Standard 4B Evidence School of Education Course Curriculum Matrix
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Standard 4b Evidence –School of Education Course Curriculum Matrix
The highlighted areas demonstrate consistent diversity pedagogy infusion throughout all programs, undergraduate and graduate
Selected Course Assignments Included from each program
Department Course Course Description Diversity Assignments Elementary EDUC 211: Laboratory An introduction to laboratory Who are Today’s Students in a Diverse Society? – Chapter Education Experiences in Area experiences in area elementary, 3 (10/7) Schools: middle, and secondary schools, A. Diversity in our Schools providing facilitation opportunities for B. Processing Diverse Abilities – prospective education professionals Learning Styles & Multiple to observe student-teacher Intelligences interactions and to develop an C. Meeting the needs of the Military understanding of learning in the Dependent Child (MCEC) school setting. 2. Current Event Article Critique (Due 9/30) 30 Points Each student will select a current event pertaining to diversity, disposition, assessment, or school organizational topics. (Other current event issues related to education, preferably from the AACTE Newsletter, may be approved.) The student is expected to reflect on the content of the event. Reflections should align the event to the student’s beliefs, training, and professional future. The reflection should be no more than two pages long. Details will be discussed in class. Please refer to the evaluation rubric posted in Blackboard to guide your critique. (NCDPI PTS I, IV, V: CF 2, 3, 6; SLO C; S1d)
Elementary EDUC 306: Birth This course is geared for non- Develop Five (Infant-Primary) integrated lesson plans Education Through Kindergarten teaching Birth-Kindergarten students. (Literature, Arts, Math, Music, Sensory Centers, Social Curriculum The course covers child development Studies, Language and Literacy, Science, Music and Development for children aged birth-kindergarten Dramatic Play) When developing lesson plans, integrate and developmentally appropriate subject areas. For example, literacy/Science activity, curriculum development for these math/art activity. Each lesson is required to be be age ages. Students learn how to develop appropriate, culturally sensitive, adapted for children curriculum that is sensitive to families with special needs and include guidance, and and their lifestyles ie. English as a technology. Use the lesson plan/ activity sheets found Second Language, children from gay in course Documents. All kindergarten/Primary lesson and lesbian families military,families, plans are required to be in 6 point format. below income families and etc. Other concepts introduced are the physical environment, teaching typical and atypical children, developing lesson plans, and teacher/parent relationships. Students will develop lesson plans and create an integrated approach to curriculum development. Elementary EDUC 303: Teaching The course offers the foundations of Module 4 – Nov 19 11PM Education the Young Child with early childhood education along with A Look to the Future Special Needs pioneers in the special education Chapter 10 Contemporary Issues and Challenges in field as the base for child Early childhood Special Education development. Policies and practices, Respond to the following questions and submit in word early and current are examined along document. with assessment planning and 1.Define the meaning of culture ? Why should early screening processes, intervention childhood special educators show cultural awareness practices, teaching strategies and and sensitivity? Give a specific example of a reflection. Further, the student demonstration of cultural sensitivity in an early childhood candidate will gain knowledge of the classroom. components needed to create an 2. How can educators differentiate the four types of environment that supports all maltreatment? children's learning, teaching 3.How does pediatric aids impact the entire caregiving strategies and adaptations. system for a child? 4. What are assistive technology devices and how are they used? Include one example.
Elementary EDUC 361: Family This course is designed to help B-K Module 2-Due September 30 Education Culture and School professionals to understand the Military Family Assignment-Due October 7, 11PM characteristics of families and the Chapter 3- Valuing Family Diversity role families play in the lives of their Read chapter 3. Respond to the Reflection question on children as their first teachers. page 79. Emphasis is placed on respecting Chapter 4-Understanding Roles and Experiences of different family structures,(gay- Parents lesbian, military families) and values. Read chapter 4. Respond to the Reflection question on Strategies for dealing with children pg. 99. with learning disabilities, home Chapter 5-Meeting Child Care Needs from Infancy language i.e., especially language through School Age which is different from the B-K Read the chapter and respond to the Reflection professional's language is stressed. question on page 129. Ethnicity, at-risk, socio-economic and Respond to question #4, page 145 which is in reference health care services will also be to the “McGee vignette” found on page 129. discussed. - Module 3—Due October 28, 11PM Midterm covering chapters 1-5, October Chapter 6-Working With Families of Children with Disabilities Read the chapter and respond to the Reflection question on pg. 159. Chapter 7-Protecting Children While Fostering Learning Read the chapter and respond to the questions on page 200, #1, #3, and #5. Chapter 8- Curriculum of the Home Read the chapter and respond to questions #2 and #3.
Elementary EDUC 434: Current This course is designed to provide Read chapter 6-Diversity and Equity Education Issues and Trends in 21st century Birth-Kindergarten 1.Read the scenario “Thanksgiving: Time for a unit on Early Childhood teacher candidates with a global Native Americans pg. 104 and respond to the questions Education perspective of economic and social following the vignette. contexts that concern young children Read the letters on page 133 and write a response to each and their families in today's society. letter. In your response, focus on the child’s view and what a young child is learning. Should the school ignore the requests? Why or Why Not?
2. Research The Anti-Bias Curriculum Book by Louise Derman-Sparks and the ABC Task Force. Choose a chapter and discuss the importance in regards to today’s 21st century young children. If unable to locate book, research the concept of anti-bias curriculum. Choose one aspect to discuss. Why is anti-bias curriculum relevant in early education?
EDUC 311: The facilitator of learning will explore Foundations of the historical development of Multicultural Education multicultural education, definitions of and Diversity multicultural education and diversity concepts, the intercultural conflicts from philosophical cultural differences, and principles guiding multicultural education. Educational EDAM 651: This course is designed to study Leadership Organizational multicultural education and its link to Development and school leadership, cultural Diversity for School understanding, and critical problems Leaders related to the organization of schools through the lens of human behavior. A focus is on the preparation of administrators to transform schools by understanding theoretical, sociological, political, and historical elements as they relate to ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionality, language, religion, and sexual orientation. In preparation for work in an increasingly diverse world, students in this course will engage in personal, professional, and organizational reflection. Educational EDLE 700: Culturally Focus on awareness of leader's Leadership Proficient Leadership social group memberships and impact of these identities upon leadership skills, personal awareness of multiple forms of oppression and impact on leadership ability. Discussion of leadership strengths and challenges: managing conflict, resistance, and group-leader dynamics. Educational EDLE 701: Cultural The course addresses the origins, Leadership Diversity in American concepts, principles, and trends in Schools multicultural education. It provides candidates with an understanding of multicultural education as an instructional concept, educational reform movement, and systemic process. Elementary ELEM 402: Teaching This course enables K-6 teacher Teaching Diverse Children Unit Plan samples—Topic to Education Social Sciences, candidates to develop teaching be submitted next class Humanities, and the approaches that help students to Arts in K-6 develop global literacy and critical thinking skills. The course focuses on the creation of interdisciplinary lessons and units that integrate the social sciences, humanities, and the arts in ways that enhance classroom instruction and student learning. Elementary READ 400: Practicum A clinical experience in diagnosing Module 7 Due Review instructional modifications for Education in the Correction of reading problems and deficiencies of Diverse Learners How to support the learning of students Reading and Related disabled readers, with emphasis on whose first language is not English Disorders methods of assessing disabled readers, writing reports and lesson plans according to assessed needs, and tutoring. Elementary READ 422: Teaching An examination of materials and Education Reading to Culturally approaches for teaching reading Diverse Children effectively in a multicultural setting. Middle Grades & SPED 320: Education A survey of the abilities and Specialized of the Exceptional disabilities and the inter-and intra- Subjects Child individual differences of exceptional children, with emphasis on the impact of educational and psychological handicaps and needs of exceptional children as well as on plans and education programs to facilitate the learning of the exceptional child. Middle Grades & SPED 460: Diagnosis A survey of the major tests and Specialized and Evaluation of inventories used in evaluating Subjects Exceptional Children exceptional children, focusing on broad developmental and interactional types of measurement, basic statistical concepts, the interpretation of scores and the relationship between information gained from tests and inventories and classroom diagnostics- prescriptive procedures. Middle Grades & SPED 465: Meeting This course presents research- Read the articles posted for Unit 3. Summarize and analyze Specialized the Instructional validated methods, techniques, and the findings in a 3-5-page paper and include the headings Subjects Needs of Students procedures for teaching students with (1) content augmentation, (2) peer tutoring, (3) content with Disabilities mild to moderate high incidence enhancements and (4) meta-cognitive instruction. Include in disabilities in today's inclusive your analysis the answers to these questions: (a) What settings, including such methods as would the implications of using the various methods be for use of learning strategies, scaffold learning or for the student experience? (b) How feasible instruction, direct instruction, peer are these or other new methodologies for the kinds of and cooperative learning, and teaching you will be doing in the future? Your paper should content enhancements. be written in APA format. (100 points) THIS IS A TURNITIN ASSIGNMENT. THIS PAPER CAN BE RESUBMITTED FOR 30 BONUS POINTS IF CORRECTED BY THE NEXT ASSIGNMENT DEADLINE. (30 points) 2. View this week’s webcast! 3. Build a Lesson Plan using Taskstream’s Lesson Builder. (100 pts)This is a collaborative project.Post your lesson plan to the group Wiki site. Your team members will give feedback using the Lesson Plan rubric posted under Course Documents. You will give feedback to your team members as well.(20 points) 4. Complete Discussion Questions for Unit 3 (10 pts each) andrespond to at least one other colleague. Middle Grades & SPED 523: Advanced This course is designed to explore There are 2 applied projects: one in which the students Specialized Studies in Specific the definitions, characteristics, evaluate the learning disabilities of a student and one in Subjects Learning Disabilities etiology, educational and social which they evaluate an LD service delivery program. impact and intervention implications of specific learning disabilities on children and adolescents. Emphasis is placed on identifying the research and best practices bases for identification and treatment of students with this disability. Middle Grades & SPED 538: Advanced This course is designed to provide a Oppositional Defiance Disorder Discussion Board 4 ADD, Specialized Studies in comprehensive overview of the area Conduct Disorder, Problem Behaviors, Anxiety, Depression, Subjects Behavioral/Emotional of study for the special education of Suicide, Schizophrenia, & PDD Reading Activity 4 Past & Disabilities Students with Emotional and Current Attitudes Discussion Board 5 Behavioral & Behavioral Disabilities. Major subject Emotional Topics Research Paper Various topics of matter components include, but are Behavioral & Emotional Disabilties Informational Brochure not limited to, issues and trends, behavior management screening/assessment, programming and professional and family collaboration. The current status of this area of study is more directly linked to the present realities of our nation’s schools and its students than ever before. For these reasons the ability to apply research and instructional development skills in each major component of the discipline is very essential. Opportunities to plan, implement and evaluate programmatic, individual and intensive individual interventions will begin in this initial course offering within the area of specialization.