Dear Bill, Did Your Cameraman Film the Incidents at the End of the Summit in Barcelona?
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Dear Bill, did your cameraman film the incidents at the end of the Summit in Barcelona? Do you have some footage of the reactions of the people on the stage to study this a little bit closer? The feeling I had, speaking to him at the "Dinner" (non human?), the reaction of my subconscious mind ( a strange but very strong impulse to attack him on a physical level from within me, as I felt him being not only verbally very hostile to me) and his movements during the stress situation (I was quite near to him and observed his very strange behavior, movements of his body, face and tongue...) opened up within me this question: Did our controllers dare to confront us openly with one of their finest artworks with still more reptile genes in it than "normally"? Do they now want to show us that we are to be lead by this creatures under their new rules (NWO) openly, and that most of the people would "like" to be lead by them? Did he hypnotizee you during your last interview concerning the incidents on the summit so that you came to the conclusion that all of this was a "Misinterpretation" due to lack of understanding from our side (the inventors one!)? Do you really think that all these events have been merely the result of language problems. I think that they got, for the first time a real image of what would happen to them if the people would wake up! I think that we (the few that revolted against the public staging of new mind control methods) had been immune to all of their attempts of mind controlling us (mankind) with all their skillfull means (including the organization of such events as it was this one). For me, without any doubt this event has been one more attempt to tranquilize the (more intellectualized part of the ) herd, as David Icke uses to characterize the "masses" to be slaughtered with mass-injection before the cosmic events start to develop more dramatically. Please, Bill, if you do have some footage of the events on the stage we would come forward with our observations, it is, in our eyes very important to unmask their openly hidden agenda with all of us... they are constantly dividing us with their actions, lets show up our real capacities as humans to join in action!!! They are about to kill us, they have stolen our history by playing around with us, they constructed our multi- faceted reality (The Matrix) by creating in our minds different "cultures"," religions", belief systems and dogmas like Physics and Math, they fooled us throughout the millenia,.... until know!!!! Please stay on the side of the human race! We have to defend now our very existence on Planet Earth. What the Exopolitic guys wanted was to create a warm feeling of (false) security among their "believers and followers", the most dangerous potential for spreading unrest and knowledge among the "Flock", they saw the urgent need to do this mindcontroll action on a public stage, by releasing faked or(controlled) partially true mind food to the intellect....their (Marduk`s and his entourage`s survival on earth) has indeed developed towards a very strange mixture here on earth, but we still have the chance to clean up the mess they created and organize the survival in our way. Please do a halt and check your present position in all of this. You have become over the time (and only partially) a comfortable instrument for them, to keep the unquiet part of the (still unconscious) "cattle" busy with partially intentionally fabricated disinformation, and you are aware of this (pleas check out the role of Alice Bayley`s Lucy`s Trust and the statements of her "medium", the "Tibetanian". And compare these with all you experienced up to today... than you will see the real dimension of the reptilian (Marduk`s) complot against Mankind. Lucy`s Trust is an acknowledged esoteric "adviser" organization to the "UN"!!!! Do you think that this is a coincident??? The slaughter will begin within a very short time, and it will be by vaccines against an imaginative Swine Flu... Just as ridiculous as our creation will be our end...Remember the giants skeletons, the Greeks chimers, half animal, half human, they must have been very proud when the first adapted sapiens sapiens was given birth probably by an sapiens women, or even by one of the modified reptilian "goddesses" depicted on Sumerian tablets as reptiloid humans. All of this can become still very important to us in the next future, but by now we have to organize our defense against their attack on us, mankind, by a part of us, that is "our" rouling elites, whose greed and naked will to subjugate any resistance they use for their purposes. Which side are you on? Did they grant you a place in their bunkers? I think that they did`nt. The guy`s on the stage in B., at least most of them, where very relaxed, including Greer, the reptiloid. His role was to coordenate all of the efforts of humans to break through the wall of darkness created around us concerning true physics of the cosmos by academics for centuries now. As we are now going, once again towards "End of time" for humankind they feel no more need to hide up their games, still playing around with us and enjoying the unilateral shattering of this unworthy being, that has served them and even whorshipped them for thousands of years now. Please see the Jane Buergermeister lawsuite against the elite from Austria, which will be frustrated by them. They will try to use military force to inject their lethal vaccines by introducing martial law this Fall in the US. They want chaos into mankind, befor the appearance of NIBIRU, because he (Marduk) fears the coalition between the Anunaki from there and us against him, he must overthrow us first to get to the throne of "his" Planet, he is the real threat to us!!! If he succeeds there is no more survival for us as he is completely mad. They left him here as a punishment for his mad actions as a rejected ruler of NIBIRU here on Earth. Sitchin writes on this subject that he was responsible for the nuclear bombing of the Sinai and other places and was persued as a criminal and outlaw. With the help of humans(Hitler flying Saucers, Stalin Scalar Weapons, US Military complex refined these things after "WWII") he gained back power and started to develop tecnological advance to his competitors on Nibiru. Now he has all in place to get control over "his" planet. But he know`s who he has to fear, us, his servants... and he wants to get rid of us, because he know`s that there are far too much incompatibilities between us and his ambitions to is easy and cheap to give us the "title" of co- criators, to satisfy our ego, when he has our extermination in mind!
I think that our lives deserve a fight, let`s clean up our house, before it is too late!
Only united this will be possible!!
Um abraço forte.