Services Committee Trustee Jim Joseph Shared Services Committee Trustee Dave Porter Sustainability/Climate Action Plan Committee Trustee Amy Mann Tree Commissioner Trustee Jim Joseph Parking Committee/HCBD Initiatives Trustee Fritz Koennecke Employees Health Insurance Consultant Trustee Jim Joseph CACDA Representative <<<<<<<<< Proposed appointments for 2014: Katherine A. Burns Village Clerk / Treasurer – Two Years Susan M. Dady Deputy Village Clerk-Treasurer – One Year Kerry Bishal Clerk to the Justice – One Year Patrick O’Sullivan Acting Justice – One Year William L. Carr Superintendent of Public Works – One Year William L. Carr Zoning Enforcement Officer – One Year William L. Carr Building Codes Inspector – One Year Samuel D. Usborne Street Crew Chief – One Year Charles Seager Water Superintendent – One Year Jeffrey L. Hughes Superintendent of Cemetery – One Year <<<<<<<<< Proposed appointments for 2014: Anne McDowell Village Planning Board Member – Five Years William Keiser Zoning Board of Appeals Member – Five Years Elizabeth Moore Historic Preservation/Architectural Advisory Rev Cmte – Five Years William L. Carr Advisor to Planning Board – One Year Russ Brownback Village Ethics Committee – One Year Tom Clarke Village Ethics Committee – One Year Steve Thomas Village Ethics Committee – One Year <<<<<<<<< Proposed tree commission appointments for 2014 (note that there are numerous members but five must be appointed officially per tree regulations). Amy Mann (Chairperson) Tom Tait, Ted Bartlett, Jennifer Wielt, and Betsy Moore <<<<<<<<< Proposed appointments for 2014: James T. Stokes Village Attorney – One Year – Designated Legal Services Dunn & Sgromo Engineering Village Engineer – One Year <<<<<<<<< Designate Fee Schedule for 2014-15 budget year. Mayor Wheeler proposed when a site plan review is needed and there is no exterior work to be done the fee be waived. <<<<<<<<<
RESOLUTION # 5- BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body the Board of Trustees, hereby makes the following designations: Official Day and time for regular board meeting – First Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. (U.O.N.) Official Newspaper – Cazenovia Republican Official Depositories – Key Bank, M & T Bank, Chase Manhattan, HSBC Bank, State Bank of Chittenango Official Mileage for the year 2014-2015 – 56 cents per mile.
Motion made by Mayor Kurt Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Jim Joseph to approve the above appointments for the year.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye
Five in favor. Approved.
Mayor Wheeler spoke of the Certified Local Government Program. This program recognizes communities that have done extensive work for historic preservation. What comes with this is greater autonomy and more grant funding will be available. By making a small change to the HPC law the HPC Committee will be allowed to make architectural decisions rather than making recommendations to the Planning Board.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fritz Koennecke to pass the following resolution:
WHEREAS, proposed legislation of the Village of Cazenovia, entitled “A Local law to Amend Chapter 180 (Historic Preservation Overlay District) of the Code of the Village of Cazenovia”, has been introduced before this Board, and
WHEREAS, upon notice duly published, posted and served as required, a public hearing on the adoption of this proposed local law of the Village of Cazenovia was held by this Village Board, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to a referral duly made pursuant to the provisions of Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law, the Madison County Planning Agency has reviewed this proposed local law and has recommended that the question of the adoption of this local law be returned to this Board of Trustees for local determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the enactment of this local law is a Type II action pursuant to section 617.5 of the NYS SEQRA Regulations, subsection (c), paragraphs (27) and (19), and
IT IS FURTHER HEREBY RESOLVED, that this Board, after due deliberation, finds it in the best interest of the Village of Cazenovia to adopt this local law, and further finds the proposed amendments to be in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the Village of Cazenovia, and
IT IS FURTHER HEREBY RESOLVED, that the local law entitled “A Local law to Amend Chapter 180 (Historic Preservation Overlay District) of the Code of the Village of Cazenovia”, is hereby adopted, and that the Village Clerk be and hereby is directed to enter said Local Law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law Book of the Village of Cazenovia, and to give due notice of the adoption of said Local Law to the public and to the Secretary of State.
Dated: July 7, 2014
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Mayor Wheeler scheduled the next work session for the committee working on the Western Gateway zone change for July 10th at 4:30pm at the Village Office.
Mayor Wheeler spoke of the planning process for the Creekside PD zone. There was a meeting on June 19th to reach out to the adjacent land owners as well as others in the community interested in the area. The group discussed the area and potential uses and some participants walked the areas after the session. He introduced Dan Kwasnowski of Applied Planning. Mr. Kwasnowski gave a powerpoint presentation. Mr. Kwasnowski reviewed the area initially identified for a potential Creekside Planned Development District as depicted on a map created by the County Planning Department for the Village. Areas impacted by flood zones were noted – these would have to be taken into account in any development plan.
A short discussion followed.
Dr. Doan asked if there was any way to open Riverside Drive and Mayor Wheeler said it was closed 22 years ago when they did the bridge and will never be reopened except for emergency vehicles.
Dick Mitchell questioned how the previous plans for the Riverside Drive project handled the flood plan and the Mayor answered that previously it never got that far in the planning process.
Tom Long had a hard time seeing senior housing in this area because there isn’t enough ground space which means there would be elevators. If the housing was ground level seniors would have more contact with people. Mr. Long felt this should be considered in the planning process.
Anne Ferguson asked if the Board was able to show geographically how this would fit in and how does this strategically fit in?
Joanne Harrod asked about the trails and the conductivity of them.
Dick Mitchell asked what the next step would be. Mayor Wheeler stated Mr. Kwasnowski will be getting into the nitty gritty this month and will give a more detailed follow up at the August meeting to include uses of the area and where each would be.
The Board discussed the possibility of requiring an electronic submission for planning, zoning and HPC applications. Mayor Wheeler suggested along with the printed copies of applications he also would like to require an electronic submission. After a short discussion the Board decided to table this topic to next month’s meeting to allow for more detailed planning of how electronic files would be stored and organized.
The Village Board approved the minutes from the June 2, 2014 Public Hearing to consider a proposed local law entitled, “A local law to amend Chapter 180 (Historic Preservation Overlay District) of the Code of the Village of Cazenovia”, the minutes from the June 2, 2014 Public Hearing to consider a proposed local law entitled, “A local law to amend Chapter 180 of the Code of the Village of Cazenovia. The purpose and effect of the local law is to create a new zoning district to be known as the “Western Gateway” district, and to change the zoning of certain parcels on both sides of Ledyard Avenue from Route 13/Lakeland Park to the westerly Village boundary from their current R-10 and R-20 district designations to Western Gateway District, and the minutes from the June 2, 2014 Village Board meeting. <<<<<<< Trustee Fritz Koennecke gave his monthly report:
Parks: Joint Youth Recreation o Health Department permit obtained for the beach- will need to guard against issues from previous years- Swimming opened on 6/20, was inspected and we got the permit on 6/25. o Youth Rec started today at Lakeland Park- approximately 160 kids enrolled, 120 attended today. Permit arrived today from the county. o Four sponsorships have been committed to so far. . St James is sponsoring the “Talons Birds of Prey” . CRIS is sponsoring the Bluebird project . Caz Golf Club is doing a one day golf program . Lincklaen House helped with the Father’s Day entertainment (which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to weather). Boat Launch: Dock was repaired in early June Stewards report no significant push back on the outgoing inspections and in fact the stewards have taken to rinsing the boats off anyway- most launch users like the service. Launch was closed Jun 10-12 for the renovate treatment 377 IMA permits issued so far, 171 (vs 152 last year) Non-IMA. Approximately 650 inspections through the end of June versus 616 last year. Tom Silvanic saved a man’s life- man was having heart attack symptoms at the park after paddleboarding. Tom insisted on calling 911. CAVAC and Fire Dept response was extremely fast and man was transported to St Joseph’s.
Lake Association and Lake Watershed Council Lake Association met June 16th o Lake treatment plans were discussed- renovate treatment went smoothly Jun 10-12. Placards still required until testing confirms drop to below required concentration level o Town started harvesting the week of 30 Jun. Village Court: No totals available for June yet- Kerri is out until next week. <<<<<<<
Lauren Lines Director of CACDA reported their project this year is BikeCaz which will be developed this summer with assistance from a student from Colgate who will help to roll out the project. The CACDA Board decided to hold a bike rack design competition this summer/fall. The hope is to have the winning rack installed at Telephone Park in front of Kinney Drugs. .CACDA is hoping the Village will support this idea. The steering committee will select the top three or four bike racks.
Trustee Jim Joseph gave his monthly report which included May also:
May / June 2014 Monthly Report
Buildings Farnham Street house has been demolished. Cameras have been installed on the rear of Municipal building 4 new picnic tables built by the Garret Hansen as a Boy Scout project have been placed at Lakeland Park. New signs have been installed at Lakeside and Lakeland Parks A new door has been installed at the cemetery building Bleachers have been repaired at the Skate Park Streets Brush pickup has been completed. Flower baskets have been hung up on Albany Street Storm sewer has been repaired on Sims Lane Sidewalk repairs on Fenner and Corwin Street have been completed. Street sweeping continues. All of the tree stumps have been ground topsoil and seeded. Posted several signs throughout the Village announcing the lake treatment. Work on new water line on Fenner Rd has been completed. We repair a street sign on Upper Farnham that had been vandalized.
The following streets have been slurry sealed for longevity: Hickory, South Ten Eyck, Myrtle, Lower Corwin, Green and Fountain View.
Cold patching continues throughout the Village Cemetery Cleanup has been completed. Mowing continues. Repair work continues on old stones and markers. 5 Burials, 2 cremations 3 graves sold <<<<<< Trustee Joseph stated how lucky the Village is to have Bill Carr as the Public Works Administrator and thanked him for all the good work he does.
Trustee Amy Mann gave her report:
Tree Commission did a walking meeting on June 21 to evaluate recent plantings and learn pruning techniques. Our order of bare root trees will be ready soon and should be installed by the next meeting. Also, Dave Rya n of Rare Earth (our bare root supplier) will be replacing the 2013 Nelson Street plantings that failed at no cos t to the village. We will be reviewing his available species and choosing replacements.
Tom Tait and I reviewed the boundary between 6 and 8 Farnham for potential screening plantings, I have rela yed our comments both to Bill Carr and to the owner of 8 Farnham and we will continue to work on a solutio n there.
We are also working on a solution for the planting sites next to the Lincklaen Street entrance of the Lincklaen House. Those are difficult sites from both a planting and a plowing perspective but we are committed to gett ing something in there, even if they are in large, movable planters.
We are still awaiting a contract from NYS to proceed with the Lakeland Park Master Plan project. Since this w ait has turned out to be far longer than we were told to expect, we have decided to proceed to execute the c ontract with Saratoga pending Jim Stokes' review, and to go ahead with the initial meetings with Saratoga so that we can get the ball rolling while the park is in full use.
We got the new speed trailer that we received with the Safe Routes to School grant put into use this month. It made its debut on Sullivan Street and spent one week facing each direction. It had a definite impact on spe ed on the street and I have received many requests for it in other neighborhoods. It it currently on Nelson Str eet because we thought that made sense for the July 4 weekend. The next step will be organizing a list of loc ations and following up on getting it moved every 7-10 days. Kurt and I interviewed a candidate for the final full time position last week and are pleased to be able to reco mmend Will Stevens for full time hire pending completion of his PT test. Like our last hire, Officer Stevens is already working for us part time, so we anticipate a very smooth transition. If the board would like, we could vote to approve his hire tonight pending completion of his test. Otherwise, we can wait until August.
With this last hire, the police department is finally staffed to our budgeted level. This is a big accomplishmen t and should lead to stabilization of shifts at last, and everyone falling into their desired schedules. I would lik e to thank to staff for their patience and flexibility. We are hopeful that we will not experience turnover agai n in the near future.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the PD. Even though I am not leaving the board and will certainly stil l interact with the dept in my role as Deputy Mayor, I do think it is important to shift duties every few years t o create well-rounded board members and give fresh eyes to the various commissions. Many thanks to Mike and to Karen for your dedication and willingness to create closer ties between the officers and the board. W e have made great strides in my three years with the commission and we are on a good path to future progre ss.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to authorize Saratoga Associates to move forward with the Lakeland Master Plan Project after the Village receives the go ahead from counsel.
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
Motion made by Trustee Mann and seconded by Mayor Wheeler to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #7 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby approves Mayor Wheeler and Trustee Mann’s recommendation to hire William Stevens as full time police officer pending his completion of training. By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Trustee Mann and seconded by Mayor Wheeler to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #8 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby supports and endorses the application of Michael A. Hayes for a full Pension Waiver pursuant to Section 211 of the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law, and hereby requests that the New York State Civil Service Commission grant such full waiver.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report:
Sewer/Water: Water pumped last month was 7.16 mil gal and 239 kgal/day ave. Historic mthly ave 8.9 mil gal for June. Ave historic usage is 297 kgal/day historic average for June. Storm Water Separation Project: Construction is in progress. 6 of 9 have been completed. Remaining roofs: Flowers on Main, upper roof at Old Key Bank Building and the Stones Throw. I expect 2 of those 3 to be completed this week, and the final one next week. During a heavy rainstorm in June, there was some water damage to the Lincklaen House and also some recent water damage due to a broken water line. Total project costs expected to be approximately $250K (grant is for $400K). Pursued other potential projects with EFC – the projects that we proposed did not appear to meet their criteria.
Fire Dept: New Fire Dept. member application. Brittany Grevelding, 4 Lyman St., Cazenovia. LOSAP program passed the public referendum. FD has completed receiving bids for a new mini-pumper – the bid process was approved by the board at the May 4th mtng.. The purchase of this piece of equipment is part of the scheduled capital expenditures plan reviewed and adjusted last year. Expected bids are in the range of $180K-$230K – the low bid was approximately $187K from 4-Guys. Two bids received. Bid approval at July meeting.
Lake Watershed Council: Next Mtng: July 15th at 7:00 pm in the upstairs meeting room at the Municipal Building. Town has purchased a weed harvester, Renovate treatment has been applied. State of the Lake Presentation - TBD
Misc: Anne Saltman and Amanda Sopchak (from CNY Regional Planning Board) met with D Porter and Todd Rogers on June 3rd to review some questions on the Climate Action Plan (CAP) will likely be combined with the Town’s CAP. A community questionnaire was put together to send to Town and Village leaders, chamber of commerce and local energy/sustainability practioners to solicit feedback on the CAP. The next CAP meeting is July 10th at 7 PM at the Library Community Room. Forwarded the completed Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG) to board members. The GHG inventory was completed by the CNYRPB and ESF students with input fr
Motion made by Trustee Porter and seconded by Mayor Wheeler to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #9 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby accepts Brittany Grevelding as a member of the Cazenovia Fire Department.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Trustee Mann and seconded by Mayor Wheeler to pass the following resolution: RESOLUTION #10 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby approves the lowest compliant bid to Four Guys Fire Trucks in the amount of $ 186,679.00 for the purchase of a new firefighting brush truck.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Public Works Administrator Bill Carr reported milling would start on Burton St. on July 21st from Evergreen Lane to the Village line (up to Continental Cordage) and the top coat will go on two to three weeks later. All will be completed before school starts.
Chief Mike Hayes reported Jeff Watkins and Lindey Andrews will be finishing Phase 2 of their training next week and will be finishing up their field training.
The Board approved a sign request from St. James Church for their annual Haitian Sale which is scheduled for July 26th and July 27th. The sign can go up one week before the event.
The Board approved the Application for Park Food Vendor License to Shephard Links for the concert series and the Summer Youth Recreation program in Lakeland Park.
The Board received a request from St. James Church to close a small section of Green St. on August 23, 2014 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm for their Annual Parish Picnic. As in the past, a member of t he picnic committee will pick up and return the “Road Closed” signs.
The Board approved the request for Limestone Creek Hunt on Sunday, September 7th at 9:00. The police department will help with this event.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #11 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby authorizes the budget transfers as shown below:
1) To: A-5110.426 $ 4,000.00 (Maintenance of Roads – Truck Maintenance) From: A-5110.428 $ 4,000.00 (Maintenance of Roads - Projects)
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Joseph to approve the Village bills for the month (see attached list).
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Joseph to move into executive session at 9:48 p.m. for attorney client privilege.
The Village Board moved out of executive session at 10:14 p.m. There were no motions, proposals, or decisions made in executive session.
<<<<<<<< Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Joseph to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #12 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby approves Chief Mike Hayes’s recommendation to hire Teighlar Carney as part time police officer.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #13 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby declares 45.339 acres of Village owned land located on the east side of US Route 20 East and Stone Quarry Road to be surplus and to put it out for bid. Sealed bids will be accepted with the bid opening scheduled for Monday, August 4, 2014 at 12:00pm at the Village Office.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
<<<<<<< Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to adjourn the meeting at 10:38 p.m. All aye. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine A. Burns Village Clerk