Minutes of the East Central IBA meeting on April 9, 2013

The East Central IBA District met on April 9 at the Grandview church. We took a quick survey of those beekeepers who wanted to share of the number of colonies which didn’t make it through the winter. Out of 18 beekeepers reporting we had a loss of 62 colonies out of 173 (a 35% loss). We had a very interesting meeting with Tim Caldwell demonstrating the A-Z hive which he purchased for $158 plus $122 shipping. This type of hive was invented in Slovenia . There is no heavy lifting involved in that you are handling one frame at a time. They are most often used in a mobile bus or an enclosed building. It promotes harvesting of monofloral honey. There is an excellent article in ABJ November 2011. Tim also shared information on his hot wax dipping tank which he constructed. He can do three hive bodies at a time. It helps extend the life of the equipment considerably. He also shared a mini adjustable portable pocket microscope LED MG10081-4 that he purchased. ($4 or so) John Suko shared his thoughts on bee role progression and reversal, such as forager bees reverting back to nurse bees if a dire situation occurs. The Poplar Science article indicates that epigenetic tags in bee brains may assist in epigenetic discoveries in humans. These epigenetic tags on the surface of DNA control whether genes are turned on or off. This could be a big breakthrough in cancer treatment.

Next meeting will be the Spring Clinic at Dave Barrickman’s farm on April 27. See attachment for information. The May meeting will be at David Storch’s farm on May 25. It will be our Picnic/Auction meeting. Bring your items for auction. See attachment for more information. Steve I have pasted attachments onto this e mail in case you couldn’t open the attachments.

12th clinic sponsored by the IBA in conjunction with EAST CENTRAL INDIANA BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION

MAKING YOUR OWN SPLITS, NUCS and DIVIDES Date: Saturday April 27, 2013 Time: 8:00 am > Coffee & Donuts / Registration 9:00 am > Drawing for 1 FREE NUC* 2:02:22 下午 5/7/2018 ecibaminutes2142012 *Register before 9:00 to be eligible 9:05 am > Clinic begins Place: Wildflower Ridge Honey Farm 4217 W. 8th Street Road Anderson , IN 46011 Agenda: Announcements, Field Demonstrations, Summer Maintenance Guest Speaker: TBA Field Clinic Advisors: Steve Doty, Ron Myers, Brad Truax

Queens and Nucs available. YOU MUST ORDER IN ADVANCE. Golden Italian Queens - $24 each *4 Frame nuc with queen - $104 includes nuc box Full payment with your order. Call now to reserve. Leave a message. 765-641-9972 / 765-623-4633 p barrickman@ comcast.net

Nucs ordered ______Queens ordered ______Amount paid ______

*Make checks payable to Wildflower Ridge Honey / send to above address

Name & Address ______

Address cont. ______Phone:______

Email address______

EAST CENTRAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION 2:02:22 下午 5/7/2018 ecibaminutes2142012