Acquired a Disease You Catch by Doing Something
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INTRODUCTION Casual contact with HIV-infected persons REMEMBER • Wear disposable gloves to avoid does not place others at risk for getting contact with blood, body fluids, and Being a police officer does not put one at the illness. Although a few cases have Most people who are infected with HIV discharges. increased risk for contracting human been found where HIV has been have no symptoms and appear healthy. • Wear disposable gloves when immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus transmitted in household settings, the Since you can never tell who may be handling evidence contaminated with that causes AIDS. Increased risk comes situations have involved blood contact. infected with HIV, you need to take the blood or body fluids. through needle sharing and certain sexual There is no risk at work, school, or at same precautions with every person. • Do not eat, drink, or smoke when behaviors, not through the performance of home. Law enforcement personnel need to be handling evidence. one’s duties as a police officer. • Do not pipette biological material HIV infection cannot be spread by: careful when dealing with a bleeding AIDS is one of the most serious public wound or injury, with semen or vaginal by mouth. * Shaking hands * Social Kiss * Insects • Burn or chemically decontaminate health problems in today’s society. Since * Hugging * Swimming Pools * Animals fluids from a person who has been raped, 1981, when AIDS was first reported, about * Coughing * Toilet Seats * Cups during the delivery of a baby, and with all biologic specimens. * Sneezing * Food * Air • In the courtroom, whenever 1,129,127 cases have been diagnosed in * Handcuffing * Riding in a car * Pens/Pencils used drug needles. the U.S. Researchers estimate that about possible, refer to biologically A person infected with HIV cannot infect contaminated evidence by 1.2 million are currently living with HIV in RISK BEHAVIORS the country with about one-fifth that are you by breathing or coughing on you. photographs or in sealed, clear plastic unaware of their infection. AIDS stands People are more likely to become infected bags. for: if they: PRECAUTIONS • If accidentally exposed to HIV, post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is • Acquired – a disease you catch by • Have vaginal or anal sex without a • It is important for law enforcement available. PEP provides antiviral doing something. latex or polyurethane condom. personnel to promptly cover and medications for a period of time after • Immunodeficiency – a weakness in • Have oral sex without a condom or bandage all cuts, wounds, and exposure. PEP is most effective if the body’s defense system. other latex barrier. abrasions prior to performing other given within the first hour and no • Syndrome – a group of various related • Share needles to inject drugs, body duties. longer than 72 hours after exposure. illnesses. pierce, or tattoo. • When performing a search of a • Received HIV-infected Factor VIII person, exercise caution to avoid TRANSMISSION blood clotting products prior to April of accidental needle stick injury. If a IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT LAW 1985. needle stick occurs, wash site ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL HIV is spread from one person to another • Received an infected blood thoroughly and immediately with soap STRICTLY ADHERE TO THE by sharing injecting drug needles or transfusion prior to blood screening in and water or 70% isopropyl alcohol. PRECAUTIONARY GUIDELINES AS through unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal April 1985. Report the incident immediately. OUTLINED ABOVE intercourse with an HIV infected person. Further medical follow-up may be Direct contact with blood, semen, or An important fact to remember is that HIV appropriate. vaginal fluids is generally necessary to is a blood-borne virus. There is no • Use disposable breathalyzer * HIV has been found in the saliva of transmit HIV. This includes exposure of evidence showing that HIV has been masks on drunk driver suspects.* some HIV-infected patients; however broken skin or mucous membranes to transmitted through casual contact or • When responding to medical there is no known or suspected case of blood or any blood by-product. through the air. emergencies where rescue breathing HIV infection having been transmitted through saliva. These precautions are Transmission also occurs from an infected In the absence of a cure or vaccine, is necessary, use medical oxygen, a mentioned as good hygiene measures, mother to her infant before or during the education is the key to prevention. bag valve mask, or portable pocket birth process or through breast milk. mask. Avoid mouth-to-mouth or and are intended to reduce one’s risk of mouth-to-nose contact.* becoming exposed to other infectious agents including hepatitis B or Printed by the Minnesota Department of Health, 7/13 INFECTION CONTROL hepatitis C as blood may be present. PROCEDURES FOR MORE INFORMATION HIV is a fragile virus outside the body. The MAP AIDSLine offers statewide The following procedures can reduce the information and services, including likelihood of transmission: prevention education, HIV risk assessments, HIV testing, and referrals to • Use disinfectants such as: HIV testing sites, community resources, - 70% isopropyl alcohol and prevention programs. Call… - one part bleach to ten parts water - waterless soap THE MINNESOTA AIDS PROJECT (MAP) • Wash hands after contact with bodily AIDSLine fluids with hot, soapy water. • Clean and bandage all cuts and METRO abrasions. (612) 373-AIDS • Body fluid spills should be wiped up (612) 373-2465 TTY immediately and the surface area should then be disinfected. STATEWIDE • Soiled clothing may be cleaned in hot, 1-800-248-AIDS soapy water or dry cleaned. 1-888-820-2437 TTY • Instruments, padding, helmets, weapons, floors, vehicles and other ______soiled items can be cleaned with soap and water, while wearing disposable latex gloves. Sterilize with Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention disinfectants like diluted bleach and and Control Division water (1:10 ratio) or rubbing alcohol. STD and HIV Section (651) 201-5414 • Dispose of used needles in puncture- proof containers. Do not break or try to re-cap a needle, as you may jab For more information about Sexually yourself. Transmitted Diseases/Infections • Prepare a first aid kit for your vehicle (STDs/STIs), call the Minnesota Family containing the following items: Planning and STD Hotline - 70% isopropyl alcohol Minnesota Department of Health - sterile wipes Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division STD and HIV Section 1-800-78 FACTS Voice/TTY - sterile gauze Freeman Office Building (Telecommunication devices for the deaf) Post Office Box 64975 - tape St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 (651) 645-9360 (Metro area) - plastic sharps container If you require this document in another format, such as large print, - latex gloves Braille or cassette tape, call (651) 201-5414 - Zip lock plastic bags Based upon materials published by the New Jersey IC#141-0425 Department of Health July 2013 FACTS ON AIDS
a law enforcement guide ______
Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division STD and HIV Section